RE: CSeye twitching

2005-10-20 Thread Joni Lovegrove
I had eye twitching, numbness, electrical vibration sensations,  and many 
other neurological symptoms, a very good doctor finally ran the right tests 
and found I had a form of anemia that did not allow my body to absorb 
vitamin B12, I take injections every 2 weeks.  I have no more eye twitching, 
numbness, etc.

Joni Lovegrove

htmldivPJoni Lovegrove/P/div/html

Original Message Follows
From: Betsy Coffey
Subject: CSeye twitching
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2005 22:29:22 -0700 (PDT)

I have heard that this can also be from a vitamin B
deficiency. Magnesium probably was helpful as it is a
muscle relaxer. Someone mentioned parasites and
babesia. Isnt babesia a parasite?

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

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RE: CSCancer, lemon juice, etc.

2005-10-17 Thread Joni Lovegrove

I would like a copy of the zip file, please.

Original Message Follows
From: Terry Chamberlin
Subject: CSCancer, lemon juice, etc.
Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2005 18:23:38 -0400 (EDT)

Barbara said,
Are you saying that all those hundreds of thousands
of people that are dying of cancer each year (my
husband was one of them)
are dying completely needlesly?  And all the learned
doctors and scientists do not understand or don't want
to understand those simple changes on the cell level?
Are you saying that each and every cancer can be
reversed by simply drinking lots of lemon juice and
take alkaline minerals?

Let us not oversimplify here. Yes, most or all cancer
deaths are needless, provided they had been treated
early enough in ways that enabled the body to heal
itself. Assuming the body had not sunk too low and
lost too much ground to heal itself. No, it is not so
simple as to just drink lemon water and all cancers
will vanish. Dr. Carey Reams treated over 50,000
cancer patients in his life, and claimed to have only
lost 7 to cancer (most of them terminal, who had
already experienced all their doctors could do to
them). There is a long list of doctors and health
practitioners who have had astounding success with all
types of cancers, who have also been persecuted
mercilessly by the medical establishment because of
their success.

Even using the word *cancer* is complex. What type of
cancer? How long has it been there? How old is the
victim? What has been their lifestyle up to
discovering their cancer? How optimistic/pessimistic
is their outlook on life? Have they already had their
immune system damaged by standard medical procedure?
These factors play a significant part in the success
of combating cancer.

I have worked with many cancer victims since I started
testing in 1984. All of them, without exception, have
had very acid urine/saliva pH. Does acid pH cause
cancer? No, but bringing up the pH is a very, very
integral part of fighting cancer. Dr.
Reams used lemon-water, calcium hydroxide and massive
does of Vit D (up to 50,000 iu/day) along with other
things to not just raise the pH but to concurrently
improve the immune system and to detoxify and
strengthen the body. He felt that faith in God was as
important as improving pH in optimizing the patient’s
chances of recovery.

I had a woman with cancer who was brought to me by her
husband to test. She had been having 100,000 mg of Vit
C injected each day to fight off her cancer. Her pH
was the lowest I had ever seen. I took her off the Vit
C and recommended a diet/supplement program that
included high doses of Vit D, the appropriate calciums
and a high protein smoothie each day. Her condition
was too fragile to do the lemon-water (a healing
crisis might have done her in). She came in for
bi-monthly testing, but wasn’t following my
recommendations. She didn’t like the taste of the
smoothie. She didn’t like taking all those pills. She
wouldn’t take her cancer seriously. She was dead in
two months. Was her cancer needless? Yes, but there
was more going on here than cancer. I could speculate
that she had a death-wish, or had already given up,
but whatever the case, diet and supplements were not

One of the reasons that EFT has had such astounding
success with all kinds of health issues, including
cancer, is that it addresses the emotional components
of the persons health issues. I consider it to be as
important as nutrition.

By-the-way, I have a zip file that contains a
collection of articles about cancer that is profound.
I will gladly send it to anyone who asks for it.

Terry Chamberlin

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RE: CScystitis

2005-06-26 Thread Joni Lovegrove
If and after infection is ruled out with a culture, consider learning more 
about INTERSTITIAL CYSTITIS  (IC).  If you do take antibiotics, make sure 
they culture and do a sensitivity test on what antibiotic to use, if you go 
that route.  It would be nice if they could do a sensitivity test with CS, 
but I don't know of any labs that would test.  Bladder infections are more 
easily treated, but if it spread to your kidney it is much more serious and 
difficult to treat, it also depends greatly on the type of bacteria.

Vaginal yeast infections are also very painful and cause the pain associated 
with cystitis, many times after I am treated for yeast, cystitis is better.  
 A good preventive for yeast is , Flora Q, it has several types of friendly 
bacteria, can be bought in some drug stores and most health supplement 

I have had interstitial cystitis and vulvodynia for several years.  I was 
(mis-treated) and misdiagnosed for urinary infections (cystitis) for years.  
The urine specimen would generally show a few white cells and red blood 
cells, so the average doctor would think it was an infection and give me a 
week of antibiotics.  I would go back after finishing a round of 
antibiotics, with no relief, they would send the culture off, then call me 
to say I did not have any infections, and basically no relief or answers.

After about 5 years of misery, three urologist, many antibiotics, and two 
family doctors,  I finally found a urologist in 1999 that figured out what 
was wrong with me, and treated me, and  knew about INTERSTITIAL CYSTITIS.  
They immediately found I had inflamed bladder, very damaged,  and certain 
cells that are diagnostic of IC  and I was treated with much relief with 
DMSO.  The treatment has changed some over the years, but I do get relief.   
Antibiotics can actually make IC worse if you do not have infection.  
However; it is always important to get a culture to rule out IC if you do 
find this is your problem.  If I went to a doctor that was not familiar with 
IC and they looked at my urine on any given day (without sending it off for 
a culture), they would declare I had a really bad urinary tract infection 
and send me home with antibiotics.

I do not know if CS is ever used with IC treatments, but I am sure someone 
on the list could tell you.  I have heard others mention using CS with DMSO.

Diet also helps considerably with IC, the cranberry juice that many people 
recommend for actual infections only exacerbates IC, anything acid is 
irritating to an inflamed bladder.  You can get online and check out diets 
that help with bladder and vulva irritation.  There is a product called 
Prelief, over the counter, mostly calcium, that helps tremendously if you 
take it before meals when you do eat something that irritates the bladder.  
Carbonated beverages, caffeine, and highly acidic foods are irritating for 
most IC sufferers.

The cause is not completely understood, it can be caused from exposures, 
possibly autoimmune related, virus, hidden bacteria, fungal infections, 
still mostly speculation.

It is VERY important that you do get cultures done to rule out infection or 
find out what kind you have and what the bacteria is sensitive to.  I have 
had a few urinary tract infections, that were treated successfully with 
macrobid, it especially formulated for bladder and is much more easily 
tolerated than cipro and other antibiotics I have taken.   When a urinary 
tract infection spreads to the kidney it is really a serious problem, so 
again, get cultured!

With interstitial cystitis (IC), it is hard to distinguish between a urinary 
tract infection,  or IC because generally you feel like you have a urinary 
tract infection.  Most people with IC have frequent urination, especially at 
night.  I have also found that lidocaine gel works when it is an IC flare-up 
to treat the pain topically when vulvodynia is flared up as well.  I have 
also had my urologist to use lidocaine with DMSO or other installations, I 
can do them at home also.  But, I try to have a culture once a month just to 
make sure I am not getting an infection.

Hope this helps, I put off getting a culture last fall, felt sure it was IC 
and ended up with a really bad kidney infection and had to be hospitalized 
for a week with IV antibiotics, hope I never have to do that again.  The 
infection can quickly spread throughout your body once it enters the 


Original Message Follows
From: debbie cozens
Subject: CScyctitis
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2005 07:11:57 +0100 (BST)

I have had bad cyctitis for the past 6 days and my kidneys are startying to 
hurt..i refuse to go to the doctor for antibiotics..obviously!!!How much CS 
should i take and how often..please HELP


How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday snaps for 


2005-06-15 Thread Joni Lovegrove

Thanks, this is very helpful, I have recently found out that someone else in 
my community has lyme, has been treated conventionally with IV antibiotics, 
and finally got a rife machine and is taking glutathione and has noticed a 
great improvement the past few weeks.  I will take a look at the links you 


Original Message Follows
From: Rowena
Subject: CS
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2005 00:11:47 +0800

Joni, so sorry to hear of your health probs.

I will let others give you more details on CS, but I would definitely make
and take it, whatever any others outside might say, even if it were only to
lower the bug-load in the body.  A lot of us make up a spray with CS, sea
salt, xylitol, DMSO, all things that can be looked up on archives and search
engines.  This can be used on skin or in any orifice.  We also inhale it via
a nebulizer.

Yesterday I had a look at a site which addresses a lot of the things you
mention, although it is supposedly about depression and magnesium.  It's
very long, but worth a read.  The author also recommends virgin coconut oil
fungus, candida, etc.  and you
may have noticed recent postings on coconut oil.
I will append some quotes below to give an idea, but it is over 100
pages-worth on the article page alone, let alone links.

Some other things I would definitely do given my time over again: colonic
irrigation - that could get rid of a lot of toxic waste, and someone wrote
once that they actually saw what looked like clumps of cotton wool passing,
which they assumed was candida.  Maybe, nice thought.  Something was
freeloading inside.

Gamma globulin I would feel was too dangerous.  I would
run a mile.  Even if it were not foreign proteins in the substance itself,
and other people's DNA too, no doubt, it could easily have some preservative
in it that might affect you, such as thimerosal - how would one ever know?

Another thing I would do all over again, as it has pulled me out of the pit,
is computer assisted dermal screening, which works out what you need, and
then with some electromagnetic process embeds the appropriate homeopathic
frequencies on a bottle of water, so that it has the same effect as if it
had been prepared to the exactly right potency for your particular needs.
If you missed recent correspondence, let me know.

Also, the people on the Rife discussion group have tallked a lot about
Lyme - there may be someone near you who can help.

The virgin coconut oil is definitely worth looking into; you can google that
alongside your chosen problem.

Rowena :I have found some
evidence that intestinal yeast overgrowth will cause the kidneys to be
unable to recycle taurine, with taurine being lost into the urine. Yeast
overgrowth of the intestines is also blamed for many of the arthritic-like
complaints often found with scleritis, and is the likely cause of scleritis.
Consequently, any effective treatment for Candida yeast should also prevent
scleritis. I have found that coconut oil and garlic are effective,
particularly when used with taurine. Taurine in these doses should not be
considered nutritional in nature, but medicinal, and I don't recommend it.
The human body only contains 70 grams of taurine, and supplements of 24
grams per day seem much too high and I took that dosage for only several
weeks. Actually, I think that anything that treats inflammatory or irritable
bowel disorders would be beneficial in treating or preventing scleritis.
However, Kefir is the absolute cat's meow for preventing and curing
scleritis. Since I started Kefir (I backed off garlic and coconut oil
completely), I have had zero incidence of scleritis (for many months now),
thus showing, IMHO, that taurine preservation by elimination of Candida
Albicans using Kefir is vital to the cure for scleritis.
  Dry mouth and dry eyes are some of the most irritating side effects
of many prescription anti-depressant drugs (and some other drugs). Dry mouth
and dry eyes are usually symptoms of magnesium (and possibly potassium and
taurine) deficiency. Dry mouth and dry eyes are very easily treated with
oral ionizable magnesium - the nutrient your body is likely starving for.
Use of synthetic tears and other simplistic wetting techniques including
chewing gum are not solving the nutritional deficits that cause the problem.
Magnesium and high potassium content foods such as bananas, potatoes and
other whole foods are greatly preferable to drugs. I have found that my
health improved greatly simply by using balanced potassium/sodium salts
[Morton's Lite Salt - which contains iodide (iodine)] rather than by using
plain table salt (sodium chloride). Use of plain table salt can easily lead
to imbalances between potassium and sodium.
Dry mouth and dry eyes, particularly when 

CSMore questions in regard to chelation and CS.

2005-06-14 Thread Joni Lovegrove
First of all, if this is considered OT, someone tell me and tell me how to 
get to that link.

I am very unsure of what is considered OT, but since I see several things in 
regard to chelation, lyme, etc.,  on the CS list, I have a question for 
anyone willing to respond to this.  I have late stage lymes, MS, brain 
lesions, several diagnosed autoimmune disorders, IC, hypothyroidism, lupus, 

I was finally convinced to undergo very aggressive IV antibiotics for lymes 
for ~ 2 years at a lyme's clinic in NC.   Today my hemotoligist that has 
followed me over the years, thinks giving me gamma globbulin, followed by a 
chelation agent is neccessary and the folks with the lyme's protocol need to 
address my serious allergy, blood clotting problems  and repiratory problems 
before shooting me full of antibiotics, yeast is also a big problem for me 
under any circumstances.

I have become so hyperallergic that he feels the aggressive antibiotic 
protocal would probably kill me.  I am allergic to many antibiotics, latex 
and have become super sensitive to environmental inhalents and many foods, 
and some of the antibiotics on the lyme  protocol are in the same basic 
group that I am allergic to, just a couple of generations newer.

My hemotologist  basically says if they kill me with herxing or respiratory 
failure with too aggressive antibiotic treatment, the rest is history.  His 
plan is to boost the immune system with high doses of gamma globbulin,, 
drive out the toxins with chelation and see what the best plan is from there 
in treating the infections.  I have tested positive for several heavy metals 
and radioisotopes, I was exposed for many years to these substances in the 
workplace.  He thinks lymes and/ or whatever infections I have and 
autoimmune problems will be more easily treated if he can get my immune 
system back up and running.

If I knew more about CS, I could approach him with trying this.  Does CS 
help boost immune system or does it mainly fight infections?   My 
hemotologist says most people with autoimmune disorders have lots of 
infections that are hard to prove with bloodwork whn the immune system is 
failing.  Fungal problems are also being address, does CS treat fungal 
problems?  What about adrenal burnout, will CS help this?


Original Message Follows
From: Linda Ellis
Subject: Re: CSSpeaking of chelation
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2005 12:11:44 -0700 (PDT)

Marshall, she actually ended up in the ICU with pneumonia.  I'm guessing 
there would have been flu-like symptoms leading up to that.  The last time 
I saw her before hospitalization was Mother's Day - then we left for a 
vacation, and before we got to see her upon return, she was in ICU.  I can't 
answer about circles or hollow eyes.  But, I will check.

While she had quit smoking years ago, she was a very heavy smoker for at 
least 40 years.  I'm guessing there was still a fairly heavy tox load from 
that in her cells

I sure wish I could find resources to research this better


Marshall Dudley wrote:

Linda Ellis wrote:

 So, can anybody out there point me to any reading that could confirm
 or refute how chelation works in the treatment of infections; and
 whether it has even a temporary effect of depressing the immune

I don't think the chelation herbs, or whatever was used, tend to depress
the immune system directly. That is, if you have no heavy metals in the
body, then I don't think it would affect the immune system. However
chelation is a several step process, first is mobilization, then
elimination. During the mobilization phase, heavy metals that have been
put away become mobilized, and in the blood stream. This can, from my
experience, cause systematic distress, essentially a heavy metal herx
reaction until they are eliminated. That will, in my opinion, depress
the immune system until everything is eliminated. I offset this by
taking CS during the mineral cycle of the chelation. Also if the
mineral cycle is not preformed during the treatment, then there could be
consequences from loss of metals the body needs, such as calcium.

Did she get any flu like symptoms, or circles under the eyes, when doing
the chelation? If so then that is a sure sign of teh heavy metal
mobilization causing a herx like reaction.


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RE: CSMy symptoms - please help!

2005-05-27 Thread Joni Lovegrove

I was on a quest similar to yours.  After many years of continued decline in 
my health, many of the same symptoms you have and more, I was finally 
diagnosed with MS, this was after interstitial cystitis, chronic fatigue, 
fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, chronic yeast, asthma, etc.  BUT, I now find 
out I have chronic late stage lyme disease.  It can mimic so many things, 
there are also many other co-infections that go along with lyme.  As someone 
else mentioned to you, there are treatments.  If you have had lyme for a 
long time, it usually requires very aggressive treatment.  It does take 
someone who understands and treats lyme regularly to properly diagnose and 

When you have multi-system health problems involving your immune system, 
most often there is one major culprit, but the primary problem can cause and 
mimic so many other illnesses.  Keep searching until you find a doctor that 
is capable and will listen and be your own advocate.


I am on what appears to be an eternal quest to figure out what exactly is
going on in my body, and how to fix it. For 7 years I have bobbed around
from Dr. to Dr. and from diagnosis to diagnosis (all of which ended up being
incomplete), ultimately leaving me on my own to figure things out.

The closest thing I can come to is either Fibromyalgia / Chronic Fatigue, or
Myofascial Pain Syndrome, Candida, and ???  Seems like I may have a lot of
different things going on, but I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY MY BODY JUST WONT

Can anyone please help to cut through the fog of confusion and suffering? I
am only 30 years old, and have been suffering for too long!!  I am SO TIRED
of Drs not knowing what to tell me, cramming a million pills in my face, and
taking all my money and in return getting nothing besides frustration and
side effects.

Overall it seems as if my immune system is essentially just not functioning.
My body should have healed by now. I am only 30. It feels like something
SYSTEMIC is sapping my energy and hampering my immune system... BUT WHAT IS

Here's what is going on with me:

My muscles hurt when I use them, specifically my shoulders, neck and arms.
And I am talking about light use - like reading some magazines or driving
for 30 min.  I was in some fairly severe rear-ending car accidents in my
earlier years, so theoretically this could be causing some of my muscle
pain/weakness all these years later?  Myofascial Pain Syndrome?

My energy levels are also at an all time low - it is as if my chi or life
force is just COMPLETELY DRAINED. Hard to describe, but my life energy
feels like it is not even there at all. No excitement, no happiness, no
creative drive, no ANYTHING. I feel like a walking husk, like everything has
just gone flat line. Is this what Chronic Fatigue feels like?

I have a LOT of anxiety that appears to come from a biochemical / biological
level. In other words, I don't get all worked up about something and thus
experience anxiety. Quite the opposite: it's a nice day, I am in a good
mood, yet I have twisting, nervous anxiety running through my system.
Frustrating and hard to deal with to say the least.

My libido has never been so low in my life - it as if it is non-existent.

When I eat sugars or alcohol, I get the dreaded brain fog that Candida and
Fibromyalgia sufferers experience. This leads me to think that I have
Candida at a bare minimum.

These vary in intensity, but are always there to the point that people often
comment with things like wow, you look tired! or wow, you look terrible!
Get some sleep! etc etc etc. and it is not only very frustrating, but also
very embarrassing and self-esteem sapping.

When I eat wheat (like the amount in an order of tempura shrimp), I get
upper extremity muscle pain, and very uncomfortable anxiety that almost
seems to come from a nervous system level. Hard to explain but it as if
someone is sticking a fork in my whole nervous system and just twisting.
Very uncomfortable, and usually is accompanied by stomach upset/nausea.

I am sensitive to many fragrances, detergents, etc so avoid all those, but
also have problems with dust mites, diesel smoke, etc. If I eat food that
was wrapped in certain types of Saran (PVC) wrap, I break out in hives. This
was recently discovered to be a sensitivity to phthalates which are
chemicals put into some plastics to soften them. See and for
more info on phthalates.

_  ___ _  ___ __ _  _   _

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RE: CSNeed advice on eradicating Borrelia Burgdorferi

2005-05-04 Thread Joni Lovegrove
I can relate to your situation, I was misdiagnosed with MS and now find out 
I have advanced Lyme's disease.  My family doctor sent me to a clinic that 
specializes in treating lyme's (Jemsek clinic) in NC a couple of weeks ago,  
They use high dose intravenous IV antibiotics pulsed with oral antibiotics 
and lots of IV fluids, they have a nutrition department that recommends 
certain supplements, boost your immune system  and are building a 
decompression chamber (can't think of the name of it.)   Also work with you 
on the (hirks0 reactions and monitor liver and kidney function very closely.

I also have central nervous system damage along with the many other symptoms 
and condtions that develop with untreated lyme's.

I am waiting to see what others on this list say about CS and treatment of 
lyme's, I am definitely going to consider other options  before starting 
such an aggressive treatment.  Also (to any of you out there), will CS help 
with the yeast problem that develops with lots of antibiotic use and what 
are the interactions, if any, with CS and IV and oral intibiotics?

Borrelia burgdorferi is very hard to treat.  Since spirochetes in general 
are difficult to treat for several reasons; they have the ability to burrow 
into or between cells and hide, gaining protection from the immune system.  
It is also hard to get a positive reading on a test because of this, the 
immune system is so shot at this point that is very important to get your 
tests done at a lab that specializes in recognizing borrelia burgdorferi Bb. 
 My first two tests came back negative.  The probability of co-infections 
is extremely high wth tick born diseases.

I guess you know, this bug eventually hits all of your systems and can mimic 
many other condtions.

Good luck, I am still making decisions on my treatment and also open to any 


Original Message Follows
Subject: CSNeed advice on eradicating Borrelia Burgdorferi
Date: Wed, 4 May 2005 16:05:54 EDT

Hello Group,

I am trying to rid myself of borrelia burgdorferi and would appreciate any
input on how to accomplish it. Long term antibiotics seemed to have had 

or no effect. This has really taken a toll on me and in turn on my family as
well. I have a Silverpuppy generator. Any advice is welcome.


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RE: CSLyme disease

2005-05-04 Thread Joni Lovegrove


Original Message Follows
From: Marshalee
Subject: CSLyme disease
Date: Wed, 04 May 2005 17:40:56 -0600

Dear Joni,
It is actually Lyme Disease; it doesn`t own anything. Named after the town 
of Lyme, CT.
 I`m so glad you got a proper diagnosis. I hope CS helps you as well as it 
did me!!

Good luck,

I can relate to your situation, I was misdiagnosed with MS and now find out 
I have advanced Lyme's disease.

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Re: CSLive Bacteria (Joni)

2005-01-09 Thread Joni Lovegrove

This is an old email, but I have a question concerning mycoplasms for 
someone willing to answer.  I  have other chronic problems I have asked 
questions about previously but most recently have had an unexplained 
pulmonary  problem which presents itself as asthma, but none of the 
conventional treatments have worked.  My husband and I have been ill since 
before Thanksgiving, which started with what we thought was the flu, he has 
had ongoing lanrangel spasms (very frightening), unrelenting cough for both 
of us, we have had prednizone, antibiiotics, allergy medications, etc., 
inhalers, etc., a friend just mentioned to me this weekend that she was 
recently hospitalized for mycoplasms and treated with high dose antibiotics. 
 How could this be diagnosed and what is the chance of trying CS for this?

With so many sudden breathing problems, we decided to purchased and ion 
clean air machine which after a week of being closed up in the bedroom and 
becoming much worse finally read the fine print and found out you are NOT 
suppose to use these machines with asthma or any kind of repiratory 
problems, the machine actually produces ozone and in a close area this can 
pose serious health problems, in a room with the door closed in a very short 
period of time, the ozone level is sometimes 5 times higher than permissable 
levels.  This is  on the box but in the back of the manual.  It does clean 
spores, bacteria, etc., with the ozone it produces.   Everything I have read 
since this, says ozone exposure can cause many of the symptoms we are having 
and can cause pulmonary damage. Does CS also work for repairing damage 
already done?  I do remember in earlier questions about asthma, someone 
mentioned several things to add to a breathing treatment when doing them at 
home, I think it included DSMO?  I thought I saved the email, but cannot 
locate it.


Original Message Follows
From: nancymike
Subject: Re: CSLive Bacteria (Joni)
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2004 22:16:22 -0600

I truly believe MS is a mycoplasma, which is a man made virus.  All MS
patients who are using CS are doing well.  This is because it is a virus.
- Original Message -
From: Garnet
To: Silver List
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: CSLive Bacteria (Joni)

 On Mon, 2004-11-01 at 22:33, nancymike wrote:
  MS is a virus.  It is a mycoplasma, That is why it can be cured with 

  has nothng to do with aspertame.

 I believe you meant MS is NOT a virus?

 Aspartame could indeed contribute to the invasion of the joint, by
 causing inflammatory conditions.

 Great article btw, thanks for posting this.


 Mycoplasmas, unlike viruses, can grow in tissue fluids (blood, joint,
 heart, chest and spinal fluids) and can grow inside any living tissue
 cell without killing the cells, as most normal bacteria and viruses will
 do. Mycoplasmas are frequently found in the oral and genito-urinary
 tracts of normal healthy people and are found to infect females four
 times more often than males, which just happens to be the same incidence
 rate in rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and other
 related disorders.(7) Mycoplasmas are parasitic in nature and can attach
 to specific cells without killing the cells and thus their infection
 process and progress can go undetected. In some people the attachment of
 mycoplasmas to the host cell acts like a living thorn; a persistent
 foreign substance, causing the host's immune defense mechanism to wage
 war. This allergic type of inflammation often results in heated,
 swollen, and painful inflamed tissues, like those found in rheumatoid
 diseases, fibromyalgia and many other autoimmune disorders like lupus
 and MS, Crohn's and others. In such cases the immune system begins
 attacking itself and/or seemingly healthy cells. Some species of
 mycoplasmas also have the unique ability to completely evade the immune
 system. Once they attach to a host cell in the body, their unique plasma
 and protein coating can then mimic the cell wall of the host cell and
 the immune system cannot differentiate the mycoplasma from the body's
 own host cell.

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSmercury and heavy metals

2004-11-23 Thread Joni Lovegrove
I would like an answer to this question also.  I worked with heavy metals 
and radioisotopes for many years?  I have just recently sent off a hair 

Original Message Follows
From: Betsy Coffey
Subject: CSmercury and heavy metals
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2004 19:19:41 -0800 (PST)

Does CS remove mercury or heavy metals? Does it work
as a detox agent for other things besides heavy metals?

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Joni Lovegrove

Re: CSAsthma

2004-11-23 Thread Joni Lovegrove
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Joni Lovegrove

Re: CSAsthma

2004-11-22 Thread Joni Lovegrove

Diet change:
What could I be eating that could cause asthma, I would glady remove 
anything from my diet, I agree that diet is crucial, but I am not familiar 
with foods that cause asthma, but I have found that any shellfish, avacodo, 
and some food additives put me into an asthma attack.  What has been 
coughing and wheezing has now turned into almost totally constricted 
airways, something has really changed.  Is there a book or a website on 
foods and asthma?

Next response to mold:
We have lots of trees around our house and lots of rain lately, it seems to 
worsen the asthma to go outside.   I have had a touch of asthma for a few 
years, seems to be triggered by allergies, dust, mold, cats, etc., we do 
have a cat in the house, but this has been a very severe acute attack.   I 
cannot be around smoke, dyes or pesticides.  No mold that I am aware of in 
our house, or leaks, we do have a basement, but my husband coated the 
outside and inside as we built it, along with rubber coating on blocks 
inside and out of basement.  We also use a dehumidifier in the summer.  I 
have a large ion machine in our bedroom.

I think after being in the hospital, all the antibiotics, then the final 
straw was an injection of enbrel, it set me into an immediate asthma attack, 
it has been very severe for the past two weeks.  I finally had to take 
prednizone because my oxygen flow was less than 20%, I could walk miles, now 
I can barely breath and walk up the steps, xrays show my lungs are severely 
enlarged.  I have never had anything like this, it is really frightening.

You mentioned micoplasms:
How can microplasms be checked? As for the neulizing of DMSO and CS, I have 
been too sick to figure out how to get it.  I absolutely cannot get a full 
breath when I walk or talk.  I am really concerened about taking prednizone 
and the inhaler, but it was all I could do under my present circumstances.  
I am hoping to get over this acute stage, so I can follow through on some of 
the suggestions and going to the links that many of you have sent for the 
differnt health issues I have recently developed.


Are you in a moist humid climate? Are there any moisture issues in your
house or basement? Do you have a crawl space under your house? Do you
know of any plumbing leaks?

Mold could hide in very hard to find places and be outgassing toxic
fumes that cause asthma and immune suppression. It is a frequent hidden
cause of asthma, cancer, CFS and MCS.

Mycoplasma growing in the mucous in the lungs can cause asthma,
nebulizing DMSO and CS will kill it and often relieves asthma symptoms
in just a few days.


On Mon, 2004-11-22 at 12:03, Sharon Cooper wrote:
 Changing her diet how?
 I am wondering what she might be eating that could cause asthma. I have
 been worried about my 2yo because he had three asthma attacks  ( one
 really bad one ) and they want me to put him on steroids for the next
 7 years. Seems excessive to me and if there is a possiblity of keeping
 him healthy without I'd like to hear it.

 On Nov 21, 2004, at 10:41 PM, John Rigby wrote:

  At 02:14 PM 21/11/04, you wrote:
  I am having a terrible time with asthma, none of the traditonal
  medications are working, if this something CS could help.  I think
  all the antibiotics have caused more and more allergies which have
  worsened my asthma, my lungs are extremely enlarged, but very
  constricted bronchil tubes.  I am on two inhalors and prednisone, I
  fought the prednisone, but it was an emergy situation.  I am already
  dealing with MS, Lymes, and the chonic antibiotic resistant kidney
  infection.  I have appreciated all the information supplied by many
  of you.
  Joni Lovegrove
  Joni, PLEASE  try changing your diet  as a critical first step.
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Joni Lovegrove

Re: CSAsthma

2004-11-21 Thread Joni Lovegrove

Thank you so much!

Original Message Follows
From: twllLL
Subject: Re: CSAsthma
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 00:53:18 +0300

Look into these:(YAMOA  BARK) it comes from Africa.
{ Serrapeptase }  Its a enzyme.Good for inflamation  cleaning your arteries 
out,  blood thinner  more.

Hulda Clark claims it parasites that cause it.
In the {Water Cure book},he says drinking more water
 adding more salt to the diet will help cure it.
Sea Salt of course. www.curezone  this site has info on
most of the above.

- Original Message - From: Joni Lovegrove
Sent: Sunday, November 21, 2004 7:14 AM
Subject: CSAsthma

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Joni Lovegrove


2004-11-20 Thread Joni Lovegrove
I am having a terrible time with asthma, none of the traditonal medications 
are working, if this something CS could help.  I think all the antibiotics 
have caused more and more allergies which have worsened my asthma, my lungs 
are extremely enlarged, but very constricted bronchil tubes.  I am on two 
inhalors and prednisone, I fought the prednisone, but it was an emergy 
situation.  I am already dealing with MS, Lymes, and the chonic antibiotic 
resistant kidney infection.  I have appreciated all the information supplied 
by many of you.

Joni Lovegrove

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSLive Bacteria

2004-11-10 Thread Joni Lovegrove
Thank you both for the information, but how do I figure out what alkalizes 
MY body, since everyone does respond differently.

I do have one cup of coffe in the morning, I eat fruit and grains, nuts, 
very little meat, mostly chicken baked, I have recently tried to remove most 
of the dairy products, I was having lots of cheese, yogurt and milk and 
cereal every morning, I eat lots of salads and soups and vegetables, I drink 
lots of water.  It havne't managed totally cutting out the sugar, but I am 


Original Message Follows
From: sol
Subject: Re: CSLive Bacteria
Date: Mon, 08 Nov 2004 09:22:39 -0700

A no meat diet is not best for everyone. What foods alkalize a body depends 
on the body. Nothing works for everyone.


j rigby wrote:

Hi there, Joni

Things like your symptoms will respond very quickly as a rule.  DO take in 
lots of CS - it won't hurt you - but do something about the CAUSE before it 
is too late. Get into an Alkaline Diet.  No meat, no white anything - 
flour, sugar, rice. Especially, no coffee or tea.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Joni Lovegrove

Re: CSLive Bacteria (Joni)

2004-11-01 Thread Joni Lovegrove
Thanks, TJ,  for the information, just got out of hospital...of course, I 
could not get them to try CS.  I have had intravenous drips for four days 
and still very sick, have had both antifungals and antibiotics, only seem to 
be worse.  I am going to try the CS on my own, but one more question...since 
I have also been diagnosed with MS, is there any additional  information I 
need to know before starting the CS.  I cannot start on MS meds until this 
infection is gone.  At this point...from what I have read about 
interferon...I don't even want to take it.   Is there any evidence that CS 
could help MS?


Original Message Follows
From: Dan Nave
Subject: Re: CSLive Bacteria (Joni)
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 09:31:37 -0500

Is this injested orally?

Re: CSLive Bacteria (Joni)

From: T J Garland (view other messages by this author)
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2004 19:51:37

I have found personally and with friends that CS with DMSO and a half
teaspoon of D- Mannose( the active ingredient in cranberry juice) mixed
is deadly to the  E-coli and other bacteria in the bladder.  TJ


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Joni Lovegrove

Re: CSLive Bacteria (Joni)

2004-11-01 Thread Joni Lovegrove

Thanks, I had heard that it could be a culprit, I cut it out of my diet 
about two years ago because it was a major migraine trigger for me, but 
maybe I am getting in foods that I am not aware of.  I will go online and 
check that out.  - joni

Original Message Follows
From: T J Garland
Subject: Re: CSLive Bacteria (Joni)
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2004 19:13:47 -0500

Joni-- you may not know, but at a world conference on MS in 2003 it was
pretty much decided that aspertame was the culprit. It is in 5000 food
- Original Message -
From: Joni Lovegrove
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2004 10:41 AM
Subject: Re: CSLive Bacteria (Joni)

 Thanks, TJ,  for the information, just got out of hospital...of course, I
 could not get them to try CS.  I have had intravenous drips for four days
 and still very sick, have had both antifungals and antibiotics, only seem
 be worse.  I am going to try the CS on my own, but one more
 I have also been diagnosed with MS, is there any additional  information 
 need to know before starting the CS.  I cannot start on MS meds until 

 infection is gone.  At this point...from what I have read about
 interferon...I don't even want to take it.   Is there any evidence that 

 could help MS?


 Original Message Follows
 From: Dan Nave
 Subject: Re: CSLive Bacteria (Joni)
 Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 09:31:37 -0500

 Is this injested orally?

 Re: CSLive Bacteria (Joni)

 From: T J Garland (view other messages by this author)
 Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2004 19:51:37



 I have found personally and with friends that CS with DMSO and a half
 teaspoon of D- Mannose( the active ingredient in cranberry juice) mixed
 is deadly to the  E-coli and other bacteria in the bladder.  TJ


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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

 Joni Lovegrove

Joni Lovegrove

RE: CSLive Bacteria

2004-10-26 Thread Joni Lovegrove
 been taking it.
 She told me when she had her tests, the urine test showed a large
 LIVE bacteria had showed up in the test.
 The doctor was surprised at this.
 They must have saw the silver coming and got out while the getin's

 Bill Amos

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour


Joni Lovegrove

Joni Lovegrove

Joni Lovegrove

Re: CSLive Bacteria

2004-10-25 Thread Joni Lovegrove
I am new to this list, I wrote something, but never saw a reply in regard to 
my history.  But, this topic I am seeing involving the bladder is exactly 
what I am going through.  I am getting nothing resolved.  I have mentioned 
CS to my doctors but none have listened, I am allergic to many of the 
antibiotics and this infection has reached my kidneys and seems resistant to 
everything that has been tried.  I am going back today, very concerned, the 
bacteria that grew colonies is entercoccus. Any suggestions, appreciated.


Original Message Follows
From: Garnet
To: Silver List
Subject: Re: CSLive Bacteria
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2004 23:10:09 -0500

I thought it was excreted in the urine within an hour? Maybe you have to
drink a lot. It could also be infused via a urinary catheter as in DMSO
therapy for cystitis.


On Sun, 2004-10-24 at 23:15, nancymike wrote:
 Unfortunately CS doesn't quite get to the bladder to kill the bacteria
 there.  I have found great help from d Mannose.
 - Original Message -
 From: Denise Every
 Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2004 11:02 PM
 Subject: Re: CSLive Bacteria

  She told me when she had her tests, the urine test showed a large 

  LIVE bacteria had showed up in the test.
  The doctor was surprised at this.
  They must have saw the silver coming and got out while the getin's 

  The doctor shouldn't be surprised... it's LIVE bacteria that cause an
  infection, it's LIVE bacteria that grow on the culture plate when they 

  urine culture and sensitivity.  Dead bacteria don't cause infection, 

  bacteria would not grow on a culture.  What the heck kind of doctor is
  If the bacteria were dead and had been killed by the CS, it would show 

  the urine as cells and debris, and *might* cause a nitrate-positive
  (although I'm not sure about that, not being a laboratory specialist) 

  urine... (the positive nitrate reaction indicates the presence of
  from which one can deduce there is likely a bladder infection going on,
  I don't know if same response comes from dead bacteria)... but as I 
  they're not going to grow out on a culture if the bacteria 
  live and she had taken CS, it doesn't sound like the CS had any effect 

  the bacteria whatsoever.
  - Original Message -
  From: William Amos
  Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 10:24 PM
  Subject: CSLive Bacteria
   Hello All:
   I just talked to a friend of mine who has a very sick daughter.
   I gave her a large supply of CS and she has been taking it.
   She told me when she had her tests, the urine test showed a large 

   LIVE bacteria had showed up in the test.
   The doctor was surprised at this.
   They must have saw the silver coming and got out while the getin's 

   Bill Amos
   The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
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   List maintainer: Mike Devour

Joni Lovegrove

RE: CSLive Bacteria (Joni)

2004-10-25 Thread Joni Lovegrove

Hi Bill,
This infection has spread to my kidneys and is not responding to tradtional 
antibiotics, will the CS help with kidney as well as bladder infections?  I 
am also suppose to start on an interferon drug next week for MS, I don't 
know where to find information in regard to drug interactions with CS, or if 
that is a problem.  I am allergic to many antibiotics, are there any adverse 
reactions other than the hex reaction from bacteria decaying.  I have Lyme's 
disease, can CS help kill this bacteria.

Thanks so much,

Original Message Follows
From: William Amos
Subject: CSLive Bacteria (Joni)
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 10:09:18

Hi Joni:
Thanks to Dr. Kenney, Garnet and others on the list that have
taken their time to give their input on this problem, I believe that there 
is help.
It is your decision to try the Colloidal Silver, and as you have read, it 
has helped many.
I will keep the list informed on the young lady that I mentioned with the 
same problem.

Bill Amos

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Joni Lovegrove

RE: CSLive Bacteria

2004-10-25 Thread Joni Lovegrove
Address Off-Topic messages to:
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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Joni Lovegrove

Joni Lovegrove