Re: JDK 17 EA build 26 - Better debuggability of SecurityManager WARNING messages?

2021-06-14 Thread Jaikiran Pai

Hello Sean,

On 15/06/21 12:19 am, Sean Mullan wrote:
We already are working on improvements to the warning message to show 
the class and the source of the code calling 
System::setSecurityManager. See

I just had a look at that JBS issue and the proposed change. Specifically:


Instead, a warning is issued at run time when System::setSecurityManager 
is invoked, as follows:

WARNING: A terminally deprecated method in java.lang.System has been called
WARNING: System::setSecurityManager has been called by (file:/tmp/foobarserver/thing.jar)
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of

WARNING: System::setSecurityManager will be removed in a future release


I think this will help a lot as compared to what is presently logged.

If that is not sufficient and a stack trace is really still needed, my 
preference would be to leverage the existing 
system property, and add a new value, say "sm" and that would 
additionally print a stack trace. But let's see if this is really 
needed first.

I think what is proposed in that JBS issue should help in most of the 
cases. i.e. the stacktrace probably won't be necessary. However, just to 
make a note of it here - in the case of --illegal-access=debug the 
stacktrace had helped decide if a particular call path can be bypassed 
to get past the issue, instead of attaching some IDE debugger and 
figuring out why the specific class/method was doing what it was doing.

As for which system property to use, I don't have any specific 
preference. I think the existing one is fine too. One thing that might 
need consideration is whether this would adversely impact applications 
which have system property set to "all" and they now 
start seeing these stacktraces of "sm" in the output.


Re: JEP 411: Deprecation with removal would break most existing Java libraries

2021-06-14 Thread Peter Firmstone

On 14/06/2021 9:34 pm, Rafael Winterhalter wrote:

Why not add the property once this is the case, though?
As it is now, I read the 'forRemoval' property to indicate a problem 
that should be instantly addressed.

I too suggested and support this approach.

With Java 8 being a common baseline for libraries and the version 
being supported until (at least) 2030, I don't see how this removal 
would have a low impact within the next decade, if ever. Shouldn't the 
property be set if the removal is within reach? To some degree, I 
would expect that any deprecated API could be removed once it is no 
longer used.

As it is now, library maintainers face the choice of breaking their 
support for current users that are on Java 8/11 and rely on the 
security manager, or to remove their support to accommodate a Java 
release that might be many years in the future.

For this reason, I'm proposing a minimal change allowing us to implement 
Guard::check hooks at existing check points within the JVM using the 
security provider mechanism that can be back-ported and supported on all 
LTS releases, without any new Java API's.

We require authorization layer functionality, I will be implementing it, 
and it will be freely available under an AL2.0 license.

It would be nice to keep AccessController and AccessControlContext and 
use a property to enable or disable the stack walk for those who don't 
require it, however they are now marked for removal, so I'll be looking 
at using wrapper classes around them, so their implementations can be 
replaced at a later data.

Our current implementation is high scaling with minimal performance 
impact, however I can't make any promises regarding future performance, 
but hopefully it will come to be as performant as our current 

Regards, Peter.

For my part, supporting the security manager seems to be the right 
choice as things stand today.
Over the years, I would expect that fewer and fewer people rely on the 
security manager, where this balance might shift. I would hope that 
the 'forRemoval' property would serve as an indicator at that time to 
tell library maintainers that usage of the security manager has 
decreased so much that it is time to remove the library support, too. 
I see the reason for a strong signal, deprecation already is such a 
signal, but if you give the full blow today, it is no longer available 
in the future where it might be more relevant to give.

Am Mo., 14. Juni 2021 um 11:26 Uhr schrieb Ron Pressler>>:

The JEP addresses this:

> In future JDK releases, we will degrade the Security Manager
APIs so that they
remain in place but have limited or no functionality. ... This
will allow libraries
that support the Security Manager and were compiled against
previous Java releases
to continue to work without change or even recompilation. We
expect to remove the
APIs once the compatibility risk of doing so declines to an
acceptable level.

If your question is, when only few codebases will refer to the API
and the
compatibility impact is low enough for it to be removed, what if
some of those
few libraries still want to support versions prior to the removal,
the answer is
the same as with all removals (MR-JARs, or multiple artefacts). By
the impact of complete removal when the impact is low, would be low.

— Ron

> On 14 Jun 2021, at 09:38, Rafael Winterhalter>> wrote:
> One example for a currently necessary "doPrivileged" are Java
agents where
> a class loading triggers agent code where the agent shares the
stack with
> any code that loads a class for the first time. Otherwise, Byte
Buddy wraps
> anything that might require privileges as privileged action to allow
> setting a policy that gives Byte Buddy for example access to
class loaders,
> system properties or other things that the security manager
> checks. There's many uses of the security manager throughout the
> in the spirit of the API's invention.
> I could, of course, rip this code out of the library. But this
would make
> it impossible for users that choose to use the functionality for
now to
> update their dependency. This would certainly hinder a smooth
transition as
> library maintainers will always have people drag at both ends of
the JDK
> version range. After all, Java 8 is supported for another decade.
> Multi-release jars are neither a feasible option. They are not
> supported by all class loaders, and would require me to add a
copy of an
> adjusted class file for any Java version prior to the removal
version or
> upwards from there. I don't think that this should be addressed
by tooling
> if keeping deprecated skeletons of the API can so 

Re: JDK 17 EA build 26 - Better debuggability of SecurityManager WARNING messages?

2021-06-14 Thread Bernd Eckenfels
Is it possible to redirect those vm messages with unified logging or vm-error 
files or similar command line flags to the launcher to keep stdout/stderr clean?


Von: security-dev  im Auftrag von Sean 
Gesendet: Monday, June 14, 2021 8:49:43 PM
An: Jaikiran Pai ; 

Betreff: Re: JDK 17 EA build 26 - Better debuggability of SecurityManager 
WARNING messages?

We already are working on improvements to the warning message to show
the class and the source of the code calling System::setSecurityManager.

If that is not sufficient and a stack trace is really still needed, my
preference would be to leverage the existing system
property, and add a new value, say "sm" and that would additionally
print a stack trace. But let's see if this is really needed first.


On 6/14/21 12:59 PM, Jaikiran Pai wrote:
> While testing the Apache Ant project with the latest released EA of JDK
> 17[1] (build 26), at least one of our internal test case has started
> failing. The failure relates to the new "WARNING" message that gets
> printed out to System.err when some code at runtime sets the security
> manager. The test case we have expects that the System.err stream
> contains only specific content. However, with this change, it now finds
> the expected content plus this additional warning message:
> WARNING: java.lang.System::setSecurityManager is deprecated and will be
> removed in a future release.
> Given the way the test is written, it doesn't like the presence of this
> additional content on System.err and fails.
> "Fixing" this test itself is pretty trivial for us and given that it's
> just one such test, I plan to just go ahead and do that tomorrow.
> However, what I'm more interested in is what part of the code at runtime
> is setting the security manager. I think even that part I can probably
> easily narrow it down tomorrow once I look into the code. But from what
> I imagine, this is going to be much more difficult to narrow down if the
> security manager is being set at runtime from third party library code,
> deep in the ecosystem of the deployed application (imagine some code
> embedding Ant project and invoking it from their project).
> I understand that the system property allows the
> values "allow" and "disallow", but additionally would it be possible to
> introduce a new (optional) system property which takes a value "debug"?
> When this system property is set to "debug" and the Java runtime detects
> that a WARNING needs to be issued because of runtime setting of security
> manager, then a stacktrace is dumped showing the call location of each
> such code which is setting the security manager? This would be similar
> to the --illegal-access flag (although not a system property) that had
> the "debug" option, which I thought proved to be very useful when
> narrowing down the reflective access calls.
> [1]
> -Jaikiran

Re: JEP 411: Deprecation with removal would break most existing Java libraries

2021-06-14 Thread Peter Firmstone

On 15/06/2021 2:23 am, David Lloyd wrote:

On Mon, Jun 14, 2021 at 2:38 AM Peter Firmstone

  1. Develop authorization layer security provider services in OpenJDK,
 back port it to Java 8 and Java 11 (these provide most of the
 utilised functionality of SecurityManager, allowing developers to
 only implement those which they need, without enabling
 SecurityManager and editing policy files).
  2. Remove SecurityManager, Policy and Policy provider in OpenJDK 19.

The SecurityManager class itself already is *exactly* an authorization
provider.  I don't think it makes sense to consider removing the
security manager class to replace it with something that has basically
exactly the same API

Logic behind this choice:

SecurityManager depends on Permission, currently there are Permission 
checks throughout the JVM, however Permission implementation classes 
will be removed, although the Permission class itself won't be.

Permission references can be replaced with Guard references (which 
Permissions are instances of).

The Permission implementations of Guard::check call SecurityManager, so 
checks will continue working as expected, but it allows us to intercept 
them and do something different.

By replacing Permission references with Guard, it allows us to implement 
our own checks in these locations, and OpenJDK doesn't need to maintain 
Permission instances, and or, we don't need to make use of unmaintained 
Permission implementations.

There are already issues with Permission implementations, take for 
example SocketPermission, it consults DNS and it isn't possible to enter 
a range of IP addresses (such as the local subnet, and a list of public 
IP addresses), for now, every single IP address must be entered and this 
isn't practical.   The proposed API would allow us to re-implement 
SocketPermission functionality, as well as other Permission implementations.

This proposal also allows every existing component of the SM 
architecture to be removed, while retaining the most important 
component, the checks themselves, such that you or I or anyone else for 
that matter can re-implement the functionality of SM.

SM and friends will be removed eventually, so now is our opportunity to 
get something in place that has minimal impact on OpenJDK maintenance, 
that will remain.

(specifically, a single method for each general
authorization check that can be called without constructing any new
objects, if and only if the authorization provider is installed).  See
my other proposal where, post-"removal", SecurityManager (the class)
is retained but made abstract (and sans a few methods).  All of the
existing code which performs authorization checks would be retained
and the problem solved in essentially the way you're describing, just
using existing APIs.

The security manager implementation itself can implement any kind of
authorization behavior whatsoever, based mainly on the Permission
types (which work just fine for this purpose, and anyway are already
retained by the current JEP).  Policy and its supporting classes are
completely unnecessary for implementing a security policy.  In fact,
this is the case today already.

On Mon, Jun 14, 2021 at 12:57 AM Alan Bateman  wrote:

AccessController::doPriv just runs the action.

TBH this should have always been the case.  Implementation-wise, if
one were constructing an access control context based on stack
walking, one would stop at points where `AccessController` is on the
stack (which is easily determinable) to do special work on assembling
the access control context based on the method called at that frame.

Yes, one can do that, but these classes will also eventually be removed.


Peter Firmstone

0498 286 363
Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.

Re: [jdk17] RFR: 8268349: Provide clear run-time warnings about Security Manager deprecation [v3]

2021-06-14 Thread Weijun Wang
> More loudly and precise warning messages when a security manager is either 
> enabled at startup or installed at runtime.
> This is new PR for the `openjdk/jdk17` repo copied from 
> A new commit is added.

Weijun Wang has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
commit since the last revision:

  new warning text again (6/14)


  - all:
  - new:

 - full:
 - incr:

  Stats: 17 lines in 2 files changed: 0 ins; 2 del; 15 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/13/head:pull/13


[jdk17] Integrated: 8267397: AlgorithmId's OID cache is never refreshed

2021-06-14 Thread Valerie Peng
On Sat, 12 Jun 2021 05:45:35 GMT, Valerie Peng  wrote:

> Could someone help review this small fix? This clears the static 
> aliasOidsTable field in AlgorithmId class when provider list is changed. 
> Enhanced existing regression test to cover the provider removal scenario.
> Thanks,
> Valerie

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: f69e2d56
Author:Valerie Peng 
Stats: 105 lines in 3 files changed: 76 ins; 20 del; 9 mod

8267397: AlgorithmId's OID cache is never refreshed

Reviewed-by: xuelei



[jdk17] Integrated: 8268621: SunJCE provider may throw unexpected NPE for un-initialized AES KW/KWP Ciphers

2021-06-14 Thread Valerie Peng
On Fri, 11 Jun 2021 21:22:49 GMT, Valerie Peng  wrote:

> Could someone help review this straightforward fix? The current impl for AES 
> KW and KWP cipher should check for possible null iv value in its 
> CipherSpi.engineGetIV() and CipherSpi.engineGetParameters() impls. Updated 
> the regression test to cover this scenario as well as some other minor 
> updates.
> Thanks!
> Valerie

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: ee301596
Author:Valerie Peng 
Stats: 50 lines in 4 files changed: 34 ins; 3 del; 13 mod

8268621: SunJCE provider may throw unexpected NPE for un-initialized AES KW/KWP 

Reviewed-by: xuelei



Incorrect encoding of PKCS12 bag attributes

2021-06-14 Thread Osipov, Michael (LDA IT PLM)


can someone confirm the following bug or tell me I am too stupid to read 
the RFCs:

I have recently created a PKCS12-based trust store and had one CA from 
Hungary with non-ASCII chars in the subject's CN RDN.

RFC 7292 for friendlyName refers to RFC 2985, section 5.5.1:

   friendlyName ATTRIBUTE ::= {
   WITH SYNTAX BMPString (SIZE(1..pkcs-9-ub-friendlyName))
   ID pkcs-9-at-friendlyName

So a BMPString -- which is UCS-2 encoding. Looking at [1] shows that 
Java ignores the RFC and always creates an UTF8String regardless of the 
attribute OID, thus breaking the semantics of friendlyName.

Who's wrong here?

For some strange reason OpenSSL does it in a similar fashion:
> # define PKCS12_add_friendlyname PKCS12_add_friendlyname_utf8
where the function contains:

if (X509at_add1_attr_by_NID(>attrib, NID_friendlyName,
MBSTRING_UTF8, (unsigned char *)name, namelen) 
!= NULL)




Re: JDK 17 EA build 26 - Better debuggability of SecurityManager WARNING messages?

2021-06-14 Thread Sean Mullan
We already are working on improvements to the warning message to show 
the class and the source of the code calling System::setSecurityManager. 

If that is not sufficient and a stack trace is really still needed, my 
preference would be to leverage the existing system 
property, and add a new value, say "sm" and that would additionally 
print a stack trace. But let's see if this is really needed first.


On 6/14/21 12:59 PM, Jaikiran Pai wrote:

While testing the Apache Ant project with the latest released EA of JDK
17[1] (build 26), at least one of our internal test case has started
failing. The failure relates to the new "WARNING" message that gets
printed out to System.err when some code at runtime sets the security
manager. The test case we have expects that the System.err stream
contains only specific content. However, with this change, it now finds
the expected content plus this additional warning message:

WARNING: java.lang.System::setSecurityManager is deprecated and will be
removed in a future release.

Given the way the test is written, it doesn't like the presence of this
additional content on System.err and fails.

"Fixing" this test itself is pretty trivial for us and given that it's
just one such test, I plan to just go ahead and do that tomorrow.
However, what I'm more interested in is what part of the code at runtime
is setting the security manager. I think even that part I can probably
easily narrow it down tomorrow once I look into the code. But from what
I imagine, this is going to be much more difficult to narrow down if the
security manager is being set at runtime from third party library code,
deep in the ecosystem of the deployed application (imagine some code
embedding Ant project and invoking it from their project).

I understand that the system property allows the
values "allow" and "disallow", but additionally would it be possible to
introduce a new (optional) system property which takes a value "debug"?
When this system property is set to "debug" and the Java runtime detects
that a WARNING needs to be issued because of runtime setting of security
manager, then a stacktrace is dumped showing the call location of each
such code which is setting the security manager? This would be similar
to the --illegal-access flag (although not a system property) that had
the "debug" option, which I thought proved to be very useful when
narrowing down the reflective access calls.



JDK 17 EA build 26 - Better debuggability of SecurityManager WARNING messages?

2021-06-14 Thread Jaikiran Pai
While testing the Apache Ant project with the latest released EA of JDK 
17[1] (build 26), at least one of our internal test case has started 
failing. The failure relates to the new "WARNING" message that gets 
printed out to System.err when some code at runtime sets the security 
manager. The test case we have expects that the System.err stream 
contains only specific content. However, with this change, it now finds 
the expected content plus this additional warning message:

WARNING: java.lang.System::setSecurityManager is deprecated and will be 
removed in a future release.

Given the way the test is written, it doesn't like the presence of this 
additional content on System.err and fails.

"Fixing" this test itself is pretty trivial for us and given that it's 
just one such test, I plan to just go ahead and do that tomorrow. 
However, what I'm more interested in is what part of the code at runtime 
is setting the security manager. I think even that part I can probably 
easily narrow it down tomorrow once I look into the code. But from what 
I imagine, this is going to be much more difficult to narrow down if the 
security manager is being set at runtime from third party library code, 
deep in the ecosystem of the deployed application (imagine some code 
embedding Ant project and invoking it from their project).

I understand that the system property allows the 
values "allow" and "disallow", but additionally would it be possible to 
introduce a new (optional) system property which takes a value "debug"? 
When this system property is set to "debug" and the Java runtime detects 
that a WARNING needs to be issued because of runtime setting of security 
manager, then a stacktrace is dumped showing the call location of each 
such code which is setting the security manager? This would be similar 
to the --illegal-access flag (although not a system property) that had 
the "debug" option, which I thought proved to be very useful when 
narrowing down the reflective access calls.



Re: JEP 411: Deprecation with removal would break most existing Java libraries

2021-06-14 Thread David Lloyd
On Mon, Jun 14, 2021 at 2:38 AM Peter Firmstone
>  1. Develop authorization layer security provider services in OpenJDK,
> back port it to Java 8 and Java 11 (these provide most of the
> utilised functionality of SecurityManager, allowing developers to
> only implement those which they need, without enabling
> SecurityManager and editing policy files).
>  2. Remove SecurityManager, Policy and Policy provider in OpenJDK 19.

The SecurityManager class itself already is *exactly* an authorization
provider.  I don't think it makes sense to consider removing the
security manager class to replace it with something that has basically
exactly the same API (specifically, a single method for each general
authorization check that can be called without constructing any new
objects, if and only if the authorization provider is installed).  See
my other proposal where, post-"removal", SecurityManager (the class)
is retained but made abstract (and sans a few methods).  All of the
existing code which performs authorization checks would be retained
and the problem solved in essentially the way you're describing, just
using existing APIs.

The security manager implementation itself can implement any kind of
authorization behavior whatsoever, based mainly on the Permission
types (which work just fine for this purpose, and anyway are already
retained by the current JEP).  Policy and its supporting classes are
completely unnecessary for implementing a security policy.  In fact,
this is the case today already.

On Mon, Jun 14, 2021 at 12:57 AM Alan Bateman  wrote:
> AccessController::doPriv just runs the action.

TBH this should have always been the case.  Implementation-wise, if
one were constructing an access control context based on stack
walking, one would stop at points where `AccessController` is on the
stack (which is easily determinable) to do special work on assembling
the access control context based on the method called at that frame.

- DML • he/him

Integrated: Merge jdk17

2021-06-14 Thread Jesper Wilhelmsson
On Mon, 14 Jun 2021 14:28:33 GMT, Jesper Wilhelmsson  

> Forwardport JDK 17 -> JDK 18

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 17295b1b
Author:Jesper Wilhelmsson 
Stats: 721 lines in 30 files changed: 573 ins; 73 del; 75 mod


Reviewed-by: dcubed



Re: RFR: Merge jdk17 [v2]

2021-06-14 Thread Daniel Fuchs
On Mon, 14 Jun 2021 15:58:15 GMT, Jesper Wilhelmsson  

>> Forwardport JDK 17 -> JDK 18
> Jesper Wilhelmsson has updated the pull request with a new target base due to 
> a merge or a rebase. The incremental webrev excludes the unrelated changes 
> brought in by the merge/rebase.

Looked at this two changesets and they were fine.
 - 8268342: java/foreign/channels/ fails with 
"IllegalStateException: This segment is already
 - 8268555: Update HttpClient tests that use ITestContext to jtreg 6+1


Marked as reviewed by dfuchs (Reviewer).


Re: RFR: Merge jdk17 [v2]

2021-06-14 Thread Jesper Wilhelmsson
> Forwardport JDK 17 -> JDK 18

Jesper Wilhelmsson has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a 
merge or a rebase. The incremental webrev excludes the unrelated changes 
brought in by the merge/rebase.


  - all:
  - new:

 - full:
 - incr:

  Stats: 0 lines in 0 files changed: 0 ins; 0 del; 0 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/4484/head:pull/4484


Re: RFR: Merge jdk17

2021-06-14 Thread Daniel D . Daugherty
On Mon, 14 Jun 2021 14:28:33 GMT, Jesper Wilhelmsson  

> Forwardport JDK 17 -> JDK 18

Thumbs up!

Thanks for doing this sync forward.


Marked as reviewed by dcubed (Reviewer).


Re: JEP 411: Deprecation with removal would break most existing Java libraries

2021-06-14 Thread Sean Mullan

On 6/14/21 7:34 AM, Rafael Winterhalter wrote:

Why not add the property once this is the case, though? As it is now, I
read the 'forRemoval' property to indicate a problem that should be
instantly addressed. With Java 8 being a common baseline for libraries and
the version being supported until (at least) 2030, I don't see how this
removal would have a low impact within the next decade, if ever. Shouldn't
the property be set if the removal is within reach? To some degree, I would
expect that any deprecated API could be removed once it is no longer used.


As it is now, library maintainers face the choice of breaking their support
for current users that are on Java 8/11 and rely on the security manager,
or to remove their support to accommodate a Java release that might be many
years in the future. For my part, supporting the security manager seems to
be the right choice as things stand today. Over the years, I would expect
that fewer and fewer people rely on the security manager, where this
balance might shift. I would hope that the 'forRemoval' property would
serve as an indicator at that time to tell library maintainers that usage
of the security manager has decreased so much that it is time to remove the
library support, too. I see the reason for a strong signal, deprecation
already is such a signal, but if you give the full blow today, it is no
longer available in the future where it might be more relevant to give.

As Alan and others have mentioned, there is no immediate plan to remove 
the APIs that SM-enabled libraries are typically dependent on, i.e., 
AccessController.doPrivileged and System.getSecurityManager. The APIs, 
when degraded will behave as if the Security Manager was not enabled. It 
isn't clear to me why that plan would have a high compatibility impact 
for libraries.

And in JDK 17, the Security Manager will still be fully supported.

The 'forRemoval' property means that the API is earmarked for removal in 
a future release. This is important, as it provides a clear warning bell 
to those that are dependent on it that it will eventually be going away.

On the other hand, if an API is only deprecated, there is no intention 
to remove it. Users usually can still expect the API to continue to work 
as specified. It isn't as strong enough of a signal that it should not 
be used and in my opinion would only delay the removal of the Security 
Manager for many more years.

I also think it would be more confusing, and possibly wrong to degrade 
or "stub" a deprecated API (one that is not marked forRemoval) such that 
it is a no-op or basically no longer works as expected.


Am Mo., 14. Juni 2021 um 11:26 Uhr schrieb Ron Pressler <>:

The JEP addresses this:

In future JDK releases, we will degrade the Security Manager APIs so

that they
remain in place but have limited or no functionality. ... This will allow
that support the Security Manager and were compiled against previous Java
to continue to work without change or even recompilation. We expect to
remove the
APIs once the compatibility risk of doing so declines to an acceptable

If your question is, when only few codebases will refer to the API and the
compatibility impact is low enough for it to be removed, what if some of
few libraries still want to support versions prior to the removal, the
answer is
the same as with all removals (MR-JARs, or multiple artefacts). By
the impact of complete removal when the impact is low, would be low.

— Ron

On 14 Jun 2021, at 09:38, Rafael Winterhalter 


One example for a currently necessary "doPrivileged" are Java agents


a class loading triggers agent code where the agent shares the stack with
any code that loads a class for the first time. Otherwise, Byte Buddy


anything that might require privileges as privileged action to allow
setting a policy that gives Byte Buddy for example access to class


system properties or other things that the security manager currently
checks. There's many uses of the security manager throughout the library,
in the spirit of the API's invention.

I could, of course, rip this code out of the library. But this would make
it impossible for users that choose to use the functionality for now to
update their dependency. This would certainly hinder a smooth transition


library maintainers will always have people drag at both ends of the JDK
version range. After all, Java 8 is supported for another decade.
Multi-release jars are neither a feasible option. They are not globally
supported by all class loaders, and would require me to add a copy of an
adjusted class file for any Java version prior to the removal version or
upwards from there. I don't think that this should be addressed by


if keeping deprecated skeletons of the API can so easily avoid this


problem for all libraries without the need to chase down maintainers.

Re: JEP 411: Deprecation with removal would break most existing Java libraries

2021-06-14 Thread Rafael Winterhalter
Why not add the property once this is the case, though? As it is now, I
read the 'forRemoval' property to indicate a problem that should be
instantly addressed. With Java 8 being a common baseline for libraries and
the version being supported until (at least) 2030, I don't see how this
removal would have a low impact within the next decade, if ever. Shouldn't
the property be set if the removal is within reach? To some degree, I would
expect that any deprecated API could be removed once it is no longer used.

As it is now, library maintainers face the choice of breaking their support
for current users that are on Java 8/11 and rely on the security manager,
or to remove their support to accommodate a Java release that might be many
years in the future. For my part, supporting the security manager seems to
be the right choice as things stand today. Over the years, I would expect
that fewer and fewer people rely on the security manager, where this
balance might shift. I would hope that the 'forRemoval' property would
serve as an indicator at that time to tell library maintainers that usage
of the security manager has decreased so much that it is time to remove the
library support, too. I see the reason for a strong signal, deprecation
already is such a signal, but if you give the full blow today, it is no
longer available in the future where it might be more relevant to give.

Am Mo., 14. Juni 2021 um 11:26 Uhr schrieb Ron Pressler <>:

> The JEP addresses this:
> > In future JDK releases, we will degrade the Security Manager APIs so
> that they
> remain in place but have limited or no functionality. ... This will allow
> libraries
> that support the Security Manager and were compiled against previous Java
> releases
> to continue to work without change or even recompilation. We expect to
> remove the
> APIs once the compatibility risk of doing so declines to an acceptable
> level.
> If your question is, when only few codebases will refer to the API and the
> compatibility impact is low enough for it to be removed, what if some of
> those
> few libraries still want to support versions prior to the removal, the
> answer is
> the same as with all removals (MR-JARs, or multiple artefacts). By
> definition,
> the impact of complete removal when the impact is low, would be low.
> — Ron
> > On 14 Jun 2021, at 09:38, Rafael Winterhalter 
> wrote:
> >
> > One example for a currently necessary "doPrivileged" are Java agents
> where
> > a class loading triggers agent code where the agent shares the stack with
> > any code that loads a class for the first time. Otherwise, Byte Buddy
> wraps
> > anything that might require privileges as privileged action to allow
> > setting a policy that gives Byte Buddy for example access to class
> loaders,
> > system properties or other things that the security manager currently
> > checks. There's many uses of the security manager throughout the library,
> > in the spirit of the API's invention.
> >
> > I could, of course, rip this code out of the library. But this would make
> > it impossible for users that choose to use the functionality for now to
> > update their dependency. This would certainly hinder a smooth transition
> as
> > library maintainers will always have people drag at both ends of the JDK
> > version range. After all, Java 8 is supported for another decade.
> > Multi-release jars are neither a feasible option. They are not globally
> > supported by all class loaders, and would require me to add a copy of an
> > adjusted class file for any Java version prior to the removal version or
> > upwards from there. I don't think that this should be addressed by
> tooling
> > if keeping deprecated skeletons of the API can so easily avoid this
> entire
> > problem for all libraries without the need to chase down maintainers.
> >
> > Therefore, I really think that the SecurityManager and AccessController
> > APIs should remain as skeletons and be deprecated, but not be marked
> > forRemoval, especially without a clear roadmap for the actual removal
> > forward. And while I appreciate the clean up effort - I do think the
> > SecurityManager deprecation and feature removal is a right decision - I
> > find the attempt to remove this API will cause unnecessary breakage and
> > cause thousands of libraries to become unlinkable on future VM, without a
> > clear need for it. Discovering this breakage would also require manually
> > scanning the content of each library and affect all the big names in the
> > industry. This would require big waves of dependency updates, where such
> > updates sometimes will be impossible if only a single (transitive)
> > dependency has not catched up, including major names such as Spring,
> > Hibernate or Mockito. From experience, such major updating waves are
> often
> > complex and therefore avoided, which will hinder adoption of future JVM
> > versions. This seems like a very high price to pay which could be easily

Re: JEP 411: Deprecation with removal would break most existing Java libraries

2021-06-14 Thread Rafael Winterhalter
One example for a currently necessary "doPrivileged" are Java agents where
a class loading triggers agent code where the agent shares the stack with
any code that loads a class for the first time. Otherwise, Byte Buddy wraps
anything that might require privileges as privileged action to allow
setting a policy that gives Byte Buddy for example access to class loaders,
system properties or other things that the security manager currently
checks. There's many uses of the security manager throughout the library,
in the spirit of the API's invention.

I could, of course, rip this code out of the library. But this would make
it impossible for users that choose to use the functionality for now to
update their dependency. This would certainly hinder a smooth transition as
library maintainers will always have people drag at both ends of the JDK
version range. After all, Java 8 is supported for another decade.
Multi-release jars are neither a feasible option. They are not globally
supported by all class loaders, and would require me to add a copy of an
adjusted class file for any Java version prior to the removal version or
upwards from there. I don't think that this should be addressed by tooling
if keeping deprecated skeletons of the API can so easily avoid this entire
problem for all libraries without the need to chase down maintainers.

Therefore, I really think that the SecurityManager and AccessController
APIs should remain as skeletons and be deprecated, but not be marked
forRemoval, especially without a clear roadmap for the actual removal
forward. And while I appreciate the clean up effort - I do think the
SecurityManager deprecation and feature removal is a right decision - I
find the attempt to remove this API will cause unnecessary breakage and
cause thousands of libraries to become unlinkable on future VM, without a
clear need for it. Discovering this breakage would also require manually
scanning the content of each library and affect all the big names in the
industry. This would require big waves of dependency updates, where such
updates sometimes will be impossible if only a single (transitive)
dependency has not catched up, including major names such as Spring,
Hibernate or Mockito. From experience, such major updating waves are often
complex and therefore avoided, which will hinder adoption of future JVM
versions. This seems like a very high price to pay which could be easily
avoided by only keeping a handful of skeleton classes.

Am Mo., 14. Juni 2021 um 07:55 Uhr schrieb Alan Bateman <>:

> cc'ing security-dev as that is the mailing list to use for this JEP.
> This JEP is the first of several in a multi-release/multi-year effort.
> It's way too early to give any guess as to when the APIs will be
> removed. As the JEP says, future releases may degrade the SM APIs so
> that System.getSM returns always returns null or
> AccessController::doPriv just runs the action. This should mean that
> libraries that are compiling to older releases should continue to
> compile and run on those releases. When they run on some future release
> that degrades the implementation then it will be as if there is no SM.
> So I would say the impact is little to none for libraries for the
> foreseeable future.
> -Alan
> On 13/06/2021 21:28, Rafael Winterhalter wrote:
> > I am currently looking into how I should address JEP 411 in my library
> Byte
> > Buddy and I find it rather challenging. The problem I am facing is that I
> > know of several users who rely on the security manager in their Java 8/11
> > applications. I would like to continue to support those users' use cases
> as
> > long as I support Java versions that contain the security manager, which
> > will be for many years to come. At the same time, I would like to address
> > the announced removal of the API and make sure that Byte Buddy can work
> > without it prior to the deadline when the library in its current state
> > would no longer link.
> >
> >  From my understanding of the intention of JEP 411, the API was supposed
> to
> > be stubbed – similar to Android’s stubbing of the API - rather than being
> > removed. However, with the announced deprecation for removal of
> > AccessController and SecurityManager, I understand that I would need to
> > fully remove the dispatching to work with future Java versions.
> >
> > Furthermore, it is difficult to create a working facade for dispatching
> to
> > the security manager only if it is available. Methods like
> > AccessController.doPrivileged are caller sensitive and by adding a
> utility
> > to a library, this utility would leak to any potential user. It would
> > therefore require package-private dispatchers for any relevant package,
> > which would lead to a lot of copy-paste to retain backwards compatibility
> > (given that a library cannot assume to be run as a module).
> >
> > Finally, removing the API would mean that Byte Buddy versions of the last
> > ten years would no 

RFR: Merge jdk17

2021-06-14 Thread Jesper Wilhelmsson
Forwardport JDK 17 -> JDK 18


Commit messages:
 - 8267579: Thread::cooked_allocated_bytes() hits assert(left >= right) failed: 
avoid underflow
 - 8268342: java/foreign/channels/ fails with 
"IllegalStateException: This segment is already closed"
 - 8268630: ProblemList serviceability/jvmti/CompiledMethodLoad/ on 
 - 8268470: CDS dynamic dump asserts with JFR RecordingStream
 - 8268093: Manual Testcase: 
"sun/security/krb5/config/native/" Fails with NPE
 - 8268602: a couple runtime/os tests don't check exit code
 - 8268555: Update HttpClient tests that use ITestContext to jtreg 6+1
 - 8268580: runtime/memory/LargePages/ should be run in 
driver mode
 - 8268565: runtime/records/ should be run in driver mode
 - 8268576: jdk/jfr/event/gc/collection/ fails
 - ... and 3 more:

The merge commit only contains trivial merges, so no merge-specific webrevs 
have been generated.

  Stats: 786 lines in 57 files changed: 593 ins; 73 del; 120 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/4484/head:pull/4484


Re: JEP 411: Deprecation with removal would break most existing Java libraries

2021-06-14 Thread Peter Firmstone

On 14/06/2021 6:37 pm, Alan Bateman wrote:

There are some libraries where the maintainers have put effort into 
working with a SM.

Yes, I am one of them, very much so.

At first it's a shock, but the show must go on, it could be an 
opportunity to address some long standing issues also.

If Permission implementations are unmaintained, we are better off 
without them too and re implementing our own.   It doesn't matter what 
they change to, I can generate my policy files.

AccessController, AccessControlContext and DomainController are bigger 
fish, which will take longer, personally I wouldn't remove these 
classes, but it's not my choice.


Re: JEP 411: Deprecation with removal would break most existing Java libraries

2021-06-14 Thread Ron Pressler
The JEP addresses this:

> In future JDK releases, we will degrade the Security Manager APIs so that 
> they 
remain in place but have limited or no functionality. ... This will allow 
that support the Security Manager and were compiled against previous Java 
to continue to work without change or even recompilation. We expect to remove 
APIs once the compatibility risk of doing so declines to an acceptable level.

If your question is, when only few codebases will refer to the API and the
compatibility impact is low enough for it to be removed, what if some of those 
few libraries still want to support versions prior to the removal, the answer 
the same as with all removals (MR-JARs, or multiple artefacts). By definition,
the impact of complete removal when the impact is low, would be low.

— Ron

> On 14 Jun 2021, at 09:38, Rafael Winterhalter  wrote:
> One example for a currently necessary "doPrivileged" are Java agents where
> a class loading triggers agent code where the agent shares the stack with
> any code that loads a class for the first time. Otherwise, Byte Buddy wraps
> anything that might require privileges as privileged action to allow
> setting a policy that gives Byte Buddy for example access to class loaders,
> system properties or other things that the security manager currently
> checks. There's many uses of the security manager throughout the library,
> in the spirit of the API's invention.
> I could, of course, rip this code out of the library. But this would make
> it impossible for users that choose to use the functionality for now to
> update their dependency. This would certainly hinder a smooth transition as
> library maintainers will always have people drag at both ends of the JDK
> version range. After all, Java 8 is supported for another decade.
> Multi-release jars are neither a feasible option. They are not globally
> supported by all class loaders, and would require me to add a copy of an
> adjusted class file for any Java version prior to the removal version or
> upwards from there. I don't think that this should be addressed by tooling
> if keeping deprecated skeletons of the API can so easily avoid this entire
> problem for all libraries without the need to chase down maintainers.
> Therefore, I really think that the SecurityManager and AccessController
> APIs should remain as skeletons and be deprecated, but not be marked
> forRemoval, especially without a clear roadmap for the actual removal
> forward. And while I appreciate the clean up effort - I do think the
> SecurityManager deprecation and feature removal is a right decision - I
> find the attempt to remove this API will cause unnecessary breakage and
> cause thousands of libraries to become unlinkable on future VM, without a
> clear need for it. Discovering this breakage would also require manually
> scanning the content of each library and affect all the big names in the
> industry. This would require big waves of dependency updates, where such
> updates sometimes will be impossible if only a single (transitive)
> dependency has not catched up, including major names such as Spring,
> Hibernate or Mockito. From experience, such major updating waves are often
> complex and therefore avoided, which will hinder adoption of future JVM
> versions. This seems like a very high price to pay which could be easily
> avoided by only keeping a handful of skeleton classes.
> Am Mo., 14. Juni 2021 um 07:55 Uhr schrieb Alan Bateman <
>> cc'ing security-dev as that is the mailing list to use for this JEP.
>> This JEP is the first of several in a multi-release/multi-year effort.
>> It's way too early to give any guess as to when the APIs will be
>> removed. As the JEP says, future releases may degrade the SM APIs so
>> that System.getSM returns always returns null or
>> AccessController::doPriv just runs the action. This should mean that
>> libraries that are compiling to older releases should continue to
>> compile and run on those releases. When they run on some future release
>> that degrades the implementation then it will be as if there is no SM.
>> So I would say the impact is little to none for libraries for the
>> foreseeable future.
>> -Alan
>> On 13/06/2021 21:28, Rafael Winterhalter wrote:
>>> I am currently looking into how I should address JEP 411 in my library
>> Byte
>>> Buddy and I find it rather challenging. The problem I am facing is that I
>>> know of several users who rely on the security manager in their Java 8/11
>>> applications. I would like to continue to support those users' use cases
>> as
>>> long as I support Java versions that contain the security manager, which
>>> will be for many years to come. At the same time, I would like to address
>>> the announced removal of the API and make sure that Byte Buddy can work
>>> without it prior to the deadline when the library in its current state
>>> would no longer link.

Re: JEP 411: Deprecation with removal would break most existing Java libraries

2021-06-14 Thread Peter Firmstone

Binary compatibility only?

Security.getSecurityManager() always returns null.

Security.setSecurityManager() always throws a SecurityException 
(compatible because existing SecurityManager is allowed to prevent the 
call from succeeding).

SecurityManager constructor always throws a SecurityException 
(compatible because existing SecurityManager is allowed to prevent the 
call from succeeding).

Remove all methods from SecurityManager, no instances will be created, 
so methods will not be resolved, still binary compatible.

For Policy, retain methods and constructor, throwing appropriate 
exceptions, eg SecurityException or NoSuchAlgorithmException. Note that 
constructor will throw no exception, the exception will be thrown when  
attempting to set Policy.

Remove PolicyFile implementation.

Leave PolicySPI as is, but don't load them.

The first step would be to provide low level JDK hooks that allow for 
equivalent functionality to be implemented, back-porting to all long 
term releases, while leaving SecurityManager unchanged.

Then change SecurityManager prior to next LTS version (Java 23) to 
binary compatible only.  Then prior to the next LTS version (Java 29), 
remove it.

Maintained software will have had plenty of time to update and be 
compatible across all supported Java releases, provided appropriate JDK 
hooks are provided, only unmaintained software will still require it and 
unmaintained software will still run on unmaintained Java releases in 
VM's with unmaintained OS's.


On 14/06/2021 6:37 pm, Alan Bateman wrote:

On 14/06/2021 08:35, Peter Firmstone wrote:

I wouldn't want to see SecurityManager and Policy be neutralized, 
it's better to remove it and fail early so people update their 
software, there's a risk they may update without realizing it's no 
longer fully functional.   Get rid of the baggage so people can start 
fresh with better practices.

I think the context for the question is libraries that want to be able 
to compile to an older JDK release and work with a very wide range of 
JDK releases.

Many libraries do not play well with a SM. They don't execute actions 
that require permission checks in privileged blocks and will often 
need to be granted AllPermission. This may have knock on impact to the 
components that call into these libraries, maybe they end up needing 
to be  granted AllPermission too. Add callbacks or hand-off between 
threads to the picture and it can become farcical. If the library code 
isn't calling System.getSM or invoking AccessController.doPrivileged 
then it probably won't care if these APIs are degraded or removed.

There are some libraries where the maintainers have put effort into 
working with a SM. Code in the library may use System.getSM, or doPriv 
or limited-doPriv. It may document the permissions that it requires 
and be helpful to someone assembling an application and creating its 
policy file. This JEP is mildly disruptive in that there will be 
warnings at compile-time or testing JDK 17+. If some future JDK 
releases degrades some of these APIs then it may be a bit more 
disruptive, maybe tests that try to set a SM will fail or need to be 
skipped. It might be that a library uses an exotic API that doesn't 
degrade in a sensible way and maybe that will be a bit more 
disruptive. Further out again, if the APIs are actually removed then 
it will be disruptive for libraries that want to support the 
possibility of being deployed with a SM on an older release. That may 
require some refactoring and the use of a MR-JAR as Remi mentioned.


Re: JEP 411: Deprecation with removal would break most existing Java libraries

2021-06-14 Thread Alan Bateman

On 14/06/2021 08:35, Peter Firmstone wrote:

I wouldn't want to see SecurityManager and Policy be neutralized, it's 
better to remove it and fail early so people update their software, 
there's a risk they may update without realizing it's no longer fully 
functional.   Get rid of the baggage so people can start fresh with 
better practices.

I think the context for the question is libraries that want to be able 
to compile to an older JDK release and work with a very wide range of 
JDK releases.

Many libraries do not play well with a SM. They don't execute actions 
that require permission checks in privileged blocks and will often need 
to be granted AllPermission. This may have knock on impact to the 
components that call into these libraries, maybe they end up needing to 
be  granted AllPermission too. Add callbacks or hand-off between threads 
to the picture and it can become farcical. If the library code isn't 
calling System.getSM or invoking AccessController.doPrivileged then it 
probably won't care if these APIs are degraded or removed.

There are some libraries where the maintainers have put effort into 
working with a SM. Code in the library may use System.getSM, or doPriv 
or limited-doPriv. It may document the permissions that it requires and 
be helpful to someone assembling an application and creating its policy 
file. This JEP is mildly disruptive in that there will be warnings at 
compile-time or testing JDK 17+. If some future JDK releases degrades 
some of these APIs then it may be a bit more disruptive, maybe tests 
that try to set a SM will fail or need to be skipped. It might be that a 
library uses an exotic API that doesn't degrade in a sensible way and 
maybe that will be a bit more disruptive. Further out again, if the APIs 
are actually removed then it will be disruptive for libraries that want 
to support the possibility of being deployed with a SM on an older 
release. That may require some refactoring and the use of a MR-JAR as 
Remi mentioned.


Low level hooks in JDK for permission checks.

2021-06-14 Thread Peter Firmstone

Making things clearer if I can:

Some thoughts on hooks:

 * Utilize, so as not to expose jdk
   implementation code.  Eg: a module declaration or
   META-INF/services/ to obtain relevant
   instances of, where Permission implementation
   types are currently used.
 * Allow existing Permission classes to remain backward compatible,
   declare them as services, so that SecurityManager can be degraded as
   planned and Permission implementations can be gradually removed as
   planned. (Removes dependencies on Permission instance types).
 * Guard implementation's are typically required to have a constructor
   with two String arguments, (String name, String actions), can be
   passed as new String[]{ name, actions} constructor parameter to
 * Service must implement Guard interface, with Guard::check method
   (current Permission implementations implement this method and call
 * Doesn't depend on Permission or any existing implementation classes,
   completely customizable by the service implementation.
 * Application developers can also implement hooks using this service.
 * Using security provider avoids deadlock during Provider
   initialization, it must be listed as a provider in the
   file or if security.overridePropertiesFile=true and defines
   providers, which would be useful for testing.

Break up guard service providers into current Permission types 
(independent instances to avoid circular deadlocks), developers only 
need implement those relevant to them and may only use checks for users 
if they wish:


I would like to suggest adding a new provider type:

"PARSE-DATA" - To be called by any code about to parse data, eg 
deserialization, XML, JSON, SQL, etc.  Granted to users, so that it can 
only be performed after authentication.

Peter Firmstone

Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.

Re: JEP 411: Deprecation with removal would break most existing Java libraries

2021-06-14 Thread Peter Firmstone

My thoughts on how to proceed with this is:

1. Develop authorization layer security provider services in OpenJDK,
   back port it to Java 8 and Java 11 (these provide most of the
   utilised functionality of SecurityManager, allowing developers to
   only implement those which they need, without enabling
   SecurityManager and editing policy files).
2. Remove SecurityManager, Policy and Policy provider in OpenJDK 19.
3. Leave AccessController and AccessControlContext in place, provide a
   security property that allows the stack walk to be disabled (One
   ProtectionDomain to represent all code in JVM, without any
   permissions, later making it the default, while allowing it to be
   enabled) and continue to inject user Subject principles using
   SubjectDomainCombiner for JAAS compatibility. Developers can
   implement just the authorization they feel necessary for users and
   develop their own configuration, or adapt existing.
4. At some point, preferably when StackWalker has equivalent
   performance, replace the internals of AccessController.

Gut feel is that removal of AccessController, AccessControlContext and 
DomainCombiner causes carnage with JAAS, it's a lot to deal with, 
SecurityManager and Policy, I don't need them if I've got authorization 
layer hooks in the JVM.

I wouldn't want to see SecurityManager and Policy be neutralized, it's 
better to remove it and fail early so people update their software, 
there's a risk they may update without realizing it's no longer fully 
functional.   Get rid of the baggage so people can start fresh with 
better practices.

Note that I'll be implementing a full authorization layer based on least 
privilege principles, that still utilizes a stack walk. I won't use the 
standard Java Permission implementations, as I'd like to do things a 
little differently, for usability reasons, this will do everything I 
need at least.  If the authorization layer is back ported, then I can 
support all current versions. My policy files are generated, so I don't 
need permission implementations to remain compatible.

Whatever happens with JAAS will need to be backported, so we can support 
all versions.



On 14/06/2021 3:54 pm, Alan Bateman wrote:

cc'ing security-dev as that is the mailing list to use for this JEP.

This JEP is the first of several in a multi-release/multi-year effort. 
It's way too early to give any guess as to when the APIs will be 
removed. As the JEP says, future releases may degrade the SM APIs so 
that System.getSM returns always returns null or 
AccessController::doPriv just runs the action. This should mean that 
libraries that are compiling to older releases should continue to 
compile and run on those releases. When they run on some future 
release that degrades the implementation then it will be as if there 
is no SM.  So I would say the impact is little to none for libraries 
for the foreseeable future.


On 13/06/2021 21:28, Rafael Winterhalter wrote:
I am currently looking into how I should address JEP 411 in my 
library Byte
Buddy and I find it rather challenging. The problem I am facing is 
that I
know of several users who rely on the security manager in their Java 
applications. I would like to continue to support those users' use 
cases as

long as I support Java versions that contain the security manager, which
will be for many years to come. At the same time, I would like to 

the announced removal of the API and make sure that Byte Buddy can work
without it prior to the deadline when the library in its current state
would no longer link.

 From my understanding of the intention of JEP 411, the API was 
supposed to
be stubbed – similar to Android’s stubbing of the API - rather than 

removed. However, with the announced deprecation for removal of
AccessController and SecurityManager, I understand that I would need to
fully remove the dispatching to work with future Java versions.

Furthermore, it is difficult to create a working facade for 
dispatching to

the security manager only if it is available. Methods like
AccessController.doPrivileged are caller sensitive and by adding a 

to a library, this utility would leak to any potential user. It would
therefore require package-private dispatchers for any relevant package,
which would lead to a lot of copy-paste to retain backwards 

(given that a library cannot assume to be run as a module).

Finally, removing the API would mean that Byte Buddy versions of the 

ten years would no longer link in future JDKs. For Byte Buddy where new
Java versions often require an update, that might not be a big issue but
many other libraries do support the API, I don’t feel it would be a 
severe restriction and cause unnecessary breakage if API is removed, 
than stubbed. I am thinking of libraries like Netty here which are 
omnipresent and would suddenly no longer link, a concept that is 

Fwd: Low level hooks in JDK for instrumentation of permission checks.

2021-06-14 Thread Peter Firmstone

Forgot to cc.

 Forwarded Message 
Subject: 	Re: Low level hooks in JDK for instrumentation of permission 

Date:   Mon, 14 Jun 2021 15:13:15 +1000
From:   Peter Firmstone 

Clarification, utilize

So this might use a module declaration or 
META-INF/services/, sorry got muddled with typical 
ServiceLoader usage below.

The reason for choosing Provider is that it allows constructor 
parameters, it's also security related and can require code signing, not 
sure if that should be a requirement.

Another reason for using security provider is to avoid deadlock during 
Provider initialization, it must be listed as a provider in the file or if security.overridePropertiesFile=true and defines 
providers, which would be useful for testing.

Dynamic loading a provider using Security.addProvider or 
insertProviderAt causes security checks, each Guard::check call would 
try to initiate "SECURITY" Provider loading causing deadlock.  To avoid 
deadlock at the very least the "SECURITY" and "PROPERTY" services would need to be loaded by at 

grant codebase "jrt:/java.xml.crypto"
    permission java.util.PropertyPermission 
"java.specification.version", "read";


Need to be careful with loading and recursive permission checks, it's ok 
if a permission check fires off permission checks that cause loading of 
other providers, we just can't ask the provider that is being 
dynamically loaded to perform permission checks on itself, or any 
circular relationship between providers.

Basically it's good to have separate providers for each permission type 
as it helps avoid deadlocks.

grant codebase "jrt:/jdk.crypto.cryptoki"
    permission java.lang.RuntimePermission 


On 14/06/2021 9:56 am, Peter Firmstone wrote:

Some thoughts on hooks:

 * Utilize the Service Provider API, so as not to expose jdk
   implementation code.  META-INF/services/
 * Allow existing Permission classes to remain backward compatible,
   declare them as services, so that SecurityManager can be degraded as
   planned and these services are gradually removed. (Removes
   dependencies on Permission instance types).
 * Guard implementation is required to have a constructor with two
   String arguments, (String name, String actions).
 * Service must implement Guard interface.
 * Doesn't depend on Permission or any existing implementation classes,
   completely customizable by the service implementation.
 * Application developers can also implement hooks using this service.

Break up guard service providers into current Permission types:


I would like to suggest adding a new provider type:

"PARSE-DATA" - To be called by any code about to parse data, eg 
deserialization, XML, JSON, SQL, etc.  Granted to users, so that it 
can only be performed after authentication.

 Peter Firmstone
0498 286 363
Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.