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2022-08-22 Thread T. J. Garland
Search COVID and peroxide

We’re in a situation pretty much like Martin Niemöller described in Germany of 
the 1940s. He famously said, "First they came for the communists, and I did not 
speak out because I was not a communist. Then they came for the socialists, and 
I did not speak out because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade 
unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then 
they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then 
they came for me, and there was no one left to speak out for me."

The 5G War — Technology Versus Humanity

2022-08-17 Thread T. J. Garland

“The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of 
taxation and inflation.” -Vladimir Ilich Lenin.

COVID UPDATE: What is the truth? - PMC

2022-07-14 Thread T. J. Garland
Long read but worth it. Send viral.

The reason why Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” was declared to 
be “safe and effective” by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is 
because Pfizer lied about the outcomes of its clinical trials.  Ethan Huff

They really are trying to kill us!

2022-07-14 Thread T. J. Garland

The reason why Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” was declared to 
be “safe and effective” by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is 
because Pfizer lied about the outcomes of its clinical trials.  Ethan Huff

The reason our Gardens are failing is UVC

2022-07-13 Thread T. J. Garland

The reason why Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” was declared to 
be “safe and effective” by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is 
because Pfizer lied about the outcomes of its clinical trials.  Ethan Huff

Pfizer Classified Nearly Every Severe Adverse Reaction During COVID Vaccine Trials as “Not Related to Shots” - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

2022-07-12 Thread T. J. Garland

“Lenin was certainly right, there is no subtler, no surer means of overturning 
the basis of existing society than to debauch the currency. This process 
engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and 
does it in a manner not one man in a million is able to diagnose."  Keynes

Fwd: Warning from Maggie Valley, NC

2022-07-09 Thread T. J. Garland

“Lenin was certainly right, there is no subtler, no surer means of overturning 
the basis of existing society than to debauch the currency. This process 
engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and 
does it in a manner not one man in a million is able to diagnose."  Keynes

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Pastor Rob Bremer 
> Date: July 9, 2022 at 1:03:09 PM EDT
> To: Randy Baldwin , Samantha Baldwin 
> , Beau Bremer 
> Subject: Fwd: Warning from Maggie Valley, NC
> CAUTION in Maggie Valley¡
> In regards to all the people wanting to move here from New York and 
> California as well as many other heavily populated cities across the country, 
> as well as those wanting to visit...
> Before you come to Maggie Valley to visit you must be aware of what is 
> happening here. There's a housing shortage, rent has tripled, and folks are 
> vacationing here in record numbers...theres no room to move, let alone to 
> drive or bicycle. 
> We were just told the Valley is sinking due to the weight of tourists and 
> come’eres.
> So if you plan on moving here, or just plan on vacationing, I think you 
> should know that wolf spiders, fire ants and bedbugs have infested hotels and 
> motels across the area due to dryer than usual weather. The woods will eat 
> you alive with ticks, mosquitoes and chiggers. There’s not a “Tick Town” 
> named here just for fun!
> Our lakes are full of gators, fresh water sharks, and creepy old guys wearing 
> speedos. 
> Our rivers, and streams are full of drunks in tubes peeing themselves while 
> the banjo players lay waiting in the bushes. 
> The Elk have eaten many domesticated animals and possibly some small children.
> The local bear and coyote population are all 'in heat' and think your 
> wife/girlfriend is hot.
> Snakes... don’t even get me started on the water headed copper moccasins 
> here, and the Diamond Back Rattler Cobras. 
> The poison ivy has overtaken all other vegetation. 
> We have had bear sightings at every park and they are after your picnic 
> baskets….and some cougars have been spotted in motel rooms and bars – they 
> especially love White Claw.
> Watch out for the jackalopes, they have been extremely aggressive this 
> season. 
> We have the Skunk Ape invading our parks and it’s their mating season. 
> Porcupines are "stabbing" small children should they dare to utilize the 
> local playground equipment. 
> Skunks have made their way over and multiplied at unprecedented rates and 
> wander the local campgrounds in packs looking for beer. Our possum no longer 
> play possum and will growl and snap their sharp teeth at you as they give 
> chase.
> Murder hornets!?! We’ve got great black clouds of murder hornets, and swarms 
> of giant crickets and even some attack grasshoppers. 
> Scorpions have now migrated here and have been congregating in massive 
> quantities under rocks, logs, wooden steps, automobiles, and tarantulas are 
> now stealing peoples food and biting like crazy.
> I’m pretty sure all private tiger owners (we had a jump in them after Tiger 
> King) have released their cats into the streets of our cities and towns. 
> Head lice now fly and we have vampire bats. 
> Oh, and no one is vaccinated. And we all have guns.
> I hear Idaho and Louisiana are really nice though.
> CAUTION in Maggie Valley¡
> In regards to all the people wanting to move here from New York and 
> California as well as many other heavily populated cities across the country, 
> as well as those wanting to visit...
> Before you come to Maggie Valley to visit you must be aware of what is 
> happening here. There's a housing shortage, rent has tripled, and folks are 
> vacationing here in record numbers...theres no room to move, let alone to 
> drive or bicycle. 
> We were just told the Valley is sinking due to the weight of tourists and 
> come’eres.
> So if you plan on moving here, or just plan on vacationing, I think you 
> should know that wolf spiders, fire ants and bedbugs have infested hotels and 
> motels across the area due to dryer than usual weather. The woods will eat 
> you alive with ticks, mosquitoes and chiggers. There’s not a “Tick Town” 
> named here just for fun!
> Our lakes are full of gators, fresh water sharks, and creepy old guys wearing 
> speedos. 
> Our rivers, and streams are full of drunks in tubes peeing themselves while 
> the banjo players lay waiting in the bushes. 
> The Elk have eaten many domesticated animals and possibly some small children.
> The local bear and coyote population are all 'in heat' and think your 
> wife/girlfriend is hot.
> Snakes... don’t even get me started on the water headed copper moccasins 
> here, and the Diamond Back Rattler Cobras. 
> The poison ivy has overtaken all other vegetation. 
> We have had bear sightings at every park and they are after your picnic 
> baskets….and some 

Boots on the ground...Evening edition....July 1st - YouTube

2022-07-01 Thread T. J. Garland

“Lenin was certainly right, there is no subtler, no surer means of overturning 
the basis of existing society than to debauch the currency. This process 
engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and 
does it in a manner not one man in a million is able to diagnose."  Keynes

SureSleep® Mask Rife

2022-06-27 Thread T. J. Garland
Rife technology?

Today-“The shot heard ‘round the world” from Pfizer 

Dr Sucharit Bhakdi: Organs Of Dead Vaccinated Proves Auto Immune Attack - 22/12/2021

2022-06-25 Thread T. J. Garland

Today-“The shot heard ‘round the world” from Pfizer 

Boots on the Ground...June 24th....Military is DESPERATE for people. - YouTube

2022-06-24 Thread T. J. Garland

Today-“The shot heard ‘round the world” from Pfizer 

Boots on the Ground...June 17th...Some Truckers have no loads to haul or taking time to find loads. - YouTube

2022-06-17 Thread T. J. Garland

The Romans once devalued their currency so much that they refused to accept it 
for tax payments. Casey

EXCLUSIVE: Shocking microscopy photos of blood clots extracted from those who “suddenly died” – crystalline structures, nanowires, chalky particles and fibrous structures

2022-06-13 Thread T. J. Garland

The Romans once devalued their currency so much that they refused to accept it 
for tax payments. Casey

Studies Link Incurable Prion Disease With COVID-19 Vaccine

2022-06-05 Thread T. J. Garland

Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.”


No Power, No Food, No Water, No Gas - Let’s Party - YouTube

2022-06-02 Thread T. J. Garland

Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.”


Wayne Allen Root: I’ve Figured Out the Whole Covid Vaccine Scam- Here It Is. Read it and Weep. – [your]NEWS

2022-06-01 Thread T. J. Garland

Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.”



2022-05-19 Thread T. J. Garland
Any data on CS killing monkeypox virus?
How about Croft zapper? 

Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.”


Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 14, 2022,

2022-05-15 Thread T. J. Garland
Grow a garden. Store food. Hoard fuels. Stock up drugs.
All the elite are our enemies- Zionists. Easy to prove.

“America goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy.” 
John Quincy Adams

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 7, 2022, # 352 ( Dane Wigington ) - YouTube

2022-05-08 Thread T. J. Garland

“America goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy.” 
John Quincy Adams

COSMIC DISASTER | CIA: Classified - YouTube

2022-05-04 Thread T. J. Garland
Watch again

“America goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy.” 
John Quincy Adams

Fwd: Fascinating about Daszak

2022-04-26 Thread T. J. Garland

“America goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy.” 
John Quincy Adams

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Robert Dotson 
> Date: April 26, 2022 at 10:54:33 AM EDT
> To: TJGarland 
> Subject: Fascinating about Daszak
> Reply-To: Robert Dotson 

The Next ‘Great Pandemic:’ Astronomical Death Counts Now Being Telegraphed and Marketed to the Public - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

2022-04-15 Thread T. J. Garland
Any chance CS will cure bird flu virus?

Florida Hospital Stops Ivermectin Without Telling Family, Fires Nurse for Advocating for It

2022-04-14 Thread T. J. Garland
Medical horror story! It’s all abut the money.
Note that hospitals can’t be sued for this under federal guidelines.
Send viral. Have a medical power of attorney with enforceable guidelines.
Remove your relative from the hospital if needed.

Stanley Kubrick Moon Landing Hoax Confession

2022-04-09 Thread T. J. Garland

Fwd: Boycott Disney: Child-grooming Disney linked to Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein's pedo island

2022-04-09 Thread T. J. Garland

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Victor Bunch 
> Date: April 8, 2022 at 11:44:22 PM EDT
> To: undisclosed-recipients:;
> Subject: Fwd: Boycott Disney: Child-grooming Disney linked to Ghislaine 
> Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein's pedo island
> Over 200 children a yr go missing at Disney World! 
> Boycott Disney: Child-grooming Disney linked to Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey 
> Epstein's pedo island
> From today's story, with citations: Photos of convicted pedophile Ghislaine 
> Maxwell hosting an event called "Happy Family Disney Day" in 1985 have 
> surfaced on the Internet today. It’s the ultimate PR nightmare.
> It’s going to be very hard for Disney to claim that it’s not a pro-pedophile 
> organization when it literally took donations from the world’s most infamous 
> (still) living pedophile and "groomer to the stars."
> For years, a Disney-owned and operated Caribbean cruise line was operating a 
> ‘snorkeling tour’ for kids to Jeffrey Epstein’s renowned "Pedophile Island."
> The Disney Cruise did not warn parents that Epstein’s renowned island was 
> owned by the notorious billionaire pedophile, describing it as "sun-soaked."
> Listen to the full story here.
> P.S. We will have more podcasts posted this weekend, and a major breaking 
> interview coming out late Monday that will blow your mind. Stay tuned for 
> details...
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America's Frontline Doctors Confirm: Vaccine-Related AIDS Will Hit MILLIONS By Fall

2022-03-25 Thread T. J. Garland
Any trials using CS?

The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose and it will 
defend itself” - Saint Augustine.

Interaction of silver nanoparticles with HIV-1

2022-03-21 Thread T. J. Garland

The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose and it will 
defend itself” - Saint Augustine.

Ivermectin Decreases Mortality - Andrew Hill POS

2022-03-18 Thread T. J. Garland

The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose and it will 
defend itself” - Saint Augustine.

'You Would Not Believe What Happened Last Night': Marjorie Taylor Greene Blasts Pelosi - YouTube

2022-03-17 Thread T. J. Garland

The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose and it will 
defend itself” - Saint Augustine.

Adverse Reactions to COVID Vaccines I Have Come Across

2022-03-13 Thread T. J. Garland

The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose and it will 
defend itself” - Saint Augustine.

Perhaps the Most Effective Weapon Against Viral Infections

2022-03-11 Thread T. J. Garland

The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose and it will 
defend itself” - Saint Augustine.

Fwd: Photos support claims that George H. Scherf(f), Jr., was the 41st U.S. president | Outrageous Minds

2022-03-07 Thread T. J. Garland

The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose and it will 
defend itself” - Saint Augustine.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "T. J. Garland" 
> Date: March 7, 2022 at 10:02:37 PM EST
> To: Danny Seals 
> Subject: Photos support claims that George H. Scherf(f), Jr., was the 41st 
> U.S. president | Outrageous Minds
> The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose and it 
> will defend itself” - Saint Augustine.

Commodities - Live Quote Price Trading Data

2022-03-07 Thread T. J. Garland

The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose and it will 
defend itself” - Saint Augustine.

dojo->(source code)

2022-03-05 Thread T. J. Garland

The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose and it will 
defend itself” - Saint Augustine.

Special Report From the Front Line in Ukraine - YouTube

2022-03-04 Thread T. J. Garland

The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose and it will 
defend itself” - Saint Augustine.

Fwd: Dr. Zelenko speaks out!

2022-03-04 Thread T. J. Garland

The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose and it will 
defend itself” - Saint Augustine.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Pastor Rob Bremer 
> Date: March 4, 2022 at 10:07:32 AM EST
> To: Linda Jenkins , "T. J. Garland" 
> , Sonny Coane , Victor Bunch 
> , val erie , Samantha Baldwin 
> , Randy Baldwin , RED 
> Subject: Dr. Zelenko speaks out!
> I’m Tired of All the Politically Correct Rhetoric. It Is Time To Simply 
> Explain What Happened and Why
> By Dr. Vladimir Zelenko (Zelenko Protocol)
> I’m tired of all the politically correct rhetoric. It is time to simply 
> explain what happened and why.
> 1. Covid-19 is a man made weapon of mass murder that was funded and created 
> by the American government and NIH
> 2. The American government serves the globalist elites and is the enemy of 
> the people
> 3. Successful treatments were and are intentionally suppressed. Anything that 
> gave people hope and reduced fear was obstructed
> 4. Global fear is used to fool people into taking mRNA shots
> 5. The mRNA shots were created to accomplish a globalist agenda
> 6. The globalist agenda is to
> -decrease the world population and cause infertility
> -to control and enslave people by injecting tracking technology and link that 
> technology to the use of global cryptocurrency
> -trans-humanist agenda through the mRNA delivered gene editing technology
> Don’t fear covid. Don’t take mRNA shots
> Form military tribunals and bring ALL the global predators to justice
> All this can and will be proven with evidence
> I’m a conspiracy realist
> Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD

An Easy and Effective Shield to Protect From Covid-19 - LewRockwell

2022-02-19 Thread T. J. Garland


deep state and the digital-financial complex | "Lexikon der Finanzwelt" with Ernst Wolff

2022-02-16 Thread T. J. Garland


FreedomConvoy USA "We have a right to resist and we have an obligation & duty to do so!" T. Lindsay - YouTube

2022-02-14 Thread T. J. Garland


IT'S NOT 'COVID'. IT'S 5G. -- Hope & Tivon

2022-02-07 Thread T. J. Garland


Cancer and Silver

2022-01-31 Thread T. J. Garland


Data From Around the World - Including Antarctica - Show Omicron Favoring the Fully Vaccinated - Tennessee Star

2022-01-21 Thread T. J. Garland


Dr Martin 5 minutes 2 laws - get up and battle easily - start taking evidence now

2022-01-17 Thread T. J. Garland


Marburg Virus: Origins, Transmission, Pathophysiology, Symptoms - YouTube

2022-01-12 Thread T. J. Garland
Ivermectin? Colloidal silver?

The one thing we learn from history is that we don’t learn from history.  -Hegel

Dr Robert O. Becker: Silver Iontophoresis (Regeneration by Silver Ions)

2022-01-12 Thread T. J. Garland

The one thing we learn from history is that we don’t learn from history.  -Hegel

High Heat Disarms Coronavirus in Less Than a Second

2022-01-11 Thread T. J. Garland

The one thing we learn from history is that we don’t learn from history.  -Hegel

Food Supply Issues Thin Veneer of Civilization 2022-2024 (David Morgan FULL INTERVIEW) - YouTube

2022-01-09 Thread T. J. Garland
Send viral

The one thing we learn from history is that we don’t learn from history.  -Hegel

Covid Vaccine Scientific Proof Lethal – SUN

2022-01-08 Thread T. J. Garland

The one thing we learn from history is that we don’t learn from history.  -Hegel

How Bad is my Batch ?

2022-01-08 Thread T. J. Garland

The one thing we learn from history is that we don’t learn from history.  -Hegel

CS>How many people have been murdered with the Covid-19 Vaccines? – The Expose

2021-12-01 Thread T. J. Garland
No shot or booster-deadly list

Truth has to be repeated constantly, because Error also is being preached all 
the time, and not just by a few, but by the multitude. Goethe

CS>Warning ! Timeline Shows Threat of Incoming Smallpox False Flag

2021-11-23 Thread T. J. Garland

“Each one hopes that if he feeds the crocodile enough, the crocodile will eat 
him last.” - Winston Churchill

CS>CV19 Injections Will Cause Massive Deaths – Dr. Elizabeth Eads | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

2021-11-03 Thread T. J. Garland

The difference between the Titanic and California is, the Titanic went down 
with its lights on.  Anon

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

CS>Suspicious0bservers –incoming CME to Earth

2021-11-02 Thread T. J. Garland

The difference between the Titanic and California is, the Titanic went down 
with its lights on.  Anon

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

CS>Recordings Reveal Lockstep COVID-19 Protocols, Patient Isolation by Hospitals

2021-10-31 Thread T. J. Garland

Joe Biden is what happens when you order a president through the mail.  Anon

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

CS>Dr. Zelenko – We Are Living Through A Global Bio Weapon Attack, People Have The Cure To Fight It

2021-10-31 Thread T. J. Garland

Joe Biden is what happens when you order a president through the mail.  Anon

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

CS>Omega-6 poison Dr. mErcola

2021-10-31 Thread T. J. Garland
“I’m convinced that our wars against red meat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and 
sodium may be misguided. Fighting those battles may be like focusing on the 
sidekicks when the true villain pulling all the strings is still hiding in the 
shadows. It’s time to shine a light on that slippery villain, our possible 
public health enemy No. 1: vegetable oil.”

Prepare Your Food at Home

It’s vital that you reduce your intake of industrially processed seed oils as 
much as you can. This means eliminating the following oils:

Rice brAn

Joe Biden is what happens when you order a president through the mail.  Anon

CS>Clif High

2021-10-31 Thread T. J. Garland

Joe Biden is what happens when you order a president through the mail.  Anon

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

CS>Dr. Fauci Linked to NIH Funding of Brutal Animal Studies and AIDS Drug Trials that Reportedly Killed over 200 Children

2021-10-29 Thread T. J. Garland

Joe Biden is what happens when you order a president through the mail.  Anon

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

CS>Illinois Reports 77.7% of Its Covid DEATHS Last Week Were "Vaccinated" ⋆  The Liberty Daily

2021-10-29 Thread T. J. Garland

Joe Biden is what happens when you order a president through the mail.  Anon

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Cansema(R) Black Topical Salve - The Internationally Recognized Skin Cancer Treatment System - basal cell, squamous cell, melanoma, carcinoma, epithelioma

2021-10-28 Thread T. J. Garland
Better than a Mohs procedure.

Joe Biden is what happens when you order a president through the mail.  Anon

> On Oct 28, 2021, at 4:19 PM, MaryAnn Helland  wrote:
> Ok -- maybe I'll get brave enough to give it a 
> try...k..
> MA
> On Thursday, October 28, 2021, 03:03:56 PM CDT, Elizabeth Williams 
>  wrote:
> hmm, I cant tell you how deep it will go, my spot was on a more fleshy area, 
> but mine didnt get super deep. I knew after a few days that it was pulling 
> out of the body and then the area came out in one neat piece, after a couple 
> more weeks it was healed. 
> Elizabeth
> From: MaryAnn Helland 
> Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2021 2:57 PM
> To: 
> Subject: Re: CS>Cansema(R) Black Topical Salve - The Internationally 
> Recognized Skin Cancer Treatment System - basal cell, squamous cell, 
> melanoma, carcinoma, epithelioma
> Hi Elizabeth.  Thank you for responding.  This is a very small spot too -- 
> but on a nose, it's relative.  Did you get a deep hole before healing?  I'm 
> also worried that it would go all the way through the nose flesh.
> MA
> On Thursday, October 28, 2021, 02:32:54 PM CDT, Elizabeth Williams 
>  wrote:
> I have used cansema and it didnt leave a huge hole, but the initial spot was 
> small. It eventually healed completely.
> Elizabeth
> From: MaryAnn Helland 
> Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2021 12:13 PM
> To: 
> Subject: Re: CS>Cansema(R) Black Topical Salve - The Internationally 
> Recognized Skin Cancer Treatment System - basal cell, squamous cell, 
> melanoma, carcinoma, epithelioma
> I have a small container of black salve -- bought many years ago, and never 
> used.  I have a small spot on the side of my nose that I suspect is skin 
> cancer.  I had a cancerous blemish removed from the other side of my nose a 
> couple of years ago -- and have had many, many sunburns on my nose over the 
> years.  So.  I'm a little afraid to use the cansema because I've read reports 
> of the huge open wound that it can cause.  TJ -- did you experience that when 
> you used cansema on your skin cancers?
> MA
> On Thursday, October 28, 2021, 11:55:49 AM CDT, Rick 
>  wrote:
> Thank you for sharing that T. J.
> On Thu, Oct 28, 2021 at 5:51 AM T. J. Garland  wrote:
> Joe Biden is what happens when you order a president through the mail.  Anon
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>   Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
>   <>
> Archives: 
> Off-Topic discussions: <>
> List Owner: Mike Devour <>

CS>EXCLUSIVE – 85% of Covid-19 Deaths & 75% of Hospitalisations were among the Fully Vaccinated in the last month according to the latest Public Health data – The Expose

2021-10-28 Thread T. J. Garland

Joe Biden is what happens when you order a president through the mail.  Anon

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>covid fatality chart

2021-10-28 Thread T. J. Garland
I’ve been on this list for 22 years. Different names.
Yes you only have a gutter mouth. Your brain is turning to prions. 
Caused by the clot shot.
Research this.

Joe Biden is what happens when you order a president through the mail.  Anon

> On Oct 28, 2021, at 11:59 AM, Cyndiann Phillips  wrote:
> Linda I never used "vulgar" language till it was used on me many many many 
> times. Short term memory loss?
>   Virus-free.
>> On Thu, Oct 28, 2021 at 9:55 AM Linda Ellis  wrote:
>> One of Cyndiann's fatal flaws is her thinking that she's the only one on 
>> this list that has any contact with doctors and nurses to ask about 
>> conditions "on the ground."  Another of her fatal flaws is treating 
>> everybody else on this list like we're all stupid lemmings.  A third fatal 
>> flaw is her constant vulgarity.  If she really wanted to persuade anybody 
>> here to her viewpoint, she would benefit greatly from some time with a Dale 
>> Carnegie course - and taking a cue from a lesson I learned from my parents.  
>> People who constantly use vulgar language are simply showing their own lack 
>> of education and vocabulary.
>> Since she's sticking to her script, I assume she has no real interest in 
>> persuading anybody.  She's apparently getting some other benefit by 
>> continuing to post her screed.  I'm thinking maybe this is the closest she 
>> gets to having any people pay attention to her.  Probably has driven away 
>> everybody who could get away.  Probably has little social life - probably 
>> gets a lot of "I have to wash my hair" excuses when trying to set up a 
>> social event.
>> I'm still trying to block her, but I may actually have to change servers to 
>> accomplish this task.
>> From: "Cyndiann Phillips" 
>> Date: Sat, Oct 23, 2021 12:53 pm
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: CS>covid fatality chart
>> The only ones in hospitals that are vaccinated are the staff.
>> On Sat, Oct 23, 2021 at 12:53 PM Cyndiann Phillips <> 
>> wrote:
>> No they aren't. They really aren't. Go ask a nurse that works in the ICU.
>> Believing this makes you not do what you need to do so you won't die. Why 
>> are you not upset at them for telling you lies that will kill you?
>> On Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 6:02 PM MaryAnn Helland <> 
>> wrote:
>> You're the one believing lies.  Most of the people in hospitals now are 
>> vaccinated -- twice -- plus boostered.  And they're still sick, still in the 
>> hospital, and still dying.  The so-called 'vaccines' don't work.
>> On Friday, October 22, 2021, 11:57:57 AM CDT, Cyndiann Phillips < 
>>> wrote:
>> Yeah if you believe the lies. It's a fake chart.
>> Most the people in hospitals now are unvaccinated and under 50.
>> On Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 8:56 AM MaryAnn Helland <> 
>> wrote:
>> That's what's insane about this whole plandemic/injection issue.  You have 
>> better than a ninety-nine percent chance of not getting Novid.  And if you 
>> do get it, you have better than a ninety-nine percent of surviving it, even 
>> in the 75+ age group.  And for this, we have destroyed people's lives and 
>> the economy.  Insanity.
>> MA
>> On Friday, October 22, 2021, 01:32:40 AM CDT, Max <> 
>> wrote:
>> Covid, a disease of hyper-inflammation in the old and unwell

CS>Cansema(R) Black Topical Salve - The Internationally Recognized Skin Cancer Treatment System - basal cell, squamous cell, melanoma, carcinoma, epithelioma

2021-10-28 Thread T. J. Garland

Joe Biden is what happens when you order a president through the mail.  Anon

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Ivermectin for cancer

2021-10-28 Thread T. J. Garland
I’ve been using Cansema for years for skin cancer.

Joe Biden is what happens when you order a president through the mail.  Anon

> On Oct 27, 2021, at 10:01 PM, Smitty  wrote:
> So many people treat their Docs like God
> and take anything they prescribe
> I'm 89 and don't take any meds.
> So good
> Do take a lot of supplements.
> I stay far away from Docs & hospitals
>> On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 3:49 PM david moskovits  
>> wrote:
>> Wouldnt it be great if the truth would come out on everything 
>> From: Jean Baugh 
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2021 6:23 PM
>> To: 
>> Subject: Re: CS>Ivermectin for cancer
>> Hi,
>> I clicked on my link about Ivermectin and cancer and it opened.  It might 
>> very well be opposed by a lot of people, who stand to lose a lot of money.  
>> What would I have given to know this back in 2005?  My Mother was lost to 
>> chemotherapy and greed.
>> Passing on that link was hopefully helpful to others who are dying because 
>> they represent lots of money.  I heard a TV anchor say, If we found a cure 
>> for cancer, our economy would crash.  He spoke the truth!
>> May I suggest you use Duckduckgo to search for those terms?
>> Jean
>> On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 5:43 PM Rick  wrote:
>> For me it says The Conversation Requested Could Not Be Loaded
>> On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 5:50 PM p c  wrote:
>> Yes   Me too.   My doc won’t prescribe ivermectin - he likes 
>> hydroxychloroquine. But also said crack down on drs writing scripts. 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Oct 27, 2021, at 4:41 PM, Smitty  wrote:
>>> I got a message.
>>> *Not able to download*
>>> Censored. ??
>>> Does Anyone have this problem ?
>>> On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 11:27 AM Jean Baugh  
>>> wrote:

Re: CS>Ivermectin for cancer

2021-10-28 Thread T. J. Garland
Hulda Clark believed many cancers were caused by parasites.

Joe Biden is what happens when you order a president through the mail.  Anon

> On Oct 27, 2021, at 7:23 PM, Jean Baugh  wrote:
> Hi,
> I clicked on my link about Ivermectin and cancer and it opened.  It might 
> very well be opposed by a lot of people, who stand to lose a lot of money.  
> What would I have given to know this back in 2005?  My Mother was lost to 
> chemotherapy and greed.
> Passing on that link was hopefully helpful to others who are dying because 
> they represent lots of money.  I heard a TV anchor say, If we found a cure 
> for cancer, our economy would crash.  He spoke the truth!
> May I suggest you use Duckduckgo to search for those terms?
> Jean
>> On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 5:43 PM Rick  wrote:
>> For me it says The Conversation Requested Could Not Be Loaded
>>> On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 5:50 PM p c  wrote:
>>> Yes   Me too.   My doc won’t prescribe ivermectin - he likes 
>>> hydroxychloroquine. But also said crack down on drs writing scripts. 
>>> Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 27, 2021, at 4:41 PM, Smitty  wrote:
 I got a message.
 *Not able to download*
 Censored. ??
 Does Anyone have this problem ?
> On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 11:27 AM Jean Baugh  
> wrote:

CS>ONS Data reveals the Fully Vaccinated are 6 times more likely to die than the Unvaccinated due to all-causes – The Expose

2021-10-27 Thread T. J. Garland

Joe Biden is what happens when you order a president through the mail.  Anon

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

CS>The CDC is Lying to the World About Covid-19 Vaccine Safety – They Are Killing 15 People for Every 1 Life They Claim to Save

2021-10-26 Thread T. J. Garland

Joe Biden is what happens when you order a president through the mail.  Anon

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

CS>Twenty Reasons Mandatory Face Masks Are Unsafe, Ineffective, and Immoral - LewRockwell

2021-10-26 Thread T. J. Garland

Joe Biden is what happens when you order a president through the mail.  Anon

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

CS>Informed consent disclosure to vaccine trial subjects of risk of COVID-19 vaccines worsening clinical disease - PubMed

2021-10-26 Thread T. J. Garland

Joe Biden is what happens when you order a president through the mail.  Anon

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: CS>If You Take the COVID Vax, You Can Never Achieve Full Immunity Again – Government Stats Unveil the Horrifying Truth - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalizatio

2021-10-26 Thread T. J. Garland
Cyndiann, are you posting with the computer in the common room in the insane 

Joe Biden is what happens when you order a president through the mail.  Anon

> On Oct 26, 2021, at 11:43 AM, Cyndiann Phillips  wrote:
> You know Trump never won an election. He lost the popular vote twice and got 
> in only because of the electoral college. The majority of people voted 
> Democratic and with good reason. Thank goodness it was just one term with all 
> the damage he did to our democracy. It will take decades to undo the damage 
> done. 
> We've never had a president try to overthrow his own government and attack 
> the Capitol Building and he didn't care when they were going to hang his own 
> vice president. We know this to be true because with all that mess going on 
> they never bothered trying to get Trump to safely away from all the trouble 
> that day. They did Pence though. 
>> On Tue, Oct 26, 2021 at 8:10 AM T. J. Garland  wrote:
>> Joe Biden is what happens when you order a president through the mail.  Anon
>> --
>> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>>   Rules and Instructions:
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>>   <>
>> Archives: 
>> Off-Topic discussions: <>
>> List Owner: Mike Devour <>

CS>Greg Caton -- Rabbit Hole's End: The Blog

2021-10-26 Thread T. J. Garland

Joe Biden is what happens when you order a president through the mail.  Anon

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

CS>If You Take the COVID Vax, You Can Never Achieve Full Immunity Again – Government Stats Unveil the Horrifying Truth - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

2021-10-26 Thread T. J. Garland

Joe Biden is what happens when you order a president through the mail.  Anon

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 


2021-10-24 Thread T. J. Garland

Let’s go Brandon!  

CS>Are the Covid Jabs Responsible for Rising Mortality Trends? - LewRockwell

2021-10-23 Thread T. J. Garland

Let’s go Brandon!  

CS>Analysis Shows More COVID Deaths in 2021 than 2020 with Large Percent of 2021 Deaths Fully Vaccinated - American Faith

2021-10-23 Thread T. J. Garland

Let’s go Brandon!  

CS>Documentary about Royal Rife Microscope shatters Cancer - YouTube

2021-10-22 Thread T. J. Garland

Let’s go Brandon!  

Re: CS>Dr. Ardis interviews Dr. Simone Gold, MD - Founder of America's Frontline Doctors

2021-10-21 Thread T. J. Garland
Every site you quote is ultra liberal.
You have no original thoughts. You are a gov mouthpiece.
You need to shut the fuk up. We laugh at your moronic ravings.
My health is none of your business. 
If you are alive by Christmas, I will email you a nice card.

OTOH— I see you as my daily comedy break.

Let’s go Brandon!  

> On Oct 21, 2021, at 6:10 PM, Cyndiann Phillips  wrote:
> This Doctor Spread False Information About COVID. She Still Kept Her Medical 
> License
> Last month, Dr. Simone Gold stood before a crowd at a conservative church in 
> Thousand Oaks, Calif., and delivered a talk riddled with misinformation. She 
> told people to avoid vaccination against the coronavirus. As an alternative, 
> she pushed drugs that have not been proven effective at treating COVID-19 — 
> drugs that she also offered to prescribe to the audience in exchange for $90 
> telehealth appointments.
> "Don't text me when you've gotten a positive test; I don't want to hear it," 
> she said to the gathering. "I've told you ahead of time to get the medicines. 
> It can take a week because we're so swamped."
> Almost everything Gold said in her 45-minute talk was contrary to the best 
> science and medical standards of care for treating COVID-19. But there was 
> one thing she said that was at least partially true: "I am an emergency 
> physician."
> NPR found that Gold's emergency medicine certification lapsed in December of 
> last year, but she still is, as she claims, a licensed physician in the state 
> of California (her license lists her professional address as a UPS shipping 
> store in Beverly Hills).
> Despite more than a year spent spreading misinformation about a pandemic that 
> has killed more than 650,000 Americans, she has what might be considered a 
> professional clean bill of health with no complaints, disciplinary actions or 
> malpractice lawsuits on her record. The California Medical Board, which 
> oversees her license, told NPR it expects doctors to "follow the standard of 
> care when treating patients at all times." But the medical board declined to 
> say whether it was investigating Gold, citing reasons of confidentiality.
>> On Thu, Oct 21, 2021 at 5:55 PM T. J. Garland  wrote:
>> Let’s go Brandon!  

CS>Dr. Ardis interviews Dr. Simone Gold, MD - Founder of America's Frontline Doctors

2021-10-21 Thread T. J. Garland

Let’s go Brandon!  

CS>List of human disease case fatality rates - Wikipedia

2021-10-20 Thread T. J. Garland

Let’s go Brandon!  

Re: CS>Cyndiann posting fake DOJ articles now

2021-10-20 Thread T. J. Garland
We have meth heads in Tenn that have more sense than you.
Let’s go Cyandiann!

Let’s go Brandon!  

> On Oct 20, 2021, at 8:41 AM, Cyndiann Phillips  wrote:
> Got any proof? I have no idea what you are talking about as usual. You never 
> provide proof of anything but you tear apart what I send. Do you even know 
> how to quote back at all?
>> On Wed, Oct 20, 2021 at 6:51 AM pal joey  wrote:
>> You should stick to accusing everyone of murder; at least we know you're 
>> serious, then. 

CS>Respiratory Therapist Blows Whistle: "I'm Watching People DIE"

2021-10-16 Thread T. J. Garland

Let’s go Brandon!  

CS>Table: Characteristics of Potential Antiviral Agents | COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines

2021-10-16 Thread T. J. Garland

Let’s go Brandon!  

CS>The Forgotten Cure That Prevents Mortal Heart Attacks - LewRockwell

2021-10-14 Thread T. J. Garland

Let’s go Brandon!  

CS>The WHO Confirms That the Covid-19 PCR Test Is Flawed:Estimates of “Positive Cases” Are Meaningless. The Lockdown Has No Scientific Basis - LewRockwell

2021-10-14 Thread T. J. Garland

Let’s go Brandon!  

CS>Might hydrogen peroxide reduce the hospitalization rate and complications of SARS-CoV-2 infection?

2021-10-13 Thread T. J. Garland

Let’s go Brandon!  

Re: CS> Who Knew II

2021-10-12 Thread T. J. Garland
Your problem is you need to get laid.
It would be no worse than swapping spittle.

Let’s go Brandon!  

> On Oct 12, 2021, at 3:55 PM, Cyndiann Phillips  wrote:
> Not REAL sources, just more fake ones. 
> Think about it . Why would they have a vaccine that makes you sick? They 
> don't, it's saving lives and repeating lies makes people die.
> This is what you aren't getting. Your lies kill people and make you do stupid 
> things like not take simple precautions we've all known work since we were 
> kids. Germs still behave the same way they always have. You keep your spittle 
> to yourself and you don't make people sick.
> You get the vaccine and risks go way down. There are millions of people who 
> have done it as proof it works and you idiots make up shit that kills you. 
> Why do you want to die  and why do you want to take everyone you love with 
> you?
>> On Tue, Oct 12, 2021 at 9:07 AM Ode Coyote  wrote:
>> Natural News is like Alex Jones...not always true and often very exaggerated 
>> if it is.
>> But other sources back this up in a more realistic way.
>> Ode
>>> On Mon, Oct 11, 2021 at 6:15 PM Phil Morrison  
>>> wrote:

CS>WORLD BOMBSHELL: Leaked DARPA document, DRASTIC analysis confirms attack on humanity using aerosolized, skin-penetrating nanoparticle spike proteins | The Planet Today News From The World.

2021-10-12 Thread T. J. Garland

Let’s go Brandon!  

CS>Oregon Senators Call for Investigation Into Alleged COVID-19 Statistical Manipulation

2021-10-12 Thread T. J. Garland

Let’s go Brandon!  

CS>The Ten Stages of Genocide - YouTube

2021-10-09 Thread T. J. Garland

Let’s go Brandon!  

CS>Biden's Vaccine Mandate Isn't Even Real...

2021-10-09 Thread T. J. Garland

The future is not what used to be.  Anon

CS>Fwd: The threat from vaxxed

2021-10-07 Thread T. J. Garland

Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Pastor Rob Bremer 
> Date: October 7, 2021 at 7:38:25 AM EDT
> To: "T. J. Garland" , "D. Kevin Desmond" 
> Subject: The threat from vaxxed

CS>WHO European Advisory Group VP Says All Vaxxed People Must quarantine Over The Winter Months | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary

2021-10-07 Thread T. J. Garland

Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon

CS>Re: Covid

2021-10-07 Thread T. J. Garland
It’s the spike protein from the “vaccine”- not the virus.
The wuhan virus was created for the “vaccine”. It is gene therapy.
Once Healthy friend here has terrible symptoms, blood clots, tremors, can’t 
eat, coughing, etc.  two neighbors had strokes 6 months after the shot. 

I studied the clot-shot for hundreds of hours and begged friends to not take it.
Get a d-dimer test to look for small blood clots. Look at your blood thru a 
darkfield scope. You are wasting time getting a COVID test. 

Ivermectin and pine needle tea might help.
Also, vaccinated people are spreading the spike protein. It is the 
I would imagine bridge will be over by Christmas. 
The elite ‘s plan to thin the goy.

Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon

> On Oct 6, 2021, at 11:10 PM, Margaret Needham  wrote:
> Folks,  I need to tell you that Jo Kelly is in the hospital tonight with 
> Covid.  She did play with us this past Monday.  She has had the two vaccines 
> and the booster.  I was her partner for the afternoon.  I would have been 
> tested tonight, but I could not.  My daughter-in-law told me that if I didn't 
> have symptoms, there was not any need at this point.  If symptoms 
> develop,YES, do have the Covid test.  Robin Williams has come down with Covid 
> this past weekend.  She has not played with us for about 6 weeks.  Symptoms 
> are sore throat, runny nose, can't smell, can't taste, fever, aches and 
> pains, diarrhea, etc, etc, and etc.  
> Lord Help!  Will we ever know normal again
> Margaret
> PS  Bridge has NOT been cancelled for tomorrow.  If I find out we have LESS 
> than two tables, we won't play.  Right now, we have 2 1/2 tables.  Call me 
> 423.231.0110 if you do not plan to play.


2021-10-06 Thread T. J. Garland

Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon

CS>The Research Is Clear: Ivermectin Is a Safe, Effective Treatment for Covid. So Why Isn’t It Being Used? - LewRockwell

2021-10-06 Thread T. J. Garland

Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon

CS>The UK has Fallen – 81% of Covid-19 deaths are among the Vaccinated, Male Teen Deaths have rised by 63% since they were offered the jab, Covid-19 Deaths are 12 times higher than this time last year

2021-10-06 Thread T. J. Garland

Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon

Re: CS>

2021-10-04 Thread T. J. Garland
We love it when you talk dirty.
Seriously there are so many errors in your Intercept link, I don’t know where 
to begin.
I’ve played in a bridge tournament all day, and am mentally exhausted.
Someone else tear her a new one.

Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon

> On Oct 4, 2021, at 10:59 AM, Cyndiann Phillips  wrote:
> Read that and wake  the fuck up. 
> You are dying while these corporations are raking in money.
> And they know they are killing you!
>> On Mon, Oct 4, 2021 at 1:30 AM Rick  wrote:
>> Pal Joey, 
>> And now they are coming out with yet another new drug that mimics Ivermectin 
>> but costs much more money. Laughing! 
>> Of course, this is also a reason why Ivermectin was banned for many, so that 
>> they could bring out a near copy and make far more money with the new and 
>> near-identical twin! 
>> Get your Ivermectin from AFLD or one of the other groups of doctors on the 
>> right side of history. Or get your immune system back into shape by 
>> oxidizing those pathogens giving it breathing room to do its best again.
>> Covid, these shots, and more are now starting to fall apart. More and more 
>> are starting to see past the censorship walls. Keep it up, people! 
>>> On Sun, Oct 3, 2021 at 7:49 AM pal joey  wrote:
>>> Stop calling it a "vaccine"  and supporting creepy censorship to hide the 
>>> injuries and deaths,  and going along with FDA SUPPRESSION of true,  
>>> effective, life saving protocols.  

CS>Hyperlink test

2021-09-29 Thread T. J. Garland

Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon

CS>Dr. Carrie Madej: First U.S. Lab Examines "Vaccine" Vials, HORRIFIC Findings Revealed

2021-09-29 Thread T. J. Garland

Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon

CS>How the Spike Protein Hurts the Heart

2021-09-28 Thread T. J. Garland

Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon

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