[sdre-l]: DMB and SDRE!? Not for me...

2000-08-14 Thread SuperDanSDRE

I have always been a whole anti-Dave Matthews advocate... it would crush my 
spirits if they toured with that band... really... I had DMB tickets once due 
to a strange accidental situation and I gave them away. That would really 
kill me... Especially since No Knife is such a lovely band for them to tour 
Oh, and I've always wanted to say this...
Isn't it funny how quite a few people on this list seem not to like the 
Rising Tide or How it Feels too much?? I just think it's HILARIOUS because 
this is the official SDRE fan list, and if I'm not mistaken, SDRE is 
currently the band that released both of those albums... the very band that 
will also continue to release similar beautiful albums... just a thought that 
has always caused me to smirk...
I got to hang out with Jeremy in the parking lot before the Detroit show, and 
he said that quite a few of the songs on TRT were supposed to be solo songs, 
but also that they were always made two million times better when sacrificed 
to the band... He also said that he's got to finish his SubPop contract, and 
that he might not use much orchestration on the next one(s)... He thinks that 
drummers can be pretty silly too... but then again, he did play a bit on the 
latest album... He said that Will didn't play on Tearing in My Heart because 
he couldn't really grasp the simple beat well enough... you know, because it 
was too damn easy and weird or something... Will is the best drummer ever... 
it almost looks when he plays as though it's killing him. That would mean 
that he is literally dying for his fans! What a great boy!! I hope I haven't 
wasted too much of everyone's time tonight...
I hope you all have wonderful lives for some reason!


Sunny day is really my cup of tea... DMB might belong at a place more like 
Starbucks, but that doesn't help their situation at all in my opinion... 

Re: [sdre-l]: you wanna hear some kids?

2000-07-26 Thread SuperDanSDRE

Actually, I have been listening to that (I just got back from France a while 
ago...) and my friends and I can only make out a few things... at the end, it 
sounds like he sasy something about "doing the water" which could mean 
drinking it or spraying or dumping or throwing it... I don't know... we'll 
try harder though...


"Sometimes you see right through me..."

[sdre-l]: OK... last call Chicago fans...

2000-06-29 Thread SuperDanSDRE

This may come too late, but I have one extra Chicago ticket for sale at face 
value (it may be alittle higher, because I paid with a surcharge ((tips 
accepted too!!))) I have to leave before one o'clock (which I think is noon 
in Chicago time) but if someone could e-mail me privately before then, then 
you can have it. I will be at the show tonight wearing a ridiclously tight 
bright blue polo style shirt with a little white Boys Choir logo on the upper 
right hand side... if you see me there, (I should be standing outside either 
directly in front of the door, or acrossed the street if it's that type of 
place (I've never been there...)) then you can come up to me and just ask for 
it -I'll give it to whoever e-mails or sees me there first. I don't want to 
scalp them though, because that's silly. I guess the show sold out, so I'm 
sure I'll see quite a few of you there! Have a glorious night if I don't see 
you anyway!

Daniel F. Wier

"Don't tell me you've gone astray..."
I was just listening to ROTFQ in my car and singing along... I can't wait to 
see that boy doing it in person!

Re: [sdre-l]: Gandhi is rubbing my most intimate hairs

2000-03-02 Thread SuperDanSDRE

That really makes me think... what were you thinking just saying that such 
beautiful songs are simply "BAD"!!? That's quite a silly thing if you ask 
me... also, I sincerely agree with that Dan who said that all the albums were 
rather similar despite [un]popular belief. I've always always thought that 
Diary was great, How it Feels was great, and Lp2 was great... and that Lp2 is 
almost like a perfect transition between the two others... they all almost 
link to eachother in ways that I can't really describe... I say that 
otherwise, instead of being bitter about how The Ocean doesn't sound how you 
want, you should be happy to the point of ridiculousness that the band is 
still together! The fact that they're still together should be more than 
enough to keep any REAL FANS beyond happy... 
One thing that I did notice though, was that his voice seems more like it did 
on the live cd to me than on any of their other albums... It's got this new 
texture that makes me smile.

You should all smile too. THE DAYS ARE GOLDEN!

Dan W.

(too many Dan's on the list confuses Dan!)

http://lazygenius.homepage.com (if anyone cares to see some pictures of me 
smiling) <>

[sdre-l]: Will's solo joke...

2000-02-11 Thread SuperDanSDRE

I hate to say man, but SDRE without Will would be like... Actually, I can't 
think of anything devastating enough to compare it too!... I know that Nate 
WAS the man and all, but at least Jeremy and Dan play string intsruments... 
NO ONE COULD EVER REPLACE WILL! (I'm a drummer myself, and he's my all time 
favorite...) I just thought I'd point that out because that was an unfair 
comparison in my opinion, even though I would jump on that chance to hear a 
goldmith solo project...

Daniel Francis

Some people dance to the beat of a different drummer... those in the know 
dance the beat of Will.

[sdre-l]: Crazy thought....

2000-01-12 Thread SuperDanSDRE

I was looking through the Diary lyrics the other day, and I noticed something 
a bit interesting to me. In "Song About an Angel"...{my favorite song by SDRE 
that is}... Jeremy sings, "Although you hit me hard I come back!.." in a 
triumphant and beautiful singing voice of course... And then in "Sometimes", 
he also sings... "Although... you hit me hard... I come back..." in a 
different sort of way where it's sort of drawn out. The thing I thought was 
interesting, was that "Song About an Angel" lists Dan first in the credits, 
and "Sometimes" lists Jeremy first... I think that means that one wrote the 
lyrics to one, one to the other. I just wondered if anyone knows wether or 
not the first name is the one who usually wrote them, or vice versa... it 
just struck me as interesting for both songs to have that exact same line, 
yet they have different credits... It's not exactly such a typical line 
either... maybe they did it on purpose to make me think...


I'm very glad that the list is up and running again of course...

Re: [sdre-l]: what would you recomend...

1999-10-23 Thread SuperDanSDRE

Actually, I heard Diary first, and I was completely blown away, so I would 
definitely recommend that first... (especially since I'm a drummer and this 
is my favorite to date as far as Will's stuff goes)... but second, I heard 
HIFTBSO, because they didn't have lp2 at the store I went to at the time. I 
was blown away by that one too, but to me, I've always thought that after 
hearing the first, then third, then second in that order, it seems to me that 
somehow, lp2 is a perfect mix/transition from Diary to HIFTBSO. The drums are 
still pretty hectic, but as was mentioned, the vocals lean more towards 
HIFTBSO... and there is less of Dan's singing it seems on lp2 than on Diary, 
but more than on HIFTBSO It almost seems as though the band knew that 
they were going to make their third album in a different way than their 
first, but they helped lead the fans from one to the other with lp2. I guess 
that's a weird opinion, but I have some friends who agree. Any thoughts?

Dan W.

On the live album, my favorite is track six, "Song About an Angel", but it's 
always been my favorite anyway. It's an excellent song to sing along with or 
drum along to. Kudos to William Goldsmith, my favorite drummer, and to 
everyone else in the band, which I guess can include "Joe Bass" on the live 
album/video too.

And if that guy didn't think that SDRE was good live, then he must have been 
under some sort of an influence, and he probably hasn't seen the video yet...