Re: MUSCLE standards

2000-05-18 Thread David Sims


  What about TCP/IP over ethernet?? That's an infrastructure just like 
smartcards are an infrastructure... It's the applications that a
ubiquitous card/reader system would enable that are 
important... and I daresay required befor smartcards become

  Applications can be as diverse as the people of the world... The key
issue is: If the cards and readers were ubiquitous and interoperable,
a particular application could work anywhere that there was software
support for it infinite flexibility...

  Heck, what kind of world would it be if you had to have a particular
kind of computer for every website that you might want to browse?? A token
ring computer for websites on token ring, a Compaq computer for websites
hosted by a Compaq server??

Dave Sims

On Wed, 17 May 2000, Alex Pilosov wrote:

 On Thu, 18 May 2000, Matthias Bruestle wrote:
  If you really do all this, you will have one card with one operating
 Ein volk, ein card, ein system. 
 Sorry, I just couldn't resist ;)
 Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
 (Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

Re: MUSCLE standards

2000-05-18 Thread Peter W Tomlinson

David Corcoran wrote:

 Hi, here is a bit that I wrote up to vent on my lack of standards in the
 smartcard industry.  Let me know if you agree or not.

(and a great deal more besides).

If Birmingham Aston University (UK) mounts it on their unrestricted 
web site, see the paper on smart card standards and e-purse originally 
written in 1997 by Ram Bannerjee, and greatly updated recently by 
myself and Steve Brunt (Steve is the senior ISO editor for ISO/IEC 
10373, the smart card test standard).

Smart card specifications were never designed from the top down, but 
just grew as a struggling technology (naked ICs embedded in a card, 
when everyone said they would be destroyed by static discharge) 
emerged from France. Bitter rivalry between suppliers, at a time when 
the technology was being used for closed schemes (cards and 
terminals being matched up by the systems integrators), a weak ISO 
organisation, and lack of public money for standardisation - all these 
contributed to the current mess.

ISO gave the standardisation job to (or it was taken in by) a committee 
that was dedicated to defining the token, and was forbidden to look 
seriously at the terminal - in other words, the design work never 
looked at the complete system of card and terminal. The same mistakes 
are being made now in the contactless card standards, particularly in 
ISO 14443.

The European Commission is trying to bring some commonality to the 
public use of smart cards for PKI and electronic commerce (the 
eEurope Initiative). RSA Labs has published a draft of PKCS#15 
(interface to a PKI token, i.e. to a card) - PKCS#11 defines an API 
within the host system, not the interface to a device used to store the 
keys and permit their use in a secure manner.

I will try to find time to give detailed responses to David's frustrations, 
but for now I generally support Matthias. Except I remind you all that 
EMV's T=1 is different from ISO's T=1 - both have errors in the error 
recovery, but the errors are different, and they also have different 
definitions of the fields for changing protocol parameters. Designers 
of this type of algorithm MUST use state diagrams as the normative 
definition of the processes, but ISO never makes them do that. In the 
UK's Contactless Standards Technical Panel, we have just been 
reviewing ISO 14443 part 4's draft, and we find the same problems of 
muddle due to there not being a state diagram.

Peter Tomlinson

+44 117 951 4755

Iosis, 34 Strathmore Road, Bristol BS7 9QJ, UK
Phone  fax +44 (0)117 951 4755
Mobile +44 (0)7785 261475
Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

Re: MUSCLE standards

2000-05-18 Thread Harald Vogt


what if we built a smartcard "environmental system", a kind of
"middleware", that deals on one side with the cards and on the other side
with the (host) applications? On the cards' side, it would handle all
the specifics of smartcards. On the application side, it would offer
the smartcard services on a much higher abstraction level.

An application could be used with any smartcard that offers the
required services. (I use the term application for the program that runs
on a host and talks to a smartcard; smartcards offer services.) The
application just talks to the smartcard middleware.

In a networked world, it could be possible for the middleware to get
support from somewhere on the net in how to use a specific smartcard.
The manufacturers/issuers of smartcards could provide such a help in a
way that the middleware understands.

Standardization efforts could concentrate on the middleware and its
interfaces (to the smartcard side and the application side). No need to
standardize every bit on the cards. These interfaces could even be
service independant such that new services could be introduced easily,
without any standardization effort.

How do you think about that?

Best regards,

On Mit, 17 Mai 2000, David Corcoran wrote:

 Hi, here is a bit that I wrote up to vent on my lack of standards in the
 smartcard industry.  Let me know if you agree or not.

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

Re: MUSCLE standards

2000-05-18 Thread Matthias Bruestle


Harald Vogt wrote:
 On the application side, it would offer
 the smartcard services on a much higher abstraction level.
Are you talking about OCF?


endergone Zwiebeltuete

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

MUSCLE BOUNCED Re: standards

2000-05-18 Thread David Corcoran


 Standardization efforts could concentrate on the middleware and its
 interfaces (to the smartcard side and the application side). No need to
 standardize every bit on the cards. These interfaces could even be
 service independant such that new services could be introduced easily,
 without any standardization effort.

first should be better to draw a map about existing systems, and i'd
like very much to see the place of OpenCard Framework and smartX (XML based
smart card system) on this map... (, - 
i hope these are the correct addresses)

the existing systems are spreaded, so _one_ standard is really hard to
introduce, but in _every_ standard it is possible to plan-implement 
compatibility, and in the future i believe in a general reference architecture
built with cubes (nice 3D models - you can hear/see about first time at 
Eurosmart Security Conference and on the following week at Gemplus Developers 
Conference) with well-defined contact types/rules, insertion and merging
algorithms...and the end user or even the developer or the manufacturer
will sit and use a SW: checks the required features, and the system will
generate the technical sheet and a little bit more...

i hope it is not a stupid idea, and with a description language through the
use of ontology and building taxonomies the compatible-user_friendly world
become closer :-)

Zoltán Kincses - Security and ISO manager
Giro Bankcard Ltd. -
1205 Budapest, Mártonffy u. 25-27. HUNGARY
Phone: (36-1) 421-2296, Fax: (36-1) 421-2240

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

Re: MUSCLE standards

2000-05-18 Thread Harald Vogt

On Don, 18 Mai 2000, Matthias Bruestle wrote:

 Harald Vogt wrote:
  On the application side, it would offer
  the smartcard services on a much higher abstraction level.
 Are you talking about OCF?

Not necessarily. OCF has a few drawbacks. It's Java-specific,
local (one single VM, but I guess they're working on it), assumes
that all smartcard services and their implementations are known in 
advance. Very small devices would have a hard time running it.
(Of course, for Java applications it's well-suited.)
I think the networking aspect is not taken into account as
it should be. Maybe you want to take a look at


Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

Re: MUSCLE standards

2000-05-18 Thread Raymond Morsman

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Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)