Re: /tmp rather than /home, attacks?

2007-03-20 Thread Mark Senior

On 13 Mar 2007 00:41:45 +0100, Thomas Hafner wrote:


having an option like
 ControlPath ~/.ssh/control/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:%p
is probably not a good idea, if the user's home directory is shared by
different machines (name collision for similiar outgoing SSH
connections). Something like that
 ControlPath /tmp/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:%p
should be better, because the directory /tmp is always local to the
machine. But will that enable symlink attacks? (e.g. somehow is
guessing the name before and creates an appropriate symlink to a file
to be corrupted.) Or is there another, better solution?

I'm using that version (ssh -v):
OpenSSH_4.3p2 Debian-5ubuntu1, OpenSSL 0.9.8b 04 May 2006


I've got the impression that you can't create a unix domain socket on
an NFS mounted file system - so if users' home directories are under
NFS, I have an impression that the control socket would not be created
at all.  I could be quite mistaken though.

Also, as I understand it, anyone on the client machine who can have
access to the unix socket at ControlPath, can become the user on the
server machine - so attacks that do something tricky with permissions
could also become a possibility.

You can always put %l into the ControlPath, so it would identify both
the local and remote machines.  Then only if you have two machines
that think they have the same hostname should there be a problem.



2007-01-17 Thread Mark Senior

It can also be set per socket with setsockopt(2).

How to do something similar in an ssh subsystem, I'm afraid I don't know


On 1/15/07, olaf weiser wrote:

Hallo to all,

so far I know,  this is a system wide parameter You could set this
per interface or for all connections

in AIX , this is an option set by the no command

you can verify by
no -a or no -L
and set by no -o 

at least , that's what we do...

Chris Nystrom wrote:

 I have an interactive application including mouse events that I want
 to be secure. I have configured the system to use an openssh subsystem
 and it works well except that we have noticed some inconsistent
 performance. We have fixed this on a plain socket connection by
 setting TCP_NODELAY.

 I have looked at the man pages and the e-mail archives and as far as I
 can tell there is no way to set this for an ssh subsystem. Am I

 Thank you,

Re: How to restrict remote forwarding ports in SSH2?

2006-11-30 Thread Mark Senior

You're quite right.  Netcat is included in most unices (to get full
bidirectional port forwarding, you would actually need two shell
commands  a pipeline).  Socat is quite a bit more versatile, and
would do the forward in a single command.  I think it's available by
default in some unices, and should compile on nearly anything you're
likely to encounter.

Netcat is of course also available as a Windows binary, although doing
a bidirectional port forward is a bit trickier (does anyone know how
to do the equivalent of mkfifo in Windows?).


On 11/24/06, Derek Martin wrote:

If I understand what you're asking, it's probably worth pointing out
that it's already possible to do this kind of port redirection in
general with TCP/IP without dealing with SSH's port redirection...
there's not much you can do to prevent it.  Anyone capable of writing
socket code in C can write a program to redirect any port to anywhere
in maybe a couple of dozen lines.
Someone's probably already written a free program to do this kind of
port redirection, which can be downloaded freely.  It might even have
pre-comiled binaries for your platform(s).

Re: Scp sftp with no shell access or restricted access

2006-11-16 Thread Mark Senior

I have a feeling that might not be very robust if you're allowing sftp
or scp to anywhere a user normally has access to - a user could then
download their own authorized_keys file, edit it to give themselves
shell access, and then upload it.

Another option might be to use the Match option in OpenSSH 4.4.  I
haven't had a chance to play around with 4.4 yet, so please experiment
with this.  But, something like

Match User restricted-user
   ForceCommand /usr/libexec/sftp-server

The advantage here is, you do this once to /etc/sshd_config - the file
you're editing is not under a user's control, unlike their
authorized_keys file.

You'd probably need to add other options in there, disabling port
forwarding and such...

I have one concern with the above - the forced command is executed
with the user's shell, with the -c option.  If I'm not mistaken, this
will prevent bash from reading any scripts that could be under the
user's control.

But you'd have to carefully examine the man page for every shell in
/etc/shells, and ferret out ways a user might run commands.  Maybe
either remove shells from /etc/shells, or prevent users from changing
their shells altogether.

For example, on my OS X system, tcsh still runs the user's ~/.tcshrc,
even when run with a -c option.  Although I wasn't able to try it with
ssh  ForceCommand.

Perhaps someone else on the list has more complete knowledge of this?


On 11/14/06, Greg Bell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

ssh lets you restrict the command a user is allowed to run in the 
authorized_keys file.  mostly unknown feature but very
handy.  i have found this useful for allowing users to do just one or two 
things (eg. rsync a particular dir).



Re: Need some education: Man-in-the-Middle Attacks

2006-08-31 Thread Mark Senior

On 8/29/06, Christ, Bryan wrote:


Please pardon my naivete.

I was looking at the diagram on the URL listed below and contemplating
how host fingerprinting prevents MITM attacks.

So my question is this... Given the illustration in the URL above, what
prevents Eve from *first* contacting Alice to obtain a fingerprint which
then gets passed to Bob on the first connection attempt?

The server passes the client its public key; the client generates a
fingerprint of this public key, and verifies that it matches a known
one from previous connections.

Eve can pass Alice's public key to Bob, but she doesn't possess
Alice's private key, so she has no way to interfere further with the
communications (beyond tampering at a network level - introducing
delay, dropping the connection, etc.)

Only if Eve gets in the way of the very first connection attempt, can
she pass her own public key off as Alice's, without Bob detecting it.
On the first connection, he'd have to either trust what he sees, or
verify the fingerprint offline somehow.  On subsequent connections,
the mismatch would be obvious.

Re: X11 tuneling: a hard to fix problem

2006-04-20 Thread Mark Senior
No, don't use xhost +

The entire point of using ssh for X11 forwarding is that the ssh
connection comes from a local process - you don't have to accept
outside X11 connections.

xhost + is used specifically for accepting X11 connections that
_don't_ come from a local process (e.g not over your SSH session).  If
for some reason the X11 connections are failing to be forwarded over
the SSH tunnel, xhost + will fix X11 functionally, but it will do it
by bypassing the entire SSH tunnel.


On 4/18/06, Jason Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Nader,

 on the host you're ssh'ing from try issuing xhost + prior to ssh'ing, eg:

 yourdesktop # xhost +
 yourdesktop # ssh -X [EMAIL PROTECTED]



 Nader Amadeu wrote:

 Hi all, I've googled for more than a week trying to
 fix this SSH X11 tuneling problem.
 I appreciate some help and thank you in advance.
 I have a remote Solaris 9 with the following options in /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
 X11Forwarding yes
 X11DisplayOffset 10
 ForwardX11Trusted yes
 Then I ssh it from my local desktop: (only most important lines here)
 [localdesktop]% ssh -vvv -XY [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 OpenSSH_4.2p1 FreeBSD-20050903, OpenSSL 0.9.7e-p1 25 Oct 2004
 debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
 debug2: ssh_connect: needpriv 0
 debug1: Connecting to remoteserver [] port 22.
 debug1: Connection established.
 debug1: Remote protocol version 1.99, remote software version OpenSSH_4.2
 debug1: match: OpenSSH_4.2 pat OpenSSH*
 debug1: Enabling compatibility mode for protocol 2.0
 debug1: Local version string SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.2p1 FreeBSD-20050903
 debug2: fd 3 setting O_NONBLOCK
 debug1: Authentication succeeded (publickey).
 debug1: channel 0: new [client-session]
 debug3: ssh_session2_open: channel_new: 0
 debug2: channel 0: send open
 debug1: Entering interactive session.
 debug2: callback start
 debug2: x11_get_proto: /usr/X11R6/bin/xauth  list :0.0 . 2/dev/null
 debug1: Requesting X11 forwarding with authentication spoofing.
 debug2: channel 0: request x11-req confirm 0
 debug2: client_session2_setup: id 0
 debug2: channel 0: request pty-req confirm 0
 debug2: channel 0: request shell confirm 0
 debug2: fd 3 setting TCP_NODELAY
 debug2: callback done
 debug2: channel 0: open confirm rwindow 0 rmax 32768
 debug2: channel 0: rcvd adjust 131072
 Now in the remoteserver:
DISPLAY: Undefined variable
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] % netstat -a
remoteserver.sshlocaldesktop.51899 66608 47 66608  0 
 Even if i setenv DISPLAY to localhost:10, 11, 12 ... it does not work.
 And from this netstat output I cannot find the X11 tuneling channel.
 In another attempt below I have the following different debug messages:
 [localdesktop]% ssh -vvv -o ForwardX11Trusted no [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 debug2: x11_get_proto: /usr/X11R6/bin/xauth -f /tmp/ssh-9xszkw26hB/xauthfile 
 generate :0.0 MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 untrusted timeout 1200 2/dev/null
 debug2: x11_get_proto: /usr/X11R6/bin/xauth -f /tmp/ssh-9xszkw26hB/xauthfile 
 list :0.0 . 2/dev/null
 debug1: Requesting X11 forwarding with authentication spoofing.
 debug2: channel 0: request x11-req confirm 0
 and again DISPLAY is an undefined variable.
 Could anyone help me to get this X11 tunelling work?
 Thanks all very much,