Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread GWashin891

In a message dated 8/28/08 12:33:41 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

> The overblown notion of frustrated Hillary voters flocking to John
> McCain is an interesting dynamic for me.  It is like the supporters of
> the loser of the primary to select the nominee of the sheep deciding to
> support the candidate of the WOLVES.
> I swear, the longer I live, the stranger it gets.
> ~(no)rave!

True.   But some of those folks are flocking back to Obama.Probally 
because   more info is staring to show that the PUMA movement may actually be a 
repug creation using their dislike of Clintion's treatment to split the 
democratic party.   They are trying to do the same with progressive dems who 
Obama's turn to the center.   Remember Divide and Conqure is something the 
repugs know well.


It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your 
travel deal here.

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Sorry folks

2008-08-28 Thread KeithBJohnson
yeah, i'm like the fish who swallows something, then tries to spit it back 

-- Original message -- 
From: "B. Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
No worries Keith. Some days the bait is too attractive to ignore. 

--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Ha, thanks! Back at you !
> -- Original message -- 
> From: "ravenadal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Did I mention I want to be like you when I grow up?
> ~rave!
> --- In, KeithBJohnson@ wrote:
> >
> > I want to say this to Tracey and everyone in the group: I 
> for letting this flame war get out of hand. I should have stopped 
> sooner, but all I can say is that the inanity coming my way set me 
> off because it was so vitriolic and contemptuous. 
> > 
> > On a day when we *all*--white as well as black, man as well as 
> woman--should have celebrated, someone brought in hatred of the 
> lowest order. And the thing is, this isn't even really about Obama: 
> i have my issues with the man too. Like I said, I was backing 
> Kucinich, Edwards, and Clinton. I struggled in the voting booth 
> before choosing Obama over Clinton. 
> > 
> > No, this is more about the fact that America took a baby step 
> toward some type of open mindedness by putting a man of color who 
> *ain't* Clarence Thomas in this position. It's about the fact that 
> woman almost made it, that either would of them *could* have made 
> It says we're not quite screwed up as a people--not totally. And 
> rather than celebrate that accomplishment and yes, doing so while 
> acknowledging there's still work to be done on the -ism's front, 
> someone decided to belittle and diminish the whole thing. Decided 
> attack me personally, and become the symbol of the very thing this 
> great day is trying to overcome. 
> > 
> > But I'm done. I can't prove my heart to anyone, save the friends 
> nad loved ones that matter. And the time taken to try to reason 
> and understand someone who's spouting irrational hatred, who slaps 
> down the hand of someone trying to bridge a gap, is time draining 
> soul for the more important things i should be doing, like writing 
> book and improving my life.
> > 
> > So sorry, won't happen again. Back to the DNC! :)
> >


[scifinoir2] Re:OT: Kucinich Gives Impassioned Speech at DNC

2008-08-28 Thread Marian Moore
He was my candidate also.  None of this backing into health care for everyone 
by "requiring" it.  No single-payer system right off.



Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Recent Discussions

2008-08-28 Thread Bosco Bosco
me too and often enough to create reasonable doubts about my intelligence and 

--- On Thu, 8/28/08, ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Recent Discussions
Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 1:49 PM

I resemble that remark.


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Bosco Bosco <[EMAIL PROTECTED] ..> wrote:
> The current debate reminds me of a comic strip that I would love to 
share but can't find. 
> In a single panel a man and a woman are pictured. 
> The woman, attractive and alluring calls to the man from the 
bed. "Honey aren't you coming to bed?" 
> The man responds from his desk, typing furiously. "In a minute 
dear. Someone is wrong on the internet."
> Whenever I get into a debate on an elist or a egroup, which is all 
too often for sanity, I consider this comic strip.
> Bosco



Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/28/2008 7:33:25 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

Finally, what kind of face does America want to show to the rest of
the world?  Is this a young, vibrant country with new ideas or an old,
wizened country (with short arms)?  

This is not a man I want as president of the United States.

 Obama is America. Hype, fluff and nothing to offer. 

**It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
deal here.  

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/28/2008 10:04:02 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

Tired or not but everything is racist. You cant tell whites to get their act 
together if they own the act, the actors and the stage. 
So what are you going to do? Whites are not going anywhere. Hispanics are the 
majority minority. Republicans 'care" about Hispanic issues because Hispanics 
don't always vote Democratic. They know how to make people more for their 
vote. Blacks will always be Democrat according to this line of reason. Both 
parties will stop paying attention to you. Republicans won't waste time. 
will take you for granted. 

Its and unfair battle of perception and we are always on the losing end. John 
McCain can give 2 flying cucumbers about the black community. They are not 
his any comments of the like simply looks like a cheap 
swipe...which it would be. I respect McCain and realize many points he makes 
and policy 
ideas are more solid thank my man B. But as they say on the streets...


McCain is thirsty for the seat. I am more concerned more about what he will 
let happen and not what he will do. 
I a concerned about Obama. He wants it too. So did Hillary. You have to what 
something to get it. If not, why run?

You can complain about Liberals all you want, but a step in the right 
direction is something we should applaud. In the words of the rap group 

"In order to survive the game, know the game..."
You can't play the game when you don't play both side. The game gets older 
after a while. 

**It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
deal here.  

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/28/2008 12:11:36 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Often the real divider between some Blacks and Republicans is the racism, the 
lack of empathy for what we go through, and a self-righteousness that rubs 
that "by your own bootstraps" in people's faces.

Do you think that need for empathy is what is keeping black back. 

**It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
deal here.  

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Recent Discussions

2008-08-28 Thread Martin
I've been swimming in this pool on a private matter for about a month now B's 
advice is the verbal representation of how I've been dealing with my own sitch. 
I'll be forwarding this to a few people, if no one minds.

--- On Thu, 8/28/08, B. Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: B. Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Recent Discussions
Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 4:55 PM

I feel you. It happened to me yesterday. LOL. 

Someone on a message board took a difference of opinion and turned it 

into a personal attack because I dared to disagree with his 

viewpoint. It took everything I had not to escalate it into something 

ugly but I remembered the old saying by Mark Twain: "Never argue with 

a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference." 

My mother had her own take: "Sometimes you've just got to let a fool 

be a fool." Mother knew best.

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "ravenadal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] ..> wrote:


> I resemble that remark.


> ~rave!


> --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Bosco Bosco  wrote:

> >

> > The current debate reminds me of a comic strip that I would love 


> share but can't find. 

> > 

> > In a single panel a man and a woman are pictured. 

> > 

> > The woman, attractive and alluring calls to the man from the 

> bed. "Honey aren't you coming to bed?" 

> > 

> > The man responds from his desk, typing furiously. "In a minute 

> dear. Someone is wrong on the internet."

> > 

> > Whenever I get into a debate on an elist or a egroup, which is 


> too often for sanity, I consider this comic strip.

> > 

> > Bosco

> >





Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/28/2008 12:49:05 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Not once, in one single of my posts did I deny that women have it hard. I 
acknowledged that. What I said was that Black people have it hard, women have 
hard, both have it hard, so why are some women using the gender issue to say 
they have it harder, to say Barack Obama won an unfair contest? That's what 
Hillary and her people did, that's what you keep doing. If the system is 
rail against it, but quit punishing that man for it, a man who respects women 
from everything I can see. 

Why does every Hillary supporter have to be anti man? This is something I 
don't get. I don't like Obama. That is why I went to Hillary. Now I have to 
choose between McCain and Obama. I still don't like Obama. That leaves McCain. 
can criticize Obama just like I can criticize McCain. This is the same kind of 
reasoning that was used against Hillary during the primaries. If you don't like 
Obama then you must have issues of race or gender.  You that said I have 
issues. Not me. 
McCain won Saddleback. All the Obama supporters I know could not spin that. 
They admitted Obama had faults. Obama has a tendency to make a statement. He 
then has to call another news conference to clarify his statement. Just say 
you feel and get over it. McCain is not perfect. I find that annoying. 
Obama's inner circle always seems to keep him protected. They won't let him go 
on his on. 

And then, going to McCain? Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your 
face. How does putting down a Black man in favor of a white man help your cause 
as a woman? 

Putting him down? It is called criticism. Everyone has to go through it. 

I guess a candidate who calls his wife the c-word (and it was heard and 
confirmed by his own retainers off the record) is better for women's 
than a young Brother who reveres his mother, grandmother, wife, sister, and 

I am worried about his policies not how he treats his family. 

I said, and I repeat this: why did this turn into a men vs. women battle when 
it should have turned into how can we fix all the -ism's discussion. 

Everytime Clinton comes up you have a "what' s wrong with Gymfig and black 
people "response. 

You are guilty of the same pity-me attitude you accuse me of. I criticize 
Hillary--a lady I supported at first--because she took real problems and 
them to hammers to use in a win-at-any-cost campaign. She used people to cry 
sexism, she used racism to try to forge ahead. I never denied sexism exists, 
but I decry her saying it's worse than racism, and the way she and her 
sycophants then attacked Obama for it.  You're doing the same thing, and I tell 
you, in 
me you've really alienated a Black man who "gets it" far more than you might 


As a woman you definitely deal with some burdens I don't deal with. As a man, 
I deal with some you don't deal with, such as being seen as a physical threat 
just by hauling my 6' frame onto an elevator with a white woman.  We both 
suffer,Gymfig. I've watched my wife deal with racist, sexist white guys on her 
job; she's watched me deal with racist people on mine. Never once in two 
have we had an argument where she says "you don't get my pain, you have it 
easier". She comes to me for advice and support, and vice versa. We help each 
other work through those problems. But rest assured, if either of us started 
directing anger at the other, blaming the other for some perceived advantage, 
wouldn't be tolerated. I have told her "yeah, I can see you have battles I 
don't have as a man". But you know what, it's still *my* battle because she's 
woman, and my battles are hers because I'm her man. My wife doesn't have it 
harder than me: we as a Black couple have it ha rder than whites, and we as 
Black people have it harder.  As long as people like you attack folk like me 
Barak and other Black men who are actually trying to make things better, you 
splinter us.
I realize that you don't get me, and I'm really saddened and disgusted that 
it's so easy for a Sister to attack a Brother who's trying to understand 

So I am supposed to support the brothers no matter what? I don't care about 
color, I care about content. 

You are the living example of why Black men and women can't get along, you're 
the woman who hits back at a man who's holding his hand out to help, the one 
who says "You have it better 'cause you're a man, you don't get my pain". You 
push me away because you want to stay wrapped in a cocoon of self-pity. 
You are a danger to the future of Black men and women finally healing all the 
hurts we've done to each other, but I won't be a party to that foolishness.

I could care less about black male and female relationships when it comes to 
politics. That Bros. before Hoe does not work. This election is not about 
black peo

[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread moondancerdrake
I can toss an amen down on that.


--- In, Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can I get an "amen" from the chorus?
> --- On Thu, 8/28/08, ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by 
> To:
> Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 12:33 PM
> The overblown notion of frustrated Hillary voters flocking to John 
> McCain is an interesting dynamic for me. It is like the supporters 
> the loser of the primary to select the nominee of the sheep 
deciding to 
> support the candidate of the WOLVES.
> I swear, the longer I live, the stranger it gets.
> ~(no)rave!
> http://blackplush. blogspot. com/


2008-08-28 Thread B. Smith
I feel you. It happened to me yesterday. LOL. 

Someone on a message board took a difference of opinion and turned it 
into a personal attack because I dared to disagree with his 
viewpoint. It took everything I had not to escalate it into something 
ugly but I remembered the old saying by Mark Twain: "Never argue with 
a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference." 

My mother had her own take: "Sometimes you've just got to let a fool 
be a fool." Mother knew best.

--- In, "ravenadal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I resemble that remark.
> ~rave!
> --- In, Bosco Bosco  wrote:
> >
> > The current debate reminds me of a comic strip that I would love 
> share but can't find. 
> > 
> > In a single panel a man and a woman are pictured. 
> > 
> > The woman, attractive and alluring calls to the man from the 
> bed. "Honey aren't you coming to bed?" 
> > 
> > The man responds from his desk, typing furiously. "In a minute 
> dear. Someone is wrong on the internet."
> > 
> > Whenever I get into a debate on an elist or a egroup, which is 
> too often for sanity, I consider this comic strip.
> > 
> > Bosco
> >

[scifinoir2] Re: Sorry folks

2008-08-28 Thread B. Smith
No worries Keith. Some days the bait is too attractive to ignore. 

--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Ha, thanks! Back at you !
> -- Original message -- 
> From: "ravenadal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Did I mention I want to be like you when I grow up?
> ~rave!
> --- In, KeithBJohnson@ wrote:
> >
> > I want to say this to Tracey and everyone in the group: I 
> for letting this flame war get out of hand. I should have stopped 
> sooner, but all I can say is that the inanity coming my way set me 
> off because it was so vitriolic and contemptuous. 
> > 
> > On a day when we *all*--white as well as black, man as well as 
> woman--should have celebrated, someone brought in hatred of the 
> lowest order. And the thing is, this isn't even really about Obama: 
> i have my issues with the man too. Like I said, I was backing 
> Kucinich, Edwards, and Clinton. I struggled in the voting booth 
> before choosing Obama over Clinton. 
> > 
> > No, this is more about the fact that America took a baby step 
> toward some type of open mindedness by putting a man of color who 
> *ain't* Clarence Thomas in this position. It's about the fact that 
> woman almost made it, that either would of them *could* have made 
> It says we're not quite screwed up as a people--not totally. And 
> rather than celebrate that accomplishment and yes, doing so while 
> acknowledging there's still work to be done on the -ism's front, 
> someone decided to belittle and diminish the whole thing. Decided 
> attack me personally, and become the symbol of the very thing this 
> great day is trying to overcome. 
> > 
> > But I'm done. I can't prove my heart to anyone, save the friends 
> nad loved ones that matter. And the time taken to try to reason 
> and understand someone who's spouting irrational hatred, who slaps 
> down the hand of someone trying to bridge a gap, is time draining 
> soul for the more important things i should be doing, like writing 
> book and improving my life.
> > 
> > So sorry, won't happen again. Back to the DNC! :)
> >


2008-08-28 Thread KeithBJohnson
Ha, thanks! Back at you !

-- Original message -- 
From: "ravenadal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Did I mention I want to be like you when I grow up?


--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I want to say this to Tracey and everyone in the group: I apologize 
for letting this flame war get out of hand. I should have stopped it 
sooner, but all I can say is that the inanity coming my way set me 
off because it was so vitriolic and contemptuous. 
> On a day when we *all*--white as well as black, man as well as 
woman--should have celebrated, someone brought in hatred of the 
lowest order. And the thing is, this isn't even really about Obama: 
i have my issues with the man too. Like I said, I was backing 
Kucinich, Edwards, and Clinton. I struggled in the voting booth 
before choosing Obama over Clinton. 
> No, this is more about the fact that America took a baby step 
toward some type of open mindedness by putting a man of color who 
*ain't* Clarence Thomas in this position. It's about the fact that a 
woman almost made it, that either would of them *could* have made it. 
It says we're not quite screwed up as a people--not totally. And 
rather than celebrate that accomplishment and yes, doing so while 
acknowledging there's still work to be done on the -ism's front, 
someone decided to belittle and diminish the whole thing. Decided to 
attack me personally, and become the symbol of the very thing this 
great day is trying to overcome. 
> But I'm done. I can't prove my heart to anyone, save the friends 
nad loved ones that matter. And the time taken to try to reason with 
and understand someone who's spouting irrational hatred, who slaps 
down the hand of someone trying to bridge a gap, is time draining my 
soul for the more important things i should be doing, like writing my 
book and improving my life.
> So sorry, won't happen again. Back to the DNC! :)



2008-08-28 Thread ravenadal
I resemble that remark.


--- In, Bosco Bosco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The current debate reminds me of a comic strip that I would love to 
share but can't find. 
> In a single panel a man and a woman are pictured. 
> The woman, attractive and alluring calls to the man from the 
bed. "Honey aren't you coming to bed?" 
> The man responds from his desk, typing furiously. "In a minute 
dear. Someone is wrong on the internet."
> Whenever I get into a debate on an elist or a egroup, which is all 
too often for sanity, I consider this comic strip.
> Bosco

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread KeithBJohnson
Ha-ha! Great! Reminds me of a line from "The Got Dang Song" by Curtis Mayfield:

"Some folk say to 'suck it up'. Hey! Ain't got no straw, ain't got no cup!"

-- Original message -- 
From: "ravenadal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Everytime a conservative, black or white, lectures me about black 
people pulling themselves up by their bootstraps, I always ask with 
mock surprise:



--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> You hit the nail on the head. There really could be such a thing as 
being Republican and cool. In fact, most Black people in America are 
actually fairly conservative in matters of crime, work, and moral 
responsibility. I know my late dad--card-carrying straight-ticket Dem 
that he was--believed in the death penalty, was very religious, and 
felt Black people needed to work harder. But he also realized racism 
was a real evil that required us to work so much harder than others. 
Often the real divider between some Blacks and Republicans is the 
racism, the lack of empathy for what we go through, and a self-
righteousness that rubs that "by your own bootstraps" in people's 
> -- Original message -- 
> From: Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> rave, one of my personal dark not-so-secret secrets- I *was* one of 
those Evil GOP Bastiches back then. Strangely enough, it *wasn't* the 
failure of their policies that pushed me out of their fold, but the 
realization that I, as aman of color, was good enough to have around 
at public rallies and such, but not good enough to hang around with 
at the mall...
> --- On Thu, 8/28/08, ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by 
> To:
> Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 8:56 AM
> Uh...actually, I am a big fan of "christian erotica."
> And, Martin, you mean to tell me you didn't get "trickled" on during
> the Reagan and Bush administrations?
> ~rave!
> --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Martin  
> >
> > Gymfig, good luck on getting across a message of abstinence in an
> era when sex and sexual imagery is in everything but Christian 
> And, as for those rich White elitists- who do you think benefits 
> from those tax cuts? Reminds me of the immense stupidity of the
> "trickle-down theory". That wealth trickled right down into the
> pockets of the Top Two Percent...
> > 
> > com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik
> > 
> > --- On Thu, 8/28/08, Gymfig@  wrote:
> > From: Gymfig@ 
> > Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by
> Acclamation
> > Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 1:11 AM
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > In a message dated 8/27/2008 11:16:59 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] com writes:
> > Refresh my memory - how does McCain's position on abortion stop
> > teenage pregnancy?
> > 
> > How do you defend McCain's intent to continue the disastrous 
> > that have emptied our treasury and dangerously eroded our stature 
> > The world?
> > 
> > How does McCain's intent to continue tax cuts for the rich, which 
> > shamelessly widened the gap between rich and poor in this country,
> > help the fifty percent of black people who have yet to 
participate in
> > the American dream?
> > 
> > How can you rail against rich, white elitists and then turn 
around and
> > vote for the richest, whitest elitist?
> > I believe that abortion should not be used as a form of birth
> control. I believe that teens should be taught abstinence. I don't
> believe that McCain will continue the same policies that George Bush
> has laid out. He is not Bush. IT was the cuts, reforms and tax cuts
> that helped the economy. I rail against rich white elitists. They 
> present in both parties. Those in the Democratic party hide behind
> race, gender and are "social programs" that hurt America. They hide
> behind the same special interest groups and lobbyist that 
> share. It is easy the condemn the Republicans but not the Democrats.
> America will not be free unless all groups are stop. Something a
> Washington outsider cannot and will not do. 
> > 
> > 
> > It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
> here.
> >


[scifinoir2] Recent Discussions

2008-08-28 Thread Bosco Bosco
The current debate reminds me of a comic strip that I would love to share but 
can't find. 

In a single panel a man and a woman are pictured. 

The woman, attractive and alluring calls to the man from the bed. "Honey aren't 
you coming to bed?" 

The man responds from his desk, typing furiously. "In a minute dear. Someone is 
wrong on the internet."

Whenever I get into a debate on an elist or a egroup, which is all too often 
for sanity, I consider this comic strip.



[scifinoir2] Re: Sorry folks

2008-08-28 Thread ravenadal
Did I mention I want to be like you when I grow up?


--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I want to say this to Tracey and everyone in the group: I apologize 
for letting this flame war get out of hand. I should have stopped it 
sooner, but all I can say is that the inanity coming my way set me 
off because it was so vitriolic and contemptuous. 
> On a day when we *all*--white as well as black, man as well as 
woman--should have celebrated, someone brought in hatred of the 
lowest order.  And the thing is, this isn't even really about Obama: 
i have my issues with the man too. Like I said, I was backing 
Kucinich, Edwards, and Clinton. I struggled in the voting booth 
before choosing Obama over Clinton.  
> No, this is more about the fact that America took a baby step 
toward some type of open mindedness by putting a man of color who 
*ain't* Clarence Thomas in this position. It's about the fact that  a 
woman almost made it, that either would of them *could* have made it. 
It says we're not quite screwed up as a people--not totally. And 
rather than celebrate that accomplishment and yes, doing so while 
acknowledging there's still work to be done on the -ism's front, 
someone decided to belittle and diminish the whole thing. Decided to 
attack me personally, and become the symbol of the very thing this 
great day is trying to overcome. 
> But I'm done. I can't prove my heart to anyone, save the friends 
nad loved ones that matter. And the time taken to try to reason with 
and understand someone who's spouting irrational hatred, who slaps 
down the hand of someone trying to bridge a gap, is time draining my 
soul for the more important things i should be doing, like writing my 
book and improving my life.
> So sorry, won't happen again. Back to the DNC! :)

[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread ravenadal
Keith, thank you for sharing your biography.  I wanna be like you 
when I grow up (and eye am 52 years old, now!).


--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> You tend to get personal with people, Gymfig. Why is that? I 
disagree with you, but I don't get personal and say stuff 
like "nothing is ever humble with you".  That's insulting. You don't 
know me on the level to say I'm never humble. I think Tracey and 
Martin and many people in this group--with whom I've had civil 
discussions--would tell you i'm not arrogant, self-righteous, or 
intractable in my opinions. And the more I read, this, the more I 
don't get your statement that I only see people as racist or not 
racist, with me or against me. I've never said anyting to even 
remotely convey that opinion.
> I'm the son of a man who had an eighth grade education, who dropped 
out of school to work the family farm. My dad enlisted for WWII, was 
discharged due to medical issues, and worked odd jobs for years in a 
racist Texas. He and my mom adopted me when I was a young child, 
sparing me the life of an orphan. Dad was a minister, a barber, and 
worked double shifts at Bell Helicopter to support me and my two 
brothers. My mom was a church going woman who ran the household and 
made sure we had clothes to wear, food to eat, and a solid education. 
My family lived in a really small house, never owned a brand new car, 
always had to shop for the bargains.  I know where I come from, i'm 
proud of it, and, if one can be arrogant in humility, I can say you 
can't get much more humble than I am. 
> But I'm not a dunce,  have opinions, and just beause I disagree 
with you, please don't say stuff like that. 
> I don't want to say this, but you honestly strike me as someone who 
dislikes Black people, and Black men in particular. I notice that you 
speak with contempt-not disagreement, but contempt--whenever racism 
is mentioned. Rather than agree that racism still exists, and then 
say something like "but it isn't our only problem" (which all of us 
would agree on) you put down all Black people as seeking to be 
victims. I have a college degree in Electrical Engineering, was 
valedictorian of my high school, president of my college EE society, 
and currently work as a senior network administrator. I've worked my 
butt off to get where I am, and I didn't sit back and blame the world 
for all my problems. But I know racism exists because I've fought it. 
I've worked in HR before, and I know the racism still in existence in 
hiring and promotions in America.  I've seen it. I'm successful by 
most standards, and I never let anything hold me down, but I know 
racism has made things harder for me than for m
> y white friends with whom i grew up. Yes there are issues of 
poverty, drugs, crime, lack of education, disintegration of the 
family, but racism still exists. I face it everyday in the good old 
Georgia white men at my job who would *never* vote for a Black man.  
It is one of a list of problems we face. i don't even see anyone in 
this group always crying racism first. We know Black people need to 
be self-reliant, take care of our kids, make a way in the world. We 
know it ain't all about racism. But you always take the truth of 
racism--even when it's only one part of a much more complex 
discussion--and rake us over the coals for that. Why is that? We 
don't use racism as a crutch, but we'd be fools to ignore it 
completely. Even if we were leaning on racism too much, you're like 
the person who helps someone when he's down by kicking them. 
> Yelling at me, insulting me, denouncing all Blacks as wannabe 
victims, demeaning men--these aren't ways to help anyone listen to 
your point of view.
> Also, what is your deal with men? I've noticed over and over and 
over that you seize on stuff and start this "women can't make it work 
because of men" talk. Frankly, you cry "sexism" way more than anyone 
in this group has ever cried racism. It's like this thing with Obama. 
You keep saying he's just a man, and that Hillary as a woman never 
had a chance. You find all these examples of how sexism keeps women 
down.   You diminish the accomplishment of a man of color as nothing, 
as if only a woman president would have any meaning.
> Well, first, unlike you do us, I won't rake you over the coals for 
decrying sexism. I know it exists too, my wife's struggles in this 
country are proof of that.
>  But just like racism can't be blamed for everything, neither can 
sexism. Hillary Clinton lost in large part because she ran a poorly 
executed campaign. Just Monday I listened to a panel discussion of 
Dems and Republicans discuss what happened. They spoke of how Clinton 
arrogantly ignored the Iowa Caucus, while Obama pressed the flesh, 
visited diners, and clocked untold hours there. Edwards did the same 
thing, which is why she came in third. No one to blame but herself. 
You're telling me a lily white Midwestern state li

[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread ravenadal
Everytime a conservative, black or white, lectures me about black 
people pulling themselves up by their bootstraps, I always ask with 
mock surprise:



--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> You hit the nail on the head. There really could be such a thing as 
being Republican and cool. In fact, most Black people in America are 
actually fairly conservative in matters of crime, work, and moral 
responsibility. I know my late dad--card-carrying straight-ticket Dem 
that he was--believed in the death penalty, was very religious, and 
felt Black people needed to work harder. But he also realized racism 
was a real evil that required us to work so much harder than others.  
Often the real divider between some Blacks and Republicans is the 
racism, the lack of empathy for what we go through, and a self-
righteousness that rubs that "by your own bootstraps" in people's 
> -- Original message -- 
> From: Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> rave, one of my personal dark not-so-secret secrets- I *was* one of 
those Evil GOP Bastiches back then. Strangely enough, it *wasn't* the 
failure of their policies that pushed me out of their fold, but the 
realization that I, as aman of color, was good enough to have around 
at public rallies and such, but not good enough to hang around with 
at the mall...
> --- On Thu, 8/28/08, ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by 
> To:
> Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 8:56 AM
> Uh...actually, I am a big fan of "christian erotica."
> And, Martin, you mean to tell me you didn't get "trickled" on during
> the Reagan and Bush administrations?
> ~rave!
> --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Martin  
> >
> > Gymfig, good luck on getting across a message of abstinence in an
> era when sex and sexual imagery is in everything but Christian 
> And, as for those rich White elitists- who do you think benefits 
> from those tax cuts? Reminds me of the immense stupidity of the
> "trickle-down theory". That wealth trickled right down into the
> pockets of the Top Two Percent...
> > 
> > com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik
> > 
> > --- On Thu, 8/28/08, Gymfig@  wrote:
> > From: Gymfig@ 
> > Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by
> Acclamation
> > Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 1:11 AM
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > In a message dated 8/27/2008 11:16:59 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] com writes:
> > Refresh my memory - how does McCain's position on abortion stop
> > teenage pregnancy?
> > 
> > How do you defend McCain's intent to continue the disastrous 
> > that have emptied our treasury and dangerously eroded our stature 
> > The world?
> > 
> > How does McCain's intent to continue tax cuts for the rich, which 
> > shamelessly widened the gap between rich and poor in this country,
> > help the fifty percent of black people who have yet to 
participate in
> > the American dream?
> > 
> > How can you rail against rich, white elitists and then turn 
around and
> > vote for the richest, whitest elitist?
> > I believe that abortion should not be used as a form of birth
> control. I believe that teens should be taught abstinence. I don't
> believe that McCain will continue the same policies that George Bush
> has laid out. He is not Bush. IT was the cuts, reforms and tax cuts
> that helped the economy. I rail against rich white elitists. They 
> present in both parties. Those in the Democratic party hide behind
> race, gender and are "social programs" that hurt America. They hide
> behind the same special interest groups and lobbyist that 
> share. It is easy the condemn the Republicans but not the Democrats.
> America will not be free unless all groups are stop. Something a
> Washington outsider cannot and will not do. 
> > 
> > 
> > It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
> here.
> >

[scifinoir2] Sorry folks

2008-08-28 Thread KeithBJohnson
I want to say this to Tracey and everyone in the group: I apologize for letting 
this flame war get out of hand. I should have stopped it sooner, but all I can 
say is that the inanity coming my way set me off because it was so vitriolic 
and contemptuous. 

On a day when we *all*--white as well as black, man as well as woman--should 
have celebrated, someone brought in hatred of the lowest order.  And the thing 
is, this isn't even really about Obama: i have my issues with the man too. Like 
I said, I was backing Kucinich, Edwards, and Clinton. I struggled in the voting 
booth before choosing Obama over Clinton.  

No, this is more about the fact that America took a baby step toward some type 
of open mindedness by putting a man of color who *ain't* Clarence Thomas in 
this position. It's about the fact that  a woman almost made it, that either 
would of them *could* have made it. It says we're not quite screwed up as a 
people--not totally. And rather than celebrate that accomplishment and yes, 
doing so while acknowledging there's still work to be done on the -ism's front, 
someone decided to belittle and diminish the whole thing. Decided to attack me 
personally, and become the symbol of the very thing this great day is trying to 

But I'm done. I can't prove my heart to anyone, save the friends nad loved ones 
that matter. And the time taken to try to reason with and understand someone 
who's spouting irrational hatred, who slaps down the hand of someone trying to 
bridge a gap, is time draining my soul for the more important things i should 
be doing, like writing my book and improving my life.

So sorry, won't happen again. Back to the DNC! :)

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread Martin
(standing ovation)

--- On Thu, 8/28/08, ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation
Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 11:06 AM

Black Republicans amaze and amuse me. I still remember the look of 
shock, indignation and REALIZATION on Alan Keyes' face when he was 
literally locked out of one of the Republican Presidential debates 
back in the day. Like the good deluded black boy he was, he 
continued to soldier on to further humiliations like running against 
Obama for the U.S. Senate. 

It is always a sad and sorry sight (and by that I mean "funny as 
hell!") when these deluded "patriots" get their "negro wake-up call" 
(a shout out to Paul Mooney)and realize that they are not foot 
soldiers for justice but simply cannon fodder.


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Martin  wrote:
> rave, one of my personal dark not-so-secret secrets- I *was* one of 
those Evil GOP Bastiches back then. Strangely enough, it *wasn't* the 
failure of their policies that pushed me out of their fold, but the 
realization that I, as aman of color, was good enough to have around 
at public rallies and such, but not good enough to hang around with 
at the mall...
> com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik
> --- On Thu, 8/28/08, ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED] ..> wrote:
> From: ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED] ..>
> Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by 
> Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 8:56 AM
> Uh...actually, I am a big fan of "christian erotica."
> And, Martin, you mean to tell me you didn't get "trickled" on during
> the Reagan and Bush administrations?
> ~rave!
> --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Martin  
> >
> > Gymfig, good luck on getting across a message of abstinence in an
> era when sex and sexual imagery is in everything but Christian 
> And, as for those rich White elitists- who do you think benefits 
> from those tax cuts? Reminds me of the immense stupidity of the
> "trickle-down theory". That wealth trickled right down into the
> pockets of the Top Two Percent...
> > 
> > com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik
> > 
> > --- On Thu, 8/28/08, Gymfig@  wrote:
> > From: Gymfig@ 
> > Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by
> Acclamation
> > Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 1:11 AM
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > In a message dated 8/27/2008 11:16:59 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] com writes:
> > Refresh my memory - how does McCain's position on abortion stop
> > teenage pregnancy?
> > 
> > How do you defend McCain's intent to continue the disastrous 
> > that have emptied our treasury and dangerously eroded our stature 
> > The world?
> > 
> > How does McCain's intent to continue tax cuts for the rich, which 
> > shamelessly widened the gap between rich and poor in this country,
> > help the fifty percent of black people who have yet to 
participate in
> > the American dream?
> > 
> > How can you rail against rich, white elitists and then turn 
around and
> > vote for the richest, whitest elitist?
> > I believe that abortion should not be used as a form of birth
> control. I believe that teens should be taught abstinence. I don't
> believe that McCain will continue the same policies that George Bush
> has laid out. He is not Bush. IT was the cuts, reforms and tax cuts
> that helped the economy. I rail against rich white elitists. They 
> present in both parties. Those in the Democratic party hide behind
> race, gender and are "social programs" that hurt America. They hide
> behind the same special interest groups and lobbyist that 
> share. It is easy the condemn the Republicans but not the Democrats.
> America will not be free unless all groups are stop. Something a
> Washington outsider cannot and will not do. 
> > 
> > 
> > It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
> here.
> >



Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread Martin
Make that last "perusing them", please.

--- On Thu, 8/28/08, Omari Confer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Omari Confer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation
Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 11:08 AM

EVIL GOP BASTICHES eh...someone has read one too many comic books!!!

On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 9:10 AM, Martin  

rave, one of my personal dark not-so-secret secrets- I *was* one of those Evil 
GOP Bastiches back then. Strangely enough, it *wasn't* the failure of their 
policies that pushed me out of their fold, but the realization that I, as aman 
of color, was good enough to have around at public rallies and such, but not 
good enough to hang around with at the mall... com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

--- On Thu, 8/28/08, ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote:

From: ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation
Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 8:56 AM

Uh...actually, I am a big fan of "christian erotica."

And, Martin, you mean to tell me you didn't get "trickled" on during
the Reagan and Bush administrations?


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Martin  wrote:
> Gymfig, good luck on getting across a message of abstinence in an
era when sex and sexual imagery is in everything but Christian media.
And, as for those rich White elitists- who do you think benefits most
from those tax cuts? Reminds me of the immense stupidity of the
"trickle-down theory". That wealth trickled right down into the
pockets of the Top Two Percent...
> com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik
> --- On Thu, 8/28/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by

> Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 1:11 AM
> In a message dated 8/27/2008 11:16:59 PM Eastern Standard Time,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] com writes:
> Refresh my memory - how does McCain's position on abortion stop
> teenage pregnancy?
> How do you defend McCain's intent to continue the disastrous policies
> that have emptied our treasury and dangerously eroded our stature in
> The world?
> How does McCain's intent to continue tax cuts for the rich, which have
> shamelessly widened the gap between rich and poor in this country,
> help the fifty percent of black people who have yet to participate in
> the American dream?
> How can you rail against rich, white elitists and then turn around and
> vote for the richest, whitest elitist?
> I believe that abortion should not be used as a form of birth
control. I believe that teens should be taught abstinence. I don't
believe that McCain will continue the same policies that George Bush
has laid out. He is not Bush. IT was the cuts, reforms and tax cuts
that helped the economy. I rail against rich white elitists. They are
present in both parties. Those in the Democratic party hide behind
race, gender and are "social programs" that hurt America. They hide
behind the same special interest groups and lobbyist that Republicans
share. It is easy the condemn the Republicans but not the Democrats.
America will not be free unless all groups are stop. Something a
Washington outsider cannot and will not do. 
> It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal

cwm blog
http://centralheati ngblog.blogspot. com
http://www.stringth eory.mypodcast. com


Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread Martin
Well, I ahve been pursuing them for forty-plus years now. Still, doesn't govern 
my vocabulary when I call them as I see them. ;-)

--- On Thu, 8/28/08, Omari Confer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Omari Confer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation
Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 11:08 AM

EVIL GOP BASTICHES eh...someone has read one too many comic books!!!

On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 9:10 AM, Martin  

rave, one of my personal dark not-so-secret secrets- I *was* one of those Evil 
GOP Bastiches back then. Strangely enough, it *wasn't* the failure of their 
policies that pushed me out of their fold, but the realization that I, as aman 
of color, was good enough to have around at public rallies and such, but not 
good enough to hang around with at the mall... com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

--- On Thu, 8/28/08, ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote:

From: ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation
Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 8:56 AM

Uh...actually, I am a big fan of "christian erotica."

And, Martin, you mean to tell me you didn't get "trickled" on during
the Reagan and Bush administrations?


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Martin  wrote:
> Gymfig, good luck on getting across a message of abstinence in an
era when sex and sexual imagery is in everything but Christian media.
And, as for those rich White elitists- who do you think benefits most
from those tax cuts? Reminds me of the immense stupidity of the
"trickle-down theory". That wealth trickled right down into the
pockets of the Top Two Percent...
> com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik
> --- On Thu, 8/28/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by

> Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 1:11 AM
> In a message dated 8/27/2008 11:16:59 PM Eastern Standard Time,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] com writes:
> Refresh my memory - how does McCain's position on abortion stop
> teenage pregnancy?
> How do you defend McCain's intent to continue the disastrous policies
> that have emptied our treasury and dangerously eroded our stature in
> The world?
> How does McCain's intent to continue tax cuts for the rich, which have
> shamelessly widened the gap between rich and poor in this country,
> help the fifty percent of black people who have yet to participate in
> the American dream?
> How can you rail against rich, white elitists and then turn around and
> vote for the richest, whitest elitist?
> I believe that abortion should not be used as a form of birth
control. I believe that teens should be taught abstinence. I don't
believe that McCain will continue the same policies that George Bush
has laid out. He is not Bush. IT was the cuts, reforms and tax cuts
that helped the economy. I rail against rich white elitists. They are
present in both parties. Those in the Democratic party hide behind
race, gender and are "social programs" that hurt America. They hide
behind the same special interest groups and lobbyist that Republicans
share. It is easy the condemn the Republicans but not the Democrats.
America will not be free unless all groups are stop. Something a
Washington outsider cannot and will not do. 
> It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal

cwm blog
http://centralheati ngblog.blogspot. com
http://www.stringth eory.mypodcast. com


Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread Martin
Can I get an "amen" from the chorus?

--- On Thu, 8/28/08, ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation
Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 12:33 PM

The overblown notion of frustrated Hillary voters flocking to John 
McCain is an interesting dynamic for me. It is like the supporters of 
the loser of the primary to select the nominee of the sheep deciding to 
support the candidate of the WOLVES.

I swear, the longer I live, the stranger it gets.


http://blackplush. blogspot. com/



Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread KeithBJohnson
At last,  there is the crux i sought. You ended this polemic with a whole lot 
of "you don't understand my pain". Get a clue. I was raised by a Black woman 
who dealt with this. I have two sisters and a whole lot of female friends. I've 
been with my wife for 22 years, and i sure as heck know what she goes through 
as a Black woman. That I don't experience all the issues black *women* have 
doesn't mean I can't relate to struggles as a Black *man*.  Again, you seem to 
create an argument where none exists. Not once, in one single of my posts did I 
deny that women have it hard. I acknowledged that. What I said was taht Black 
people have it hard, women have it hard, both have it hard, so why are some 
women using the gender issue to say they have it harder, to say Barak Obama won 
an unfair contest? That's what Hillary and her people did, that's what you keep 
doing. If the system is sexist, rail against it, but quit punishing that man 
for it, a man who respects women from everything I can se
e. And then, going to McCain? Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your 
face. How does putting down a Black man in favor of a white man help your cause 
as a woman? i guess a candidate who calls his wife the c-word (and it was heard 
and confirmed by his own retainers off the record) is better for women's 
advancement than a young Brother who reveres his mother, grandmother, wife, 
sister, and daughters?

I  said, and I repeat this: why did this turn into a men vs. women battle when 
it should have turned into how can we fix all the -ism's discussion. 

You are guilty of the same pity-me attitude you accuse me of. I criticize 
Hillary--a lady I supported at first--because she took real problems and 
reduced them to hammers to use in a win-at-any-cost campaign. She used people 
to cry sexism, she used racism to try to forge ahead. I never denied sexism 
exists, but I decry her saying it's worse than racism, and the way she and her 
sycophants then attacked Obama for it.  You're doing the same thing, and I tell 
you, in me youve really alienated a Black man who "gets it" far more than you 
might think. 

As a woman you definitely deal with some burdens I don't deal with. As a man, I 
deal with some you don't deal with, such as being seen as a physical threat 
just by hauling my 6' frame onto an elevator with a white woman.  We both 
suffer ,Gymfig. I've watched my wife deal with racist, sexist white guys on her 
job; she's watched me deal with racist people on mine. Never once in two 
decades have we had an argument where she says "you don't get my pain, you have 
it easier". She comes to me for advice and support, and vice versa. We help 
each other work through those problems. But rest assured, if either of us 
started directing anger at the other, blaming the other for some perceived 
advantage, it wouldn't be tolerated. I have told her "yeah, I can see you have 
battles I don't have as a man". But you know what, it's still *my* battle 
because she's my woman, and my battles are hers because I'm her man. My wife 
doesn't have it harder than me: we as a Black couple have it harder than white
s, and we as Black people have it harder.  As long as people like you attack 
folk like me and Barak and other Black men who are actually trying to make 
things better, you splinter us.

I realize that you don't get me, and I'm really saddened and disgusted that 
it's so easy for a Sister to attack a Brother who's trying to understand 
things. You are the living example of why Black men and women can't get along, 
you're the woman who hits back at a man who's holding his hand out to help, the 
one who says "You have it better 'cause you're a man, you don't get my pain". 
You push me away because you want to stay wrapped in a cocoon of self-pity. 
You are a danger to the future of Black men and women finally healing all the 
hurts we've done to each other, but I won't be a party to that foolishness.

Okay, I'm done.

-- Original message -- 
In a message dated 8/28/2008 9:57:33 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:

I must be crazy for continuing this, but I do want to clear up one thing. 
Sayinig you have a problem with men is *not* saying you're lesbian, crazy, or a 
bit***.  It's responses like that that confuse me. I love women, I respect 
women, and I am saddened at the gender battles I see in this country, 
especially with Black people. 

What I've seen from you is a hair trigger whenever men in power comes up, an 
immediate, loud repudiation of men--or at least Black men--out of proportion to 
what's said. When we discuss Obama, you say "He's another man, big deal.So 
what' if he's black?" which is disrespectul to the *kind* of man he is, and to 
Black people. 

It is not disrespectful at all. People may be happy that he is runnig  for 
president. However at the end of the day he is still human. He is still a 
politician. He needs the same corp

Re: [scifinoir2] Wonder Woman To Become Kick-Ass Audrey Hepburn

2008-08-28 Thread Martin
One word.

--- On Thu, 8/28/08, Mike Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Mike Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [scifinoir2] Wonder Woman To Become Kick-Ass Audrey Hepburn
Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 1:19 PM 5042557/wonder- woman-to- become-kick+ ass-audrey- hepburn


[scifinoir2] Wonder Woman To Become Kick-Ass Audrey Hepburn

2008-08-28 Thread Mike Street

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/28/2008 10:16:23 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

I actually understand where Gymfig is coming from. He has a lot of valid 
points...some factual some questionable...but solid nonetheless.
I am a SHE.  I love gymnastics and figure skating. Gymfig 

Here is the kicker

Both sides are full of bull hockey. It is often better to bet with the side 
that you know will keep status quo than to "hope" for better and get nothing.

Do all of you remember the Clintons quorum on race relations in America and 
how much it did for us?


What Gymfig doesn't seem to realize is this

1. Neither Republicans or Democrats truly care about issues that don't affect 
themDemocrats half step in their programs and ideas..but Republicans all 
but flat out say that they don't care.

2. McCain is more of the same. He has different ideas sure, but the same 

Two salesmen lie. One has a great smile and bats his eyelashes. He smells 
good and dresses sharply. The other flat out lies to your face.  I would be 
angrier with the smooth talker than the one that flat out lies. I would also be 
angry with myself because I allowed the smooth talker to get to me. 

3. Emcee Cain will do a good dance now and then screw us laterhe is a bit 
of a tool
DJ Barry can really dance.  He dances his behind off. Once you find out that 
you have been played you don't care. You respect him and his game. You still 
go back and get played again and again. You are in love with this guy. Then you 
are in debt. You have lost your home. He has taken all of your money and 
given to his cousin who then plays you again.  You feel stupid for giving him 
I also see Obama as a new product. I will call it Pop a Rock. Everybody 
swears how great it is. Everybody wants something new. Nobody knows why but 
like it. Sales are through the roof. If you don't like Pop A. Rock then you are 
not cool.  When you taste Pop a Rock it doesn't taste any different from any 
other drink. You get cavities. You might even get sick. You hear that Pop a 
Rock was not tested thoroughly by the FDA. You don't care, you like it. 
Pop A. Rock starts to expand into the clothing, movies, music business. It is 
here to stay and will change the industry forever. It surpasses Coke and 
Pepsi at one point. It is the American Dream. 
Entertainment Tonight asks how long can Pop A. Rock last. Rumors start to 
swirl around that Pop A. Rock has had trouble in the past. The makers try and 
that people are jealous. Then people start to get bored with it. Pop a Rock 
starts another campaign to boost its image. It adds Gravel Juice.  Gravel Juice 
is boring but projections say it compliments Pop A. Rock. 
It works for a while. It did not get the big boost the makers expected. The 
makers say that time will tell They lower their expectations to save face. 
Sales of Pop A. Rock merchandise.  The makes of Lemon and Lime Pop put out that 
Pop A Rock is all hype. It does not taste good.  Pop A Rock has lost some of 
I will not try Pop a Rock or Gravel. I know that it is just hype. If I HAD to 
choose between Pop a Rock and Lemon Lime Pop I would choose the Lemon Lime 
pop. I never tried the Lemon Lime pop. I know that I will problably initaally 
hate it. I can grow to live it. I know that I don't want to get caught up in 
Pop A Roc hype.
If I really had to, I would choose neither. If someone told me that my choice 
will determine if Pop A Rock stays or goes, I will choose the Lemon Lime Pop. 
 I am tired of all fo the blow up hype. 

**It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
deal here.  


2008-08-28 Thread KeithBJohnson
You hit the nail on the head. There really could be such a thing as being 
Republican and cool. In fact, most Black people in America are actually fairly 
conservative in matters of crime, work, and moral responsibility. I know my 
late dad--card-carrying straight-ticket Dem that he was--believed in the death 
penalty, was very religious, and felt Black people needed to work harder. But 
he also realized racism was a real evil that required us to work so much harder 
than others.  Often the real divider between some Blacks and Republicans is the 
racism, the lack of empathy for what we go through, and a self-righteousness 
that rubs that "by your own bootstraps" in people's faces.

-- Original message -- 
From: Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
rave, one of my personal dark not-so-secret secrets- I *was* one of those Evil 
GOP Bastiches back then. Strangely enough, it *wasn't* the failure of their 
policies that pushed me out of their fold, but the realization that I, as aman 
of color, was good enough to have around at public rallies and such, but not 
good enough to hang around with at the mall...

--- On Thu, 8/28/08, ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation
Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 8:56 AM

Uh...actually, I am a big fan of "christian erotica."

And, Martin, you mean to tell me you didn't get "trickled" on during
the Reagan and Bush administrations?


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Martin  wrote:
> Gymfig, good luck on getting across a message of abstinence in an
era when sex and sexual imagery is in everything but Christian media.
And, as for those rich White elitists- who do you think benefits most
from those tax cuts? Reminds me of the immense stupidity of the
"trickle-down theory". That wealth trickled right down into the
pockets of the Top Two Percent...
> com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik
> --- On Thu, 8/28/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by
> Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 1:11 AM
> In a message dated 8/27/2008 11:16:59 PM Eastern Standard Time,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] com writes:
> Refresh my memory - how does McCain's position on abortion stop
> teenage pregnancy?
> How do you defend McCain's intent to continue the disastrous policies
> that have emptied our treasury and dangerously eroded our stature in
> The world?
> How does McCain's intent to continue tax cuts for the rich, which have
> shamelessly widened the gap between rich and poor in this country,
> help the fifty percent of black people who have yet to participate in
> the American dream?
> How can you rail against rich, white elitists and then turn around and
> vote for the richest, whitest elitist?
> I believe that abortion should not be used as a form of birth
control. I believe that teens should be taught abstinence. I don't
believe that McCain will continue the same policies that George Bush
has laid out. He is not Bush. IT was the cuts, reforms and tax cuts
that helped the economy. I rail against rich white elitists. They are
present in both parties. Those in the Democratic party hide behind
race, gender and are "social programs" that hurt America. They hide
behind the same special interest groups and lobbyist that Republicans
share. It is easy the condemn the Republicans but not the Democrats.
America will not be free unless all groups are stop. Something a
Washington outsider cannot and will not do. 
> It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal


[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread ravenadal
The overblown notion of frustrated Hillary voters flocking to John 
McCain is an interesting dynamic for me.  It is like the supporters of 
the loser of the primary to select the nominee of the sheep deciding to 
support the candidate of the WOLVES.

I swear, the longer I live, the stranger it gets.


[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread ravenadal
WOW!  Look at the big brain on Gym!  I don't think I have ever seen 
you string so many coherent words together.  Once again...WOW!


--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 8/28/2008 9:57:33 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
> Gymfig,
> I must be crazy for continuing this, but I do want to clear up one 
> Sayinig you have a problem with men is *not* saying you're lesbian, 
crazy, or a 
> bit***.  It's responses like that that confuse me. I love women, I 
> women, and I am saddened at the gender battles I see in this 
country, especially 
> with Black people. 
> What I've seen from you is a hair trigger whenever men in power 
comes up, an 
> immediate, loud repudiation of men--or at least Black men--out of 
> to what's said. When we discuss Obama, you say "He's another man, 
big deal.So 
> what' if he's black?" which is disrespectul to the *kind* of man he 
is, and to 
> Black people. 
> It is not disrespectful at all. People may be happy that he is 
runnig  for 
> president. However at the end of the day he is still human. He is 
still a 
> politician. He needs the same corporate money he says he despsies. 
He went to 
> Wrights chuch becaue it introduced him to the right people.  It 
iwas not a sould seac
> hig decision  He did what others have done in the past. He is no 
> than anybody else. 
> I don't see him as  great figure in terms of accomplishments. I 
think Colin 
> Powell is a great man.  He is not a celebrity.  There is a huge 
> between Powell and Obama. I know that they respect one another. I 
would take 
> Powell any day over Obama. 
> Two goverenors of California were actos. They have a built in fan 
> People complained about Bush and his expereince that was brought by 
his Daddy. Well 
> Obam has not even finished his first term. Why should he be seen as 
> than Bush?  
> Some people say that Clinton should be a supreme corut judge. 
Shouldn't you 
> be a judge before you sit on the bench? Obvisouly that is not the 
case any 
> more. 
> He is just a man that gives great speeches. This  election saddens 
to. It 
> shows that the POTUS is just a figurehead. The real power is by 
lobbyists and 
> coporations. They run this country. I am not a fan of Clitnon or 
McCain in terms 
> of experiene. I take McCain any day. 
> Race has nothing to do with my dislike of hom. 
> You seem to paint all men in power with this huge brush of keeping 
> down, 
> You are mistaken
> II really feel you are bringing some prejudices to these 
discussions. I've 
> looked back over many of my posts, and nothing in them can be 
interpreted as 
> calling you what you said.  Maybe you know a lot of men who seem to 
think in this 
> twisted way, but I'm not one of them.
> As a black woman I see sexism and racism all the time.  My race 
means that I 
> will be lazy. My gender meas that I can not do the work. You are a 
black man. 
> Sure you face problems. You don't have people who say that you have 
a smaller 
> brain and can't handle high pressured situations. Not as a man. You 
don't have 
> the problem of being emotional and seen as a negative. You don't 
have the 
> problem with memebers of your group that don't think that women 
should NEVER be 
> near the top. Any black person that say that blacks should not be 
leaders is is 
> as racist. You don't have the burden of being told to sacrifice  
for the sake 
> of the race. You don't have to worry if your outward apprearence is 
> important than  your accomplishments. You don't have to worry that 
if you focus on 
> your group then that will tear the family structure apart and will 
> men. 
> No I don't hate men I dont hate black men. The fact that you 
continue with 
> this kind of conclusion speaks volumes. This is the kind of sexims 
I hate. 
> **It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find 
your travel 
> deal here.  
> (

[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread ravenadal
How does (China, India, et al) change the fact that the price of fuel 
DOUBLED during the Bush Administration.  The measure of a skipper is 
not how choppy the waters are but the course (s)he navigates through 
those waters.


--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 8/28/2008 10:42:09 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
> Hey Gym,
> I was listening to the comedy stylings of a local conservative 
> this morning (he is the classic liberal who got mugged and became a 
> Republican).  His talking point was about how there will be higher 
> energy prices in an Obama Administration.  Oh really?  Didn't 
> prices DOUBLE during the Bush Administration
> Obama did not want to drill untll the public thought it was okay. 
The demand 
> for oil went up because China was hoarding for the Olympics and a 
greater need 
> for oil. The same can be said about India. 
> **It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find 
your travel 
> deal here.  
> (


2008-08-28 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/28/2008 10:42:09 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

Hey Gym,

I was listening to the comedy stylings of a local conservative pundit 
this morning (he is the classic liberal who got mugged and became a 
Republican).  His talking point was about how there will be higher 
energy prices in an Obama Administration.  Oh really?  Didn't energy 
prices DOUBLE during the Bush Administration

Obama did not want to drill untll the public thought it was okay. The demand 
for oil went up because China was hoarding for the Olympics and a greater need 
for oil. The same can be said about India. 

**It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
deal here.  

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/28/2008 9:57:33 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

I must be crazy for continuing this, but I do want to clear up one thing. 
Sayinig you have a problem with men is *not* saying you're lesbian, crazy, or a 
bit***.  It's responses like that that confuse me. I love women, I respect 
women, and I am saddened at the gender battles I see in this country, 
with Black people. 


What I've seen from you is a hair trigger whenever men in power comes up, an 
immediate, loud repudiation of men--or at least Black men--out of proportion 
to what's said. When we discuss Obama, you say "He's another man, big deal.So 
what' if he's black?" which is disrespectul to the *kind* of man he is, and to 
Black people. 

It is not disrespectful at all. People may be happy that he is runnig  for 
president. However at the end of the day he is still human. He is still a 
politician. He needs the same corporate money he says he despsies. He went to 
Wrights chuch becaue it introduced him to the right people.  It iwas not a 
sould seac
hig decision  He did what others have done in the past. He is no different 
than anybody else. 
I don't see him as  great figure in terms of accomplishments. I think Colin 
Powell is a great man.  He is not a celebrity.  There is a huge difference 
between Powell and Obama. I know that they respect one another. I would take 
Powell any day over Obama. 
Two goverenors of California were actos. They have a built in fan base. 
People complained about Bush and his expereince that was brought by his Daddy. 
Obam has not even finished his first term. Why should he be seen as different 
than Bush?  
Some people say that Clinton should be a supreme corut judge. Shouldn't you 
be a judge before you sit on the bench? Obvisouly that is not the case any 
He is just a man that gives great speeches. This  election saddens to. It 
shows that the POTUS is just a figurehead. The real power is by lobbyists and 
coporations. They run this country. I am not a fan of Clitnon or McCain in 
of experiene. I take McCain any day. 
Race has nothing to do with my dislike of hom. 

You seem to paint all men in power with this huge brush of keeping women 

You are mistaken

II really feel you are bringing some prejudices to these discussions. I've 
looked back over many of my posts, and nothing in them can be interpreted as 
calling you what you said.  Maybe you know a lot of men who seem to think in 
twisted way, but I'm not one of them.

As a black woman I see sexism and racism all the time.  My race means that I 
will be lazy. My gender meas that I can not do the work. You are a black man. 
Sure you face problems. You don't have people who say that you have a smaller 
brain and can't handle high pressured situations. Not as a man. You don't have 
the problem of being emotional and seen as a negative. You don't have the 
problem with memebers of your group that don't think that women should NEVER be 
near the top. Any black person that say that blacks should not be leaders is is 
as racist. You don't have the burden of being told to sacrifice  for the sake 
of the race. You don't have to worry if your outward apprearence is more 
important than  your accomplishments. You don't have to worry that if you focus 
your group then that will tear the family structure apart and will destroy 
No I don't hate men I dont hate black men. The fact that you continue with 
this kind of conclusion speaks volumes. This is the kind of sexims I hate. 

**It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
deal here.  

[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread ravenadal
Hey Gym,

I was listening to the comedy stylings of a local conservative pundit 
this morning (he is the classic liberal who got mugged and became a 
Republican).  His talking point was about how there will be higher 
energy prices in an Obama Administration.  Oh really?  Didn't energy 
prices DOUBLE during the Bush Administration? 


--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I just finished watching CSPAN. They had a pundit talking about 
Obamas plan. 
> Obama will not scale back NAFTA. His plan to tax small business 
will hurt not 
> help. He plans to spend. He does not plan on lowering the national 
debt. He 
> will not reform programs. I don't see why he is such an economic 
power hours. 
> **It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find 
your travel 
> deal here.  
> (

[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread ravenadal "actually understand where Gymfig is coming from"?  I 
eagerly await your book of translation.

Truth is, there is as much difference between the Democrats and the 
Republicans as there is between Harvard and Yale - a big difference 
to them, a little, bitty difference to everybody else.  In fact, most 
democrats in congress, if they weren't democrats in congress, would 
vote Republican - heck, most of them vote Republican NOW.  

The Clinton administration was actually the centrist Republican 
administration the Republicans always promise but never deliver.  
This is why there are so many FOBs (friends of Bill) - that and the 
fact that a lot of people got fat while he was president (me 

A lot of people have gone bankrupt and been foreclosed during the 
current Bush administration.


--- In, "Omari Confer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I actually understand where Gymfig is coming from. He has alot of 
> points...some factual some questionable...but solid none the less.
> Here is the kicker
> Both sides are full of bull hockey. It is often better to bet with 
the side
> that you know will keep status quo than to "hope" for better and get
> nothing.
> Do all of you remember the Clintons quorum on race relations in 
America and
> how much it did for us?
> Yeah...squat.
> What Gymfig doesnt seem to realize is this
> 1. Neither Republicans or Democrats trully care about issues that 
> affect themDemocrats half step in their programs and ideas..but
> Republicans all but flat out say that they dont care.
> 2. McCain is more of the same. He has different ideas sure, but the 
> approach.
> 3. Emcee Cain will do a good dance now and then screw us 
laterhe is a
> bit of a tool
> On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 10:06 AM, ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >   Black Republicans amaze and amuse me. I still remember the look 
> > shock, indignation and REALIZATION on Alan Keyes' face when he was
> > literally locked out of one of the Republican Presidential debates
> > back in the day. Like the good deluded black boy he was, he
> > continued to soldier on to further humiliations like running 
> > Obama for the U.S. Senate.
> >
> > It is always a sad and sorry sight (and by that I mean "funny as
> > hell!") when these deluded "patriots" get their "negro wake-up 
> > (a shout out to Paul Mooney)and realize that they are not foot
> > soldiers for justice but simply cannon fodder.
> >
> > ~rave!
> >
> >
> > --- In , 
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > rave, one of my personal dark not-so-secret secrets- I *was* 
one of
> > those Evil GOP Bastiches back then. Strangely enough, it *wasn't* 
> > failure of their policies that pushed me out of their fold, but 
> > realization that I, as aman of color, was good enough to have 
> > at public rallies and such, but not good enough to hang around 
> > at the mall...
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- On Thu, 8/28/08, ravenadal  wrote:
> > > From: ravenadal 
> >
> > > Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by
> > Acclamation
> > > To: 
> > > Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 8:56 AM
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Uh...actually, I am a big fan of "christian erotica."
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > And, Martin, you mean to tell me you didn't get "trickled" on 
> > >
> > > the Reagan and Bush administrations?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ~rave!
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Martin 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > > Gymfig, good luck on getting across a message of abstinence 
in an
> > >
> > > era when sex and sexual imagery is in everything but Christian
> > media.
> > >
> > > And, as for those rich White elitists- who do you think benefits
> > most
> > >
> > > from those tax cuts? Reminds me of the immense stupidity of the
> > >
> > > "trickle-down theory". That wealth trickled right down into the
> > >
> > > pockets of the Top Two Percent...
> > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > > com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik
> > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > > --- On Thu, 8/28/08, Gymfig@  wrote:
> > >
> > > > From: Gymfig@ 
> > >
> > > > Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for 
Barak by
> > >
> > > Acclamation
> > >
> > >
> > > > Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 1:11 AM
> > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > > In a message dated 8/27/2008 11:16:59 PM Eastern Standard 
> > >
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] com writes:
> > >
> > > > Refresh my memory - how does McCain's position on abortion 
> > >
> > > > t


2008-08-28 Thread Omari Confer
I actually understand where Gymfig is coming from. He has alot of valid
points...some factual some questionable...but solid none the less.

Here is the kicker

Both sides are full of bull hockey. It is often better to bet with the side
that you know will keep status quo than to "hope" for better and get

Do all of you remember the Clintons quorum on race relations in America and
how much it did for us?


What Gymfig doesnt seem to realize is this

1. Neither Republicans or Democrats trully care about issues that dont
affect themDemocrats half step in their programs and ideas..but
Republicans all but flat out say that they dont care.

2. McCain is more of the same. He has different ideas sure, but the same


3. Emcee Cain will do a good dance now and then screw us laterhe is a
bit of a tool

On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 10:06 AM, ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   Black Republicans amaze and amuse me. I still remember the look of
> shock, indignation and REALIZATION on Alan Keyes' face when he was
> literally locked out of one of the Republican Presidential debates
> back in the day. Like the good deluded black boy he was, he
> continued to soldier on to further humiliations like running against
> Obama for the U.S. Senate.
> It is always a sad and sorry sight (and by that I mean "funny as
> hell!") when these deluded "patriots" get their "negro wake-up call"
> (a shout out to Paul Mooney)and realize that they are not foot
> soldiers for justice but simply cannon fodder.
> ~rave!
> --- In , Martin
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > rave, one of my personal dark not-so-secret secrets- I *was* one of
> those Evil GOP Bastiches back then. Strangely enough, it *wasn't* the
> failure of their policies that pushed me out of their fold, but the
> realization that I, as aman of color, was good enough to have around
> at public rallies and such, but not good enough to hang around with
> at the mall...
> >
> >
> >
> > --- On Thu, 8/28/08, ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > From: ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by
> Acclamation
> > To: 
> > Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 8:56 AM
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Uh...actually, I am a big fan of "christian erotica."
> >
> >
> >
> > And, Martin, you mean to tell me you didn't get "trickled" on during
> >
> > the Reagan and Bush administrations?
> >
> >
> >
> > ~rave!
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Martin 
> wrote:
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Gymfig, good luck on getting across a message of abstinence in an
> >
> > era when sex and sexual imagery is in everything but Christian
> media.
> >
> > And, as for those rich White elitists- who do you think benefits
> most
> >
> > from those tax cuts? Reminds me of the immense stupidity of the
> >
> > "trickle-down theory". That wealth trickled right down into the
> >
> > pockets of the Top Two Percent...
> >
> > >
> >
> > > com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik
> >
> > >
> >
> > > --- On Thu, 8/28/08, Gymfig@  wrote:
> >
> > > From: Gymfig@ 
> >
> > > Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by
> >
> > Acclamation
> >
> >
> > > Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 1:11 AM
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > In a message dated 8/27/2008 11:16:59 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] com writes:
> >
> > > Refresh my memory - how does McCain's position on abortion stop
> >
> > > teenage pregnancy?
> >
> > >
> >
> > > How do you defend McCain's intent to continue the disastrous
> policies
> >
> > > that have emptied our treasury and dangerously eroded our stature
> in
> >
> > > The world?
> >
> > >
> >
> > > How does McCain's intent to continue tax cuts for the rich, which
> have
> >
> > > shamelessly widened the gap between rich and poor in this country,
> >
> > > help the fifty percent of black people who have yet to
> participate in
> >
> > > the American dream?
> >
> > >
> >
> > > How can you rail against rich, white elitists and then turn
> around and
> >
> > > vote for the richest, whitest elitist?
> >
> > > I believe that abortion should not be used as a form of birth
> >
> > control. I believe that teens should be taught abstinence. I don't
> >
> > believe that McCain will continue the same policies that George Bush
> >
> > has laid out. He is not Bush. IT was the cuts, reforms and tax cuts
> >
> > that helped the economy. I rail against rich white elitists. They
> are
> >
> > present in both parties. Those in the Democratic party hide behind
> >
> > race, gender and are "social programs" that hurt America. They hide
> >
> > behind the same special 

[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread ravenadal
Earth to Gym: McCain will not scale back NAFTA.  His plan to NOT tax 
the rich and powerful will hurt small business.  He does not plan on 
lowering the national debt.  He will not reform programs.  

So...what is your point?  Since even you and yours concede that 
whoever we elect not much is going to change, I intend to do what I 
do in real life...hire the younger, smarter, more competent candidate.


--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I just finished watching CSPAN. They had a pundit talking about 
Obamas plan. 
> Obama will not scale back NAFTA. His plan to tax small business 
will hurt not 
> help. He plans to spend. He does not plan on lowering the national 
debt. He 
> will not reform programs. I don't see why he is such an economic 
power hours. 
> **It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find 
your travel 
> deal here.  
> (


2008-08-28 Thread Omari Confer
EVIL GOP BASTICHES eh...someone has read one too many comic books!!!

On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 9:10 AM, Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   rave, one of my personal dark not-so-secret secrets- I *was* one of
> those Evil GOP Bastiches back then. Strangely enough, it *wasn't* the
> failure of their policies that pushed me out of their fold, but the
> realization that I, as aman of color, was good enough to have around at
> public rallies and such, but not good enough to hang around with at the
> mall...
> --- On *Thu, 8/28/08, ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:
> From: ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation
> To:
> Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 8:56 AM
>  Uh...actually, I am a big fan of "christian erotica."
> And, Martin, you mean to tell me you didn't get "trickled" on during
> the Reagan and Bush administrations?
> ~rave!
> --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] , Martin
>  wrote:
> >
> > Gymfig, good luck on getting across a message of abstinence in an
> era when sex and sexual imagery is in everything but Christian media.
> And, as for those rich White elitists- who do you think benefits most
> from those tax cuts? Reminds me of the immense stupidity of the
> "trickle-down theory". That wealth trickled right down into the
> pockets of the Top Two Percent...
> >
> > com/watch? 
> > v=fQUxw9aUVik
> >
> > --- On Thu, 8/28/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by
> Acclamation
> > Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 1:11 AM
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > In a message dated 8/27/2008 11:16:59 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] com writes:
> > Refresh my memory - how does McCain's position on abortion stop
> > teenage pregnancy?
> >
> > How do you defend McCain's intent to continue the disastrous policies
> > that have emptied our treasury and dangerously eroded our stature in
> > The world?
> >
> > How does McCain's intent to continue tax cuts for the rich, which have
> > shamelessly widened the gap between rich and poor in this country,
> > help the fifty percent of black people who have yet to participate in
> > the American dream?
> >
> > How can you rail against rich, white elitists and then turn around and
> > vote for the richest, whitest elitist?
> > I believe that abortion should not be used as a form of birth
> control. I believe that teens should be taught abstinence. I don't
> believe that McCain will continue the same policies that George Bush
> has laid out. He is not Bush. IT was the cuts, reforms and tax cuts
> that helped the economy. I rail against rich white elitists. They are
> present in both parties. Those in the Democratic party hide behind
> race, gender and are "social programs" that hurt America. They hide
> behind the same special interest groups and lobbyist that Republicans
> share. It is easy the condemn the Republicans but not the Democrats.
> America will not be free unless all groups are stop. Something a
> Washington outsider cannot and will not do.
> >
> >
> > It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal
> here.
> >

cwm blog


2008-08-28 Thread ravenadal
Black Republicans amaze and amuse me.  I still remember the look of 
shock, indignation and REALIZATION on Alan Keyes' face when he was 
literally locked out of one of the Republican Presidential debates 
back in the day.  Like the good deluded black boy he was, he 
continued to soldier on to further humiliations like running against 
Obama for the U.S. Senate.  

It is always a sad and sorry sight (and by that I mean "funny as 
hell!") when these deluded "patriots" get their "negro wake-up call" 
(a shout out to Paul Mooney)and realize that they are not foot 
soldiers for justice but simply cannon fodder.


--- In, Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> rave, one of my personal dark not-so-secret secrets- I *was* one of 
those Evil GOP Bastiches back then. Strangely enough, it *wasn't* the 
failure of their policies that pushed me out of their fold, but the 
realization that I, as aman of color, was good enough to have around 
at public rallies and such, but not good enough to hang around with 
at the mall...
> --- On Thu, 8/28/08, ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by 
> To:
> Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 8:56 AM
> Uh...actually, I am a big fan of "christian erotica."
> And, Martin, you mean to tell me you didn't get "trickled" on during
> the Reagan and Bush administrations?
> ~rave!
> --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Martin  
> >
> > Gymfig, good luck on getting across a message of abstinence in an
> era when sex and sexual imagery is in everything but Christian 
> And, as for those rich White elitists- who do you think benefits 
> from those tax cuts? Reminds me of the immense stupidity of the
> "trickle-down theory". That wealth trickled right down into the
> pockets of the Top Two Percent...
> > 
> > com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik
> > 
> > --- On Thu, 8/28/08, Gymfig@  wrote:
> > From: Gymfig@ 
> > Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by
> Acclamation
> > Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 1:11 AM
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > In a message dated 8/27/2008 11:16:59 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] com writes:
> > Refresh my memory - how does McCain's position on abortion stop
> > teenage pregnancy?
> > 
> > How do you defend McCain's intent to continue the disastrous 
> > that have emptied our treasury and dangerously eroded our stature 
> > The world?
> > 
> > How does McCain's intent to continue tax cuts for the rich, which 
> > shamelessly widened the gap between rich and poor in this country,
> > help the fifty percent of black people who have yet to 
participate in
> > the American dream?
> > 
> > How can you rail against rich, white elitists and then turn 
around and
> > vote for the richest, whitest elitist?
> > I believe that abortion should not be used as a form of birth
> control. I believe that teens should be taught abstinence. I don't
> believe that McCain will continue the same policies that George Bush
> has laid out. He is not Bush. IT was the cuts, reforms and tax cuts
> that helped the economy. I rail against rich white elitists. They 
> present in both parties.  Those in the Democratic party hide behind
> race, gender and are "social programs" that hurt America. They hide
> behind the same special interest groups and lobbyist that 
> share. It is easy the condemn the Republicans but not the Democrats.
> America will not be free unless all groups are stop. Something a
> Washington outsider cannot and will not do. 
> > 
> > 
> > It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
> here.
> >

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread Omari Confer
Tired or not but everything is racist. You cant tell whites to get their act
together if they own the act, the actors and the stage. Its and unfair
battle of perception and we are always on the losing end. John McCain can
give 2 flying cucumbers about the black community. They are not his any comments of the like simply looks like a cheap
swipe...which it would be. I respect McCain and realize many points he makes
and policy ideas are more solid thank my man B. But as they say on the


McCain is thirsty for the seat. I am more concerned more about what he will
let happen and not what he will do. You can complain about Liberals all you
want, but a step in the right direction is something we should applaud. In
the words of the rap group M.O.P

"In order to survive the game, know the game..."

c w m

On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 7:55 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>In a message dated 8/27/2008 7:39:17 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> That's my thoughts exactly.  What I saw Clintion was in a no-win
> situation.  It has now dawn on her that thanks to her primary actions she
> either has to help Obama win the election-even if it means she'll never have
> a decent shot of running for president.  Or killing her political career,
> and her chance of holding her senate seat by either doing nothing, or
> harming Obama's chance of winning it.  So she had to hit one out of the
> park.  *But now she has to make sure that Obama wins the nod or many will
> blame his loss on her and endure the backlash.  Which will probally end her
> senate career.*
> This is what I am tired of . I am tired of the Everything is racist. Poor
> Obama. I saw him in the debates with Hillary. He was horrible. However black
> peole were crying racism. I saw him at Saddleback. McCain was great. You
> can't blame that on racism. Minoriites have been force feed that nothing is
> there fault. It is all the racist system.
> Now you have all of these so called white liberals who feel proud they are
> not racist like their parents. We can all be stupid toghet. Give me a
> break.
> Take teen pregnacy. It used to be a "black problem:. Now it is a white
> problem and is acceptable. You have all of these dolllars going in to stop
> it in the black community. However it is ballooning in the white community.
> When will Obama tell whites to get their act together. He won't .
> He will say that peopel must work together to stop problems. It will be
> accpetable becuse he is a Bill Cosby type of person. John McCain says the
> same thing and he is labeled a racist. This has NOT helped. People need to
> sop looking at race and look at the problem.
> --
> It's only a deal if it's where *you* want to go. Find your travel deal *
> here* .

cwm blog

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread KeithBJohnson

I must be crazy for continuing this, but I do want to clear up one thing. 
Sayinig you have a problem with men is *not* saying you're lesbian, crazy, or a 
bit***.  It's responses like that that confuse me. I love women, I respect 
women, and I am saddened at the gender battles I see in this country, 
especially with Black people. What I've seen from you is a hair trigger 
whenever men in power comes up, an immediate, loud repudiation of men--or at 
least Black men--out of proportion to what's said. When we discuss Obama, you 
say "He's another man, big deal.So what' if he's black?" which is disrespectul 
to the *kind* of man he is, and to Black people. You seem to paint all men in 
power with this huge brush of keeping women down, and I have to say I don't get 
it. While I know sexism exists and is rampant--and so is racism--the level of 
anger you display is offputting. Especially,again, toward generalizing people 
like Obama, who--say what you will about his readiness or "blackness"--shows 
so much respect for women, as do I.

I think that responding to my concerns with your man bashing with an immediate, 
"so you're calling me a crazy lesbian bi***" exemplifies an issue you have. 
Having problems with men does not equate to lesbianism, and unlike you, I 
*never* use the b-word, which I find to be derogatory and demeaning.  

I really feel you are bringing some prejudices to these discussions. I've 
looked back over many of my posts, and nothing in them can be interpreted as 
calling you what you said.  Maybe you know a lot of men who seem to think in 
this twisted way, but I'm not one of them.

-- Original message -- 
In a message dated 8/28/2008 12:27:07 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
You really, really need to check your facts. Clyburn was on the fence for 
Clyburn was not a Clinton supporter. Neither was Pelosi or Brazile. All of this 
fence sitting was a farce.

Like many blacks in this country (me included) he was leaning toward Hillary 
Clinton. But Obama's success, 
with whites 

coupled with the Clinton's increasingly hostile and dirty tactics,

I don't understand why it is so wrong to attafck your opponet. She was his 
rival. What were they supposed to do, have a duel? Jeez Louise. She was a white 
woman attacking a black man. I guess that was the problem. 

made him lean toward Obama. I watched Clyburn in a live interview say that he 
called Bill Clinton personally to tell him he was going with Obama, and Clinton 
cussed at him. I heard Richardson say Clinton went off on him. Hell, Teddy 
Kennedy said the Clintons went off on him too. John Lewis here in Atlanta 
called to tell them, and he too said it didn't go well. I liked and like Bill 
and Hillary, but they did this to themselves.  You call Clyburn a dog, but it 
was the Clintons who acted like brutes, cursing and threatening and attacking 
people for having the temerity to back someone else. Tonight at the DNC, 
Clyburn said he liked the Clintons, still likes the Clintons. "I have no 
problem with them", he said.He then said he still felt some of their comments 
could have been interpreted as racist, but that he still had no enduring 
problem with them.

Clybrun warned the Clintons that they should fall in line unless she and her 
supporters were going to lose their seat. 

How is that the posture of an angry dog?

And I'm really, really confused. What did Obama do to Hillary? How can you in 
the same night attack Obama and men for a sexist plot against Hillary, then say 
she came out swinging and he was meek. 

I never said that she was meek. She is a woman. Vilified for be a hard core 
bithc. Something that men don't like. 

 She lost this fight, and you are saying you'll never vote for him. 

No I will not. 

You are Black right?


Then tell me how a respectful Black man like Obama who speaks with nothing but 
respect for women is worse than McCain, who called his wife the c-word in 

He said that he did not. 

Tell me how you have contempt for Obama who has an intelligent, educated wife 
who I believe will bring more respect to the First Lady, while going with 
don't-say-too-much Cindy McCain?

I do not vote for first lady. 

You're entitled to your opinion, that's the American way. But if I could 
understand it as something other than an odd hatred of Obama, or men, or Black 
LOL not this ish again. I am not a bitter lesbian. 

or all three--that'd be nice. If you think a white multi-millionaire like john 
McCain who supported a senseless invasion that will cost us trillions is better 
for you than a Black man who understands the struggles of being both Black and 
not wealthy, that's your right.  

That black man has not proven he undestands the sturggle of people. He cars 
about the corporations that put him there. 

I'm tired, mad at myself for staying up this late and doing this instead of 
writing or job searching.


2008-08-28 Thread Gymfig
I just finished watching CSPAN. They had a pundit talking about Obamas plan. 
Obama will not scale back NAFTA. His plan to tax small business will hurt not 
help. He plans to spend. He does not plan on lowering the national debt. He 
will not reform programs. I don't see why he is such an economic power hours. 

**It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
deal here.  

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread Martin
(standing ovation, and privately wondering why the "liberal media" hasn't been 
all over the story of the first Mrs McCain...)

--- On Thu, 8/28/08, ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation
Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 8:31 AM

Once again your fuzzy logic escapes me.  Every crime you accuse the

democrats of, the republicans are guilty of ten-fold.  The economy is

in shambles so how did the tax cuts work?  You state that you believe

abortion should not be used as a form of birth control yet the

explosion of out-of-marraige births you decry give ample evidence that

abortion is NOT being used as a form of birth control.  The evidence

suggests Republicans speak out of both sides of their necks.  They

preach fiscal responsibility then spend like drunken sailors.  Clinton

inherited a deficit created by Reagan era tax cuts.  Bush inherited a

Clinton surplus and turned it into the biggest deficit in history.  

People talk about Obama being inexperienced but it is McCain's

experience we should be afraid of.  Before he became a POW during the

Viet Nam war, McCain had failed at every enterprise he engaged in.  He

was an indifferent student and and only got into Anapolis (where his

more talented father and grandfather, both famous Admirals, had

preceded him).  There is a naval base named after his grandfather. 

There will be nothing named after McCain.  As a naval officer and

pilot he was a screw up.  It is probably his fault he was shot down in

Viet Nam.  Like Bush, he was a drunk and a carouser.  He left his

first wife after she had waited for him to be released by his captors

because she had suffered a horrific accident and no longer looked like

the trophy wife he had dreamed of during his captivity.

The most successful thing McCain has ever done in life was to leave

his long suffering wife for a mush younger rich beer heiress.  All of

his good fortune after that stems from his marraige to the financial

and political clout wielded by his daddy-in-law in Arizona.  He traded

up good.  

And, while it is considered bad form to criticize McCain's age, there

is no job in America - besides the one he has - where anybody -

including you - would hire a 73 year-old man.  There is not a major

corporation in America that would hire a 73 year-old man, regardless

of his experience or qualifications, to the top position of their


Although the media is giving McCain a pass on this, Old Grandad is

running an old man campaign.  He usually makes one public appearance a

day then, presumably, goes back to the hotel to take a nap.  This is a

somewhat effective strategy because his media contingent is so bored

out of their minds covering him that they respond like sharks to chum

in the water everytime he does ANYthing.

Finally, what kind of face does America want to show to the rest of

the world?  Is this a young, vibrant country with new ideas or an old,

wizened country (with short arms)?  

This is not a man I want as president of the United States.





> In a message dated 8/27/2008 11:16:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] . writes:


> Refresh my memory - how does McCain's position on abortion stop

> teenage pregnancy?


> How do you defend McCain's intent to continue the disastrous policies

> that have emptied our treasury and dangerously eroded our stature in

> The world?


> How does McCain's intent to continue tax cuts for the rich, which have

> shamelessly widened the gap between rich and poor in this country,

> help the fifty percent of black people who have yet to participate in

> the American dream?


> How can you rail against rich, white elitists and then turn around and

> vote for the richest, whitest elitist?


> I believe that abortion should not be used as a form of birth

control. I 

> believe that teens should be taught abstinence. I don't believe that

McCain will 

> continue the same policies that George Bush has laid out. He is not

Bush. IT 

> was the cuts, reforms and tax cuts that helped the economy. I rail

against rich 

> white elitists. They are present in both parties.  Those in the


> party hide behind race, gender and are "social programs" that hurt

America. They 

> hide behind the same special interest groups and lobbyist that


> share. It is easy the condemn the Republicans but not the Democrats.

America will 

> not be free unless all groups are stop. Something a Washington outsider 

> cannot and will not do. 




>  **It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find

your travel 

> deal here.  

> (http://information. com/deals? ncid=aol


2008-08-28 Thread Martin
rave, one of my personal dark not-so-secret secrets- I *was* one of those Evil 
GOP Bastiches back then. Strangely enough, it *wasn't* the failure of their 
policies that pushed me out of their fold, but the realization that I, as aman 
of color, was good enough to have around at public rallies and such, but not 
good enough to hang around with at the mall...

--- On Thu, 8/28/08, ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation
Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 8:56 AM

Uh...actually, I am a big fan of "christian erotica."

And, Martin, you mean to tell me you didn't get "trickled" on during

the Reagan and Bush administrations?


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Martin  wrote:


> Gymfig, good luck on getting across a message of abstinence in an

era when sex and sexual imagery is in everything but Christian media.

And, as for those rich White elitists- who do you think benefits most

from those tax cuts? Reminds me of the immense stupidity of the

"trickle-down theory". That wealth trickled right down into the

pockets of the Top Two Percent...


> com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik


> --- On Thu, 8/28/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by



> Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 1:11 AM















> In a message dated 8/27/2008 11:16:59 PM Eastern Standard Time,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] com writes:

> Refresh my memory - how does McCain's position on abortion stop

> teenage pregnancy?


> How do you defend McCain's intent to continue the disastrous policies

> that have emptied our treasury and dangerously eroded our stature in

> The world?


> How does McCain's intent to continue tax cuts for the rich, which have

> shamelessly widened the gap between rich and poor in this country,

> help the fifty percent of black people who have yet to participate in

> the American dream?


> How can you rail against rich, white elitists and then turn around and

> vote for the richest, whitest elitist?

> I believe that abortion should not be used as a form of birth

control. I believe that teens should be taught abstinence. I don't

believe that McCain will continue the same policies that George Bush

has laid out. He is not Bush. IT was the cuts, reforms and tax cuts

that helped the economy. I rail against rich white elitists. They are

present in both parties.  Those in the Democratic party hide behind

race, gender and are "social programs" that hurt America. They hide

behind the same special interest groups and lobbyist that Republicans

share. It is easy the condemn the Republicans but not the Democrats.

America will not be free unless all groups are stop. Something a

Washington outsider cannot and will not do. 



> It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal






[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread ravenadal
Uh...actually, I am a big fan of "christian erotica."

And, Martin, you mean to tell me you didn't get "trickled" on during
the Reagan and Bush administrations?


--- In, Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gymfig, good luck on getting across a message of abstinence in an
era when sex and sexual imagery is in everything but Christian media.
And, as for those rich White elitists- who do you think benefits most
from those tax cuts? Reminds me of the immense stupidity of the
"trickle-down theory". That wealth trickled right down into the
pockets of the Top Two Percent...
> --- On Thu, 8/28/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by
> To:
> Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 1:11 AM
> In a message dated 8/27/2008 11:16:59 PM Eastern Standard Time,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] com writes:
> Refresh my memory - how does McCain's position on abortion stop
> teenage pregnancy?
> How do you defend McCain's intent to continue the disastrous policies
> that have emptied our treasury and dangerously eroded our stature in
> The world?
> How does McCain's intent to continue tax cuts for the rich, which have
> shamelessly widened the gap between rich and poor in this country,
> help the fifty percent of black people who have yet to participate in
> the American dream?
> How can you rail against rich, white elitists and then turn around and
> vote for the richest, whitest elitist?
> I believe that abortion should not be used as a form of birth
control. I believe that teens should be taught abstinence. I don't
believe that McCain will continue the same policies that George Bush
has laid out. He is not Bush. IT was the cuts, reforms and tax cuts
that helped the economy. I rail against rich white elitists. They are
present in both parties.  Those in the Democratic party hide behind
race, gender and are "social programs" that hurt America. They hide
behind the same special interest groups and lobbyist that Republicans
share. It is easy the condemn the Republicans but not the Democrats.
America will not be free unless all groups are stop. Something a
Washington outsider cannot and will not do. 
> It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal

[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread ravenadal
Gym!  I disagree with every misspelled word you type BUT I have a
grudging admiration for the way to defend your crackpot positions -
especially in the face of so much opposition.  In fact, the one thing
I admire about right wing nutjobs - like yourself - is the way they
stay on point.  In fact, the more nonsensical your position the more
ardently you defend it.  I watch conservative pundits tell the most
remarkle bald faced lies, with a straight face, and I can't help but
applaud both their chutzpah and their discipline.  The Republican
Party is a small, minority party - as it should be - and yet they have
won five of the last eight Presidential elections.  How can you not
have grudging admiration for that?  

I mean just in your response below you have hit every one of your
topic points with unerring precision.  Frankly, I haven't decided
whether you are an idiot or an idiot-savant.  But, gosh darn it, Gump,
I admire your testicular fortitude!


--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 8/28/2008 12:27:07 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
> You really, really need to check your facts. Clyburn was on the
fence for 
> months. 
> Clyburn was not a Clinton supporter. Neither was Pelosi or Brazile.
All of 
> this fence sitting was a farce.
> Like many blacks in this country (me included) he was leaning toward
> Clinton. But Obama's success, 
> with whites 
> coupled with the Clinton's increasingly hostile and dirty tactics,
> I don't understand why it is so wrong to attafck your opponet. She
was his 
> rival. What were they supposed to do, have a duel? Jeez Louise. She
was a white 
> woman attacking a black man. I guess that was the problem. 
> made him lean toward Obama. I watched Clyburn in a live interview
say that he 
> called Bill Clinton personally to tell him he was going with Obama, and 
> Clinton cussed at him. I heard Richardson say Clinton went off on
him. Hell, Teddy 
> Kennedy said the Clintons went off on him too. John Lewis here in
> called to tell them, and he too said it didn't go well. I liked and
like Bill and 
> Hillary, but they did this to themselves.  You call Clyburn a dog,
but it was 
> the Clintons who acted like brutes, cursing and threatening and
> people for having the temerity to back someone else. Tonight at the
DNC, Clyburn 
> said he liked the Clintons, still likes the Clintons. "I have no
problem with 
> them", he said.He then said he still felt some of their comments
could have 
> been interpreted as racist, but that he still had no enduring
problem with them.
> Clybrun warned the Clintons that they should fall in line unless she
and her 
> supporters were going to lose their seat. 
> How is that the posture of an angry dog?
> And I'm really, really confused. What did Obama do to Hillary? How
can you in 
> the same night attack Obama and men for a sexist plot against
Hillary, then 
> say she came out swinging and he was meek. 
> I never said that she was meek. She is a woman. Vilified for be a
hard core 
> bithc. Something that men don't like. 
>  She lost this fight, and you are saying you'll never vote for him. 
> No I will not. 
> You are Black right?
> Yes
> Then tell me how a respectful Black man like Obama who speaks with
> but respect for women is worse than McCain, who called his wife the
c-word in 
> public? 
> He said that he did not. 
> Tell me how you have contempt for Obama who has an intelligent,
educated wife 
> who I believe will bring more respect to the First Lady, while going
> don't-say-too-much Cindy McCain?
> I do not vote for first lady. 
> You're entitled to your opinion, that's the American way. But if I
> understand it as something other than an odd hatred of Obama, or
men, or Black 
> men--
> LOL not this ish again. I am not a bitter lesbian. 
> or all three--that'd be nice. If you think a white multi-millionaire
> john McCain who supported a senseless invasion that will cost us
trillions is 
> better for you than a Black man who understands the struggles of
being both Black 
> and not wealthy, that's your right.  
> That black man has not proven he undestands the sturggle of people.
He cars 
> about the corporations that put him there. 
> I'm tired, mad at myself for staying up this late and doing this
instead of 
> writing or job searching.
> Me too. It is the same fight when this topic comes up. 
> But I say again--and finally--you seem to have a lot of hostility. 
> Oh oh. Angry bitchlesbian Hillary support.  Keith  we both agreed
las time 
> that I was not hostile. 
> I've read all your posts, and they seem to have a common theme of
hatred for 
> men,
> Lesbian aler. Lesbian alert!!!
> hatred for Black me

[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread ravenadal
Once again your fuzzy logic escapes me.  Every crime you accuse the
democrats of, the republicans are guilty of ten-fold.  The economy is
in shambles so how did the tax cuts work?  You state that you believe
abortion should not be used as a form of birth control yet the
explosion of out-of-marraige births you decry give ample evidence that
abortion is NOT being used as a form of birth control.  The evidence
suggests Republicans speak out of both sides of their necks.  They
preach fiscal responsibility then spend like drunken sailors.  Clinton
inherited a deficit created by Reagan era tax cuts.  Bush inherited a
Clinton surplus and turned it into the biggest deficit in history.  

People talk about Obama being inexperienced but it is McCain's
experience we should be afraid of.  Before he became a POW during the
Viet Nam war, McCain had failed at every enterprise he engaged in.  He
was an indifferent student and and only got into Anapolis (where his
more talented father and grandfather, both famous Admirals, had
preceded him).  There is a naval base named after his grandfather. 
There will be nothing named after McCain.  As a naval officer and
pilot he was a screw up.  It is probably his fault he was shot down in
Viet Nam.  Like Bush, he was a drunk and a carouser.  He left his
first wife after she had waited for him to be released by his captors
because she had suffered a horrific accident and no longer looked like
the trophy wife he had dreamed of during his captivity.

The most successful thing McCain has ever done in life was to leave
his long suffering wife for a mush younger rich beer heiress.  All of
his good fortune after that stems from his marraige to the financial
and political clout wielded by his daddy-in-law in Arizona.  He traded
up good.  

And, while it is considered bad form to criticize McCain's age, there
is no job in America - besides the one he has - where anybody -
including you - would hire a 73 year-old man.  There is not a major
corporation in America that would hire a 73 year-old man, regardless
of his experience or qualifications, to the top position of their

Although the media is giving McCain a pass on this, Old Grandad is
running an old man campaign.  He usually makes one public appearance a
day then, presumably, goes back to the hotel to take a nap.  This is a
somewhat effective strategy because his media contingent is so bored
out of their minds covering him that they respond like sharks to chum
in the water everytime he does ANYthing.

Finally, what kind of face does America want to show to the rest of
the world?  Is this a young, vibrant country with new ideas or an old,
wizened country (with short arms)?  

This is not a man I want as president of the United States.


--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 8/27/2008 11:16:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
> Refresh my memory - how does McCain's position on abortion stop
> teenage pregnancy?
> How do you defend McCain's intent to continue the disastrous policies
> that have emptied our treasury and dangerously eroded our stature in
> The world?
> How does McCain's intent to continue tax cuts for the rich, which have
> shamelessly widened the gap between rich and poor in this country,
> help the fifty percent of black people who have yet to participate in
> the American dream?
> How can you rail against rich, white elitists and then turn around and
> vote for the richest, whitest elitist?
> I believe that abortion should not be used as a form of birth
control. I 
> believe that teens should be taught abstinence. I don't believe that
McCain will 
> continue the same policies that George Bush has laid out. He is not
Bush. IT 
> was the cuts, reforms and tax cuts that helped the economy. I rail
against rich 
> white elitists. They are present in both parties.  Those in the
> party hide behind race, gender and are "social programs" that hurt
America. They 
> hide behind the same special interest groups and lobbyist that
> share. It is easy the condemn the Republicans but not the Democrats.
America will 
> not be free unless all groups are stop. Something a Washington outsider 
> cannot and will not do. 
> **It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find
your travel 
> deal here.  
> (

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread Martin
Gymfig, good luck on getting across a message of abstinence in an era when sex 
and sexual imagery is in everything but Christian media. And, as for those rich 
White elitists- who do you think benefits most from those tax cuts? Reminds me 
of the immense stupidity of the "trickle-down theory". That wealth trickled 
right down into the pockets of the Top Two Percent...

--- On Thu, 8/28/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation
Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 1:11 AM

In a message dated 8/27/2008 11:16:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] com writes:
Refresh my memory - how does McCain's position on abortion stop
teenage pregnancy?

How do you defend McCain's intent to continue the disastrous policies
that have emptied our treasury and dangerously eroded our stature in
The world?

How does McCain's intent to continue tax cuts for the rich, which have
shamelessly widened the gap between rich and poor in this country,
help the fifty percent of black people who have yet to participate in
the American dream?

How can you rail against rich, white elitists and then turn around and
vote for the richest, whitest elitist?
I believe that abortion should not be used as a form of birth control. I 
believe that teens should be taught abstinence. I don't believe that McCain 
will continue the same policies that George Bush has laid out. He is not Bush. 
IT was the cuts, reforms and tax cuts that helped the economy. I rail against 
rich white elitists. They are present in both parties.  Those in the Democratic 
party hide behind race, gender and are "social programs" that hurt America. 
They hide behind the same special interest groups and lobbyist that Republicans 
share. It is easy the condemn the Republicans but not the Democrats. America 
will not be free unless all groups are stop. Something a Washington outsider 
cannot and will not do. 

It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here.




Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread Martin
(standing ovation, and awaiting your literary debut)

--- On Thu, 8/28/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation
Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 1:26 AM

You really, really need to check your facts. Clyburn was on the fence for 
months. Like many blacks in this country (me included) he was leaning toward 
Hillary Clinton. But Obama's success, coupled with the Clinton's increasingly 
hostile and dirty tactics, made him lean toward Obama. I watched Clyburn in a 
live interview say that he called Bill Clinton personally to tell him he was 
going with Obama, and Clinton cussed at him. I heard Richardson say Clinton 
went off on him. Hell, Teddy Kennedy said the Clintons went off on him too. 
John Lewis here in Atlanta called to tell them, and he too said it didn't go 
well. I liked and like Bill and Hillary, but they did this to themselves.  You 
call Clyburn a dog, but it was the Clintons who acted like brutes, cursing and 
threatening and attacking people for having the temerity to back someone else. 
Tonight at the DNC, Clyburn said he liked the Clintons, still likes the 
Clintons. "I have no problem with them", he
 said.He then said he
 still felt some of their comments could have been interpreted as racist, but 
that he still had no enduring problem with them.
How is that the posture of an angry dog?
And I'm really, really confused. What did Obama do to Hillary? How can you in 
the same night attack Obama and men for a sexist plot against Hillary, then say 
she came out swinging and he was meek.   She lost this fight, and you are 
saying you'll never vote for him. You are Black right? Then tell me how a 
respectful Black man like Obama who speaks with nothing but respect for women 
is worse than McCain, who called his wife the c-word in public? Tell me how you 
have contempt for Obama who has an intelligent, educated wife who I believe 
will bring more respect to the First Lady, while going with don't-say-too- much 
Cindy McCain?
You're entitled to your opinion, that's the American way. But if I could 
understand it as something other than an odd hatred of Obama, or men, or Black 
men--or all three--that' d be nice. If you think a white multi-millionaire like 
john McCain who supported a senseless invasion that will cost us trillions is 
better for you than a Black man who understands the struggles of being both 
Black and not wealthy, that's your right.  
I'm tired, mad at myself for staying up this late and doing this instead of 
writing or job searching. But I say again--and finally--you seem to have a lot 
of hostility. I've read all your posts, and they seem to have a common theme of 
hatred for men, hatred for Black men, and contempt for Black people who dare 
say the world's not fair to them. i just don't get it.
 -- Original message  -- 

In a message dated 8/27/2008 8:56:18 PM Eastern Standard Time, KeithBJohnson@ writes:

Maybe, but he never resorted to the nasty, name-calling, baiting, disparaging, 
disrespectful tactics the Clintons did. 
No he had his rotweiler Clyburn and other blacks do it. He had those who hated 
Hilary do it. 

When Hillary was belittling him as nothing but a one-speech guy, who was 
respectfully disagreeing with her. when she shot nasty and really angry 
comments at him during their debates,
Please I watched those debates. She did not let him get away with anything. She 
cam out swinging. He never fought back. He played the meek nice guy care. 
If the moderater talked about his problems, people felt sorry for him. *gag*

he acted with calm and class and made his point, firmly. And I believe that had 
he lost, he'd have been out there doing his level best to help the Clintons 
win, despite how they treated him. What did Hillary and Bill do at first? Acted 
like poor losers, dropped out of sight, Bill going so far as to leave the 
country rather than be asked to campaign for Obama.
They're getting their stuff together now, but it took a while. I say this as 
someone who liked Hillary long past the point when many men and women hated 
her, who defended many of her deeds as just tough politics, who sat in 
indecision for long moments in the booth here in Atlanta before finally casting 
my vote for Obama. I don't have a problem with her as a woman or anything like 
that. I just have a problem with the way they let their campaign against Obama 
degenerate. They messed up big, and everyone seems to realize that, them 
That is why I am voting McCain. There is nothing Hilary can not and say to make 
me vote for that man. She had it in her grasp and she lost it.

It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here.



Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Who Are You Watching to Cover the DNC?

2008-08-28 Thread Martin
To quote Smokey, I second that emotion.

--- On Wed, 8/27/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Who Are You Watching to Cover the DNC?
Date: Wednesday, August 27, 2008, 8:24 PM

I agree. I look at some of the so-called establishment leaders, and they're 
some combination of racist, ignorant, criminal, stupid, clueless, elitist (the 
old fashioned definition, i.e. filthy rich), closet gays who condemn 
homosexuality on Sunday, bribe takers and givers--
and Kucinich is kooky? If that's kooky, I say let's have more of it.
 -- Original message  -- 
From: Martin  

B, I look at "kooky" as one of the hallmarks of higher intelligence. com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

--- On Wed, 8/27/08, B. Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote:

From: B. Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Who Are You Watching to Cover the DNC?
Date: Wednesday, August 27, 2008, 9:52 AM

I thought Kucinich was dead on in his criticism of the pharmaceutical 
industry and their influence on modern health care was spot on and 
most of the folks in the hall did as well. The man may be kooky but 
his speech was very, very good.

Schweitzer was a great hype man. LOL.

> In a message dated 8/27/2008 8:28:37 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] .. writes:
> Why isn't the mainstream media talking about speeches from Dennis 
> Kucinich and Montana governor Brian Schweitzer. They got bigger 
> reactions than Ed Rendell and Mark Warner.
> Becuase both of them are nuts. Especially Kucinich. 
>  **It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find 
your travel 
> deal here. 
> (http://information. com/deals? ncid=aoltrv00050 00047)