Re: MUSCLE Disk encryption and more

2001-06-22 Thread Eric Murray

On Fri, Jun 22, 2001 at 10:00:35PM +0200, Patrick Valsecchi wrote:
 The user will be able to change the code, that's not the matter, but it wont be 
 able to run it on my customer's hardware. That's the point. And I don't this it 
 goes against any law neither any license.
 I'm sure it doesn't go against any GPL spirit. It's even possible that my 
 source will be partly available. It depends on the customer. But for the 
 modified kernel parts, I'll have to publish it or I'll go against the Linux 
 For the CRC stuff, it was what I meant.

Aren't CRC algorithms easy to reverse?  So an attacker
could generate his own program and simply add some bogus code
at the end that'll make the CRC come out the same as an existing
program... then steal the signed CRC from the approved program
and use it.

A keyed cryptographic hash (i.e. HMAC) would be more secure.  But
slower than CRC.  Sha-1 or RIPEMD-160 in hardware might speed that up.

If you use the smartcard to verify the kernel's signature, the kernel
could then verify the signatures of programs instead of sending them all
(or just their signed CRCs) to the smartcard.  Since smartcards are
slow, this would speed up loading.

Tivo does something similar (linux that end-users aren't supposed to
play with), you might check out what people are saying about them.

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)


2000-05-27 Thread Eric Murray

On Sat, May 27, 2000 at 01:42:29PM +0200, Harald Vogt wrote:
 On Fre, 26 Mai 2000, Jim Rees wrote:
  Another problem is that you really don't want (or at least I don't want) the
  card to be present in the reader during the entire session.  I want to
  insert the card, have it log me in, then remove the card.  Now I stay logged
  in until I log out, either explicitly or by timeout.  That means the card
 Why don't you like your card being present during the session? If you pull
 out the card, you get logged out -- why not?

You might need the card reader for something else.
You might walk away and leave the card in the reader.

If you're running *inux, you might leave your login session going
for days (or months like me).

 Eric Murray  ericm at the site  PGP keyid:E03F65E5
Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)


2000-05-27 Thread Eric Murray

On Sat, May 27, 2000 at 11:19:44AM -0500, David Corcoran wrote:
 I think Jim is concerned with having the card present and having a hacker
 maliciously query the smartcard subsystem for information.  With the card
 removed this is not possible. 

That can happen no matter what- the attacker can install s/w
that waits for card insertion, grabs the connection
to the card before the legitimate s/w does, and then has
it's way with it.

This is a danger unless you have a smart card reader with a
PIN pad and a display and the right sort of API interface.
I wrote a paper on a design for such a secure reader:

Fortunately (sort of) with the PAM login, the security model doesn't need
to protect you against this sort of attack, because the smartcard login
is only to prevent unauthorized access to your host.  You have already
lost when the attacker can put the card snooping s/w on your host.
This is not true of say a banking application.

 Eric Murray  ericm at the site  PGP keyid:E03F65E5
Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)


2000-05-27 Thread Eric Murray

On Sat, May 27, 2000 at 09:49:16AM -0700, Eric Murray wrote:
 I wrote a paper on a design for such a secure reader:

oops, that should be

 Eric Murray  ericm at the site  PGP keyid:E03F65E5
Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

Re: MUSCLE information

2000-03-03 Thread Eric Murray

On Sat, Mar 04, 2000 at 09:40:03AM +0100, Josep Maria Carné Barnaus wrote:
 Hi all,
 I am looking for information about the process of generating keys - the
 private and the public key - in a smartcard. Someone told me that some types
 of smartcards needed a Security Access Module. Can anyone confirm this?.
 Is absolutely necesary use this module to create the pair of keys?. In some
 smartcards I think that it´s possible to create without this module.
 Particulary I am interested in Schumlberger, Bull, GyD, Gemplus

The SAM I have heard of is a tamper-resistant (i.e. FIPS 140 or ITSEC)
box which goes into ATMs.  I'm not sure what a SAM for a smartcard means...
maybe a box which is a reader and which generates the key to put it
on the card?

A number of higher-end smartcards have key generation facilities.
One problem is that key generation for RSA requires a good source
of random numbers, and I have heard from some researchers that smartcard
RNGs are often poor.  Hardware RNGs are wierd and often require a lot
of power (i.e. for free-running ring oscilators) making them difficult to
include on a space and power limited smartcard. 

I beleive that Gemplus GPK series cards can generate RSA keys.

 Eric Murray  ericm at the site  PGP keyid:E03F65E5
Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

Re: MUSCLE PIN pad readers?

2000-02-22 Thread Eric Murray

On Mon, Feb 21, 2000 at 03:17:09PM -0500, Jim Rees wrote:
 Can anyone recommend a reader with integrated PIN pad for use with Muscle
 pc/sc?  Are there any that are supported, or at least have the necessary
 technical specs available?

Compaq "secure smartcard reader".  It supports PC/SC and also
a couple extra PC/SC commands to do secure PIN entry on the PIN-pad
or keyboard.

 Eric Murray  ericm at the site  PGP keyid:E03F65E5
Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

Re: MUSCLE Export Restrictions

2000-01-01 Thread Eric Murray

On Sat, Jan 01, 2000 at 11:16:27AM +0200, Levi Eliav wrote:
 I have heard that the new Clinton administration eased the export
 restrictions in regarding
 to encryption products.
 Can some here (from the US) can check this issue ?

They haven't yet.  They promised to do so
about 6 months ago, but when the proposed regs were released
about a month ago, they wernt' all that much better than
what we had previously.  The administration is going to 
make some mods to those proposed regs and then see
if they will be accepted.

Bert-Japp Koops's Crypto Law Survey web page is the place to
go to monitor crypto laws- he keeps it up to date.

 Eric Murray  ericm at the site  PGP keyid:E03F65E5
Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

Re: MUSCLE Can I distinguish real SC hardware from an emulator?

1999-09-03 Thread Eric Murray

n Fri, mep 03, 1999 at 08:00:40PM +0100, Peter Lister wrote:
 I'm thinking here about iButtons in particular, but the question is valid
 for all authentication tokens, smart cards, etc. Sorry if it's off-topic
 by not being Linux specific, but I've yet to find an answer anywhere.
 Assuming that I do *not* have control of the hardware into which my SC is
 currently plugged via a reader, how can a program (which, e.g. we have
 licensed to a client) be sure that it is talking to the genuine SC, and
 not an emulator? I really don't care how well tamper proofed the chip is
 if, or if it self destructs after 30 days free trial, if I can simply
 reproduce an unlimited number of copies in software which will have the
 same supposedly "unique" serial number, or have electronic wallets
 permanently charged up with credit which never decrements. Anything that
 passes along the serial interface can be intercepted and replayed, right?

Right.  Although you can use the usual cryptographic techniques
to prevent replay and to prevent a snooper from listening in
to the RS232 traffic.  You might need a higher-capability card
or a programmable card (i.e. Javacard) although the GPK4000
does have a DES-based protection for the traffic.

 One answer is if a crypto based key system generates an asymmetric
 key pair internally, and never reveals the private key or allows it to be
 set I understand that the crypto Java iButton will does this). 

Many smart cards will do this, although the RNGs on smart cards
(used to generating the keys) is sometimes suspect.

 If the
 only traffic out of the SC is signed responses by that key pair and all 
 the critical logic is internal, then any traffic on the serial line is
 only useful exactly once, which defeats replays. The software must
 contain code that checks for the smart card (and cannot easily by
 bypassed, which is an art in itself) - and this will be identical for all
 instances of the code.
 But even if the private key never leaves the SC, the corresponding public
 key must be stored *somewhere*, essentially in clear, though possibly
 obfuscated, and will be different for each different SC - and clearly any
 difference between otherwise identical distributions essentially *is* the
 key, and can be replaced with something else that an emulator would
 happily accept; back to square one.
 I do appreciate that I'm being really *quite* paranoid here, and that
 almost anything represents an improvement over current ways of
 doing things - essentially nothing. Can come up with characteristics which
 would be hard to beat, or is this a fundamentally insoluble problem?

It's impossible to make this 100% secure.  The assumption that
you make is that the host can't be secured.  This is true with Linux
or any other OS (execpting Orange Book type B1 or better OSs).

So, even with a perfect protocol between card and host, the
protocol can be attacked on the host side by running the communications
program through SoftICE or gdb or whatever to find it's secrets.

One solution is to fix your system so that host-based attacks don't
break the security model.  I.e. the host is in a steel box
with only a network connection and smartcard slot to communicate
with the outside world.  Problem is, this isn't very useful (and
someone could still break in via the net connection).

Or you can apply the usual software protection tricks (obfuscating
code, checking for being stepped in a debugger, etc) to your
software which authenticates the smart card and hope that is good enough.

Eric Murray  ericm at the site  PGP keyid:E03F65E5
Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)


1999-06-27 Thread Eric Murray

On Sat, Jun 26, 1999 at 12:29:36AM +0200, Erwann ABALEA wrote:
 On Sat, 26 Jun 1999, Jason wrote:
  Hi I am currently working on the SSLEAY crypto libraries and the Gemplus
  GPK4000 cards. When I sign a message using SSLEAY md5() and
  rsa_public_encrypt(), I get a signature string. However when I perform
  the signature using GPK4000 I get a different string. Both return 64
 First of all, please don't use SSLeay anymore, as the project has been
 renamed to OpenSSL ( Eric Young is now working for RSA,
 and SSLeay is no longer maintained.
 Then... Are you sure the padding method used by the GPK4k is the same as
 the one used by SSLeay?

  The keys which are loaded into the card were created by SSLEAY
  rsageneratekey(). These keys are then stored into file in ASCII format
  (0-F).These keys are then converted into a binary string and loaded into
  the card.
 Are you sure the key components are correct for the GPK4k (this card has
 some constraints for the key parameters).

The format required to private load keys into the GPK is pretty bizarre.
This is probably where the problem is.

  BTW. The plain text message before digest is 6 bytes (012345). I assume
  padding is done automatically by the SSLeay MD5 functions.
  RSAprivatencrypt uses PCKS-1 padding.

MD5() should return a 16 byte value.  This is then padded with PKCS#1 padding
(block type, pad bytes, ASN.1 BER, hash) by the GPK before RSA encryption.

The GPK4000 will do PKCS#1 padding for you.  It will do the correct
padding for MD5, SHA1, and SSL (MD5SHA1) hashing.However if I
remember right, you must send the correct number of bytes.  That's
how it tells which hash you're feeding it.

Also, are you sure that you're using the same PKCS#1?  The GPK
uses v1.5 but there is a new v2.0 standard out since last summer, which
is very different and is based on the OAEP padding scheme to prevent
adaptive ciphertext attack.  I haven't looked at newer SSLeay
but there is a chance that they put that in.

Eric Murray  N*Able
(email:  ericm  at the sites or PGP keyid:E03F65E5
Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)