2010-03-16 Thread Medwith, Robert J Mr CIV USA AMC
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

Here is site

-Original Message-
From: Annie B Smythe [] 
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2010 2:53 PM
Subject: Re: CSFW: Distiller (UNCLASSIFIED)

Wow Bob where did you get a distiller for 65.00? 
If you don't mind sharing?

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

sol wrote:
  Just curious Bob, how many times do you run your distiller per day or 
 per week?
   Mine broke in the 6th or 7th year. I should explain the still pot 
 and fan in the top still worked fine, but the plastic spout began to 
 disintegrate, and my husband repaired it several times, but finally it 
 disintegrated to where there wasn't enough left to repair.  I could have 
 used it without the spout being there, but that would have exposed the 
 hot newly distilled water to a lot of air contamination, and since I 
 needed ultra pure DW for making CS, it didn't seem worth having it 
 splashing around.
   We decided to use commercial distilled to get past the order and 
 mailing crunch of Xmas, but it has worked so well I never did order 
 another distiller.
 Medwith, Robert J Mr CIV USA AMC wrote:
 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
 Caveats: NONE

 Lowest prices I have seen as low as $65 for distiller
 I bought one years ago and it still works great.
 Only thing I do not have as some newer models do is a blocker
 On intake for steam to keep boiling from splashing into
 Condenser. I avoid this by just putting 3 quarts water Instead of 4.
 Bob blocked

 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
 Caveats: NONE

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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 List Owner: Mike Devour

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2010-03-16 Thread Medwith, Robert J Mr CIV USA AMC
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

I was running a couple of time a week.
Now only every 2 to 3 weeks.

-Original Message-
From: Annie B Smythe [] 
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2010 2:53 PM
Subject: Re: CSFW: Distiller (UNCLASSIFIED)

Wow Bob where did you get a distiller for 65.00? 
If you don't mind sharing?

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

sol wrote:
  Just curious Bob, how many times do you run your distiller per day or 
 per week?
   Mine broke in the 6th or 7th year. I should explain the still pot 
 and fan in the top still worked fine, but the plastic spout began to 
 disintegrate, and my husband repaired it several times, but finally it 
 disintegrated to where there wasn't enough left to repair.  I could have 
 used it without the spout being there, but that would have exposed the 
 hot newly distilled water to a lot of air contamination, and since I 
 needed ultra pure DW for making CS, it didn't seem worth having it 
 splashing around.
   We decided to use commercial distilled to get past the order and 
 mailing crunch of Xmas, but it has worked so well I never did order 
 another distiller.
 Medwith, Robert J Mr CIV USA AMC wrote:
 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
 Caveats: NONE

 Lowest prices I have seen as low as $65 for distiller
 I bought one years ago and it still works great.
 Only thing I do not have as some newer models do is a blocker
 On intake for steam to keep boiling from splashing into
 Condenser. I avoid this by just putting 3 quarts water Instead of 4.
 Bob blocked

 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
 Caveats: NONE

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:
 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature


2010-03-16 Thread Annie B Smythe

Thank you Bob:)


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Medwith, Robert J Mr CIV USA AMC wrote:

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

Here is site

-Original Message-
From: Annie B Smythe [] 
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2010 2:53 PM

Subject: Re: CSFW: Distiller (UNCLASSIFIED)

Wow Bob where did you get a distiller for 65.00? 
If you don't mind sharing?

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

sol wrote:
 Just curious Bob, how many times do you run your distiller per day or 
per week?
  Mine broke in the 6th or 7th year. I should explain the still pot 
and fan in the top still worked fine, but the plastic spout began to 
disintegrate, and my husband repaired it several times, but finally it 
disintegrated to where there wasn't enough left to repair.  I could have 
used it without the spout being there, but that would have exposed the 
hot newly distilled water to a lot of air contamination, and since I 
needed ultra pure DW for making CS, it didn't seem worth having it 
splashing around.
  We decided to use commercial distilled to get past the order and 
mailing crunch of Xmas, but it has worked so well I never did order 
another distiller.


Medwith, Robert J Mr CIV USA AMC wrote:

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

Lowest prices I have seen as low as $65 for distiller
I bought one years ago and it still works great.
Only thing I do not have as some newer models do is a blocker
On intake for steam to keep boiling from splashing into
Condenser. I avoid this by just putting 3 quarts water Instead of 4.
Bob blocked

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE


2010-03-16 Thread needling around

I am new to the list and am here because I am interested in learning about 
CS and its uses to support good health.  I am personally interested in 
learning about its use for controlling dental issues so as to avoid repeated 
cycles of antibiotics.  I have an interest in alternative medicine in 
general and will share what little I know when it seems appropriate.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSFor our icuraably curious researchers:)

2010-03-16 Thread Dan Nave
Thanks for this Annie.  It looks like it might be very usefull.


On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 6:56 PM, Annie B Smythe wrote:
 10 Search Engines to Explore the Deep End of the Invisible Web

 I am insatiably curious. I research and read articles on everything from A -

 Computer tech to Physics and everything in between. The deep web is an
 invaluable tool for research:)

 Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSFartassium Deficiency Information

2010-03-16 Thread Ode Coyote

  But, shouldn't the warrantee be forever?
or, if you die, just return the unused portion of your life and get 
your money back.


At 05:08 PM 3/15/2010 -0400, you wrote:

So far...
My immortality rings are working...


The key to life is sincerity.
 Once you can fake that, you've got it made.  -- Adam Rifkin

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSFartassium Disinfamy Deformation

2010-03-16 Thread Ode Coyote

At 07:16 PM 3/15/2010 +, you wrote:
Funny, my husband said the same thing i.e. this could be the dream and the 
dream the reality.  It always amazes me that men equate paradise with 
virgins though! lol  dee

  ## A virgin doesn't know how lousy a lover you are. [and in that 
culture, you don't either and don't want to find out ]
In the society of radical Islam, all that pent up natural love energy is 
suppressed into despair and channeled into hatred as most boys will never 
be able to afford to marry and that's the only way they'll ever get laid 
and still stay righteous and worthy in the eyes of Allah. [It's either blue 
balls or eternal Hell making nearly anything else look better, including 
the sanctified murder of anyone not suffering like you are ]
 Mohammed knew human nature quite well, being observant, very intelligent 
and more than a little bit decadent himself.
Using the will to live, fear of death and massive amounts of testosterone 
that makes tree stumps with a knot hole in them look irresistibly sexier 
than a woman in a walking tent... he could manipulate any man into doing 
any thing...if he could also beat women into dirt status only fit to be 
killed if they strayed from the plan.

 A few good whores would have monkey wrenched the whole idea.but even 
HE couldn't prevent rape of the conquered so that was OK so long as you 
killed her afterwards as a sacrifice to Allah for your 
indiscretions. can only do it once and she won't live long enough 
to tell you that you suck...the next best thing to a virgin that by the 
magic of Allah will never tell you to take out the garbage and every time 
is the first time.

 Christians did that stuff too, nothing new but the extent it was taken to.

 Face the facts ladies..  A young fellah will naturally screw anything 
that moves and half of what doesn't, including each other ...they'd just 
*rather* screw girls. [And you know and use that too ]

..just the way it is and it keeps things going.
Otherwise, we'd just go fishing, drink beer and piss in the pond for a 
living...and any boat that floats is good enough.


Has the person you are in a dream ever dreamed a dream person of its own?

Once when in Jr High, I dreamed I woke up 6 times and went to school, the 
whole routine, get dressed, eat breakfast and walk to school till each 
time it got so bizarre that I couldn't believe it and woke up again.

But only hit the sack once.
 Now THAT was disturbingit took WEEKS to believe that reality was real 

 A few years later, I and 2 friends were attacked by a gang with tire 
irons while escorting a girl to her door in a rough hood.  As they 
approached, my buddies and I just looked at each other and made some sort 
of weird spontaneous agreement that this was a Non Event
 To me, they became semi transparent colorless grey wraiths and the blows 
felt like feathers hitting.  None of us sustained any injuries at all, but 
our lady friend was in hysterics and we just couldn't comprehend why. [I 
have NO IDEA what the gang experienced ]  and BEING a non event we never 
spoke of it between us or with her... nothing happened  to talk about.
 I distinctly recall us looking at each other in complete bewilderment at 
her state of disturbance, screaming hysterically about calling the cops.
 As an experiment, I later just *touched* a tire iron to my head. OUCH 
!!   DAMN that hurts !  Pulling the punch that much?  Not possible.

I knew a guy that had stepped out in front of a car with NO chance of it 
not hitting himhe swears it passed through his body.

 Laws of physics?  ...or just game rules with rare exceptions.
Anomalies happen but are very difficult to not rationalize away.

You never remember going to sleep.

How do you know that you are awake?
 You can't know.. you just believe you are because what you experience is 

..and what does that say about who and what you believe you are?

One time I dreamed I fell off  a balcony at a mall and died all smashed up 
on the terrazzo floor...even felt the bones crunch. [Due to shock delay, it 
wasn't actually painful, just sorta scary cause I knew I was DONE.]
Just after impact I felt an intense vibration, stood up and looked at my 
busted up body and said to myself  Welp, don't need THAT any more and 
walked away.

Row row row your boat, gently down the stream

 Yea, I know Mike..this should be off topic, but if all that we perceive 
as physical is actually shared mental symbololgy seen from different points 
of view. silver carries a traditional deeply ingrained meaning of 
reflectivity, mother, and healing and all of medicine may be the same 
game..which may be why no two people respond to a treatment the same and 
medicine remains as much an art as a science, even to scientists.

Modern sub-atomic physics:  The closer you look, the more there is nothing 
there to look at

It's ALL miracles, with you telling them what they should look like. 

Re: CSRe: Stainless

2010-03-16 Thread Ode Coyote

  Distilled water is used to wash the tap water water off boards which 
washed off the water soluble flux used because it doesn't leave mineral 
water spots behind when it evaporates.

 It doesn't stay on there long enough to corrode anything.
 You most certainly don't want salt crystals left behind on the PCB 
because salt absorbs water out of the air, is conductive and 
will  electrolytically make hash out of the circuits when run, very 
quickly. [Not to mention a lot of cross talk between high impedence chip 
and transistor inputs ]

The toxic flux removers like carbon tetrachloride are for petroleum based 
salamoniac rosin core fluxes which haven't been used since the advent of 
the flow solder machine...except for the hand assembled parts that won't 
stand the heat.
Plain old Coleman stove fuel works pretty good [Naptha]  or a shot of carb 

 Now, with robot assembled surface mount tech, the flux only goes where 
it's needed and the boards aren't washed as there is no excess to wash.

 I've manufactured many thousands of PCBs since 1970 in all the stages and 
still spend many hours a day populating them...old through hole tech and 
completing new robotic surface mount.

The makers of stainless pots say DON'T leave salt water in a pot as that 
will pit the surface.
Distilled water only sucks up soluble minerals and metallic nickel ain't 
one of them.


At 08:01 PM 3/15/2010 -0400, you wrote:

I will react to distilled water that is heated in any metal container
or sits in it too long, unless something is mixed in. A few grains of
sea salt is enough to stop this from happening.

Pure distilled water is fairly corrosive to metals. A friend who used
to work in process engineering at one of the biggest circuit board
assembly companies told me that distilled water is sometimes used to
wash the boards after assembly but it is less desirable than other
(toxic) solvents because of its corrosive nature.

I don't have problems if the distilled water is stored in glass or
certain hard plastics. Anything that has a silicon gasket causes me
problems, even if it isn't immersed in the water. However this only
applies to storing water after distillation, not during/before because
my distiller does have a silicon gasket in the chamber, and I don't
react to it.


On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 7:00 PM, sol wrote:
 Harvey Metzler wrote:


 Distillation is distillation.

 Yeah, I know. I'm just super worried about it, because I have such severe

 Stainless, nickel etc will stay behind in the bottom of the still just
 like calcium or whatever.

 Your super expensive very large industrial stills that make the purist of
 the pure are stainless steel boilers because you cannot get heat to 

 in glass.

 You also do not see glass bottomed rice cookers or same reason.

 Run your water out of stainless and let it drip through triple coffee
 filters loaded with activated charcoal and you get very good water.

 You are worrying about body contamination so far down in the mud that
 every morsel of food you buy and put in your mouth and the air you breathe
 is far more contaminated.

 Though the water from my distiller never bothered me, so far as I know,
  when I got rid of ALL the non-magnetic SS I had been using, from cooking
 pots to collander to table ware I gradually lost about half of my 

 to other substances I get hives and eczema from.  Food and air I can't do
 anything about, and probably the distiller is as you say, a non-issue 
as the

 water from mine came out so very pure, and SS cookware is a different issue
 from a distiller, butif nickel did leach from the still boiling
 chamber or from the coil, would it be in a form that is conductive? I
 suppose it would, but don't have enough real knowledge to be certain of it.
 I know I didn't want a SS coil, my old still had aluminum coil, and I was
 fine with that, and please everyone lets don't start another interminable
 thread on the dangers of aluminum...been there, done that, don't

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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 List Owner: Mike Devour


2010-03-16 Thread Ode Coyote

  Nickel is famous for its resistance to corrosion.
 That and chromium, also quite resistant to corrosion, is what makes 
stainless steel stainless.

What makes you think that it's getting into the water?

 About the only thing that will break down SS is a mix of sulfuric and 
nitric acid and maybe boiling salt water to a much lessor degree..and salt 
because it leaches out the iron.
SS that's been pacified BY leaching out the iron on the surface is 
virtually impervious to any environmental insult.

Making nitroglycerin in an SS container, not recommended


At 11:43 AM 3/15/2010 -0600, you wrote:

leslie wrote:
My friend is helping me to buy one and she is very conscious concerning 
that plastic that is causing cancer. Don't you think the stainless inside 
is best? Would prefer a glass catch all rather than a plastic but they 
keep wanting more and more money, so may have to settle with getting the 
stainless inside. Which model do you have off that website you gave me? 
Thanks for the help.
  I think you have to decide on what you feel is best for you. If I get 
another distiller I will opt again for the plastic underside of the top. 
All the boiling chambers that I saw are stainless. For me any plastic 
that gets into the finished distilled water is better than to have nickel 
from the SS lid. In reality I think there could be very little of either, 
as my distiller (plastic underside of top) would distill down to .2 to 
.4uS, which means there was very little of anything left in the finished 
product. I could be wrong, but I also think that the slower distillers 
are just fine. Stills that produce a gallon in 3 hours may not produce as 
pure a distilled water? Not sure. If anyone knows please correct me.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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List Owner: Mike Devour


2010-03-16 Thread sol

Medwith, Robert J Mr CIV USA AMC wrote:

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

I was running a couple of time a week.
Now only every 2 to 3 weeks.

Well that explains why I wore mine out sooner, LOL.
I ran mine 7 to sometimes 10 times per week, for over 6 years...

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: Stainless

2010-03-16 Thread Jay
Hi Ode,

Thanks for the clarification on washing boards with distilled water.
My friend was working for Celestica at the time (about 10 years ago)
and he was dealing with the assembly of Sun and Cisco boards, which I
presume are all surface mount. He definitely said that distilled water
was corrosive for their purposes but maybe there's more to the story.

Maybe the amount of solubility of metals is very low but there's a
definite metallic taste when distilled water sits in metal pots. I've
tried both magnetic and non-magnetic stainless steel so it may not be
nickel that's the issue. However I am chemically sensitive so this may
not be something that most people notice. I should clarify that adding
salt just mitigates the reaction enough that I could drink a half cup
of reheated water but it doesn't eliminate the reaction totally.
Heating up food in the same metal pots with added distilled water
doesn't pose anywhere near as much a problem, so this is why I believe
it relates to the reactivity of water.

I read somewhere that the metallic taste imparted to water is one
reason why some tea drinkers use borosilicate glass kettles and
strainers. I haven't had the opportunity to test that myself.


On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 11:48 AM, Ode Coyote wrote:

  Distilled water is used to wash the tap water water off boards which washed
 off the water soluble flux used because it doesn't leave mineral water spots
 behind when it evaporates.
  It doesn't stay on there long enough to corrode anything.
  You most certainly don't want salt crystals left behind on the PCB because
 salt absorbs water out of the air, is conductive and will  electrolytically
 make hash out of the circuits when run, very quickly. [Not to mention a lot
 of cross talk between high impedence chip and transistor inputs ]

 The toxic flux removers like carbon tetrachloride are for petroleum based
 salamoniac rosin core fluxes which haven't been used since the advent of the
 flow solder machine...except for the hand assembled parts that won't stand
 the heat.
 Plain old Coleman stove fuel works pretty good [Naptha]  or a shot of carb

  Now, with robot assembled surface mount tech, the flux only goes where it's
 needed and the boards aren't washed as there is no excess to wash.

  I've manufactured many thousands of PCBs since 1970 in all the stages and
 still spend many hours a day populating them...old through hole tech and
 completing new robotic surface mount.

 The makers of stainless pots say DON'T leave salt water in a pot as that
 will pit the surface.
 Distilled water only sucks up soluble minerals and metallic nickel ain't one
 of them.


 At 08:01 PM 3/15/2010 -0400, you wrote:

 I will react to distilled water that is heated in any metal container
 or sits in it too long, unless something is mixed in. A few grains of
 sea salt is enough to stop this from happening.

 Pure distilled water is fairly corrosive to metals. A friend who used
 to work in process engineering at one of the biggest circuit board
 assembly companies told me that distilled water is sometimes used to
 wash the boards after assembly but it is less desirable than other
 (toxic) solvents because of its corrosive nature.

 I don't have problems if the distilled water is stored in glass or
 certain hard plastics. Anything that has a silicon gasket causes me
 problems, even if it isn't immersed in the water. However this only
 applies to storing water after distillation, not during/before because
 my distiller does have a silicon gasket in the chamber, and I don't
 react to it.


 On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 7:00 PM, sol wrote:
  Harvey Metzler wrote:
  Distillation is distillation.
  Yeah, I know. I'm just super worried about it, because I have such
  Stainless, nickel etc will stay behind in the bottom of the still just
  like calcium or whatever.
  Your super expensive very large industrial stills that make the purist
  the pure are stainless steel boilers because you cannot get heat to
  in glass.
  You also do not see glass bottomed rice cookers or same reason.
  Run your water out of stainless and let it drip through triple coffee
  filters loaded with activated charcoal and you get very good water.
  You are worrying about body contamination so far down in the mud that
  every morsel of food you buy and put in your mouth and the air you
  is far more contaminated.
  Though the water from my distiller never bothered me, so far as I know,
   when I got rid of ALL the non-magnetic SS I had been using, from
  pots to collander to table ware I gradually lost about half of my
  to other substances I get hives and eczema from.  Food and air I can't
  anything about, and probably the distiller is as you say, a non-issue as
  water from mine came out so very pure, and SS cookware is a 


2010-03-16 Thread sol

Ode Coyote wrote:

  Nickel is famous for its resistance to corrosion.
 That and chromium, also quite resistant to corrosion, is what makes 
stainless steel stainless.

What makes you think that it's getting into the water?
I don't, really, I'm just nervous of it because my reactions to nickel 
are so bad.

 About the only thing that will break down SS is a mix of sulfuric and 
nitric acid and maybe boiling salt water to a much lessor degree..and 
salt because it leaches out the iron.
SS that's been pacified BY leaching out the iron on the surface is 
virtually impervious to any environmental insult.
Well, I can only repeat I was having constant reactions, that were cut 
about in half when I got rid of all my SS cookware and tableware. It 
wasn't overnight, but I gradually became less reactive over a period of 
2 or 3 months after ditching the SS. I have to go by my personal 
experience and this is a typical time frame for me to recover after 
having a constant low grade intake of an allergen. And despite SS 
industry claims, I  have read many places that SS cookware DOES leach 
nickel, particularly if the cookware has been scoured, which mine had 
been scoured regularly since SS sticks like a dir** bas, LOL.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSMaking 100% colloidal EIS

2010-03-16 Thread poast
Hello Marshall,

3 days ago I put a pinch of ascorbic acid in some EIS and have stored this
solution in a white 250 ml HDPE bottle.  I took the lid off this morning and
noticed that some of the silver had precipitated out.  I shook the bottle
and it went back into solution.

There wasn't a large quantity, but against the white bottom it was evident
that there was some.

I am using the SG6.  My EIS comes out at around 15 uS, then settles down to
about 11.5 uS in a few days.


- Original Message - 
From: Marshall Dudley
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2010 7:09 AM
Subject: Re: CSMaking 100% colloidal EIS

 I believe the effect would be the same, except there might be a
 difference in the particle sizes generated.  I have no experimental
 evidence at this time though to support this hypothesis.


 Dan Nave wrote:
  Marshall, this is quite interesting.
  Is the effect of adding the ascorbic acid after the EIS is made the
  same as the effect of adding the ascorbic acid to the brewing water,
  and then brewing up a batch?
  It would be an interesting experiment.

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List Owner: Mike Devour


2010-03-16 Thread leslie
Sol, did you say what kind of distiller you had? I am getting ready to 
possibly buy a Love Distiller. Thanks, Leslie
- Original Message - 
From: sol

Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: CSFW: Distiller (UNCLASSIFIED)

Medwith, Robert J Mr CIV USA AMC wrote:

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

I was running a couple of time a week.
Now only every 2 to 3 weeks.

Well that explains why I wore mine out sooner, LOL.
I ran mine 7 to sometimes 10 times per week, for over 6 years...

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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List Owner: Mike Devour


2010-03-16 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Crumbs, sol, I only run mine once a fortnight!  dee

On 16 Mar 2010, at 17:06, sol wrote:

 Medwith, Robert J Mr CIV USA AMC wrote:
 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
 Caveats: NONE
 I was running a couple of time a week.
 Now only every 2 to 3 weeks.
 Well that explains why I wore mine out sooner, LOL.
 I ran mine 7 to sometimes 10 times per week, for over 6 years...

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSFartassium Disinfamy Deformation

2010-03-16 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
I love your profound although convoluted missives Ode!  I agree with most of it 
(I think) and parts certainly give me a giggle, so keep 'em coming, the world 
is a far too serious place most of the time.  dee

On 16 Mar 2010, at 14:55, Ode Coyote wrote:

 At 07:16 PM 3/15/2010 +, you wrote:
 Funny, my husband said the same thing i.e. this could be the dream and the 
 dream the reality.  It always amazes me that men equate paradise with virgins 
 though! lol  dee
  ## A virgin doesn't know how lousy a lover you are. [and in that culture, 
 you don't either and don't want to find out ]
 In the society of radical Islam, all that pent up natural love energy is 
 suppressed into despair and channeled into hatred as most boys will never be 
 able to afford to marry and that's the only way they'll ever get laid and 
 still stay righteous and worthy in the eyes of Allah. [It's either blue balls 
 or eternal Hell making nearly anything else look better, including the 
 sanctified murder of anyone not suffering like you are ]
 Mohammed knew human nature quite well, being observant, very intelligent and 
 more than a little bit decadent himself.
 Using the will to live, fear of death and massive amounts of testosterone 
 that makes tree stumps with a knot hole in them look irresistibly sexier than 
 a woman in a walking tent... he could manipulate any man into doing any 
 thing...if he could also beat women into dirt status only fit to be killed if 
 they strayed from the plan.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSMaking 100% colloidal EIS

2010-03-16 Thread Marshall Dudley
That is some good information.  I was wondering if the addition of 
ascorbic acid would cause 1 and 2 atom colloid, or if it would 
precipitate out on the particles that are already there, that indicates 
that at least some of them precipitate out on other particles making the 
rather large.  The other possibility would be that the remaining 
ascorbic acid made the solution acid enough to make the colloid 
unstable.  I need to test and see if I neutralize the free acid if the 
same thing happens.


poast wrote:

Hello Marshall,

3 days ago I put a pinch of ascorbic acid in some EIS and have stored this
solution in a white 250 ml HDPE bottle.  I took the lid off this morning and
noticed that some of the silver had precipitated out.  I shook the bottle
and it went back into solution.

There wasn't a large quantity, but against the white bottom it was evident
that there was some.

I am using the SG6.  My EIS comes out at around 15 uS, then settles down to
about 11.5 uS in a few days.


- Original Message - 
From: Marshall Dudley

Sent: Monday, March 15, 2010 7:09 AM
Subject: Re: CSMaking 100% colloidal EIS


I believe the effect would be the same, except there might be a
difference in the particle sizes generated.  I have no experimental
evidence at this time though to support this hypothesis.


Dan Nave wrote:

Marshall, this is quite interesting.

Is the effect of adding the ascorbic acid after the EIS is made the
same as the effect of adding the ascorbic acid to the brewing water,
and then brewing up a batch?

It would be an interesting experiment.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour


CS[List Owner] Some topic trimming, please?

2010-03-16 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi folks,

I've been skating along a day or two behind the discussion the last few 
days, or I might have posted this yesterday. grin

Could we end the threads which mention 'fart' in the subject, please? 

Also, may I remind everyone that religious topics are prohibited, with 
the exception of the occasional passing reference? Ken's post 
mentioning some ideas about Islam (among other things) is WAY into that 

If you review the list rules (at you'll know that I 
accept health-related questions and answers on subjects that are not 
related to CS, so long as they're handled more briefly -- so as to 
satisfy basic curiosity and direct people to other resources for 
further research. Meanwhile, most CS topics can, of course, be 
discussed until exhausted.

In practice, you know that I let things run pretty loosely most of the 
time, and I depend on each of you to discipline yourselves to keep the 
list functional and the discussion worthwhile.

Anyone with questions about CS, please ask. There is a lot of knowledge 
and practical experience amongst our members.  Letting us know what 
you're interested in right now is the quickest way to nudge the 
discussion into a fruitful direction for your needs.

Be well!

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

CSServer Outages...

2010-03-16 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi folks,

If it isn't obvious already, there are some problems at Eskimo, where 
the list is hosted. Pretty much all the services have been down 
intermittently since around 5pm EST this evening. I spoke to support by 
phone around 6 o'clock and they had already opened a service ticket 
with their colocation provider where the problems appear to be 

It's now close to 11 pm, here, and the Eskimo home page is back up but 
user web pages are loading intermittently or very slowly; the silver 
list site doesn't load yet... it appears the domain server isn't 
working; one message of mine went through to the list and reflected 
back to me but I don't know if others will see it.

So, patience, please.

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSUnidentified subject!

2010-03-16 Thread leslie
Amazing what you find out when you go back deleting excess mail! Gotta have 
a little laugh sometimes. Leslie
- Original Message - 

Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2010 9:24 PM
Subject: Re: CSUnidentified subject!

music pitch pipe?


On 1/9/2010 8:29:46 PM, Dan Nave ( wrote:

The shape of the tube is probably very important.

How would you tune it, trial and error by phlegm?


On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 6:04 PM, Steve G [link:] wrote:
Hey, I looked at the intriguing video of a guy blowing one of these
things. Sure looks pretty simple to me, as are many of the alternative
I've been running into in recent weeks.

Only $40 for one of these things sounds like a bargain for someone who 
really needs it. Of course, I don't

want to wait until the FDA gets around to approving it and adding to
it's cost. I'm guessing that with a little bit of patience, a plastic
tube and some scotch tape someone could build one of these things that
would work just as well. The length of the scotch tape would be the
biggest issue.
I'd plan on making it too long, and then tuning it by cutting off a half 
inch at a time until it was 'just



Steve G.

--- On Sat, 1/9/10, [link:] wrote:

From: [link:]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSServer Outages...

2010-03-16 Thread M. G. Devour
About 1AM (EDT) and things seem to be moving again. Web site is loading 
up just fine, mail is going through properly.  

Word from support is that an important piece of equipment, an N-
switch, needed replacing at the co-lo facility.

Welcome back, everybody! grin

Mike D.

 Hi folks,
 If it isn't obvious already, there are some problems at Eskimo, where 
 the list is hosted. Pretty much all the services have been down 
 intermittently since around 5pm EST this evening. I spoke to support by 
 phone around 6 o'clock and they had already opened a service ticket 
 with their colocation provider where the problems appear to be 
 It's now close to 11 pm, here, and the Eskimo home page is back up but 
 user web pages are loading intermittently or very slowly; the silver 
 list site doesn't load yet... it appears the domain server isn't 
 working; one message of mine went through to the list and reflected 
 back to me but I don't know if others will see it.
 So, patience, please.
 Be well,
 Mike Devour
 silver-list owner
 [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
 [Speaking only for myself...   ]
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and Instructions:
 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

CSAtten: Arthur Rambo

2010-03-16 Thread MaryAnn Helland
Hi Arthur.  I now have my products, and have mixed the DMSO and Atomodine -- 
and am ready to solve my problem.  Since this conversation took place in 
November, I now have a fungal infection on my left thumb too!!  I'm ready to be 
done with this!!  

Just want to clarify -- you mixed the DMSO and Atomodine and then used this to 
wet the pad on a bandaid, and then placed over the toenail.  Do I have this 
correct?  You didn't apply further down -- to the cuticle, or down to the 
second joint of the toe as some folks have suggested?

Thanks for your help.  I'll keep everyone posted on the results of this.

From: arthur rambo
Sent: Thu, November 5, 2009 7:45:46 PM

Maryann, the results were immediate. It took as long as a new nail takes to 
grow; can't think of another way to say it. It was a toenail that just all of a 
sudden dropped off. Now, it looks as good as any. All look healthy. (I only put 
the bandaid, with solution, on each night. I didn't wear it during the day

 From: arthur rambo

I used Atomidine (iodine) with DMSO 50/50, on a bandaid each night. Worked 


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CS[List Owner] Some topic trimming, please?

2010-03-16 Thread starshar
Hi Everybody

After 3+ yrs of Comcast blocking my favorite list, it's letting me receive
it again! (It better last, too)

I just had to jump in quickly as I'm roaring with laughter, seeing Mike's
(always) tactful post. It's as though I've been here all along! Made me feel
right at home again. 


Hi folks,

I've been skating along a day or two behind the discussion the last few 
days, or I might have posted this yesterday. grin

Could we end the threads which mention 'fart' in the subject, please? 

Also, may I remind everyone that religious topics are prohibited, with 
the exception of the occasional passing reference? Ken's post 
mentioning some ideas about Islam (among other things) is WAY into that 

If you review the list rules (at you'll know that I 
accept health-related questions and answers on subjects that are not 
related to CS, so long as they're handled more briefly -- so as to 
satisfy basic curiosity and direct people to other resources for 
further research. Meanwhile, most CS topics can, of course, be 
discussed until exhausted.

In practice, you know that I let things run pretty loosely most of the 
time, and I depend on each of you to discipline yourselves to keep the 
list functional and the discussion worthwhile.

Anyone with questions about CS, please ask. There is a lot of knowledge 
and practical experience amongst our members.  Letting us know what 
you're interested in right now is the quickest way to nudge the 
discussion into a fruitful direction for your needs.

Be well!

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour


2010-03-16 Thread sol

Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

Crumbs, sol, I only run mine once a fortnight!  dee


Well, I use distilled water for nearly everything, not just for making EIS.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour