Re: CS[Fwd: [healthfraud] More Bad News for Colloidal Silver]

2002-02-28 Thread AVRA / Jason

The FTC and the FDA have different enforcement policies, and different
standards.  The FTC will stay away from a company that uses actual and
accepted scientific proof of claims being made - as long as ( apparently )
the claims ARE the scientific evidence, and the data is fully disclosed at
the same place the claims are being made.

If the FTC is not interested in going after the company, it appears that the
FDA is far less likely to follow through.

In other words, the FTC and the FDA have different ideas on what acceptable
claims are.  This can be a good thing to know.


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Re: CS[Fwd: [healthfraud] More Bad News for Colloidal Silver]

2002-02-28 Thread AVRA / Jason

Your friend is mistaken.  ASAP silver has no FDA approval.  It has EPA
surface disinfectant approval ( so do things like bleach ).  If you observe
their website very closely, you will see that they are wise in that they
appease FTC standards, by a very narrow margin, and they make absolutely no
medical claims about their product.


- Original Message -
From: Rick
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 11:24 PM
Subject: Re: CS[Fwd: [healthfraud] More Bad News for Colloidal Silver]

 I have a stock broker who handles some stocks for me. He supposedly is one
 of the most knowledgeable mining stock brokers in the U.S. He told me
 a company called Clifton Mining which has a subsidiary called American
 Biotech Labs that produces a supposedly FDA approved CS- type solution
 called ASAP, which has many anti-bacterial properties.

 You can go read the info about this product:

 So, apparently the FDA doesn't have a problem with CS, maybe just with the
 way some people on the web are pushing its benefits.

 This isn't meant to be a plug for either of the companies listed. It's
 some information you might find useful. I have no relationship with
 or Clifton Mining.


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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe[2]: CS[Fwd: [healthfraud] More Bad News for Colloidal Silver]

2002-02-28 Thread Rick
Thanks for the input- I was unaware. It sounded so good too.

oh well.


- Original Message -
From: Solar
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 3:20 AM
Subject: CSRe[2]: CS[Fwd: [healthfraud] More Bad News for Colloidal

 Hello Rick,

 Thursday, February 28, 2002, 1:24:23 AM, you wrote:

 R I have a stock broker who handles some stocks for me. He supposedly is
 R of the most knowledgeable mining stock brokers in the U.S. He told me
 R a company called Clifton Mining which has a subsidiary called American
 R Biotech Labs that produces a supposedly FDA approved CS- type solution
 R called ASAP, which has many anti-bacterial properties.

 R You can go read the info about this product:

 R So, apparently the FDA doesn't have a problem with CS, maybe just with
 R way some people on the web are pushing its benefits.

 R This isn't meant to be a plug for either of the companies listed. It's
 R some information you might find useful. I have no relationship with
 R or Clifton Mining.

 R Rick

 Rick, let us clarify something here that is a common misconception.
 The ASAP solution is NOT a CS-type solution. It IS COLLOIDAL
 SILVER. It was originally manufactured on CS Pro Systems Ultra
 Professional HVAC equipment. The company has seen fit to ripoff Bruce
 Marx's HVAC generator design by adding multiple units in parallel in a
 large batch-tank, and adding continual stirring. They then ran out and
 patented their idea. It seems that MANY people are led to believe that
 they have some sort of magical solution that is FAR different from CS,
 and that the solution itself is somehow patented.

 The people at American Silver seem to be trying to differentiate their
 product from CS, when in fact, it is CS. It is my personal opinion
 that these people have a greed driven goal of having THEIR product
 approved at every level possible, the whole time screaming about how
 it is different from CS. When they get to that point, I can envision
 them jumping behind the FDA to get ALL colloidal silver removed from
 the market, so that they can pretty much have a monopoly!

 I have no trust whatsoever in these people. To see their patent,

 and search for patent number 6,214,299

 Anyone familiar with the design of the CS Pro Systems HVAC units will
 see that this is a ripoff. They even mention Bruce Marx, and the
 Operation Manual for his HVAC units, in the patent.

 Best regards,

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CS[Fwd: [healthfraud] More Bad News for Colloidal Silver]

2002-02-28 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
On the other hand, I read a report of CS being tested against a spore with a
similar cell wall structure to anthrax and it working.  Perhaps it was from

James-Osbourne: Holmes

 -Original Message-
From:   Catherine Creel []
Sent:   Wednesday, February 27, 2002 11:04 PM
Subject:Re: CS[Fwd: [healthfraud] More Bad News for Colloidal Silver]

Hi Leo,

  you said:

Anyone care to comment?

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has settled enforcement actions
against the marketer of a home test kit for anthrax and the purveyor of
a colloidal silver product purported to treat anthrax. These companies
used inaccurate and unfounded claims to sell peace of mind, J. Howard
Beales, director of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection, said Feb.
27. They tried to cash in on consumer anxiety about bioterrorism.

  Sure.  The damn fools shouldn't have been making specious
claims.  CS has never been tested against  B. anthracis.

  You'll notice that those who did not make claims like this did not
get nailed.


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RE: CS[Fwd: [healthfraud] More Bad News for Colloidal Silver]

2002-02-28 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
What actually is the process for FDA approval?

I don't know, but I have heard it helps to have about $4 million ready to

James-Osbourne: Holmes

 -Original Message-
From:   Rick []
Sent:   Wednesday, February 27, 2002 11:54 PM
Subject:Re: CS[Fwd: [healthfraud] More Bad News for Colloidal Silver]


You're right, the website doesn't say anything about the FDA (but the EPA is
close, isn't it??). I was looking on a vendor's (of ASAP)  site and it
stated the following:

According to the manufacturer, it has also been approved as an antibiotic
in several other countries and is the only silver solution product of this
type that has been able to be filed with the FDA for drug approval. The
manufacturer has already received approval by the FDA to begin testing of
the product in both animals and humans. Note that while the ASAP Solution(r)
has received approval by the FDA to begin testing, this does not mean that
the FDA will eventually approve this product as an effective antibiotic.
Hence, for now, the ASAP Solution(r) is not intended to treat, cure or
any disease.  Note too that the FDA and government have not evaluated
statements on this website (to the best of our knowledge)

Again- I personally know nothing about these companies, but I find it at
least cautiously optimistic that at least some form of a governmental
organization is acknowledging their products potential benefits.

I guess you ought to start somewhere.

What actually is the process for FDA approval? Do you feel the powers at be
will ever allow a CS type solution be approved?


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Re: CS[Fwd: [healthfraud] More Bad News for Colloidal Silver]

2002-02-28 Thread Catherine Creel
Hi James,

 You said:

On the other hand, I read a report of CS being tested against a spore 
with a similar cell wall structure to anthrax and it working.  Perhaps it 
was from Brooks.

   There is no spore with a similar enough cell wall structure to 
be able to state that a substance that works on it will work on 
B anthracis.  The closest in structure is B aureus.  Virility 
is about 10% that of B anthracis.

  Nature Journal had a great article (within the last two months)
about science just beginning to understand why B anthracis 
overwhelms the body so quickly compared to other other spores 
of similar structure.


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RE: CS[Fwd: [healthfraud] More Bad News for Colloidal Silver]

2002-02-28 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
Hi Catherine,

Thanks for the good info.  Can you send a link to any of that research? 

James-Osbourne: Holmes

 -Original Message-
From:   Catherine Creel [] 
Sent:   Thursday, February 28, 2002 8:37 AM
Subject:Re: CS[Fwd: [healthfraud] More Bad News for Colloidal Silver]

Hi James,

 You said:

On the other hand, I read a report of CS being tested against a spore 
with a similar cell wall structure to anthrax and it working.  Perhaps it 
was from Brooks.

   There is no spore with a similar enough cell wall structure to 
be able to state that a substance that works on it will work on 
B anthracis.  The closest in structure is B aureus.  Virility 
is about 10% that of B anthracis.

  Nature Journal had a great article (within the last two months)
about science just beginning to understand why B anthracis 
overwhelms the body so quickly compared to other other spores 
of similar structure.


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Re: CS[Fwd: [healthfraud] More Bad News for Colloidal Silver]

2002-02-28 Thread Catherine Creel
Hi James,

   If you go back to materials from the late 1800's and writings about them
you will see that only about 10% of B anthracis was virulent.  So, chances
are very high that the CS at that time was tested against this much less
virulent spore.

The virulent form of Bacillus anthracis has three known virulence (toxic)
factors.  They are an antiphagocytic capsule, and two protein exotoxins
known as the lethal and edema toxins.

The non-virulent anthrax bacteria lacks the antiphagocytic capsule. This
means its capsule is not resistant to phagocyte (cleaning) activity.

The toxic form of anthrax, with the antiphagocytic capsule, stays in the
body and begins the process of releasing the edema toxins and lethal toxins.
At this point, toxins that bind to the cells share a protective antigen.
This antigen defends the bacteria from the immune system and antibiotics.
The capsulr protects the
toxins until it releases them into the blood stream.  Within minutes, the
cells are beginning to be overwhelmed.

  Hypothesizing that CS can at this point do something relies on a
person knowing they need it.

 With this protection, the toxins build very quickly, overwhelming the body,
and are fully capable of causing death within twenty-four hours of the onset
of symptoms.

  Frank Keyes of the Colloidla silver Lab in NJ can talk at length on this.

  I don't have the time to retrace every step I took to get to this, but I
can tell you that it was many hours.  I took nothing at face value.

  I spent countless hours at search engine, and then
countless more looking at historical accounts of

 The best I can do on the Nature article is recalling that it was within
the past two months.

  If people really want to know, they'll research it as I did.  I don't mean
as abruptly as it sounds.  It's just that I'm satisfied with what I've done
to pursue facts on CS and anthrax and have no need to revisit it - nor
does it really matter to me if people choose to not seek the facts
as long as they don't misrepresent things to others who can be hurt
by it.


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RE: CS[Fwd: [healthfraud] More Bad News for Colloidal Silver]

2002-02-28 Thread Bob Bartell
Sure, Leo!
Stupidity and greed seem to go hand in hand, don't they? At least that
is what it looks like to me.  Our silver-list is a people-helping-people
list to educate and provide information.  I hope Mike never gets one of
those official letters aimed at shutting down our list.  Namaste:
Bob Bartell

-Original Message-
From: Leo Regehr [] 
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 1:04 AM
To: Roger Altman, Colloidal S; Silver List
Subject: CS[Fwd: [healthfraud] More Bad News for Colloidal Silver]

Anyone care to comment?

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CS[Fwd: [healthfraud] More Bad News for Colloidal Silver]

2002-02-27 Thread Leo Regehr
Anyone care to comment?

From FDAnews Daily Bulletin for February 27, 2002:

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has settled enforcement actions
against the marketer of a home test kit for anthrax and the purveyor of
a colloidal silver product purported to treat anthrax. These companies
used inaccurate and unfounded claims to sell peace of mind, J. Howard
Beales, director of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection, said Feb.
27. They tried to cash in on consumer anxiety about bioterrorism.

The FTC enforcement actions are part of a larger probe of internet-based
companies marketing bogus products that take advantage of consumers who
have grown fearful of bioterrorism. Since mid-November, the FTC has sent
121 warning letters to marketers of bioterrorism-related products
discovered during a coordinated surf of the internet by the FTC, the FDA
and more than 30 state attorneys general. Beales said that 50 of the 121
warning letters involved products related to the detection or treatment
of anthrax.

In one action, Vital Living Products and its president, Donald
Podrebarac, entered into an agreement to settle charges that they
deceptively advertised a do-it-yourself method to detect anthrax
bacteria and spores in the air, water and on surfaces. Beales called the
claims pure bunk.

In the other action, Kris Pletschke, operator of the web site, signed a consent agreement with the FTC that prohibits
him from making deceptive and misleading therapeutic claims for
colloidal silver or any other health-related products. Beales said the
FTC ordered Pletschke to offer full refunds to all consumers who
purchased colloidal silver.


*  Eric S. Hoy, Ph.D., SI(ASCP)
*  Clinical Associate Professor
*  Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences
*  The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
*  Email:

The opinions expressed here are mine alone, do not reflect the opinions
of any employer, cost you nothing, and are probably worth what you paid
for them.

**I may have been born at night, but it wasn't LAST night!**

---End Message---

Re: CS[Fwd: [healthfraud] More Bad News for Colloidal Silver]

2002-02-27 Thread Catherine Creel
Hi Leo,

  you said:

Anyone care to comment?

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has settled enforcement actions
against the marketer of a home test kit for anthrax and the purveyor of
a colloidal silver product purported to treat anthrax. These companies
used inaccurate and unfounded claims to sell peace of mind, J. Howard
Beales, director of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection, said Feb.
27. They tried to cash in on consumer anxiety about bioterrorism.

  Sure.  The damn fools shouldn't have been making specious
claims.  CS has never been tested against  B. anthracis.

  You'll notice that those who did not make claims like this did not
get nailed.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS[Fwd: [healthfraud] More Bad News for Colloidal Silver]

2002-02-27 Thread Rick
I have a stock broker who handles some stocks for me. He supposedly is one
of the most knowledgeable mining stock brokers in the U.S. He told me about
a company called Clifton Mining which has a subsidiary called American
Biotech Labs that produces a supposedly FDA approved CS- type solution
called ASAP, which has many anti-bacterial properties.

You can go read the info about this product:

So, apparently the FDA doesn't have a problem with CS, maybe just with the
way some people on the web are pushing its benefits.

This isn't meant to be a plug for either of the companies listed. It's just
some information you might find useful. I have no relationship with amsilver
or Clifton Mining.


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Re: CS[Fwd: [healthfraud] More Bad News for Colloidal Silver]

2002-02-27 Thread Catherine Creel
Hi Rick,

So, apparently the FDA doesn't have a problem with CS, maybe just
with the way some people on the web are pushing its benefits.

  The devil's in the details.  From the website:

February 20, 2002. American Biotech Labs is pleased to announce that the
ASAP Solution® has just been granted its first US EPA approval as a hard
surface disinfectant.

   Note it says EPA and that it is approved as a surface disinfectant.


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Re: CS[Fwd: [healthfraud] More Bad News for Colloidal Silver]

2002-02-27 Thread Rick

You're right, the website doesn't say anything about the FDA (but the EPA is
close, isn't it??). I was looking on a vendor's (of ASAP)  site and it
stated the following:

According to the manufacturer, it has also been approved as an antibiotic
in several other countries and is the only silver solution product of this
type that has been able to be filed with the FDA for drug approval. The
manufacturer has already received approval by the FDA to begin testing of
the product in both animals and humans. Note that while the ASAP Solution®
has received approval by the FDA to begin testing, this does not mean that
the FDA will eventually approve this product as an effective antibiotic.
Hence, for now, the ASAP Solution® is not intended to treat, cure or prevent
any disease.  Note too that the FDA and government have not evaluated
statements on this website (to the best of our knowledge)

Again- I personally know nothing about these companies, but I find it at
least cautiously optimistic that at least some form of a governmental
organization is acknowledging their products potential benefits.

I guess you ought to start somewhere.

What actually is the process for FDA approval? Do you feel the powers at be
will ever allow a CS type solution be approved?


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Re: CS[Fwd: [healthfraud] More Bad News for Colloidal Silver]

2002-02-27 Thread Catherine Creel
Hi Rick,

You said:

What actually is the process for FDA approval? Do you feel
 the powers at be will ever allow a CS type solution be approved?

   Anyone can file an application for approval of a product or
procedure with the FDA.  From there, it gets tougher.

Do I think they will ever give approval?  I have my doubts.
Pharmaceutical companies stand to lose too much.  Another
problem is the lack of agreement and science to support one 
particular manufacturing process`and effectice ppm.
To me, this lack of agreement is the biggest barrier to


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Re: CS[Fwd: [healthfraud] More Bad News for Colloidal Silver]

2002-02-27 Thread Rick

Thanks for the clarification. 


- Original Message - 
From: Catherine Creel
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 11:19 PM
Subject: Re: CS[Fwd: [healthfraud] More Bad News for Colloidal Silver]

 Hi Rick,
 You said:
 What actually is the process for FDA approval? Do you feel
  the powers at be will ever allow a CS type solution be approved?
Anyone can file an application for approval of a product or
 procedure with the FDA.  From there, it gets tougher.
 Do I think they will ever give approval?  I have my doubts.
 Pharmaceutical companies stand to lose too much.  Another
 problem is the lack of agreement and science to support one 
 particular manufacturing process`and effectice ppm.
 To me, this lack of agreement is the biggest barrier to
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 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour