Re: [Simh] Which PDP-11 to choose

2019-07-01 Thread Will Senn

On 7/1/19 9:48 AM, Bob Supnik wrote:

If I may interject a serious note...

The J-11 based simulators (11/73 and up) are the only ones that were 
verified against actual machine microcode. The 11/73 system was the 
only one verified against its board and system specification. The 
others are all derivatives.

I always debug with the 11/73. It has 4M memory, I/D space, and access 
to large disks via the MSCP controller.


Simh mailing list

Thank you, Bob! I'll take this as canonical and run with it :).

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Simh mailing list

[Simh] Which PDP-11 to choose

2019-06-30 Thread Will Senn


Is there any particular reason to choose one model of PDP-11 over 
another in the sim? I am a user who is usually only interested in using 
one of the various programming languages available on the dec oses - I 
frequently use RT-11 for BASIC or ASSEMBLY and Unix V6 and V7 for C and 
for fun, as well as an occasional foray into RSTS-E and lately RSX 11-M 
Plus to try and find the perfect OS for as many programming languages as 
I can get in one place. In my language/os explorations, I generally just 
grab somebody's example ini file or take a default machine 11/40 or 
11/94, but it's been pretty will-nilly on my part. I'd like to have some 
kind of rationale related to necessity, but it doesn't really seem to 
make much difference. I know the 11/45 had split I/D, making it 'better' 
than the 11/40 and that the unibus is different than the q-bus and I'm 
sure the hardware support is different between the models, but I haven't 
really been prevented from running anything that is runnable... but of 
course, if I was prevented, I just chalked it up to who knows why that 
didn't work, so I might never know if I'm missing out on the El Dorado 
of ancient OSes. Does anyone have some guidelines to help choose which 
model configuration is appropriate for various needs? Or, in this day 
and age of endless supplies of ram and memory, should I just load it up 
to the biggest, baddest, pdp-11 of all time and leave it at that (and if 
so, which one is that?).

Thanks for the assist.



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[Simh] Tun/Tap in Mint for RSX-11M Plus 4.6 running in SimH PDP11

2019-06-23 Thread Will Senn
This question may best be asked elsewhere but I'm struggling to make it 
work with SimH, so here it is :)

tldr; How can I get tun/tap working with Mint 19 and SimH RSX-11M Plus 
4.6 so that I can access the internet from the instance and telnet to it 
from another machine on the network?

Here's the background... I am trying to get RSX-11M Plus 4.6 working in 
SimH with networking on my Mint 19.1 T430 Thinkpad and it's proving 
difficult (both in execution and understanding). I've tried this tap 
stuff before and remember being uber frustrated then, too. But now, I 
know way more about stuff then I did back then.

System: T430 ThinkPad w/16GB Ram, SSD's, 1600x screen.

OS: Linux Mint 19.1 (debian/ubuntu derivative).

Software: SimH built with: make USE_READER_THREAD=1 USE_TAP_NETWORK=1 
USE_INT64=1 vax vax780 pdp11 pdp8

What I'm trying to do: Get my RSX-11M talking to the internet and be 
able to telnet into it, preferably from another laptop on the network.

What I've tried: followed a gist by Upi Temminen for getting it running 
on a pi:

After installing parprouted, uml-utilities, tunctl, and simh as 
described, did the following:


sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces.d/tap
auto tap-simh0
iface tap-simh0 inet manual
    pre-up tunctl -t tap-simh0 -u simhuser
    up ip link set tap-simh0 up
    up /usr/sbin/parprouted wlp3s0 tap-simh0
    up /sbin/ip link set wlp3s0 promisc on
    post-down ip link set tap-simh0 down
    post-down tunctl -d tap-simh0

auto tap-simh1
iface tap-simh1 inet manual
    pre-up tunctl -t tap-simh1 -u simhuser
    up ip link set tap-simh1 up
    up /usr/sbin/parprouted wlp3s0 tap-simh1
    up /sbin/ip link set wlp3s0 promisc on
    post-down ip link set tap-simh1 down
    post-down tunctl -d tap-simh1


used oscar's boot.ini, but with this section for ethernet:

; Ethernet
set xu enable
set xu type=deuna
set xu mac=aa:00:04:00:0c:34
attach xu tap:tap-simh0
sho xu

which resulted in:

PDP-11 simulator V4.0-0 Current    git commit id: b3fa1f9f
Disabling XQ
/opt/pidp11/systems/rsx11mplus/boot.ini-16> attach xu tap:tap-simh0
libpcap version 1.8.1
Eth: opened OS device tap-simh0
XU    address=17774510-17774517, vector=120, BR5, MAC=AA:00:04:00:0C:34
    type=DEUNA, throttle=disabled
    attached to tap:tap-simh0
CPU    11/70, FPP, RH70, autoconfiguration enabled, idle disabled
RQ0: 'PiDP11_DU0.dsk' Contains an ODS1 File system
RQ0: Volume Name:  RSX11MPBL87 Format: DECFILE11A   Sectors In Volume: 

/opt/pidp11/systems/rsx11mplus/boot.ini-35> attach rq1 PiDP11_DU1.dsk
RQ1: creating new file
/opt/pidp11/systems/rsx11mplus/boot.ini-45> attach dz 10001
Listening on port 10001
DZ    address=17760030-17760037*, vector=330-334*, BR5, lines=8
    attached to 10001, 8b, 0 current connections

RSX-11M-PLUS V4.6  BL87   1920.KW  System:"PIDP11"

>SET /UIC=[1,2]
>* Load TCP/IP? [Y/N D:Y T:15S]:
>load if:/vec/high
>load ip:/vec/high
>load ud:/vec/high
>load tc:/vec/high
LOA -- Warning - loadable driver larger than 4K
>con onl if0:
>con onl if1:
>con onl ip:
>con onl ud:
>con onl tc:
>ins lb:[ip]ethacp/fmap=yes
>ins lb:[ip]ifconfig
>ins lb:[ip]netstat
>ins lb:[ip]ping
>ins lb:[ip]tracert
>ins lb:[ip]resacp
>dfl "Frodo"=HOSTNAME/GBL
>ifc create 256
>ifc start
Starting IP.
Starting UD.
Starting TC.
>ifc set if0: dhcp acp ethacp lin UNA-0
>dfl ",RTR,DNS,DOM"="DHCP$IF0"/gbl
>;.ifins if0 can if0
>ins lb:[ip]dhcp
>run dhcp
>ifc set if1: add localhost
09:30:21  TCP/IP - ethernet ACP using DECnet DLX
09:30:21  Starting resolver V2.2
>ifc set if1: sta ope

 DHCP - Failed to find any DHCP servers. Giving up...

which explains why this don't work:
Unknown host: GOOGLE.COM


if I:

ip link show


4: tap-simh0:  mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel 
state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000

    link/ether 22:f2:0d:23:2d:63 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

To my untrained eye, it would appear that tap-simh0 isn't getting an ip 
address :).




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Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] RSX-11 M Plus version to try

2019-06-22 Thread Will Senn

On 6/22/19 9:07 PM, Mark Matlock wrote:


I didn’t record a log of the SYSGEN but when you do a SYSGEN it creates 
three saved answer files. SYSGEN will ask if you have them and with them you 
can recreate the process. If you tell it at the beginning you want a dry run 
and you can make your own log file.
Also you can just print the files and see all the options, CSR values and 
vectors that were entered for the peripherals.

The saved answer files are


And they are on the disk you downloaded.

Cool. I'll give this a shot!


Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] RSX-11 M Plus version to try

2019-06-22 Thread Will Senn


> On Jun 22, 2019, at 5:39 PM, Supratim Sanyal  wrote:
> Will,
> Mark’s (cc’d) distribution is another alternative. Quoting Mark:
> wget
> This is a RSX11M+ V4.6 sysgened for the PiDP-11/70 with most all the common 
> programming languages including APL, DTR, BP2 V2.7, F77, etc.

Greatness. I don’t suppose the actual sysgen procedure was captured / 
documented ?

> wget
> This is a 1.5 GB disk when upzipped that has all the RSX Sig tapes that are 
> available as .dsk files that can be accessed with VCP.

Wow. Once I have a clue how to find my way around the os. This’ll be great.

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] RSX-11 M Plus version to try

2019-06-22 Thread Will Senn

On 6/22/19 4:50 PM, Johnny Billquist wrote:

You should definitely go with V4.6, which is the latest released version.

Cool. I just read the pidp11 manual and it looks like Oscar's already 
done a lot of the legwork for getting rsx up and running on the pi that 
is part of the kit. So, since I'm eventually gonna solder that up, I'll 
just fire up the pi and use the rsx distro he's using as a starting point.

This is a complex question. There is the introduction to RSX manual. 
But it presents the system from a user point of view. If you want to 
understand how to manage the system, there aren't that many short 
howtos around. You should probably read the system managers manual. 
But that's a big manual to just plow through...


Thanks for the link.

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Simh mailing list

[Simh] RSX-11 M Plus version to try

2019-06-22 Thread Will Senn


I'm looking to try out something new and different on pdp11 (I've done 
my fair share of v6, v7, rt-11, and rsts and prolly a few others - y'all 
know this cuz about twice a year, I ask a slew of newb questions on the 
list). This year's exploration looks to be rsx-11 m plus... My questions 
are these:

1.  What version is available to run in simh that has the broadest 
selection of languages (asm, bas, pascal, fortran, etc)?

2. What version runs Johnny's tcp/ip stuff best?

3. What version has lots and lots and lost of documentation around?

Also, bonus question - do any of y'all have any great getting started 
guides or books or know where to find them?

My searching around has led me to think 4.6...



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Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] 101 Basic Games for RSTS/E (was Re: PDP11 on Simh for public access)

2019-01-23 Thread Will Senn

On 1/23/19 1:16 PM, Mattis Lind wrote:

Here is the scan of EDU #7

It is scanned in 600dpi color so it is big. Please anyone that has 
good tools might squeeze it a bit without loosing resolution and color.

It's beautiful, even if it's big - PDF's are such a pain, but very 
convenient. Thanks for sharing.

I wonder if anyone's doing anything remotely as high quality as this 
newsletter for educational computing, these days...


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Re: [Simh] 101 Basic Games for RSTS/E (was Re: PDP11 on Simh for public access)

2019-01-23 Thread Will Senn

On 1/21/19 3:55 PM, Clem Cole wrote:
Anyway, the point is that simple computer games in BASIC were being 
passed around between people (as paper tapes), particularly if you had 
acccess to multiple different brands of computers.    You always had 
the source code, in those days so it was really not big deal.  In 
fact, my memory is that one of the new things that you could do on the 
PDP-10 was >>compile<< your basic program, or at least leave it in 
some form that some one could not see what you had done.   But the HP 
and GE system, you just loaded the program and typed 'list' - often 
after turning on the paper tape punch the ASR33.



So, I dug a bit and found the code is practically everywhere  and when 
folks extended it, they were pretty specific about what they extended. 
Take the code for the library computer's calculator for distance and 
direction... it's nearly untouched in other versions - prolly cuz it's a 
little convoluted (seems like some translation from rectangular to polar 
coordinates and back again using standard trig functions would have 
worked and been MUCH easier to understand...

In reviewing the SPACWR code, and comparing it to STTR1 which preceded 
it and SUPERTREK which came later, I came across this bit of library 
computer code for calculating direction and distance from one sector in 
a quadrant to another. It seems like basic trig would have been easier, 
but the author chose another route, pun intended. In the code where the 
direction is calculated, though, it looks like there are at least 2 
bugs. But, seeing as all of the versions use basically the same exact 
logic, I must be missing something and I am hoping y'all know something 
about the interpreter that makes this magically ok, or can read it 
better than I and tell me that it's actually ok, as is (maybe the bugs 
don't materially effect the outcome) or this was a well known quirk of 
the system that was beloved by all oldtimers :).

I'm running this in RSTSV06C-03, but STTR1 was written for an HP 
calculator or something and SUPERTREK was written for a Data General 
Nova 800 w/32K of core, so I don't think it's a system specific issue, 
but rather a straight up logic problem.

Below is the code and it's pretty self contained.

The 2 bugs are these:

1. Lines 4880, 5250, and 5270 refer to H8. H8 is effectively constant 0, 
set in 4880 and again in 5270, the check in 5250 will never evaluate 
true. It looks like it was meant to break out of the loop early, but 
there aren't any other uses of it elsewhere in the code - but it's 
persistent - appearing in many versions of the code, doing nothing.

2. The more pernicious, or at least annoying to me bug is the test in 
line 5140, X is always less than zero here. So the path from 5140 to 
5190 is never executed.

I don't want to fix anything until I'm sure it's broken. I don't 
particularly care for the method used here, but if it works...

Here's what the vector's get translated into (the direction, a real 
number between 1 and 8.999etc that is calculated), for reference:

 4  3  2
  \ ^ /
5 - 1
  / ^ \
 6  7  8

This is the code followed by my annotations for what they're worth 
(usually I put them in column 90, but that wouldn't look good in email, 
so I just split 'em):

4880 PRINT:H8=0
4900 FOR I=1TO3
4910 IF K(I,3)<=0 THEN 5260
4920 C1=S1:A=S2:W1=K(I,1):X=K(I,2)
4960 GOTO 5010
4970 PRINT"YOU ARE AT QUADRANT ( "Q1","Q2" )  SECTOR ( "S1","S2" )"
5010 X=X-A:A=C1-W1
5030 IF X<0 THEN 5130
5031 IF A<0 THEN 5190
5050 IF X>0 THEN 5070
5051 IF A=0 THEN 5150
5070 C1=1
5080 IF ABS(A) <= ABS(X) THEN 5110
5085 V5=C1+(((ABS(A)-ABS(X))+ABS(A))/ABS(A))
5100 GOTO 5240
5120 GOTO 5240
5130 IF A>0 THEN 5170
5140 IF X=0 THEN 5190
5150 C1=5:GOTO 5080
5170 C1=3:GOTO5200
5190 C1=7
5200 IF ABS(A)>=ABS(X) THEN 5230
5220 GOTO 5240
5240 PRINT "DISTANCE ="SQR(X**2+A**2)
5250 IF H8=1 THEN 5320
5260 NEXT I
5270 H8=0
5300 IF A$="YES" THEN 4970
5310 IF A$<>"NO" THEN 5280
5320 GOTO 1270

!  One Scenario that works to help illustrate (direction is 3)

!   | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
!    +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
! 1 |   |   | K1|   |   |   |   |   |
!    +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
! 2 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
!    +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
! 3 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
!    +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
! 4 |   |   | E |   |   |   |   |   |
!    +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
! 5 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
!    +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
! 6 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

Re: [Simh] 101 Basic Games for RSTS/E (was Re: PDP11 on Simh for public access)

2019-01-22 Thread Will Senn

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 22, 2019, at 7:40 PM, Al Kossow  wrote:
> On 1/22/19 11:05 AM, Richard wrote:
>>> this stuff, it appears that there was a DEC EDU newsletter before the 
>>> book, where're those?
>> I've asked the software librarian at the Computer History Museum, Al
>> Kossow, if he is aware of any in existence.
> I'm actually a software curator here.
> ___
> Simh mailing list

Cool. Is that a physical item that is being described? If so, is there a 
digital representation of the item available, if not, how does one access the 


Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] 101 Basic Games for RSTS/E (was Re: PDP11 on Simh for public access)

2019-01-22 Thread Will Senn

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 22, 2019, at 4:04 PM, Mattis Lind  wrote:
> Den tis 22 jan. 2019 kl 20:06 skrev Richard :
>> In article ,
>> Will Senn  writes:
>> > this stuff, it appears that there was a DEC EDU newsletter before the 
>> > book, where're those?
> I have some DEC EDU material which I can scan if there are interest (and if 
> it isn't scanned already by someone else):
> /Mattis

Wow. High quality. It would be great to have more of these saved somewhere like 

>> I've asked the software librarian at the Computer History Museum, Al
>> Kossow, if he is aware of any in existence.  Al is the main person
>> behind bitsavers, so he usually has a good idea of what's around and
>> what's not, including what hasn't been scanned yet.
>> -- 
>> "The Direct3D Graphics Pipeline" free book <>
>> The Terminals Wiki <>
>>  The Computer Graphics Museum <>
>>   Legalize Adulthood! (my blog) <>
>> ___
>> Simh mailing list
> ___
> Simh mailing list
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] 101 Basic Games for RSTS/E (was Re: PDP11 on Simh for public access)

2019-01-21 Thread Will Senn

On 1/21/19 5:09 PM, Al Kossow wrote:

On 1/21/19 2:51 PM, Tim Shoppa wrote:

As to which came first, the book or the tape

Some background on Ahl and where this comes from is here:

Simh mailing list

Thanks for the link. Fascinating story. Pioneering for sure. While DEC 
was innovative in their own right, they didn't see the PC coming, it 
would seem...


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Re: [Simh] 101 Basic Games for RSTS/E (was Re: PDP11 on Simh for public access)

2019-01-21 Thread Will Senn

Clem and others,

Thanks for the links and information. I would like to see even more of 
the tapes and books from the early days made available (most modern 
stuff is brought to life in the digital era and captured, but the old 
stuff mostly only lives in notebooks, booklets, books, binders and tapes 
that individuals possess). Thankfully, there's been a lot collected over 
the years, but there's plenty still out there in jeopardy of not being 
preserved. The 101 games book in bitsavers is great (the tape's even 
better), but it's only one of many editions. Also, in my reading up on 
this stuff, it appears that there was a DEC EDU newsletter before the 
book, where're those? If y'all have them or something like them in your 
basements, get them scanned before they rot away - or send them to 
someone who will scan them in, these things are getting scarce and are 
part of our (computing folks) historical record.



On 1/21/19 5:26 PM, Clem Cole wrote:

Will here is your answer:

/... I also put together a bunch of games I had written and
collected from others and put them into a book, 101 Basic Computer
Games. Six years later, in 1979, this became the first
million-selling computer book ever."/


On Mon, Jan 21, 2019 at 6:09 PM Al Kossow > wrote:

On 1/21/19 2:51 PM, Tim Shoppa wrote:

> As to which came first, the book or the tape
Some background on Ahl and where this comes from is here:

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Re: [Simh] 101 Basic Games for RSTS/E (was Re: PDP11 on Simh for public access)

2019-01-20 Thread Will Senn
Sorry to dredge up an old thread, but I’m curious as to the provenance of the 
tape. Where’d you find it and do you know when it’s from? The reason I’m asking 
is that I just spent a day typing in and debugging/working to comprehend the 
program SPACWR.BAS from the not so great scanned pages of 101 BASIC Computer 
Games off of bitsaver. As I was running the result on my SIMH PDP 11 running 
RSTS/E V06C-03, I made another run at finding the original source and came 
across this thread. I downloaded the RL01 and mounted in my RSTS 9.6 
environment which was sysgen’d with RL support, loaded up the code and printed 
it out for a comparison. I was shocked how close my read of the scans were to 
the version here. Part of my surprise was naturally related to the restoration 
process, but the other came from the fact that the code from this tape doesn’t 
mention David Ahl, Mary Cole or Ida Potel, whereas they are credited in the 
source code in 101 games for minor work and debugging. As far as I can tell, 
other than whitespace, the only differences between my restored version from 
the 101 games scan and this version, is the additional attribution- which makes 
me wonder if Ahl, et. al., made ANY meaningful contribution worthy of 
attribution to the program.

So, when was the tape created, before 101 games or after and who, exactly 
should have credit for the version therein?



Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 23, 2018, at 6:00 PM, Tony Nicholson  
> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 23, 2018 at 11:37 PM, Bryan Davies  
> wrote:
> [snip]
>> I just need to get it all in a nice neat box, connect up he VT100, and 
>> download some games and things for the guests to use.
> Bryan (and all).
> I first encountered RSTS/E in 1975 on a PDP-11/45 when I was a student when I 
> discovered a book "101 Basic Computer Games" with an accompanying DECtape.
> Recently I tracked down a copy of the book in PDF format and an image of the 
> DECtape (that had to be fixed-up so that it was readable) on bitsavers .
> The book is at -
> I now have this running on RSTS/E V10.1 and RSTS V06C-03 under SIMH - after 
> some minor edits to fix changes to the Basic-Plus source file syntax (spaces 
> between keywords etc).
> I've zipped-up the fixed DECtape image (DOS format) and an RL01 RSTS level 
> 1.2 format disk image (label=GAMES) that you can copy the games from either 
> and run them!
> The RL01 disk image is easiest (since DECtape support requires some fiddling 
> and correct pdp11 unibus 18-bit model selection).
> In your SIMH .ini file (assuming you have sysgen'ed some RL type disks) you 
> can -
>set rl enable
>set rl0 rl01
>att rl0 rl01-games.dsk
> Then once RSTS/E is up as a privileged user just "MOUNT DL0: GAMES" and look 
> in DL0:[100,100]
> The zip file is 
> Tony
> ___
> Simh mailing list
Simh mailing list

[Simh] Simulating Fortran

2018-12-29 Thread Will Senn
Hi all,

I’m looking for a good lead on two things - 1. A fortran environment for 
learning the language as it existed in the  research unix v6/v7 era (roughly 
late ‘70’s). 2. A good text/book to guide the way toward building and running 
fortran programs successfully.

I’m a little lost in the sea of possibilities- v6’s fortran however good that 
is... v7’s, rt-11’s, etc.

[Simh] Quest from 1979 on RSTS/E V06C-03 in Simh

2018-12-29 Thread Will Senn


I had some fun over the past few days playing around with BASIC-PLUS and 
thought I would share it with you. I resurrected an old BASIC game and 
played it on SIMH running RSTS/E V06C-03 and BASIC-PLUS mostly to learn 
more about BASIC, my first language back in the day, but also to play an 
old style adventure inspired game that was originally written for a 
Commodore Pet 2001, the first computer I ever programmed.

Read on for some old time fun and reminiscence.

TLDR (links at bottom of email):
1. Grab SIMH
2. Grab RSTS/E V06C-03
3. Grab the source code
4. Fire up RSTS/E
5. Paste the source code into the BASIC-PLUS runtime
6. Play the game until you're weary of being lost
7. Read the code to 'cheat'

I wanted to learn BASIC "over the weekend". I found two books at the 
used bookstore that looked interesting on the subject:

1. Introduction to BASIC, by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), 1978.
2. BASIC, by M. Boillot and W. Horn, 1976

In preparing to go through the books, I wanted to find an environment 
that would allow me to just type in the examples, as written, and obtain 
the results, as written. So, I skimmed them looking for clues.

I found the following in the DEC book on page xv:

Because it is beyond the scope of this manual to describe each system 
and BASIC version, it is necessary to choose a representative pair for 
the presentation of examples. The examples in this manual are the result 
of using BASIC-PLUS on the RSTS/E system.

Further down the page, was an even more helpful bit:

In response to the HELLO input, RSTS/E prints a line of indentification 
such as:

RSTS V06B-02 Timesharing  Job 28  KB33  01-Dec-76  09:57 AM

The Boillot mentioned Dartmouth BASIC and it had pictures of DEC 
equipment, so I was hopeful I could find a DEC BASIC-PLUS environment to 
run examples from.

So I went looking for a PDP11 compatible RSTS V06B-02 Timesharing 
environment. Well, RSTS V06B-02 Timesharing doesn't appear to exist in 
accessible places on the internet. However, RSTS V06C-03, does. I 
downloaded the preconfigured RK disk image, fired up SIMH, and started a 


PDP-11 simulator V4.0-0 Beta    git commit id: 0a00d806
sim> attach rk1 rk2.dsk
sim> b rk1
Device DP23: does not interrupt - device disabled.
Device DP26: does not interrupt - device disabled.
Device DP27: does not interrupt - device disabled.
Device DP30: does not interrupt - device disabled.
Device DP31: does not interrupt - device disabled.

RSTS V06C-03 Vixen (DK1)

Option: START
JOB MAX or SWAP MAX changes? N
Table suboption? EXIT
DD-MMM-YY? 10-MAR-88
12:03 AM? 12:00PM
Command File Name?

HELLO 11/70
Password: PDP (won't echo)

Fix a few annoyances in RSTS:
TTYSET  V06C-03 RSTS V06C-03 Vixen
Terminal characteristics program
? lc output
? scope
? exit



NONAME  12:18 AM    10-Mar-88


Next, I found and downloaded DEC-11-ORBPB-A-D_BASIC-PLUS_LangMan_Jul75 
and learned a bit about RSTS's dialog of BASCIC.

I tried some code from different sections of Boillot and they all worked 
as written. I tried a few from the DEC book and the manual and decided 
the environment was sufficient for learning BASIC. I then worked through 
both books and the manual. It's amazing how well written these books 
from a nearly forgotten era are compared to today's.

Once I got the hang of the language, I decided to go after a bigger fish 
- a 'real' program, a game, of course. The game I chose was Quest, by 
Roger Chaffee, originally published in Byte magazine in July of 1979. I 
had heard of Quest through another BASIC game I had played extensively 
back in the day, called Treasure, by James L. Dean. Dean wrote Treasure 
in 1980 and he credited Quest as inspiration for his game.

I downloaded's copy of the original article and printed out 
the source code. I spent a day typing it in line by line and another 
fixing my typos and misinterpretations (try reading a scan of a 40 year 
old magazine page and see if you do any better). But, eventually, I was 
able to fire it up:

QUEST   01:13 AM    10-Mar-88







Yeeha! Three and a half hours later, I had had found the treasure and 
was wandering around trying to find my way out. I scoured the article 
for hints and found:

It is possible to get through the cave by reading the program and 

Re: [Simh] NetBSD 7.0+ halt on development version (and some earlier versions) simh - mac and linux

2017-11-10 Thread Will Senn

On 11/10/17 12:22 AM, Mark Pizzolato wrote:

On Thursday, November 9, 2017 at 10:19 PM, Will Senn wrote:

  >>>boot dual:

HALT instruction, PC: 0C1A (MOVL (R11),SP)
sim> q
Eth: closed en1
Please try:

boot DUA1:

Note the Digit 1, rather than the letter "L".

- Mark

Oh man, was it late last night :). Duh. Thanks for being so nice. Of 
course it was dua1...


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Simh mailing list

[Simh] NetBSD 7.0+ halt on development version (and some earlier versions) simh - mac and linux

2017-11-09 Thread Will Senn


 I am trying to run the latest netbsd in simh on the microvax 3900 sim 
according to the instructions found at and I'm getting a 
halt. I tried it on the latest, but also on the 7.0 iso which apparently 
worked at some point. I also tried it on linux and it halted there as 
well. This issue has been raised previously, but I didn't see the 
resolution. Here is my mac run with simh and ini file:

$ vax

MicroVAX 3900 simulator V4.0-0 Beta    git commit id: 733ac0d9
sim> do -v {netbsd-boot}
File open error
sim> do -v netbsd-boot
netbsd-boot-1> load -r ka655x.bin
netbsd-boot-2> set cpu 64m
netbsd-boot-3> set rq0 ra92
netbsd-boot-4> at rq0 netbsd.dsk
netbsd-boot-5> set rq1 cdrom
netbsd-boot-6> at rq1 vax.iso
netbsd-boot-7> at xq0 en1
libpcap version 1.8.1 -- Apple version 67.60.2
Eth: opened OS device en1
netbsd-boot-8> boot cpu

KA655-B V5.3, VMB 2.7
Performing normal system tests.
Tests completed.
>>>boot dual:

HALT instruction, PC: 0C1A (MOVL (R11),SP)
sim> q
Eth: closed en1


and linux - doesn't seem to like my nic setting:

vax netbsd-boot

MicroVAX 3900 simulator V4.0-0 Beta    git commit id: 1d2742ed
Eth: open error - Unknown or unsupported network device
netbsd-boot-7> at xq0 enp0s25
File open error

KA655-B V5.3, VMB 2.7
Performing normal system tests.
Tests completed.
>>>boot dual:

?41 DEVASSIGN, DUALnetbsd-boot-8> boot cpu

HALT instruction, PC: 0C1A (MOVL (R11),SP)



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Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Attach tar to tape device and access it from v7 in simh

2017-11-09 Thread Will Senn

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 9, 2017, at 2:10 AM, Johnny Billquist  wrote:
>> On 2017-11-09 07:51, Lars Brinkhoff wrote:
>> Johnny Billquist  writes:
>>> I bet that would be written in some ANSI C, for which you won't find a
>>> C compiler for V7...
>> GCC has a PDP-11 backend, so maybe you can cross compile it.
> That would depend on if calling conventions, register conventions, a.out 
> format and so on are compatible between V7 and whatever format gcc uses. Not 
> to mention you also need all the V7 libraries where you do the cross compile. 
> I suspect this might be a bit much to deal with for Will...
>  Johnny

You got that right, Johnny. Besides, the binary on the tape for more, a lesser 
less, works well enough:).  

I'm slowly but surely getting better at figuring out the environment - as I hit 
obstacles and overcome them, sometimes through my own efforts and sometimes 
with a little much appreciated assist.

I've still got a ways to go, before I'm ready to cross compile for V7 without 
just doing the script kiddie method of copying and pasting stuff somebody said 
oughta work without any real depth of understanding what's going on under the 

I've cross compiled linuxy stuff for arm and suchlike, but it's scripted, the 
binary formats standard, the header files in the right places, any chrooting 
set up by the scripts, etc. The concept isn't that difficult, but there are a 
lot of moving parts and potential complications. That said  Warren's written 
some tools for this kinda work that are prolly simpler IIRC (aout?).

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Attach tar to tape device and access it from v7 in simh

2017-11-07 Thread Will Senn
Brilliant. Thanks for the reminder. It's all crystal clear to me now :).

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 7, 2017, at 5:02 PM, Johnny Billquist <> wrote:
> Repeat after me: tapes are not streams of bytes. See Clem's response for more 
> detail. :-)
>  Johnny
>> On 2017-11-07 20:58, Will Senn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I think I may have asked this a couple of years ago, but I am unable to find 
>> the email conversation, so I'll ask it again from a position of experience 
>> and greater but still lacking knowledge... here's the background - I am 
>> running a v7 instance in simh that I am quite pleased with. However, I saw 
>> somewhere where someone was running some additional software on their 
>> instance and of course, I just had to have it for my own. Unfortunately, 
>> it's not clear how they got the software, where it's from, or how they got 
>> it running. There are hints that the stuff came from early bsd. So... I 
>> thought I would try getting the bsd source on to my v7 instance to see if I 
>> could compile it and play around with it. There's a 1bsd.tar.gz in the tuhs 
>> archive. It being a tar file, I figured I could:
>> gunzip 1bsd.tar.gz
>> in simh:
>> att mt0 1bsd.tar
>> in v7, which defaults to mt1 for some reason, (not a configured device on my 
>> system and isn't created by make tm in /dev):
>> tar vxfb /dev/rmt0 1
>> nboot.ini-13> boot rp0
>> Invalid magtape record length, PC: 002400 (MOV 16,R0)
>> or
>> tar xv0
>> nboot.ini-13> boot rp0
>> Invalid magtape record length, PC: 002400 (MOV 16,R0)
>> I don't know why the nboot.ini-13> boot rp0 artifact is appearing (prolly 
>> some buffer flush when the sim aborts)... but of more concern is why I can't 
>> access the tar. I'm sure it is a gap in my understanding, so I'd appreciate 
>> some help.
>> Thanks,
>> Will
>> ___
>> Simh mailing list
> -- 
> Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
>  ||  on a psychedelic trip
> email: ||  Reading murder books
> pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol
> ___
> Simh mailing list
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Attach tar to tape device and access it from v7 in simh

2017-11-07 Thread Will Senn

On 11/7/17 2:45 PM, Clem Cole wrote:

On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 3:37 PM, Clem Cole > wrote:

You need to convert the foo.tar file to a foo.tap before simh's
mag tape reader will understand it.

​1.) ​
gunzip 1bsd.tar.gz
enblock <1bsd.tar >
​3.) ​in simh: att mt0 1bsd.tap
​4.) in unix:  ​tar vxfb /dev/rmt0 ...

Thanks, Clem. Now I'm getting somewhere!

I converted to a tap file (lo and behold, I wrote a perl script that did 
this for the silly thing 2 years ago) and ran it. Then attached the tap 
to simh and in v7:

# tar xvfb /dev/rmt0
Invalid blocksize. (Max 20)

hmm... that doesn't sound good, let's try it another way:

# tar xv0
tar: ashell/ - cannot create
x ashell/cont.a, 114488 bytes, 224 tape blocks
x ashell/READ_ME, 825 bytes, 2 tape blocks
# ls -ld ashell
drwxrwxr-x 2 root   64 Dec 31 22:18 ashell
# ls ashell
# find . -name "more*" -a -print

It's coming back to me now, but oh so slowly, why is it complaining 
about cannot create all the while creating the folder? Also, darn! I was 
hoping more would be in there somewhere. Anybody know where the more or 
less pager source code might be for v7?



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Simh mailing list

[Simh] Attach tar to tape device and access it from v7 in simh

2017-11-07 Thread Will Senn


I think I may have asked this a couple of years ago, but I am unable to 
find the email conversation, so I'll ask it again from a position of 
experience and greater but still lacking knowledge... here's the 
background - I am running a v7 instance in simh that I am quite pleased 
with. However, I saw somewhere where someone was running some additional 
software on their instance and of course, I just had to have it for my 
own. Unfortunately, it's not clear how they got the software, where it's 
from, or how they got it running. There are hints that the stuff came 
from early bsd. So... I thought I would try getting the bsd source on to 
my v7 instance to see if I could compile it and play around with it. 
There's a 1bsd.tar.gz in the tuhs archive. It being a tar file, I 
figured I could:

gunzip 1bsd.tar.gz

in simh:

att mt0 1bsd.tar

in v7, which defaults to mt1 for some reason, (not a configured device 
on my system and isn't created by make tm in /dev):

tar vxfb /dev/rmt0 1
nboot.ini-13> boot rp0

Invalid magtape record length, PC: 002400 (MOV 16,R0)


tar xv0

nboot.ini-13> boot rp0

Invalid magtape record length, PC: 002400 (MOV 16,R0)

I don't know why the nboot.ini-13> boot rp0 artifact is appearing 
(prolly some buffer flush when the sim aborts)... but of more concern is 
why I can't access the tar. I'm sure it is a gap in my understanding, so 
I'd appreciate some help.



Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] set cpu idle not working?

2017-11-06 Thread Will Senn

Oops, found it in the manual:
The CPU is considered idle if a WAIT instruction is executed. This will 
work for RSTS/E and RSX-11M+, but not for RT-11 or UNIX.

So, not unix, bummer.


On 11/6/17 9:32 PM, Will Senn wrote:
I am using pdp11 for a v7 instance, and it seems to be taxing the cpu 
a bit more than I'd like on my laptop (killing my battery life). I 
have the following in my ini:

   echo After Disabling XQ is displayed type in boot
   echo and at the : prompt type in hp(0,0)unix
   set cpu 11/70
   set cpu 2M
   set cpu idle

Shouldn't this cause the sim to idle when I'm not using it? It doesn't 
appear to have that effect.

I'm on MacOS Sierra 10.12.6, with PDP-11 simulator V4.0-0 Beta    
git commit id: 1d2742ed



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Simh mailing list

[Simh] set cpu idle not working?

2017-11-06 Thread Will Senn
I am using pdp11 for a v7 instance, and it seems to be taxing the cpu a 
bit more than I'd like on my laptop (killing my battery life). I have 
the following in my ini:

   echo After Disabling XQ is displayed type in boot
   echo and at the : prompt type in hp(0,0)unix
   set cpu 11/70
   set cpu 2M
   set cpu idle

Shouldn't this cause the sim to idle when I'm not using it? It doesn't 
appear to have that effect.

I'm on MacOS Sierra 10.12.6, with PDP-11 simulator V4.0-0 Beta    
git commit id: 1d2742ed



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Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Networking help with 4.3 BSD Quasijarus running on SimH microvax

2017-11-04 Thread Will Senn

On 11/4/17 4:30 PM, Henry Bent wrote:

If Quasijarus is the same as vanilla 4.3BSD, unless otherwise 
configured localhost is and not  So does "ping 
localhost" work?  What does "ifconfig qe0" say?  And "netstat -rn"?



That explains the weird /etc/hosts, 0.1 is localhost as you say. Here 
are the results of the pings, ifconfig, and netstat - it looks odd, but 
I'm not that knowledgeable about how it ought to look. My comments are 

The first ping just sat there until I killed it:

# ping localhost

Then I tried pinging a set number of times:

# ping -c 5 localhost
PING 5: 0 data bytes
^C5 PING Statistics
7 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

Then I tried the ip you suggested:

# ping
PING 56 data bytes
^C PING Statistics
3 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

Then the address from the hosts file:

# ping 0.1
PING 0.1: 56 data bytes
0.1 PING Statistics
5 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

The ifconfig result looks promising:

# ifconfig qe0
qe0: flags=43
    inet netmask ff00 broadcast

The 192.168 line in the netstat results is weird to me...:

# netstat -rn
Routing tables
Destination  Gateway    Flags Refs Use Interface
default    UG  0   15  qe0
192.168  U   1   24  qe0

Does this shed any light on my problem?



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Simh mailing list

[Simh] Networking help with 4.3 BSD Quasijarus running on SimH microvax

2017-11-04 Thread Will Senn


I'm a Vax newbie and 4.3 BSD newbie. I'm usually tooling around in V6/V7 
and modern linux, mac, bsd environments. I'm used to SIMH, but from a 
pdp11 perspective. I've never tried to get networking working in a SIMH 

I'm having some difficulty configuring my newly installed 4.3BSD 
Quasijarus for networking on my Mac Host and I'm hoping somebody here 
might help me figure out what's up. The system boots up and displays:

checking quotas: done.

But then it hangs for a while trying to set up the logger. It hangs up 
on services, sendmail, etc. I gather at this point that something's 
amiss with my network on the instance or in my simh setup. After the 
system comes up completely, I log in as root and ping - no 
result. I ping (my gateway), and then and get a 
result, but it's not what I'm hoping for -

PING 56 data bytes
^C PING Statistics
6 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss


PING 56 data bytes
^C PING Statistics
4 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

Hmm. I'm stumped. All of my settings on the host and in the vax seem ok, 
but I may be missing something obvious. Either way, it's not working. 
The SIMH messages related to the nic are:

libpcap version 1.8.1 -- Apple version 67.60.2
Eth: opened OS device en1

then in the vax:


qe0 at uba0 csr 174440 vec 764, ipl 14
qe0: deqna, hardware address 08:00:2b:aa:bb:cc

I'm running on Mac OS X Sierra 10.12.6, 16GB RAM, etc. My SimH Vax is 
MicroVAX 3900 simulator V4.0-0 Beta    git commit id: 1d2742ed

I followed the really excellent notes at:

and hit no significant snags at any point. I innocently changed some 
parameters to suit my host environment:

en1: flags=8963 
mtu 1500

    ether 4c:8d:79:ef:2d:26
    inet6 fe80::18dc:318c:1da7:5048%en1 prefixlen 64 secured scopeid 0x5
    inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
    nd6 options=201
    media: autoselect
    status: active

set xq enable
set xq type=deqna
attach xq0 en1

then in the stage 4 part of the install, I used as my ip 
(a free ip on my local net):

== netstart source
cat /etc/netstart
#!/bin/sh -
#   @(#)netstart    1.1 (Berkeley) 1/10/99


# myname is my symbolic name
# my-netmask is specified in /etc/networks
hostname $hostname

#ifconfig imp0 inet $hostname
#ifconfig de0 inet $hostname netmask my-netmask
#ifconfig qe0 inet $hostname netmask my-netmask
ifconfig qe0 netmask
route add default 1

ifconfig lo0  inet localhost
route add $hostname localhost 0
hostid $hostname

== disable named in rc
cat /etc/rc |grep named
#named;  echo -n ' named' >/dev/console

== use my local network dns
cat /etc/resolv.conf

== set up name of instance
cat /etc/hosts
0.1 localhost
# Imaginary network.
0.2 myname
0.3 myfriend quasijarus

On rebooting, I hit the nic issues. Any ideas what's going on or further 
diagnostic steps I can take? Advice much appreciated.


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Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] An abandoned piece of K C

2017-11-03 Thread Will Senn

On 11/3/17 12:14 AM, Leo Broukhis wrote:

In the UNIX V7 version of the C language, there were the /\ (min) and 
the \/ (max) operators. In the source of the scanner part of the compiler,



This is a great question for the TUHS mailing list as well as SIMH, I 
know a lot of those folks are here as well, but you might think about 
cross-posting, or if you aren't on the list, I'd be happy to pass it along.

On the source code side of things, in case you haven't seen it, Diomidis 
Spinellis pieced together the most comprehensive Unix repo I've seen (44 
years of code with comments):

and his write up about it can be found here:



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Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] RT-11 disk image

2017-11-02 Thread Will Senn

On 11/2/17 5:19 PM, Henry Bent wrote:
On 2 November 2017 at 11:07, Will Senn < 
<>> wrote:

On 11/1/17 11:57 PM, Ray Jewhurst wrote:

I was wondering if anyone has a pre-built RT-11 with Fortran IV
installed that they could send. I followed multiple tutorials on
installing it and I always am unsuccessful. Someone sent me one
about a year ago but I lost it in a hard drive crash. Any help
would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance


Simh mailing list <>


I am at work, or I'd try to throw an image together for you. I'll
look at this tonight. In the meantime, I have some notes on how to
do it that should hold up even though I wrote then a couple of
years ago. There are two - one for RT11 and one for the
programming environment. If you follow them both, you should wind
up with a working RT11 v5.3 with Fortran IV that is capable of
building the ADVENT source code into a working program. After that
you're on your own - I'm not a RT11 guy or a Fortran guy :)

RT11 note:

Fortran and programming environment note:

Now that my interest is tweaked, I may clean 'em up and post them
on my blog in a more readable form.



Hi Will,

I am not a Fortran person either but I do have a little bit of RT11 
experience, along with a fair bit of SIMH experience, and I just 
wanted to say that both of these documents are exceptionally well 
done.  Their explicit transcription and verbosity make them suitable 
for the absolute beginner, and that same plain English makes them easy 
to scan through for someone who knows a bit more about the subject.  I 
applaud your work.


Thanks! I was trying to capture what I understood about it at the time 
and do it in a way that would also be replicable down the road. I should 
have put it up on the blog, but I generally won't put it out there if 
it's not 100% and this one has a few rough edges that I haven't taken 
the time to clean up.


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Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] RT-11 disk image

2017-11-02 Thread Will Senn

On 11/2/17 10:07 AM, Will Senn wrote:

On 11/1/17 11:57 PM, Ray Jewhurst wrote:
I was wondering if anyone has a pre-built RT-11 with Fortran IV 
installed that they could send. I followed multiple tutorials on 
installing it and I always am unsuccessful. Someone sent me one about 
a year ago but I lost it in a hard drive crash. Any help would be 
greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance


Simh mailing list


I am at work, or I'd try to throw an image together for you. I'll look 
at this tonight. In the meantime, I have some notes on how to do it 
that should hold up even though I wrote then a couple of years ago. 
There are two - one for RT11 and one for the programming environment. 
If you follow them both, you should wind up with a working RT11 v5.3 
with Fortran IV that is capable of building the ADVENT source code 
into a working program. After that you're on your own - I'm not a RT11 
guy or a Fortran guy :)

RT11 note:

Fortran and programming environment note:

Now that my interest is tweaked, I may clean 'em up and post them on 
my blog in a more readable form.



GPG Fingerprint: 68F4 B3BD 1730 555A 4462  7D45 3EAA 5B6D A982 BAAF


I went through the notes and they worked ok... a few minor glitches, but 
they still worked :). For anyone who wants it, here is a simh pdp11 
rt11v5.3 that has basic, pascal, and fortran iv prepared according to my 



GPG Fingerprint: 68F4 B3BD 1730 555A 4462  7D45 3EAA 5B6D A982 BAAF

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] RT-11 disk image

2017-11-02 Thread Will Senn

On 11/1/17 11:57 PM, Ray Jewhurst wrote:
I was wondering if anyone has a pre-built RT-11 with Fortran IV 
installed that they could send. I followed multiple tutorials on 
installing it and I always am unsuccessful. Someone sent me one about 
a year ago but I lost it in a hard drive crash. Any help would be 
greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance


Simh mailing list


I am at work, or I'd try to throw an image together for you. I'll look 
at this tonight. In the meantime, I have some notes on how to do it that 
should hold up even though I wrote then a couple of years ago. There are 
two - one for RT11 and one for the programming environment. If you 
follow them both, you should wind up with a working RT11 v5.3 with 
Fortran IV that is capable of building the ADVENT source code into a 
working program. After that you're on your own - I'm not a RT11 guy or a 
Fortran guy :)

RT11 note:

Fortran and programming environment note:

Now that my interest is tweaked, I may clean 'em up and post them on my 
blog in a more readable form.



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Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Unix v7 tty terminals in SimH pdp11

2017-10-14 Thread Will Senn

OK. Figured it out and updated my instructions to reflect the changes:

basically in V7:
cd /usr/sys/conf
echo 4dc >> hptmconf
mkconf < hptmconf
make unix
mv unix /munix
ed /etc/ttys
/etc/mknod /dev/tty00 c 3 0
/etc/mknod /dev/tty01 c 3 1
/etc/mknod /dev/tty02 c 3 2
/etc/mknod /dev/tty03 c 3 3
chmod 640 /dev/tty0?

then in simh.ini
set dci en
set dci lines=4
att dci 

then in the host:
telnet localhost  a couple of times from separate terminals

fire it all up and voila, it works. I am always amazed how much time I 
can spend retreading others paths or even roads I've walked before. I'm 
closing the loop here in case somebody finds this thread and can benefit 
from the answer. Figured a lot of this out the hard way, then the rest 
was thanks to Clem Cole and finally, this note summed it up nicely:



On 10/14/17 8:56 AM, Will Senn wrote:
Thanks, Johnny. I found my notes on when I did this in V6. I had the 
following in my ini file:

set dci en
set dci lines=8
set dco 7b
att dci 

and when I boot V6 and telnet into it I get this:
telnet localhost 
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

Connected to the PDP-11 simulator DCI device, line 0

login: dmr
Login incorrect.
Name: root

Which is great. I tried the same in V7 after editing /etc/ttys, which 
is different in V7 than V6, having lines like:


Which I changed to:

After reboot, no go though. The telnet session is unresponsive.

Any ideas?


On 10/14/17 2:14 AM, Johnny Billquist wrote:
I haven't played with V7, but I assume there must either be an 
/etc/ttys, or something similar, which tells Unix on which terminal 
lines to start a login process at boot. Otherwise they are going to 
be very silent.

Also, remember to hit enter, as they will not spontaneously print out 
a prompt just because you telnet in. They have already printed a 
prompt when the login program started.


On 2017-10-14 06:13, Will Senn wrote:


It's been a while since I used SimH pdp11 to do anything beyond boot 
Unix V6/V7 for a single user. I would like to be able to use the V7 
system in multiuser mode with multiple users and I can't quite wrap 
my mind around the problem, so I am asking y'all for help. I am sure 
I'm butchering the discussion as I'm a bit unclear on what device is 
doing what, but ultimately I want to be able to telnet locally to a 
port that the running Unix Version 7 will respond to with a TTY that 
I can log in to. According to the document Setting Up Unix - Seventh 
Edition by Charles B. Haley and Dennis M. Ritchie, V7:

The DC11 driver is set to run 4 lines. This can be changed in dc.c.
The DH11 driver is set to handle 3 DH11's with a full complement of 
48 lines. If you have less, or more, you may want to edit dh.c.

The DN11 driver will handle 4 DN's. Edit dn.c.
The DU11 driver can only handle a single DU. This cannot be easily 
The KL/DL driver is set up to run a single DL11-A, -B, or -C (the 
console) and no DL11-E's. To change this, edit kl.c to have NKL11 
reflect the total number of DL11-ABC's and NDL11 to reflect the 
number of DL11-E's. So far as the driver is concerned, the 
difference between the devices is their address.

This sounds promising as these seem like terminals to me and each 
has plenty of lines if only I could get simh to serve up the devices 
and attach them to telnet ports, and if Unix will actually provide 
ttys on those devices.

I read the docs and tried adding variations of:

set dli lines=4
attach dli 3633
set dlO0 nodataset
set dlO1 nodataset

to my pdp11 boot.ini file, as well as dc versions of the above and 
and and...

I telneted to port 3633 locally after each reconfiguration, but 
didn't get any unix output on the telnet session.

I appreciate any helpful comments or suggestions.



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Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Unix v7 tty terminals in SimH pdp11

2017-10-14 Thread Will Senn
Thanks, Johnny. I found my notes on when I did this in V6. I had the 
following in my ini file:

set dci en
set dci lines=8
set dco 7b
att dci 

and when I boot V6 and telnet into it I get this:
telnet localhost 
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

Connected to the PDP-11 simulator DCI device, line 0

login: dmr
Login incorrect.
Name: root

Which is great. I tried the same in V7 after editing /etc/ttys, which is 
different in V7 than V6, having lines like:


Which I changed to:

After reboot, no go though. The telnet session is unresponsive.

Any ideas?


On 10/14/17 2:14 AM, Johnny Billquist wrote:
I haven't played with V7, but I assume there must either be an 
/etc/ttys, or something similar, which tells Unix on which terminal 
lines to start a login process at boot. Otherwise they are going to be 
very silent.

Also, remember to hit enter, as they will not spontaneously print out 
a prompt just because you telnet in. They have already printed a 
prompt when the login program started.


On 2017-10-14 06:13, Will Senn wrote:


It's been a while since I used SimH pdp11 to do anything beyond boot 
Unix V6/V7 for a single user. I would like to be able to use the V7 
system in multiuser mode with multiple users and I can't quite wrap 
my mind around the problem, so I am asking y'all for help. I am sure 
I'm butchering the discussion as I'm a bit unclear on what device is 
doing what, but ultimately I want to be able to telnet locally to a 
port that the running Unix Version 7 will respond to with a TTY that 
I can log in to. According to the document Setting Up Unix - Seventh 
Edition by Charles B. Haley and Dennis M. Ritchie, V7:

The DC11 driver is set to run 4 lines. This can be changed in dc.c.
The DH11 driver is set to handle 3 DH11's with a full complement of 
48 lines. If you have less, or more, you may want to edit dh.c.

The DN11 driver will handle 4 DN's. Edit dn.c.
The DU11 driver can only handle a single DU. This cannot be easily 
The KL/DL driver is set up to run a single DL11-A, -B, or -C (the 
console) and no DL11-E's. To change this, edit kl.c to have NKL11 
reflect the total number of DL11-ABC's and NDL11 to reflect the 
number of DL11-E's. So far as the driver is concerned, the difference 
between the devices is their address.

This sounds promising as these seem like terminals to me and each has 
plenty of lines if only I could get simh to serve up the devices and 
attach them to telnet ports, and if Unix will actually provide ttys 
on those devices.

I read the docs and tried adding variations of:

set dli lines=4
attach dli 3633
set dlO0 nodataset
set dlO1 nodataset

to my pdp11 boot.ini file, as well as dc versions of the above and 
and and...

I telneted to port 3633 locally after each reconfiguration, but 
didn't get any unix output on the telnet session.

I appreciate any helpful comments or suggestions.



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Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] pdp11 and unix

2016-02-27 Thread Will Senn
Kilby and TI was only part of the IC story, Fairchild was also part of 
the development:


On 2/27/16 4:59 PM, Bill Cunningham wrote:

Calculators I'm thinking of are "HandHeld" and the IC by Jack Kilby.
1976. The "year the slide rule died" They say.

- Original Message -
*From:* Johnny Billquist 
*Sent:* Saturday, February 27, 2016 5:05 PM
*Subject:* Re: [Simh] pdp11 and unix

On 2016-02-27 20:46, Paul Koning wrote:
>> On Feb 27, 2016, at 2:36 PM, Bill Cunningham
> wrote:
>> Well that's certainly before ICs I think that was in the 1950s
and it was some early calculators that killed slide rules. What
kind of "processor" were they using? I'm not so sure there was
real HLL before Adm. Hopper. And no binary by Babbge. Do you have
any links or anything from the '40s?
> HLL?  I was talking about assembler...  Anyway, I don't believe
COBOL was the first HLL, though it certainly was fairly early.

The first HLL ought to have been FORTRAN. Lisp might have been the
second, but I'm not entirely sure.

I'm not sure what kind of calculators Bill are thinking of. But until
the early 70s, calculators were usually mechanical, or
things with cogwheels, and definitely worked in decimal.
No processors in there...


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus

   ||  on a psychedelic trip
email:  ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol
Simh mailing list

Simh mailing list

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] pdp11 and unix

2016-02-26 Thread Will Senn

Found this in Ritchie's article, "The Development of the C Language":

   Thompson was faced with a hardware environment cramped and spartan
   even for the time: the DEC PDP-7 on which he started in 1968 was a
   machine with 8K 18-bit words of memory and no software useful to
   him. While wanting to use a higher-level language, he wrote the
   original Unix system in PDP-7 assembler. At the start, he did not
   even program on the PDP-7 itself, but instead used a set of macros
   for the GEMAP assembler on a GE-635 machine. A postprocessor
   generated a paper tape readable by the PDP-7.

   These tapes were carried from the GE machine to the PDP-7 for
   testing until a primitive Unix kernel, an editor, an assembler, a
   simple shell (command interpreter), and a few utilities (like the
   Unix rm, cat, cp commands) were completed. After this point, the
   operating system was self-supporting: programs could be written and
   tested without resort to paper tape, and development continued on
   the PDP-7 itself.

   Thompson's PDP-7 assembler outdid even DEC's in simplicity; it
   evaluated expressions and emitted the corresponding bits. There were
   no libraries, no loader or link editor: the entire source of a
   program was presented to the assembler, and the output file—with a
   fixed name—that emerged was directly executable. (This name, a.out,
   explains a bit of Unix etymology; it is the output of the assembler.
   Even after the system gained a linker and a means of specifying
   another name explicitly, it was retained as the default executable
   result of a compilation.)

So, they didn't use DEC's assembler, but they used GE's?

Interesting stuff.

On 2/26/16 6:26 PM, Clem Cole wrote:
If you were used to building your own tools, you might not.  Also if 
you are bootstrapping from something else (like a large timesharing 
system from another manufacturer).   You might put your tools on the 
other system, until the new system could "self host."

We do the same things today.


On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 7:23 PM, Will Senn < 
<>> wrote:

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 26, 2016, at 5:28 PM, Nigel Williams
<>> wrote:
>> On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 10:24 AM, Johnny Billquist
< <>> wrote:
>> On 2016-02-26 23:47, Eric Smith wrote:
>>>> On Feb 25, 2016, at 9:26 PM, Gregg Levine
< <>
>>>> <
<>>> wrote:
>>>> Version Zero was hand coded on a PDP-7
>>> I know Gregg is right.  But .. Can you /imagine?/
>> Not sure I understand this comment either. Are you suggesting
that coding an
>> OS is assembler is something exceptional or complicated, or
> I took "hand-coded" to mean Version Zero was (initially) done
> an assembler, they wrote down the instructions in machine code.
> Perhaps not unusual for the 1960s but laborious none-the-less.
> ___
> Simh mailing list
> <>

I don't understand this. The PDP 7 had an assembler and debugger.
Wouldn't they have used the assembler to generate the bootstrap
Simh mailing list <>

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] pdp11 and unix

2016-02-25 Thread Will Senn


There is plenty of documentation on the pdp11 45/70. Start with the 

As for programming in assembly, most of the documentation is for DEC 
OS's. However, the manuals for Unix v6 and v7 had assembly sections. 
They are available here:

Assembler Reference Manual from Sixth Edition Manual (postscript):

Section Assembler Reference Manual in Vol 2b of V7 Manual (pdf):

Dep is for "depositing" values into the simulator's PDP memory space.

- Will

On 2/25/16 6:50 PM, Bill Cunningham wrote:
When Ken Thompson coded UNIX it was in assembly. The first 
versions anyway before B/NB/C. Is there in existance pdp11 (45 or 70 
?) intterupt (vector) lists or IRQs and so, registers that shows how 
to code in assembly on a pdp11? I am sure simh does it. Isn't what the 
"dep" command is for?


Simh mailing list

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Reading directly from console in RT-11

2016-02-20 Thread Will Senn

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 20, 2016, at 11:00 AM, Paul Koning <> wrote:
>> On Feb 19, 2016, at 4:58 PM, Will Senn <> wrote:
>> Given the following test program that I wrote (GETC.MAC):
>>  .title getc
>>   .mcall.exit
>> TKS = 177560
>> TKB = 177562
>> ;TPS = 177564
>> ;TPB = 177566
>> begin:
>>   incTKS;set the ASR read enable bit
>> getc:
>>   tstbTKS;is a character available?
>>   bplgetc;loop until there is
>>   movbTKB,R0;put the character into register 0
>>   .exit
>>   .end begin
>> I would expect the console to wait until I typed a single character and then 
>> for the program to exit. What is happening is that the program appears to 
>> accept any number of characters and only ends when I type CTRL-C twice.
>> Here are some questions that arise:
>> 1. Is it reasonable to expect to be able to read directly from the ASR 
>> Keyboard buffer while running RT-11 in SimH or does this somehow compete 
>> with the running OS? (I can print characters using the ASR Punch Buffer just 
>> fine)
> No, that is not reasonable.  Not without extra work.  You're messing with a 
> device that has already been set up by the terminal driver.
> When running in kernel mode, as you are in RT11, you can definitely get 
> around this, but it requires more work. Specifically, you'd have to disable 
> terminal interrupts so the appearance of a character doesn't wake up the 
> driver.  For best results, you would also have to restore the terminal CSRs 
> on exit so the terminal driver is given control again.
> Alternatively, you could block out interrupts by raising the processor 
> priority, then lowering it back to 0 before exit.  That works because 
> interrupts are level sensitive in PDP11s (as they are in all sane interrupt 
> architectures), so the fetching of the received character will cancel the 
> interrupt request, which means that lowering the priority just before the 
> .exit will have the right result (no interrup to confuse the driver).

Great answer and helpful. I'll give both approaches a shot. If I understand my 
environment correctly, RT-11 is single user, single job (well, most of the time 
anyway). So, it oughta be safe enough to try this without messing things up 
beyond needing to restart if I have logic errors? That is, the file system 
isn't involved or caching or anything that would cause inconsistency as a 
result of an infinite loop or crash? Not that I would ever code such things :)!


Simh mailing list

[Simh] examine octal and ascii in SimH

2016-02-20 Thread Will Senn

In SimH:

It is possible to display bytes in ASCII form:
sim> e -c 1032-1034

It is also possible to display words in octal:
sim> e 1032-1034

Is it possible to display bytes in octal, or bytes in both ASCII and 
Octal at the same time?

1032 101 A
1033 102 B
1034 103 C
1035 000 NUL

or even just the octal bytes themselves?:
1032 101
1033 102
1034 103
1035 000



Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Reading directly from console in RT-11

2016-02-19 Thread Will Senn
I thought I would close the loop with a recipe that works for doing bare 
metal work:

First, the revised "program":
.title getc

TKS = 177560
TKB = 177562
;TPS = 177564
;TPB = 177566

incTKS;set the ASR to input
tstbTKS;is a character available on the ASR?
bplgetc;loop until there is

movbTKB,R0;put the character into register 0


.end begin

In RT-11, edit and save the program:
.edit/create vol:getc.mac

Compile it:
.r macro

Type the listing if you like:
.type vol:getc.lst

Link it with /lda for an absolute binary that starts at location 1000.
.link vol:getc/map:vol:getc/lda

Look at the map to confirm:

RT-11 LINK  V08.10 Load Map   Page 1
GETC  .LDA   Title:GETC  Ident:

Section  AddrSizeGlobalValueGlobal ValueGlobalValue

 . ABS. 00001000 = 256.   words (RW,I,GBL,ABS,OVR)
  00100020 = 8. words  (RW,I,LCL,REL,CON)

Transfer address = 001000, High limit = 001016 = 263. words

Suspend RT-11

In SimH, attach the lda file to the paper tape punch:
sim>att ptp getc.lda

Resume RT-11

Back in RT-11, copy the lda file to the PC: device:
copy getc.lda pc:

Halt RT-11:

Fire up pdp11:

PDP-11 simulator V4.0-0 Betagit commit id: 9c977e93

In SimH, load the absolute address binary and run it from location 1000:
sim> load getc.lda
sim> g 1000

Press a key, any key and try to remember what you pressed (type 'A'):
HALT instruction, PC: 001020 (HALT)

Examine the contents of register 0:
sim> e r0

101 is the ASCII code for 'A' in Octal .

Thanks all for the hints and suggestions.


On 2/19/16 4:01 PM, Timothe Litt wrote:

The console terminal driver won't like you touching the device registers.

Don't do that.  Use the RT-11 syscalls instead.

Or load your program into the (emulated) bare hardware, and have fun.

This communication may not represent my employer's views,
if any, on the matters discussed.

On 19-Feb-16 16:58, Will Senn wrote:

Given the following test program that I wrote (GETC.MAC):

.title getc


TKS = 177560
TKB = 177562
;TPS = 177564
;TPB = 177566

 incTKS;set the ASR read enable bit
 tstbTKS;is a character available?
 bplgetc;loop until there is

 movbTKB,R0;put the character into register 0


 .end begin

I would expect the console to wait until I typed a single character
and then for the program to exit. What is happening is that the
program appears to accept any number of characters and only ends when
I type CTRL-C twice.

Here are some questions that arise:

1. Is it reasonable to expect to be able to read directly from the ASR
Keyboard buffer while running RT-11 in SimH or does this somehow
compete with the running OS? (I can print characters using the ASR
Punch Buffer just fine)
2. Is there a flaw in the program? (Nevermind that it doesn't do
anything much with the character).
3. Is this a totally abnormal way to read a character?
4. What's up with needing to hit CTRL-C twice?

Answers to any of the above would be appreciated or if you have
something else, that's fine too.


Simh mailing list

Simh mailing list

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Reading directly from console in RT-11

2016-02-19 Thread Will Senn


Thanks for responding. This sounds reasonable. I'm ok with using the 
.TTYOU and .TTYIN macros which call EMT's for actual programs in RT-11. 
But, while learning, there are some things like this that I want to do 
that may be tricky/ill advised to do in RT-11.

What do you think the easiest way is to load a program like this 
directly onto the bare hardware (simulated, of course)?



On 2/19/16 4:01 PM, Timothe Litt wrote:

The console terminal driver won't like you touching the device registers.

Don't do that.  Use the RT-11 syscalls instead.

Or load your program into the (emulated) bare hardware, and have fun.

This communication may not represent my employer's views,
if any, on the matters discussed.

On 19-Feb-16 16:58, Will Senn wrote:

Given the following test program that I wrote (GETC.MAC):

.title getc


TKS = 177560
TKB = 177562
;TPS = 177564
;TPB = 177566

 incTKS;set the ASR read enable bit
 tstbTKS;is a character available?
 bplgetc;loop until there is

 movbTKB,R0;put the character into register 0


 .end begin

I would expect the console to wait until I typed a single character
and then for the program to exit. What is happening is that the
program appears to accept any number of characters and only ends when
I type CTRL-C twice.

Here are some questions that arise:

1. Is it reasonable to expect to be able to read directly from the ASR
Keyboard buffer while running RT-11 in SimH or does this somehow
compete with the running OS? (I can print characters using the ASR
Punch Buffer just fine)
2. Is there a flaw in the program? (Nevermind that it doesn't do
anything much with the character).
3. Is this a totally abnormal way to read a character?
4. What's up with needing to hit CTRL-C twice?

Answers to any of the above would be appreciated or if you have
something else, that's fine too.


Simh mailing list

Simh mailing list

Simh mailing list

[Simh] Reading directly from console in RT-11

2016-02-19 Thread Will Senn

Given the following test program that I wrote (GETC.MAC):

   .title getc


TKS = 177560
TKB = 177562
;TPS = 177564
;TPB = 177566

incTKS;set the ASR read enable bit
tstbTKS;is a character available?
bplgetc;loop until there is

movbTKB,R0;put the character into register 0


.end begin

I would expect the console to wait until I typed a single character and 
then for the program to exit. What is happening is that the program 
appears to accept any number of characters and only ends when I type 
CTRL-C twice.

Here are some questions that arise:

1. Is it reasonable to expect to be able to read directly from the ASR 
Keyboard buffer while running RT-11 in SimH or does this somehow compete 
with the running OS? (I can print characters using the ASR Punch Buffer 
just fine)
2. Is there a flaw in the program? (Nevermind that it doesn't do 
anything much with the character).

3. Is this a totally abnormal way to read a character?
4. What's up with needing to hit CTRL-C twice?

Answers to any of the above would be appreciated or if you have 
something else, that's fine too.


Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] RT-11 Storage Strategy

2016-02-17 Thread Will Senn

On 2/17/16 5:38 AM, Timothe Litt wrote:


I put accurate timing options into card and printer devices a while
back, and the effect is dramatic.
1,000 LPM from a printer is noisy and you see the paper flying by.  But
some quick math reminds
us that a typical 55 line page means 18 pages/min, so your 100 page
listing takes about 5 1/2 minutes
to print.  If you're the first job in a queue.


As far as I can tell, the PDP-11 I'm running is as fast as the Macbook 
Pro I'm running it on and I like it that way :). 5 1/2 minutes for a 
listing? Ouch.

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] RT-11 Storage Strategy

2016-02-17 Thread Will Senn

On 2/17/16 5:18 AM, Henry Bent wrote:

Hi Will,

I know that this isn't quite what you were asking, but on my real 
11/23 running RT-11 I have four RL02s (well, a Dilog DQ614 and an MFM 
disk emulating four RL02s) and that is more than enough storage for my 
purposes.  In addition, if you know that you aren't going to need all 
of a physical disk for a specific purpose, you can just mount a disk 
image as a logical disk.  For example, I have CDISK.DSK and TCPIP.DSK 
on DL2:, and those images are mounted as C: and TCP:.

SIMH allows for four RL02s at 10MB each and eight RK05s at 5MB each, 
so there's no difference in total storage.  As far as I'm concerned 
it's somewhat more convenient to have a smaller number of larger 
capacity disks.  If you need a full 80MB of storage I don't see why 
you couldn't use both controllers/disks.  You could also use RD5[1-4] 
disks (DUx: to RT-11, the RQ controller in SIMH) if you really need 
more space, though I believe RT-11 is limited to 32MB on a single 
filesystem so you would have to partition the larger disks.

My understanding is that there is not a "preferred" disk controller or 
type under SIMH.  I have found that for an emulated Ultrix system, 
running off of an RD54 is noticeably faster than running off of RL02s, 
but on a reasonably fast host system you probably won't notice the 
difference under RT-11.

My final note is: if you're curious about something, just try it!  
Make a backup of your current working system and then go wild.  That's 
the fun of SIMH. Want to see if RT-11 will recognize an RA82?  Or 
sixteen RC25s?  Does RT-11 work with a TU56 DECtape?  I have no idea 
what the answer to any of those questions is, but I know how to find out.


Henry, Ha! After I wrote my note, I went off and tried a bunch of 
configurations. After reading your note, I realized that the two 622.9 
MB RA82's I created may be overkill :). I think I'll go back to using 
RL02's for system and storage disks and use RK05's or disk images for my 
programming language disks. I totally forgot about disk images.



Simh mailing list

[Simh] RT-11 Storage Strategy

2016-02-16 Thread Will Senn


The array of simulated disks available to simh is a little confusing to 
wade through. I tend to use RL02 and RK05, but really, I don't have a 
solid rationale for one over the other. In RT-11 these are available 
when attached, so their what I use. I'm hoping someone can offer some 
more informed storage advice/strategy.

Here are some questions to get the juices flowing:

In SimH with a PDP-11 running RT-11:

* Is there a preferred disk controller/device?
* Is there a controller that supports more disk devices than another (RL 
vs RK, etc)?
* Does one device have more capacity than another (either via single 
disk raw capacity or via overall capacity of attached units)?

* Is one device/controller more reliable in SimH than another?
* Do disks need to be formatted before initializing?
* Are there some known best practice configurations (so many RL 
controller, with so many drives, or so many RL and so many RK, etc.)?

Here's where I'm coming from as background. I have been studying 
Macro-11 programming in RT-11. I save all of my files on a storage disk 
that is separate from the SY: volume (DK:, etc.). I have found working 
Pascal, BASIC, and FORTRAN distributions that can be installed. Rather 
than installing them into SY:, It seems reasonable to attach a disk, 
assign the disk a logical name, and copy each distribution onto its own 
vol, something along the lines of SY:, PAS:, BAS:, FOR:, and MAC:, with 
5 disks attached. But, before I headed down this road, I thought I would 
get some advice.

Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for responding with your sage 
advice :).


Simh mailing list

[Simh] DBG-11 on RT-11

2016-02-16 Thread Will Senn


Does anyone know where the bits for DBG-11 for RT-11 v5+ reside? I found 
an ancient post on alt.sys.pdp11 referring to an extant version Y01.16.

If I understand the docs correctly, the files that represent the 
debugger are:


There's some discussion about mapped/unmapped monitors. I use the XM 
monitor, but can also run FB or SJ as needed.


Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] What is CDC OS?

2016-02-16 Thread Will Senn

Thanks Clem and I agree with Bill's quip - greatness.

On 2/16/16 1:01 PM, Clem Cole wrote:

On Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 1:49 PM, Clem Cole > wrote:

However, the book has some programs that claim to take advantage
of the CDC OS and utilize a card reader.

​Yup, IMO, part of why Pascal I/O was dorked was because he used the 
read/write semantics of the CDC systems.   It very screwy and simple 
in nature.  Don't expect much.

It's been a while since I used them, but my memory is that the Kronos, 
NOS and SCOPE all used the same semantics for batch programs.   I 
never ran COS or MACE.

I still know a couple of folks that might remember - Tektronix had two 
CDC systems (1) and I one of my old colleagues from those days that 
was a programmer for the CDC Center(2), I'm working with again.  If 
you have specific questions send them to me off list and I'll see if I 
can get you in contact.


1) As I have mentioned I helped to write the original IP/TCP 
implementation for VMS, besides our 11/70 running Unix.  The other 
side of that link was these CDC systems.

2) In one of my favorite all time quotes that I wish I had said.  Bill 
Price who had been one of the B5000 designers and was then working 
with us in Tek Labs when the Tek CDC team was renamed from the 
"Scientific Computer Center" to the "Computer Science Center".  Bill 
hears this and quips:  "That's like calling a strip mine and 
archeology dig."


Simh mailing list

[Simh] What is CDC OS?

2016-02-16 Thread Will Senn


I'm reading a book (among many such books) that is entitled, "A Primer 
on PASCAL," by Richard Conway, David Gries, and E. C. Zimmerman, written 
in 1976 with a Foreward by Niklaus Wirth. The book has a lot of PASCAL 
examples that run just fine on my PDP-11/70 with RT-11 or RSX-11, or... 
you get the idea. However, the book has some programs that claim to take 
advantage of the CDC OS and utilize a card reader. The author refers to 
the operating system as "The CDC OS" as if it were singular and obvious, 
but doesn't speak of hardware beyond the card reader. I looked and found 
references to Control Data Corporation's COS, SCOPE, MACE, KRONOS,  and 
NOS, but have no idea if these are "The CDC OS"...

Does anyone know what "The CDC OS" would refer to and what hardware it 
would run on (hopefully simulated).


Simh mailing list

[Simh] VAX/VMS

2016-02-15 Thread Will Senn
What is a good source to learn a bit about VAX/VMS and the relationship of the 
VAX and PDP-11 architectures and programming differences? I looked at the 
Wikipedia article. I'm not sure it is entirely accurate and it is sketchy on 

Also, can the Vax run v6 or v7?



Sent from my iPhone

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Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] simh on RaspBerry Pi

2016-02-15 Thread Will Senn

On 2/15/16 8:01 AM, Wilm Boerhout wrote:

Will Senn schreef op 15-2-2016 om 14:26


Are you documenting the setup process for your endeavors, or just 
blogging about the result? I think it would be interesting to see how 
you clustered those Pi Vaxen as much as to know it was possible. I've 
got a few Pi around looking for something to cluster around...

There are three parts to a successful setup:

1. Since each Pi has only one Ethernet interface, make sure you use a
   wired connection (wireless isn't real Ethernet) and the tun/tap
   setup on the Raspbian Linux host. This is well documented in the
   github simh docs. This will leave you with access to your LAN
   from/to the Linux host, as well as a "separate" tap0 device for the
   VAX/VMS guest.
2. Build your VAX of choice. My three cluster members are a VAXserver
   3900, a MicroVAX 3900 (same "vax" build for simh) and a 16MB
   MicroVAX II ("microvax2" build). The latter because I wanted to see
   whether the MicroVAX II could be configured with TCP/IP at all. The
   build process and its options are -again- well documented in the
   simh docs.
3. Deploy your VMS OS, configure DECnet and TCP/IP and use the
   CLUSTER_CONFIG DCL command procedure to first create the cluster
   "master", and then add the satellites. CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM is sort of

I used the V4.0 standard github sources to build, and VAX/VMS V7.3 to 
deploy the cluster. Some Pi's run Raspbian Wheezy, some run Jessie. It 
varies along with my mood and the phase of the moon.

As soon as I get home again (may be in a few days), I can post the 
simh ini file(s), my /etc/rc.local which implements the tun/tap stuff, 
as well as VMS MODPARAMS.DAT. That is as far as I will go in 
documenting. Making it work and stumbling along was part of the fun. 
It is my way to teach myself Linux. VMS, I know of old.


Thanks. I look forward to seeing the .ini's and rc.local, etc. I come at 
it the other way around. I know Linux/Mac OS X/FreeBSD quite well, but 
know next to nothing about VMS (I know a bit about VAX because of its 
relationship to PDP-11, which I've been studying pretty relentlessly). I 
have a hobbyist license for OpenVMS, but I'm unclear if that's the same 
OS you are referring to?

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] simh on RaspBerry Pi

2016-02-15 Thread Will Senn

On 2/15/16 2:47 AM, Wilm Boerhout wrote:

Please check out my post on running a VAXcluster on Raspberry Pi's

Simh mailing list


Are you documenting the setup process for your endeavors, or just 
blogging about the result? I think it would be interesting to see how 
you clustered those Pi Vaxen as much as to know it was possible. I've 
got a few Pi around looking for something to cluster around...


Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] SIMH and physical hardware

2016-02-10 Thread Will Senn

On 2/9/16 11:41 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:

This is around 50% humorous, but it’s still a thing I’ve been thinking about 
lately. From a newbie’s perspective, all SIMH machines are very similar. The 
worst thing about emulation is that the “feel,” of the original hardware 
doesn’t seem to be there. Simh can emulate tons of hardware from different 
manufacturers, but none of that will tell me what it was like to actually use 
the devices in a physical sense.
As a blind user, I’m doubly interested in this kind of physicality because I 
experience the world through touch and sound. I have little conception of the 
shape or size of many of these notional machines, and they are all reduced to 
various abstractions at a console prompt. It’s hard to imagine a thing I was 
far too young to experience.
I was reminded of an Apple II emulator I saw once, sadly not accessible, which 
made the appropriate disk drive noises in use. Its kind of useless from a  
practical standpoint, but a lot of my interest in these machines isn’t 
practical to begin with. I want to explore an earlier kind of computing, but 
don’t expect to get a job with it or have anything beyond some entertainment.
I really don’t know what, if anything, can be done to bridge this weird 
disconnect. Actual hardware is probably gradually fading out, and in any case 
probably wouldn’t be accessible from my perspective anyway.

Any thoughts? Apologies for the disjointed post, it’s rather late. ;)
Simh mailing list


I feel much the same way. I'm old enough to potentially have worked with 
these computers. But, I didn't and for about the first 6 months or so, I 
had a heck of a time imagining what an RK05, or an ASR33 were and this 
was incredible frustrating, really. I thought an RK05 was something like 
a cd changer, with disks and an ASR33 was like an IBM selectric 
typewriter. Neither conception was that far off, but after I saw and 
heard them in action, my imaginings became a whole lot more accurate and 
useful for my current exploration with the simulator. Even so, you talk 
about hearing these in operation. Again, what I imagined failed to match 
reality. I though, wow, wouldn't it be neat to find a PDP-11/40 or 
something and put it in my office with my imac and such. Uh, bad, bad 
idea. If you think a dell sounds like an airplane engine, a PDP-11 and 
it's peripherals in operation sound like a freight train. Here's a link 
for your listening pleasure (it's a youtube video, but really, it's the 
sound track that's awesome). It is entitled "PDP-11/40 Computer and 
ASR-33 Teletype":

Maybe at some point, someone could add a really low threshold audio loop 
to the simulator (sort of like a whitenoise generator) that is 
reminiscent of the machine(s) in operation as an assistive technology 



Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] OSs with accessible documentation

2016-02-08 Thread Will Senn
Thanks! UCSD seems to be much more user friendly than SOLO. I look 
forward to messing around with it.


On 2/8/16 11:54 AM, Ron Young wrote:

Your message dated: Fri, 05 Feb 2016 21:48:08 -0600


I'm interested and interested in any documentation if there is any as well.



The SOLO os stuff is also available on bitsavers

most of the Brinch Hansen's stuff is not online, but googling
might turn up documents.

My UCSD pascal image for pdp 11 can be downloaded from here:

This is a snapshot of the disks that I used to build a bootable
pdp11 version of UCSD II.0. There is a README.TXT file that
has more information. The main image that you want is rk0.dsk
(rtv4_rk.dsk is an RT11 disk that I used to assemble the pdp
boot blocks).


On 2/5/16 9:35 PM, Ron Young wrote:

On Feb 5, 2016 3:19 PM, Kevin Handy  wrote:

I think there was also a PDP11 version of a Pascal OS (??name forgotten at

*** the moment), and several FORTH systems too.

Two pascal operating systems that come to are UCSD and SOLO (Per Brunch Han

***sen's research os) ... I have bootable rk05 simh images for both if a
***nyone is interested.

Simh mailing list

Ron Young
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Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Pascal for RT-11

2016-02-06 Thread Will Senn

On 2/6/16 9:37 AM, Will Senn wrote:


Does anyone know where to find a working SimH compatible image of a Pascal for 



Sent from my iPhone
A partial answer to my own question (still curious about other 
implementations that are available) and a few followups:

There's an RK05 image of OMSI Pascal v2.1 on bitsavers:

Download it and unzip it.

Then in SimH:
att rk0 omsiPascal2.1.dsk

and in RT-11v53:
.dir rk:

CONVRS.PAS37  07-Mar-85  CSICON.PAS 2 07-Mar-85
CSITYP.PAS 3  07-Mar-85  CSIPRO.PAS 6 07-Mar-85
FIXARG.PAS 5  07-Mar-85  FIXINC.PAS 4 07-Mar-85
FIXOUT.PAS 4  07-Mar-85  CNVNUM.PAS 4 07-Mar-85
SYMDCL.PAS13  07-Mar-85  SYMCOD.PAS17 07-Mar-85
GETCS .PAS20  07-Mar-85  PROSE .PAS   205 07-Mar-85
PASMAC.MAC39  07-Mar-85  XREF  .PAS37 07-Mar-85
PROCRE.PAS92  07-Mar-85  STRING.PAS24 07-Mar-85
PASMAT.PAS   194  07-Mar-85  PB.PAS77 07-Mar-85
LIBDEF.PAS14  07-Mar-85  OPERRO.PAS12 07-Mar-85
UERROR.PAS 4  07-Mar-85  SAYERR.PAS11 07-Mar-85
SJ.SAV   397  07-Mar-85  RTPAGE.COM 1 07-Mar-85
XM.SAV   474  07-Mar-85  XMPAGE.COM 1 07-Mar-85
LIBFPP.OBJ   315  07-Mar-85  START .OBJ 1 07-Mar-85
UTILS .SJ  1  07-Mar-85  UTILS .XM  2 07-Mar-85
LIBFIS.OBJ   333  07-Mar-85  LIBEIS.OBJ   338 07-Mar-85
LIBSIM.OBJ   353  07-Mar-85  VIRJOB.OBJ 1 07-Mar-85
EXTRAC.COM 3  07-Mar-85  XMDBG .COM 2 07-Mar-85
SJDBG .COM 2  07-Mar-85
 37 Files, 3048 Blocks
 1714 Free blocks

It looks like there are only 2 versions SJ and XM, so you need to boot 
the right monitor:

. copy/boot dk0:rt11xm.sys dk0:
.boot dk0

I'm sure there's a better way to install the distribution than to copy 
it over to the system disk, but I just copied everything over (if 
someone knows how it ought to be done, please let me know):

.copy rk0:*.* dk0:

Then to compile and link a pascal file such as this:
program adder(input,output);

var x,y,z : real;

z := x + y;
writeln(' inputs and answer: ');
writeln(x, y, z)

.xm adder.pas
.link adder,libfpp

Anyway, it "works" for this program. However, if I try to compile 
PROSE.PAS, which came with the distribution, I get:

.xm prose.pas

PASCAL--I/O error at user PC= 62626B
Attempt to write past end of file
I/O error code= -48 in file: DK:TEMP2.TMP

in SJ monitor, same error, different PC:
PASCAL--I/O error at user PC= 43014B
Attempt to write past end of file
I/O error code= -48 in file: DK:TEMP2.TMP

A dir on dk shows that the disk isn't full:
 289 Files, 8511 Blocks
 11871 Free blocks

Does anyone know:
0. What the error means.
1. The proper install method.
2. The location of a OMSI Pascal 2.1 Manual.
3. How to know it's 2.1 and not another version in disguise.



Simh mailing list

[Simh] Pascal for RT-11

2016-02-06 Thread Will Senn

Does anyone know where to find a working SimH compatible image of a Pascal for 



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Simh mailing list

[Simh] Macro-11 Macro library question (RT11 running in SimH PDP11)

2016-02-05 Thread Will Senn


A couple of questions:

1. Do any of y'all know where there is a working example of an assembly 
language program that includes a user defined macro in a library file?

2. Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong with this simple macro example?

Here's what I tried (that didn't work) after reading the manuals:

edit et2.mac


edit tin.mac

lib/mac/c tin tin
macro et2/list/
?MACRO-E-Errors detected:  2

The errors are due to the fact that .TIN/TIN (tried it both ways) is not 

  400012701 36'START: MOV#BUFFER,R1
  504005002 CLRR2
  706005202 INCR2
  810122700 12 CMPB #12,R0
  914001374 BNEINLOOP
 1016012701 36'MOV #BUFFER,R1
 1230005302 DECR2
 1332001762 BEQSTART
 1434000772 BROUTLOOP

However, if I include the macro in the file, edit et1.mac:



The program compiles/links/and runs fine and whatever strings I enter 
are copied to output as expected. TIN is just the library macro .TTYIN 
copied verbatim. I expect that my macro file is not proper or that it is 
not being found by macro, although it complains if I supply a 
non-existent file.

Insights appreciated.

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Macro-11 Macro library question (RT11 running in SimH PDP11)

2016-02-05 Thread Will Senn

I got it working :).

However, It doesn't look like macro files can be listed - from the 
system utilities manual:
The .MACRO directive produces the entries in the library directory 
(macro names). LIBR does not maintain a directory listing file for macro 
libraries; you can print the ASCII input file to list the macros in the 

I did a bunch more reading and figured out that the issue was around 
inconsistent/improper use of the leading dot. Interestingly, no 
diagnostic I could find was helpful in tracking this down. Y'alls tips 
and hints were much more useful.

So, here's how it went down (don't use a leading dot for user-defined 
macros, but if you do use them, use them everywhere):

.type et2.mac


.type tin.mac

.lib/mac/c tin tin

.macro et2/list/

.link et2

.run et2


I really appreciate y'alls assistance.



On 2/5/16 12:19 PM, Timothe Litt wrote:

Try the obvious:


I don't remember exactly, but I think there's a /detail or /names or
/list=names that will list the macro names in the library.

That will at least determine if MAC *should* find the macro.

On 05-Feb-16 13:05, Will Senn wrote:

On 2/5/16 10:20 AM, Paul Koning wrote:

On Feb 5, 2016, at 10:48 AM, Will Senn <> wrote:


A couple of questions:

lib/mac/c tin tin
macro et2/list/
?MACRO-E-Errors detected:  2

Try putting the macro library earlier in the command line.  I believe
MACRO processes command arguments as it encounters them, so here
you're asking it to assemble ET2 before you've given it the macro
library it needs to understand the .MCALL.


I tried the command with the filespecs switched with the same result:
.macro tin.MLB/lib+et2/list/cross
?MACRO-E-Errors detected:  2

And then I ran it via run macro:
.run macro
?MACRO-E-Errors detected:  2

And then I edited the macro file to include a LIBRARY directive:


and recompiled:
.macro et2/list/cross
?MACRO-E-Errors detected:  2

It looks to me like it is finding the file, but not "seeing" the macro



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Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Pascal 1.3 manual for RSX 11 4.6

2016-02-03 Thread Will Senn

On 2/2/16 5:17 PM, Johnny Billquist wrote:

You are welcome.
That said, there are a few points I should make here.

As you log into the demo account, you are getting into DCL.
DCL is a CLI, but it is not the same as MCR. Thus, DCL actually have 
different commands, but normally if DCL do not understand what you 
wrote, it passes it on to MCR, which saved you here.

So, editing in DCL is normally done with the command "EDIT". "EDT" is 
the MCR command.

You are using the DCL PASCAL command, good.

TKB is once more a MCR command. The DCL command would be:


DCL commands and qualifiers can be abbreviated. See HELP.


Got it. So, I did:

$ edit leaves.pas
Input file does not exist
program leaves(output);
a,b,sum,r,count : integer;

a := 0;b := 0;sum := 1;count:= 21;

sum := sum + a;
a := b;
b := sum;
count := count - 1;
until count = 0;
write('sum = ':30,sum:10)
DB0:[USER]LEAVES.PAS;1 15 lines

$ pascal leaves.pas

Then, to link, it appears that I have choices, all of which appear to work:

$ link leaves,DB0:[11,36]PASEIS/LIBRARY
$ link leaves,DB0:[11,36]PASFPP/LIBRARY
$ link leaves,LB:[1,1]PASOTS/LIBRARY

$ run LEAVES
sum =  10946

I'm guessing that PASEIS uses PDP11 EIS opcode extensions (sometimes?) 
and PASFPP uses PDP11 FPP opcode extensions (sometimes?). I have no idea 
about PASOTS. But I'm glad my little pascal files are compiling/running!


Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Pascal 1.3 manual for RSX 11 4.6

2016-02-02 Thread Will Senn

On 2/2/16 8:50 AM, Johnny Billquist wrote:

On 2016-02-02 15:22, Johnny Billquist wrote:

On 2016-02-02 15:07, Will Senn wrote:

On 2/1/16 5:33 PM, Will Senn wrote:


Does anyone know where I could find copy of a Pascal manual for RSX
11? Preferably Pascal version 1.3. I'm running it on RSX 11 v4.6 in
SimH and the PAS> prompt is singularly unrevealing about how it is
used (CTRL-D will exit though, which is better than the alternative).

This is the tape for the pascal that I've installed:



OK. So I searched help (after building a new environment that worked
properly) and figured out it's some kind of interactive pascal compiler
that can also be run as a command line. So, I compiled a pascal file
from the command line and lo and behold, it produced a nice looking
object file. But, when I tried to link it as is, it appears to 
depend on

an external library. This makes perfect sense, but raises a couple of
questions that I'm hoping y'all might could answer:

"Interactive" meaning you can either get a prompt, and compile several
files while running the compiler, or just do one file at the time and
stop/start the compiler each time, I guess.

But yes, for any language that you want to link, you need to language
specific library included.

1. What's the name/location of the file(s) containing the pascal
delivered external functions (write, print, etc)?

Not sure, but I would suspect it would be LB:[1,1]PASLIB.OLB, but just
do a DIR LB:[1,1]PAS*.OLB, and you should spot it.

2. If you recall a typical Pascal workflow with RSX-11M Plus, what was
it (or was it simply, edit, compile, and link to the above referenced

That is normally how you do it with any language.
That said, if you have a little more complex software system, you
usually create a couple of command files containing commands, so that
you don't have to type it all each time.

So, for PASCAL, you might have a COMPILE.CMD, which holds the arguments
you give to the PASCAL compiler, and then you'd just do PAS @COMPILE

And then the same for the linking/task building. Maybe called LINK.CMD,
and then you'd do TKB @LINK

TKB have a lot of functions and features, and having to type it all in
every time is tedious and error prone. Much better to have that in a
file, which you just use.

All that said - assuming the PASCAL library is LB:[1,1]PASLIB.OLB, a 
simple commandline would be:



Simh mailing list

Yeeha! I compiled a working Pascal program :). Here's how:

logged in as USER password USER (DCL is default):
Input file does not exist
program hello(output);

write('hello, world');
DB0:[USER]HELLO.PAS;1 5 lines

$ pascal HELLO.PAS
$ run HELLO
hello, world

Thanks Johnny!


Simh mailing list

[Simh] Pascal 1.3 manual for RSX 11 4.6

2016-02-01 Thread Will Senn


Does anyone know where I could find copy of a Pascal manual for RSX 11? 
Preferably Pascal version 1.3. I'm running it on RSX 11 v4.6 in SimH and 
the PAS> prompt is singularly unrevealing about how it is used (CTRL-D 
will exit though, which is better than the alternative).

This is the tape for the pascal that I've installed:


Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Pascal 1.3 manual for RSX 11 4.6

2016-02-01 Thread Will Senn
Oops. CTRL-C. Is there a better way? 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 1, 2016, at 6:51 PM, Johnny Billquist <> wrote:
>> On 2016-02-02 00:33, Will Senn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Does anyone know where I could find copy of a Pascal manual for RSX 11?
>> Preferably Pascal version 1.3. I'm running it on RSX 11 v4.6 in SimH and
>> the PAS> prompt is singularly unrevealing about how it is used (CTRL-D
>> will exit though, which is better than the alternative).
>> This is the tape for the pascal that I've installed:
> ^D to exit??? Are you sure? That just sounds so unlikely.
> Apart from that, I have no idea where any manuals might be found. As for how 
> to use it, it should have installed some HELP files, at least. Have you tried 
> -- 
> Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
>  ||  on a psychedelic trip
> email: ||  Reading murder books
> pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol
> ___
> Simh mailing list
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] ODT

2016-01-23 Thread Will Senn

On 1/23/16 11:09 AM, dave porter wrote:

In the corner of DEC here I came from, it was the "Odious Debugging
Tool", especially if you were used to symbolic debuggers.

Simh mailing list

Ha. Maybe someone should go in and update the wikipedia entry and talk page.

There seems to be plenty of points of view on the acronym :).

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Overwrite last track and set badblocks

2016-01-22 Thread Will Senn

On 1/21/16 9:48 AM, Mark Pizzolato wrote:

Hi Will,

On Thursday, January 21, 2016 at 7:01 AM, Will Senn wrote:

A quick couple of questions...

1. Why does SimH prompt to overwrite the last track on some images every
time it runs, even if I let it, it will ask on the next run.

2. What is a use case for setting bad blocks and is it a one shot deal or does 
need to stay in the .ini?

DEC shipped disk devices which were formatted at the factory.  Almost all
disk media had a very small percentage of the media which didn't perfectly
store data.  Certain modern, disk devices (MSCP) had spare sectors built into
the internal format information on the drives and they presented a full disk
of clean blocks to the system.  Older disks shipped with factory with a defect
table written in the last track of the device.  When an operating system
initially wrote file system data structures on a disk volume, it would allocate
the defective sectors to a BADBLOCK file on the disk and therefore those
sectors would be avoided for normal user data.  During the life of the disk
some areas might subsequently become bad.  If the OS detected these
later the newly identified areas would also be allocated to the BADBLOCK
disk file and the rest of the disk could still be used.

Thanks for the explanation.

So, back to your original question.  The prompt about "overwriting the last
track" is intended to create an essentially empty list of defective sectors
for a newly created disk image (for the disk types which actually had this
'feature').  The intention is that you should be prompted for this (or could
provide a -Y switch on the attach command) ONLY when you are creating
a new disk image.  If you are being prompted with this question each
time you attach an existing disk image then there could be a bug.  Please
identify the simulator and the specific commands which generate this

OK. I figured some of this out...

In RT-11v5.3 if I have the following ini section for a disk:
set rl1 writeenabled
attach rl1 storage.dsk

And I say no initially to the prompt:
Overwrite last track? [N]N

When I try to initialize the disk in RT-11, I get an error:
.initialize dl1:
DL1:/Initialize; Are you sure? Y
?DUP-F-Bad block in system area DL1:

But, if I answer Y:
Overwrite last track? [N]Y

All is good in the world. I get no errors initializing and I no longer 
get prompted at startup:

.initialize dl1:
DL1:/Initialize; Are you sure? Y

.dir vol:

0 Files, 0 Blocks
10172 Free blocks

This being the case, it appears that set badblock does not appear to be 
required. For the sake of discussion, if there is a case when it is 
required, is it a one-shot deal where the command is run in simh and 
then left out of the ini file after the bad block is created?



Simh mailing list

[Simh] First baby steps towards Unix v6 Goal

2016-01-22 Thread Will Senn


Well, I have finally gained enough of a basic understanding of the 
pdp-11 and assembly language to start working on my real goal of 
understanding Unix v6 internals. Today, and I realize to many of you 
this might seem like an insignificant feat, I got "Hello, World!" 
working as an assembly program in v6 on SimH pdp-11/40. It's been a long 
and often frustrating journey to get to this point and by way of 
celebration, I put together a mini-note at:

It's raw and doesn't really explain anything about the assembly or 
architecture side of things, but it works and when I do add the why it 
works to the note, it will hopefully help other folks.

If you're interested, take a look and I welcome feedback.


Simh mailing list

[Simh] Overwrite last track and set badblocks

2016-01-21 Thread Will Senn

A quick couple of questions...

1. Why does SimH prompt to overwrite the last track on some images every time 
it runs, even if I let it, it will ask on the next run.

2. What is a use case for setting bad blocks and is it a one shot deal or does 
it need to stay in the .ini?



Sent from my iPhone
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] A tutorial introduction to programming PDP-11 Macro-11 Assembly in RT-11 v5.3

2016-01-20 Thread Will Senn

On 1/20/16 7:37 PM, Johnny Billquist wrote:

I see you are having fun. :-)

A couple of comments:

ODT actually stands for On-line Debugging Tool, not Online Debugging 

You display the map file after linking with /debug, but the actual map 
file included was not from linking with /debug. :-)

I might be wrong, but I thought ODT works the same under RT-11 as 
under RSX, in which case you have several errors when listing and 
explaining commands.

;B will not remove breakpoints. It will actually set a breakpoint at 
the current location, using the first "free" breakpoint register.

B will remove all breakpoints, and nB will remove an explicit breakpoint.
;nB will set a breakpoint using breakpoing register n.

G will run the program. The semicolon is not needed. An argument 
before G becomes the address where it starts. If no argument is given, 
it will start at the beginning of the program.
The same with P, you can give an argument, which means it will pass 
that many breakpoints before actually stopping.

S will singlestep, and if you give an argument, it will singlestep 
that many instructions.

Now, this is how it works in RSX, so it *might* be that RT-11 works 
differently, but I would not have thought so. Maybe recheck this? (It 
might also just be that you are using an older version of ODT than was 
is "current".)

Your illustrations for words and bytes are inconsistent.
For words, you say that the boundaries are bit 0 and 15, while for 
bytes they are 0, 7 and 15. As you are describing the values giving 
the low and high bits, the correct thing would be to sat that a word 
have the boundaries at bit 0 and 15, and when dealing with bytes, the 
low byte is boundaries at bit 0 and 7, while the high byte have 
boundaries at bit 8 and 15.

"Current directory". RT-11 do not have a concept of a current 
directory, since there is only one directory on any device. However, 
unless I remember wrong, RT-11 do have the concept of the current 
device. This is given by the logical name DSK: You can assign DSK: to 
any device, and that will then be your default device.
The system has a logical name SYS:. And in additional you have the 
physical names for the different devices. And you can, of course, 
create your own names as well, if you want. Such as SRC: where you 
have source, if you want.

Now, I'm not an RT-11 expert, so you probably should search around and 
read some more documentation. But this might be some useful hints 
anyway. :-)



Good points all. I'll work on incorporating the changes tomorrow. The 
MAP thing was because I did multiple runs and when I "fixed" the format, 
I used the wrong source. Thanks for taking the time to read the tutorial!


Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] A tutorial introduction to programming PDP-11 Macro-11 Assembly in RT-11 v5.3

2016-01-20 Thread Will Senn

On 1/20/16 7:37 PM, Johnny Billquist wrote:

I see you are having fun. :-)

A couple of comments:

ODT actually stands for On-line Debugging Tool, not Online Debugging 

You display the map file after linking with /debug, but the actual map 
file included was not from linking with /debug. :-)


I have fixed the map.

 With regards to ODT, the documentation calls it On-line Debugging 
Technique all over the place - from the System Utilities Manual - 
"On-line debugging technique (ODT) is a program that aids assembly 
language programs", from the Introduction to RT-11 Manual - "For 
MACR0-11 users, RT-11 provides a special on-line debugging tool called 
ODT (On-line Debugging Technique)." I agree it sounds weird, but I 
didn't dream it up.

I have confirmed that ;B does delete all breakpoints, but as you 
suggest, so does B by itself and nB will delete the specified 
breakpoint. G by itself doesn't work in this version of ODT (5.08). The 
address and semicolon are required. If a relocation register is set, the 
address can be relative to the relocation register. I took all of the 
ODT commands straight from the Utilities Manual and Introduction. I 
think the version as distributed in RT-11 v5.3 may work slightly 
differently from the RSX version.

I agree with your point about word and byte boundaries. It felt awkward 
when I wrote it and then I got antsy and impatient to get done :). I'll 
fix it up.

I'll have to play around with the current directory stuff and then I'll 
edit that section as well.


Thanks for the response.


Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] A tutorial introduction to programming PDP-11 Macro-11 Assembly in RT-11 v5.3

2016-01-20 Thread Will Senn


The formatting issues have been corrected. Thanks for pointing out the 
problem and for being patient as I corrected it. One of these days, I'm 
going to need a better blog site than blogspot. The formatting of 
technical code and non-syntax-highlighted code in particular is painful 
with their software.

I was careful, but I may have inadvertently introduced new issues. Let 
me know if you see anything worrisome.


On 1/20/16 3:29 PM, Richard wrote:

In article <>,
 Will Senn <> writes:

Please take a look and as always, I look forward to hearing your
comments, suggestions, and critiques.

"Below is the exact text of the SUM.MAC file. [...]"

The formatting looks all whacked on that file.  I'm used to seeing the
; comment introducer lines up in something like column 32 or 40 but
this appears all over the place.

I don't know if that's how your original source file is formatted or
if it's the way blogspot formatted your text.

Simh mailing list

[Simh] VT100 Color of text

2016-01-09 Thread Will Senn


Having very vague recollects of having ever seen a real VT100, I came 
across the following picture while doing some research on RT-11:

I was surprised a little by the color of the text. In my minds eye, I 
had imagined either Amber or Green on black (the default on my Terminal 
windows). To my real eye, it looks blue. Given that the orange, manilla, 
and brown of the case look believable, it would seem that the VT100 had 
blue text. Is this correct and is it the only color of text on the 
machine? Does anyone know the hex RGB values?

A little more on topic and I've asked this question differently in the 
past, but now I think I have a better formulation of the question - are 
there SimH compatible video terminal simulators available and listed 
somewhere? The image of the VT100 made me think that interacting with a 
graphically detailed simulated VT100 attached to SimH is a qualitatively 
different experience than attaching a modern xterm telnet session to 
SimH and the same would be true for a VT11, a GT40 (see link below), or 
any of the terminals.

I still have a hankering to play a graphic version of lunar lander or 
spacewar on my Macbook Pro on an OS that I administer :).



Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] RSTS/E 10.1-L and Paper tape

2016-01-06 Thread Will Senn

On 1/5/16 11:38 PM, Will Senn wrote:

On 1/5/16 7:14 PM, Paul Koning wrote:

On Jan 5, 2016, at 5:07 PM, Will Senn <> wrote:


The simulated paper tape device is very handy to copy text around 
between a host and simulated environment. My question for the group 
is, does RSTS/E 10.1-L support the paper tape device? The 
documentation is sketchy about it but does make a rare reference to 
PP: and PR: (help for SYSTAT for example), but it wasn't a question 
during sysgen and I can't figure out how to copy files to it. In 
RT-11, it's as simple as copy whatever PC: or copy PC: whatever...
Yes, RSTS does support those.  I don't know why Sysgen doesn't ask.  
It doesn't ask about DECtape, either.  Perhaps they are no longer 
officially supported, but the software should be there and it should 

After running sysgen but before running the resulting 
script, edit config.mac.  Look for the line that mentions PR11 and 
change the 0 to 1, then the next line (PP11) also 0 change to 1.  
While you're there, if you want DECtape, change TC11 (just above 
PR11) to be the number of DECtape drives.  Typically that's an even 
number because a TU56 has two DECtape drives in it.


I followed the steps Paul provided with Christian's clarification and 
am now able to copy files to the paper tape punch device PP:...

$ copy instal.log pp:
[File INSTAL.LOG copied to PP:[1,2]]

The ptp.txt file on the host now contains the contents of instal.log 
from rsts/e. Woohoo, half way there...

but copying files from PR: doesn't seem to work:
$ copy pr: hello.mac
?Device hung or write locked - file PR:??.???

I tried PR0: as well, same result. Is the copy command different from 
what I typed? or do I need to enable read on the PR device somehow?



Update. If the copy is the first thing after attaching ptr in simh, it 

$ copy PR: HELLO.MAC
[File PR:??.??? copied to [1,2]HELLO .MAC]
$ macro/rt11 hello/list
$ link/rt11 hello/map
$ run hello

Any subsequent use of PR fails (which makes sense, really, after all, 
the PTR should be positioned after the read):

?Device hung or write locked - file PR:??.???

until ptr is attached again. I'm not sure how I missed this the first go 
around, I didn't think it ever succeeded, but I've verified that it 
seems to always works after an attach. Is there a 
reset/rewind/reposition device function that will work with PR in RSTS? 
I can work around it with reattachment in SIMH if all else fails.



Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] RSTS/E 10.1-L and Paper tape

2016-01-06 Thread Will Senn


Thanks for the information. Responses inline.

On 1/6/16 8:44 AM, Johnny Billquist wrote:
There is no way to software wise reset the paper tape from the OS. The 
paper tape is a physical thing. I real life, you would need to 
actually take the paper tape and "mount" it in the reader, and set the 
reader online. And after that, the tape can be read by software.

I get it... now :), thanks.

As for transferring files to and from your RSTS/E system, you do know 
of KERMIT, right? Telnet into the RSTS/E system, start a kermit server 
there, switch back to your local kermit, and then send/receive files 
to your hearts content.

Ha! Let's just say that I used KERMIT once back in the early 90's and 
have never used it since. I seem to recall something called zmodem that 
was easier to use (at least for the year my wife was in grad school and 
I had to connect to the internet through my DEC Rainbow 100 running DOS 
3.10b and a super fast 300 baud modem to the university's VMS system). 
But then again, it was all ftp and browsers the year after that (and a 
486 with 56K modem, Windows 95, and trumpet tcp I think). I may be old 
enough for vague recollections of bbses and such, but experientially, 
I'm solidly post tcp/ip, post-Mosaic, and post www. Everything old is 
new to me!

When you say, start a kermit server, I don't think there is one already 
on the system. I have to get it on the system somehow first. If there's 
a tape or disk image available that RSTS can use, then it's just a 
matter of installing and running it. I say just, I'm still getting up to 
speed on installing and running programs in RSTS. I'll be working on it...

Other options could be using a disk with the files on it, setting up 
tapes, but also, if simh supports it, possibly using the virtual DOS 
device, that other emulators have, as well as using DECnet.

Does the virtual DOS device work in linux/mac?

As for "using" DECnet... hmm, I'm working on getting DECnet working, the 
install and configuration of sim seem to be reasonable. I just don't 
know what to do with it once it's running. This is my refrain, I'm 
working on it :). The list of items on my "To Understand" list far 
outnumber the "Understood" list. My unfounded belief is that DECnet is 
quite different from modern networking and that it doesn't have a 
toolset that I'm familiar with - no ping, no ssh, no telnet, not even 
rcp or rsh and such so if I get it running. What might a copy from host 
to sim look like? copy HOST:FILE SY:FILE or something similar?

If you have some RSX, RT-11 or VMS system nearby, you can also use 
TCP/IP on those systems, and then transfer using one of the above 
suggested methods to just get the files over to RSTS/E.
I only have simh systems, no real systems. I have RT-11, but I don't 
think it has TCP/IP. I'll be working on it...


Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] RSTS/E 10.1-L and Paper tape

2016-01-06 Thread Will Senn

On 1/6/16 9:08 AM, Will Senn wrote:

Johnny escribe:
As for transferring files to and from your RSTS/E system, you do know 
of KERMIT, right? Telnet into the RSTS/E system, start a kermit 
server there, switch back to your local kermit, and then send/receive 
files to your hearts content.

OK. I'm making progress. I downloaded K11RSX.HEX from along with K11HEX.BAS and using my 
nifty paper tape reader (after running unix2dos on the files) I got them 
on RSTS. I then ran K11HEX.BAS and converted K11RSX.HEX to K11RSX.TSK and:

$ run K11RSX.TSK
Kermit-11 T3.60  Last edit: 21-Mar-89

Check SHOW RELEASE_NOTES for possible incompatabilities
with previous releases of Kermit-11 and other Kermits.
Linked for RSX11M/M+ and P/OS

Will you look at that?

On my Mac, I brew install'd c-kermit and now I am able to run Kermit on 
both ends of the connect. Kermit will even do telnet, so I have telnet'd 
to one of the DZ connections successfully.

If you want to share how you actually do a file transfer using the 
amazing kermit, I would appreciate it. Meanwhile, I'm busy reading docs 
and googling to figure it out.



Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] RSTS/E 10.1-L and Paper tape

2016-01-06 Thread Will Senn

On 1/6/16 8:27 PM, Mark Pizzolato wrote:

On Wednesday, January 6, 2016 at 6:21 PM, Johnny Billquist wrote:

On 2016-01-07 03:08, Mark Pizzolato wrote:

On Wednesday, January 6, 2016 at 4:24 PM, Johnny Billquist wrote:

On 2016-01-07 01:00, Mark Pizzolato wrote:

Meanwhile, the 'crude' way to exchange data on most simulators can
actually be done with cut and paste in console or telnet sessions.

Indeed. That also works. But it is really problematic when copying
data into the simulator, since this goes through the OS terminal
driver, which have limitations. Pasting in data often leads to data
loss in my experience. But copying out works fine.

Actually, copying data into a simulator with paste has improved vastly


10's of Kbytes of data pasted at once without data loss.  Give it a try.

Uh? Really. How recent do I need it to be then?
I'm on:
   PDP-11 simulator V4.0-0 Betagit commit id: e9b312f2

Well, git commit id: e9b312f2 was back on June 6, 2014.  Not too many folks 
would call that recent.  :-)

Recent being in the last month or so.

- Mark

The changes Mark made in November were life changing for pasting :).

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] RSTS/E 10.1-L and Paper tape

2016-01-05 Thread Will Senn

On 1/5/16 11:08 PM, Christian Gauger-Cosgrove wrote:

For those curious of the process:

Right after the configuring jobs section (where it asks the number of
jobs, number of small buffers, and if you want EMT logging) and before
loading the system software from tape is the best point I've found.
When it asks if you want to proceed answer "no".

EDT is in [0,12] so to edit CONFIG.MAC at this point:
$ run [0,12]EDT
The actual CONFIG.MAC file is relatively straightforward and pretty

If you're doing the SYSGEN with an 8B/8B TTI/TTO device with either a
telnet attached console, or on a platform that actually likes escape
characters you can enter "ch" at the '*' prompt to get full screen EDT
(much easier to work with than line editing). F1 is the Gold key, F2
is Help.

After you finish editing CONFIG.MAC, run the BUFCHK program, also in
[0,12] (if you don't at the actual point of building the system for
some reason you get negative small buffers...).
$ run [0,12]BUFCHK

Then continue the sysgen by entering "proceed" at the DCL prompt.


Your instructions worked great. I was able to wait until just before 
building the monitor to answer No, edit the file and continue. 
Interestingly, I couldn't run the bufchk at that point but I didn't get 
any errors either.


Simh mailing list

[Simh] PDP 11/40 or better kit?

2016-01-05 Thread Will Senn

I just came across a pi+simh driven PDP8/I replica:!pidp-8/cbie

Is there anything similar for 11/40 or 11/70 or etc? I've seen software 
versions and program on a chip versions like pdp2011:

but, this is an actual physical represenation at less than $140 bucks 
that can play space war with the addition of an hdmi monitor (20 bucks) 
and I was wondering if anyone knew of a physical replica system of the 
11/40 or better.


Simh mailing list

[Simh] RSTS/E 10.1-L and Paper tape

2016-01-05 Thread Will Senn


The simulated paper tape device is very handy to copy text around 
between a host and simulated environment. My question for the group is, 
does RSTS/E 10.1-L support the paper tape device? The documentation is 
sketchy about it but does make a rare reference to PP: and PR: (help for 
SYSTAT for example), but it wasn't a question during sysgen and I can't 
figure out how to copy files to it. In RT-11, it's as simple as copy 
whatever PC: or copy PC: whatever...


Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] RSTS/E 10.1-L and Paper tape

2016-01-05 Thread Will Senn

On 1/5/16 7:14 PM, Paul Koning wrote:

Yes, RSTS does support those.  I don't know why Sysgen doesn't ask.  It doesn't 
ask about DECtape, either.  Perhaps they are no longer officially supported, 
but the software should be there and it should work.

After running sysgen but before running the resulting script, edit 
config.mac.  Look for the line that mentions PR11 and change the 0 to 1, then 
the next line (PP11) also 0 change to 1.  While you're there, if you want 
DECtape, change TC11 (just above PR11) to be the number of DECtape drives.  
Typically that's an even number because a TU56 has two DECtape drives in it.
Wow, thanks, learning more and more with each passing day about this 
nifty os. The option is there if I run sysgen after I've installed the 
system and I don't mind editing the config.mac file at all. Is it 
possible to edit the file while the sysgen monitor is running, during 
the install, before it builds? As far as I can tell, there is not a 
chance to customize the install outside of the dialogues, while it's 

I'm not that familiar with RSTS, but in unix, I could background the 
installer, make my edits, pull the installer back into the foreground 
and continue.



Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] exit fig-forth monitor in RST/E

2016-01-03 Thread Will Senn

On 1/3/16 3:56 PM, Paul Koning wrote:
I wonder if it's documented in some obscure spot, or if we neglected 
to do so. The answer is: the word "CCL" passes the string that follows 
to RSTS as a command to execute. So any CCL command (anything added 
with define/command/system) will work. Normally "switch" is such a 
command, so you would do "ccl switch" (or the equivalent "ccl switch 

Awesome, it works!

I suspect there's a reason that FORTH.RTS is sitting in UNSUPP$:
(unsupported utilities)...

Actually, it's because I ported it to RSTS as an internal tool, and managed to 
get it shipped so long as DEC wouldn't have to support it.  There are two FORTH 
programs that should be included: one is ODT which is like the Basic ODT tool 
except that it handles large files, and the other is SDA which is an 
interactive crashdump analyzer inspired by (but not derived from) the VMS tool 
by that name.  I don't remember if the sources are distributed; if not, SDA 
does have a HELP command that should give you some ideas.

This Forth implementation is a port of Fig-FORTH by John S. James, with some 
RSTS-specific magic added.  I just realized the file header says that it is in 
the public domain, so I suppose I should post the source...


That would be fantastic.


Simh mailing list

[Simh] exit fig-forth monitor in RST/E

2016-01-03 Thread Will Senn


In RSTS V10.1-L (and possibly others) there is a runtime monitor called 
FORTH.4TH Fig-Forth v2.0+. If it is installed as a monitor via:

install /runtime_system
Run-time System: UNSUPP$:FORTH

and set as monitor via:
set job/key=forth

It responds as would a forth REPL:


88 88 * .
7744  ok

625  ok

But so far as I can tell, there's no way to switch back to DCL or any 
other monitor type. I know that I can kill the job from another session 
(or believe this to be the case), but I was hoping someone would know 
how to exit the Forth monitor.

typing quit, exit, bye (restarts the Forth loop), CTRL-C, X, Z, etc 
don't seem to have the desired effect and the PF keys or F keys don't 
seem to be known to forth. I know this questions is a little sideways of 
being on topic, but maybe there's a key  or mapping that I don't know 
about in SimH for Forth envionments.



Simh mailing list

[Simh] Corrupt BASIC-PLUS 2.7 tpc issue in SimH > 3.9

2016-01-02 Thread Will Senn

The latest incarnation of SimH does not appear to allow the mounting of 
corrupted tpc images, or at least not the one referred to here. I am 
working with RSX11M-Plus v4.6 using instructions located here:

The instructions for adding BP2 to RSX11M-Plus includes mounting and 
using files from a known partially corrupt tpc image loacted at:

There are some important files on the tape. But the tape mount does not 
succeed in the latest SimH:

sim> *set ts ena*
sim> *att ts0 basic_plus_2_rsx_v2_7.tpc*
sim> *set ts0 format=tpc*

In the latest SimH, when you perform these instructions, the tape image 
is loaded as SimH format and the set ts0 format=tpc line errors out with 
'Unit already attached'. Reordering logically using:

sim> set ts ena
sim> set ts0 format=tpc
sim> att ts0 basic_plus_2_rsx_v2_7.tpc

SimH replies with:
TS: unit is read only
Format error

However, in 3.9, the instructions work exactly as described in the first 
set of instruction and the files (that are

not corrupted) are then accessible in RSX11M-Plus.

As a workaround, I'm using SimH 3.9 to perform the sysgen, etc. and will 
then use SimH latest because of its slew of improvements.

Does this sound like expected behavior or like an issue with the post 
3.9 SimH? If so, I'll gladly open an issue, but it's weird enough, that 
I thought I would ask first.



Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Multiple telnet ports in SimH to RSTS/E 9.6

2016-01-01 Thread Will Senn

On 12/31/15 2:10 PM, Will Senn wrote:

Paul Koning set me straight on figuring out that DZ, as configured, 
was actually working. Duh, press RETURN twice to get BAUD detected 
properly, then all is right in the world. The other devices might work 
too, but since DZ worked, I'm happy.

Thanks for responding.


Oh. And one other thing. Not only do you have to press enter twice, for 
BAUD rate, but the main console session has be be started and 
timesharing/system startup has to be finished before you can attach 
another telnet session. I think this may have been the problem I was 
having originally rather than the BAUD rate. I had started the telnet 
session and booted the disk, but I hadn't started timesharing, when I 
fired up telnet on port 10001.


Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] SIMH console settings for escape sequence support

2016-01-01 Thread Will Senn

On 12/31/15 6:19 PM, Mark Pizzolato wrote:

On Thursday, December 31, 2015 at 12:18 PM, Paul Koning wrote:

I've noticed that terminal handling on the SIMH console with RSTS/E was
never quite right; it would not do "set terminal/inquire" and editing keys that
produce escape sequences would be mangled.

This turns out to be due to the "printable control characters" configuration
setting.  Its default value does not include ESC as a printable character, so it
gets discarded rather than sent to the terminal window.

To fix this, use the following SIMH command:

set console pchar=0123600

With that setting, escape sequences work properly on the console.
Something similar probably applies to other operating systems and processor
types, if they use escape sequences on the console terminal.  The pchar
value is octal on PDP11 and other machines that are conventionally octal; it's
hex on VAX and other hex machines, so adjust the "set" command

Thanks for pointing this out.

The PCHAR mask is actually only used when the terminal device (console)
is in 7B or UC mode.  The PDP11 defaults to 7B mode.  The VAX simulators
default to 8B mode.

In the interest of fewer problems in the future for various folks, the
default PCHAR mask has now been changed to include ESC and ENQ in
addition to the previous BEL, BS, TAB, LF and CR.  The output produced
by SHOW CONSOLE PCHAR has also been enriched to display the names
of the characters which are included in the mask.

Awesome. Thanks for making the changes.

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Multiple telnet ports in SimH to RSTS/E 9.6

2015-12-31 Thread Will Senn

On 12/31/15 1:42 PM, Mark Pizzolato wrote:

The KMC/DUP and DMC devices are only supported in simh for simulator
to simulator DECnet connections.  These are WAN synchronous devices
which have nothing to do with connecting to a simulator via telnet.

I'm not ready to tackle DECnet yet. I'll leave these devices for another 

You are on the right track looking at SYSGEN to configure the OS side of
enabling DZ functionality.  You may also want to look at DL and DC devices
which can also provide incoming telnet connections to a simulator.  Since,
I've never been a RSTS user, I can't begin to suggest how you configure
that OS to enable these devices.

Good Luck.

- Mark

Paul Koning set me straight on figuring out that DZ, as configured, was 
actually working. Duh, press RETURN twice to get BAUD detected properly, 
then all is right in the world. The other devices might work too, but 
since DZ worked, I'm happy.

Thanks for responding.


Simh mailing list

[Simh] Multiple telnet ports in SimH to RSTS/E 9.6

2015-12-31 Thread Will Senn
I am not able to figure out what devices to enable in SimH PDP-11 to get 
multiple telnet connections in RSTS/E 9.6.

I'm using a PDP-11/73 with 4megs of memory and I have the console 


I am able to telnet into port 1. It works as a login terminal no 

But, then I also tried to set up some DZ11 lines to support additional 
logins over local telnet:

ATTACH DZ  10001

but these don't seem to be picked up by RSTS/E. SimH let's me connect 
via telnet to ports 10001-10007, but RSTS/E does not respond in the 
telnet session. I reviewed my sysgen for RSTS/E and it doesn't appear to 
have a DZ11 peripheral configuration section. My sense is that RSTS/E 
doesn't support DZ11s.

Here is the relevant section of the sysgen:
Accept Peripheral defaults ?
---snip disk drives, paper tape, etc.
DMC11's/DMR11's ?   <00>
DMV11's/DMP11's ?   <00>
IBM 3271 or 2780/3780 simultaneous links ?  <00>
RJ2780 support ?

In looking at the 
AA-2669J-TC_RSTS-E_System_Installation_and_Update_Guide.pdf file, page 
49. It has this to say about the IBM 3271 or 2780/3780 option (sounds 
like an alternative device to the DZ?):

Explanation - Each KMC-11 microprocessor controls one DUP11 synchronous 
line interface to the 3271 or 2780/3780 host... and so on.

My questions are:
Does SimH support the KMC-11/DUP11 pairing somehow?
Or is there another suitable device available in SimH for providing 
access to RSTS/E via telnet?
If so, what are the device names on the SimH side and the RSTS/E side of 



Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Multiple telnet ports in SimH to RSTS/E 9.6

2015-12-31 Thread Will Senn

On 12/31/15 2:26 PM, Paul Koning wrote:

On Dec 31, 2015, at 3:10 PM, Will Senn <> wrote:

Paul Koning set me straight on figuring out that DZ, as configured, was 
actually working. Duh, press RETURN twice to get BAUD detected properly, then 
all is right in the world. The other devices might work too, but since DZ 
worked, I'm happy.

In late versions of RSTS/E, the following are supported: DL11 and equivalent, 
DH11, DZ11 DHV11, DHU11.

DC-11 support existed in RSTS V4A, not sure about later.  I don't remember that 
DJ11 support was ever done.  Also note that V4A supports only single line 
interfaces (KL11, DL11, DC11, DL11-E); mux support arrived in RSTS/E V5A.

Originally you specified the terminal configuration with SYSGEN.  As I 
mentioned, that disappeared at a late stage; I believe in V9.0 but I may be off 
a bit.  If SYSGEN asks, you need to answer; if a particular version doesn't ask 
about terminals, that means it has terminal autoconfiguration at boot time.

Something related: RSTS/E knows how to find devices at boot time and disables 
anything configured that isn't actually present.  That appeared in RSTS V5B.  
Before that time, you had to be careful in SYSGEN *not* to specify non-existent 
devices, because RSTS would try to reference them and crash.


Is there a noticeable advantage of one over the other in SimH of using 
DL11, DH11, DZ11, DHV11 or DHU11?



Simh mailing list

[Simh] Tutorial on setting up RT-11 v5.3 in SimH PDP-11

2015-12-30 Thread Will Senn


I have posted a new blog entry in the form of a tutorial on setting up 
and using RT-11 v5.3 in SimH. It is accessible via:

I am aware of and appreciate the extant tutorials, but I have found them 
lacking when it comes to helping a novice or occasional hobbiest 
understand the process of getting started. The tutorial describes how to 
set up a working RT-11 environment for doing MACRO-11 development on the 
PDP-11. I wrote it in order to ensure I could replicate the steps 
required when needed and to help others less persistent than I, with a 
recipe for getting up and running easily, but solidly. Following the 
tutorial should be sufficient to get a hobbyist up an running and able 
to build MACRO-11 applications from text to execution. In a sequel, I 
will cover the use of MACRO and LINK in a bit more detail and also cover 
the ODT debugger.

Please check it out and let me know if you have thoughts, comments, 
suggestions, or criticisms and thanks to those of you who have helped me 
gain the knowledge necessary to write this up. I am still a novice, but 
coming up to speed nicely.


Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] RK Word Count register question

2015-12-26 Thread Will Senn

On 12/26/15 4:26 PM, Johnny Billquist wrote:

On 2015-12-26 22:56, Johnny Billquist wrote:

Short, obvious question. Is simh expecting 16-bit addresses, and running
all addresses through the mmu in the command mode, or does it actually
use 18-, or 22-bit addresses, in which case you commands are accessing
memory, and not the I/O page, which is actually 17 777 777 410, if we
talk 22-bits.

Doh! Too many bits in there. 22 bit address should be 17 777 410 of 
course. :-)



Well. You were right (and others offline) about the address needing to 
be 1410:

PDP-11 simulator V4.0-0 Betagit commit id: 0f43551d
sim> d 1 012737
sim> d 10002 177440
sim> d 10004 177410
sim> d 10006 00
sim> g 1

HALT instruction, PC: 010010 (HALT)
sim> ex 1410

I don't really understand what you are saying about the mmu and 18 or 22 
bits other than getting that there are PDP-11's with 16, 18 and 22 bit 
memory sizes. I am guessing that the reason it's 1410 in this case 
is because the default machine in SimH is 22 bits and the IO space is 
reserved in the top 4k on this machine. If I had been more specific and 
limited SimH to a smaller memory footprint, less bits would be needed 
(the upper 4k would be addressable with fewer bits).

Ah, well, off to read Chapter 6 - Memory Management out of the Processor 
Handbook, again... I have to admit to barely skimming this chapter the 
first few times through because it didn't really make any sense, without 
context and I didn't think I needed to know. Now that it's relevant, and 
with a bit more background, I'm sure it'll make a lot more sense and be 
that much more interesting.


Simh mailing list

[Simh] PDP-11 BASIC, booting the hard way

2015-12-24 Thread Will Senn


Thanks for the comments and feedback on the bootstrap loader analysis. I 
have edited it to reflect the input I received, but it is still a work 
in progress. I will continue to refine it as my understanding of the 
area expandes. Here is the related, simpler, writeup of booting PDP-11 
BASIC, part of the PDP-11 Paper Tape Software System using the bootstrap 
and absolute loader in SimH:

Hope y'all are enjoying the holidays.

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Writeup of PDP-11 bootstrap loader analysis

2015-12-23 Thread Will Senn

On 12/23/15 5:09 PM, Johnny Billquist wrote:

As for your analysis:
Your explanation of branches seems somewhat over complicated. The 
instruction is indeed in just 8 bits, while 8 bits are the offset.
However, there is no need to mess things up with one-complement, or 
tricks like that. The offset is an 8-bit value. Sign extend to 16 
bits. Multiply by 2, and add to the updated PC. Simple as that.
(Note that I said "updated PC". The PC will contain the address of the 
instruction after the branch before you start doing the calculation 
for the branch destination.)


OK. I think I figured out how to think about the BPL. Given the machine 

037756  100376

It is a BPL instruction to the updated PC + (2 * offset). The offset is 
given as 376, in binary, sign extended 1 111 111 111 111 110, shifting 
it left to multiply by 2 (there's a carry out that we can ignore) 
results in  1 111 111 111 111 100. Adding the result to the updated PC, 
037762, results in binary 0 011 111 111 110 010 (there's another carry 
out we can ignore). The math looks like this:

  1 111 111 111 111 100 (2 * offset 376 sign extended)
+ 0 011 111 111 110 010 (PC = 037762)
  0 011 111 111 101 110 (037756)

I can see that this is a better, simpler explanation and more in line 
with how the machine processes the instruction.



Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Writeup of PDP-11 bootstrap loader analysis

2015-12-23 Thread Will Senn
Correction below - thanks Paul for pointing it out.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 23, 2015, at 7:02 PM, Will Senn <> wrote:
>> On 12/23/15 5:09 PM, Johnny Billquist wrote:
>> As for your analysis: 
>> Your explanation of branches seems somewhat over complicated. The 
>> instruction is indeed in just 8 bits, while 8 bits are the offset. 
>> However, there is no need to mess things up with one-complement, or tricks 
>> like that. The offset is an 8-bit value. Sign extend to 16 bits. Multiply by 
>> 2, and add to the updated PC. Simple as that. 
>> (Note that I said "updated PC". The PC will contain the address of the 
>> instruction after the branch before you start doing the calculation for the 
>> branch destination.)
> Johnny,
> Given Line 7 037760  100376   BPL WAIT
> 100376 is a BPL instruction and the offset (376) is to be multiplied by two 
> and added to the updated PC. That is, 376 * 2 is going to be added to 037762. 
> 376 represents a negative offset in two's complement notation - it has a one 
> in it's most significant bit, the left hand bit in 11 111 110. As a human, I 
> kind of need the number in some form that makes sense to me, so I convert it 
> to a positive quantity by first taking the one's complement and adding one. 
> This gives me the positive magnitude of the negative number -1. Multiplying 
> this by two is easy, it's -2, which when added to 037762 yields 037760 , 
> which is the correct location.

Negative number -2. Multiplying this number by two is easy, it's -4, which when 
added to the updated PC 037762 yields 037756, the correct location.

> This is how I did the math. If I understand you correctly, the machine 
> doesn't do it this way. I tried multiplying 376, 11 111 110 by shifting 
> left one, 11 111 100, and adding that to 037762's binary representation, but 
> that doesn't seem to make sense. Would you please elaborate?
> Thanks,
> Will
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] GOLD Keys and such

2015-12-20 Thread Will Senn

On 12/19/15 3:44 PM, Random832 wrote:

Will Senn <> writes:

I am trying to use xterm, now that I have terminal behaving
better. But, the keymapping is really weird: pressing the delete key
displays ^H, pressing CTRL-DELETE, effectively backspaces, and
pressing fn-F5, which in Terminal is mapped to ESC-O-w, displays 5~.
Do you know where xterm is getting its key mapping from? If it's a
file, do you know of a VT100 file of mappings? I have a feeling that
the default mapping is way off.

Xterm's mappings are bult in. F5 and beyond are based on the
VT220, since there were no equivalent keys on a real VT100.  You
would need to use a numeric keypad to get keys like ESC-O-w from
the default mappings. You can control the keys in ~/.Xdefaults,
though. See the answer to this question on Stack Overflow:

Delete and Backspace is an issue with a long history, and can be
controlled through a separate option "backarrowKeyIsErase".

As for the delete-backspace issue, I appreciate the tip. Anne Baretta 
did a really good write up on how to get consistent behavior in linux 
for these miscreant keys:



Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] GOLD Keys and such

2015-12-19 Thread Will Senn

On 12/19/15 3:01 PM, Johnny Billquist wrote:

On 2015-12-19 21:57, Will Senn wrote:

On 12/19/15 1:42 PM, Random832 wrote:

Either's VT100 emulation should be acceptable, though

Latest update, taking bits and pieces from folks comments...

I started Terminal and set the terminal variable to VT100 then started a
new bash:
TERM=vt100 exec bash

I hope you understand that the TERM environment variable in Unix don't 
actually do anything, except inform running programs that they should 
try to work the terminal using VT100 control sequences.
Yup. I had read this, but now I understand it even better. It's an 
environment variable only and therefore only meaningful to the programs 
looking for it. I have no idea if simh cares about it and after you 
commented, I tried it without the environment variable and sure enough, 
it works fine. So, really, the only thing needed is the keymapping for 

RT-11 do not know, nor care, about a Unix environment variable. So 
that thing is actually totally meaningless here. :-)


started the rt-11 simulation
pdp11 boot.ini

then tried ked somefile

I was able to use fn-F1 as the Gold Key, but I couldn't figure out how
to get Command. I then hooked up a regular mac keyboard to the laptop
(it has a numeric keypad) and was able to get both fn-F1 and numeric
keypad 7 to work as GOLD-COMMAND. This was encouraging. I went back to
the laptop keyboard and was able to use fn-F1 as GOLD and then ESC-O-w
as command, remembering y'alls advice. This was workable, but not ideal.
So, I took a look at the keyboard tab in Terminal preferences and was
able to assign ESC-o-w to a key and voila, rational keyboard :).

Thanks for all of the tips and pointers. I am pretty pleased with the
way things are working now and have a much greater level of
understanding of how to figure these sorts of issues out going forward.
I am glad that it works with a regular terminal because copy and paste
and such in the host is much simpler than with xterm or another 

Excellent. More knowledge is always useful.


Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] GOLD Keys and such

2015-12-19 Thread Will Senn

On 12/18/15 7:57 PM, Johnny Billquist wrote:

GOLD and COMMAND on the other hand are specific keys on DEC terminals, 
that both sent specific sequences of characters when pressed. As such, 
this is a bit more complicated. You could of course just send those 
sequence of characters yourself, but it might be non-trivial to 
remember the exact sequence, and there might also be timeouts in some 
software that could defeat you if you try typing them in by hand.
Also, different DEC terminals might have sent different sequences for 
those keys, so the exact sequence might depend on what terminal you 
appear to have.


I am now using MacWise in VT100 mode and have figured out how to get 
GOLD and COMMAND to work (mapped {ESC O P to PF1 and {ESC O w to PF7 in 
MacWise). However, I'm still wrapping my head around what is happening 
as a result with respect to the keycodes. You explanation around 
timeouts is interesting and helpful. I have been reading the VT101 User 
Manual and that too, is helpful, although, there are a whole lot of 
codes and it would seem that I only need to be concerned with a few.

Let me ask you this, if I need to send a form feed or a line feed or 
another ascii character that is not given a direct representation (or 
the correct representation) by my keyboard, is there a mechanism to send 
the keycode directly? For example, linefeed is ASCII decimal 10. Is 
there an escape sequence that is equivalent to sending 10 across (maybe 
something along the lines of ESC [ 1 0 or something)?

On another note, it seems like the Mac Terminal ought to work as a 
VT100, or even VT52, since they are in the avanced section of the 
properties list, but I can't figure out how to make them behave reasonably.


Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] {Spam?} transferring files to and from v6 unix running in pdp11 emulator

2015-12-09 Thread Will Senn

On 11/20/15 1:22 PM, Anders Magnusson wrote:

Den 2015-11-20 kl. 20:12, skrev Will Senn:

On 11/20/15 10:51 AM, Anders Magnusson wrote:

Den 2015-11-20 kl. 17:35, skrev Will Senn:


I have searched and searched and have not found a satisfactory 
answer to this question:

How can I efficiently copy files from my host system to unix 
version 6 running in the pdp11 emulator and from unix 6 to my host 

I usually do this by just tar'ing to/from a disk file, something like:

on pdp11: tar cf /dev/rxp0c myfiles
on host: tar xf simh-disk-file

Works both ways :-)

-- Ragge


This sounded promising, but as it turns out there appear to be 2 
problems... 1. v6 doesn't have tar, and 2. it looks like v6 doesn't 
have rx device support (floppies). Are you using v6 with tweaks, or 
v7, or some other variant of unix?

Hm, it was some time ago, but I think it was tar.  Otherwise try cpio?
You do not have to use floppies.  rxp is the raw device for rp disks 
(avoids caching).  Just work against that file.

To close the loop on this, I have been able to follow the closing advice 
in "Setting up Unix - Seventh Edition" and use its v6tar on v6. It 
appears to require split I+D, so I had to "upgrade" from the 11/40 to an 
11/45 or 11/70 (both work). It requires the the kernel be recompiled 
with separate I+D support with m45.s and such, but pretty 
straightforward. I haven't done a lot of copying yet, but at least I am 
able to share between v6 and v7. I have also worked out a couple of 
different ways to move files to and from the host that involve the disk 
or tape. I wrote a perl script to read a SimH tape into its constituent 
files that works ok as a way to transfer files as well (clunkier than 
tar and such, but it was a good learning exercise).



Simh mailing list

[Simh] Graphics Terminals and Graphic System Phototypesetters

2015-12-09 Thread Will Senn


I am using the SimH PDP 11 simulator to learn about the PDP 11/40/45/70 
architectures with a particular focus on Sixth and Seventh Edition Unix. 
I have written a couple of notes based on my experiences/trials that are 
available at:

v6 -

v7 -

I am open to comments, suggestions, and criticisms, I have been getting 
an inordinate amount of help from the folks on the TUHS mailing list 
with respect to the Unix side of things, but now I am looking into the 
SimH side of things and was hoping y'all might help...

Is is possible to simulate a graphics terminal in SimH for the 
PDP-11/40/45/70. So far, I have been able to get a text console working 
(I think it's a Teletype ASR-33) and serial consoles (DCI). I have seen 
some video of real PDP's playing lunar lander and such on graphics 
terminals, and if this is possible in a simulated environment, I would 
like to try it out.

Also, is it possible to simulate a graphics system phototypesetter? I 
get the feeling that this is what TROFF was actually designed for and 
would be interested in trying it out, as well.

I'm a relative newbie to SimH, PDP 11's, and Unix v6/v7, so if I'm 
completely off base in my questions, please let me know.



Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] {Spam?} transferring files to and from v6 unix running in pdp11 emulator

2015-11-20 Thread Will Senn

On 11/20/15 10:51 AM, Anders Magnusson wrote:

Den 2015-11-20 kl. 17:35, skrev Will Senn:


I have searched and searched and have not found a satisfactory answer 
to this question:

How can I efficiently copy files from my host system to unix version 
6 running in the pdp11 emulator and from unix 6 to my host system?

I usually do this by just tar'ing to/from a disk file, something like:

on pdp11: tar cf /dev/rxp0c myfiles
on host: tar xf simh-disk-file

Works both ways :-)

-- Ragge


This sounded promising, but as it turns out there appear to be 2 
problems... 1. v6 doesn't have tar, and 2. it looks like v6 doesn't have 
rx device support (floppies). Are you using v6 with tweaks, or v7, or 
some other variant of unix?


Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] transferring files to and from v6 unix running in pdp11 emulator

2015-11-20 Thread Will Senn

On 11/20/15 1:22 PM, Mark Pizzolato wrote:

On Friday, November 20, 2015 at 11:13 AM, Will Senn wrote:

On 11/20/15 10:51 AM, Anders Magnusson wrote:
Den 2015-11-20 kl. 17:35, skrev Will Senn:

I have searched and searched and have not found a satisfactory answer
to this question:

How can I efficiently copy files from my host system to unix version
6 running in the pdp11 emulator and from unix 6 to my host system?

I usually do this by just tar'ing to/from a disk file, something like:

on pdp11: tar cf /dev/rxp0c myfiles
on host: tar xf simh-disk-file

Works both ways :-)

-- Ragge

This sounded promising, but as it turns out there appear to be 2
problems... 1. v6 doesn't have tar, and 2. it looks like v6 doesn't have
rx device support (floppies). Are you using v6 with tweaks, or v7, or
some other variant of unix?

Well, the tar approach is certainly the most elegant and if tar was available, 
converting a raw tar file to a simh tape image back and forth is quite trivial 
if you've got a tape device...

So you may be reduced to cutting from the terminal session you are running the 
simulator in to get data from the simulator to the host (or the lpt approach 
you mentioned).

If you try the latest code at, pasting into the console 
terminal or any other supported terminal will now work and you won't be limited 
to just a couple of lines pasting at any one time.  This is new as of yesterday.

- Mark
Thanks for the pointer about the updated code. My reaction? Well, I'll 
be... wow! I've been an off and on user over the last several years and 
yesterday, this vexing problem is fixed? - surreal. This is a huge 
improvement and will make it easier to copy and paste. However, at least 
on my macbook, when I cat a file with tabs in it and copy and paste that 
file, terminal converts the tabs to spaces. I confirmed this using:

cat /usr/source/s1/exit.c | od -c and observing the presence of \t in 
the output. If I then cat the file to stdout and copy that into the 
copy/paste buffer and do cat > myexit.c pasting it back in and cat that 
to od -c, the \t is now a space.

Any ideas on how to preserve the tabs?


Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] {Spam?} transferring files to and from v6 unix running in pdp11 emulator

2015-11-20 Thread Will Senn

On 11/20/15 1:22 PM, Anders Magnusson wrote:

Den 2015-11-20 kl. 20:12, skrev Will Senn:

On 11/20/15 10:51 AM, Anders Magnusson wrote:

Den 2015-11-20 kl. 17:35, skrev Will Senn:


I have searched and searched and have not found a satisfactory 
answer to this question:

How can I efficiently copy files from my host system to unix 
version 6 running in the pdp11 emulator and from unix 6 to my host 

I usually do this by just tar'ing to/from a disk file, something like:

on pdp11: tar cf /dev/rxp0c myfiles
on host: tar xf simh-disk-file

Works both ways :-)

-- Ragge


This sounded promising, but as it turns out there appear to be 2 
problems... 1. v6 doesn't have tar, and 2. it looks like v6 doesn't 
have rx device support (floppies). Are you using v6 with tweaks, or 
v7, or some other variant of unix?

Hm, it was some time ago, but I think it was tar.  Otherwise try cpio?
You do not have to use floppies.  rxp is the raw device for rp disks 
(avoids caching).  Just work against that file.

-- Ragge

Thanks. I combined a number or responses and came up with the following...

--From Unix v6 on PDP 11/40 SimH to Host:

create and attach an additional rk device:
simh> attach rk3 rk3

get a file of interest and note it's size in bytes:
# ls -l /etc/rc
-rw-rw-r--  1 bin90 Oct 10 12:32 /etc/rc

look at the od dump of the file for comparison later:
# od -c /etc/rc
000  r  m -  f /  e  t  c  /  m  t  a  b \n
020  /  e  t  c  /  u  p  d  a  t  e \n  /  e  t  c
040  /  m  o  u  n  t /  d  e  v  /  r  k  1
060  /  u  s  r  /  s  o  u  r  c  e \n  /  e  t  c
100  /  m  o  u  n  t /  d  e  v  /  r  k  2
120  /  u  s  r  /  d  o  c \n \n

write the file to the rk device (the sync may not be needed, but the 
result looks cleaner, also it doesn't apper that you can specify bs=1, 
device errors out):

# dd if=/etc/rc of=/dev/rrk03 conv=sync
0+1 records in
1+0 records out

exit the sim and then on the host, read from the rk image using bs=1 and 
count from the ls output:

$ dd if=rk3 of=rc bs=1 count=90
90+0 records in
90+0 records out

$ od -c rc
000r   m   -   f   /   e   t   c   /   m   t   a b  \n
020/   e   t   c   /   u   p   d   a   t   e  \n   /   e t   c
040/   m   o   u   n   t   /   d   e   v   /   r   k 1
060/   u   s   r   /   s   o   u   r   c   e  \n   /   e t   c
100/   m   o   u   n   t   /   d   e   v   /   r   k 2
120/   u   s   r   /   d   o   c  \n \n

This looks perfect, but I'm skeptical.

-- From Host to Unix v6 on PDP 11/40 SimH Host:

make a minor edit to the rc file (change m to n in the word mtab) and 
note it's size in bytes:

$ ls -l rc
-rw-r--r--  1 wsenn  staff  90 Nov 20 16:15 rc

it better be 90, unless I did something other than changing a letter

$ dd if=rc of=rk3 conv=sync
0+1 records in
1+0 records out
512 bytes transferred in 0.37 secs (13854733 bytes/sec)
note the count of blocks

with the number of blocks on hand, fire up the simulation
# dd if=/dev/rrk3 of=rc.dd count=1

because of the fact that I can't specify bs=1, the result is padded:
od -c rc.dd
000  r  m -  f /  e  t  c  /  n  t  a  b \n
020  /  e  t  c  /  u  p  d  a  t  e \n  /  e  t  c
040  /  m  o  u  n  t /  d  e  v  /  r  k  1
060  /  u  s  r  /  s  o  u  r  c  e \n  /  e  t  c
100  /  m  o  u  n  t /  d  e  v  /  r  k  2
120  /  u  s  r  /  d  o  c \n \n \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0

so, I read from the dd file with the number of bytes still in hand:
dd if=rc.dd of=rc bs=1 count=90
90+0 records in
90+0 records out

then diff the file against the original:
diff rc /etc/rc
* rm -f /etc/ntab
. rm -f /etc/mtab

Woohoo and whew! A lot of work, but file transfer in both directions. 
Does this approach seem sound to you or do you see some refinements that 
are possible/necessary?



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