Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-26 Thread KeithBJohnson
exactly; and we didn't exactly invade when they gassed those poor Khurds, did 
we? Yet years later, it's a cause celeb jused ot justify US aggression

-- Original message -- 
From: Justin Mohareb [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
That was before the first Gufl War. Abassador Gillispie told Hussein:
We have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border
disagreement with Kuwait. 

JJ Mohareb

On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 11:21 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Good points. And didn't I hear that, during Saddam's maltreatment of the
 Khurds, the US ambassador at that time told him we wouldn't interfer into
 his internal affairs? I seem to remember hearing it was a female ambassador
 who told him what he did inside his own borders wasn't any of our concern,
 and I thought I heard the conversation had been taped?

Read the Bitter Guide to the Bitter Guy.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

RE: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-22 Thread Tracey de Morsella
I think they are all crooks, but she rivals Rove and Cheney, only they are
loyal to their allies and she is not.  They only reason she is not in jail
is because they did not want to prosecute the first lady.  While I doubt she
will be prosecuted, She is scheduled to take the stand for fraud soon.  She
has been involved in no less than 15 criminal proceedings.   This is NOT the
buried stuff, this is the stuff that is out there.  However, I accept that
we are not likely to agree on her being worse than the average politico in
Washington.  The Clinton Brand is powerful.  In fact, I never believed the
stuff they said about her until it began to get more coverage this year.  I
assumed it was part of the republican attack machine

On leaving Iraq, Obama advocates leaving slower than Clinton.  She says 16
months and he says 2 years.  So, there is not much difference and his plan
actually advocates staying a little longer.  He has laid out a plan for
leaving Iraq.  I think they both have plans. I know more about his because I
am a fan of two people involved in the crafting over his plan.  The short
answer is that it involves: Regional Diplomacy, Humanitarian Initiatives,
and Pressing Iraq's leaders to reconcile.  I think hers involves
Humanitarian Initiatives, and Pressing Iraq's leaders to reconcile , but no
working with enemies to resolve it.  
He has discussed his plan numerous times publically, but you can get details
about his plan at

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Bosco Bosco
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 9:55 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream

Hey Tracey

Im clear that HRC is an old school beltway powerbroker and has done things
which are less than savory. I'm certainly not down with everything she's
done. I'm sure that looking over the political career of any of the folks
that have made careers in DC would turn up some truly ugly and at times
disturbing business. I don't think you can get there without some. However,
I don't think her examples are worse than other peoples. All I'm really
saying is that warts and all, her presence in the White House wouldn't
appall me but I prefer Senator Obama. In the end, the Clinton vs. Obama
debate is mostly moot, unless the Democratic power brokers defy the will of
the people and give the nomination to Clinton at the convention. 

The one thing that worries me about Sen. Obama is his position on the war.
While I am all for ending it and as soon as possible, I'm also for the moral
responsibility of rebuilding a country we have left destroyed. I don't think
it's right to simply say we'll just leave. I'd like to see his plan for
fixing the mess. He may have one but I haven't seen it anywhere. I'm hopeful
that Senator Obama will do the right thing in Iraq and clean up the mess the
war criminals have created.

--- On Tue, 5/20/08, tdemorsella [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: tdemorsella [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream
Date: Tuesday, May 20, 2008, 8:17 PM

I'm glad I misunderstood and that you voted for who you wanted - no

matter who that is.  I did not perceive you as someone who could be

pressured by others in your political decision making.  


Yahoo! Groups Links

[scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-21 Thread ravenadal
--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So once again. If you vote for Obama you are intelligent. If yoy
vote for Clinton or the Republcians you are stupid.
All I know is that likely voters in Kentucky, who had already said
their opinion of Barack Obama had been negatively influenced by his
twenty years of attending a Christian church helmed by the Reverend
Jeremiah Wright, STILL thought Obama was a MUSLIM!

Nuff said.


RE: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-21 Thread KeithBJohnson
Good points. And didn't I hear that, during Saddam's maltreatment of the 
Khurds, the US ambassador at that time told him we wouldn't interfer into his 
internal affairs? I seem to remember hearing it was a female ambassador who 
told him what he did inside his own borders wasn't any of our concern, and I 
thought I heard the conversation had been taped?

-- Original message -- 
From: James Landrith [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

As I've been an anti-war activist with regard to Iraq since before the war
started, I have observed the complete lack of information and knowledge of
foreign policy in the hands of most voters.

Specifically, most of the people I've spoken with who favor Big Government
Wars of Intervention (like Iraq), have no idea that:

U.S. involvement in the internal affairs of Iraq and our government's
relationship with Huseein began in 1958, NOT 1990 when the CIA, DIA and
British Intelligence all conspired to train him (and several others) to
assassinate General Abdul Qassim.

Over the next two decades, the U.S. continued to use its inside man as he
grew in stature to influence affairs in Iraq until the invasion of Kuwait in

Contrary to the bullshit I was fed by the government when I served in the
Gulf War, the Bush Administration did not disapprove of Iraq's invasion of
Kuwait UNTIL Hussein announced his intention of nationalizing the oilfields.

The U.S. also helped fund and stock the chemical and biological weapons
programs Iraq used in its barbaric war with Iran.

In addition, both Cheney and Rumsfeld had long-term relationships (political
and economic) with Hussein when he was at his worst (mass torture, use of
chemical and biological weapons, etc.).

Those are the Cliff's Notes version. There is more in an essay I wrote in

Seeking Out Monsters: Ignoring the Advice of John Quincy Adams

By the way, the Shah of Iran was installed by a Republican Administration
when Premier Mohammed Mossadeq (democratically elected) was overthrown by a
CIA sponsored coup. The Shah led a very repressive regime (if you were a
critic - even worse), which helped fuel the fires behind the Ayatollah
Ruhollah Khomeni's successful coup. All of this was put into motion by
Eisenhower's meddling in the internal affairs of Iran. Jimmy Carter had
exactly jack shit to do with that..


James Landrith

Official website:







From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Tracey de Morsella
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 10:59 AM
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream

No, but the republicans and more recently, Clinton have sought out with a
vengeance, low information voters. I believe Clinton did it out of
necessity when she started losing and recognized that she had an edge with
that group. So she work to exploit that advantage.. 

-Original Message-
[ ]
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 6:32 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream

In a message dated 5/20/2008 8:20:41 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

Gymfig, the Republicans don't want intelligent people. Just ones smart
to press the touch-screen option next to their candidates' names. They're 
afraid of all of us pointy-headed liberals...

So once again. If you vote for Obama you are intelligent. If yoy vote for 
Clinton or the Republcians you are stupid. 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-21 Thread Justin Mohareb
That was before the first Gufl War.  Abassador Gillispie told Hussein:
We have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border
disagreement with Kuwait. 

JJ Mohareb

On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 11:21 AM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Good points. And didn't I hear that, during Saddam's maltreatment of the
 Khurds, the US ambassador at that time told him we wouldn't interfer into
 his internal affairs? I seem to remember hearing it was a female ambassador
 who told him what he did inside his own borders wasn't any of our concern,
 and I thought I heard the conversation had been taped?

Read the Bitter Guide to the Bitter Guy.

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-21 Thread Bosco Bosco
Hey Tracey

Im clear that HRC is an old school beltway powerbroker and has done things 
which are less than savory. I'm certainly not down with everything she's done. 
I'm sure that looking over the political career of any of the folks that have 
made careers in DC would turn up some truly ugly and at times disturbing 
business. I don't think you can get there without some. However, I don't think 
her examples are worse than other peoples. All I'm really saying is that warts 
and all, her presence in the White House wouldn't appall me but I prefer 
Senator Obama. In the end, the Clinton vs. Obama debate is mostly moot, unless 
the Democratic power brokers defy the will of the people and give the 
nomination to Clinton at the convention. 

The one thing that worries me about Sen. Obama is his position on the war. 
While I am all for ending it and as soon as possible, I'm also for the moral 
responsibility of rebuilding a country we have left destroyed. I don't think 
it's right to simply say we'll just leave. I'd like to see his plan for fixing 
the mess. He may have one but I haven't seen it anywhere. I'm hopeful that 
Senator Obama will do the right thing in Iraq and clean up the mess the war 
criminals have created.

--- On Tue, 5/20/08, tdemorsella [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: tdemorsella [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket
Date: Tuesday, May 20, 2008, 8:17 PM

I'm glad I misunderstood and that you voted for who you wanted - no

matter who that is.  I did not perceive you as someone who could be

pressured by others in your political decision making.  


[scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-20 Thread ravenadal
Neo: My eyes hurt.

(Obama) will have to pay back Corporate America. They put him in
office. He will also have to pay off the oil companies. They can
destroy him.

Everytime my brother-in-law would complain about Bush implementing
policy that only benefited fat cats I would ask him How much money
did YOU give him?  I said that to say this - Obama has collected a
quarter of a billion dollars $10 to $100 at a time.  How does that
make him beholden to Corporate America?  

Once again, who are They?  As I see it, Obama's biggest problem isn't 
Them.  It is people like you.


[scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-20 Thread ravenadal
Sorry!  I inadvertently deleted most of my response.  Lets try this
again -


Neo: My eyes hurt.

Morpheus: That is because you have never used them before.

 Talking to Hama is not an option 
 Talking to Hezzbolah is not an option 

This is the same stubborn attitude that got us mired in Viet Nam and

 Obama had to back pedel because he got in trouble with the Isreal
and Jewish groups. What makes you think that they will allow him to
get away with that? 

Who are They?  

 Jimmy Carter tried to talk. He allowed the hostages to be taken. He
was weak. He was a punk. Going to speak to Hamas and Isreal make him
look stupid.

Jimmy Carter, the greatest ex-president ever, is an intelligent and
moral man.  As president he made intelligent and moral decisions.  He
was undermined by a not-so-liberal media, a facile political
opportunist named Ronald Reagan and the on-going stupidity of the
American people. 

 Kind of like those Democrats who control the Congress

Last time I checked, there was a surplus when Bush took office.  Also,
history will show Republicans controlled congress for eight of the
last ten years.

Even the liberal judges have sided with them. It was the liberal 
judegs that said it was okay for the goverment to take your property
for public use. 

My history book fails to note that the concept of eminent domain was
fashioned during the Clinton Administration.  Further, the liberal
judges who sided with them were put on the bench by those noted
liberals Reagan and Bush.  
 He will have to pay back Corporate America. They put him in office.
He will also have to pay off the oil companies. They can destroy him. 

Obama is sitting on a quarter billion dollar campaign fund raised ten
to one hundred dollars at a time.  How does that make him beholden to
 Corporate America?

Who are They? 

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-20 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 5/20/2008 6:52:50 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

This is the same stubborn attitude that got us mired in Viet Nam and

Talking to insurgents that are not even recognize by the Iraq government will 
not help the situation. You can not be held hostage by someone who wants to 
fill his fathers;s shoes. 

Who are They?  
Iseal has and American Jewish groups have forced Obama to do a 180 on his 
views on the Isreal states. 

Jimmy Carter, the greatest ex-president ever, is an intelligent and
moral man. 
Jimmy Carters was not very good as a President. 

As president he made intelligent and moral decisions.  He
was undermined by a not-so-liberal media, a facile political
opportunist named Ronald Reagan and the on-going stupidity of the
American people. 
Of coursee nothing is ever his fault. He knew that the Shah was trouble but 
toasted him in Iran. First he praises him, then abandons him. 444 days / Rising 
inflation and unemployment did not help him. 

Last time I checked, there was a surplus when Bush took office.  
Clintons the evil racist man did not. Lat time eI checked Democrats were 
spending money like crazy. Last time I checked the Democrats did not have the 
votes to bring the troops home. Lat time I checked Democrats still allowed jobs 
go overseas. 

My history book fails to note that the concept of eminent domain was
fashioned during the Clinton Administration.  Further, the liberal
judges who sided with them were put on the bench by those noted
liberals Reagan and Bush.  
True. It was the evil conservative judges that voted against it. 

Obama is sitting on a quarter billion dollar campaign fund raised ten
to one hundred dollars at a time.  How does that make him beholden to
Corporate America?
You don't get that kind of money from little kids empyting their piggy 


**Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family 
favorites at AOL Food.  

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-20 Thread Martin
Gymfig, the Republicans don't want intelligent people. Just ones smart enough 
to press the touch-screen option next to their candidates' names. They're 
afraid of all of us pointy-headed liberals...

 got really confused trying to hack through the thicket of the above
 paragraph.  Took me a couple of readings to realize you had swallowed
 the Republican propaganda about Obama being soft on terrorism because
 he actually wanted to talk to lawfully elected leaders.  Truly
 remarkable anyone would believe anything the Republicans have to say
 in light of how badly they have mangled the economy and America'
 stature in the world.  
 Talking to Hama is not an option 
 Talking to Hezzbolah is not an option 
 Obama had to back pedel because he got in trouble with the Isreal and Jewish 
 groups. What makes you think that they will allow him to get away with that?  
 Jimmy Carter tried to talk. He allowed the hostages to be taken. He was weak. 
 He was a punk. Going to speak to Hamas and Isreal make him look stupid. 
 The raising taxes boogie man is equally amusing.  Of course, the
 Republicans don't raise taxes - they lower them, mouth pious
 platitudes and continue to spend like drunken sailors.  
 Kind of like those Democrats who control the Congress t
 grandchildren's grandchildren will be saddled with paying off the
 Bush/Cheney deficit.
 Something that Clinton did not do. I guess Bill was not that bad. 
 I already know what the Clintons did in office.  Everytime the going
 got hard - they cut bait and ran.  The Clintons had a chance to stock
 the Federal judiciary with moderate democrats and instead let the
 Republicans stonewall them until Bush became president.  What did Bush
 do?  Stock the Federal judiciary with conservative republicans.  These
 judges serve for life. 
 I don't have a problem with him. They have made decisions that I don'thave a 
 problem with. Even the liberal judges have sided with them. It was the liberal 
 judegs that said it was okay for the goverment to take your property for 
 public use. 
 I don't know how Obama will perform in office - but at least he will
 arrive in office unbeholden to anyone but the millions of average,
 hardworking Americans who financed his campaign.
 He will have to pay back Corporate America. They put him in office. He will 
 also have to pay off the oil companies. They can destroy him. 
 **Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family 
 favorites at AOL Food.  
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels will get 
organized along the lines of the Mafia. -Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without A 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-20 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 5/20/2008 8:20:41 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

Gymfig, the Republicans don't want intelligent people. Just ones smart enough 
to press the touch-screen option next to their candidates' names. They're 
afraid of all of us pointy-headed liberals...

So once again. If you vote for Obama you are intelligent. If yoy vote for 
Clinton or the Republcians you are stupid. 

**Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family 
favorites at AOL Food.  

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-20 Thread ravenadal
--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Jimmy Carters(sic) was not very good as a President.

Well, everybody can't be George W. Bush.



RE: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-20 Thread Tracey de Morsella
He is beholden to corporate America, as they contributed to his campaign and
will continue to do so.  But he is more beholden to the people and less
beholden to those in power than any other successful politician in recent
history.  However, the key to getting what we want from him is to use that
power and I fear people do not yet know how to do it.  

Obama has used our money as well has the big ticket player's money to build
an infrastructure to bring about true change.. His grassroots network.  He
has trained people to change the system, connected disparate people with
their common interests, showed them how to coalesce their money and enabled
people to take leadership roles in his campaign so they can flex their
activist muscle.   Additionally, his plan involves working to assist down
ticket candidates on  the local level. He also  periodically hints that if
he is president, you will have to make him make the changes you want.  Just
last week he launched the grassroots civil rights fellowship and set up a
massive civil rights voting program that threatens to make the republicans a
fringe group.  He has laid the groundwork for a nationwide grassroots
takeover of government agenda.  He can not overtly tell us what to do with
it or it will be shut down before it is empowered.  There is some sign that
people are using it.

I hope we figure it out and take advantage of it

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of ravenadal
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 4:38 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream

Neo: My eyes hurt.

(Obama) will have to pay back Corporate America. They put him in
office. He will also have to pay off the oil companies. They can
destroy him.

Everytime my brother-in-law would complain about Bush implementing
policy that only benefited fat cats I would ask him How much money
did YOU give him?  I said that to say this - Obama has collected a
quarter of a billion dollars $10 to $100 at a time.  How does that
make him beholden to Corporate America?  

Once again, who are They?  As I see it, Obama's biggest problem isn't 
Them.  It is people like you.


Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-20 Thread Lockhart, Daryle
Please do not go out into public saying things like this.

Iraq HAD a government. We KILLED them. And replaced them with people WE  
WANTED there. Please go get a 4th grade history book and you will be  
reminded that this country was founded by insurgents. This is supposed to  
be a British colony.

On Tue, 20 May 2008 08:48:50 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Talking to insurgents that are not even recognize by the Iraq government  
 not help the situation.

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RE: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-20 Thread Tracey de Morsella

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of ravenadal
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 7:17 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream

--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Jimmy Carters(sic) was not very good as a President.

Well, everybody can't be George W. Bush.



Yahoo! Groups Links

[scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-20 Thread ravenadal
Thank you for this analysis.  What continues to amaze me about people
who consider Obama an elitist is that the entire Republican
Revolution of the eighties and nineties was concocted in Conservative
think tanks run by pointy-headed conservative elitists.  

Also laughable is Obama's perceived inexperience.  Through his
preparation as a grass-roots community organizer, his sojourn through
academia through his successfully navigating the rough and tumble
world of Chicago-style bare knuckle politics, he may be the most
prepared first term president ever. 

People react as if he has gotten where he is through pluck and luck,
but he arrived at being the presumptive Democratic nominee by
out-foxing and out-strategising the more experienced Clinton
campaign at almost every turn.  

Hillary thought she could place her big, brass balls on the table and
the game would be over.  Obama realized early on that it would be a
long, protracted struggle and planned accordingly.

Therefore, he is coasting toward the finish line flush with funds
while Hillary limps there badly leaking cash.

Foresight and preparation bodes well for Obama, the less experienced
candidate.  If we had more foresight and preparation from the current
administration we would not be mired in Iraq and a deepening recession.


--- In, Tracey de Morsella [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 He is beholden to corporate America, as they contributed to his
campaign and
 will continue to do so.  But he is more beholden to the people and less
 beholden to those in power than any other successful politician in
 history.  However, the key to getting what we want from him is to
use that
 power and I fear people do not yet know how to do it.  
 Obama has used our money as well has the big ticket player's money
to build
 an infrastructure to bring about true change.. His grassroots
network.  He
 has trained people to change the system, connected disparate people with
 their common interests, showed them how to coalesce their money and
 people to take leadership roles in his campaign so they can flex their
 activist muscle.   Additionally, his plan involves working to assist
 ticket candidates on  the local level. He also  periodically hints
that if
 he is president, you will have to make him make the changes you
want.  Just
 last week he launched the grassroots civil rights fellowship and set
up a
 massive civil rights voting program that threatens to make the
republicans a
 fringe group.  He has laid the groundwork for a nationwide grassroots
 takeover of government agenda.  He can not overtly tell us what to
do with
 it or it will be shut down before it is empowered.  There is some
sign that
 people are using it.
 I hope we figure it out and take advantage of it
 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of ravenadal
 Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 4:38 AM
 Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream
 Neo: My eyes hurt.
 (Obama) will have to pay back Corporate America. They put him in
 office. He will also have to pay off the oil companies. They can
 destroy him.
 Everytime my brother-in-law would complain about Bush implementing
 policy that only benefited fat cats I would ask him How much money
 did YOU give him?  I said that to say this - Obama has collected a
 quarter of a billion dollars $10 to $100 at a time.  How does that
 make him beholden to Corporate America?  
 Once again, who are They?  As I see it, Obama's biggest problem isn't 
 Them.  It is people like you.
 Yahoo! Groups Links

RE: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-20 Thread James Landrith


As I've been an anti-war activist with regard to Iraq since before the war
started, I have observed the complete lack of information and knowledge of
foreign policy in the hands of most voters.


Specifically, most of the people I've spoken with who favor Big Government
Wars of Intervention (like Iraq), have no idea that:


U.S. involvement in the internal affairs of Iraq and our government's
relationship with Huseein began in 1958, NOT 1990 when the CIA, DIA and
British Intelligence all conspired to train him (and several others) to
assassinate General Abdul Qassim.

Over the next two decades, the U.S. continued to use its inside man as he
grew in stature to influence affairs in Iraq until the invasion of Kuwait in

Contrary to the bullshit I was fed by the government when I served in the
Gulf War, the Bush Administration did not disapprove of Iraq's invasion of
Kuwait UNTIL Hussein announced his intention of nationalizing the oilfields.

The U.S. also helped fund and stock the chemical and biological weapons
programs Iraq used in its barbaric war with Iran.

In addition, both Cheney and Rumsfeld had long-term relationships (political
and economic) with Hussein when he was at his worst (mass torture, use of
chemical and biological weapons, etc.).


Those are the Cliff's Notes version.  There is more in an essay I wrote in

Seeking Out Monsters: Ignoring the Advice of John Quincy Adams


By the way, the Shah of Iran was installed by a Republican Administration
when Premier Mohammed Mossadeq (democratically elected) was overthrown by a
CIA sponsored coup.  The Shah led a very repressive regime (if you were a
critic - even worse), which helped fuel the fires behind the Ayatollah
Ruhollah Khomeni's successful coup.  All of this was put into motion by
Eisenhower's meddling in the internal affairs of Iran.  Jimmy Carter had
exactly jack shit to do with that..



James Landrith

Official website:











From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Tracey de Morsella
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 10:59 AM
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream


No, but the republicans and more recently, Clinton have sought out with a
vengeance, low information voters. I believe Clinton did it out of
necessity when she started losing and recognized that she had an edge with
that group. So she work to exploit that advantage.. 

-Original Message-
[ ]
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 6:32 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream

In a message dated 5/20/2008 8:20:41 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

Gymfig, the Republicans don't want intelligent people. Just ones smart
to press the touch-screen option next to their candidates' names. They're 
afraid of all of us pointy-headed liberals...

So once again. If you vote for Obama you are intelligent. If yoy vote for 
Clinton or the Republcians you are stupid. 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-20 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 5/20/2008 9:49:29 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

Please do not go out into public saying things like this.

Iraq HAD a government. We KILLED them.
We may have gone to war for the wrong reasons but I am sure that the Shiites 
and Saudia Arabia are not missing them that much. 

**Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family 
favorites at AOL Food.  

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-20 Thread Martin
(standing ovation)

ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  --- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Jimmy Carters(sic) was not very good as a President.

Well, everybody can't be George W. Bush.



There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels will get 
organized along the lines of the Mafia. -Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without A 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: RE: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-20 Thread oberonz
Wow?!!  Tracey you got your thing off...and I usually don't chime in on Sci Fi 
with the political commentary...I save that for eleswhere...but Tracey your 
points below are the most even handed and detailed I have ever seen you 
post...Bravo for the depth of knowledge given and understanding displayed.  
Actually Bravo you all, and please continue this excellent discussion both 
sides have made some very interesting pointsI will only say that with the 
recent discovery of Ted Kennedy's could come down to a win one for 
the gipper scenario that could be the final nail in the coffin for the 
GOP...but that is all i am going to add to this very excellent discussion don't 
want to lower it any more than I have

Bree or Aubrey to my new friend on the thread Aubrey.

- Original Message -
From: Tracey de Morsella 
Date: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 4:25 pm
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream 

 I'm sure you know what you are talking about, but you statements 
 make me
 wonder if you are simply buying into Clinton's rhetoric, as they 
 contradictpublically available FEC reports. They indicate that 
 more than 50% of his
 money is coming from donors who contributed less than $200. 
 Prior to the
 Kitchen sink strategy and Rev Wright, Obama won the majority of 
 whites and
 blue collar workers as well as women in the following states. 
 CO, MO, AK,
 NB,WI, VA, MD, ME, ID, NE, WA, IA, VT, KS and I think three 
 other states.
 WI, ME, IA, ID, KS, are not rich states, nor do they have high Black
 He also won white support in that Black dominated state called WY
 Since Pennsylvania, he has increased his white support to 40+% 
 in IN 
 He is polling with more white and blue collar support than 
 Clinton in OR,
 MT, and SD. He is winning with Asians and Latinos in OR. His 
 support with
 Latino's is going up in CA and NJ so much so he is beating her 
 in polls in
 those states by double digits, despite that fact she won those states.
 However, I am not discounting that he is getting very little 
 white support
 in the Appalachian states of KY, or WV. ..Or that he will 
 likely loose PR
 by 30 - 40%. I know that does not support my claims, but facts 
 are more
 important to me than rhetoric or even being right. I see these 
 discussionsas opportunities to gain knowledge and open myself to 
 new perspectives more
 than winning the argument. 
 Perhaps you know more about the demographics of all the states 
 listed above
 then I do, but most of them do not have high numbers of Blacks. 
 Much of the
 money supporting him is coming from those states. SO, it seems 
 unlikelythat all the whites that say they support and contribute 
 and volunteer would
 be lying and that Blacks are making up most of the 1,500,000+ 
 donors that
 are contributing more than one billion dollars to him.
 Source: FEC, 
 If you stick to the rhetoric, you will now bring up caucuses and how
 undemocratic, unfair to blue collar whites and dumb, they are. 
 Many of
 those states had primaries, three of the states with caucuses 
 had beauty
 contest primaries as well as caucuses - which he won; and he 
 polled very
 high and continues to poll very high in those states with 
 caucuses so it is
 likely that he would have won those states as primaries. 
 Since you are not a low-information voter who simply spouts the 
 rhetoric of
 his or her favorite politico, I have to wonder where you are 
 getting your
 facts. Because they do not reflect government data, exit polls 
 or surveys.
 sO, while these numbers do not support your premise, this info 
 is publically
 available by the government, his site and most independent 
 polling companies
 and well as campaign finance tracking sites. There is also much 
 antidotalevidence to back it up. Since you think it is just 
 Black people supporting
 him - we only make up 12% of the population, do you think that 
 there is some
 kind of media, polling company and government, finance tracking 
 organizationconspiracy covering up the source of that money? 
 However, again, since my
 purpose is not rhetoric spouting or even winning let me state 
 again,while he is not as beholden to them as Clinton or Mc Cain 
 to corporate
 America, he is beholden to him. What sets him apart is that he 
 is beholden
 to people as well. So, he will be answerable that interest 
 group (the
 people) as well as the big companies and risks seeing that 
 support his
 support dry up. That does not mean that we will not be able to 
 do what the
 Clintons did and sell us out to corporate prison industry, 
 Enron, Monsanto,
 Banking industry, the environment, etc.. will throwing us the 
 occasionalhigh profile bone. In fact, I anticipate he will. 
 But if we stop with the
 rhetoric and pay attention and get proactive, because we 
 invested in him and
 because he has been providing to also to hold him

RE: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-20 Thread Martin
 Blacks support him as you
 seem to.  In fact, if you are going to stick to her rhetoric in arguing
 against Obama, you should note that she thinks latte, sipping Volvo driving
 elites working in education support him too.  Last time I looked there were
 not that many Blacks in those numbers.  Also he has raised over a billion
 dollars or more with most of it coming from the people.  Do you really think
 that is only Black support?  
 One more fact that fly's in the face of your rhetoric that only Blacks
 support Obama  Recent polls show him tying or beating her with White
 men, White Women, and Blue Collar workers.  The only group she is still
 beating him with nationally is White women over 50.  Admitted this is a
 recent development that is likely a result of him laying to rest some of the
 Reverend Wright stuff and that he is perceived to have won.  People tend to
 jump on the band wagon of winners.   Other polls show that Mc Cain beats
 both Clinton and Obama equally with whites in repeated match ups and that
 his white support is similar to Kerry's white support
 Blacks did not give their support without question as you say, at least not
 most of them.  In fact, up until December, he was supported primarily by the
 Whites you say do not support him. Veterans who you say do not support him,
 jumped on the bandwagon before us too.  We were the last group to support
 him.It took him over a year to get us on board.  That being said, I
 would say that Obama, Clinton and Mc Cain have lots of supporters from all
 backgrounds who do not read, question or investigate and simply believe what
 the candidate tells them or what they get in 10 second sound bites.  That
 more reflect flaws in our society as a whole than any one candidate.  Most
 politicians take advantage of this flaw. These days, Clinton is working that
 angle more than most, but I think Mc Cain, Obama and many others do so as
 well.  They all thrive on it.  If people really understood what was going
 on, we would overthrow the government.  
 You ridicule Obama's talk of change.  I get that and can relate.  I do not
 think Obama can or will make major changes unless forced to as I said below,
 so in this case there is no need to repeat your candidate's rhetoric.  In
 fact, he has said as much.  Your argument in this instance would be better
 served with a low-information Obama supporter who simply spouts his
 rhetoric.  As I said below, the tools for change have been put in place but
 I have concerns as to whether people will use them.  
 Regarding people at the grassroots rallying together to try to make those in
 power address our needs... You say hippie cult, I say grassroots activism.  
 If Martin Luther King and others could organize millions to address these
 issues in the past, why is it a hippie cult now to want people to do the
 same now?  Of course, after years of reading your posts, I would not be
 surprised if you had a great deal of contempt for King and others like him
 and their efforts.  
 This need for people to pay attention, stop reciting the rhetoric of our
 favorites politico, get up off our asses and use the tools at our disposal
 to force our government to step up is so beyond the Clinton vs. Obama.  It
 is about reversing course and preserving our futures.  But since you seem to
 like to talk and discuss things in terms of rhetoric, I will sign off in
 those terms that seem to appeal to you... more rhetoric.  
 Peace Baby  Stick it to the man
 Did I get my line right? Can't move out of my stereotype right?  
 Your turn... Don't forget to stick to the script.
 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 11:21 AM
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream
 In a message dated 5/20/2008 9:47:58 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
 He is beholden to corporate America, as they contributed to his campaign and
 will continue to do so.  But he is more beholden to the people and less
 beholden to those in power than any other successful politician in recent
 history.  However, the key to getting what we want from him is to use that
 power and I fear people do not yet know how to do it.  
 You must be talking about Blacks. Every group has asked What are you goint
 do for me? Latinos, Asian, Arabs, coporate America, white women, white men, 
 Working class whites, jews,the Military, Nasa etc. Blacks are th only group 
 that has given him their support without any question. Please don't talk
 abut how 
 Clinton threw it away. Please don't tell me he is not running for president 
 of black America. When evver Blacks question him, they are called sellouts
 are jealous. As long blacck gave Obama 90% of their vote hed can tell them
 repsect the verdict and don't riot. As long as black voted

[scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-20 Thread ironpigs3
Hey Tracey

There are many things that I like about both candidates. I just 
happen to like more things about Obama so I went with him. However, 
in the end it was her flip on her position about the war that decided 
it for me. Frankly, Obama's position on the war seems less than 
realistic but her's seemed dishonest. The war and it's consequences
(i.e. the shattered economy) were my main concern, immediately 
followed by healthcare. 

I think that HRC has a lot of qualities and a lot of flaws. I felt 
the same way about her husband. I think that many of those flaws 
would make excellent qualities in a President, again very much like 
her husband. On many complaints, I feel she gets a raw deal. For 
example, I don't believe for a second that Obama is any less 
ambitious than HRC but no one seems to think that ambition in a man 
is a flaw. However, ambition in a woman seems to be a deal breaker. 
Frankly, I wouldn't be interested in a candidate who was not overly 
ambitious. They would, in my estimation, lack the stones to do the 

I voted for Obama because I liked more things about his candidacy 
than Clintons. However, I would not have been unhappy with Clinton as 
the victor. Either candidate is an ideal choice over John McCain who 
in my mind is a disaster as big as the present one we are all 
suffereing through. Perhaps that clears things up.

I will add this, when the race comes down to the superdelegates at 
the convention and Obama is denied the victory, I will feel very 
betrayed by the process. I believe he is the clear choice of the 
majority of democrats at this point and he should get the support of 
the superdelegates where he has won primaries and caucuses.

--- In, Tracey de Morsella [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Thanks for the explanation and the wonderful complement.  I was just
 kidding.  I like playing Veep-stakes and even though you asked 
Keith, I
 decided to give my view.  If you like Clinton, I'm not sure I 
understand why
 you voted for Obama.

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-20 Thread Gymfig
You are right Tracey. Obama is gaining among Clinton votes. The Gallup poll 
suggest as much. I also feel that he may even win KY.  I have to agree that 
Obam ran a more effective campaign. I do NOT agree that anyone that votes for 
Clinto is a uneducated inforative hick 

**Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family 
favorites at AOL Food.  

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-19 Thread Martin
rave, pride won't factor into it until she's certain that they can find the 
voting booth and push the touch-screen on her behalf without blowing it up.

ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Yours is an 
interesting prospective.  One shared by 94% of the 
 electorate in West Virginia (one of our more progessive states).   
 It is also interesting to me that, nationally, the 50% of white 
 democrats that support Obama is the 50% that can read and write and 
 count to ten without taking off their shoes.
 Hillary must be proud to be the candidate of the uninformed and the 
 --- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In a message dated 5/18/2008 10:03:34 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
  The second reason? Hillary's ambition. This lady wants to be Prez, 
  everything from her veiled racist strategy (I get hard-working, 
 white voters) to 
  the other dirty tricks show she'd work behind the scenes to 
 undermine Obama. I 
  think-and I believe Obama thinks--that she'd be plotting against 
 him all the 
  time she's grinning in his face.
  She's in her 60's now, think she wants to wait *eight* years and 
 try again? 
  No way in hell. And trying to be a VP who then steps out and 
 challenges your 
  Prez in the next election, how damaging would that be? Has that 
 ever been done, 
  a VP challenging his sitting Prez for the nomination? Talk about a 
 mess. I 
  can't see Obama wanting to deal with that potential hazard.
  What makes you think Obama is going to get two terms?
  Obama does not have support among Regan democrats. He does not have 
  among a lot of whites. What is so racist about that? He does have 
 90% of the 
  black vote. (Blacks always have voted demarcate. By falling for 
 the Obama's run 
  is a fairy tale myth: He got all of the vote) 
  White people are the majority and they are splitting the vote. 
 Latinos are 
  the largest minority and vote republican or have voted for her. It 
 is not racist 
  that she points that out. It is also not racist if you do not vote 
 for Obama. 
   I admire her ambition and not being quiet. She brings in people 
 that WILL 
  NOT vote for him and will either vote for Mccain or not vote at 
  Dick Cheney was running the White House. He made Bush look 
 electable.  The VP 
  needs to be strong if the Pres cannot not run the country. It is 
  Hillary's fault she was running for POTUS. People act as if she is 
 was wrong for 
  running against Obama. He is not entitled to be sheltered from 
 scrutiny just 
  because he is both black and a man. She is his opponent. What is 
 she supposed to do? 
  **Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists 
 on family 
  favorites at AOL Food.  
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels will get 
organized along the lines of the Mafia. -Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without A 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-19 Thread Martin
One more thing...- attr. to Jackie 
Chan's Uncle, Jackie Chan Adventures

I recall seeign a blurb on Faux/Fixed/Fox news on the night of the WV primary, 
stating that the median income for `citizens there is $50,000. I've driven 
through the state as far as Rochester and, from what I remember seeing, I 
figure that everyone in Rochester must be multi-millionaires, from the garbage 
collectors on down...

ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Yours is an 
interesting prospective.  One shared by 94% of the 
 electorate in West Virginia (one of our more progessive states).   
 It is also interesting to me that, nationally, the 50% of white 
 democrats that support Obama is the 50% that can read and write and 
 count to ten without taking off their shoes.
 Hillary must be proud to be the candidate of the uninformed and the 
 --- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In a message dated 5/18/2008 10:03:34 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
  The second reason? Hillary's ambition. This lady wants to be Prez, 
  everything from her veiled racist strategy (I get hard-working, 
 white voters) to 
  the other dirty tricks show she'd work behind the scenes to 
 undermine Obama. I 
  think-and I believe Obama thinks--that she'd be plotting against 
 him all the 
  time she's grinning in his face.
  She's in her 60's now, think she wants to wait *eight* years and 
 try again? 
  No way in hell. And trying to be a VP who then steps out and 
 challenges your 
  Prez in the next election, how damaging would that be? Has that 
 ever been done, 
  a VP challenging his sitting Prez for the nomination? Talk about a 
 mess. I 
  can't see Obama wanting to deal with that potential hazard.
  What makes you think Obama is going to get two terms?
  Obama does not have support among Regan democrats. He does not have 
  among a lot of whites. What is so racist about that? He does have 
 90% of the 
  black vote. (Blacks always have voted demarcate. By falling for 
 the Obama's run 
  is a fairy tale myth: He got all of the vote) 
  White people are the majority and they are splitting the vote. 
 Latinos are 
  the largest minority and vote republican or have voted for her. It 
 is not racist 
  that she points that out. It is also not racist if you do not vote 
 for Obama. 
   I admire her ambition and not being quiet. She brings in people 
 that WILL 
  NOT vote for him and will either vote for Mccain or not vote at 
  Dick Cheney was running the White House. He made Bush look 
 electable.  The VP 
  needs to be strong if the Pres cannot not run the country. It is 
  Hillary's fault she was running for POTUS. People act as if she is 
 was wrong for 
  running against Obama. He is not entitled to be sheltered from 
 scrutiny just 
  because he is both black and a man. She is his opponent. What is 
 she supposed to do? 
  **Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists 
 on family 
  favorites at AOL Food.  
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels will get 
organized along the lines of the Mafia. -Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without A 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-19 Thread tdemorsella
I agree.  In addition to worry about his safety (I'm only half
kidding).  I think she and Bill wound work agressively to make him
politically impotent.  They would triangulate and contradict his

I think both are used to being in charge and struggle to play nice
politically and to working in the interests of all as evidenced by
loss of democrats  at the federal, state and local level; her
reluctance to campaign for congressional dems, her reluctance to
contribute to to the campaigns of congressionals dems, her ease in
threatening those who do not do what she wants, her ease in taking
credit for the work of others;  intentionally undermining Kerry last
year;  siphoning fundraising money from congressional dems running for
re-elections and well as doing the same to Kerry and Gore for her
senate campaign.  Her opponent had $4 million dollars and yet she
needed $140 million to run against him.

She is not a team player except for when she is leading the team
--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 For me, the two biggest reasons I've said for a year now that she
shouldn't be on the ticket are her husband, and her own ambition. As
listed below, Bill can't keep his thoughts to himself. I can't even
imagine what it'd be like to have him:  angry at Hillary being only
the veep, disparaging of Obama's lack of experience, full of himself
and the advice he'd have to give as a two-term Prez, ticked when Obama
would (inevitably) not seek out, and actively ignore, said advice, and
frankly, jealous of the spotlight Obama would have.
 The second reason? Hillary's ambition. This lady wants to be Prez,
and everything from her veiled racist strategy (I get hard-working,
white voters) to the other dirty tricks show she'd work behind the
scenes to undermine Obama. I think-and I believe Obama thinks--that
she'd be plotting against him all the time she's grinning in his face.
 She's in her 60's now, think she wants to wait *eight* years and try
again? No way in hell. And trying to be a VP who then steps out and
challenges your Prez in the next election, how damaging would that be?
Has that ever been done, a VP challenging his sitting Prez for the
nomination? Talk about a mess. I can't see Obama wanting to deal with
that potential hazard.
 -- Original message -- 
 From: ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED],0,7163200.story
 Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket
 Tribune staff report
 May 18, 2008
 The Democratic primary battle may not technically be over, but I'm
 ready to move on to the next phase of windy speculation and gratuitous
 So here are eight reasons Barack Obama should not offer Hillary
 Clinton the No. 2 spot on the Democratic ticket:
 1. She's a familiar Washington insider and a major premise of his
 candidacy has been changing the ways of Washington.
 2. She's pandered brazenly and attacked personally on the campaign
 trail, showing herself to be the embodiment of the old way of doing
 politics Obama has disparaged.
 3. Her husband, the former president, has shown an inability to stay
 on message and keep his foot out of his mouth.
 4. She's polarizing. Clinton's unfavorable ratings are from 7 to 16
 points higher than Obama's in recent national polls.
 5. She'll star in Republican attack ads against Obama: The I believe
 that I've met the qualifications to be commander-in-chief ad will
 show her saying, Certainly, Sen. McCain has done that and you'll have
 to ask Sen. Obama with respect to his candidacy.
 6. She crossed the line when she repeated this thought several times
 to reporters in early March: I have a lifetime of experience that I
 will bring to the White House. Sen. John McCain has a lifetime of
 experience that he'd bring to the White House.
 And Sen. Obama has a speech he gave in 2002.
 7. She's toting unpacked baggage. Obama's high-road approach has kept
 him from doing what Republican operatives are itching to do: Dig up
 the half-buried Clinton family scandals of the 1990s and turn over
 every rock from the last eight years looking for more.
 8. Politically, a teammate is better than a counterweight. Bill
 Clinton himself demonstrated this when he picked another young
 moderate Democrat from the mid-South — Al Gore of Tennessee — and the
 two ran a vigorous, consistent campaign. 
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-19 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 5/19/2008 4:49:01 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Yours is an interesting prospective.  One shared by 94% of the 
electorate in West Virginia (one of our more progessive states).   

It is also interesting to me that, nationally, the 50% of white 
democrats that support Obama is the 50% that can read and write and 
count to ten without taking off their shoes.

Hillary must be proud to be the candidate of the uninformed and the 


So Clinton voters are uneducated hicks while Obama suupports are uneducated 
integrationist liberals. Who is the racist? . Clinton is a politician. Obama 
got upset with Wright because he called Obama a politician. 
No wonder there are those that don't like him. Maybe it is the same people 
that don't want to sit down with people who need terrorism so they don't have 
answer to their people on why they have not fixed their own country's 
problems, have illegal immigration, have more H1-B cheap labor, have their 
taxed to no in, think NASA should be funded, contnue our place in Iraq. Obama 
tolds blacks in NY to respect the verdict of Sean Bell and not riot. Can you 
imagine Clinton saying that? Can you imagine any white person saying that? 
said it was wrong. Obama held his finger up to Jena 6 to see which way the 
wind blew. 
If they are so similar in viewpoints, why is it okay for blacks to vote for a 
black man but wrong for whites to vote for a white person or a white woman?
I have always been a moderate Democrat. I really don't want a world apologist 
in teh White House. 

**Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family 
favorites at AOL Food.  

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-19 Thread ravenadal
--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

No wonder there are those that don't like him. Maybe it is the same
people that don't want to sit down with people who need terrorism so
they don't have to answer to their people on why they have not fixed
their own country's problems, have illegal immigration, have more H1-B
cheap labor, have their income taxed to no in, think NASA should be
funded, contnue our place in Iraq. Obama tolds blacks in NY to respect
the verdict of Sean Bell and not riot. Can you imagine Clinton saying
that? Can you imagine any white person saying that? Clinton 
said it was wrong. Obama held his finger up to Jena 6 to see which way
the wind blew.

I got really confused trying to hack through the thicket of the above
paragraph.  Took me a couple of readings to realize you had swallowed
the Republican propaganda about Obama being soft on terrorism because
he actually wanted to talk to lawfully elected leaders.  Truly
remarkable anyone would believe anything the Republicans have to say
in light of how badly they have mangled the economy and America'
stature in the world.  

The raising taxes boogie man is equally amusing.  Of course, the
Republicans don't raise taxes - they lower them, mouth pious
platitudes and continue to spend like drunken sailors.  Your
grandchildren's grandchildren will be saddled with paying off the
Bush/Cheney deficit.
 I have always been a moderate Democrat. I really don't want a world
apologist in teh White House. 

I already know what the Clintons did in office.  Everytime the going
got hard - they cut bait and ran.  The Clintons had a chance to stock
the Federal judiciary with moderate democrats and instead let the
Republicans stonewall them until Bush became president.  What did Bush
do?  Stock the Federal judiciary with conservative republicans.  These
judges serve for life. 

I don't know how Obama will perform in office - but at least he will
arrive in office unbeholden to anyone but the millions of average,
hardworking Americans who financed his campaign.

RE: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-19 Thread Tracey de Morsella

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of ravenadal
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 7:58 PM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream

--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

No wonder there are those that don't like him. Maybe it is the same
people that don't want to sit down with people who need terrorism so
they don't have to answer to their people on why they have not fixed
their own country's problems, have illegal immigration, have more H1-B
cheap labor, have their income taxed to no in, think NASA should be
funded, contnue our place in Iraq. Obama tolds blacks in NY to respect
the verdict of Sean Bell and not riot. Can you imagine Clinton saying
that? Can you imagine any white person saying that? Clinton 
said it was wrong. Obama held his finger up to Jena 6 to see which way
the wind blew.

I got really confused trying to hack through the thicket of the above
paragraph.  Took me a couple of readings to realize you had swallowed
the Republican propaganda about Obama being soft on terrorism because
he actually wanted to talk to lawfully elected leaders.  Truly
remarkable anyone would believe anything the Republicans have to say
in light of how badly they have mangled the economy and America'
stature in the world.  

The raising taxes boogie man is equally amusing.  Of course, the
Republicans don't raise taxes - they lower them, mouth pious
platitudes and continue to spend like drunken sailors.  Your
grandchildren's grandchildren will be saddled with paying off the
Bush/Cheney deficit.
 I have always been a moderate Democrat. I really don't want a world
apologist in teh White House. 

I already know what the Clintons did in office.  Everytime the going
got hard - they cut bait and ran.  The Clintons had a chance to stock
the Federal judiciary with moderate democrats and instead let the
Republicans stonewall them until Bush became president.  What did Bush
do?  Stock the Federal judiciary with conservative republicans.  These
judges serve for life. 

I don't know how Obama will perform in office - but at least he will
arrive in office unbeholden to anyone but the millions of average,
hardworking Americans who financed his campaign.

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