2008-07-17 Thread Tracey de Morsella
From: don polite [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 1:32 PM
Holbert; Clayton Harrison; don polite; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Harvey
George; Kenny Cash; Rodney Brown; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; The Holy Infinite
Triumvirate; Wes
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tracey de Morsella; Gabriel, Dexter; JohnScott
Subject: wow look who they say is no 1


May 23

 http://old-wizard.com/?p=728 Top 10 Most Powerful Superheroes of All Time

Written by old-wizard.com http://www.old-wizard.com/  

5. The Hulk 

 http://old-wizard.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/5.jpg 5.jpg

If World http://old-wizard.com/?p=228  War Hulk showed us anything, its
just how powerful the Hulk is. Never mind the fact that in Hulk #470, he was
choked out by an ordinary python, or that he was once injured by Wolverine's
bone claws. We at Old-Wizard simply attribute that to poor writing. At his
best, the Hulk is a 7-foot, one-ton green behemoth with near-unlimited
strength, rapid tissue-regenerative powers and nigh-inexhaustible stamina.
He is highly resistant to physical, as well as psychic attacks. He's been
shown to be immune to temperature extremes, diseases, and poisons. His
powerful legs allow him to leap into Earth's upper atmosphere, or even
across continents, and when injured he can heal from almost any wound,
inherently embodying the most ubiquitous panacea. He has gone toe-to toe
with almost all of Marvel's elite heroes and villains, and has usually come
out on top. All of his powers depend on how mad he is, and at his maddest,
his footsteps are enough to shake the entire Eastern Seaboard, and his
punches capable of shattering small planets.

4. Doctor Strange

 http://old-wizard.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/6.jpg 6.jpg

Earth's Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Steven Strange, has unparalleled sagicity
of the mystic arts, and stands as humanity's first and last line of defense
against all magic-based menaces that threaten our dimension. In addition to
being able to perform such feats as astral projection, telepathy, and
hypnotism, he also has a number of combat related powers as well. He can
fire energy bolts with potentially enough power to destroy an entire planet
(ala Death Star), create impenetrable protective shields, teleport and
perform telekinesis. Basically, Strange can do anything that the writer can
imagine. There are no rules. He can even withstand the power of the infinity
gauntlet. There seems to be no clear limitations on his powers. He can snuff
out the feeble flame of any mortal's soul with the mere twitch of his
finger, and stop or even turn back time itself. Doctor Strange clearly
stands amongst Marvel's elite heroes.

3. Superman

 http://old-wizard.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/7.jpg 7.jpg

Rocketed from the exploding planet Krypton by his scientist parents, and
crash-landing on the planet Earth, Kal-El grew to adulthood on a small
Kansas farm, raised by the wholesome Kent family. Raised as Clark Kent, once
puberty set in he learned that his adopted planet's yellow sun and weaker
gravity gave him powers far beyond those a mere mortal man. Endowed with
brazen strength, speed, and senses, not to mention flight, heat vision, and
the ability to blow hurricane force winds and near-invulnerability, he moved
to Metropolis and started calling himself Superman, where he fights for
truth, justice and the American way! Superman practically has every super
power you can imagine, or want (X-ray vision, wink wink, nudge nudge), which
puts him in a league of his own. In addition to possessing all of these
powers, time and time again, Superman has gone up against villains many
times more powerful than himself, magic-wielders and even villains using
kryptonite against him, and yet he always comes out on top. Somehow that
square always finds a way to win.

2. The Silver Surfer

 http://old-wizard.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/8.jpg 8.jpg

The Silver Surfer is the on-again, off-again herald of Galactus. These two
are the Ross and Rachel of the cosmos. And like all heralds of Galactus, the
Silver Surfer possesses the power cosmic, an energy source capable of doing
almost anything, from re-arranging molecules, to energy blasts, to bringing
people back from the dead. With the Silver Surfer it's more of a question of
what he can't do, than what he can. He has enormous strength, can fly at
speed, and is nearly invulnerable (he has withstood the destructive power of
stars and even black holes). He is virtually in-destructible, and only
characters near his power level are capable of harming him. He can navigate
through space, dimensional barriers, and hyperspace at will. He has even
been depicted as capable of time travel on several occasions. Riding his
board which is capable of traveling through space, made of the same
cosmically powered silver material as his skin, and mentally linked to him,
he's almost unbeatable. Almost. 

1. Thor



2008-07-17 Thread Tracey de Morsella
On Memorial day weekend, my husband Chris got what we thought was a lawsuit
notice for #2,000 from a law firm representing a credit card company we had
no relationship.  After doing some research, we figured out it was a scare
tactic threatening a lawsuit in 20 days if we did not pay. So I investigated
the credit laws in my state and federally and sent them a letter called a
request for validation asking for specific types of documentation including
proof that my husband agreed to buy the debt and that he agreed that the
debt was transferable.  A request for validation letter is basically a
request for the creditor to prove you are who you say you are and that I owe
what you say I owe.  They are required to respond or they have to remove the
mark off your credit report.  So far, no law suit.  We are going to contact
the credit reporting agencies and request that the mark is removed from his
credit report.

-Original Message-
From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Reece Jennings
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 2:09 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [scifinoir2] Debt Collection Abuse? What Debt Collectors Can and
Cannot Do


Maurice C. Jennings
Certified Credit Consultant
Credit Justice Services
FEATURES THE 75 Day Credit Makeover.

A client can potentially see an increase of
50 - 100 points in their credit score
in 75 days or less!
100% Money Back Guarantee*
*Terms and conditions apply

Identity Theft Solutions, too!

blocked::mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 



Debt Collection Abuse? What Debt Collectors Can and Cannot Do
by www.SixWise.com http://www.sixwise.com/ 


With the economy slumping and food
-is-There-a-Global-Food-Shortage-The-Facts.htm and gas prices through the
roof, many Americans are finding it difficult to keep up with their monthly
expenses. Add in a layoff, medical problem or other unforeseen expense and
it's easy to fall behind in your bills ... making you a ready target for
debt collectors.


Even if you fall behind in bills, you still have a right to be treated with
respect. Keep reading to find out YOUR rights if a debt collector calls.

There are an estimated 6,500 collection agencies in the United States, and
complaints against them rose 26 percent in 2007, and 43 percent in the last
five years, according to the Better Business Bureau.

For the past three years, in fact, debt collectors have been the subject of
more complaints than any other industry, according to The Federal Trade
Commission (FTC). Among the top complaints:

Using vulgar language

Trying to collect more than they're owed

Sharing the person's debt information with friends and family

Trying to collect extra fees such as late fees or court costs

It's quite common for debt collectors to use this type of harassing,
intimidating behavior to try to get you to pay ... but it's not always legal
for them to do so.

If a Debt Collector Calls, What Rights Do You Have?

Knowing your rights is the first step to protecting yourself from a
collection agency, and your first right is to have proof that the debt is
yours. Ask the debt collector to send you written proof of the debt.

Otherwise, it's possible the debt may actually belong to someone else with a
similar name. Also, before you agree to pay anything or state that you do
owe the money, find out if the debt is still enforceable. Depending on your
state, certain debts have statute of limitations that range from three to 15

If, in fact, you believe you don't owe the debt, you can get a debt
collector to stop contacting you by sending them a written letter stating
you do not owe the money. While the debt collector may not contact you after
this point, you can still be sued for the money if it's determined that the
debt is yours.

What CAN the Debt Collector Do?

The collector may contact you by mail, in person, by telephone, telegram or
fax. However, they may not contact you at unreasonable times or places, such
as before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m., unless you agree.

 debt collection

Certain debts expire after three to 15 years. To find out the statute of
limitations in your state, contact your state attorney general's office.

If you have an attorney, the collector is required to contact him or her
instead of you. However, if you don't have an attorney a debt collector may
contact other people, typically only once, to find out where you live or
work, or to get your phone number. The collector may not tell anyone other
than your attorney that you owe money.

What CAN'T the Debt Collector Do?

The Fair 

[scifinoir2] Brightest star in Galaxy has competition

2008-07-17 Thread Amy Harlib

Cool science stuff.

Brightest star in Galaxy has competition

URL to an interesting article in Science Daily News

I wonder how close a star could be to one of these monsters before the
radiation would make it impossible for life to form - 10 ly, 100ly?  I know 
when it blows up it will sterilize nearby systems, but what about during 
normal lifespan?

First few paragraphs

ScienceDaily (July 15, 2008) — A contender  for the title of brightest star
in our Milky Way galaxy has been unearthed in  the dusty metropolis of the
galaxy's center.

 See also:
_Space   Time_ (http://www.sciencedaily.com/news/space_time/)
*   _Stars_ (http://www.sciencedaily.com/news/space_time/stars/)
*   _Nebulae_ (http://www.sciencedaily.com/news/space_time/nebulae/)
*   _Astronomy_ (http://www.sciencedaily.com/news/space_time/astronomy/)

*   _Galaxies_ (http://www.sciencedaily.com/news/space_time/galaxies/)
*   _Extrasolar Planets_
*   _Astrophysics_
_Reference_ (http://www.sciencedaily.com/articles/)
*   _Supergiant_ (http://www.sciencedaily.com/articles/s/supergiant.htm)

*   _Star  cluster_
*   _Orion  Nebula_
*   _Cepheid  variable_

Nicknamed the Peony nebula star, the bright stellar bulb was revealed by
NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope and other ground-based telescopes. It blazes
with  the light of an estimated 3.2 million suns.
The reigning brightest star champion is Eta Carina, with a whopping solar
wattage of 4.7 million suns. But according to astronomers, it's hard to pin
down  an exact brightness, or luminosity, for these scorching stars, so they
could  potentially shine with a similar amount of light.
The Peony nebula star is a fascinating creature. It appears to be the
second-brightest star that we now know of in the galaxy, and it's located 
into the galaxy's center, said Lidia Oskinova of Potsdam University in 
There are probably other stars just as bright if not brighter in our galaxy
that remain hidden from view. Oskinova is principal investigator for the
research and second author of a paper appearing in a future issue of the 
 Astronomy and Astrophysics.
Scientists already knew about the Peony nebula star, but because of its
sheltered location in the dusty central hub of our galaxy, its extreme 
was not revealed until now. Spitzer's dust-piercing infrared eyes can  see
straight into the heart of our galaxy, into regions impenetrable by visible
light. Likewise, infrared data from the European Southern Observatory's New
Technology Telescope in Chile were integral in calculating the Peony nebula
star's luminosity.
Infrared astronomy opens extraordinary views into the environment of the
central region of our galaxy, said Oskinova.
The brightest stars in the universe are also the biggest. Astronomers
estimate the Peony nebula star kicked off its life with a hefty mass of 
roughly  150
to 200 times that of our sun. Stars this massive are rare and puzzle
astronomers because they push the limits required for stars to form. Theory 
that if a star starts out too massive, it can't hold itself together  and
must break into a double or multiple stars instead.
Not only is the Peony nebula star hefty, it also has a wide girth. It is a
type of giant blue star called a Wolf-Rayet star, with a diameter roughly 
times that of our sun. That means this star, if placed where our sun is, 
 extend out to about the orbit of Mercury.
With so much mass, the star barely keeps itself together. It sheds an
enormous amount of stellar matter in the form of strong winds over its 
short lifetime of a few million years. This matter is pushed so hard  by 
radiation from the star that the winds speed up to about 1.6 million
kilometers per hour (one million miles per hour) in only a few hours.
Ultimately, the Peony nebula star will blow up in a fantastic explosion of
cosmic proportions called a supernova. In fact, Oskinova and her colleagues 
 that the star is ripe for exploding soon, which in astronomical terms mean
anytime from now to millions of years from now.
When this star blows up, it will evaporate any planets orbiting stars in 
 vicinity, said Oskinova. Farther out from the star, the explosion could
actually trigger the birth of new stars.
In addition to the star itself, the astronomers noted a cloud of dust and
gas, called a nebula, surrounding the star. The team nicknamed this cloud 
Peony nebula because it resembles the ornate 

[scifinoir2] Fw: Open letter to Sen. Barack Obama from Bob Petrusak

2008-07-17 Thread Amy Harlib


Subject: Re: Open letter to Sen. Barack Obama from Bob Petrusak

Eloquently written, historically correct and reflective of the perception they 
must of experience and necessity hold.  Well done.  

July 15, 2008  

  Dear Senator Obama:

  With Israel rehearsing an attack on Iran and the Bush administration 
considering the alternative of a low-level diplomatic mission in Tehran, it is 
necessary to revisit your June 4th speech to the AIPAC convention in 
Washington.  In that address, you denounced the Iraq War as a conflict which  
strengthened Iran and asserted that Iran has  always constituted a greater 
threat to Israel than Iraq.  You stated that Iran now constitutes the greatest 
challenge  in the region. You even asserted that Iran is part of a tyranny of  
oil in which the high price of oil is one of the most dangerous weapons in 
the world because petro-dollars abet the killing of Israeli civilians and 
American soldiers.  In so doing, you are taking an easy road  to toughness on 
national security issues that still allows you to trumpet your opposition to a 
war that is now overwhelmingly unpopular.  This road may follow the footsteps 
of Woodrow Wilson and Lyndon Johnson,  Democratic Party candidates who talked 
peace only to lead our people deeper into war.  

  Your AIPAC speech represents a refusal to acknowledge the fundamental problem 
in American-Iranian relations. This is the fact that we are still dealing with 
the revolutionaries who overthrew the repressive Shah installed by the United 
States at the expense of an elected government. This nascent democracy led by 
Mohammed Mossadegh, struggled against a tyranny of oil very different from 
the one you constructed to inflame sentiment against Iran.   Your so-called 
tyranny wields a high-priced weapon forged through the wasteful consumption 
of its victims. The tyranny faced by Mossadegh involved a British 
multi-national, the forerunner of today's British Petroleum,  backed by every 
other major oil company on the planet.  This tyranny sought to perpetuate a 
concession system originally granted by a corrupt, foreign-influenced monarchy, 
which denied Iran's people a fair share of their most important resource.   
This tyranny would also include the British navy which helped enforce a 
world-wide boycott of Iranian oil, and our C.I.A. which orchestrated the 
violent military coup that overthrew Mossadegh in August, 1953.

   Apologists for the coup unabashedly claimed that it saved an unstable 
Mossadegh government from a Soviet takeover.  However, any alleged instability 
was the obvious result of a grossly unfair and patently illegal boycott of 
Iran's largest export.  Moreover,  the Soviets were in no position to attempt a 
takeover of Iran a few months after Stalin's death and in fact, Mossadegh's 
government was finding ways to  survive the boycott.   The coup thus stands as 
a very sordid regime change that crushed a secular Third World democracy 
which sought to reclaim national resources from a colonial arrangement.  
Similarly, the quarter-century from the 1953 coup to the 1978-79 Islamic 
Revolution saw U.S. support for the Shah's military and secret police and 
corrupt, multi-billion dollar arms deals which offset efforts by the Shah to 
look tough on Western oil companies.  In many Iranian eyes, the passage of 
these 25 years only aggravated the coup of '53.  

  For Iran, this was the second time within 42 years that a representative 
government had been destroyed by foreign intervention.  Iran's Constitutional 
Revolution begun in 1905,  had struggled to create a parliament, a free press 
and a rule of law to control a corrupt monarchy that sold national resources to 
foreign interests on generous terms. This struggle even produced an American 
hero, Howard Baskerville who died leading a Constitutionalist attack on 
Monarchist forces, and is still recognized as the American Lafayette in Iran. 
 Yet by 1911, British and Russian intervention had dispersed the parliament and 
restored monarchal despotism. The effective replay of these events in 1953 
would convince many Iranians that democracy, with its openness and freedom, 
could not maintain national independence against foreign intrigue.  Such 
feelings combined with an old feud between the clergy and the reinstalled, 
American-supported dynasty created perfect conditions for the growth of 
religious militancy. . 

   Such facts are essential to an understanding of the 1979-81 hostage crisis 
which was sparked by fear of yet another restoration of the monarchy.  I 
appreciate the horrific nature of kidnapping and hostage-taking and as an 
assistant state attorney general,  helped secure severe penalties for such 
crimes.  However, the quarter-century rule of the American-supported Shah would 
 also involve political executions and torture.  This repressive monarch became 
the cornerstone of American policy in the region and a status of forces 

Re: [scifinoir2] Watermelon May Be A Natural Viagra

2008-07-17 Thread Martin
Lets me out, then. I don't partake of the stuff. Never have.

quot;There is no reason Good can#39;t triumph over Evil, if only angels will 
get organized along the lines of the Mafia.quot; -Kurt Vonnegut, quot;A Man 
Without A Countryquot;

--- On Thu, 7/3/08, Tracey de Morsella [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: Tracey de Morsella [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [scifinoir2] Watermelon May Be A Natural Viagra
'Valery Jean' [EMAIL PROTECTED], 'Wendell Theophilus Smith' [EMAIL 
Date: Thursday, July 3, 2008, 1:43 AM

Watermelon Viagra: A Natural Connection

http://www.associat edcontent. com/article/ 855319/watermelo n_viagra_ 



July 1, 2008 - Watermelon Viagra? Watermelon is being called out as nature's

answer to Viagra

http://www.associat edcontent. com/article/ 305428/turn_ muffins_into_ 

isiac_without. html , by a number of different scientific organizations.

Natural ingredients in tasty watermelon have ingredients which can create

Viagra-like effects, according to Science Daily. Researchers from the

Texas AM also see the a natural connection between watermelon and Viagra.

The refreshing watermelon fruit is full of vitamins and nutrients which may

also have a Viagra-like effect on blood vessels, according to researchers

from Texas AM. This claim is also backed up by Science Daily

Watermelon Viagra: A Natural Connection

The nutrients in watermelon can deliver Viagra-like effects to the body's

blood vessels and may even increase libido, according to Science Daily.

Watermelon may not be as organ-specific as Viagra, said Bhimu Patil,

director of Texas AM's Fruit and Vegetable Improvement Center, according to

Science Daily. But it's a great way to relax blood vessels without any drug


There are three photo-nutrients which are delivering these healthy effects:

lycopene, beta carotene and citrulline. 

The Watermelon Viagra Nutrients

There are certain nutrients in watermelon that make it healthy and can help

enhance libido. One of those nutrients is citrulline, according to the Texas

AM researchers. The citrulline is contained in the rind, which is

considered inedible my most people.

How Does Watermelon Viagra Work?

The connection is being made between watermelon and Viagra because of the

watermelon's citrulline. The citrulline actually relaxes blood vessels in

the body, the same way Viagra does, according to Science Daily. 

The process is slightly complicated, and includes the ability of cirtrulline

to create arginine, which helps remove ammonia from the body, according

World's Healthiest Foods. 


In addition to relaxing blood vessels, the citrullline is also known to

promote energy.

Beta Carotene

Another healthy phyto-nutrient in watermelon is Beta Carotene. Beta carotene

can also be found in red peppers, carrots, paprika, grape leaves, chili

powder, and sweet potatoes, according to a query on Nutrition Data. 


Lycopene can be found in watermelon and in other fruits and vegetables,

including tomatoes, rose hips, guavas, grapefruits and persimmons. 


AJC, Watermelon the new

Viagra?http://www.ajc. com/blogs/ content/shared- blogs/accessatla nta/chatter/

entries/2008/ 07/02/watermelon _the.html

Nutrition Data, http://www.nutritio ndata.com

Science Daily, http://www.scienced aily.com/ releases/ 2008/06/08063016 5707.htm

Science Daily, Want Citrulline? Try Watermelon,

http://www.scienced aily.com/ releases/ 2007/08/07081418 5634.htm

Science Daily, Watermelon May Have Viagra-effect, 

http://www.scienced aily.com/ releases/ 2008/06/08063016 5707.htm

World's Healthiest Foods, Watermelon,

http://www.whfoods. com/genpage. php?tname= foodspice dbid=31#healthbe nefits 

More resources 

http://www.associat edcontent. com/article/ 600437/urban_ legend_and_ 


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]




[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

RE: [scifinoir2] Debt Collection Abuse? What Debt Collectors Can and Cannot Do

2008-07-17 Thread Reece Jennings

Maurice C. Jennings
Certified Credit Consultant
Credit Justice Services
FEATURES THE 75 Day Credit Makeover.

A client can potentially see an increase of
50 - 100 points in their credit score
in 75 days or less!
100% Money Back Guarantee*
*Terms and conditions apply

Identity Theft Solutions, too!

blocked::mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 



From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Tracey de Morsella
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2008 2:56 AM
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Debt Collection Abuse? What Debt Collectors Can
and Cannot Do

On Memorial day weekend, my husband Chris got what we thought was a lawsuit
notice for #2,000 from a law firm representing a credit card company we had
no relationship. After doing some research, we figured out it was a scare
tactic threatening a lawsuit in 20 days if we did not pay. So I investigated
the credit laws in my state and federally and sent them a letter called a
request for validation asking for specific types of documentation including
proof that my husband agreed to buy the debt and that he agreed that the
debt was transferable. A request for validation letter is basically a
request for the creditor to prove you are who you say you are and that I owe
what you say I owe. They are required to respond or they have to remove the
mark off your credit report. So far, no law suit. We are going to contact
the credit reporting agencies and request that the mark is removed from his
credit report. 

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:scifinoir2%40yahoogroups.com ups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:scifinoir2%40yahoogroups.com ups.com]
Behalf Of Reece Jennings
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 2:09 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:10-7%40yahoogroups.com com;
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:40sRus%40yahoogroups.com com;
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:scifinoir2%40yahoogroups.com ups.com
Subject: [scifinoir2] Debt Collection Abuse? What Debt Collectors Can and
Cannot Do

Maurice C. Jennings
Certified Credit Consultant
Credit Justice Services
FEATURES THE 75 Day Credit Makeover.

A client can potentially see an increase of
50 - 100 points in their credit score
in 75 days or less!
100% Money Back Guarantee*
*Terms and conditions apply

Identity Theft Solutions, too!

http://www.creditju http://www.creditjusticeservices.com/?ccc=2173
http://www.creditju http://www.creditjusticeservices.com/?ccc=2173
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:mjennings%40creditjusticeservices.com
blocked::mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:mjennings%40creditjusticeservices.com ticeservices.com 

Debt Collection Abuse? What Debt Collectors Can and Cannot Do
by www.SixWise.com http://www.sixwise. http://www.sixwise.com/ com/ 

With the economy slumping and food
-is-There-a-Global-Food-Shortage-The-Facts.htm and gas prices through the
roof, many Americans are finding it difficult to keep up with their monthly
expenses. Add in a layoff, medical problem or other unforeseen expense and
it's easy to fall behind in your bills ... making you a ready target for
debt collectors.


Even if you fall behind in bills, you still have a right to be treated with
respect. Keep reading to find out YOUR rights if a debt collector calls.

There are an estimated 6,500 collection agencies in the United States, and
complaints against them rose 26 percent in 2007, and 43 percent in the last
five years, according to the Better Business Bureau.

For the past three years, in fact, debt collectors have been the subject of
more complaints than any other industry, according to The Federal Trade
Commission (FTC). Among the top complaints:

Using vulgar language

Trying to collect more than they're owed

Sharing the person's debt information with friends and family

Trying to collect extra fees such as late fees or court costs

It's quite common for debt collectors to use this type of harassing,
intimidating behavior to try to get you to pay ... but it's not always legal
for them to do so.

If a Debt Collector Calls, What Rights Do You Have?

Knowing your rights is the first step to protecting yourself from a
collection agency, and your first right is to have proof that the debt is
yours. Ask the debt collector to send you written proof of the debt.

Otherwise, it's possible the debt may actually belong to someone else with a
similar name. Also, before you agree to pay anything or state that you do
owe the money, find out if the debt is still enforceable. 

RE: [scifinoir2] Debt Collection Abuse? What Debt Collectors Can and Cannot Do

2008-07-17 Thread Reece Jennings
Oh...if you can't get it removed, that's what I do...get those things

Maurice C. Jennings
Certified Credit Consultant
Credit Justice Services
FEATURES THE 75 Day Credit Makeover.

A client can potentially see an increase of
50 - 100 points in their credit score
in 75 days or less!
100% Money Back Guarantee*
*Terms and conditions apply

Identity Theft Solutions, too!

blocked::mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 



From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Tracey de Morsella
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2008 2:56 AM
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Debt Collection Abuse? What Debt Collectors Can
and Cannot Do

On Memorial day weekend, my husband Chris got what we thought was a lawsuit
notice for #2,000 from a law firm representing a credit card company we had
no relationship. After doing some research, we figured out it was a scare
tactic threatening a lawsuit in 20 days if we did not pay. So I investigated
the credit laws in my state and federally and sent them a letter called a
request for validation asking for specific types of documentation including
proof that my husband agreed to buy the debt and that he agreed that the
debt was transferable. A request for validation letter is basically a
request for the creditor to prove you are who you say you are and that I owe
what you say I owe. They are required to respond or they have to remove the
mark off your credit report. So far, no law suit. We are going to contact
the credit reporting agencies and request that the mark is removed from his
credit report. 

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:scifinoir2%40yahoogroups.com ups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:scifinoir2%40yahoogroups.com ups.com]
Behalf Of Reece Jennings
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 2:09 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:10-7%40yahoogroups.com com;
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:40sRus%40yahoogroups.com com;
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:scifinoir2%40yahoogroups.com ups.com
Subject: [scifinoir2] Debt Collection Abuse? What Debt Collectors Can and
Cannot Do

Maurice C. Jennings
Certified Credit Consultant
Credit Justice Services
FEATURES THE 75 Day Credit Makeover.

A client can potentially see an increase of
50 - 100 points in their credit score
in 75 days or less!
100% Money Back Guarantee*
*Terms and conditions apply

Identity Theft Solutions, too!

http://www.creditju http://www.creditjusticeservices.com/?ccc=2173
http://www.creditju http://www.creditjusticeservices.com/?ccc=2173
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:mjennings%40creditjusticeservices.com
blocked::mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:mjennings%40creditjusticeservices.com ticeservices.com 

Debt Collection Abuse? What Debt Collectors Can and Cannot Do
by www.SixWise.com http://www.sixwise. http://www.sixwise.com/ com/ 

With the economy slumping and food
-is-There-a-Global-Food-Shortage-The-Facts.htm and gas prices through the
roof, many Americans are finding it difficult to keep up with their monthly
expenses. Add in a layoff, medical problem or other unforeseen expense and
it's easy to fall behind in your bills ... making you a ready target for
debt collectors.


Even if you fall behind in bills, you still have a right to be treated with
respect. Keep reading to find out YOUR rights if a debt collector calls.

There are an estimated 6,500 collection agencies in the United States, and
complaints against them rose 26 percent in 2007, and 43 percent in the last
five years, according to the Better Business Bureau.

For the past three years, in fact, debt collectors have been the subject of
more complaints than any other industry, according to The Federal Trade
Commission (FTC). Among the top complaints:

Using vulgar language

Trying to collect more than they're owed

Sharing the person's debt information with friends and family

Trying to collect extra fees such as late fees or court costs

It's quite common for debt collectors to use this type of harassing,
intimidating behavior to try to get you to pay ... but it's not always legal
for them to do so.

If a Debt Collector Calls, What Rights Do You Have?

Knowing your rights is the first step to protecting yourself from a
collection agency, and your first right is to have proof that the debt is
yours. Ask the debt collector to send you written proof of the debt.

Otherwise, it's possible the debt may actually belong to someone else with a
similar name. Also, before you agree to pay anything or state 

RE: [scifinoir2] Debt Collection Abuse? What Debt Collectors Can and Cannot Do

2008-07-17 Thread Tracey de Morsella

-Original Message-
From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Reece Jennings
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2008 12:06 AM
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Debt Collection Abuse? What Debt Collectors Can
and Cannot Do

Oh...if you can't get it removed, that's what I do...get those things

Maurice C. Jennings
Certified Credit Consultant
Credit Justice Services
FEATURES THE 75 Day Credit Makeover.

A client can potentially see an increase of
50 - 100 points in their credit score
in 75 days or less!
100% Money Back Guarantee*
*Terms and conditions apply

Identity Theft Solutions, too!

blocked::mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 



From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Tracey de Morsella
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2008 2:56 AM
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Debt Collection Abuse? What Debt Collectors Can
and Cannot Do

On Memorial day weekend, my husband Chris got what we thought was a lawsuit
notice for #2,000 from a law firm representing a credit card company we had
no relationship. After doing some research, we figured out it was a scare
tactic threatening a lawsuit in 20 days if we did not pay. So I investigated
the credit laws in my state and federally and sent them a letter called a
request for validation asking for specific types of documentation including
proof that my husband agreed to buy the debt and that he agreed that the
debt was transferable. A request for validation letter is basically a
request for the creditor to prove you are who you say you are and that I owe
what you say I owe. They are required to respond or they have to remove the
mark off your credit report. So far, no law suit. We are going to contact
the credit reporting agencies and request that the mark is removed from his
credit report. 

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:scifinoir2%40yahoogroups.com ups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:scifinoir2%40yahoogroups.com ups.com]
Behalf Of Reece Jennings
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 2:09 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:10-7%40yahoogroups.com com;
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:40sRus%40yahoogroups.com com;
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:scifinoir2%40yahoogroups.com ups.com
Subject: [scifinoir2] Debt Collection Abuse? What Debt Collectors Can and
Cannot Do

Maurice C. Jennings
Certified Credit Consultant
Credit Justice Services
FEATURES THE 75 Day Credit Makeover.

A client can potentially see an increase of
50 - 100 points in their credit score
in 75 days or less!
100% Money Back Guarantee*
*Terms and conditions apply

Identity Theft Solutions, too!

http://www.creditju http://www.creditjusticeservices.com/?ccc=2173
http://www.creditju http://www.creditjusticeservices.com/?ccc=2173
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:mjennings%40creditjusticeservices.com
blocked::mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:mjennings%40creditjusticeservices.com ticeservices.com 

Debt Collection Abuse? What Debt Collectors Can and Cannot Do
by www.SixWise.com http://www.sixwise. http://www.sixwise.com/ com/ 

With the economy slumping and food
-is-There-a-Global-Food-Shortage-The-Facts.htm and gas prices through the
roof, many Americans are finding it difficult to keep up with their monthly
expenses. Add in a layoff, medical problem or other unforeseen expense and
it's easy to fall behind in your bills ... making you a ready target for
debt collectors.


Even if you fall behind in bills, you still have a right to be treated with
respect. Keep reading to find out YOUR rights if a debt collector calls.

There are an estimated 6,500 collection agencies in the United States, and
complaints against them rose 26 percent in 2007, and 43 percent in the last
five years, according to the Better Business Bureau.

For the past three years, in fact, debt collectors have been the subject of
more complaints than any other industry, according to The Federal Trade
Commission (FTC). Among the top complaints:

Using vulgar language

Trying to collect more than they're owed

Sharing the person's debt information with friends and family

Trying to collect extra fees such as late fees or court costs

It's quite common for debt collectors to use this type of harassing,
intimidating behavior to try to get you to pay ... but it's not always legal
for them to do so.

If a Debt Collector Calls, What Rights Do You Have?

Knowing your rights is the first step to protecting yourself from a

[scifinoir2] Babylon A.D. Tailored To Michele Yeoh

2008-07-17 Thread Tracey de Morsella
Babylon A.D. Tailored To Yeoh

Michelle Yeoh, who stars with Vin Diesel in the upcoming futuristic thriller
Babylon A.D., told journalists that the role she plays was originally
written for a very different type of actress. 

It's based on a book by [Maurice Georges] Dantec, Babylon Babies, but this
is really [director Mathieu Kassovitz's] interpretation of this book, Yeoh
said in a group interview while promoting The Mummy 3: Tomb of the Dragon

In the French novel, Yeoh's character is a 60-year-old, short, dumpy,
French nun, the Hong Kong actress said. And I look at [Kassovitz], and I
go, 'Very interesting,' Yeoh recalled. I look in the mirror and go, 'When
did I become short and dumpy and French?' So you have to see the movie to
see that I'm not. 

The film, from the French director of Gothika, follows a mercenary (Diesel)
and a nun (Yeoh) charged with protecting a genetically altered young woman
(Melanie Thierry) who may be carrying the next messiah. Yeoh said that her
agent, who also represents Kassovitz, suggested her for the role of Sister
Rebecca, because she provided a strong contrast to Diesel. 

[Mathieu] knew that the Vin Diesel and Melanie role needed a third
character to bond them, to put that link together, Yeoh said. And so he
thought, 'Who would protect a young girl like this? Who would be [the]
opposite [of] a Vin Diesel, the big giant? It should be like a small, feisty
French nun ... someone who could stand up against Vin physically and
mentally, like that.' So that was when the idea came to Mathieu, and he
started working on that, and lo and behold, I was in the film with him. 

Compared to the experience of filming the third Mummy movie, under the
direction of Rob Cohen, Yeoh said that the Babylon A.D. shoot was much less
structured and sometimes difficult. 

We had a rough shoot, Yeoh said. I think with Mathieu, it was very clear
what he wanted. And so he brought in people who were very strong. And that
was the only way his characters evolved. He worked very similar to Asian
directors, different from Rob. Rob is Asian in the sense that he can do 30
shots a day. But he was very, very clear in what he wanted to do. With
Mathieu, he would get onto the set and try and round it up from us. It's
good, in a sense, because things happen. It's bad when it's such a big
production, and there's a certain discipline that needs to be in place. So
it was up and down. But it was very interesting at the end of the day.
Babylon A.D. opens Aug. 29. -

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

RE: [scifinoir2] Debt Collection Abuse? What Debt Collectors Can and Cannot Do

2008-07-17 Thread Martin
Thank you, sir.


--- On Wed, 7/16/08, Reece Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: Reece Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Debt Collection Abuse? What Debt Collectors Can and 
Cannot Do
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, July 16, 2008, 8:27 PM

I wonder how many people have NOT caught bills like this, Martin...?

Good for you! 


Maurice C. Jennings

Certified Credit Consultant

Credit Justice Services

FEATURES THE 75 Day Credit Makeover.

A client can potentially see an increase of

50 - 100 points in their credit score

in 75 days or less!

100% Money Back Guarantee*

*Terms and conditions apply

Identity Theft Solutions, too!

http://www.creditju sticeservices. com/?ccc= 2173

http://www.creditju sticeservices. com/?ccc= 2173

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ticeservices. com

blocked::mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ticeservices. com 



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com] On

Behalf Of Martin

Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 5:46 PM


Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Debt Collection Abuse? What Debt Collectors Can

and Cannot Do

Reece, a line in this, regarding owing a debt, is something I experienced a

few months ago. Since I've gone on Medicare, I've seen a lot of

multiple-billing dances during the course of my treatment, but one really

took the cake, and it had my name on it.

I got a bill for services rendered from a hospital I hadn't set foot in in

*thirteen years*, because that hospital has an arrangement with my regular

hospital. The bill also included a statement that this wasn't really a bill

(despite having the word bill on it in bold print), and that Medicare

might take care of it. I called Medicare to inform them of it. A week later,

I got a letter of thanks from them. And I haven't had any double-billings


http://www.youtube. http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

com/watch?v= fQUxw9aUVik

--- On Wed, 7/16/08, Reece Jennings mcjennings124@

mailto:mcjennings1 24%40yahoo. com yahoo.com wrote:

From: Reece Jennings mcjennings124@ mailto:mcjennings1 24%40yahoo. com


Subject: [scifinoir2] Debt Collection Abuse? What Debt Collectors Can and

Cannot Do

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:10-7% 40yahoogroups. com com,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:40sRus% 40yahoogroups. com com,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:scifinoir2% 40yahoogroups. com ups.com

Date: Wednesday, July 16, 2008, 5:08 PM

Maurice C. Jennings

Certified Credit Consultant

Credit Justice Services

FEATURES THE 75 Day Credit Makeover.

A client can potentially see an increase of

50 - 100 points in their credit score

in 75 days or less!

100% Money Back Guarantee*

*Terms and conditions apply

Identity Theft Solutions, too!

http://www.creditju sticeservices. com/?ccc= 2173

http://www.creditju sticeservices. com/?ccc= 2173

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ticeservices. com

blocked::mailto: mjennings@ creditjus ticeservices. com 


Debt Collection Abuse? What Debt Collectors Can and Cannot Do

by www.SixWise. com http://www.sixwise. com/ 

With the economy slumping and food

http://www.sixwise. com/newsletters/ 08/05/21/ Why-are-Food- Prices-so-


-is-There-a- Global-Food- Shortage- The-Facts. htm and gas prices through


roof, many Americans are finding it difficult to keep up with their monthly

expenses. Add in a layoff, medical problem or other unforeseen expense and

it's easy to fall behind in your bills ... making you a ready target for

debt collectors.

http://www.sixwise. com/images/ articles/ 2008/07/16/ 39160340. thb.jpg 

Even if you fall behind in bills, you still have a right to be treated with

respect. Keep reading to find out YOUR rights if a debt collector calls.

There are an estimated 6,500 collection agencies in the United States, and

complaints against them rose 26 percent in 2007, and 43 percent in the last

five years, according to the Better Business Bureau.

For the past three years, in fact, debt collectors have been the subject of

more complaints than any other industry, according to The Federal Trade

Commission (FTC). Among the top complaints:


Using vulgar language


Trying to collect more than they're owed


Sharing the person's debt information with friends and family


Trying to collect extra fees such as late fees or court costs

It's quite common for debt collectors to use this type of harassing,

intimidating behavior to try to get you to pay ... but it's not always legal

for them to do so.

If a Debt Collector Calls, What Rights Do You Have?

Knowing your rights is the first step to protecting yourself from a

collection agency, and your first right is to have proof that the debt is

yours. Ask the debt collector to send you written proof of the debt.

Otherwise, it's 

Re: [scifinoir2] Dark Knight Shift: Why Batman Could Exist

2008-07-17 Thread Martin
I feel that the toll issue was addressed in Knightfall, when Bane released 
all of the inmates of Arkham solely to make Batman run himself down.


--- On Wed, 7/16/08, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [scifinoir2] Dark Knight Shift: Why Batman Could Exist
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, July 16, 2008, 6:50 PM

http://www.sciam. com/article. cfm?id=dark- knight-shift- why-bat

Dark Knight Shift: Why Batman Could Exist--But Not for Long

QA with movement researcher E. Paul Zehr

By JR Minkel 

Batman is the most down-to-earth of all the superheroes. He has no 

special powers from being born on a distant world or bitten by a 

radioactive spider. All that protects him from the Joker and other 

Gotham City villains are his wits and a physique shaped by years of 

training—combined with the vast fortune to reach his maximum 

potential and augment himself with Batmobiles, Batcables and other 

Bat-goodies, of course. In the 2005 blockbuster Batman Begins, 

vengeful Bruce Wayne (played by Christian Bale) hones his killer 

instincts in the streets for seven years before landing himself in a 

Bhutanese prison, where he falls in with the mysterious League of 

Shadows, who teach him the way of the ninja. The Dark Knight, the 

next movie in the Batman franchise, opens in theaters Friday. To 

investigate whether someone like Bruce Wayne could physically 

transform himself into a one-man wrecking crew, 

ScientificAmerican. com turned to E. Paul Zehr, associate professor of 

kinesiology and neuroscience at the University of Victoria in British 

Columbia and a 26-year practitioner of Chito-Ryu karate-do. Zehr's 

book, Becoming Batman: The Possibility of a Superhero (The Johns 

Hopkins University Press), due out in October, tackles our very 

question. An edited transcript of the conversation follows.

What have comic books and movies told us about Batman's physical 


There's a quote from Neal Adams, the great Batman illustrator, who 

said Batman would win place or show in every event in the Olympics. 

Probably if I were Batman's handler, I'd put him in the decathlon. 

Although Batman is shown in the comics as being the fastest and the 

strongest and all these other things, in reality you can't actually 

be all of that at once. To be Batman properly, what you really need 

to do is be exceptionally good at many different things. It's when 

you take all the pieces and put them together that you get the Batman.

What's most plausible about portrayals of Batman's skills?

You could train somebody to be a tremendous athlete  and to have a 

significant martial arts background, and also to use some of the gear 

that he has, which requires a lot of physical prowess. Most of what 

you see there is feasible to the extent that somebody could be 

trained to that extreme. We're seeing that kind of thing in less than 

a month in the Olympics.

What's less realistic?

A great example is in the movies where Batman is fighting multiple 

opponents and all of a sudden he's taking on 10 people. If you just 

estimate how fast somebody could punch and kick, and how many times 

you could hit one person in a second, you wind up with numbers like 

five or six. This doesn't mean you could fight four or five people. 

But it's also hard for four or five people to simultaneously attack 

somebody, because they get in each other's way. More realistic is a 

couple of attackers.

How long would Bruce Wayne have to train to become Batman?

In some of the timelines you see in the comics, the backstory is he 

goes away for five years—some it's three to five years, or eight 

years, or 12 years. In terms of the physical changes (strength and 

conditioning) , that's happening fairly quickly. We're talking three 

to five years. In terms of the physical skills to be able to defend 

himself against all these opponents all the time, I would benchmark 

that at 10 to 12 years. Probably the most reality-based 

representation of Batman and his training was in Batman Begins.

Why such a long training time?

Batman can't really afford to lose. Losing means death—or at least 

not being able to be Batman anymore. But another benchmark is having 

enough skill and experience to defend himself without killing anyone. 

Because that's part of his credo. It would be much easier to fight 

somebody if you could incapacitate them with extreme force. Punching 

somebody in the throat could be a lethal blow. That's pretty easy to 


But if you're thinking about something that doesn't result in lethal 

force, that's more tricky. It's really hard for people to get their 

heads around, I think. To be that good, to not actually lethally 

injure anyone, requires an extremely high level of skill that would 

take maybe 15 to 18 years to accumulate.

Where does that 


2008-07-17 Thread ravenadal
Interesting that Thor should be placed ahead of the Hulk.  I seem to
remember an instance in which the Hulk startled Thor by being only the
second being, next to Thor, to be able to pick up and wield Mjolnir
and, if the only difference between the two is the mystical warhammer
forged and dovetailed by Dwarven blacksmiths, I am going with the
green guy!


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Tracey de Morsella [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 From: don polite [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 1:32 PM
 Holbert; Clayton Harrison; don polite; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Harvey
 George; Kenny Cash; Rodney Brown; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; The Holy Infinite
 Triumvirate; Wes
 Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tracey de Morsella; Gabriel, Dexter; JohnScott
 Subject: wow look who they say is no 1
 May 23
  http://old-wizard.com/?p=728 Top 10 Most Powerful Superheroes of
All Time
 Written by old-wizard.com http://www.old-wizard.com/  
 5. The Hulk 
  http://old-wizard.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/5.jpg 5.jpg
 If World http://old-wizard.com/?p=228  War Hulk showed us
anything, its
 just how powerful the Hulk is. Never mind the fact that in Hulk
#470, he was
 choked out by an ordinary python, or that he was once injured by
 bone claws. We at Old-Wizard simply attribute that to poor writing.
At his
 best, the Hulk is a 7-foot, one-ton green behemoth with near-unlimited
 strength, rapid tissue-regenerative powers and nigh-inexhaustible
 He is highly resistant to physical, as well as psychic attacks. He's
 shown to be immune to temperature extremes, diseases, and poisons. His
 powerful legs allow him to leap into Earth's upper atmosphere, or even
 across continents, and when injured he can heal from almost any wound,
 inherently embodying the most ubiquitous panacea. He has gone toe-to toe
 with almost all of Marvel's elite heroes and villains, and has
usually come
 out on top. All of his powers depend on how mad he is, and at his
 his footsteps are enough to shake the entire Eastern Seaboard, and his
 punches capable of shattering small planets.
 4. Doctor Strange
  http://old-wizard.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/6.jpg 6.jpg
 Earth's Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Steven Strange, has unparalleled
 of the mystic arts, and stands as humanity's first and last line of
 against all magic-based menaces that threaten our dimension. In
addition to
 being able to perform such feats as astral projection, telepathy, and
 hypnotism, he also has a number of combat related powers as well. He can
 fire energy bolts with potentially enough power to destroy an entire
 (ala Death Star), create impenetrable protective shields, teleport and
 perform telekinesis. Basically, Strange can do anything that the
writer can
 imagine. There are no rules. He can even withstand the power of the
 gauntlet. There seems to be no clear limitations on his powers. He
can snuff
 out the feeble flame of any mortal's soul with the mere twitch of his
 finger, and stop or even turn back time itself. Doctor Strange clearly
 stands amongst Marvel's elite heroes.
 3. Superman
  http://old-wizard.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/7.jpg 7.jpg
 Rocketed from the exploding planet Krypton by his scientist parents, and
 crash-landing on the planet Earth, Kal-El grew to adulthood on a small
 Kansas farm, raised by the wholesome Kent family. Raised as Clark
Kent, once
 puberty set in he learned that his adopted planet's yellow sun and
 gravity gave him powers far beyond those a mere mortal man. Endowed with
 brazen strength, speed, and senses, not to mention flight, heat
vision, and
 the ability to blow hurricane force winds and near-invulnerability,
he moved
 to Metropolis and started calling himself Superman, where he fights for
 truth, justice and the American way! Superman practically has every
 power you can imagine, or want (X-ray vision, wink wink, nudge
nudge), which
 puts him in a league of his own. In addition to possessing all of these
 powers, time and time again, Superman has gone up against villains many
 times more powerful than himself, magic-wielders and even villains using
 kryptonite against him, and yet he always comes out on top. Somehow that
 square always finds a way to win.
 2. The Silver Surfer
  http://old-wizard.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/8.jpg 8.jpg
 The Silver Surfer is the on-again, off-again herald of Galactus.
These two
 are the Ross and Rachel of the cosmos. And like all heralds of
Galactus, the
 Silver Surfer possesses the power cosmic, an energy source capable
of doing
 almost anything, from re-arranging molecules, to energy blasts, to
 people back from the dead. With the Silver Surfer it's more of a
question of
 what he can't do, than what he can. He has enormous strength, can fly at
 speed, and is nearly invulnerable 

[scifinoir2] Re: FW: Top 10 Most Powerful Superheroes of All Time

2008-07-17 Thread B. Smith
That must have been in the Ultimates universe. Hulk has never been 
able to pick up Thor's hammer. You have to be worthy enough to wield 
the hammer. The only heroes I remember being able to wield it are 
Captain America and Beta Ray Bill. I've seen several Hulk Thor fights 
and the Hulk always seemed to get the worst of it.

Folks are sleeping on Thor. The guy was much more than a lunkhead 
with a hammer. He's got ways to beat the Hulk without resorting to a 
brawl like dimension dumping him, draining the radiation from his 
body and reverting him back to Bruce banner, etc. He just likes to 
fight but when the chips are down he uses his powers in some pretty 
creative ways. 

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Interesting that Thor should be placed ahead of the Hulk.  I seem to
 remember an instance in which the Hulk startled Thor by being only 
 second being, next to Thor, to be able to pick up and wield Mjolnir
 and, if the only difference between the two is the mystical 
 forged and dovetailed by Dwarven blacksmiths, I am going with the
 green guy!
 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Tracey de Morsella tdlists@
  From: don polite [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 1:32 PM
  To: Keith Johnson; cinque3000@; maxwell1295@; Aaron
  Holbert; Clayton Harrison; don polite; everythingist@; Harvey
  George; Kenny Cash; Rodney Brown; thanos110@; The Holy Infinite
  Triumvirate; Wes
  Cc: wendellsmithis@; Tracey de Morsella; Gabriel, Dexter; 
  Lucas; KeithBJohnson@
  Subject: wow look who they say is no 1
  May 23
   http://old-wizard.com/?p=728 Top 10 Most Powerful Superheroes 
 All Time
  Written by old-wizard.com http://www.old-wizard.com/  
  5. The Hulk 
   http://old-wizard.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/5.jpg 5.jpg
  If World http://old-wizard.com/?p=228  War Hulk showed us
 anything, its
  just how powerful the Hulk is. Never mind the fact that in Hulk
 #470, he was
  choked out by an ordinary python, or that he was once injured by
  bone claws. We at Old-Wizard simply attribute that to poor 
 At his
  best, the Hulk is a 7-foot, one-ton green behemoth with near-
  strength, rapid tissue-regenerative powers and nigh-inexhaustible
  He is highly resistant to physical, as well as psychic attacks. 
  shown to be immune to temperature extremes, diseases, and 
poisons. His
  powerful legs allow him to leap into Earth's upper atmosphere, or 
  across continents, and when injured he can heal from almost any 
  inherently embodying the most ubiquitous panacea. He has gone toe-
to toe
  with almost all of Marvel's elite heroes and villains, and has
 usually come
  out on top. All of his powers depend on how mad he is, and at his
  his footsteps are enough to shake the entire Eastern Seaboard, 
and his
  punches capable of shattering small planets.
  4. Doctor Strange
   http://old-wizard.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/6.jpg 6.jpg
  Earth's Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Steven Strange, has unparalleled
  of the mystic arts, and stands as humanity's first and last line 
  against all magic-based menaces that threaten our dimension. In
 addition to
  being able to perform such feats as astral projection, telepathy, 
  hypnotism, he also has a number of combat related powers as well. 
He can
  fire energy bolts with potentially enough power to destroy an 
  (ala Death Star), create impenetrable protective shields, 
teleport and
  perform telekinesis. Basically, Strange can do anything that the
 writer can
  imagine. There are no rules. He can even withstand the power of 
  gauntlet. There seems to be no clear limitations on his powers. He
 can snuff
  out the feeble flame of any mortal's soul with the mere twitch of 
  finger, and stop or even turn back time itself. Doctor Strange 
  stands amongst Marvel's elite heroes.
  3. Superman
   http://old-wizard.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/7.jpg 7.jpg
  Rocketed from the exploding planet Krypton by his scientist 
parents, and
  crash-landing on the planet Earth, Kal-El grew to adulthood on a 
  Kansas farm, raised by the wholesome Kent family. Raised as Clark
 Kent, once
  puberty set in he learned that his adopted planet's yellow sun and
  gravity gave him powers far beyond those a mere mortal man. 
Endowed with
  brazen strength, speed, and senses, not to mention flight, heat
 vision, and
  the ability to blow hurricane force winds and near-
 he moved
  to Metropolis and started calling himself Superman, where he 
fights for
  truth, justice and the American way! Superman practically has 
  power you can imagine, or want (X-ray vision, wink wink, nudge
 nudge), which
  puts him in a league of his own. In addition to 

Re: [scifinoir2] FW: Top 10 Most Powerful Superheroes of All Time

2008-07-17 Thread KeithBJohnson
Pretty cool, though I think leaving Phoenix off the list is a mistake. The 
Phoenix-force would put her up there with Thor and Surfer.  I'm not sure the 
Green Lantern should be so low. With the proper will, a Lantern's ring is said 
to be the most powerful item in the DC universe. With the will of someone like, 
say Bruce Wayne, the Power Ring could give pause to even Surfer or Thor.

They should add the Scarlet Witch to this list. Her reality-warping powers are 
unstoppable. She literally reshaped all of Earth, time, space, and history 
during the House of M saga, where she recreated the Earth's reality into a 
world ruled by mutants. And then, with the three words No more mutants, Wanda 
rendered 99% of all Earth's mutants powerless. Not many heroes could stand 
against that kind of ability...

-- Original message -- 
From: Tracey de Morsella [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
From: don polite [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 1:32 PM
Holbert; Clayton Harrison; don polite; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Harvey
George; Kenny Cash; Rodney Brown; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; The Holy Infinite
Triumvirate; Wes
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tracey de Morsella; Gabriel, Dexter; JohnScott
Subject: wow look who they say is no 1

May 23

http://old-wizard.com/?p=728 Top 10 Most Powerful Superheroes of All Time

Written by old-wizard.com http://www.old-wizard.com/ 

5. The Hulk 

http://old-wizard.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/5.jpg 5.jpg

If World http://old-wizard.com/?p=228 War Hulk showed us anything, its
just how powerful the Hulk is. Never mind the fact that in Hulk #470, he was
choked out by an ordinary python, or that he was once injured by Wolverine's
bone claws. We at Old-Wizard simply attribute that to poor writing. At his
best, the Hulk is a 7-foot, one-ton green behemoth with near-unlimited
strength, rapid tissue-regenerative powers and nigh-inexhaustible stamina.
He is highly resistant to physical, as well as psychic attacks. He's been
shown to be immune to temperature extremes, diseases, and poisons. His
powerful legs allow him to leap into Earth's upper atmosphere, or even
across continents, and when injured he can heal from almost any wound,
inherently embodying the most ubiquitous panacea. He has gone toe-to toe
with almost all of Marvel's elite heroes and villains, and has usually come
out on top. All of his powers depend on how mad he is, and at his maddest,
his footsteps are enough to shake the entire Eastern Seaboard, and his
punches capable of shattering small planets.

4. Doctor Strange

http://old-wizard.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/6.jpg 6.jpg

Earth's Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Steven Strange, has unparalleled sagicity
of the mystic arts, and stands as humanity's first and last line of defense
against all magic-based menaces that threaten our dimension. In addition to
being able to perform such feats as astral projection, telepathy, and
hypnotism, he also has a number of combat related powers as well. He can
fire energy bolts with potentially enough power to destroy an entire planet
(ala Death Star), create impenetrable protective shields, teleport and
perform telekinesis. Basically, Strange can do anything that the writer can
imagine. There are no rules. He can even withstand the power of the infinity
gauntlet. There seems to be no clear limitations on his powers. He can snuff
out the feeble flame of any mortal's soul with the mere twitch of his
finger, and stop or even turn back time itself. Doctor Strange clearly
stands amongst Marvel's elite heroes.

3. Superman

http://old-wizard.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/7.jpg 7.jpg

Rocketed from the exploding planet Krypton by his scientist parents, and
crash-landing on the planet Earth, Kal-El grew to adulthood on a small
Kansas farm, raised by the wholesome Kent family. Raised as Clark Kent, once
puberty set in he learned that his adopted planet's yellow sun and weaker
gravity gave him powers far beyond those a mere mortal man. Endowed with
brazen strength, speed, and senses, not to mention flight, heat vision, and
the ability to blow hurricane force winds and near-invulnerability, he moved
to Metropolis and started calling himself Superman, where he fights for
truth, justice and the American way! Superman practically has every super
power you can imagine, or want (X-ray vision, wink wink, nudge nudge), which
puts him in a league of his own. In addition to possessing all of these
powers, time and time again, Superman has gone up against villains many
times more powerful than himself, magic-wielders and even villains using
kryptonite against him, and yet he always comes out on top. Somehow that
square always finds a way to win.

2. The Silver Surfer

http://old-wizard.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/8.jpg 8.jpg

The Silver Surfer is the on-again, off-again herald of Galactus. These two
are the Ross and Rachel of the cosmos. And like all heralds of 

[scifinoir2] When IT People Go Bad

2008-07-17 Thread KeithBJohnson
Wow. Of course, I'd never do this to my people!  Still, it never hurts to be a 
little extra nice to your friendly neighborhood LAN guy. I'm particularly fond 
of fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies.  And Haagen Daas vanilla ice cream.  
Having a few Dove chocolate candies at your desk wouldn't hurt either...   :)
I'm a litle surprised no one else can get in, though I guess, even if there are 
other admin-level IT guys on the job, he must have gone in and jacked up their 
accounts and passwords too...

- A network administrator has locked up a multimillion dollar computer system 
for San Francisco that handles sensitive data and is refusing to give police 
the password, the San Francisco Chronicle reported Monday.
The employee, 43-year-old Terry Childs, was arrested Sunday. He gave some 
passwords to police, which did not work, and refused to reveal the real code, 
the paper reported.
The new FiberWAN (Wide Area Network) handles city payroll files, jail bookings, 
law enforcement documents and official e-mail for San Francisco. The network is 
functioning but administrators have little or no access. 
Childs, who remains in custody, is accused of improperly tampering with 
computer systems and causing a denial of service, said Kamala Harris, San 
Francisco's district attorney, on Monday afternoon.
The bail has been set at $5 million, and the exposure in this case if he were 
convicted on all counts would be seven years in prison, Harris said.
Harris said it's unknown why Childs tampered with the system. The Chronicle, 
however, reported that Childs was disciplined recently for poor performance. 
Childs worked in the Department of Technology for San Francisco, making close 
to US$150,000 a year, the paper reported.
City officials told the paper that Childs may have caused millions in damage 
while also rigging the network so that other third parties could monitor 
traffic, posing a huge data security risk. He is also alleged to have installed 
a tracing system to monitor communications related to his personnel case. 
(Robert McMillan in San Francisco contributed to this report.)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


2008-07-17 Thread KeithBJohnson
Increasingly, secure company sites are also generating a picture that lets you 
confirm it's them. You log in and select from  dozens of options. It could be a 
picture of a mountain range, a cat, a forest, etc.  One bank I do business with 
uses the picture, then allows me to name the picture and on top of that, uses a 
challenge question (such as what was the name of your first pet?) that makes 
it very secure and hard to clone.

-- Original message -- 
From: Reece Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Maurice C. Jennings
Certified Credit Consultant
Credit Justice Services
FEATURES THE 75 Day Credit Makeover.

A client can potentially see an increase of
50 - 100 points in their credit score
in 75 days or less!
100% Money Back Guarantee*
*Terms and conditions apply

Identity Theft Solutions, too!

blocked::mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 


From: Maurice C. Jennings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 5:17 PM
Subject: Beware: Copycats are Cloning Banking, Investment and Other Business

Beware: Copycats are Cloning Banking, 
Investment and Other Business Sites
by www.SixWise.com http://www.sixwise.com/ 

Online scam artists are becoming gutsier than ever, now creating fake Web
sites to get you to hand over your personal information. The latest victim?
Citadel Investment Group.


Be aware of small changes in the URLs of the Web sites you frequent -- it
could indicate a scam.

Scammers from China cloned the Citadel Web site, creating a spot for
investors to input their passwords. Although the site was discovered before
any major damage was done, the culprits have disappeared without a trace.

The site looked remarkably similar to Citadel's real site, including their
standard logo and even making up fake vice presidents and bios.

And this is not nearly an isolated case. Financial institutions are cloned
quite often, and it can be very difficult for consumers to distinguish
between legitimate and cloned sites. TD Ameritrade, Investment bank Sandler
O'Neill and Partners, and even the IRS have recently faced similar problems.

How Can You Protect Yourself?

Cloned Web sites can be harder to identify than even phishing
ms-on-the-internet.htm scams or other
_and_highly_offensive_--_computer_scam_to_watch_out_for.htm online fraud,
simply because the Web site will appear legitimate.

However, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Computer
Emergency Readiness Team recommend doing the following to avoid becoming a


You can usually tell a Web site is secure if it has https in the URL, or
displays a lock icon on the screen.

Don't send sensitive information over the Internet without checking the Web
site's security. To do this, read the site's privacy policy, and check for
evidence that the information will be encrypted. Sites that begin with
https instead of http will do this, as will those that display a lock
icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Pay attention to the Web site's URL. Though the site may look identical, the
URL will not be. Look for variations in spelling or a different domain (.com
instead of .net, for instance).

If you are unsure about the site's legitimacy, contact it directly by phone
or known e-mail address (not through the site but through your persona
account) to verify.

Maurice C. Jennings
Certified Credit Consultant
Credit Justice Services
FEATURES THE 75 Day Credit Makeover.

A client can potentially see an increase of
50 - 100 points in their credit score
in 75 days or less!
100% Money Back Guarantee*
*Terms and conditions apply

Identity Theft Solutions, too!

blocked::mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Dark Knight Shift: Why Batman Could Exist

2008-07-17 Thread KeithBJohnson
Wow, amazing and cool how seriously some peole take comics.
The discussion of Batman--not superman, but at the same time, possessed of 
peak-human abilities in vaires areas that might conflict, such as agility and 
strenght and speed--remeinds me of Captain America. Technically, Steve Rogers 
is also not a superhuman, yet he's peak human in all areas; speed, strength, 
endurance, reflexes. Rogers literally could do what this guy discusses, which 
is enter a whole bunch of disparate Olympic events and win at each one. So 
while no single ability of Rogers' is superhuman, the fact that he can wield 
*all* of them at once isn't something we can do. I mean, how can he weigh 225 
pounds and outrun Michael Johnson, yet have faster reflexes than Bruce Lee and 
be able to run a marathon as well?
For Rogers, the answer is the Super Soldier Serum, which allows him to be peak 
human across the board. Batman doesn't ahve that out. I just usually assume 
he's as strong and fast as a guy with his build can be...

-- Original message -- 
From: ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Dark Knight Shift: Why Batman Could Exist--But Not for Long

QA with movement researcher E. Paul Zehr

By JR Minkel 

Batman is the most down-to-earth of all the superheroes. He has no 
special powers from being born on a distant world or bitten by a 
radioactive spider. All that protects him from the Joker and other 
Gotham City villains are his wits and a physique shaped by years of 
training—combined with the vast fortune to reach his maximum 
potential and augment himself with Batmobiles, Batcables and other 
Bat-goodies, of course. In the 2005 blockbuster Batman Begins, 
vengeful Bruce Wayne (played by Christian Bale) hones his killer 
instincts in the streets for seven years before landing himself in a 
Bhutanese prison, where he falls in with the mysterious League of 
Shadows, who teach him the way of the ninja. The Dark Knight, the 
next movie in the Batman franchise, opens in theaters Friday. To 
investigate whether someone like Bruce Wayne could physically 
transform himself into a one-man wrecking crew, 
ScientificAmerican.com turned to E. Paul Zehr, associate professor of 
kinesiology and neuroscience at the University of Victoria in British 
Columbia and a 26-year practitioner of Chito-Ryu karate-do. Zehr's 
book, Becoming Batman: The Possibility of a Superhero (The Johns 
Hopkins University Press), due out in October, tackles our very 
question. An edited transcript of the conversation follows.

What have comic books and movies told us about Batman's physical 

There's a quote from Neal Adams, the great Batman illustrator, who 
said Batman would win place or show in every event in the Olympics. 
Probably if I were Batman's handler, I'd put him in the decathlon. 
Although Batman is shown in the comics as being the fastest and the 
strongest and all these other things, in reality you can't actually 
be all of that at once. To be Batman properly, what you really need 
to do is be exceptionally good at many different things. It's when 
you take all the pieces and put them together that you get the Batman.

What's most plausible about portrayals of Batman's skills?

You could train somebody to be a tremendous athlete and to have a 
significant martial arts background, and also to use some of the gear 
that he has, which requires a lot of physical prowess. Most of what 
you see there is feasible to the extent that somebody could be 
trained to that extreme. We're seeing that kind of thing in less than 
a month in the Olympics.

What's less realistic?

A great example is in the movies where Batman is fighting multiple 
opponents and all of a sudden he's taking on 10 people. If you just 
estimate how fast somebody could punch and kick, and how many times 
you could hit one person in a second, you wind up with numbers like 
five or six. This doesn't mean you could fight four or five people. 
But it's also hard for four or five people to simultaneously attack 
somebody, because they get in each other's way. More realistic is a 
couple of attackers.

How long would Bruce Wayne have to train to become Batman?

In some of the timelines you see in the comics, the backstory is he 
goes away for five years—some it's three to five years, or eight 
years, or 12 years. In terms of the physical changes (strength and 
conditioning), that's happening fairly quickly. We're talking three 
to five years. In terms of the physical skills to be able to defend 
himself against all these opponents all the time, I would benchmark 
that at 10 to 12 years. Probably the most reality-based 
representation of Batman and his training was in Batman Begins.

Why such a long training time?

Batman can't really afford to lose. Losing means death—or at least 
not being able to be Batman anymore. But another benchmark is having 
enough skill and experience to defend himself without 

Re: [scifinoir2] When IT People Go Bad

2008-07-17 Thread Martin
Keith, I trust that you've passed this along to those in your place of work... 


--- On Thu, 7/17/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Subject: [scifinoir2] When IT People Go Bad
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, July 17, 2008, 10:33 AM

Wow. Of course, I'd never do this to my people!  Still, it never 
hurts to be a little extra nice to your friendly neighborhood LAN guy. I'm 
particularly fond of fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies.  And Haagen Daas 
vanilla ice cream.  Having a few Dove chocolate candies at your desk wouldn't 
hurt either...   :)

I'm a litle surprised no one else can get in, though I guess, even if there are 
other admin-level IT guys on the job, he must have gone in and jacked up their 
accounts and passwords too...

http://tech. yahoo.com/ news/pcworld/ 148427

- A network administrator has locked up a multimillion dollar computer system 
for San Francisco that handles sensitive data and is refusing to give police 
the password, the San Francisco Chronicle reported Monday.

The employee, 43-year-old Terry Childs, was arrested Sunday. He gave some 
passwords to police, which did not work, and refused to reveal the real code, 
the paper reported.

The new FiberWAN (Wide Area Network) handles city payroll files, jail bookings, 
law enforcement documents and official e-mail for San Francisco. The network is 
functioning but administrators have little or no access. 

Childs, who remains in custody, is accused of improperly tampering with 
computer systems and causing a denial of service, said Kamala Harris, San 
Francisco's district attorney, on Monday afternoon.

The bail has been set at $5 million, and the exposure in this case if he were 
convicted on all counts would be seven years in prison, Harris said.

Harris said it's unknown why Childs tampered with the system. The Chronicle, 
however, reported that Childs was disciplined recently for poor performance. 
Childs worked in the Department of Technology for San Francisco, making close 
to US$150,000 a year, the paper reported.

City officials told the paper that Childs may have caused millions in damage 
while also rigging the network so that other third parties could monitor 
traffic, posing a huge data security risk. He is also alleged to have installed 
a tracing system to monitor communications related to his personnel case. 

(Robert McMillan in San Francisco contributed to this report.)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]




[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: FW: Top 10 Most Powerful Superheroes of All Time

2008-07-17 Thread KeithBJohnson
You're correct. Only Cap and Beta Ray Bill could wield Mjolnir. Though, in the 
horrid TV movie with Hulk and Thor, David Banner picked up Mjolnir with no 
effort at all in a lab. Not only didn't the hammer resist him, it was so light 
he was waving it around in one hand as though it were a feather!
Horrible movie, horrible characterization of Thor!

-- Original message -- 
That must have been in the Ultimates universe. Hulk has never been 
able to pick up Thor's hammer. You have to be worthy enough to wield 
the hammer. The only heroes I remember being able to wield it are 
Captain America and Beta Ray Bill. I've seen several Hulk Thor fights 
and the Hulk always seemed to get the worst of it.

Folks are sleeping on Thor. The guy was much more than a lunkhead 
with a hammer. He's got ways to beat the Hulk without resorting to a 
brawl like dimension dumping him, draining the radiation from his 
body and reverting him back to Bruce banner, etc. He just likes to 
fight but when the chips are down he uses his powers in some pretty 
creative ways. 

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Interesting that Thor should be placed ahead of the Hulk. I seem to
 remember an instance in which the Hulk startled Thor by being only 
 second being, next to Thor, to be able to pick up and wield Mjolnir
 and, if the only difference between the two is the mystical 
 forged and dovetailed by Dwarven blacksmiths, I am going with the
 green guy!
 --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Tracey de Morsella tdlists@
  From: don polite [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 1:32 PM
  To: Keith Johnson; cinque3000@; maxwell1295@; Aaron
  Holbert; Clayton Harrison; don polite; everythingist@; Harvey
  George; Kenny Cash; Rodney Brown; thanos110@; The Holy Infinite
  Triumvirate; Wes
  Cc: wendellsmithis@; Tracey de Morsella; Gabriel, Dexter; 
  Lucas; KeithBJohnson@
  Subject: wow look who they say is no 1
  May 23
  http://old-wizard.com/?p=728 Top 10 Most Powerful Superheroes 
 All Time
  Written by old-wizard.com http://www.old-wizard.com/ 
  5. The Hulk 
  http://old-wizard.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/5.jpg 5.jpg
  If World http://old-wizard.com/?p=228 War Hulk showed us
 anything, its
  just how powerful the Hulk is. Never mind the fact that in Hulk
 #470, he was
  choked out by an ordinary python, or that he was once injured by
  bone claws. We at Old-Wizard simply attribute that to poor 
 At his
  best, the Hulk is a 7-foot, one-ton green behemoth with near-
  strength, rapid tissue-regenerative powers and nigh-inexhaustible
  He is highly resistant to physical, as well as psychic attacks. 
  shown to be immune to temperature extremes, diseases, and 
poisons. His
  powerful legs allow him to leap into Earth's upper atmosphere, or 
  across continents, and when injured he can heal from almost any 
  inherently embodying the most ubiquitous panacea. He has gone toe-
to toe
  with almost all of Marvel's elite heroes and villains, and has
 usually come
  out on top. All of his powers depend on how mad he is, and at his
  his footsteps are enough to shake the entire Eastern Seaboard, 
and his
  punches capable of shattering small planets.
  4. Doctor Strange
  http://old-wizard.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/6.jpg 6.jpg
  Earth's Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Steven Strange, has unparalleled
  of the mystic arts, and stands as humanity's first and last line 
  against all magic-based menaces that threaten our dimension. In
 addition to
  being able to perform such feats as astral projection, telepathy, 
  hypnotism, he also has a number of combat related powers as well. 
He can
  fire energy bolts with potentially enough power to destroy an 
  (ala Death Star), create impenetrable protective shields, 
teleport and
  perform telekinesis. Basically, Strange can do anything that the
 writer can
  imagine. There are no rules. He can even withstand the power of 
  gauntlet. There seems to be no clear limitations on his powers. He
 can snuff
  out the feeble flame of any mortal's soul with the mere twitch of 
  finger, and stop or even turn back time itself. Doctor Strange 
  stands amongst Marvel's elite heroes.
  3. Superman
  http://old-wizard.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/7.jpg 7.jpg
  Rocketed from the exploding planet Krypton by his scientist 
parents, and
  crash-landing on the planet Earth, Kal-El grew to adulthood on a 
  Kansas farm, raised by the wholesome Kent family. Raised as Clark
 Kent, once
  puberty set in he learned that his adopted planet's yellow sun and
  gravity gave him powers far beyond those a mere mortal man. 
Endowed with
  brazen strength, speed, 

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: FW: Top 10 Most Powerful Superheroes of All Time

2008-07-17 Thread Martin
Here's a question.

Where's Miracleman on this list?


--- On Thu, 7/17/08, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: FW: Top 10 Most Powerful Superheroes of All Time
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, July 17, 2008, 8:22 AM

Interesting that Thor should be placed ahead of the Hulk.  I seem to

remember an instance in which the Hulk startled Thor by being only the

second being, next to Thor, to be able to pick up and wield Mjolnir

and, if the only difference between the two is the mystical warhammer

forged and dovetailed by Dwarven blacksmiths, I am going with the

green guy!


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, Tracey de Morsella [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


 From: don polite [mailto:don_ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ] 

 Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 1:32 PM

 To: Keith Johnson; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ..; maxwell1295@ ...; Aaron

 Holbert; Clayton Harrison; don polite; everythingist@ ...; Harvey

 George; Kenny Cash; Rodney Brown; [EMAIL PROTECTED] .; The Holy Infinite

 Triumvirate; Wes

 Cc: wendellsmithis@ ...; Tracey de Morsella; Gabriel, Dexter; JohnScott

 Lucas; KeithBJohnson@ ...

 Subject: wow look who they say is no 1




 May 23



  http://old-wizard. com/?p=728 Top 10 Most Powerful Superheroes of

All Time



 Written by old-wizard.com http://www.old- wizard.com/  


 5. The Hulk 



  http://old-wizard. com/wp-content/ uploads/2008/ 05/5.jpg 5.jpg


 If World http://old-wizard. com/?p=228  War Hulk showed us

anything, its

 just how powerful the Hulk is. Never mind the fact that in Hulk

#470, he was

 choked out by an ordinary python, or that he was once injured by


 bone claws. We at Old-Wizard simply attribute that to poor writing.

At his

 best, the Hulk is a 7-foot, one-ton green behemoth with near-unlimited

 strength, rapid tissue-regenerative powers and nigh-inexhaustible


 He is highly resistant to physical, as well as psychic attacks. He's


 shown to be immune to temperature extremes, diseases, and poisons. His

 powerful legs allow him to leap into Earth's upper atmosphere, or even

 across continents, and when injured he can heal from almost any wound,

 inherently embodying the most ubiquitous panacea. He has gone toe-to toe

 with almost all of Marvel's elite heroes and villains, and has

usually come

 out on top. All of his powers depend on how mad he is, and at his


 his footsteps are enough to shake the entire Eastern Seaboard, and his

 punches capable of shattering small planets.


 4. Doctor Strange



  http://old-wizard. com/wp-content/ uploads/2008/ 05/6.jpg 6.jpg


 Earth's Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Steven Strange, has unparalleled


 of the mystic arts, and stands as humanity's first and last line of


 against all magic-based menaces that threaten our dimension. In

addition to

 being able to perform such feats as astral projection, telepathy, and

 hypnotism, he also has a number of combat related powers as well. He can

 fire energy bolts with potentially enough power to destroy an entire


 (ala Death Star), create impenetrable protective shields, teleport and

 perform telekinesis. Basically, Strange can do anything that the

writer can

 imagine. There are no rules. He can even withstand the power of the


 gauntlet. There seems to be no clear limitations on his powers. He

can snuff

 out the feeble flame of any mortal's soul with the mere twitch of his

 finger, and stop or even turn back time itself. Doctor Strange clearly

 stands amongst Marvel's elite heroes.


 3. Superman



  http://old-wizard. com/wp-content/ uploads/2008/ 05/7.jpg 7.jpg


 Rocketed from the exploding planet Krypton by his scientist parents, and

 crash-landing on the planet Earth, Kal-El grew to adulthood on a small

 Kansas farm, raised by the wholesome Kent family. Raised as Clark

Kent, once

 puberty set in he learned that his adopted planet's yellow sun and


 gravity gave him powers far beyond those a mere mortal man. Endowed with

 brazen strength, speed, and senses, not to mention flight, heat

vision, and

 the ability to blow hurricane force winds and near-invulnerabilit y,

he moved

 to Metropolis and started calling himself Superman, where he fights for

 truth, justice and the American way! Superman practically has every


 power you can imagine, or want (X-ray vision, wink wink, nudge

nudge), which

 puts him in a league of his own. In addition to possessing all of these

 powers, time and time again, Superman has gone up against villains many

 times more powerful than himself, magic-wielders and even villains using

 kryptonite against him, and yet he always comes out on top. Somehow that

 square always finds a way to win.


 2. The Silver Surfer



  http://old-wizard. com/wp-content/ uploads/2008/ 

Re: [scifinoir2] When IT People Go Bad

2008-07-17 Thread KeithBJohnson
you know it! They're serving bluebell ice cream and snickers tomorrow. 

-- Original message -- 
Keith, I trust that you've passed this along to those in your place of work... 


--- On Thu, 7/17/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Subject: [scifinoir2] When IT People Go Bad
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, July 17, 2008, 10:33 AM

Wow. Of course, I'd never do this to my people! Still, it never hurts to be a 
little extra nice to your friendly neighborhood LAN guy. I'm particularly fond 
of fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies. And Haagen Daas vanilla ice cream. 
Having a few Dove chocolate candies at your desk wouldn't hurt either... :)

I'm a litle surprised no one else can get in, though I guess, even if there are 
other admin-level IT guys on the job, he must have gone in and jacked up their 
accounts and passwords too...

http://tech. yahoo.com/ news/pcworld/ 148427

- A network administrator has locked up a multimillion dollar computer system 
for San Francisco that handles sensitive data and is refusing to give police 
the password, the San Francisco Chronicle reported Monday.

The employee, 43-year-old Terry Childs, was arrested Sunday. He gave some 
passwords to police, which did not work, and refused to reveal the real code, 
the paper reported.

The new FiberWAN (Wide Area Network) handles city payroll files, jail bookings, 
law enforcement documents and official e-mail for San Francisco. The network is 
functioning but administrators have little or no access. 

Childs, who remains in custody, is accused of improperly tampering with 
computer systems and causing a denial of service, said Kamala Harris, San 
Francisco's district attorney, on Monday afternoon.

The bail has been set at $5 million, and the exposure in this case if he were 
convicted on all counts would be seven years in prison, Harris said.

Harris said it's unknown why Childs tampered with the system. The Chronicle, 
however, reported that Childs was disciplined recently for poor performance. 
Childs worked in the Department of Technology for San Francisco, making close 
to US$150,000 a year, the paper reported.

City officials told the paper that Childs may have caused millions in damage 
while also rigging the network so that other third parties could monitor 
traffic, posing a huge data security risk. He is also alleged to have installed 
a tracing system to monitor communications related to his personnel case. 

(Robert McMillan in San Francisco contributed to this report.)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


2008-07-17 Thread Martin
That's right...


--- On Thu, 7/17/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] When IT People Go Bad
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, July 17, 2008, 11:48 AM

you know it! They're serving bluebell ice cream and snickers 
tomorrow. Seriously!

 -- Original message  -- 

From: Martin truthseeker_ [EMAIL PROTECTED] com 

Keith, I trust that you've passed this along to those in your place of work... 

http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

--- On Thu, 7/17/08, KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net 

From: KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net

Subject: [scifinoir2] When IT People Go Bad


Date: Thursday, July 17, 2008, 10:33 AM

Wow. Of course, I'd never do this to my people! Still, it never hurts to be a 
little extra nice to your friendly neighborhood LAN guy. I'm particularly fond 
of fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies. And Haagen Daas vanilla ice cream. 
Having a few Dove chocolate candies at your desk wouldn't hurt either... :)

I'm a litle surprised no one else can get in, though I guess, even if there are 
other admin-level IT guys on the job, he must have gone in and jacked up their 
accounts and passwords too...

http://tech. yahoo.com/ news/pcworld/ 148427

- A network administrator has locked up a multimillion dollar computer system 
for San Francisco that handles sensitive data and is refusing to give police 
the password, the San Francisco Chronicle reported Monday.

The employee, 43-year-old Terry Childs, was arrested Sunday. He gave some 
passwords to police, which did not work, and refused to reveal the real code, 
the paper reported.

The new FiberWAN (Wide Area Network) handles city payroll files, jail bookings, 
law enforcement documents and official e-mail for San Francisco. The network is 
functioning but administrators have little or no access. 

Childs, who remains in custody, is accused of improperly tampering with 
computer systems and causing a denial of service, said Kamala Harris, San 
Francisco's district attorney, on Monday afternoon.

The bail has been set at $5 million, and the exposure in this case if he were 
convicted on all counts would be seven years in prison, Harris said.

Harris said it's unknown why Childs tampered with the system. The Chronicle, 
however, reported that Childs was disciplined recently for poor performance. 
Childs worked in the Department of Technology for San Francisco, making close 
to US$150,000 a year, the paper reported.

City officials told the paper that Childs may have caused millions in damage 
while also rigging the network so that other third parties could monitor 
traffic, posing a huge data security risk. He is also alleged to have installed 
a tracing system to monitor communications related to his personnel case. 

(Robert McMillan in San Francisco contributed to this report.)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]




[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Babylon A.D. Tailored To Michele Yeoh

2008-07-17 Thread brent wodehouse
Good on Michelle Yeoh. I like her work. :-)


Tracey de Morsella [EMAIL PROTECTED]  writes:

Babylon A.D. Tailored To Yeoh

Michelle Yeoh, who stars with Vin Diesel in the upcoming futuristic
Babylon A.D., told journalists that the role she plays was originally
written for a very different type of actress. 

It's based on a book by [Maurice Georges] Dantec, Babylon Babies, but
is really [director Mathieu Kassovitz's] interpretation of this book,
said in a group interview while promoting The Mummy 3: Tomb of the Dragon

In the French novel, Yeoh's character is a 60-year-old, short, dumpy,
French nun, the Hong Kong actress said. And I look at [Kassovitz], and I
go, 'Very interesting,' Yeoh recalled. I look in the mirror and go,
did I become short and dumpy and French?' So you have to see the movie to
see that I'm not. 

The film, from the French director of Gothika, follows a mercenary
and a nun (Yeoh) charged with protecting a genetically altered young woman
(Melanie Thierry) who may be carrying the next messiah. Yeoh said that her
agent, who also represents Kassovitz, suggested her for the role of Sister
Rebecca, because she provided a strong contrast to Diesel. 

[Mathieu] knew that the Vin Diesel and Melanie role needed a third
character to bond them, to put that link together, Yeoh said. And so he
thought, 'Who would protect a young girl like this? Who would be [the]
opposite [of] a Vin Diesel, the big giant? It should be like a small,
French nun ... someone who could stand up against Vin physically and
mentally, like that.' So that was when the idea came to Mathieu, and he
started working on that, and lo and behold, I was in the film with him. 

Compared to the experience of filming the third Mummy movie, under the
direction of Rob Cohen, Yeoh said that the Babylon A.D. shoot was much
structured and sometimes difficult. 

We had a rough shoot, Yeoh said. I think with Mathieu, it was very
what he wanted. And so he brought in people who were very strong. And that
was the only way his characters evolved. He worked very similar to Asian
directors, different from Rob. Rob is Asian in the sense that he can do 30
shots a day. But he was very, very clear in what he wanted to do. With
Mathieu, he would get onto the set and try and round it up from us. It's
good, in a sense, because things happen. It's bad when it's such a big
production, and there's a certain discipline that needs to be in place. So
it was up and down. But it was very interesting at the end of the day.
Babylon A.D. opens Aug. 29. -
[ http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/index.php?category=0id=57715

[scifinoir2] [Eye Candy] Millennium Falcon Cake

2008-07-17 Thread brent wodehouse

Re: [scifinoir2] Babylon A.D. Tailored To Michele Yeoh

2008-07-17 Thread KeithBJohnson
Me too! I consider her to be one of the best Bond Girls ever, because she 
wasn't just eye candy or a woman to be rescued by James. And unlike Halle 
Berry's Jinx, Yeoh's character was completely convincing as a secret agent.

-- Original message -- 
From: brent wodehouse [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Good on Michelle Yeoh. I like her work. :-)


Tracey de Morsella [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Babylon A.D. Tailored To Yeoh

Michelle Yeoh, who stars with Vin Diesel in the upcoming futuristic
Babylon A.D., told journalists that the role she plays was originally
written for a very different type of actress. 

It's based on a book by [Maurice Georges] Dantec, Babylon Babies, but
is really [director Mathieu Kassovitz's] interpretation of this book,
said in a group interview while promoting The Mummy 3: Tomb of the Dragon

In the French novel, Yeoh's character is a 60-year-old, short, dumpy,
French nun, the Hong Kong actress said. And I look at [Kassovitz], and I
go, 'Very interesting,' Yeoh recalled. I look in the mirror and go,
did I become short and dumpy and French?' So you have to see the movie to
see that I'm not. 

The film, from the French director of Gothika, follows a mercenary
and a nun (Yeoh) charged with protecting a genetically altered young woman
(Melanie Thierry) who may be carrying the next messiah. Yeoh said that her
agent, who also represents Kassovitz, suggested her for the role of Sister
Rebecca, because she provided a strong contrast to Diesel. 

[Mathieu] knew that the Vin Diesel and Melanie role needed a third
character to bond them, to put that link together, Yeoh said. And so he
thought, 'Who would protect a young girl like this? Who would be [the]
opposite [of] a Vin Diesel, the big giant? It should be like a small,
French nun ... someone who could stand up against Vin physically and
mentally, like that.' So that was when the idea came to Mathieu, and he
started working on that, and lo and behold, I was in the film with him. 

Compared to the experience of filming the third Mummy movie, under the
direction of Rob Cohen, Yeoh said that the Babylon A.D. shoot was much
structured and sometimes difficult. 

We had a rough shoot, Yeoh said. I think with Mathieu, it was very
what he wanted. And so he brought in people who were very strong. And that
was the only way his characters evolved. He worked very similar to Asian
directors, different from Rob. Rob is Asian in the sense that he can do 30
shots a day. But he was very, very clear in what he wanted to do. With
Mathieu, he would get onto the set and try and round it up from us. It's
good, in a sense, because things happen. It's bad when it's such a big
production, and there's a certain discipline that needs to be in place. So
it was up and down. But it was very interesting at the end of the day.
Babylon A.D. opens Aug. 29. -
[ http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/index.php?category=0id=57715


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Babylon A.D. Tailored To Michele Yeoh

2008-07-17 Thread brent wodehouse
Yes! She smartened up the role.



Me too! I consider her to be one of the best Bond Girls ever, because
she wasn't just eye candy or a woman to be rescued by James. And unlike
Halle Berry's Jinx, Yeoh's character was completely convincing as a
secret agent.

-- Original message -- 
From: brent wodehouse [ mailto:brent_wodehouse%40thefence.us
Good on Michelle Yeoh. I like her work. :-)


Tracey de Morsella [ mailto:tdlists%40multiculturaladvantage.com

Babylon A.D. Tailored To Yeoh

Michelle Yeoh, who stars with Vin Diesel in the upcoming futuristic
Babylon A.D., told journalists that the role she plays was originally
written for a very different type of actress. 

It's based on a book by [Maurice Georges] Dantec, Babylon Babies, but
is really [director Mathieu Kassovitz's] interpretation of this book,
said in a group interview while promoting The Mummy 3: Tomb of the Dragon

In the French novel, Yeoh's character is a 60-year-old, short, dumpy,
French nun, the Hong Kong actress said. And I look at [Kassovitz], and
go, 'Very interesting,' Yeoh recalled. I look in the mirror and go,
did I become short and dumpy and French?' So you have to see the movie to
see that I'm not. 

The film, from the French director of Gothika, follows a mercenary
and a nun (Yeoh) charged with protecting a genetically altered young
(Melanie Thierry) who may be carrying the next messiah. Yeoh said that
agent, who also represents Kassovitz, suggested her for the role of
Rebecca, because she provided a strong contrast to Diesel. 

[Mathieu] knew that the Vin Diesel and Melanie role needed a third
character to bond them, to put that link together, Yeoh said. And so he
thought, 'Who would protect a young girl like this? Who would be [the]
opposite [of] a Vin Diesel, the big giant? It should be like a small,
French nun ... someone who could stand up against Vin physically and
mentally, like that.' So that was when the idea came to Mathieu, and he
started working on that, and lo and behold, I was in the film with him. 

Compared to the experience of filming the third Mummy movie, under the
direction of Rob Cohen, Yeoh said that the Babylon A.D. shoot was much
structured and sometimes difficult. 

We had a rough shoot, Yeoh said. I think with Mathieu, it was very
what he wanted. And so he brought in people who were very strong. And
was the only way his characters evolved. He worked very similar to Asian
directors, different from Rob. Rob is Asian in the sense that he can do
shots a day. But he was very, very clear in what he wanted to do. With
Mathieu, he would get onto the set and try and round it up from us. It's
good, in a sense, because things happen. It's bad when it's such a big
production, and there's a certain discipline that needs to be in place.
it was up and down. But it was very interesting at the end of the day.
Babylon A.D. opens Aug. 29. -
[ [ http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/index.php?category=0id=57715
][ http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/index.php?category=0id=57715

RE: [scifinoir2] Beware: Copycats are Cloning Banking, Investment and Other Business Sites

2008-07-17 Thread Reece Jennings
Yes!  I'm starting to see the same types of things!  And the evolution will
when the hackers and scammers find a way to break this level of security.
They will, you know...

Maurice C. Jennings
Certified Credit Consultant
Credit Justice Services
FEATURES THE 75 Day Credit Makeover.

A client can potentially see an increase of
50 - 100 points in their credit score
in 75 days or less!
100% Money Back Guarantee*
*Terms and conditions apply

Identity Theft Solutions, too!

blocked::mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 



From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2008 11:01 AM
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Beware: Copycats are Cloning Banking, Investment
and Other Business Sites

Increasingly, secure company sites are also generating a picture that lets
you confirm it's them. You log in and select from dozens of options. It
could be a picture of a mountain range, a cat, a forest, etc. One bank I do
business with uses the picture, then allows me to name the picture and on
top of that, uses a challenge question (such as what was the name of your
first pet?) that makes it very secure and hard to clone.

-- Original message -- 
From: Reece Jennings mcjennings124@ mailto:mcjennings124%40yahoo.com

Maurice C. Jennings
Certified Credit Consultant
Credit Justice Services
FEATURES THE 75 Day Credit Makeover.

A client can potentially see an increase of
50 - 100 points in their credit score
in 75 days or less!
100% Money Back Guarantee*
*Terms and conditions apply

Identity Theft Solutions, too!

http://www.creditju http://www.creditjusticeservices.com/?ccc=2173
http://www.creditju http://www.creditjusticeservices.com/?ccc=2173
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:mjennings%40creditjusticeservices.com
blocked::mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:mjennings%40creditjusticeservices.com ticeservices.com 


From: Maurice C. Jennings [mailto:mcjennings55@
mailto:mcjennings55%40comcast.net comcast.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 5:17 PM
To: 'blackfolks@ mailto:%27blackfolks%40v2.listbox.com v2.listbox.com'
Subject: Beware: Copycats are Cloning Banking, Investment and Other Business

Beware: Copycats are Cloning Banking, 
Investment and Other Business Sites
by www.SixWise.com http://www.sixwise. http://www.sixwise.com/ com/ 

Online scam artists are becoming gutsier than ever, now creating fake Web
sites to get you to hand over your personal information. The latest victim?
Citadel Investment Group.


Be aware of small changes in the URLs of the Web sites you frequent -- it
could indicate a scam.

Scammers from China cloned the Citadel Web site, creating a spot for
investors to input their passwords. Although the site was discovered before
any major damage was done, the culprits have disappeared without a trace.

The site looked remarkably similar to Citadel's real site, including their
standard logo and even making up fake vice presidents and bios.

And this is not nearly an isolated case. Financial institutions are cloned
quite often, and it can be very difficult for consumers to distinguish
between legitimate and cloned sites. TD Ameritrade, Investment bank Sandler
O'Neill and Partners, and even the IRS have recently faced similar problems.

How Can You Protect Yourself?

Cloned Web sites can be harder to identify than even phishing
ms-on-the-internet.htm scams or other
_and_highly_offensive_--_computer_scam_to_watch_out_for.htm online fraud,
simply because the Web site will appear legitimate.

However, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Computer
Emergency Readiness Team recommend doing the following to avoid becoming a


You can usually tell a Web site is secure if it has https in the URL, or
displays a lock icon on the screen.

Don't send sensitive information over the Internet without checking the Web
site's security. To do this, read the site's privacy policy, and check for
evidence that the information will be encrypted. Sites that begin with
https instead of http will do this, as will those that display a lock
icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.
