Update from Rocky EL

2020-12-17 Thread Yasha Karant
I do not currently have the time or inclination to address the various 
points raised in the exchange/commentary, to which I am adding some 
comments, in sufficient detail.

UC CSRG BSD original deployment largely evolved for DEC hardware 
platforms, such as the PDP-11 (with segmented overlay memory) and the 
VAX 11/780 (the first "large deployment" production "non-mainframe" with 
demand-paged virtual memory), with -- by current standards -- very slow, 
limited RAM, low bandwidth bus (such as UNIBUS), and "ethernet" NICs 
such as the DEUNA. All of this hardware platform was much less capable 
than a current X86-64 home "PC" platform, or even some ARM based 
"tablets" or "smart phones".  BSD did promulgate "sockets", and other 
innovations.  It was somewhat constrained by early ATT Unix, with a 
version of the Unix source license from ATT.  Had the legal games over 
"unix" not ensued, and had there been some entity similar to CSRG and 
the community that supported and used BSD (largely "professional"), some 
of what you wrote might not have happened.  However, it was a policy to 
build each installation of BSD from source, much more tedious than 
installable "executable" packages from commercial vendors, the same 
methodology adopted by the Linux community (communities?).  Was the BSD 
C compiler system as good as ultimately the FSF GNU C compiler?  Again, 
a matter for discussion -- but ultimately for a number of reasons, 
including open source, the GNU compilers have become a widely used 
implementation.  It was a too long time interval before a BSD variant 
was ported to the first widely deployed IA-32 machine with demand paged 
virtual memory, the 80386 with 80387 FPU; if memory serves, this was 
after ATT released a Unix for that platform.

We could discuss the file system debates to some length.  Would either 
the BSD file systems or EXT3, etc., scale to distributed WAN "file 
systems"?  Would either be "reliable" at such scales?  I daresay no.

As for ultimate performance (say in minimizing actual CPU clock cycles, 
memory accesses, etc., per "program execution"), a monolith typically 
will outperform a microkernel design, just as a traditional unstructured 
FORTRAN program (or in some cases, an assembly program) will outperform 
an OO-design C++ program with encapsulation, etc.  Which program is 
longer-term maintainable?  Which can be built by a large and dispersed 
team?  These are issues of practical software engineering, and again, a 
subject of another discussion.

On 12/17/20 5:59 PM, Konstantin Olchanski wrote:

Rumination time, I jump in.

Why did monolithic kernel Linux, based primarily upon the
non-production-environment OS Minix from Tanenbaum used as an
implemented example for teaching OS at the undergraduate level,
achieve sector dominance over micro-kernel BSD-derivatives? ...

Linux killed everybody with superiour performance, for every
competitor, both microbenchmarks and real-use performance
of the Linux kernel were/are measurably better.

[what happened to BSD & derivatives?]
... it boils down to a great deal of uncertainty around BSDI,
UCB's CSRG, Bill Jolitz, and 386BSD, all of which descended from
the Unix codebase ...

The USL-BSD lawsuit came just at the right moment to cut the BSD
movement down at the knees. By the time the dust settled and
BSDs were running on PC hardware, Linux was already established.
correlate the timelines of lawsuit against Linux and BSD timeline:

Linux is greenfield

I tend to think that was the key. Linux always had the advantage over BSD
in three areas (if you studied, programmed and used both, you already know 

- better TCP/IP stack in Linux
- better virtual memory system in Linux
- better filesystems in Linux

In all three, Linux had the "green field" advantage, plus the incentive
to beat competitors (at the time, BSD UNIX, SGI/IBM/DEC/SUN Unix derivatives).

In the TCP/IP stack, Linux people implemented zero-copy transfers and support
for hardware-acceleration pretty much right away.

In the VM system they figured out just the right balance between
application memory, kernel memory and filesystem caches, compared to BSD
"active/inactive" (and nothing else).

In filesystems, Linux was the first to solve the problem of "no corruption,
no need for fsck" after unexpected system reboot (i.e. on crash or power loss).
(with ext3/ext4). (ok, maybe SGI was there first for the rich people, with XFS,
but look what happened, XFS is now a mainstrean Linux filesystem).

Although, re-think your statement; Darwin with the macOS skin on it
has a great deal more marketshare than Linux.  In many ways the

Re: Update from Rocky EL

2020-12-17 Thread Konstantin Olchanski
Rumination time, I jump in.

> >Why did monolithic kernel Linux, based primarily upon the
> >non-production-environment OS Minix from Tanenbaum used as an
> >implemented example for teaching OS at the undergraduate level,
> >achieve sector dominance over micro-kernel BSD-derivatives? ...

Linux killed everybody with superiour performance, for every
competitor, both microbenchmarks and real-use performance
of the Linux kernel were/are measurably better.

> [what happened to BSD & derivatives?]
> ... it boils down to a great deal of uncertainty around BSDI,
> UCB's CSRG, Bill Jolitz, and 386BSD, all of which descended from
> the Unix codebase ...

The USL-BSD lawsuit came just at the right moment to cut the BSD
movement down at the knees. By the time the dust settled and
BSDs were running on PC hardware, Linux was already established.
correlate the timelines of lawsuit against Linux and BSD timeline:

> Linux is greenfield

I tend to think that was the key. Linux always had the advantage over BSD
in three areas (if you studied, programmed and used both, you already know 

- better TCP/IP stack in Linux
- better virtual memory system in Linux
- better filesystems in Linux

In all three, Linux had the "green field" advantage, plus the incentive
to beat competitors (at the time, BSD UNIX, SGI/IBM/DEC/SUN Unix derivatives).

In the TCP/IP stack, Linux people implemented zero-copy transfers and support
for hardware-acceleration pretty much right away.

In the VM system they figured out just the right balance between
application memory, kernel memory and filesystem caches, compared to BSD
"active/inactive" (and nothing else).

In filesystems, Linux was the first to solve the problem of "no corruption,
no need for fsck" after unexpected system reboot (i.e. on crash or power loss).
(with ext3/ext4). (ok, maybe SGI was there first for the rich people, with XFS,
but look what happened, XFS is now a mainstrean Linux filesystem).

> Although, re-think your statement; Darwin with the macOS skin on it
> has a great deal more marketshare than Linux.  In many ways the
> BSD-system-layered-on-a-microkernelish core did win; just not the
> hearts of developers.

I would say, MacOS "won" not because but despite it's BSD foundations.

If you look behind the curtain (heck, if you look *at* the curtain), you will
see a BSD-ish kernel firmly stuck in the 1990-ies. No semtimedop() syscall, 
pthreads (no recursive locks), no /dev/shm (no command line tool to see and
control POSIX shared memory). The only visible kernel level innovation
are the "never corrupts" filesystem (mostly due to "never crashes" hardware, I 
and improved VM (encrypted *and* in-memory compressed, impressive!).

Anyhow, today, MacOS wins at ping-pong while the game is hockey, if Apple still
built hardware for serious computing, for sure the MacOS BSD "win" would count.

Konstantin Olchanski
Data Acquisition Systems: The Bytes Must Flow!
Email: olchansk-at-triumf-dot-ca
Snail mail: 4004 Wesbrook Mall, TRIUMF, Vancouver, B.C., V6T 2A3, Canada

Re: Joint Fermilab/CERN statement on recent CentOS Changes

2020-12-17 Thread Lamar Owen

On 12/17/20 2:21 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:
The URL document linked below mentions various repos -- are these 
available outside the CERN HEP collaborations, the same as SL (and 
ElRepo, etc.) are "public"?  If these repos are public, is there a 
public list (not restricted to the CERN HEP collaborations) that 
conveys the same sort of information as the current SL users list? 

I would say "try them and see" but I seem to remember something about 
your uni firewall or somesuch.  So, since I do have complete control 
over the firewall here, I tried the links.  Clicking on the links for 
both sets of repositories worked for me; I get a directory listing of 
the repositories hosted at CERN.  The page was a bit slow to load, though.

As far as mailing lists are concerned, I think this one that we're on is 
the one you want.

Re: Update from Rocky EL

2020-12-17 Thread Lamar Owen

On 12/17/20 2:07 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:
You present a well-organized commentary; however, I must amplify, and 
thus take exception, to some of your statements.

Thank you for the compliment.  By all means amplify; I always reserve 
the right to be wrong!

First: Linux and Torvalds.  Some might compare Torvalds to Bill Joy 
who left a Berkeley PhD program for work in the private sector; Joy 
had a sound background in what was "known" at that epoch.  By 
comparison, I suggest one consider the Tanenbaum–Torvalds debate ...

I watched it happen in real-time.  A lot has changed in kernel 
architectures since then.  They both were passionate about their 
respective points-of-view.  Both were wrong, and both were right, in 
various areas of the argument.  It devolved into a bit of a flame war, 

Why did monolithic kernel Linux, based primarily upon the 
non-production-environment OS Minix from Tanenbaum used as an 
implemented example for teaching OS at the undergraduate level, 
achieve sector dominance over micro-kernel BSD-derivatives? ...

The answer to the question of why Linux won the mindshare that it has is 
one for the historians.  But it boils down to a great deal of 
uncertainty around BSDI, UCB's CSRG, Bill Jolitz, and 386BSD, all of 
which descended from the Unix codebase.  Linux is greenfield; GPL makes 
contributions 'viral' in nature, and people enjoyed working on something 
totally new.  Technical merits had nothing to do with it. If technical 
merits won wars, Microsoft Windows would have a Xenix kernel.

Amateurs, volunteers, from all over jumped on the Linux bandwagon, and 
anybody and everybody could contribute.  Some contributions were 
obviously better than others, but the vast majority were by 
noncompensated amateurs.

Although, re-think your statement; Darwin with the macOS skin on it has 
a great deal more marketshare than Linux.  In many ways the 
BSD-system-layered-on-a-microkernelish core did win; just not the hearts 
of developers.

Your comment upon "amateur" status of various persons who have made 
major research/engineering contributions is not my meaning of amateur. ...

I'm using the strict definitions: "professional" = paid to do the job;  
"amateur" does the job without pay or other compensation. This is the 
commonly-accepted definition across several areas, including sports.  
You used the word "professional" in that sense in the post to which I 

As for the other comments you make, we can pursue these mostly 
off-list if you prefer.  I do note that some Rocky EL personnel you 
envision to be "paid" developers.  Full time?  "Gig"?  From where do 
you envision the pay to come?  With proper benefits (not required in 
those nation-states that have social services and benefits for all)?

Does it actually matter what kind of paid developers?

In my case, I have participated in a diverse development group before, 
primarily as a volunteer.  From July 1999 until October of 2004, I was 
the RPM package maintainer for PostgreSQL.  You can read my message on 
stepping down from that role at 
and one of the PostgreSQL Core Team members subsequent post at 
which specifically mentions that I was a volunteer.

Now, I wasn't always a volunteer; in 2000 I was hired as a contractor to 
do a gig for GreatBridge to spin RPMs for several Linux distributions.  
But the PostgreSQL Global Development Group, which is still a vibrant 
and dynamic community rolling out the best of the open source databases, 
is very diverse: many are volunteers; some are full-time 
fully-benefitted employees; some do the work as a side hustle or gig; 
some have made their whole business supporting PostgreSQL and make good 
money rolling support for the BSD-licensed database.  While I was 
volunteering for the project, who paid for my time?  For a while my 
full-time employer did, since we used PostgreSQL in production, and it 
had great benefit for me to do that work, even at no charge to the 
project.  Later I just did it on my own time as a donation of time.

Extending the analogy to Rocky Linux (or any other arbitrary project), 
some developers will likely be volunteers; some will possibly be paid by 
their current employers to do the work since their employers are CentOS 
shops; some will do side gigs related to Rocky Linux in support 
services; some will be employed 

Re: Update from Rocky EL

2020-12-17 Thread Yasha Karant
I respectfully disagree with the analogy.  It is true that an open 
source available to rebuild (without IP logos, etc.) is far better than 
closed source for reasons of software engineering (and security) upon 
which I can elaborate if there is interest.

However, having any product enter wide use, and in particular, mission 
critical production use, without oversight is hazardous.  Everyone makes 
mistakes; however, some mistakes are bigger than others.  Professional 
designs can be very wrong (e.g., Chernobyl).  In the current epoch, Zoom 
is being widely deployed (it is default mandatory at my institution), 
but it was never tested at the current scale nor properly hardened, and 
is being patched as it is being used.

If the "bazaar" (or the "cathedral", for that matter) offers (sells) a 
good or service that has long term hazards, or even short term post-sale 
hazards, others may never be informed of the reality.  In terms of wide 
area network computer information systems, we no longer live in the 
epoch of Arpanet or even NSFnet -- we live in a hostile environment with 
constant attacks.  Without frequent counter-measures (often through 
revisions), not just use-inhibiting defects appear, but actual 
compromises are perpetrated, including identity theft for criminal 
actions (sometimes done within the laws of the nation-state employing 
the actors in a clandestine service).

On 12/17/20 9:14 AM, P. Larry Nelson wrote:

This whole discussion brings to mind Eric Raymond's three essays;
later an iconic 1999 book: "The Cathedral and the Bazaar".
They discuss software development, culture and control, and business models
between open-source and closed-source models.

A decent synopsis of them can be found here:

They bear revisiting, I think.

Teh, Kenneth M. wrote on 12/17/20 10:14 AM:

Hear hear!

*From:* owner-scientific-linux-us...@listserv.fnal.gov 
 on behalf of Lamar 

*Sent:* Thursday, December 17, 2020 10:04 AM
*To:* scientific-linux-users 
*Subject:* Re: Update from Rocky EL
On 12/16/20 9:55 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:
... The question I raised still needs to be addressed:  will Rocky EL 
be done by paid professionals (as with SL or Springdale Princeton EL) 
or will it be done by volunteers, some (many) of whom are "amateurs"? 
I am very concerned about the use in a production professional 
environment of an "amateur" port of RHEL.  ...

Conflating "amateur" with a lack of quality and "professional" with high
quality and guaranteed support is provably fallacious.

One of the very first RHEL rebuilds, White Box Enterprise Linux, was, to
use your notation, a "professional" production, sponsored by and for the
Beauregard Parish Public Library in DeRidder, Louisiana (read "County"
where they write "Parish," it's a Louisiana thing); see

But being "professional" didn't guarantee success; the last release was
in 2007.  The "amateur" CentOS ended up with far better support with
mostly volunteers.  I have liked and respected the Scientific Linux
developers and their attitude for quite some time, but it honestly
wasn't a surprise to me when it was announced that there would be no
SL8.  The SL community seems to expect long-term support for any
arbitrary point release; that is really unsustainable with a small staff
and budget.

"Amateurs" can afford to dedicate more time in some cases than
"professionals;" in my own field at $dayjob the whole science of radio
astronomy owes its very existence to a talented and persistent amateur
by the name of Grote Reber.  Sure, Jansky made the initial discovery
while on Bell Labs' payroll (as a "professional" he had to follow his
employer's money and go to the next project); Reber did the legwork and
got others interested, paving the way for "professional" radio 

In another major area of physics, thermodynamics, medical doctor Julius
von Mayer was overshadowed by James Joule; it didn't help that von Mayer
was a medical doctor, not a "professional" physicist. (a good overview
of that history:

In computer science (using 

Re: Joint Fermilab/CERN statement on recent CentOS Changes

2020-12-17 Thread Yasha Karant
The URL document linked below mentions various repos -- are these 
available outside the CERN HEP collaborations, the same as SL (and 
ElRepo, etc.) are "public"?  If these repos are public, is there a 
public list (not restricted to the CERN HEP collaborations) that conveys 
the same sort of information as the current SL users list?

Yasha Karant

On 12/17/20 8:07 AM, Takashi Ichihara wrote:


CentOS 8  Linux@CERN


On 2020/12/18 0:17, James F Amundson wrote:
CERN and Fermilab acknowledge the recent decision to shift focus from 
CentOS Linux to CentOS Stream, and the sudden change of the end of 
life of the CentOS 8 release. This may entail significant consequences 
for the worldwide particle physics community. We are currently 
investigating together the best path forward. We will keep you 
informed about any developments in this area during Q1 2021.

James Amundson, Fermilab Scientific Computing Division Head

Elizabeth Sexton-Kennedy, Fermilab Chief Information Officer

James Amundson*

/Head, Scientific Computing Division/

Office of the CIO

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

+1 (630) 840-2430 office

+1 (630) 488-6910 mobile

Re: Update from Rocky EL

2020-12-17 Thread Yasha Karant
You present a well-organized commentary; however, I must amplify, and 
thus take exception, to some of your statements.

First:  Linux and Torvalds.  Some might compare Torvalds to Bill Joy who 
left a Berkeley PhD program for work in the private sector; Joy had a 
sound background in what was "known" at that epoch.  By comparison, I 
suggest one consider the Tanenbaum–Torvalds debate

for an overview).

Why did monolithic kernel Linux, based primarily upon the 
non-production-environment OS Minix from Tanenbaum used as an 
implemented example for teaching OS at the undergraduate level, achieve 
sector dominance over micro-kernel BSD-derivatives? History, ease of 
deployment (BSD typically was built from source even for end-users, 
whereas Linux was "executable package deployed" as with Microsoft, the 
prevalent desktop environment vendor.  Linux picked up many, many 
end-user applications, whereas BSD was much more sparse.  Although both 
are "POSIX", without various adaptation layers (not originally deployed 
or even properly available), BSD cannot run a generic Linux binary 

The example of a "small" regional USA government supporting a distro 
does not address the "amateur" status -- there are paid persons who have 
professional-status appointments but who are not professionals in the 
academic/research/engineering proper sense.  One may observe this in the 
present USA Executive Branch (presumably changing under the current USA 
President-elect); political persuasions aside, one may compare Dr. Atlas 
to Dr. Fauci.

Your comment upon "amateur" status of various persons who have made 
major research/engineering contributions is not my meaning of amateur. 
Oliver Heaviside ( https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__en.wikipedia.org_wiki_Oliver-5FHeaviside=DwIDaQ=gRgGjJ3BkIsb5y6s49QqsA=gd8BzeSQcySVxr0gDWSEbN-P-pgDXkdyCtaMqdCgPPdW1cyL5RIpaIYrCn8C5x2A=p5LpkUSrDNa-AR53evz49_bezk928Gx00qoMLYEf4ys=y1LzX5fWUYJGJYtRf68p5Uf-S9dlyQH1FzulLHH4NQA=  ) did 
not have an undergraduate diploma, let alone any formal graduate school 
education.  Thus, in some "academic" sense, he was an "amateur" -- but 
in reality, he was a consummate professional who made significant 
advances in both the implementation and underlying formalism (including 
"new" mathematics) of the physics (as well as the engineering and 
technology) of his epoch.  It is the understanding, knowledge, skills, 
and dedication that make a "professional", not necessarily "formal" 
education and diplomata; self-education will suffice (although often 
deny that person the opportunity).  Thus, in my opinion, neither 
Torvalds (nor Gates) is a Heaviside.  The "amateurs" you mention are 
much closer to a Heaviside.

As for the other comments you make, we can pursue these mostly off-list 
if you prefer.  I do note that some Rocky EL personnel you envision to 
be "paid" developers.  Full time?  "Gig"?  From where do you envision 
the pay to come?  With proper benefits (not required in those 
nation-states that have social services and benefits for all)?

Take care.  Stay safe.

Yasha Karant

On 12/17/20 8:04 AM, Lamar Owen wrote:

On 12/16/20 9:55 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:
... The question I raised still needs to be addressed:  will Rocky EL 
be done by paid professionals (as with SL or Springdale Princeton EL) 
or will it be done by volunteers, some (many) of whom are "amateurs"? 
I am very concerned about the use in a production professional 
environment of an "amateur" port of RHEL.  ...
Conflating "amateur" with a lack of quality and "professional" with high 
quality and guaranteed support is provably fallacious.

One of the very first RHEL rebuilds, White Box Enterprise Linux, was, to 
use your notation, a "professional" production, sponsored by and for the 
Beauregard Parish Public Library in DeRidder, Louisiana (read "County" 
where they write "Parish," it's a Louisiana thing); see 

But being "professional" didn't guarantee success; the last release was 
in 2007.  The "amateur" CentOS ended up with far better support with 
mostly volunteers.  I have liked and respected the Scientific Linux 
developers and their attitude for quite some time, but it honestly 
wasn't a surprise to me when it was announced that there would be no 
SL8.  The SL community seems to expect long-term support for any 
arbitrary point release; that is really unsustainable with a 

Re: Sustainable computing - Re: CentOS EOL - politics?

2020-12-17 Thread Brett Viren

~Stack~  writes:

> I'm curious about your thoughts on what it means to have that
> sustainable footing going forward.

A little bit pontificating but here is my take: "sustainable computing"
must be "community all the way down".  We must reject attempts by
flighty (or other) corporations to inject profit-motivated gatekeeping.
Embrace DIY and do-in-house expertise and reject outsourcing and brain
drain.  Prefer GPL and the AGPL licenses over MIT/BSD and certainly not
proprietary for our own software and the software we base it on.
Embrace decentralized distribution patterns for code, data and
human-to-human information and reject centralized "cloud" services.
Keep discussions (like these) on open mailing lists and out of locked up
web forums.

Of course, we may soften from this hard stance and still obtain some
measure of sustainability but must then accept an increased risk of
eventual upheaval.  The fact that we got as far as we did with RH shows
this trade off in action.  Maybe Rocky gives us another decade or so
until the cycle that CentOS started repeats.  Or, maybe its future
leadership never allow themselves to be bought out and the project
perverted.  But, even so, Rocky is not based on the effort of a
community but that of a corporation and that corporation can do other
things to strangle Rocky.  As good intentions as Rocky may have, it
isn't Debian in this regard.

> [Singularity]

Singularity and container technology in general have many benefits but
on the scale of decades, I don't see that it solves "sustainability".

It does have at least two things to offer in that direction:

A container can provide an important ingredient in a "data preservation"
effort to archive the run time environment associated with some past

Post-2024, one may consider to run SL7 guest on a, say, CentOS 8 Stream
host.  This would give app-level stability while (maybe) still
satisfying host-level security requirements.  As time goes by, this
"solution" gets more and more insecure.

Of course, Singularity also has many other benefits and the lack of
addressing sustainability doesn't stop me from making good use of it for
other purposes.

> [Kubernetes]

I still fail to grok kubernetes so have no comment.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Update from Rocky EL

2020-12-17 Thread P. Larry Nelson

This whole discussion brings to mind Eric Raymond's three essays;
later an iconic 1999 book: "The Cathedral and the Bazaar".
They discuss software development, culture and control, and business models
between open-source and closed-source models.

A decent synopsis of them can be found here:

They bear revisiting, I think.

Teh, Kenneth M. wrote on 12/17/20 10:14 AM:

Hear hear!

*From:* owner-scientific-linux-us...@listserv.fnal.gov 
 on behalf of Lamar Owen 

*Sent:* Thursday, December 17, 2020 10:04 AM
*To:* scientific-linux-users 
*Subject:* Re: Update from Rocky EL
On 12/16/20 9:55 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:
... The question I raised still needs to be addressed:  will Rocky EL 
be done by paid professionals (as with SL or Springdale Princeton EL) 
or will it be done by volunteers, some (many) of whom are "amateurs"?  
I am very concerned about the use in a production professional 
environment of an "amateur" port of RHEL.  ...

Conflating "amateur" with a lack of quality and "professional" with high
quality and guaranteed support is provably fallacious.

One of the very first RHEL rebuilds, White Box Enterprise Linux, was, to
use your notation, a "professional" production, sponsored by and for the
Beauregard Parish Public Library in DeRidder, Louisiana (read "County"
where they write "Parish," it's a Louisiana thing); see

But being "professional" didn't guarantee success; the last release was
in 2007.  The "amateur" CentOS ended up with far better support with
mostly volunteers.  I have liked and respected the Scientific Linux
developers and their attitude for quite some time, but it honestly
wasn't a surprise to me when it was announced that there would be no
SL8.  The SL community seems to expect long-term support for any
arbitrary point release; that is really unsustainable with a small staff
and budget.

"Amateurs" can afford to dedicate more time in some cases than
"professionals;" in my own field at $dayjob the whole science of radio
astronomy owes its very existence to a talented and persistent amateur
by the name of Grote Reber.  Sure, Jansky made the initial discovery
while on Bell Labs' payroll (as a "professional" he had to follow his
employer's money and go to the next project); Reber did the legwork and
got others interested, paving the way for "professional" radio astronomers.

In another major area of physics, thermodynamics, medical doctor Julius
von Mayer was overshadowed by James Joule; it didn't help that von Mayer
was a medical doctor, not a "professional" physicist. (a good overview
of that history:

In computer science (using the non-ACM generalized definition of that
term), well, all I need to say is "Linus Torvalds."  The very kernel you
run was an "amateur" creation, and for a number of years had no
"professional" support.  Likewise, the Debian distribution was started
by "amateurs" and still has many "amateur" contributors; Ubuntu, a
supposedly "professionally"-supported distribution bases its work on the
"amateur" Debian; a chain is no stronger than its weakest link, and if
any part of even a "professional" distribution is supported by
"amateurs" ... "professional" Linux distribution support is a house of
cards built on an "amateur" foundation.  It reminds me of the reasoning
in Ken Thompson's Turing Award acceptance lecture "Reflections on
Trusting Trust" (


One problem with relying on "professional" staff is that the entity
paying that staff has direct oversight into how much time they spend on
those problems; the funding entity's goals and any particular end user's
goals may differ dramatically, and the goals of the funder will trump
the goals of the user.  A second problem is that the same "professional"
staff can be hired 

Re: Joint Fermilab/CERN statement on recent CentOS Changes

2020-12-17 Thread d tbsky
> On 2020/12/18 0:17, James F Amundson wrote:
> > CERN and Fermilab acknowledge the recent decision to shift focus from 
> > CentOS Linux to CentOS Stream, and the sudden change of the end of life of 
> > the CentOS 8 release. This may entail significant consequences for the 
> > worldwide particle physics community. We are currently investigating 
> > together the best path forward. We will keep you informed about any 
> > developments in this area during Q1 2021.
> >
> > James Amundson, Fermilab Scientific Computing Division Head
> >
> > Elizabeth Sexton-Kennedy, Fermilab Chief Information Officer

Great. I hope it means there is a change to upgrade Scientific Linux 7 to 8.

Re: Update from Rocky EL

2020-12-17 Thread Teh, Kenneth M.
Hear hear!

From: owner-scientific-linux-us...@listserv.fnal.gov 
 on behalf of Lamar Owen 

Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2020 10:04 AM
To: scientific-linux-users 
Subject: Re: Update from Rocky EL

On 12/16/20 9:55 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:
> ... The question I raised still needs to be addressed:  will Rocky EL
> be done by paid professionals (as with SL or Springdale Princeton EL)
> or will it be done by volunteers, some (many) of whom are "amateurs"?
> I am very concerned about the use in a production professional
> environment of an "amateur" port of RHEL.  ...
Conflating "amateur" with a lack of quality and "professional" with high
quality and guaranteed support is provably fallacious.

One of the very first RHEL rebuilds, White Box Enterprise Linux, was, to
use your notation, a "professional" production, sponsored by and for the
Beauregard Parish Public Library in DeRidder, Louisiana (read "County"
where they write "Parish," it's a Louisiana thing); see

But being "professional" didn't guarantee success; the last release was
in 2007.  The "amateur" CentOS ended up with far better support with
mostly volunteers.  I have liked and respected the Scientific Linux
developers and their attitude for quite some time, but it honestly
wasn't a surprise to me when it was announced that there would be no
SL8.  The SL community seems to expect long-term support for any
arbitrary point release; that is really unsustainable with a small staff
and budget.

"Amateurs" can afford to dedicate more time in some cases than
"professionals;" in my own field at $dayjob the whole science of radio
astronomy owes its very existence to a talented and persistent amateur
by the name of Grote Reber.  Sure, Jansky made the initial discovery
while on Bell Labs' payroll (as a "professional" he had to follow his
employer's money and go to the next project); Reber did the legwork and
got others interested, paving the way for "professional" radio astronomers.

In another major area of physics, thermodynamics, medical doctor Julius
von Mayer was overshadowed by James Joule; it didn't help that von Mayer
was a medical doctor, not a "professional" physicist. (a good overview
of that history:

In computer science (using the non-ACM generalized definition of that
term), well, all I need to say is "Linus Torvalds."  The very kernel you
run was an "amateur" creation, and for a number of years had no
"professional" support.  Likewise, the Debian distribution was started
by "amateurs" and still has many "amateur" contributors; Ubuntu, a
supposedly "professionally"-supported distribution bases its work on the
"amateur" Debian; a chain is no stronger than its weakest link, and if
any part of even a "professional" distribution is supported by
"amateurs" ... "professional" Linux distribution support is a house of
cards built on an "amateur" foundation.  It reminds me of the reasoning
in Ken Thompson's Turing Award acceptance lecture "Reflections on
Trusting Trust" (

One problem with relying on "professional" staff is that the entity
paying that staff has direct oversight into how much time they spend on
those problems; the funding entity's goals and any particular end user's
goals may differ dramatically, and the goals of the funder will trump
the goals of the user.  A second problem is that the same "professional"
staff can be hired away by another company.  A third problem is that
"professionals" expect to be paid; where does the salary come from?  The
fourth problem is since there is very likely to be fewer "professional"
staff supporting a revenue-negative project, each "professional" becomes
extremely important or maybe even indispensible, and the project might
have a hard time surviving a "bus incident" or even a major hurricane.
I've witnessed all four of these issues first-hand  RIP Seth.

The problem with "amateurs" is that they can quite literally walk away
without it negatively impacting their livelihood, and they're going to
work on what interests them, whether it interests the end-user or not.
I've witnessed 

Re: Joint Fermilab/CERN statement on recent CentOS Changes

2020-12-17 Thread Takashi Ichihara


CentOS 8  Linux@CERN


On 2020/12/18 0:17, James F Amundson wrote:

CERN and Fermilab acknowledge the recent decision to shift focus from CentOS 
Linux to CentOS Stream, and the sudden change of the end of life of the CentOS 
8 release. This may entail significant consequences for the worldwide particle 
physics community. We are currently investigating together the best path 
forward. We will keep you informed about any developments in this area during 
Q1 2021.

James Amundson, Fermilab Scientific Computing Division Head

Elizabeth Sexton-Kennedy, Fermilab Chief Information Officer

James Amundson*

/Head, Scientific Computing Division/

Office of the CIO

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

+1 (630) 840-2430 office

+1 (630) 488-6910 mobile

Joint Fermilab/CERN statement on recent CentOS Changes

2020-12-17 Thread James F Amundson
CERN and Fermilab acknowledge the recent decision to shift focus from CentOS 
Linux to CentOS Stream, and the sudden change of the end of life of the CentOS 
8 release. This may entail significant consequences for the worldwide particle 
physics community. We are currently investigating together the best path 
forward. We will keep you informed about any developments in this area during 
Q1 2021.

James Amundson, Fermilab Scientific Computing Division Head
Elizabeth Sexton-Kennedy, Fermilab Chief Information Officer

James Amundson
Head, Scientific Computing Division

Office of the CIO
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
+1 (630) 840-2430 office
+1 (630) 488-6910 mobile

Re: Update from Rocky EL

2020-12-17 Thread Dave Dykstra
It is also linked now here:


On Wed, Dec 16, 2020 at 06:55:15PM -0800, Yasha Karant wrote:
> I "subscribed" to the Slack Rocky EL "list" after the information on how-to
> subscribe was posted.  It is possible that the public link in the URL bar of
> Firefox is not the "real" URL.  I did provide a full quote of the relevant
> posting to the Rocky EL list; one needs the URL to verify that I had not
> mis-quoted.  The question I raised still needs to be addressed:  will Rocky
> EL be done by paid professionals (as with SL or Springdale Princeton EL) or
> will it be done by volunteers, some (many) of whom are "amateurs"?  I am
> very concerned about the use in a production professional environment of an
> "amateur" port of RHEL.  I am not interested in "cradle-to-grave" outsourced
> support, as under a RH or Oracle support contract, but access to the
> necessary information from a "professional" list such as this SL list, and a
> compensated professional staff behind the distro (as observed many times on
> this SL list).
> On 12/16/20 6:17 PM, Vinícius Ferrão wrote:
> > Hi Yasha, link seems to be broken.
> > 
> > It points to a Google Docs document that???s unavailable.
> > 
> > > On 16 Dec 2020, at 20:27, Yasha Karant  wrote:
> > > 
> > > I do not know how many on the SL list have subscribed to the quite 
> > > different Slack list for Rocky EL.  Appended below is a very recent post. 
> > >  Note:
> > > 
> > > We have about 70 people in total all working through the following tasks:
> > > ??? Management
> > > ??? Web and branding
> > > ??? Infrastructure
> > > ??? Security and compliance
> > > ??? Packaging
> > > ??? Autobuilder research: will be moved to secure automated infrastructure
> > > ??? Installer development
> > > Now we are putting out a call for action. We want to hear from everyone 
> > > who wants to contribute and be part of Rocky Linux, so we assembled a 
> > > Google form which will allow us to to start organizing the team at large.
> > > 
> > > End excerpt.
> > > 
> > > Both Princeton EL (Springdale) and SL are supported by paid professionals 
> > > (as is Oracle EL -- unlike Princeton or Fermilab/CERN, Oracle is highly a 
> > > for-profit operation with the overall goal of profiteering by whatever 
> > > "legal" means possible -- evidently Oracle EL is not a viable alternative 
> > > because of what comes after deployment of the "no-fee" version -- the HEP 
> > > community does not seem to be adopting Oracle EL).  I see no real 
> > > personnel selection criteria or other personnel mechanisms in what I am 
> > > reading about Rocky EL.  Does anyone have further insight into this?  An 
> > > unreliable "bug for bug" port (distro) of RHEL 8 (and follow-on major 
> > > releases) done by volunteers (some of whom may be professionals, some of 
> > > whom may not be) seems risky for real production use.
> > > 
> > > Is the HEP community considering Rocky EL executables as supplied?  Or 
> > > will the HEP community do internal evaluation and testing before 
> > > deployment, keeping a working distro separate from the vagaries of what 
> > > may (NOTE:  *MAY*, not will) be an amateur volunteer distro?
> > > 
> > > Take care.  Stay safe.
> > > 
> > > Yasha Karant
> > > 
> > > gmk   December 16th at 1:55 PM
> > > @channel This last week has been a rollercoaster, starting with the bad 
> > > news from RedHat/CentOS about it no longer being a ???community??? or 
> > > ???enterprise??? operating system, to seeing a community grow from 
> > > nothing to something massive. Again, in just a week, here are some of the 
> > > notable accomplishments from this amazing team:??? Literally thousands of 
> > > people wanting to help overnight. This is the most engaging and motivated 
> > > community I???ve seen ever over my more than 20 year career with open 
> > > source.
> > > ??? The first week was very hard because there were more people asking to 
> > > help and be part of this initiative than we could organize. Literally at 
> > > some point, it took me about an hour to go from one side of my Slack 
> > > messages to another. But now, we???ve built a structure and groups to 
> > > properly direct the people who want to help to where they can start 
> > > working.
> > > We have about 70 people in total all working through the following tasks:
> > > ??? Management
> > > ??? Web and branding
> > > ??? Infrastructure
> > > ??? Security and compliance
> > > ??? Packaging
> > > ??? Autobuilder research: will be moved to secure automated infrastructure
> > > ??? Installer development
> > > Now we are putting out a call for action. We want to hear from everyone 
> > > who wants to contribute and be part of Rocky Linux, so we assembled a 
> > > Google form which will allow us to to start organizing the team at large. 
> > > Please add yourself to the form 
> > >