Re: [SIESTA-L] problem with projected band in SIESTA

2021-09-20 Por tôpico Alberto Garcia

You do not say which exact version you are using, nor specify the nature of 
your problem.

I would advise you to use the latest version along any of the branches with 
support for PSML files. See the guide to Siesta versions in

I hope this helps.


- El 17 de Septiembre de 2021, a las 13:44, alokkarn0 

| I tried so many times in the SIESTA_psml version, I don't know where I did 
| mistakes, that every time "file.bands.WFSX" did not work for a proper fat 
| I need some help, any suggestions?
| Thanks in Advance.
| --
| SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the European
| H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (

SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the European 
H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (

[SIESTA-L] Question about new methods in Transiesta+Removing all periodic boundary conditions:

2021-09-20 Por tôpico Zerota Achili
Dear Prof. Papior,

Recently I've read your paper "Removing all periodic boundary conditions:
Efficient nonequilibrium Green’s function calculations".
This new method in which version of Transiesta is implemented? And would
you please share a simple input file to show how this method
should be used in simulations? Any new blocks or flags with respect to the
simple periodic case.

Thanks for your nice attention.
All the best,

SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the European 
H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (