JEP 411, removal of finalizers, a path forward.

2021-07-30 Thread Peter Firmstone
The current JEP 411 plan of action, if left unchanged, will leave 
developers who adopted the SM architecture as an authorization layer 
unable to upgrade to later versions of Java, until finalizers and the 
finalizer attack defensive methods in constructors are removed.  JEP 411 
has the potential to cause significant disruption for a small proportion 
of Java developers, but doesn't have to if managed appropriately.

The blocker is the ability to implement guard checks using Agents on 
public API, due to finalizer attack defensive private static methods in 

Allan has advised when finalizers are removed, it will be practical to 
use Agents to instrument public API to implement an authorization layer, 
this is try, so can it be coordinated with JEP 411 et al?

Furthermore, as developers must support multiple Java releases, I 
propose the following amendments, to ease difficulties of multiple 
release support (with multi release jars):

 * AccessController, AccessControlContext, DomainCombiner and related
   Subject and Executors methods, remain until Java 8 is EOL in 2030. 
   Also consider un-deprecation of these methods, as their removal
   causes shotgun surgery (used in 1000's of locations in my software
   alone) and they are required for preservation of Subject, used for
   obtaining TLS and Kerberos connection credentials on all existing
   versions of Java.
 * AccessControlContext - remove inherited thread context, replace it
   with an unprivileged ProtectionDomain, such that doPrivileged
   methods are required for authorization checks and only the current
   thread stack needs to be walked when checks occur, and stack walks
   aren't unnecessarily performed when creating new threads.   This is
   compatible with Loom, update loom to allow the use of
   AccessControlContext to be used, to establish TLS and Kerberos
   connections.  Loom will be very useful for network connections,
   especially long latency connections over the internet, which are
   typically secured using TLS.   This removes the problem of viral
   checks, and Executor task privilege escalation.
 * Modules that are mapped to the boot loader should get a unique PD
   that includes a useful code source rather than using a "shared" PD,
   this allows us to reduce the privileged footprint of the Java
   platform libraries, to allow privileges to be granted to users, not
   code, or users and code.  This is useful to limit data parsing
   privileges to authenticated users on servers (a practise that should
   be more widely encouraged).
 * Remove finalizers, and defensive methods in constructors where
   permissions check points occur as these cause problems for Agents,
   prior to removal of SecurityManager.
 * Deprecate for removal Permission implementations, then remove them
   in a following release.
 * Remove SecurityManager.

This allows a forward migration path for poor sod's like myself who are 
currently using SM infrastructure as an authorization layer, and to 
establish TLS conenctions, this or at least some sort of compromise is 
far preferable to the thermonuclear option currently planned.

What I would like OpenJDK to consider, is to allow developers like 
myself to continue to stay current with Java, by coordinating the 
removal of finalizers and defensive methods in constructors, with JEP 
411, so we have a workable future migration path. Without these 
considerations, options are; go back to Java 8, and plan to redevelop 
existing software, if forced to do so, Java is unlikely to be on the 
list for redevelopment, simply because development costs are lower in 
newer languages, such as automated unit tests,, no need to worry about 
null pointers and less boilerplate.

Don't get me wrong, I like Java and have many years experience with it, 
but I have to be pragmatic, it won't just be me, many other developers, 
when Java 8 is EOL, will work for companies stuck on that platform, 
simply due to the number of changes required, because they haven't kept 
up (eg budgets) with the current release cadence and pace of 
development, will be looking at redevelopment and replacement instead of 
migration.   Clearly the current pace of development is a good thing for 
Java, but the overall strategy could be tweaked a little, to ensure 
migration doesn't become insurmountable.  A healthy and vibrant Java 
community is essential for the survival of Java, Java has already shed 
phone and client markets, lets not shed too many more.



Re: Incorrect encoding of PKCS12 bag attributes

2021-07-30 Thread Osipov, Michael (LDA IT PLM)

Am 2021-07-29 um 16:05 schrieb Sean Mullan:
Are you calling the PKCS12Attribute(String, String) constructor from 
your code? That API currently specifies that String values are encoded 
as UTF-8, so we could not change the behavior without a specification 
change. Can you use the PKCS12Attribute(byte[]) constructor instead 
which takes a DER-encoded value?

Hi Sean,

I don't use this API. I interact with

KeyStore javaTrustStore = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12");
javaTrustStore.load(null, null);

for (Rdn rdn : ldapName.getRdns()) {
if (rdn.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("CN"))
alias = (String) rdn.getValue();

javaTrustStore .setCertificateEntry(alias, cert);

only. So I am using a high level API. But even if I'd use this API and 
pass the UCS-2 encoded byte array of that cert

CN=NetLock Arany (Class Gold) Főtanúsítvány,OU=Tanúsítványkiadók (Certification 
Services),O=NetLock Kft.,L=Budapest,C=HU

The ASN.1 tag would still be incorrect for friendlyName 
(1.2.840.113549.1.9.20) because it would OctetString and not BMPString.

It seems to be that the API, or ObjectIdentifier and KnownOIDs  classes 
miss to carry the ASN.1 tag for the actual value. Don't they?


PS: This CA

CN=E-Tugra Certification Authority,OU=E-Tugra Sertifikasyon Merkezi,O=E-Tuğra 
EBG Bilişim Teknolojileri ve Hizmetleri A.Ş.,L=Ankara,C=TR
was smart enough to stick with US-ASCII only in the CN, but still 
single-byte != two-byte UCS-2

On 6/14/21 3:21 PM, Osipov, Michael (LDA IT PLM) wrote:


can someone confirm the following bug or tell me I am too stupid to read
the RFCs:

I have recently created a PKCS12-based trust store and had one CA from
Hungary with non-ASCII chars in the subject's CN RDN.

RFC 7292 for friendlyName refers to RFC 2985, section 5.5.1:

    friendlyName ATTRIBUTE ::= {
    WITH SYNTAX BMPString (SIZE(1..pkcs-9-ub-friendlyName))
    ID pkcs-9-at-friendlyName

So a BMPString -- which is UCS-2 encoding. Looking at [1] shows that
Java ignores the RFC and always creates an UTF8String regardless of the
attribute OID, thus breaking the semantics of friendlyName.

Who's wrong here?

For some strange reason OpenSSL does it in a similar fashion:
  > # define PKCS12_add_friendlyname PKCS12_add_friendlyname_utf8
where the function contains:

if (X509at_add1_attr_by_NID(>attrib, NID_friendlyName,
 MBSTRING_UTF8, (unsigned char 
*)name, namelen) != NULL)




Integrated: 8263059: security/infra/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/certification/ fails due to revoked cert

2021-07-30 Thread Rajan Halade
On Tue, 20 Jul 2021 23:10:33 GMT, Rajan Halade  wrote:

> Update the test certificates.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 4bc9b049
Author:Rajan Halade 
Stats: 440 lines in 2 files changed: 141 ins; 233 del; 66 mod

fails due to revoked cert

Reviewed-by: mullan



Re: RFR: 8263059: security/infra/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/certification/ fails due to revoked cert [v2]

2021-07-30 Thread Rajan Halade
> Update the test certificates.

Rajan Halade has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a merge 
or a rebase. The pull request now contains three commits:

 - Merge branch 'master' into 8263059
 - 8263059: update ProblemList.txt
 - 8263059: 
fails due to revoked cert


  Stats: 440 lines in 2 files changed: 141 ins; 233 del; 66 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/4847/head:pull/4847


Integrated: 8248899: security/infra/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/certification/ fails, Certificate has been revoked

2021-07-30 Thread Rajan Halade
On Tue, 20 Jul 2021 23:50:44 GMT, Rajan Halade  wrote:

> Test certificates are updated.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: d6bb8461
Author:Rajan Halade 
Stats: 380 lines in 2 files changed: 34 ins; 32 del; 314 mod

 fails, Certificate has been revoked

Reviewed-by: mullan



Re: RFR: 8248899: security/infra/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/certification/ fails, Certificate has been revoked [v2]

2021-07-30 Thread Rajan Halade
> Test certificates are updated.

Rajan Halade has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a merge 
or a rebase. The pull request now contains three commits:

 - Merge branch 'master' into 8248899
 - 8248899: update ProblemList.txt
 - 8248899: 
 fails, Certificate has been revoked


  Stats: 380 lines in 2 files changed: 34 ins; 32 del; 314 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/4849/head:pull/4849


Re: RFR: 8267125: AES Galois CounterMode (GCM) interleaved implementation using AVX512 + VAES instructions [v4]

2021-07-30 Thread Valerie Peng
On Thu, 22 Jul 2021 22:52:14 GMT, Anthony Scarpino  

>> Yes, I know. Basically, we are trying to optimize performance by trying to 
>> write into the supplied buffers (out) as much as we can. But then when tag 
>> verification failed, the "written" bytes are erased w/ 0. Ideal case would 
>> be not to touch the output buffer until after the tag verification succeeds. 
>> Isn't this the previous approach? Verify the tag first and then write out 
>> the plain text afterwards.
> With this new intrinsic doing both ghash and gctr at the same time, I cannot 
> do the that ghash check first before the gctr op.  I wish I could

Oh-well, ok.



Re: RFR: 8267125: AES Galois CounterMode (GCM) interleaved implementation using AVX512 + VAES instructions [v4]

2021-07-30 Thread Valerie Peng
On Fri, 30 Jul 2021 18:40:14 GMT, Smita Kamath  wrote:

>> src/java.base/share/classes/com/sun/crypto/provider/ 
>> line 717:
>>> 715: in = new byte[Math.min(PARALLEL_LEN, srcLen)];
>>> 716: out = new byte[Math.min(PARALLEL_LEN, srcLen)];
>>> 717: }
>> Move this down to else-block below just like the 'ct' variable.
> I've kept this code as is and not moved as recommended. If we move this line 
> to the else part, the case where srcLen is less than PARALLEL_LEN but greater 
> than BlockSize, in[] is null. As a result, three tests in 
> test/jdk/../Cipher/AEAD were failing on src.get(in, 0, rlen) line. Do let me 
> know if that's okay. Thanks.

Hmm, I see. Sure, fine to keep it as is then.



Re: RFR: 8267125: AES Galois CounterMode (GCM) interleaved implementation using AVX512 + VAES instructions [v4]

2021-07-30 Thread Valerie Peng
On Thu, 22 Jul 2021 17:57:13 GMT, Anthony Scarpino  

>> src/java.base/share/classes/com/sun/crypto/provider/ 
>> line 761:
>>> 759: }
>>> 760: 
>>> 761: dst.put(out, 0, rlen);
>> This looks belong to the above if-block? I wonder how this have not affected 
>> the operation to fail. Perhaps the existing regression tests did not cover 
>> the 'rlen < blockSize' case. If the code in the above if-block is not run, 
>> this outsize dst.put(...) call would put extra output bytes into the output 
>> buffer.
> Yes... this one and the ct offset problem earlier I would have expected the 
> regression test it pick the mistake.  There should be tests that catch this.. 
> I'm not sure what's up.

This shall be addressed in next update I assume?



Re: RFR: 8263059: security/infra/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/certification/ fails due to revoked cert

2021-07-30 Thread Sean Mullan
On Tue, 20 Jul 2021 23:10:33 GMT, Rajan Halade  wrote:

> Update the test certificates.

Marked as reviewed by mullan (Reviewer).



Re: RFR: 8248899: security/infra/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/certification/ fails, Certificate has been revoked

2021-07-30 Thread Sean Mullan
On Tue, 20 Jul 2021 23:50:44 GMT, Rajan Halade  wrote:

> Test certificates are updated.

Marked as reviewed by mullan (Reviewer).



Re: RFR: 8267125: AES Galois CounterMode (GCM) interleaved implementation using AVX512 + VAES instructions [v4]

2021-07-30 Thread Smita Kamath
On Fri, 30 Jul 2021 18:23:18 GMT, Valerie Peng  wrote:

>> Ok.. Moving it into GCMEncrypt makes sense.  Now that I look at the code 
>> GCMDecrypt only uses it when passed to a method.  GCMEncrypt uses it
> This is still present in the latest update. Is there another update coming?




Re: RFR: 8267125: AES Galois CounterMode (GCM) interleaved implementation using AVX512 + VAES instructions [v6]

2021-07-30 Thread Smita Kamath
> I would like to submit AES-GCM optimization for x86_64 architectures 
> supporting AVX3+VAES (Evex encoded AES). This optimization interleaves AES 
> and GHASH operations.
> Performance gain of ~1.5x - 2x for message sizes 8k and above.

Smita Kamath has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a merge 
or a rebase. The pull request now contains eight commits:

 - changed file property of
 - Merge branch 'master' of into aes-gcm
 - Extended jtreg test case, made changes to .cpp and .java files
 - Updated AES-GCM intrinsic to match latest Java Code
 - merge master
 - 8267125:Updated intrinsic signature to remove copies of counter, state and 
 - Merge master
 - JDK-8267125: AES Galois CounterMode (GCM) interleaved implementation using 
AVX512 + VAES instructions


  Stats: 1320 lines in 21 files changed: 1148 ins; 100 del; 72 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/4019/head:pull/4019


Re: RFR: 8267125: AES Galois CounterMode (GCM) interleaved implementation using AVX512 + VAES instructions [v4]

2021-07-30 Thread Smita Kamath
On Mon, 19 Jul 2021 19:18:54 GMT, Valerie Peng  wrote:

>> Smita Kamath has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
>> commit since the last revision:
>>   Updated AES-GCM intrinsic to match latest Java Code
> src/java.base/share/classes/com/sun/crypto/provider/ 
> line 717:
>> 715: in = new byte[Math.min(PARALLEL_LEN, srcLen)];
>> 716: out = new byte[Math.min(PARALLEL_LEN, srcLen)];
>> 717: }
> Move this down to else-block below just like the 'ct' variable.

I've kept this code as is and not moved as recommended. If we move this line to 
the else part, the case where srcLen is less than PARALLEL_LEN but greater than 
BlockSize, in[] is null. As a result, three tests in test/jdk/../Cipher/AEAD 
were failing on src.get(in, 0, rlen) line. Do let me know if that's okay. 



Re: RFR: 8267125: AES Galois CounterMode (GCM) interleaved implementation using AVX512 + VAES instructions [v4]

2021-07-30 Thread Smita Kamath
On Fri, 30 Jul 2021 18:23:44 GMT, Valerie Peng  wrote:

>> ok
> This is still present in the latest update. Is there another update coming?

Yes. There will be another update.



Re: RFR: 8267125: AES Galois CounterMode (GCM) interleaved implementation using AVX512 + VAES instructions [v4]

2021-07-30 Thread Valerie Peng
On Thu, 22 Jul 2021 17:16:45 GMT, Anthony Scarpino  

>> Seems strange to have GCMOperation op defined in GCMEngine but not 
>> initialized, nor used. The methods in GCMEngine which use op has an argument 
>> named op anyway. Either you just use the "op" field (remove the "op" 
>> argument) or the "op" argument (move the op field to GCMEncrypt/GCMDecrypt 
>> class). Having both looks confusing.
> Ok.. Moving it into GCMEncrypt makes sense.  Now that I look at the code 
> GCMDecrypt only uses it when passed to a method.  GCMEncrypt uses it

This is still present in the latest update. Is there another update coming?



Re: RFR: 8267125: AES Galois CounterMode (GCM) interleaved implementation using AVX512 + VAES instructions [v4]

2021-07-30 Thread Valerie Peng
On Thu, 22 Jul 2021 17:19:20 GMT, Anthony Scarpino  

>> src/java.base/share/classes/com/sun/crypto/provider/ 
>> line 650:
>>> 648: int originalOutOfs = 0;
>>> 649: byte[] in;
>>> 650: byte[] out;
>> The name "in", "out" are almost used in all calls, it's hard to tell when 
>> these two are actually used. Can we rename them to make them more unique?
> ok

This is still present in the latest update. Is there another update coming?



Re: [jdk17] RFR: 8067223: [TESTBUG] Rename Whitebox API package

2021-07-30 Thread Igor Ignatyev
On Thu, 29 Jul 2021 01:30:37 GMT, Vladimir Kozlov  wrote:

>> Hi all,
>> could you please review this big tedious and trivial(-ish) patch which moves 
>> `sun.hotspot.WhiteBox` and related classes to `jdk.test.whitebox` package?
>> the majority of the patch is the following substitutions:
>>  - `s~sun/hotspot/WhiteBox~jdk/test/whitebox/WhiteBox~g`
>>  - `s/sun.hotspot.parser/jdk.test.whitebox.parser/g`
>>  - `s/sun.hotspot.cpuinfo/jdk.test.whitebox.cpuinfo/g`
>>  - `s/sun.hotspot.code/jdk.test.whitebox.code/g`
>>  - `s/sun.hotspot.gc/jdk.test.whitebox.gc/g`
>>  - `s/sun.hotspot.WhiteBox/jdk.test.whitebox.WhiteBox/g`
>> testing: tier1-4
>> Thanks,
>> -- Igor
> I know that tests fixes could be pushed during RDP2 without approval.
> But these one is very big and it is not a fix - it is enhancement.
> What is the reason you want to push it into JDK 17 just few days before first 
> Release Candidate? Instead of pushing it into JDK 18.
> And I can't even review it because GutHub UI hangs on these big changes.

@vnkozlov, @dholmes-ora,

Thank you for looking at this!

I want this to be integrated into JDK 17 b/c some "external" libraries use 
(used to use) WhiteBox API, e.g. jcstress[[2]] used WhiteBox API to deoptimize 
compiled methods[[3]], and it would be easier for maintainers of such libraries 
to condition package name based on JDK major version. Also, given JDK 17 is an 
LTS, it would be beneficial for everyone not to have big differences in test 
bases b/w it and the mainline.

according to JEP 3, test RFEs are allowed until the very end and don't require 
late enhancement approval: "Enhancements to tests and documentation during RDP 
1 and RDP 2 do not require approval, as long as the relevant issues are 
identified with a noreg-self or noreg-doc label, as appropriate"[[1]]. So, 
process-wise, I don't see any issues w/ integrating this RFE, yet, I fully 
agree that due to its size, this patch can be disruptive and can cause massive 
failures, which is something we obviously don't want at the current stage of 
JDK 17. 

I like David's idea about phasing this clean-up, and, due to the reasons 
described above, I would like to integrate the first part, copying WhiteBox 
classes to the new package structure and associated changes w/o updating all 
the tests, into JDK 17 and update the tests on the mainline (w/ backporting 
into jdk17u).


-- Igor




Integrated: 8232066: Remove outdated code/methods from PKIX implementation

2021-07-30 Thread Sean Mullan
On Thu, 29 Jul 2021 14:24:52 GMT, Sean Mullan  wrote:

> Please review this fix to remove the Validator.VAR_PLUGIN_CODE_SIGNING 
> variant and related code that is no longer needed in the PKIX implementation.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 89f5c96d
Author:Sean Mullan 
Stats: 196 lines in 8 files changed: 0 ins; 182 del; 14 mod

8232066: Remove outdated code/methods from PKIX implementation

Reviewed-by: weijun
