Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

2003-07-28 Thread Mike Monett
Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS
From: Dan Nave
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2003 20:32:52

   Yes, I  let it run until a substantial amount of whiskers  were on
   the cathode.


  And that occurred at 6 ppm? Something doesn't sound right.

  It might  have something to do the the dw. I'm having fits  with the
  same problem.  I  used  WallMart for many  years  and  it  gave very
  consistent results.

  But they  changed  their  process recently,  and  the  new  stuff is
  completely different.  It  has a  higher  initial  resistance, which
  ordinarily indicates less impurities. But old stuff showed  a slight
  rise in cell voltage at the start of the process, then it started to
  drop. The new stuff starts to drop immediately.

  I could  push the old stuff well beyond the point  where  it started
  making whiskers. Eventually the solution would start  turning yellow
  while it  was  still  brewing. A few drops  of  H2O2  would  make it
  crystal clear, and the salt test showed a very strong dispersion.

  The new  stuff doesn't work the same way. It doesn't show  any color
  even after  running for 24 hrs, and the dispersion is not  as strong
  as I would expect.

  The old  stuff would form a black film on the anode  that  wiped off
  easily. The new stuff forms a hard, shiny black coat that won't wipe
  off. H2O2  has  no effect, and the only way I can get it  off  is to
  swap polarity. When that electrode is used as the cathode, the black
  coating turns  into a gray sludge and wipes off easily. But  now the
  other electrode gets coated.

  The local  WallMart happens to be out of stock, and  won't  get more
  until the end of the week. I tried a bottle of Crystal  Springs from
  a grocery store. I used it many years ago and it seemed to give good

  But this  bottle  does  very strange things. It  also  has  a higher
  initial resistance  than I am used to seeing, and  the  cell voltage
  drops immediately instead of rising slightly before dropping.

  Soon afterwards,  small wisps of a white substance  form  around the
  cathode and  soon the entire liquid gets a funny  cloudy appearance.
  The salt test seems ok, but I wouldn't drink it.

  Now I'm  off  on a hunt to find better dw. Pharma  Plus  used  to be
  pretty good - I'll try a bottle and see what it does.

  So if  your cs is forming whiskers after such a short brew,  I'd try
  different brands  of  dw  and see if you  can  find  one  that works

  I also discovered it is a good idea to record the date code  that is
  laser-etched on  the side of the bottle. Then, if  your  cs suddenly
  changes, you  can try another bottle with a different date  code and
  see if it's just a problem with that batch.

  I think  we all run into dw problems sooner or later. It might  be a
  good idea  to store a couple of bottles in the  refrigerator  so you
  have some spares while you are madly searching for the good stuff.

  But I'd  check  the date codes and try brewing  a  sample  from each
  bottle to be sure you are keeping spares that are known to  be good.
  Then swap them out after a while to keep fresh stuff in stock.

  Let us know what you find out - 6 ppm is very low. I've never seen
  cs that low before.

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

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Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

2003-07-27 Thread Mike Monett
Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS
From: Dan Nave
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2003 11:34:52

   You must  have mistaken me for someone who knows  what  he's doing

   My math skills are basic at best. Well, I muddled through per your
   instructions and  Wppot32 and Mercury and found  that  the average
   current was  only .220 ma. So the calculated ppm was 6.23  and the
   actual was  probably  a  lot lower. Actual time  was  2.5  hours @
   12 ounces distilled water.

   Remember I  said  that I calculated  the  series  resistor without
   regard for the cell resistance. The cell resistance at the end was
   20K ohms which was equal to the series resistor. The final current
   was about .444ma. So this was about half of the 1ma I was shooting
   for and  obviously  the beginning current was  a  lot  less, about
   .116ma. (Voltage  =  18V;  Resistor   =  20K  ohm;  beginning cell
   resistance = 136K ohms, end = 20K ohm)

   But, from your reaction, the description of my salt test  gave you
   a clear indication of the ppm of my CS or EIS.


  Congratulations! It looks like you are getting pretty good at math.

  It looks like your current is below the misting level and  should be
  ok. Are you letting it brew until tiny whiskers form on  the cathode
  loops? That is usually a good place to stop.

  If not,  let  us know how long that takes. You might  find  the salt
  test is a bit whiter and easier to see:)

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

2003-07-27 Thread Dan Nave
Yes, I let it run until a substantial amount of whiskers were on the


Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS
From: Mike Monett Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2003 09:58:17


Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS
From: Dan Nave
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2003 11:34:52

   You must  have mistaken me for someone who knows  what  he's doing

   My math skills are basic at best. Well, I muddled through per your
   instructions and  Wppot32 and Mercury and found  that  the average
   current was  only .220 ma. So the calculated ppm was 6.23  and the
   actual was  probably  a  lot lower. Actual time  was  2.5  hours @
   12 ounces distilled water.

   Remember I  said  that I calculated  the  series  resistor without
   regard for the cell resistance. The cell resistance at the end was
   20K ohms which was equal to the series resistor. The final current
   was about .444ma. So this was about half of the 1ma I was shooting
   for and  obviously  the beginning current was  a  lot  less, about
   .116ma. (Voltage  =  18V;  Resistor   =  20K  ohm;  beginning cell
   resistance = 136K ohms, end = 20K ohm)

   But, from your reaction, the description of my salt test  gave you
   a clear indication of the ppm of my CS or EIS.


  Congratulations! It looks like you are getting pretty good at math.

  It looks like your current is below the misting level and  should be
  ok. Are you letting it brew until tiny whiskers form on  the cathode
  loops? That is usually a good place to stop.

  If not,  let  us know how long that takes. You might  find  the salt
  test is a bit whiter and easier to see:)

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

2003-07-25 Thread Ode Coyote

About 2 hours after removing power the batch turned the color of weak tea.
Today it has deposited a brownish layer on the glass. TE developed somewhat.

 I ran another batch for 10 hrs 19 minutes 20.3 uS.  I
didn't watch it at all.   Still clear and colorless today.  Faint TE
A pretty good sized pure white 'beard' of silver developed on one electrode
hanging off the bottom of the loop, the other seemed unchanged.


At 06:32 AM 7/24/2003 -0400, you wrote:
I ran a batch with a modified silverpuppy yesterday and last night.  I was
very busy so I didn't watch it like a hawk or anything.

Ultra low current and voltage DC

 Current control set at 164 microamps.
 Starting voltage  7 volts [no load voltage at 28 volts]
 6.5 submerged x 12 gauge looped electrodes/ 1 3/8 apart
 Batch size 1 pint
 Water at 1.6 uS at start.
 No stirring except when taking meter readings

After 7 hours:
 No appreciable deposits of changes to electrodes.   Bubbles on both
electrodes..large and few
 1.42 volts
12.1 uS
 Very slight TE

After 11 hours 9 minutes:
one electrode white, other sorta darkish grey/brown..nothing significant.
Bubbles still
1.42 volts [still?  That's odd.]  [didn't check amps]
16.5 uS
 Slight TE

After 20 hours 33 minutes:
Significant but still not 'heavy' white metallic plateout on one
electrode..a little fuzzy.  The other, mostly clean metal with very little
darkish fuzz towards the bottom of the loop. No bubbles at all anywhere.
.84 volts
146 microamps
24.6 uS
 Slight TE

 Salt test:
 Enough salt to leave some undissolved in bottom of a shot glass.
 Turned milky white..but not like skim milk or anything.

Crystal clear CS [no color]

 Not significantly different from most batches made at .9 ma with thermal
stirring. Perhaps a lighter TE indicating a higher ion to particle ratio
than some batches made at .9 ma. One batch doesn't tell that story.

Ode [aka Ken]

  Howcome you can only go down to 0.5mA? Can you get down to 162uA?


Best Regards,

Mike Monett

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

2003-07-25 Thread Ode Coyote

  The big difference is my current setup would be dark yellow  by now.
  I am  still  using straight rods for the anode, and  a  W  for the
##  It did go tea colored about two hours after removing power  [blackish
 I was doing the write up immediately after stopping the batch.

  I have noticed a drop in performance lately - maybe it's  partly due
  to the crud I am letting build up on the anode. Soon I will clean it
  off with H2O2 and see if it makes any difference.

   Salt test:
   Enough salt to leave some undissolved in bottom of a shot glass.
   Turned milky white..but not like skim milk or anything.

  Yes, I would expect a very strong dispersion. Could you  see objects
  behind the glass?
##  Yes

  The big  advantage  of  the lower current  density  is  it  needs no
  stirring, which  would  be  a  heavy drain  on  a  battery  and less
  suitable for  use  in remote areas or  third  world  countries where
  batteries are  expensive. Stirring also adds to the cost,  and  I am
  trying to drive that down to the absolute minimum and still maintain
  quality. When  you  depend  on donations,  every  tenth  of  a penny
###  Seems that a very small solar cell would do the job.

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Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

2003-07-25 Thread Mike Monett
Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS
From: Ode Coyote
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2003 04:14:24


   About 2  hours after removing power the batch turned the  color of
   weak tea. Today it has deposited a brownish layer on the glass. TE
   developed somewhat.

   I ran another batch for 10 hrs 19 minutes 20.3 uS.
   I didn't  watch it at all. Still clear and colorless  today. Faint
   TE A  pretty good sized pure white 'beard' of silver  developed on
   one electrode hanging off the bottom of the loop, the other seemed


  Hi Ken,

  Thanks for  the  update. I discovered this morning that  I  used the
  wrong dw  volume for the ppm calculations. I used the  250  ml value
  shown on  your web site, and didn't notice your  entry  showing that
  the volume  had  changed  to  1   pint.  This  will  reduce  all the
  calculated ppm values.

  I have  been up all night and am too tired to try  recalculating the
  values. It will also change my remarks, since they were based on the
  much higher values.

  I'll get some sleep and post a corrected version later.
Best Regards,

Mike Monett

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

2003-07-25 Thread Mike Monett
Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS
From: Ode Coyote
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2003 05:03:50

   It did  go  tea  colored  about  two  hours  after  removing power
   [blackish brown]

   I was doing the write up immediately after stopping the batch.

  I'm still trying to get some sleep - terrible headaches so I decided
  to check the list.

  I have  to  redo the ppm calculations, but it looks  like  the ratio
  will be 250 / 473 = 0.52

  So the calculated ppm will be about half the original values. Yes, I
  would expect  25  ppm  to start turning color  -  mine  turns yellow
  before the brew is finished at 28 ppm calculated.

   Salt test:  Enough salt to leave some undissolved in bottom  of a
   shot glass.  Turned  milky  white..but   not  like  skim  milk or

   Yes, I  would  expect  a very strong  dispersion.  Could  you see
   objects behind the glass?


  It looks  like the dispersion may be above 20 ppm and below  30. I'm
  really tired,  so don't hold me to this. Jason will  really  give me
  the fits trying to explain what I meant:)

  Man, he is very good! He writes so well I want to throw  my keyboard
  out the window after reading his posts.

   Seems that a very small solar cell would do the job.

  Sure - then it rains for a week and you catch a cold:)


Best Regards,

Mike Monett

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

2003-07-25 Thread Dan Nave
You must have mistaken me for someone who knows what he's doing ;-)).

My math skills are basic at best.  Well, I muddled through per your 
instructions and Wppot32 and Mercury and found that the average current was 
only .220 ma.  So the calculated ppm was 6.23 and the actual was probably a lot 
lower.   Actual time was 2.5 hours @ 12ounces distilled water.

Remember I said that I calculated the series resistor without regard for the 
cell resistance.  The cell resistance at the end was 20K ohms  which was equal 
to the series resistor.  The final current was about .444ma.  So this was about 
half of the 1ma I was shooting for and obviously the beginning current was a 
lot less, about .116ma.  (Voltage = 18V; Resistor = 20K ohm; beginning cell 
resistance = 136K ohms, end = 20K ohm)

But, from your reaction, the description of my salt test gave you a clear 
indication of the ppm of my CS or EIS.


you wrote:

Hi Dan,

  Thanks for  the  info. Golly, that is the weakest salt  test  I have
  ever seen. It has to be well below 10 ppm.

  Can you try integrating the current vs time curve to get the average
  current, then do the Faraday calculation?

  An example of integrating a current/time curve is on my web  page in
  Figs 3 and 4:

  The integral intercepts the right Y-axis at a value of about 32. The
  time is 30 minutes, so the average current is 32/30 = 1.066 mA

  You can do this in WPlot. Just give it a table of current values and
  the time since starting the brew.

  Just plug that into Mercury and let us know the predicted  ppm. I'll
  bet it is pretty low:)

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

2003-07-24 Thread Mike Monett
Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS
From: Jason Eaton
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 00:21:00

  Hi Jason,

  Great Post! I've trimmed to save space.

   Hi Mike:

   Great Post!

   Unfortunately, Faraday's  Equation doesn't always  equate properly
   with modern CS production...

   I believe with low current devices, Faraday's equation is close to
   accurate. There   are   fundamentally   two   problems  with using
   Faraday's equation to calculate PPM:

   1. A  controlled-potential  coulometric  analysis  is  required in
   order to  obtain   accurate   readings   The  current  must be
   absolutely controlled. This can be done, I discovered quite  a few
   months ago, with a potentiostat... But then again, you and Bob are
   the engineers,  so: Engineer. According to the  information below,
   100% efficiency is required with the current.

  Thanks for  the  trip  down  nostalgia  lane.  Those  are  very good
  examples of the construction style in the 50's, and I was a teenager
  when those  were  designed.  You can do the same  thing  now  with a
  simple FET  and  opamp, and get pretty good  accuracy  over  a large

  You are  also  correct, a simple resistor  can  provide  pretty good
  current stabilization. It's easy to monitor the current at intervals
  then toss the data into WPlot. It will integrate the values and give
  the average current. Then put that into Mercury and you're done.

  I think we need to talk a little about precision and accuracy.

  Let me introduce you to the wonderful world of electronics. I have a
  frequency counter/timer on my bench with 12 digits of  resolution. I
  bought it new in 1982, and later models have even higher resolution.

  I also  have a dvm on the bench with 7 digits of resolution.  It was
  designed around the same time. Newer models have  higher resolution.
  I often  have to take the thermal contact potential  with dissimilar
  metals into account in my designs and during measurements. These are
  in the microvolt region - a million times lower than an  ordinary 9V

  You can  buy  a  dvm from harbor  freight  for  under  $10.00. DVM's
  usually have tolerance spec's in the 0.1% to 0.01% range.

  In electronics, we are used to working with levels of precision that
  are unheard  of in chemistry. For example, I see Ken's  jar  has the
  tolerance of  +/-2% marked on the glass. But that is  only available
  when the  table surface is perfectly flat and  horizontal.  Any tilt
  will cause  a cosine error in the measured volume, but  I  never see
  this mentioned anywhere. Temperature will change the measured volume
  just like  in  a  thermometer. But I rarely  see  any  site  that is
  concerned enough to take that into account.

  There are  so  many  error sources  in  chemistry,  I'm  amazed that
  anything gets  produced. I really had to readjust  my  thinking down
  several orders of magnitude when I started working with cs.  It took
  a while, but I'm starting to become comfortable with it.

  You often see displays or printouts with lots of digits.  These give
  the impression the instrument is very accurate. However, many of the
  least significant digits may be of little value.

  In engineering,  we  are  required to carry  all  the  digits during
  calculations, and suppress the unusable digits in the  final report.
  Many  of   the   instruments   made   by   Hewlett-Packard   do this
  automatically, but  if you collect the data over the HPIB  bus, they
  often send all the digits and you have to figure out  yourself which
  ones to suppress.

  Unfortunately, in  chemistry,  there is often no way  to  tell which
  digits should be suppressed.

  There is  always  noise in the readings. Averaging  can  be  used to
  reduce the noise if it is random and uncorrelated. In this case, the
  improvement in  the signal-to-noise ratio (snr)  is  proportional to
  the square  root of the number of samples. The reason  is  the noise
  adds orthogonally, and the signal adds linearly.

  The disadvantage  of  using averaging is to improve the  SNR  is you
  have to  double the number of samples to get a  small  increase. For
  example, averaging 100 samples will give a factor of ten improvement
  in standard  deviation. To improve the snr by 3 dB, or  a  factor of
  0.707, now takes 200 averages.

  The problem  is this takes twice as long, and may  not  be practical
  due to time constraints or other factors.

  A really  big  problem occurs if the measurement  drifts  during the
  measurements. I know of no easy way to detect this in the  data, but
  now the  data  is  corrupted  and  you  may  not  know  anything has
  happened. You  have to go through the data in  blocks  and calculate
  the mean, and see if there is a detectable drift. The dilemma is the
  mean change

Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

2003-07-24 Thread Mike Monett
Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS
From: Mike Monett
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 23:28:26

   However, if  you  notice  the  diagram  referencing  the  lines of
   voltage and lines of current, you'll note that a FIELD is actually
   established. Voltage  is  still   present  between  the  anode and

  OK, I  see  the  problem. The diagram on the  left  shows  the field
  lines. This is the direction of the field gradient at each point.

  It is  not really the current flow. Current in an electrolyte  is in
  the form of ions, not electrons.

  As Ivan  pointed out, ions move very slowly in the  typical electric
  fields we use to make cs. We can consider them to be stationary.

  The majority  of  the  flow  of ions in  an  electrolyte  is  due to
  diffusion, which  may be orders of magnitude faster. I have  found a
  way to make this visible, so we can now track their  movement during
  the cs process.

  Will post soon

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

2003-07-24 Thread Ode Coyote
I ran a batch with a modified silverpuppy yesterday and last night.  I was
very busy so I didn't watch it like a hawk or anything.

Ultra low current and voltage DC

 Current control set at 164 microamps.
 Starting voltage  7 volts [no load voltage at 28 volts]
 6.5 submerged x 12 gauge looped electrodes/ 1 3/8 apart
 Batch size 1 pint
 Water at 1.6 uS at start.
 No stirring except when taking meter readings

After 7 hours:
 No appreciable deposits of changes to electrodes.   Bubbles on both
electrodes..large and few
 1.42 volts
12.1 uS
 Very slight TE

After 11 hours 9 minutes:
one electrode white, other sorta darkish grey/brown..nothing significant.
Bubbles still
1.42 volts [still?  That's odd.]  [didn't check amps]
16.5 uS
 Slight TE

After 20 hours 33 minutes:
Significant but still not 'heavy' white metallic plateout on one
electrode..a little fuzzy.  The other, mostly clean metal with very little
darkish fuzz towards the bottom of the loop. No bubbles at all anywhere.
.84 volts
146 microamps
24.6 uS
 Slight TE

 Salt test:
 Enough salt to leave some undissolved in bottom of a shot glass.
 Turned milky white..but not like skim milk or anything.

Crystal clear CS [no color]

 Not significantly different from most batches made at .9 ma with thermal
stirring. Perhaps a lighter TE indicating a higher ion to particle ratio
than some batches made at .9 ma. One batch doesn't tell that story.

Ode [aka Ken]

  Howcome you can only go down to 0.5mA? Can you get down to 162uA?


Best Regards,

Mike Monett

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

2003-07-24 Thread Ode Coyote
  Brownie recipies have been known to reduce resistance and enhance the
completion of circuits.  ;-)

At 06:08 PM 7/23/2003 +, you wrote:
Ode Coyote7/23/03 11:22 AM

 That has to do with the range of the pot...lower? sure.

Well lets not waste that pot,
I have a brownie recipe ...  :-)


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

2003-07-24 Thread Mike Monett
Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS
From: Ode Coyote
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 04:09:47

   I ran  a  batch  with a modified  silverpuppy  yesterday  and last
   night. I  was  very  busy  so I didn't watch  it  like  a  hawk or

   Ultra low current and voltage DC

   Current control set at 164 microamps.
   Starting voltage 7 volts [no load voltage at 28 volts]
   6.5 submerged x 12 gauge looped electrodes/ 1 3/8 apart
   Batch size 1 pint
   Water at 1.6 uS at start.
   No stirring except when taking meter readings

   After 7 hours:

   No appreciable deposits of changes to electrodes. Bubbles  on both
   electrodes..large and few

  Maybe it's some dissolved gas.

   1.42 volts
   12.1 uS
   Very slight TE

  I would  have let it run about 8 hrs, but this is  good  data. Let's
  see what Faraday says:

  hrs  = 7  ; time
  I= 164e-6 ; current in Amperes
  ml   = 250; volume of dw
  sqin = 6.5 / 4; wetted area


  C   = 4.132   ; total Coulombs
  den = 0.0001009   ; 100 uA/ Perfect!
  phr = 2.64; ppm per hr
  ppm = 18.48   ; ppm liberated

  Hah! I  did  the  calculations for 100 uA/,  and  it  came out
  perfect. Of course, it has to, but it's a good sanity check.

  If you  let  it run a bit longer, it would be very close  to  what I
  use. This is the stuff I found so effective on the Shingles virus.

  Do you  have a conversion between uS and ppm? I added  a calculation
  to give  the  uS change per second. I don't know  what  the original
  value was, so I set it to zero. Here's the first calculation:

  uh  = uS / sec; microsiemens per hr


  sec = 25200
  uh  = 0.000480

  Let's track that number: 0.000480

   After 11 hours 9 minutes:

   one electrode  white,   other   sorta  darkish grey/brown..nothing

   Bubbles still
   1.42 volts [still? That's odd.] [didn't check amps]
   16.5 uS
   Slight TE

  Now we  are  starting to make deposits, so much  of  the  current is
  diverted. Here's Faraday:

  hrs = 11  ; hours
  mnt = 9   ; minutes
  uS  = 16.5; uS


  ppm = 29.43
  uh  = 0.000411

  This is  very interesting. I start to get a yellow solution  at this
  level, but  you are still clear. I'm going to get rid of the  rods I
  use for the anode and switch to the same W I use for the cathode.

  Note the change in uS/hr. It has dropped from 0.000480  to 0.000411.
  I could  do the calculation to show the difference which  would make
  it look like a bigger number, but you can see this is  a significant
  drop in the slope.

  So we are starting to lose ions and make deposits on the electrodes.
  This will make the calculated ppm and actual ppm start to diverge.

   After 20 hours 33 minutes:

   Significant but  still not 'heavy' white metallic plateout  on one
   electrode..a little fuzzy. The other, mostly clean metal with very
   little darkish fuzz towards the bottom of the loop. No  bubbles at
   all anywhere.

   .84 volts
   146 microamps
   24.6 uS
   Slight TE

  Here's Faraday:

  hrs  = 20 ; hours
  mnt  = 33 ; minutes
  uS   = 24.6   ; uS


  ppm = 54.25
  uh  = 0.000332

  The calculated  ppm  is  quite   high,  but  the  uS/hr  has dropped
  substantially from the starting number of 0.000480

  So we can see much of the current is used making deposits.

  The big difference is my current setup would be dark yellow  by now.
  I am  still  using straight rods for the anode, and  a  W  for the

  I have noticed a drop in performance lately - maybe it's  partly due
  to the crud I am letting build up on the anode. Soon I will clean it
  off with H2O2 and see if it makes any difference.

   Salt test:
   Enough salt to leave some undissolved in bottom of a shot glass.
   Turned milky white..but not like skim milk or anything.

  Yes, I would expect a very strong dispersion. Could you  see objects
  behind the glass?

   Crystal clear CS [no color]

  This is amazing. I gotta change my setup:)


   Not significantly  different from most batches made at .9  ma with
   thermal stirring. Perhaps a lighter TE indicating a higher  ion to
   particle ratio than some batches made at .9 ma. One  batch doesn't
   tell that story.

   Ode [aka Ken]

  Yes, I  was hoping it would be very similar, but you  have convinced
  me of the value of folded wire for both electrodes, and  how harmful
  the straight  rods  are. My current setup would  not  have performed
  nearly as well. It starts pooping out at about 23 ppm calculated.

  I am  using the straight rods for the anode to see if  the  crud has
  any effect. When I use the W for the anode, it stays clean.  So it
  seems there really is a difference in the way they work.

  The big  advantage  of  the lower current

Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

2003-07-24 Thread Mike Monett
Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS
From: Mike Monett (view other messages by this author)
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 09:21:07

  Sorry, I started to do the uS calculation in hours, then  changed it
  to seconds.  But I forgot to change the comments, and made  the same
  mistake in the text.

  Everything is uS / sec, not uS / hr

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

2003-07-23 Thread Jason Eaton
 be spherical:  A ball
within a ball.  This is the only possible way to completely control the
current draw.  Water circulation would be used, counterclockwise in North
America, but preferrably outside the Earth's Magnetic field using reverse
flow forms-- and certainly with gravity nullified.  I would prefer to use
phase lasers, when they are eventually invented, in-line, to prevent
agglomeration.  Unfortunately, it seems, I read too much Isaac Asimov
growing up!

My end dream product would look like 'Ole Bob's crystalline formations, only
with the web formed quite a bit more intricately and distributed throughout
the solution.  This would be EIS stabilized only by virtue of its own
crystalline properties.  To my knowledge, nobody has determined the ideal
ratio between ions and particles.  Perhaps there is a golden ratio that
exists where the size of particles are as minute as possible, at X%, with
ionic content at Y%  A three dimensional 'pi' for EIS.

The H2O2 is endlessly fascinating.  Provided the CS is highly ionic, without
any flaking, it is quite easy to stabilize H2O2 in the solution.  When
flaking or agglomerated particles are involved, there is yet another
reaction that causes the silver to precipitate out.  I've stabilized 50 PPM
H2O2 in ( what must be extremely close to ) 100% ionic silver for ( at
least ) two months; I use peroxide testing strips as a gauge.  However, I
know a few co-researchers who prefer to utilize the CS H2O2 while the
oxidation reaction is taking place... Within a few minutes of combining 3
drops of 35% H2O2 to about 4 ounces of quality isolated silver.

PPM meters appear quite useless when H2O2 is added to the equation.

My favorite H2O2 silver combination is made by taking one of the old silver
puppy units, with mechanical stirring and a potentiometer wired in...  I
first plate some silver on the bottom of the glass. I then start a slow
brew, and as time progresses I continually reduce the current and increase
the temperature of the water, to near boiling over about a four hour period
of time ( the temperature is not increased until I notice that the process
is degrading ).  The end product is crystal clear, but would not remain so
as agglomeration would rapidly set in. However, I immediately add the H2O2 @
35%, two to five drops per four ounces, and enjoy watching the brief
rolling boil of the H2O2 / Silver reaction.  I let this sit for a few
moments before use.  I've used this combination time and time again for
extremely tough mouth infections and throat infections ( Strep ).  I
estimate it is at least twice as effective as silver used alone, with at
least these two conditions.  However, the trick is:  You must keep the
silver in the mouth for at least 3-5 minutes, or you risk the uncomfort
associated with H2O2 reacting in the stomach.  Keeping the sol in the mouth
for 5 minutes prevents this reaction.  With direct tissue contact in the
mouth and throat, it appears that the reaction itself effects the
bioavailability of the silver, as the result is not the same with the just
silver nor just H2O2.  This process is repeated every seven to fifteen
minutes ( ingesting it by consuming between a tablespoonful and an ounce,
depending on preference ).  In one case ( out of about four ) that I've been
involved with, the infection in the mouth was severe enough that the surgeon
did not want to operate to excise the problem tooth, which was probably just
as well, as the individual would not have been able to afford the surgery.
This formulation, in conjunction with the H2O2 silver solution used in the
ears, nailed the infection ( which had cause the whole side of the face to
swell ), and the problem wisdom tooth was eventually naturally extracted
using clay packs After about a total of six months of non-diligent
applications of the silver/clay.

I wouldn't recommend this exact scenario without some experience, however;
it probably would have been better just to have the tooth pulled if the
means were available.  The problem occurs when the MD prescribes
antibiotics, and they don't work; this individual was in too much pain to
wait for a regime of antibiotics to try to knock the infection out.  The
problem also occurs when normal CS works too good and too quickly, and the
user doesn't experience any further pain, and doesn't take the CS long
enough to lick the infection, or is not able to have the cause taken care
of resulting in second and more severe occurence, even a third...
Tissue takes time to heal, and if it doesn't, each recurrence of the
infection can certainly easily be worse -- and deeper.

Best Regards,


 Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

   Hi Jason,

   Thanks for the really great comments. In a lot of things, I couldn't
   agree with you more.

   I love your comments on Frank's Mesosilver on your forum  page. It's
   so good, it's worth repeating here:



Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

2003-07-23 Thread Mike Monett

That's odd - the link I posted to your Mesosilver comment worked fine last 
night, but it doesn't seem 
to work this morning.

Here is a new link, also verified working at 05:25 EST

I really don't understand php programming, so I don't know if this one will 
continue working either.

But the forum is in google, so it's easy to find.

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

2003-07-23 Thread Ode Coyote

  Yes, I admire your philosophy very much. Keep It Simple, Sydney.

  Howcome you can only go down to 0.5mA? Can you get down to 162uA?
  That has to do with the range of the pot...lower? sure. Different pot or

  Also, does  stirring  affect  the   brew  time  when  autoshutoff is
 Since stirring distributes everything in the water, ion tracks don't form
and the shutdown is delayed until ALL the water reaches the proper
conductivity.  Otherwise, shutdown would be early because conductive
pathways fool the circuitry.


Best Regards,

Mike Monett

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

2003-07-23 Thread Jason Eaton

This link would work, as the cookie associated with the session expires:

t represents the topic id, and sid is the session ID.

Best Regards,


- Original Message -
From: Mike Monett
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 2:29 AM
Subject: Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS


 That's odd - the link I posted to your Mesosilver comment worked fine last
night, but it doesn't seem
 to work this morning.

 Here is a new link, also verified working at 05:25 EST

 I really don't understand php programming, so I don't know if this one
will continue working either.

 But the forum is in google, so it's easy to find.

 Best Regards,

 Mike Monett

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

2003-07-23 Thread Dan Nave
MM wrote:

  At the  high  current  density typical of  most  cs  generators, the
  process starts  making particles at about 10 ppm. This  is confirmed
  by the Faraday equation and the salt test, which gives a  weak, pale
  blue dispersion. The silver oxide coats the electrodes with  a black
  film, and  black deposits are formed on the sides of  the  glass and
  appear on the bottom under the rods. So we know where the ions went.

  When the current density is reduced, the process can go to  a higher
  ppm before it starts turning color. This is confirmed by the Faraday
  equation and  the  salt test. For example, at  87  uA/,  I can
  easily make  19  ppm cs that stays  clear  indefinitely,  even after
  freezing. The salt test shows a milky white dispersion.


I pretty much confirmed this .  Last week I did 2 runs using the same setup but 
with different current densities and times.  I don't have the actual data in 
front of me but generally, I ran one batch at 1ma for about 3 hours and one at 
about .07ma for 24 hours.  The currents were actually less since I calculated 
the resistors without regard to the resistance of the cell.  Anyway, the 1ma 
batch showed a lot of buildup on the electrodes and gave a salt test that you 
really couldn't see at room ambient light but was visible as a light blue in a 
darkened room with a flashlight shining through it.  The .07 ma batch had much 
less buildup on the electrodes and it also had a different quality.  The salt 
test showed it to be a light blue in room light and substantially more color 
and cloudiness in darkened room with flashlight.  It was at least twice as 
cloudy as the 1ma sample.  Obviously, the salt test is a bit subjective, but it 
certainly seems to have merit.  


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

2003-07-23 Thread Mike Monett
To List;

  It seems  that  a  post  that Jason refers  to  got  mangled  in the
  archives just  about  the time escribe came back on  line.  It looks
  like Chuck's post got archived instead, and I have no idea where the
  original went. Here's Chuck's post archived under my name:


  Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS
  From: Mike Monett
  Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 00:21:08

  OK, here's a great rundown of what to expect on this cleanse:



  Hawaii: Haka  Tiki Mou Sha'ami Leeki Toru (Death  To  Mainland Scum,
  Leave Your Money)


  While I  would love to find out where Chuck gets these  great lines,
  it really  shouldn't be archived under my name. Nobody but  Chuck is
  that good:)

  For archival  purposes, here is the original post. I  have corrected
  the spelling  on  one  word at the end,  and  changed  the links per
  Jason's recommendation.


  Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

  Hi Jason,

  Thanks for the really great comments. In a lot of things, I couldn't
  agree with you more.

  I love your comments on Frank's Mesosilver on your forum  page. It's
  so good, it's worth repeating here:



  There's nothing  wrong with Mesosilver. There is,  however,  quite a
  bit wrong with their unsubstantiated philosophy that silver ions are
  not effective in the body.

  They tend to over-simplify the biological processes to a  few simple
  chemical reactions. I've spoken with numerous chemists  who disagree
  with their  base  idea that silver  chloride  always  remains silver
  chloride in the body. They ignore metalloproteins, and a  whole host
  of other  possible   chemical   reactions   that  could  take place.
  Experience, while  certainly  not scientific  proof,  indicates that
  ionic silver is greatly effective.

  Based on their claims, their product should be at least 9 times more
  effective, when  compared with the other  top  electrically isolated
  silvers out there. I have yet to see evidence that this is the case.
  With less refined isolated colloidal silver products, it should be
  over 100X more effective.

  As an  example,  I just recently spent quite a bit  of  time  on the
  phone speaking  with  someone who cured a case  of  neurosyphilis by
  drinking silver chloride. If the makers of Mesosilver  were correct,
  then this  individual should be six feet under about now. If  he had
  listened to  them, he would also be six feet under about now,  as he
  would likely have abandoned his usage, and would not have  been able
  to afford to purchase their product.

  I've viewed  numerous testimonials from those using  Mesosilver, and
  have spoken  with  quite  a   few   users.  I've  also  had numerous
  conversations with the founder of The  staff has
  a great deal of knowledge and is very committed to their product.

  However, they  are completely biased. Furthermore, I have  been told
  there is  no  interest in actually PROVING  their  claims.  They are
  willing to rest on their beliefs, which is of course their right.

  While their  product  is  certainly a  quality  colloidal  silver, I
  haven't seen anything to indicate that it works better than the best
  ionic silver's out there.

  There is,  however,   plenty   of   clinical   and  scientific proof
  concerning the  effect  of silver ions. The works of  Dr.  Robert O.
  Becker, Dr.  Bart  Flick, among others  clearly  show  the potential
  benefit of  silver ions in the human body, provided  they  of course
  ARE in a usable form.

  Silver ions from silver-coated catheders work just fine as well:

  You may also want to read the following mini-articles carefully:

  Best Regards,

  - Jason

  Last edited by AVRA on Thu May 15, 2003 7:56 pm; edited 1 time in total


  Yes, I  think  you  will  find   many  people  who  agree  with your
  assessment of  Frank's claims. I don't know about the guy  who cured
  neurosyphilis with  silver chloride. If silver chloride  worked that
  well, we'd  all be adding salt as a starter to make cs.  Most people
  stopped doing that a long time ago.

  I think you'll find that many people here agree with you  that ionic
  silver is  the  true  workhorse   in  colloidal  silver.  Robert and
  Marshall certainly  do, and I definitely agree.  My  experience with

Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

2003-07-23 Thread Jack Dayton
Ode Coyote7/23/03 11:22 AM

 That has to do with the range of the pot...lower? sure.

Well lets not waste that pot,
I have a brownie recipe ...  :-)


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

2003-07-23 Thread Mike Monett
Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS
From: Dan Nave (view other messages by this author)
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 10:37:23

  Dan wrote:

   I pretty  much  confirmed this. Last week I did 2  runs  using the
   same setup but with different current densities and times. I don't
   have the actual data in front of me but generally, I ran one batch
   at 1ma for about 3 hours and one at about .07ma for 24  hours. The
   currents were  actually  less  since  I  calculated  the resistors
   without regard to the resistance of the cell.

   Anyway, the  1ma batch showed a lot of buildup  on  the electrodes
   and gave a salt test that you really couldn't see at  room ambient
   light but  was visible as a light blue in a darkened  room  with a
   flashlight shining  through  it. The .07 ma  batch  had  much less
   buildup on the electrodes and it also had a different quality. The
   salt test  showed  it  to  be  a  light  blue  in  room  light and
   substantially more  color  and cloudiness  in  darkened  room with
   flashlight. It  was at least twice as cloudy as the  1ma sample.
   Obviously, the  salt  test is a bit subjective,  but  it certainly
   seems to have merit.


  Hi Dan,

  Thanks for  the  info. Golly, that is the weakest salt  test  I have
  ever seen. It has to be well below 10 ppm.

  Can you try integrating the current vs time curve to get the average
  current, then do the Faraday calculation?

  An example of integrating a current/time curve is on my web  page in
  Figs 3 and 4:

  The integral intercepts the right Y-axis at a value of about 32. The
  time is 30 minutes, so the average current is 32/30 = 1.066 mA

  You can do this in WPlot. Just give it a table of current values and
  the time since starting the brew.

  Just plug that into Mercury and let us know the predicted  ppm. I'll
  bet it is pretty low:)

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

2003-07-23 Thread Mike Monett
Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS
From: Jason Eaton
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 06:53:22


   This link  would work, as the cookie associated  with  the session

   t represents the topic id, and sid is the session ID.

   Best Regards,



  Thanks! This is very useful informtion. I never could figure out why
  they needed  such a long string in a url, and it's hard to put  in a
  post since  it  always wraps. Now I can cut it off and  not  have to
  worry about killing the link:)

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

2003-07-22 Thread Mike Monett
Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

  Here are the inevitable corrections, but not so many this time.

Anyway, it  is   a   poor   business   model   then  the  FDA and
pharmaceutical companies are trying to change the law so  they can
put you out of business.

  Typical typo - please change then to when, so it reads

Anyway, it  is   a   poor   business   model   when  the  FDA and
pharmaceutical companies are trying to change the law so  they can
put you out of business.

  Some thoughts on giving cs to someone for the first time:

However, children  and  sensitive people may refuse  to  take it.
Once this happens, they may never try it again.

  I think  it is normal for people to have a bit of fear  of something
  new. CS is definitely something they have never  experienced before,
  and it may help to sit down and try to describe what it tastes like,
  instead of surprising them.

  It is  important to stress the positive aspects of this  strange new
  experience. It doesn't have any smell, so they may be surprised when
  their taste  buds  start  sending  signals  to  their  brain.  It is
  important to  intercept  these before that  little  switch  flips in
  their mind and they decide they don't like it.

  Let them  know that the new taste will tell them it is  working, and
  to look for it. It will soon go away, so they have to  work quickly.
  Let them know it won't make them sick, and they won't feel any other
  effects. The hardest part is to get them to keep their  mouth closed
  for ten minutes. Not many people are used to doing that:)

  Let them  know  beforehand the taste is much better  than  the other
  remedies they  may  have taken that have a  strong  medicinal smell.
  These linger  in  the mouth for a long time,  and  can  make someone

  The most  convincing  method might be to wait  until  they  show the
  symptoms of  a  cold or flu. Explain patiently as  before  what they
  will likely experience, and let them sleep overnight.

  When they  wake in the morning and are no longer sick, they  will be
  convinced of  the  value of cs, and not mind the  taste  at  all. In
  fact, they  may  become very discriminating and let you  know  in no
  uncertain terms when it is not as strong as usual.

  Probably others  have  stories  of  their  experiences  that  may be
  helpful to the group.

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

2003-07-22 Thread Ode Coyote
 I can do that but all calibration goes out the window unless the factory
setting side of the switch is used.
 I can also make current variable from .5 to 6 ma. [or nearly any other
range under 6 ma]
 But change one thing and everything else changes, then I get
reams of questions that don't contain enough info to answer, have no
possible accurate answer or take many hours to figure out.
 Plug n' play  If you play, you don't get to plug.
 Not exactly the 'keep it simple' ..reliable ,affordable and
convenient...philosophy I prefer.


  I have  always  favored  the Silverpuppy for  the  clean  design and
  rounded electrodes. It might be possible to ask Ken to add  a switch
  to reduce the current, which might open a new sales  opportunity for
  him. It would allow people to choose which cs they prefer,  and it's
  always best to let the customer decide. Think of Baskin-Robbins.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

2003-07-22 Thread Jack Dayton
Mike Monett7/22/03 2:13 AM

 Third, there is no need for an expensive lab test. The salt  test is
 a very good way to compare different cs solutions.
Frank Key has offered free testing, but that offer
might not be available to you any longer.

 What more could a lab tell us that we need to know? Very little, and
 their results would likely never agree with the same test run at yet
 another lab. So why bother?
Depending on the test results, we would know
how much of what you say can be given any credence

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

2003-07-22 Thread Mike Monett
Subject: Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 06:17:33 -0400
From: Ode Coyote

   I can  do that but all calibration goes out the window  unless the
   factory setting side of the switch is used.

   I can  also make current variable from .5 to 6 ma. [or  nearly any
   other range under 6 ma]

   But change one thing and everything else changes,  then I
   get reams  of questions that don't contain enough info  to answer,
   have no possible accurate answer or take many hours to figure out.

   Plug n' play If you play, you don't get to plug. Not exactly the
   'keep   it  simple'  ..reliable,  affordable   and
   convenient...philosophy I prefer.


  Yes, I admire your philosophy very much. Keep It Simple, Sydney.

  Howcome you can only go down to 0.5mA? Can you get down to 162uA?

  Also, does  stirring  affect  the   brew  time  when  autoshutoff is

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

2003-07-22 Thread Marshall Dudley
I take about an ounce in the morning and an ounce at night of 5 ppm HVAC.
When I started in 1998 I was getting a cold or flu almost monthly and would
get cold sores about twice a month.  Since starting that regime I have not
been sick or gotten a cold sore since.

However I have started feeling sick, usually after eating something that was
going bad, but always got over it within a few minutes if I take an
additional few ounces.

I got bit by a tick last year and got the bulls eye that indicates lyme.
Since I had had lyme before and it took me years to get rid of it with the
allopathic medicine, I took about 8 oz of CS a day for a week.  I never got

Marshall wrote:

 How much CS does everyone take? Drink an ounce or two? Drink a
 glass? How often do you do this? What PPM? How does color relate to
 PPM if it does? My generator makes pale yellow but i've yet to experience
 this feeling in my mouth or have much luck using it as mouth wash.  Can
 someone share their experiences?

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

2003-07-22 Thread brianc
How much CS does everyone take? Drink an ounce or two? Drink a 
glass? How often do you do this? What PPM? How does color relate to 
PPM if it does? My generator makes pale yellow but i've yet to experience 
this feeling in my mouth or have much luck using it as mouth wash.  Can 
someone share their experiences? 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

2003-07-22 Thread Mike Monett
Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

  Hi Jason,

  Thanks for the really great comments. In a lot of things, I couldn't
  agree with you more.

  I love your comments on Frank's Mesosilver on your forum  page. It's
  so good, it's worth repeating here:



  There's nothing  wrong with Mesosilver. There is,  however,  quite a
  bit wrong with their unsubstantiated philosophy that silver ions are
  not effective in the body.

  They tend to over-simplify the biological processes to a  few simple
  chemical reactions. I've spoken with numerous chemists  who disagree
  with their  base  idea that silver  chloride  always  remains silver
  chloride in the body. They ignore metalloproteins, and a  whole host
  of other  possible   chemical   reactions   that  could  take place.
  Experience, while  certainly  not scientific  proof,  indicates that
  ionic silver is greatly effective.

  Based on their claims, their product should be at least 9 times more
  effective, when  compared with the other  top  electrically isolated
  silvers out there. I have yet to see evidence that this is the case.
  With less refined isolated colloidal silver products, it should be
  over 100X more effective.

  As an  example,  I just recently spent quite a bit  of  time  on the
  phone speaking  with  someone who cured a case  of  neurosyphilis by
  drinking silver chloride. If the makers of Mesosilver  were correct,
  then this  individual should be six feet under about now. If  he had
  listened to  them, he would also be six feet under about now,  as he
  would likely have abandoned his usage, and would not have  been able
  to afford to purchase their product.

  I've viewed  numerous testimonials from those using  Mesosilver, and
  have spoken  with  quite  a   few   users.  I've  also  had numerous
  conversations with the founder of The  staff has
  a great deal of knowledge and is very committed to their product.

  However, they  are completely biased. Furthermore, I have  been told
  there is  no  interest in actually PROVING  their  claims.  They are
  willing to rest on their beliefs, which is of course their right.

  While their  product  is  certainly a  quality  colloidal  silver, I
  haven't seen anything to indicate that it works better than the best
  ionic silver's out there.

  There is,  however,   plenty   of   clinical   and  scientific proof
  concerning the  effect  of silver ions. The works of  Dr.  Robert O.
  Becker, Dr.  Bart  Flick, among others  clearly  show  the potential
  benefit of  silver ions in the human body, provided  they  of course
  ARE in a usable form.

  Silver ions from silver-coated catheders work just fine as well:

  You may also want to read the following mini-articles carefully:

  Best Regards,

  - Jason

  Last edited by AVRA on Thu May 15, 2003 7:56 pm; edited 1 time in total


  Yes, I  think  you  will  find   many  people  who  agree  with your
  assessment of  Frank's claims. I don't know about the guy  who cured
  neurosyphilis with  silver chloride. If silver chloride  worked that
  well, we'd  all be adding salt as a starter to make cs.  Most people
  stopped doing that a long time ago.

  I think you'll find that many people here agree with you  that ionic
  silver is  the  true  workhorse   in  colloidal  silver.  Robert and
  Marshall certainly  do, and I definitely agree.  My  experience with
  high ionic silver and the Shingles and cold virus came as a complete
  surprise, and convinced me of this fact.

  Low ionic  silver is great for bacteria, and when you are  young and
  have a  vigorous  immune system. But as you age,  the  immune system
  starts to degrade, and the 10 ppm or so you get from the 3  nines is
  no longer  adequate.  Nearly  all cs  generators  will  work against
  bacteria, but many viruses are a lot harder to kill.

  The SARS  virus terrified the world and killed a high  percentage of
  the people  it infected, even with the best  medical  care possible.
  Most doctors seem convinced the next one is only a matter of time.

  The West Nile virus is now in the US, and it is spreading. It  has a
  low death  rate,  but it can cause  serious  damage.  Other terrible
  viruses can  spread from their source, and there is  nothing medical
  science can do to stop them.

  So I  think  we should pay a great deal of attention on  how  the cs
  process works  and  what  it  takes  to  produce  high  ionic silver

  One of the best ways to see if a particular electrode arrangement or
  current density works better is to have a quick and reliable  way

CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

2003-07-21 Thread Mike Monett
To List;

  A number of people have asked why I do not send samples of the ULVDC
  process to a lab for testing. Mike Devour, Warren  Jefferson, Robert
  Berger, and jrowland have asked this question.

  First of all, I am not interested in producing ULVDC commercially. I
  think it should be a gift. Many people have freely contributed their
  time and money to spreading information about colloidal  silver with
  no profit  motive  whatsoever. Mike Devour is a  prime  example, for
  which I  am  deeply grateful. I have  benefited  greatly  from their
  work. Why should I not follow their example?

  Second, because  of the low current density, this cs would  take too
  long to make to be profitable commercially. It would require  ten to
  twenty times the investment in raw silver to equal the throughput of
  other methods.

  There is  little reason to make this investment  when  a well-turned
  marketing phrase  can accomplish the same thing. There are  too many
  companies in this category. Anyway, it is a poor business model then
  the FDA and pharmaceutical companies are trying to change the law so
  they can put you out of business.

  There is  no   good   reason   to   try   to  produce  the generator
  commercially. A simple resistor and battery doesn't  sound high-tech
  enough to  support  a  sales  price that  would  cover  the  cost of
  manufacture, let alone the cost of the silver.

  I have  always  favored  the Silverpuppy for  the  clean  design and
  rounded electrodes. It might be possible to ask Ken to add  a switch
  to reduce the current, which might open a new sales  opportunity for
  him. It would allow people to choose which cs they prefer,  and it's
  always best to let the customer decide. Think of Baskin-Robbins.

  It would  be  interesting to produce the generator  in  a non-profit
  organization for  distribution to third world countries. I  would be
  very willing  to  do this, but currently lack  the  funds  needed to
  start such a project.

  Third, there is no need for an expensive lab test. The salt  test is
  a very good way to compare different cs solutions.

  The only  thing  that  counts   is   the  increased  ion  content as
  demonstrated by the salt test. The results on the Shingles virus and
  cold sores have already been described.

  What more could a lab tell us that we need to know? Very little, and
  their results would likely never agree with the same test run at yet
  another lab. So why bother?

  I have  donated  the copyrights to my generator  the  public domain.
  This means anyone can use it without fear of legal problems.

  They can even sell the product if they wish, subject to my review of
  their marketing   description.   Ideally,   this   would   include a
  calculation of the maximum ppm via the Faraday equation, the current
  density at  the electrodes, the shape of the electrodes,  the wetted
  area, and a description of the dispersion in the salt test.

  But anyone can make any claims they wish, and there is no real way I
  can prevent this from happening. The only thing I can do  is promote
  the salt test as an independent check on a manufacturer's claims.

  If a manufacturer claims 20 ppm, and you get a very weak,  pale blue
  dispersion, something is wrong. That's closer to 10 ppm. If  you get
  a milky white cloud, he is probably pretty close.

  If he claims 30 ppm or higher, forget about it. You may not  want to
  drink large  amounts of cs at this strength. If it is  true,  it may
  kill the friendly bacteria in your tummy and make you quite sick.

  Most likely,  if  there  are any sharp edges  on  his  electrodes, a
  solution this  strong  will quickly turn yellow.  So  either  he has
  added something  to the cs you may not want, or the  measurement may
  be incorrect.

  The salt test will quickly show what's going on. At 30 ppm, it gives
  a strong  white  dispersion that makes it difficult  to  see objects
  behind the  glass.  At  60 ppm, it looks like skim  milk  and  it is
  impossible to see anything behind the glass. Don't drink it.  It may
  give you a tummyache.

  Since the  ULVDC  process was described publicly  before  any patent
  application was  filed, there are no patent rights  anywhere  in the
  world except in the US. Those rights expire in less than a year.

  Anyone who  tried to patent this process in the US would  face stiff
  opposition from me due to prior art. Any claims they could  dream up
  would have to be so narrow that it would make the patent worthless.

  So go ahead and use it. Learn how to do the salt test and  the tooth
  test. They are your friends in an uncertain world. And  forget about
  conflicting lab reports.

  (I don't  know if this will post - the entire eskimo  site  has been
  down since  Saturday. But the digest still comes via email,  so it's
  worth a try.)

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

  P.S. The  tooth test? Hold the cs in your mouth for ten  minutes. If
  the ppm  is  

Re: CS Requests For Lab Test on ULVDC CS

2003-07-21 Thread Jason Eaton
Greetings, Mike:

I have admired the spirit to which you've applied your expertise, and I
wouldn't want to sit down and argue your mathematics!  I'm certain your
generator produces a fine colloidal silver and under well controlled

First of all, I am not interested in producing ULVDC commercially. I
think it should be a gift. Many people have freely contributed their time
and money to spreading information about colloidal  silver with no profit
motive  whatsoever.

Many of us do.  Mike, for instance, provides a fantastic temperment and a
spirit of brotherhood that helps make everyone feel welcome.  You won't see
Mike posting about how X person's process is terrible, nor claiming that
he's at last, for the millionth time, produced the perfect isolated silver
product, although he knows at least as much about produced CS as the rest.

'Ole Bob, as an example, will occasionally hop in with a sincere challenge
to those applying themselves outside of the box.  As far as I'm concerned,
he's earned that right, and he has the data and tests to prove his methods.
'Ole Bob keeps many a huckster honest.

I certainly don't make a dime, and my expenditures in the silver arena ( and
not engineering ) have been quite extensive.

That said, and in the interest of authenticity, I would like to say that you
should be careful making claims on processes, and judging other people's
products, without any real knowledge.  It's fun to think we're on the
cutting edge, that we're making progress, that we are contributing to a
greater cause.  But when ego throws in the competition and division occur,
people can  actually get hurt...  and not from exploding batteries, either.
I see a great difference between competition between associates and blatant
assaults, and it is only human nature for individuals to expect that one who
steps up to the plate, to actually go to bat.

As an example, I know all about both Ken's silverpuppies and Trem's
Silvergens, because I OWN BOTH.  I could tell you the differences in the end
products, what I like about each, and even why I wouldn't give either up.  I
will tell you you are wrong if you think that Ken's unit produces a superior
end product, although I wouldn't go so far to say that I believe Silvergens
are neccessarily BETTER IN VIVO, because this is nearly impossible to
establish without a large comparison population sample.  I can tell you that
Trem's product has been studied very closely, and has passed scrutiny that
very few  generators have.  And this is real science, no salt test.
Concerning the two generators, the end products are different, and they both
make CS that I wouldn't hesitate to use in the worse possible situations.

I can tell you that I get quite a few emails from professional producers, or
their affiliates who complain about our recommended products page online.  I
tell them all the same thing, and watch them all dissapear without a trace.
I listen to their spiels about how their products are superior because of
promotional reasons X, Y, and Z...  Alot of them sport small particle size
due to utilizing a stabilized silver ( which is never as good as EIS ), some
have great generators with poor quality water distillers built in ( which
will turn any good generator into a big nine-volt battery-like setup ), some
don't seem to see the difference between a successful 7 minute time-kill
study and a successful 30 minute time kill study ( until it is pointed out
to them ).  I tell them it is very simple to have full lab work done, and
prove their claims.  I tell them our website guidelines.  They agree to have
the work done with great enthusiasm.  Never has a company responded back
afterward.  One requirement is that if a company is in violation of FDA or
FTC law, that they give an explanation on their site as to why...  in one
form or another.  Another is not to spend time badmouthing the CS industry
on their site.  If anything, it is in unity that we have any strength.

I've always been hard-nosed about commercial producers and CS.   I give
Frank the hardest time of all, because he is actually the most qualified and
best equipped.  I have a great interest in particulate silver, and little
hard data to go on.  Frank was a  NASA engineer who worked on the Apollo
project -- a true bonified American who reminds me alot of Tom Clancy

The gift you could offer the CS community -- based on past correspondances
which I've viewed with interest -- is not yet another generator design,
but real knowledge about what your generator design actually produces, and
how effective it really is.  I can't afford -- at this time -- to have AAS
work done for you, but I can put aside the money in the near future to have
some analytical work done, if you truly believe your generator cuts the
mustard.  Then, from that day forward, you'll know where your product
stands, and can speak with confidence.  I know exactly where the nine-volt
battery method stands in comparison to