Re: CS>

2021-03-11 Thread David Snowdon

Hi RaVen,

It doesn't have to be Crystal Springs, most distilled (and/or ozonated) 
water should OK to use.


RaVen Sequoia wrote:
I couldn't find Crystal Springs Steamed Distilled Water in my local 
stores nor in Amazon. Suggestions in where I can find this? 


On Thu, Mar 11, 2021 at 12:28 PM David Snowdon <>> wrote:

Mike's website is still available using the WayBack machine:



Warning: there are some rather gruesome pictures showing how bad
shingles can affect the body.


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Re: CS>

2021-03-11 Thread David Snowdon

Mike's website is still available using the WayBack machine:


Warning: there are some rather gruesome pictures showing how bad
shingles can affect the body.


--- wrote:


Remember Mike Monnet ?  He made some good contributions to our quest and 
I believe that shingles is what drove him.  The higher ionic value is 
really counts when we talk about transdermal application.

Best regards,


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Re: CS>Hemorrhoid HELPP

2020-08-14 Thread David Snowdon
I find that fasting for 3 to 5 days helps in reducing or ridding the 
body of piles.


Reid Harvey wrote:
I just turned 70 and that seems to be around the time the body begins 
giving out.  Does EIS/ CS help with hemorrhoids?  For other reasons the 
Beck Protocol seems to make sense as well.  Silverlisters, you are the 
salt of the earth.

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Re: CSWhat are MS crystals??

2015-01-02 Thread David Snowdon

123 456 wrote:

HiI just found an older msg that I somehow missed...definitely
missed the reference regarding the cataracts.
I've been told that I have one forming on one of my eyes.
How can I find the information on this older thread.
Nothing is found on this thread.
Thx and Happy New Year

Hi Tara,

Below are a number of messages from November 2011 and July 2009
regarding the issue of eye cataracts:


Subject: Fw: CSRe Cataracts
From: vicki hood
Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2011 17:01:23 -0800

I did my own.  Years ago I did the research and took the best of the
research.  tried it on myself and then dogs in need. Worked every time.
Start 3 or 4 times a day, cut back according to severity of the
cataracts.  Go figure -- if it doesn't work (and it always does) it
cannot hurt you.  Buy gentle eye solution (non-sting) add 15% MS
crystals.  That would be 1 teaspoon for each ounce of eye solution.
Thats not perfect measure but close enough.   Keep everything clean as
you can.

Each eye,  1 or 2 drops RAW flax oil (not from caps but from the fridge
at the health store --- Barleans is good).  5 mins to half hour later
drop or 2 of eye solution. The dogs I treat often have this goober grub
in the corner of their eye after about 3 or 4 days.  Cataracts come off
in layers.  Now this does not correct the nearsight or farsight like
lens implant surgery.  Sure does take that piece of white sheet off of
dogs and my eyes.

I like to keep it up for maybe 6 weeks after i have cut back to couple
times a week.  Even longer if you want.  Save a dogs life.  Many people
cannot afford surgery for their dogs.  The last dog I did was 16.  It
made a whole new tailwagger.  I could see it.  Dogs with pressure behind
eye (glaucoma) usually have bulging eye.  That hurts like the worst of
migraine and needs meds from a vet.  Please do not let them suffer.
Cataracts and glaucoma are 2 different things.  I am not medically
trained.  I love the best of the research I do.  Just passing it on if
you care to try.  It worked for me and mine. 

- Original Message -
From: PTFerrance
Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2011 2:05 PM
Subject: RE: CSRe Cataracts

Hi Brickey,

What did you do with the flaxseed oil?  Did you put it in your eye?  Do
you have any literature?  How did you come upon this?



From: []

In a message dated 11/11/2011, writes:

 I am frantically searching for non-surgical solutions that can advert
 surgery all together or delay

I controlled my cataracts for several years using flaxseed oil. Actually
I used linseed oil bought from the local hardware paint department,
linseed oil is another name for flaxseed oil but it was not food grade.
It delayed surgery for 5 or 6 years. Since I receive Medicare and
cataract surgery is covered I had the surgery.

Has anyone tried mixing aloe vera and CS to get the CS past the stomach
acids?  Nutritional Living said that was a way to control Candida yeasts
in your intestines.


Subject: RE: CSRe Cataracts
From: PTFerrance
Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2011 21:42:52 -0500

Hi Vicki,

What are MS crystals?  Also, if you don't mind, what did you use as an eye
dropper for the flax oil?  Also, which variety of Barleans did you use.  I
have used it before and there are a variety of mixtures.

Thanks for your help.


Subject: CSRe cataract typo its MSM
From: vicki hood
Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 14:30:49 -0800

I did a typo on the cataracts information.  It is MSM not MS.  Also use
pure MSM and not from Caps.  Caps sometimes  have fillers.  99point
something is good and available at feed and supply store.  Horse supply.
Not to waste it is good for many things itis a supplemental food
sulphur.  A good healer.

Subject: CSCS with MSM,cataracts
From: Harold
Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 21:08:32 -0800

I have used regular MSM powders and caps with so so results. I would
suggest you go to the link below and get the Pure Organic Sulfur
Crystals [Methyl Sulphonyl Methane]. At least look into it. Other than a
satisfied user of said product, I have no monetary involvement with Hesh


These messages are from 2009 regarding the use of NAC and DMSO:

Subject: CSEye Health Research Report
From: Brooks Bradley
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 15:16:27 -0400 (EDT)

Because of the quite positive results we have achieved in some limited,
but definitive, investigations ... I am moved to call two supporting
substances to the attention of list members. From among a number of
candidates addressed in searching for the most economical/effective
modalities for attenuating / preventing cataracts 

Re: CSWhat are MS crystals??

2014-10-30 Thread David Snowdon

Hi Larry,

The MS crystals that Vicki refers to is for MSM.  Here is Vicki's reply 
in November 2011, which

corrects her original post:

Subject: CSRe cataract typo its MSM
From: vicki hood
Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 14:30:49 -0800

i did a typo on the cataracts information.  It is MSM not MS.  Also use pure
MSM and not from Caps.  Caps sometimes have fillers.  99point something is
good and available at feed and supply store.  Horse supply. Not to waste it
is good for many things it is a supplemental food sulphur.  A good healer.

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Re: CSProstatitis

2012-09-03 Thread David Snowdon

Hi Chris, take a look at this group:

Look at the FILES section, in the ALL_RESULTS / Prostate folder.
You need to join this group to view the files.

Prostate problems have been successfully dealt with by applying
a weak current from a 6V battery supply.


KenChris wrote:

New here. Researching for hubby.
Hubby has recurring prostatitis that comes back every  3-4 months, antibiotic 
never seems to clear this up. He's not keen on trying silver water and 
skeptical of it helping. Sounds like a difficult disease to control.
Anyone have dosage suggestions and time period of treatment and maintance dose
Will try and if it helps at all any suggestions as to a silver maker


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Re: CSRe:Does anyone have Brooks Bradley's Alzheimer's dementia article

2012-04-13 Thread David Snowdon
Hi Lois, Brooks message on 18 Jul 2011 was about a Dr. Mary Newport. 
Below are some of the

messages I saved:

Subject: CSGeneral commentary
From: Brooks Bradley
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2011 18:46:28 -0500

I deem this information to be of sufficient, potential impact, to merit 
a posting.  We have, on several different occasions, conducted 
evaluations of potential value ... which were levied on promising 
protocols designed to mitigate the awful effects of Alzheimer's.

None of them proved effective ... up to this present time.  A few months 
ago I ran across the researches (involving her personal experiences) and 
adaptations, while searching for an effective address for her 53 year 
old husband's sudden-onset Alzheimer's challenge ... of the efforts of a 
medical [professional.  Her name is Dr. Mary Newport.  I encourage 
interested list members to conduct a search-engine inquiry on her 
efforts and results.

I was so impressed that I have convinced others (among my associates), 
to conduct a limited, anecdotal, evaluation of a similar type.  Our 
early results (covering the immediately-past six weeks) have been 
promising indeed.

The centerpiece of her protocol is UNMODIFIED coconut oil.  I believe 
one can locate quite adequate analysis of her activities relating to 
this caseon the Internet.

I will, at a later date, post a general summary of our research results.

Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.

Subject: Re: CSGeneral commentary
From: Guyot Léna
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2011 21:41:28 -0400

Hi Brooks,
When I first saws the youtubes (several in sequence) of Dr. Mary Newport 
and her husband, I began eating more VCO to combat the brain-fog of 
Lyme. I even recommended it to the caregiver of a friend with advanced 
Lyme whose condition at this point resembles Alzheimer's. It's helping!
I've discovered how delicious it is with a little Himalayan salt on 
toast, veggies, air-popped corn. Doing about 3T a day. Love it!  Looking 
forward to your inimitable research and conclusions.

Be well,

Subject: Re: CSGeneral commentary
From: Jonathan B. Britten
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2011 10:35:27 +0900

Incidentally, I  think someone posted a link to videos about this in the 

Is this the therapy using extra-virgin coconut oil?  

EVCO in the case I recall was truly remarkable.

The husband was shown in the videos.  

He was clearly not functioning normally, but could talk and understand 
what was going on, whereas before he had been unable to do much of 
anything.  He described the effects of the EVCO as being like a light 
switch going on in his brain.

Long-chain trilgycerides were thought to be the mechanism, as I recall.

Subject: Re: CSGeneral commentary
From: Bob Banever
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2011 19:47:38 -0700


   VCO contains MCT's or MCFA's (medium chain triglycerides).  This 
is one of it's secrets the medium chain fatty acids are used by the 
body for energy, they don't get stored like long chain's do.  The lauric 
acid (monolaurin) is another of it's secrets as this is the same 
monolaurin found in breast milk that helps protect the baby from 
bacterial and viral attack.  Ketones are formed from the MCT's which 
somehow help protect and regenerate brain cells. 


Subject: Re: CSGeneral commentary - Coconut oil
From: PTF
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2011 22:38:58 -0400

Hi Brooks,
Thanks for this.  Some time ago I was researching EVCO and found an 
article on how it was used for an AIDS patient.  He had run out of all 
options and was a 1 patient trial.  6 tablespoons a day internally plus 
rubbing it on the lesions he had.  One year later no trace of the virus 
could be found.

It is a remarkable item.

Subject: Re: CSGeneral commentary/coconut oil
From: Bob Banever
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2011 19:43:38 -0700


Here is a great site for further education and information about 
unrefined virgin coconut oil and it's use in medicine.  Much research 
can be found here.

Bob wrote:
Brooks posted a study done by a Dr. using coconut oil that  cured her 
husband of the problem.   I know of someone interested. I've  looked through all 
of my saved Brooks info.  can't find it...Thanks,  Lois


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Re: CSwarts

2012-02-10 Thread David Snowdon
Hi Dee, the article was written primarily for electronic hobbyists - so 
it's assumed that you
would have the parts on hand or able to purchase them from a local parts 

For a ready-to-buy unit, check out this site:

The price is $80, and it uses a special 12V garage door opener battery.


Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

It doesn't say how much and where to buy.  dee

On 10 Feb 2012, at 04:25, David Snowdon wrote:


A low-cost medium-voltage circuit to use on warts can be found here:


mgperrault wrote:

I went through the digging at the roots, the topical applications of various 
kinds, the regrowth.   Violet ray is what worked for me.  Painless, quick and 
no digging.  High voltage destroys the virus and the body manages the tissues.


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Re: CSwarts

2012-02-09 Thread David Snowdon

A low-cost medium-voltage circuit to use on warts can be found here:


mgperrault wrote:
I went through the digging at the roots, the topical applications of 
various kinds, the regrowth.   Violet ray is what worked for me.  
Painless, quick and no digging.  High voltage destroys the virus and 
the body manages the tissues.

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Re: CSDMSO and nebulized CS

2011-02-01 Thread David Snowdon
I'd be very cautious when nebulizing DMSO on a smoker. It could release 
a lot
of the stored poisons coating the lungs from smoking. Below is a message 
from Brooks


Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 21:34:54 -0500
Subject: Re: CSCaution using H2O2/CS Inhalation Therapy

To all interested listmembers:

I have followed the recxent postings relative to incorporating H202 into
the pulmonary system protocol involving nebulization.  After inquiring
from some of our staff involved in some of our evaluations several years
ago ... I am informed that CAUTION is the watchword when dealing with
unknown pathogenic parameters.

I am informed that pronounced adverse reactions occurred in some of our
animal evaluations.  The problem was determined to be based upon the
nature/condition of the biological terrain of the lungs --- AT THE TIME
OF INHALATION.  It seems that, although, the air sacs are superficially
exposed to atmospheric 02 on every inhalation (excepting those
compromised by anerobic pathogens insulated from this high O2 gas (air)
... there exists a circumstance presenting serious challenges to the
UNREGULATED exposure to H202.

The systemic challenge can manifest if sufficient volume of the H202
mist comes into contact with ANY sizeable anerobic
population  If there is a sizeable population of anerobes present
---WHICH PRESENT IMMEDIATE ACCESSIBLITY  to the incoming H202 mist ...
the possibility exists that the foaming action could be great enough to
generate SERIOUS consequences.

This possibility rises by an order of magnitude if DMSO is involved in
the protocol.  Our staff confirmed this through animal experiments.
Adverse reactions were encountered in some cases involving H202
concentrations as low as 2%.  The stabilizing protocol involved 100% 02
at 1.25 atmospheres --- and was instituted at the FIRST signs of
pulmonary distress.

In my opinion, administering CS in combination with H202 --- into an
unknown pathogenic environment involving the lungs --- could be VERY
serious.  I am not attempting to be alarmist in this instance;  just
pointing out what should be obvious to all deliberate/cautious
researchers.  The odds against a serious adverse occurrence are,
probably, higher than its likelihood ... but even long odds are not too
desireable when the breathing system is involved.

If one insists on experimenting with such a protocol, it would appear
prudent to start at or below 0.5%  H202.  It would, also, be adviseable
to mix a sample of the volunteer's sputum with a generous amount of your
protocol solution and observe for reaction ... prior to inducing
inhalation procedures.

Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.

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Re: CSneed a diagram for the B.E. unit

2011-01-19 Thread David Snowdon
This is a schematic for the Bob Beck unit, which switches polarity every 
4 seconds.

The godzilla unit is simply four AA (or C or D) batteries in series with 
a resistor (say

10,000 ohms - used to limit safely the current).

Steve G wrote:

Or if you don't like magic, check out this site


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Re: CSNeed Brooks Post on Alzheimer

2010-11-09 Thread David Snowdon

This is what I've found in my archive:

Subject: CSEncouraging/Demonstrably Useful, Alzheimer's Addresses
From: Brooks Bradley
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 23:08:32 -0400 (EDT)

I would like to take a few moments to recommend the list membership to 

some of the simple, inexpensive alternative protocols for addressing both
expressing and evolving Alzheimer's symptoms/presentations. Although we 
did not
conduct the primary research, we did conduct evaluation protocols ... 
for those

useful elements determined to be of actual repeatable effect.

Docosahexaenoic acid. (DNA). This is one of the Omega 3 fatty acids which
distinctly improved the recall abilities of mice --- in repeated 
tests ... over time (5 months). Both supplements, and/or 
DHA-strengthened diets

were quite effective.

ALPHA LIPOIC ACID (ALA). Obtainable at any health food store for economical
cost. While recognized as a powerful free radical scavenger, not until 

year 2000 did research reveal the powerful effects of ALA on presenting
Alzheimer's cases. 600 mg daily of ALA yielded very powerful effects in
preventing ANY DETECTABLE ADVANCE in Alzheimer's over 337 days. No drug
currently on the market today has demonstrated such power. At least not 
to our
knowledge Subjects were tested before and after ... using MMSE and 

subscale ADASCog Scaleto obtain actual results.

Huperzine A (an extract from the herb Huperzia serrata). The effective 
presents from the rapid and effective crossing of the blood-brain 
barrier and
preventing/halting the deadly effects of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase 
from destroying the precious Acetylcholine. Over half (58%) of the 

IMPROVED in cognitive and memory function ... using as little as 0.2 mg of
Huperzine daily. We have been VERY impressed with these effects.

Galantamine ... has demonstrated to boost, rapidly, ones acetylcholine. 
This was
achieved by employing as little as 24 mg daily. After one year the test 
scored TWICE as high on brain tests ... as did the controls. Galantamine 
actually, an extract from two rather common flowers ... Daffodils and 

We have been VERY encouraged by these investigative researches. They 
have proven
to be, far and away, the most encouraging we have ever achieved in any 
of our
Alzheimer's investigations. I would encourage any of the list membership 
who is
encountering the beginnings or a demonstrable onset of Alzheimer's-like 

... to seriously consider utilizing these powerful, non-invasive protocols.

Sincerely, Brooks Bradley

Subject: CSALA
From: Debi
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 11:23:52 -0700 (PDT)

Hi I just want to say a little about ALA (alpha-lipoic acid) just a 
caution to
those who may have mercury poisoning and not realize it, I did, when I 
took ALA
it put me to bed until I figured out what was wrong. I have amalgams in 
my mouth
as well as a large exposure years ago. The ALA crosses the blood brain 

and chelates the mercury out, why it is so devastating when you still have
amalgams, I am not sure I understand. I began to take it based on all the
positive reviews I had read. This is just a caution. I wish I had known 
it. Lost about a year of my life til I figured it all out and began 
visiting the

chelation forums.

Debi wrote:

Does anyone have the posts that Brooks Bradly wrote on Alzheimer's..  thought I 
had them stored but they are gone.


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Re: CSOT - Restless Leg Syndrome

2009-03-06 Thread David Snowdon
I found that going on a liquid (fruit and vegetable juice only) diet 
worked to rid me of RLS.


Bernadette wrote:

If this should be discussed on another list, please let me know.  Thank you.

The doctor wants to put me on medicine for RLS - but not happy about take 
something, however, I have become sleep deprived and need some help.  She is 
considering sinemet/Lyrica or gabapentin.

Does anyone have RLS and use something other than a prescription?  Any help 
would be appreciated.


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Re: David Snowdon: Re: CSMRSA - Brooks Bradley]

2008-12-14 Thread David Snowdon

Hi, I've uploaded my archive of Brooks Bradley's messages to my
website. It can be downloaded here:

Please note that the file is an encrypted .ZIP file.
The password is: SilverList
(this must be typed in exactly as shown).

This was done to protect the e-mail addresses contained in the file
against abuse by spammers.

When unzipped the file is over one megabyte in length, and contains
Brooks' messages from 1999 onwards. I'm sure that this is not a complete
archive (especially from the '90s), and if anyone has his older posts,
please send them to me and I'll update my archive and make it available.


Clayton Family wrote:
Actually, it is David Snowdon we have to thank, as he dug it out of 
the archives.  I am a more recent list member, so I did not see it the 
first time around. Sure, you are most welcome for the forward. I STILL 
think it is  your own efforts that we have to thank, since you 
actually followed the protocol, now we all have a very good 
testimonial to help others, in case of...

I am tickled you can walk without a cane!  I am so happy for you.


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Re: CSMRSA - Brooks Bradley

2008-10-14 Thread David Snowdon
Unfortunately I don't have any additional information. Brooks is still 
active on this list, but I don't have his

e-mail address handy.


Peter Converse wrote:

Hi David,

Thanks for posting this. Do you know any details about how much was 
needed, how often? Was this concoction drank solely or was it used in 
any other way as well?


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CSMRSA - Brooks Bradley

2008-10-11 Thread David Snowdon

I believe that the original poster wanted to know if Brooks Bradley had
written anything on the subject of using CS for MRSA. I was able to find
this in my archive:

From: Brooks Bradley
Date: Wednesday, 23 June 2004
Subject: CS/ MRSA cure? Comment

About three years ago we conducted rather extensive evaluations for
effectivity of colloidal silver on MRSA (presenting both topically and
as epithelial tissue challenge in the throat).

We investigated a consequential number of protocol variations. ALL those
including colloidal silver proved acceptably effective. 

However, the most effective single protocol, utilizing a minimum number
of total ingredients, revealed to be one including nothing more than 75%
10 to 20 ppm colloidal silver (by volume), 10% full-strength DMSO (by
volume) and 15% Glycerin (by volume). 

Our results displayed to be (in comparison to the general anecdotal
information in the posted article) equal or superior in time response to
those claimed by the authors of the information appearing in web posting
at Mr. Rense's site.

My comments are not designed in any way to denigrate the very
useful/effective results achieved by the gentleman at the center of this

It is quite pleasing to observe the demonstrated success of the
untaught medical savage in addressing the very real, and threatening,
challenge of MRSA in contrast to the ineptitude and poorly
designed/executed research machinations of  the U.K's  reigning
Phamaceutical Convention. :)

Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
Harborne Research Foundation

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Re: CSDigestion System Problems

2007-06-19 Thread David Snowdon

Hi Ruth,

  You should consider going on a liquid-only diet for a week. This will 
allow your digestive system to do some house cleaning, clearing out 
toxins. A more aggressive approach would be to do a week long water 
fast, but I've been unable to do this for more than three days because 
of muscle weakness.


ruth strackbein wrote:
Hi, Wayne, I guess I must have left out that it was 4-6 oz of prune 
juice in my post.  I have read your post to Dee, I have tried to use a 
great deal of what you suggest, but tolerate very little of it.  Just 
now I feel I need to follow through on what this Dr. is telling me.  
We are trying to avoid surgery for an overlong exceedingly slow 
transit time bowel, 7-8 days from mouth to rectum.  Ten years ago a 
similar test had a transit time of 4 days.  I was eating more normally 
way back then, but never have been able to tolerate apples or alot of 
raw food, though I would like to.  This Dr. is a gastroenterology 
surgeon.  Dr. Tombers is a plain gastroenterologist.  His opinion was 
that there isn't a medicine outhere that will fix what is  wrong with 
my bowel. Both Docs have looked at the recent X-rays.  The surgeon is 
just highly aware of the severe problems that can result from removing 
90% of your colon and wants to avoid that if at all possible.  Food 
residue tends to collect in odd places in my colon and back things 
up.  I live in a small village 20 miles from my regular doctor. I tend 
to get edgy as the weekend approaches, because I know that if I get 
into trouble over the weekend, the emergency room is of no help 
whatever.  Don't have time for more, but thanks for your suggestions.  

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