2005-07-07 Thread anonymous


 Summary: if (usr|RXC)  changed to if (usr&RXC)
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Thu 07/07/2005 at 03:14
Category: bug fix
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Open/Closed: Open




Carbon-Copy List:

CC Address  | Comment
artur_a --AT-- math --DOT-- ut --DOT-- ee | Originator Email


File Attachments:

Date: Thu 07/07/2005 at 03:14  Name: 1usrRXC.patch  Size: 808B   By: None


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Simulavr-devel mailing list

[Simulavr-devel] [bug #13680] new MirrorNet in Pin causes memory leak

2005-07-07 Thread anonymous


 Summary: new MirrorNet in Pin causes memory leak
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Thu 07/07/2005 at 22:31
Category: Simulation
Severity: 3 - Normal
  Item Group: None
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Open/Closed: Open



I detected memory leak about 0.6 MB/sec in my program. Valgrind showed that it
is MirrorNets in Pin constructors.

As I see MirrorNet cannot to delete itself :) I even tried to add next lines
to Net.RegisterNet

// not good solution, but otherwise we get memory leak
  delete connectedTo;
  connectedTo = 0;

But this causes other problems when pin is assigned to another pin. Pointer is
copied and MirrorNet is freed more than once.

There should be some solution. By the way, Pin.connectedTo is public which may
cause more problems.


Carbon-Copy List:

CC Address  | Comment
olegus --AT-- ut --DOT-- ee | Originator Email


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[Simulavr-devel] [sr #104593] simulavr fails to initialize timer on 2313

2005-08-27 Thread anonymous


 Summary: simulavr fails to initialize timer on 2313
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Di 23.08.2005 um 11:03
Category: None
Priority: 5 - Normal
Severity: 4 - Important
  Status: None
 Privacy: Private
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Open/Closed: Open
Platform Version: GNU/Linux



example code:


.include  ""

; [...]

  ; (stack init et al)

  RCALL timer_init

  LDI   mp,0b0011 ; prescaler auf 64
  OUT   TCCR0, mp
  LDI   mp,0b0010 ; timer IRQ maske setzen
  OUT   TIMSK, mp


the above code yields: 

memory.c:259: WARNING:  Attempt to write invalid io reg: TCCR0 at 0x0053
memory.c:259: WARNING:  Attempt to write invalid io reg: TIMSK at 0x0059

Any ideas what is going wrong?


Carbon-Copy List:

CC Address  | Comment
mail --AT-- fionn --PUNKT-- de  | Originator Email


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Simulavr-devel mailing list

[Simulavr-devel] [sr #104652] compile errors under Debian 3.1

2005-09-12 Thread anonymous


 Summary: compile errors under Debian 3.1
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Mon 09/12/05 at 08:14
Category: None
Priority: 5 - Normal
Severity: 3 - Normal
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Open/Closed: Open
Platform Version: None



I work under Debian 3.1.

While installing avr gnu toolchain and compiling Simulavr- got a
- error 'KEY-ENTER' undeclared 
- error 'KEY-SPACE' undeclared and so on (multiple errors).

Couldn't you help?



Carbon-Copy List:

CC Address  | Comment
figin_oleg --AT-- uniqueics --DOT-- com | Originator Email


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[Simulavr-devel] [patch #3763] Python support (in addition to TCL; simulavrxx)

2005-10-10 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #5, patch #3763 (project simulavr):

Attached patch is only a partial fix. I ran out of time/interest.

things I broke - the USE_SWIG should somehow encapsulate the added

I didn't work out the python/tcl library naming scheme.

Using .la should eliminate liberty.a requirements at this is listed as a
dependancy of libbfd

I hope this is of some use.
should help

Daniel Black
Gentoo Developer

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: simulavrxx-autoconf.patch  Size:11 KB
simulavrxx-autoconf.patch (incomplete)


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Simulavr-devel mailing list

[Simulavr-devel] [patch #4509] atmega128 watchdog

2005-10-11 Thread anonymous


 Summary: atmega128 watchdog
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Tue 10/11/05 at 17:55
Category: bug fix
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Open/Closed: Open



This patch fixes the use of the ATMEGA128 hardware watchdog.
The wdr instruction causes the simulavrxx to crash for the
ATMEGA128 device without this patch.


Carbon-Copy List:

CC Address  | Comment
mike --AT-- mnmoran --DOT-- org | Originator Email


File Attachments:

Date: Tue 10/11/05 at 17:55  Name: simulavrxx-0.8.006-atmega128.patch  Size:
768B   By: None
patch to src/atmega128.cpp to initialize wado member with HWWado() 


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[Simulavr-devel] [patch #4593] Added some SPI and ADC stimulation and related fixes.

2005-11-02 Thread anonymous


 Summary: Added some SPI and ADC stimulation and related
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Wed 11/02/05 at 21:40
Category: feature add
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Open/Closed: Open



This patch adds some options to the simulator to stimulate the AVR
(ATMega128) SPI bus and ADC channel(s).

As a part of the ADC stimulator, I added a AREF pin to the ATMega128, which
is driven to a constant analog value.

I also added a pair of monitoring options which send information to stdout.
The first of these monitors the SPI bus /SS, SCLK and MISO pins (ATMega128
only for now) and prints the hexadecimal values of the bytes as they appear
on the bus. The second monitor is a simple binary pin monitor that displays
the state of a pin by printing to stdout. This pin monitor was needed by me
to watch the state of a pin that I am controlling as an interrupt output pin
from the AVR to another host processor.

Addtionally, I made some small bug fixes related to the HWAd class, and the
Pin class.


Carbon-Copy List:

CC Address  | Comment
mike --AT-- mnmoran --DOT-- org | Originator Email


File Attachments:

Date: Wed 11/02/05 at 21:40  Name: simulavrxx-0.8.006-mnm-2.patch  Size:
31.97KB   By: None
patch for new stimulation features.


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[Simulavr-devel] [patch #5736] Glue code to use simulavrxx from verilog

2007-04-13 Thread anonymous


 Summary: Glue code to use simulavrxx from verilog
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Samstag 10.02.2007 um 22:42 UTC
Category: feature add
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any




this implements the verilog interface as discussed on the mailing list. This
should also solve the libbfd problem.




File Attachments:

Date: Samstag 10.02.2007 um 22:42 UTC  Name: simulavrxx-vpi2.patch  Size:
18kB   By: None
the verilog.tar.gz is an addition to the patch, with verilog-side glue code
and examples. It is assumed to be put in the src/ directory.

Date: Samstag 10.02.2007 um 22:42 UTC  Name: verilog.tar.gz  Size: 2kB   By:
the verilog.tar.gz is an addition to the patch, with verilog-side glue code
and examples. It is assumed to be put in the src/ directory.


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Simulavr-devel mailing list

[Simulavr-devel] [bug #23073] input defined but not used in lexer

2008-04-30 Thread anonymous


 Summary: input defined but not used in lexer
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Sunday 04/27/2008 at 05:03 UTC
Category: Simulation
Severity: 3 - Normal
  Item Group: None
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any



When building the lexer (flex 2.5.31, gcc 4.3.0) I receive a fatal compiler
warning "`input' defined but not used".  This patch corrects the problem:

diff -u -r1.4 config_scanner.l
--- src/disp-vcd/config_scanner.l   26 Feb 2004 07:33:34 -  1.4
+++ src/disp-vcd/config_scanner.l   27 Apr 2008 05:01:25 -
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@

 %option noyywrap
+%option noinput
 %option nounput



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[Simulavr-devel] [bug #23108] patch to include support for ATtiny11 and ATtiny12

2008-04-30 Thread anonymous


 Summary: patch to include support for ATtiny11 and ATtiny12
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Tuesday 04/29/2008 at 20:23 UTC
Category: None
Severity: 3 - Normal
  Item Group: None
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any



Attached is a patch to include support for ATtiny{11,12}.

Thanks for all of your hard work.



File Attachments:

Date: Tuesday 04/29/2008 at 20:23 UTC  Name: simulavr_attiny11-12.patch 
Size: 2kB   By: None


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Simulavr-devel mailing list

[Simulavr-devel] [sr #106378] memory.c::175 ERROR: Use of deprecated interface

2008-05-22 Thread anonymous


 Summary: memory.c::175 ERROR:  Use of deprecated interface
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Thursday 05/22/2008 at 20:15 UTC
Category: bugs
Priority: 5 - Normal
Severity: 3 - Normal
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
Operating System: Microsoft Windows



I am using WinAVR-20080512 (simulavr with Ethernut-4.4.1, configured
for the ATmega128. In order to compile Enut I had to add a #define line to
avr\include\avr\sleep.h, because the new version had no __SLEEP_MODE_MASK
defined.  I added it in the section which
applies to the atmega128 and many others.

#define _SLEEP_MODE_MASK (_BV(SM0) | _BV(SM1) | _BV(SM2))

I can successfully build examples, but when I try to run the hex file under
simulavr I get the above error message.  One specific example is "caltime".

The simulavr command I used is:

simulavr -d atmega128 -E hex -e caltime.hex

I have gotten the same error when compiling under two previous versions of
WinAVR, using simulavr 1.2.2.

Am I doing something wrong or is there some bug?


File Attachments:

Date: Thursday 05/22/2008 at 20:15 UTC  Name: sleep.h  Size: 14kB   By: None

Date: Thursday 05/22/2008 at 20:15 UTC  Name: caltime.hex  Size: 66kB   By:

Date: Thursday 05/22/2008 at 20:15 UTC  Name: caltime.c  Size: 11kB   By:


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Simulavr-devel mailing list

[Simulavr-devel] [bug #25549] SimulAVR quits during debugging - STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION

2009-02-10 Thread anonymous


 Summary: SimulAVR quits during debugging -
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Di 10 Feb 2009 18:53:24 UTC
Category: Simulation
Severity: 3 - Normal
  Item Group: None
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email:
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any



C:\Programme\WinAVR-20081205\bin>simulavr.exe --gdbserver --port 4242
--device atmega32

Simulating a atmega32 device.

devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'TWBR' at 0x0020
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'TWSR' at 0x0021
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'TWAR' at 0x0022
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'TWDR' at 0x0023
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'ADCL' at 0x0024
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'ADCH' at 0x0025
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'ADCSRA' at 0x0026
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'ADMUX' at 0x0027
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'ACSR' at 0x0028
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'UBRRL' at 0x0029
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'UCSRB' at 0x002a
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'UCSRA' at 0x002b
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'UDR' at 0x002c
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'SPCR' at 0x002d
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'SPSR' at 0x002e
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'SPDR' at 0x002f
devsupp.c:342: MESSAGE: attach: IO Reg 'PIND' at 0x0030: created
devsupp.c:326: MESSAGE: attach: IO Reg 'DDRD' at 0x0031: ref = 0x0030
devsupp.c:326: MESSAGE: attach: IO Reg 'PORTD' at 0x0032: ref = 0x0030
devsupp.c:342: MESSAGE: attach: IO Reg 'PINC' at 0x0033: created
devsupp.c:326: MESSAGE: attach: IO Reg 'DDRC' at 0x0034: ref = 0x0033
devsupp.c:326: MESSAGE: attach: IO Reg 'PORTC' at 0x0035: ref = 0x0033
devsupp.c:342: MESSAGE: attach: IO Reg 'PINB' at 0x0036: created
devsupp.c:326: MESSAGE: attach: IO Reg 'DDRB' at 0x0037: ref = 0x0036
devsupp.c:326: MESSAGE: attach: IO Reg 'PORTB' at 0x0038: ref = 0x0036
devsupp.c:342: MESSAGE: attach: IO Reg 'PINA' at 0x0039: created
devsupp.c:326: MESSAGE: attach: IO Reg 'DDRA' at 0x003a: ref = 0x0039
devsupp.c:326: MESSAGE: attach: IO Reg 'PORTA' at 0x003b: ref = 0x0039
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'UBRRH' at 0x0040
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'WDTCR' at 0x0041
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'ASSR' at 0x0042
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'OCR2' at 0x0043
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'TCNT2' at 0x0044
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'TCCR2' at 0x0045
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'ICR1L' at 0x0046
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'ICR1H' at 0x0047
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'OCR1BL' at 0x0048
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'OCR1BH' at 0x0049
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'OCR1AL' at 0x004a
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'OCR1AH' at 0x004b
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'TCNT1L' at 0x004c
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'TCNT1H' at 0x004d
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'TCCR1B' at 0x004e
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'TCCR1A' at 0x004f
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'SFIOR' at 0x0050
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'OCDR' at 0x0051
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'TCNT0' at 0x0052
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'TCCR0' at 0x0053
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'MCUCSR' at 0x0054
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'MCUCR' at 0x0055
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'TWCR' at 0x0056
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'SPMCR' at 0x0057
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'TIFR' at 0x0058
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'TIMSK' at 0x0059
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'GIFR' at 0x005a
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'GICR' at 0x005b
devsupp.c:348: MESSAGE: TODO: attach IO Reg 'OCR0' at 0x005c
devsupp.c:342: MESSAGE: attach: IO Reg 'SPL' at 0x005d: created
devsupp.c:326: MESSAGE: attach: IO Reg 'SPH' at 0x005e: ref = 0x005d
devsupp.c:342: MESSAGE: attach: IO Reg 'SREG' at 0x005f: created
avrcore.c:485: MESSAGE: attach: Internal SRAM from 0x0060 to 0x085f
decoder.c:3875: MESSAGE: generating opcode lookup_table
main.c:415: MESSAGE: Simulating clock frequency of 800 Hz
Waiting on port 4242 for gdb client to connect...
Connection opened by host, port 4288.
Waiting on port 4242 for gdb client to connect...
Connection opened by host, port 4289.
decoder.c:737: MESSAGE: BREAK POINT: PC

[Simulavr-devel] [bug #25939] src/simulavr: option '--gdbserver' requires an argument

2009-03-20 Thread anonymous


 Summary: src/simulavr: option '--gdbserver' requires an
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: ven 20 mar 2009 11:57:57 UTC
Category: None
Severity: 3 - Normal
  Item Group: None
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email:
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any




When I run:
 $ src/simulavr -datmega128 --verbose --gdbserver
I get:
 src/simulavr: option '--gdbserver' requires an argument

I attach a patch.


File Attachments:

Date: ven 20 mar 2009 11:57:57 UTC  Name:
gdbserver_requires_an_argument.patch  Size: 587 o   By: None


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Simulavr-devel mailing list

[Simulavr-devel] [sr #106796] ./configure does not generate working makefiles

2009-06-01 Thread anonymous


 Summary: ./configure does not generate working makefiles
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Tue 02 Jun 2009 02:16:08 AM UTC
Category: bugs
Priority: 5 - Normal
Severity: 3 - Normal
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email:
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
   Component Version: simulavrxx
Operating System: GNU/Linux




I just tried to build simulavrxx against binutils-2.19.1 and the makefiles
generated by ./configure had two errors. 

The configure line I used was:

./configure --with-bfd-path=../binutils-2.19.1/bfd/

The errors were:
1. in the src/Makefile the variables below looked like:
 bfd_a_location = ../../binutils-2.19.1/bfd//
 bfd_h_location = ../../binutils-2.19.1/bfd//
   when they needed to be:
 bfd_a_location = ../../binutils-2.19.1/bfd//
 bfd_h_location = ../../binutils-2.19.1/bfd//
2. The line:
 LIBS = -lncurses
   needed to be:
 LIBS = -lncurses -lz 
   to stop lots of complaints about missing symbols in compress.c
   from binutils (I guess they now using compression from libz)

Once I fixed these things seemed to be OK.




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[Simulavr-devel] [sr #106796] ./configure does not generate working makefiles

2009-06-01 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #1, sr #106796 (project simulavr):

I spoke to soon,... another bug,... is missing from the
examples/anacomp directory.


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[Simulavr-devel] [bug #26827] build error needed Linux:arch linux needed gcc: gcc-Version 4.4.0 20090526

2009-06-17 Thread anonymous


 Summary: build errorneeded Linux:arch linux needed gcc:
gcc-Version 4.4.0 20090526 
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Wed Jun 17 08:39:22 2009
Category: None
Severity: 3 - Normal
  Item Group: None
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email:
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
   Component Version: simulavr



make[3]: Entering directory
if gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../src-Wall -Winline -Werror
-I../../src -I../../src/getopt -g -O2 -MT config_scanner.o -MD -MP -MF
".deps/config_scanner.Tpo" -c -o config_scanner.o config_scanner.c; 
then mv -f ".deps/config_scanner.Tpo" ".deps/config_scanner.Po"; else 
rm -f
".deps/config_scanner.Tpo"; exit 1; fi
cc1: warnings being treated as errors
config_scanner.c:1188: Fehler: »input« definiert, aber nicht verwendet
make[3]: *** [config_scanner.o] Fehler 1
make[3]: Leaving directory
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Fehler 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/gl/downloads/simulavr-'
make[1]: *** [all] Fehler 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/gl/downloads/simulavr-'
make: *** [all-recursive] Fehler 1
[...@avr simulavr-]$ 

what can i do?
best regards and many thangs!!


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[Simulavr-devel] [sr #107144] Simulate a device not supported

2009-11-26 Thread anonymous


 Summary: Simulate a device not supported
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Thu Nov 26 21:29:54 2009
Category: features
Priority: 5 - Normal
Severity: 3 - Normal
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email:
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
   Component Version: simulavr
Operating System: GNU/Linux



Is possible to simulate the ATMEGA8535 with simulavr or simulavrxx?


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[Simulavr-devel] [sr #106796] ./configure does not generate working makefiles

2010-03-23 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #3, sr #106796 (project simulavr):

Well no - after all I posted the bug 6 months ago,.. I would hope it might
have been fixed in the developer code base sometime in the last 6 months.


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[Simulavr-devel] [bug #29767] Simulator does not return value written to writeToExit address

2010-05-03 Thread anonymous


 Summary: Simulator does not return value written to
writeToExit address
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Tue 04 May 2010 03:56:31 AM UTC
Category: Simulation
Severity: 3 - Normal
  Item Group: None
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email:
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
   Component Version: simulavrxx




The simulator command-line app (latest of the git repository) does not appear
to return the value written to the "writeToExit" address when configured with
the "-e" option.

A patch is included, although I can't necessarily say whether or not it is
correct or complete.  It just appears to work as expected.


File Attachments:

Date: Tue 04 May 2010 03:56:31 AM UTC  Name: writeToExit.patch  Size: 496B  
By: None


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Simulavr-devel mailing list

[Simulavr-devel] [bug #31534] Simulation with GUI and SerialRx crashes when AVR sends the double quote (") character

2010-11-03 Thread anonymous


 Summary: Simulation with GUI and SerialRx crashes when AVR
sends the double quote (") character
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Wed 03 Nov 2010 01:30:11 PM UTC
Category: None
Severity: 3 - Normal
  Item Group: None
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email:
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
   Component Version: simulavrxx



My code simulates correctly, but as soon as AVR send the double quote (")
character via UART, I get the following error:

unmatched open quote in list
unmatched open quote in list
while executing
"lrange $x 1 2"
(object "::guiMaster_sock10" method "::Master::ReadFromSimulavr" body
line 15)
invoked from within
"::guiMaster_sock10 ReadFromSimulavr"


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[Simulavr-devel] [bug #31794] GIT repo failures in configure on Ubuntu Maverick 10.10

2010-12-05 Thread anonymous


 Summary: GIT repo failures in configure on Ubuntu Maverick
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Sun 05 Dec 2010 09:03:57 PM UTC
Category: Configure
Severity: 3 - Normal
  Item Group: None
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email:
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
   Component Version: simulavr



git repository is missing install-sh, config.sub, config.guess, missing; and
once these are brought in (from another random project) the resulting
configure script errors out on AC_SYS_CHECK_MINGW, AC_PROG_SWIG.

autoconf1.11.2 (also tried autoconf1.10)


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[Simulavr-devel] [bug #32592] simulavr trace get stuck while printing branching instructions

2011-02-24 Thread anonymous

 Summary: simulavr trace get stuck while printing branching
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Fri 25 Feb 2011 02:01:26 AM UTC
Category: Simulation
Severity: 3 - Normal
  Item Group: None
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email:
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
   Component Version: simulavr




I started using simulavr today, and after a successful bootstrap, configure
and make, I started to try the simulator for a project I'm working with
Arduino code.

I found the trace option extremely useful for debugging interrupt-driven tasks
in the AVR uC, but it was not working ok. Some times, when it reached a branch
instruction (BRBC and the like), the trace output stopped, and a new trace
file was created a few seconds later. However, that new file suffered from the
same problems, i.e. it was unexpectedly terminated right before a branch
instruction. (I was able to find this comparing the trace output and the
compiler's output)

The test suit passed all ok, so I found a problem in the trace code in
decoder_trace.cpp. While decoding the BRBC and BRBS instructions, the names
are located in arrays using the "bitmask" variable as an index. However, the
"bitmask" variable is set by a bit shift in decoder.cpp, and is not a suitable
index for the array.

I wrote a macro that fixes that, but I'm sure you might find a better,
optimized solution. I'm attaching a diff of the original and modified files.

I hope this helps you in the development of this wonderful tool!



PS: I also added an #include in avrerror.cpp to make it compile, and appears
on the same diff.


File Attachments:

Date: Fri 25 Feb 2011 02:01:26 AM UTC  Name: decode_trace.patch  Size: 3kB  
By: None


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[Simulavr-devel] [bug #33148] Modifications needed in to compile last simulavr

2011-04-23 Thread anonymous

 Summary: Modifications needed in to compile last simulavr
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Sat 23 Apr 2011 03:50:39 PM UTC
Category: None
Severity: 3 - Normal
  Item Group: None
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email:
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
   Component Version: simulavrxx



When I tried to compile the latest simulavr 
(from sources downloaded today via 
git clone git://
on my "Debian GNU/Linux testing" system)
I've got the following errors:

irqsystem.cpp: In member function 'void HWIrqSystem::DebugDumpTable()':
irqsystem.cpp:294:13: error: 'stderr' was not declared in this scope
irqsystem.cpp:294:84: error: 'fprintf' was not declared in this scope
irqsystem.cpp:300:32: error: must #include  before using typeid

To avoid it, I had to add the following includes to irqsystem.cpp:

#include   // first added line
#include// second added line
using namespace std;

Only after that simavr compiled cleanly.


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[Simulavr-devel] [bug #34270] current master does no build

2011-11-19 Thread anonymous
Follow-up Comment #7, bug #34270 (project simulavr):

SWIG does generate code from python/pysimulavr.i. There hwstack.h is included.
I do not know if that should happen or not. 

But you can make SWIG not to generate a setter function by adding %immutable
HWStack::m_ThreadList before the %include.

But it seems strange to me that m_ThreadList is a public member of HWStack if
you cannot change it.


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  Nachricht geschickt von/durch Savannah

Simulavr-devel mailing list

[Simulavr-devel] [bug #35195] ICALL simulation: wrong cycles

2011-12-30 Thread anonymous

 Summary: ICALL simulation: wrong cycles
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Fr 30 Dez 2011 09:12:24 UTC
Category: Simulation
Severity: 3 - Normal
  Item Group: None
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email:
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
   Component Version: simulavr




working simulavr: git clone (one month ago)

ICALL should take 3 cycles to execute, but the simulator finishes its
execution within one cycle.

(I need the cycle accuracy for a cycle accurate atmega128 written in VHDL)

./c_code/main.elf 0x02e8: test_assembler+0x108   {LDI R30, 0x00 }
./c_code/main.elf 0x02ea: test_assembler+0x109   {LDI R31, 0x01 } 
./c_code/main.elf 0x02ec: test_assembler+0x10a   {ICALL Z SP=0x10fa
0x77 SP=0x10f9 0x1 } 
./c_code/main.elf 0x0200: test_assembler+0x94{FMULS R18, R19
SREG=[--H---Z-] } 

Best regards,


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  Nachricht geschickt von/durch Savannah

Simulavr-devel mailing list

[Simulavr-devel] [bug #35195] ICALL simulation: wrong cycles

2012-01-04 Thread anonymous
Follow-up Comment #1, bug #35195 (project simulavr):

Hi Erich,

just to keep you uptodate. I posted a patch to this bug on the mailing list,
which was not yet committed. If you want to try it out by yourself, please
have a look at

Bye, Stan.


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Simulavr-devel mailing list

[Simulavr-devel] [bug #35426] Build problem: configure failed

2012-02-01 Thread anonymous

 Summary: Build problem: configure failed
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Wed 01 Feb 2012 09:55:05 UTC
Category: Configure
Severity: 3 - Normal
  Item Group: None
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email:
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
   Component Version: simulavr



Debian lenny system (with autoconf upgraded from lenny-backports):

autoconf  2.65-2~bpo50+1
automake  1:1.10.1-3
m4 1.4.13-3~bpo50+1 

Using tree downloaded from git (most recent commit is

Output of build process:

jules@vengeance:~/Work/avr/simulavr$ ./bootstrap
Remember to add `AC_PROG_LIBTOOL' to `'.
You should update your `aclocal.m4' by running aclocal. installing `./install-sh' installing `./missing'
src/ Libtool library used but `LIBTOOL' is undefined
src/   The usual way to define `LIBTOOL' is to add
src/   to `' and run `aclocal' and `autoconf'
src/   If `AC_PROG_LIBTOOL' is in `', make sure
src/   its definition is in aclocal's search path.
src/ installing `./depcomp'

Now type './configure' to configure simulavr.
jules@vengeance:~/Work/avr/simulavr$ ./configure
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no
checking whether build system is MSYS/MingW... no
./configure: line 2808: LT_INIT: command not found
./configure: line 2809: syntax error near unexpected token `2.2'
./configure: line 2809: `LT_PREREQ(2.2)'


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Simulavr-devel mailing list

[Simulavr-devel] [bug #35426] Build problem: configure failed

2012-02-01 Thread anonymous
Follow-up Comment #1, bug #35426 (project simulavr):

Adding AC_PROG_LIBTOOL as suggested by the output of bootstrap helps, but does
not completely solve the problem.  I'm not an autoconf expert, so apologies if
I've done this wrong:

diff --git a/ b/
index e49a6a5..5acd330 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ fi
 # support of libtool, g++, swig (for tcl module and python module used)

$ ./bootstrap -c; ./bootstrap
removing automake generated files
removing configure files
removing aclocal.m4 files installing `./install-sh' installing `./missing'
src/ installing `./depcomp'

Now type './configure' to configure simulavr.
$ ./configure

checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no
checking whether build system is MSYS/MingW... no
checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking for style of include used by make... GNU
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /bin/sed
checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /bin/grep
checking for egrep... /bin/grep -E
checking for ld used by gcc... /usr/bin/ld
checking if the linker (/usr/bin/ld) is GNU ld... yes
checking for /usr/bin/ld option to reload object files... -r
checking for BSD-compatible nm... /usr/bin/nm -B
checking whether ln -s works... yes
checking how to recognize dependent libraries... pass_all
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking for sys/types.h... yes
checking for sys/stat.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... yes
checking for string.h... yes
checking for memory.h... yes
checking for strings.h... yes
checking for inttypes.h... yes
checking for stdint.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... yes
checking dlfcn.h usability... yes
checking dlfcn.h presence... yes
checking for dlfcn.h... yes
checking for g++... g++
checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... yes
checking whether g++ accepts -g... yes
checking dependency style of g++... gcc3
checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... g++ -E
checking for g77... no
checking for xlf... no
checking for f77... no
checking for frt... no
checking for pgf77... no
checking for cf77... no

checking for fort77... no
checking for fl32... no
checking for af77... no
checking for xlf90... no
checking for f90... no
checking for pgf90... no
checking for pghpf... no
checking for epcf90... no
checking for gfortran... no
checking for g95... no
checking for xlf95... no
checking for f95... no
checking for fort... no
checking for ifort... no
checking for ifc... no
checking for efc... no
checking for pgf95... no
checking for lf95... no
checking for ftn... no
checking whether we are using the GNU Fortran 77 compiler... no
checking whether  accepts -g... no
checking the maximum length of command line arguments... 98304
checking command to parse /usr/bin/nm -B output from gcc object... ok
checking for objdir... .libs
checking for ar... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking for strip... strip
checking if gcc supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions... no
checking for gcc option to produce PIC... -fPIC
checking if gcc PIC flag -fPIC works... yes
checking if gcc static flag -static works... yes
checking if gcc supports -c -o file.o... yes
checking whether the gcc linker (/usr/bin/ld) supports shared libraries...
checking whether -lc should be explicitly linked in... no
checking dynamic linker characteristics... GNU/Linux
checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate
checking whether stripping libraries is possible... yes
checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes
checking whether to build shared libraries... yes
checking whether to build static libraries... yes
configure: creating libtool
appending configuration tag "CXX" to libtool
checking for ld used by g++... /usr/bin/ld
checking if the linker (/usr/bin/ld) is GNU ld... yes
checking whether the g++ linker (/usr/bin/ld) supports shared libraries...
checking for g++ option to produce PIC... -fPIC
checking if g++ PIC flag -fPIC works... yes
checking if g++ static flag -static works... yes
checking if g++ supports -c -o file.o... yes
checking whether the g++ linker (/usr/bin/ld) supports shared libraries...
checking dynamic linker characteristics... GNU/Linux
(cached) (cached) checking how to ha

[Simulavr-devel] [bug #35426] Build problem: configure failed

2012-02-01 Thread anonymous
Follow-up Comment #2, bug #35426 (project simulavr):

LT_INIT and LT_PREREQ are only available in libtool 2.2 or higher

Which version of libtool is on your system? 


 $ libtool --version

to find out.  You might need to upgrade to libtool 2.2 or newer. 


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[Simulavr-devel] [bug #35426] Build problem: configure failed

2012-02-01 Thread anonymous
Follow-up Comment #3, bug #35426 (project simulavr):

1.5, so that'll be the problem.  Might be worth documenting the version
dependency. :)


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[Simulavr-devel] [bug #35594] Build fails with swig 2.0.4

2012-02-22 Thread anonymous

 Summary: Build fails with swig 2.0.4
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Thu 23 Feb 2012 04:23:21 AM UTC
Category: Configure
Severity: 3 - Normal
  Item Group: None
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email:
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
   Component Version: simulavr



When building simulavr with the python interface, the build fails with swig
Error: SWIG version >= 1.3.18 is required.  You have 2.0.4.  You should look

See config.log attached


File Attachments:

Date: Thu 23 Feb 2012 04:23:21 AM UTC  Name: config.log  Size: 42kB   By: None


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[Simulavr-devel] [bug #35737] new awr-gcc is picky about depreciated constants

2012-03-12 Thread anonymous
Follow-up Comment #2, bug #35737 (project simulavr):

I decided to add some small comments to my previous post.

Most of the changes, that I do, are "self-explanatory". You will get an
"error: attempt to use poisoned SOME_MAGIC_NAME" if you do not apply them.

However, there are some changes in the "atmel_key" example which may need some
additional explanation.

In the "./examples/atmel_key/main.c" file I replace the call to "msleep" with
"_delay_ms", and in the "./examples/atmel_key/StdDefs.c" file I comment out
the call to "_delay_ms" (in the "msleep" implementation - this makes this
function unusable - it's "dummy" then - but it was ONLY used in one place in
the "./examples/atmel_key/main.c" file, which I also patched).
The reason is that the "_delay_ms" accepts ONLY constant parameters, no
variable parameters are allowed in the call. If you do not apply these
changes, you will get "/.../avr/.../4.5.1/.../include/util/delay.h:164:28:
error: __builtin_avr_delay_cycles expects an integer constant."

Hope it helps.


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[Simulavr-devel] [bug #35737] new awr-gcc is picky about depreciated constants

2012-03-12 Thread anonymous
Follow-up Comment #4, bug #35737 (project simulavr):

Note that I also fix "prog_char" in my changes.

There is only one place in the "./examples/atmel_key/scancodes.h" file which
needs to be fixed. I change:
prog_char shifted[][2]
char shifted[][2] PROGMEM
where "PROGMEM" actually means "__attribute__((__progmem__))"


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[Simulavr-devel] [bug #35737] new awr-gcc is picky about depreciated constants

2012-03-12 Thread anonymous
Follow-up Comment #5, bug #35737 (project simulavr):

Just two small additional notes:

PROGMEM is defined in "avr/include/avr/pgmspace.h":
#define __ATTR_PROGMEM__ __attribute__((__progmem__))

and "prog_char" you can still find in "avr/include/avr/pgmspace.h":
typedef char PROGMEM prog_char;
typedef char prog_char __attribute__((__progmem__,deprecated("prog_char type
is deprecated.")));

Hope it helps.


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[Simulavr-devel] [sr #108327] Please make it OS X compatible

2013-06-20 Thread anonymous

 Summary: Please make it OS X compatible
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Thu 20 Jun 2013 09:24:19 PM UTC
Category: features
Priority: 5 - Normal
Severity: 1 - Wish
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
   Component Version: simulavr
Operating System: Mac OS




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[Simulavr-devel] [bug #41654] configure fails if swig version > 2.0.0

2014-02-21 Thread anonymous

 Summary: configure fails if swig version > 2.0.0
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Fr 21 Feb 2014 09:28:52 UTC
Category: Configure
Severity: 3 - Normal
  Item Group: None
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email:
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
   Component Version: simulavr



The ./configure script produces the following message if the installed swig
version is greater than 2.0.0:

WARNING: SWIG version >= 1.3.18 is required.  You have 2.0.7.  You should look

This is caused by an erroneous check in the script at line 14630.
The check tests whether the available major number --equals-- the required
major number, which does not work because 2 > 1 (needed: 1.3.18) and the check

Building is therefore impossible without changing the configure file
(disabling the check).


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  Nachricht gesendet von/durch Savannah

Simulavr-devel mailing list

[Simulavr-devel] [bug #43069] README says to use --enable-bfd

2014-08-25 Thread anonymous

 Summary: README says to use --enable-bfd
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Mon 25 Aug 2014 05:49:41 PM UTC
Category: Documentation
Severity: 3 - Normal
  Item Group: None
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email:
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
   Component Version: simulavr



The README says to run

./configure --enable-bfd=DIRECTORY_TO_BINUTILS/BFD

I used the --enable-bfd option and got the following warning from configure:
configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --enable-bfd


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[Simulavr-devel] [sr #108667] Compilation problems

2014-10-15 Thread anonymous

 Summary: Compilation problems
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Wed 15 Oct 2014 09:50:26 AM UTC
Category: bugs
Priority: 5 - Normal
Severity: 5 - Blocker
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
   Component Version: simulavr
Operating System: GNU/Linux




Under ubuntu 14.04, compiling the latest git version yields some problems:
- in src/hwacomp.cpp the "hwtimer.h" include must be modified in
-in "src/avrreadelf.cpp" the  #include "elfio/elfio.hpp" must be modified 
#include "elfio/elfio/elfio.hpp"
- in "src/elfio/elfio/elfio.hpp" (at the beginning and around line 622)
explicit include must be specified as follows:
#include "elf_types.hpp"
#include "elfio_utils.hpp"
#include "elfio_header.hpp"
#include "elfio_section.hpp"
#include "elfio_segment.hpp"
#include "elfio_strings.hpp"
- Unresolved yet, when compiling "gtest" the following happens (gtest.h badly
included) and no way to add it in simulavr-1.1dev

Making all in gtest
make[3]: entrant dans le répertoire «
/opt/simulavr/simulavr/simulavr-1.1dev/_build/regress/gtest »
depbase=`echo gtest_main.o | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.o$||'`;\
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../../regress/gtest -I../../src   
-Dprivate=public -Dprotected=public  -Igtest-1.6.0/include/gtest
-Igtest-1.6.0/include -Igtest-1.6.0 -I../../src -g -g -O2 -MT gtest_main.o -MD
-MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o gtest_main.o ../../../regress/gtest/gtest_main.cpp
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Po
depbase=`echo session_001/unittest001.o | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.o$||'`;\
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../../regress/gtest -I../../src   
-Dprivate=public -Dprotected=public  -Igtest-1.6.0/include/gtest
-Igtest-1.6.0/include -Igtest-1.6.0 -I../../src -g -g -O2 -MT
session_001/unittest001.o -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o
session_001/unittest001.o ../../../regress/gtest/session_001/unittest001.cpp
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Po
depbase=`echo session_irq_check/unittest_irq.o | sed
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../../regress/gtest -I../../src   
-Dprivate=public -Dprotected=public  -Igtest-1.6.0/include/gtest
-Igtest-1.6.0/include -Igtest-1.6.0 -I../../src -g -g -O2 -MT
session_irq_check/unittest_irq.o -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o
../../../regress/gtest/session_irq_check/unittest_irq.cpp &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Po
depbase=`echo session_io_pin/unittest_io_pin.o | sed
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../../regress/gtest -I../../src   
-Dprivate=public -Dprotected=public  -Igtest-1.6.0/include/gtest
-Igtest-1.6.0/include -Igtest-1.6.0 -I../../src -g -g -O2 -MT
session_io_pin/unittest_io_pin.o -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o
../../../regress/gtest/session_io_pin/unittest_io_pin.cpp &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Po
depbase=`echo gtest-1.6.0/src/gtest-all.o | sed
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../../regress/gtest -I../../src   
-Dprivate=public -Dprotected=public  -Igtest-1.6.0/include/gtest
-Igtest-1.6.0/include -Igtest-1.6.0 -I../../src -g -g -O2 -MT
gtest-1.6.0/src/gtest-all.o -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o
../../../regress/gtest/gtest-1.6.0/src/ &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Po
../../../regress/gtest/gtest_main.cpp:1:19: fatal error: gtest.h: Aucun
fichier ou dossier de ce type
 #include "gtest.h"
compilation terminated.
../../../regress/gtest/gtest-1.6.0/src/ fatal error:
gtest/gtest.h: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
compilation terminated.
../../../regress/gtest/session_001/unittest001.cpp:4:19: fatal error: gtest.h:
Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
 #include "gtest.h"
compilation terminated.
../../../regress/gtest/session_io_pin/unittest_io_pin.cpp:4:19: fatal error:
gtest.h: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
 #include "gtest.h"
compilation terminated.
make[3]: *** [gtest_main.o] Erreur 1
make[3]: *** Attente des tâches non terminées
../../../regress/gtest/session_irq_check/unittest_irq.cpp:4:19: fatal error:
gtest.h: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
 #include "gtest.h"
compilation terminated.
make[3]: *** [gtest-1.6.0/src/gtest-all.o] Erreur 1
make[3]: *** [session_001/unittest001.o] Erreur 1
make[3]: *** [session_io_pin/unittest_io_pin.o] Erreur 1
make[3]: *** [session

[Simulavr-devel] [bug #44150] special pipe register doesnt work below 0x20

2015-02-01 Thread anonymous

 Summary: special pipe register doesnt work below 0x20
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Sun 01 Feb 2015 05:13:41 PM UTC
Category: Simulation
Severity: 3 - Normal
  Item Group: None
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email:
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
   Component Version: simulavr



Special pipe registers don't work for addresses 0x00-0x1f.

I modified fred.c:
#define special_output_port (*( (volatile char *)0x18))
#define special_input_port  (*( (volatile char *)0x19))

I compiled/linked fred.elf, and ran simulavr:
simulavr --device atmega328 -f fred.elf -W 0x18,- -R 0x19,- -T exit
Invalid read access to RWWriteToFile register.


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[Simulavr-devel] [bug #44150] special pipe register doesnt work below 0x20

2015-02-02 Thread anonymous
Follow-up Comment #2, bug #44150 (project simulavr):

That's for ram addressing with LD/ST but not I/O with in/out.


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[Simulavr-devel] [bug #44150] special pipe register doesnt work below 0x20

2015-02-03 Thread anonymous
Follow-up Comment #3, bug #44150 (project simulavr):

So instead of modifying simulavr to have -W and -R use I/O address space, just
update the documentation to indicate they take RAM addresses (and therefore
must be >0x20)


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[Simulavr-devel] [bug #46129] Simulation for atmega1284 fails on elpm

2015-10-05 Thread anonymous

 Summary: Simulation for atmega1284 fails on elpm
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Mon 05 Oct 2015 12:44:07 PM UTC
Category: Simulation
Severity: 3 - Normal
  Item Group: None
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email:
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
   Component Version: simulavr



Please find below a trace log and fragment of listing where simulation fails
--- trace log --
sim.elf 0x01ee: __do_copy_data LDI R17, 0x07 
sim.elf 0x01f0: __do_copy_data+0x1 LDI R26, 0x00 
sim.elf 0x01f2: __do_copy_data+0x2 LDI R27, 0x01 
sim.elf 0x01f4: __do_copy_data+0x3 LDI R30, 0xac 
sim.elf 0x01f6: __do_copy_data+0x4 LDI R31, 0x43 
sim.elf 0x01f8: __do_copy_data+0x5 LDI R16, 0x00 
sim.elf 0x01fa: __do_copy_data+0x6 OUT 0x3b, R16 
sim.elf 0x01fc: __do_copy_data+0x7 RJMP 202 
sim.elf 0x01fc: __do_copy_data+0x7 CPU-waitstate
sim.elf 0x0202: __do_copy_data+0xa CPI R26, 0x90 SREG=[---C] 
sim.elf 0x0204: __do_copy_data+0xb CPC R27, R17 SREG=[--HS-N-C] 
sim.elf 0x0206: __do_copy_data+0xc BRNE ->0xfff6
sim.elf 0x0206: __do_copy_data+0xc CPU-waitstate
sim.elf 0x01fe: __do_copy_data+0x8 Invalid Instruction! 

--- listing --

01ee <__do_copy_data>:
 1ee:   17 e0   ldi r17, 0x07   ; 7
 1f0:   a0 e0   ldi r26, 0x00   ; 0
 1f2:   b1 e0   ldi r27, 0x01   ; 1
 1f4:   ec ea   ldi r30, 0xAC   ; 172
 1f6:   f3 e4   ldi r31, 0x43   ; 67
 1f8:   00 e0   ldi r16, 0x00   ; 0
 1fa:   0b bf   out 0x3b, r16   ; 59
 1fc:   02 c0   rjmp.+4 ; 0x202 
 1fe:   07 90   elpmr0, Z+
 200:   0d 92   st  X+, r0
 202:   a0 39   cpi r26, 0x90   ; 144
 204:   b1 07   cpc r27, r17
 206:   d9 f7   brne.-10; 0x1fe 


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[Simulavr-devel] [bug #46311] Error loading

2015-10-28 Thread anonymous

 Summary: Error loading
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Wed 28 Oct 2015 01:36:17 PM UTC
Category: Simulation
Severity: 3 - Normal
  Item Group: None
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email:
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
   Component Version: simulavr



I've cloned the latest git repo version, bootstrapped, configured, made and
installed simulavr 1.0.0 but when I try to run it, this message comes up:

simulavr: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared
object file: No such file or directory

Attached is the full log from clone to execution, listing of the
directory and a list of all installed packages (not sure if that will help or
not, I'm newish to Linux.)



File Attachments:

Date: Wed 28 Oct 2015 01:36:17 PM UTC  Name: log.txt  Size: 72kB   By: None

Date: Wed 28 Oct 2015 01:36:17 PM UTC  Name: packages.txt  Size: 69kB   By:

Date: Wed 28 Oct 2015 01:36:17 PM UTC  Name: libsim_dir.txt  Size: 406B   By:


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[Simulavr-devel] [bug #47017] regression of Bug 34793

2016-01-29 Thread anonymous

 Summary: regression of Bug 34793
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Fri 29 Jan 2016 10:02:45 PM UTC
Category: Configure
Severity: 3 - Normal
  Item Group: None
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email:
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
   Component Version: simulavr



Presumably due to optimization improvements on newer gcc

gcc version 5.3.1 20151207 (Red Hat 5.3.1-2) (GCC)

disp.c:246:34: error: variable ‘areg’ set but not used

The attempted fix in the code is:
areg = 42;  /* */


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[Simulavr-devel] [bug #47629] adc_diff_t25 tests 00 and 02 fail on 64bit Ubuntu 14.04

2016-04-05 Thread anonymous

 Summary: adc_diff_t25 tests 00 and 02 fail on 64bit Ubuntu
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Втр 05 Апр 2016 20:38:41
Category: Test Suite
Severity: 3 - Normal
  Item Group: None
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email:
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
   Component Version: simulavr



Simulavr version: rel-1.1 branch (commit: 4d3c8c0fae3efa95)

Test suite fails on 64bit Ubuntu 14.04 with following errors:

FAIL: test_00 (adc_diff_t25.TestCase)
adc_diff_t25_attiny25::check adc conversion, differential channel, bipolar
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 83, in test_00
self.assertValue(0.8, 1.0, 2.56, False)
  File "", line 52, in assertValue
self.assertEqual(v, e, "expected adc value is 0x%x, got 0x%x" % (e, v))
AssertionError: expected adc value is 0x3d9, got 0x3d8

FAIL: test_02 (adc_diff_t25.TestCase)
adc_diff_t25_attiny25::check adc conversion, differential channel, unipolar
mode with IPR
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 147, in test_02
self.assertValue(1.0, 0.8, 2.56)
  File "", line 52, in assertValue
self.assertEqual(v, e, "expected adc value is 0x%x, got 0x%x" % (e, v))
AssertionError: expected adc value is 0x4f, got 0x50

== Environment ==

Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.2.0-27-generic x86_64)

$ uname -a
Linux ubuntu64 4.2.0-27-generic #32~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 22 15:32:26 UTC
2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

$ gcc --version
gcc (Ubuntu 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1) 4.8.4

$ python --version
Python 2.7.6

== Investigation ==

Floating point calculations give slightly different result in C++ Simulavr
code and in Python tests. And after truncation of the fractional part, integer
results differ by 1.

The code from

  def assertValue(self, pValue, nValue, refValue, unipolar = True):
if unipolar:
  rng = 1024
  rng = 512
v = self.sim.getWordByName(, "adc_value")
e = int(((pValue - nValue) / refValue) * rng) & 0x3ff
self.assertEqual(v, e, "expected adc value is 0x%x, got 0x%x" % (e, v))

Failure in test_00 is caused by following values:

v = 984
((pValue - nValue) / refValue) * rng = -39.9929 (after truncation
to int becomes -39 and not -40)

Failure in test_02 is caused by following values:

v = 80
((pValue - nValue) / refValue) * rng = 79.9858 (after truncation
to int becomes 79 and not 80)

Probably, the behavior described here takes place:

== Solution ==

Test voltage value(s) should be adjusted to produce a more stable result (I've
changed 0.8 to 0.7).

The patch attached.

Best regards,
Igor A. Perminov


File Attachments:

Date: Втр 05 Апр 2016 20:38:41  Name: fix_regress_amd64.patch  Size: 1kB
  By: None


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[Simulavr-devel] [bug #49033] Compiling the SimulAVR sources on Debian (Testing) fails

2016-09-08 Thread anonymous

 Summary: Compiling the SimulAVR sources on Debian (Testing)
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Thu 08 Sep 2016 07:28:36 PM UTC
Category: Configure
Severity: 3 - Normal
  Item Group: None
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email:
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
   Component Version: simulavr




I've pulled the source from git and executed 

as described in the INSTALL - file. But during compilation the make program
aborts the compilation with the following error:

make[2]: Entering directory '/home/zufall/SimulAVR/simulavr/regress/gtest'
depbase=`echo session_001/unittest001.o | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.o$||'`;\
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../src-Dprivate=public -Dprotected=public 
-Igtest-1.6.0/include/gtest -Igtest-1.6.0/include -Igtest-1.6.0 -I../../src -g
-g -O2 -MT session_001/unittest001.o -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o
session_001/unittest001.o session_001/unittest001.cpp &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Po
In file included from gtest-1.6.0/include/gtest/internal/gtest-port.h:197:0,
 from gtest-1.6.0/include/gtest/internal/gtest-internal.h:40,
 from gtest-1.6.0/include/gtest/gtest.h:57,
 from session_001/unittest001.cpp:4:
/usr/include/c++/6/sstream:300:7: error: 'struct
std::__cxx11::basic_stringbuf<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::__xfer_bufptrs'
redeclared with different access
   struct __xfer_bufptrs
Makefile:572: recipe for target 'session_001/unittest001.o' failed
make[2]: *** [session_001/unittest001.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/zufall/SimulAVR/simulavr/regress/gtest'
Makefile:432: recipe for target 'all-recursive' failed
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/zufall/SimulAVR/simulavr/regress'
Makefile:509: recipe for target 'all-recursive' failed
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

The file with the entire make output is attached. Any help is highly



File Attachments:

Date: Thu 08 Sep 2016 07:28:36 PM UTC  Name: make-output.txt  Size: 5kB   By:
output of make


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[Simulavr-devel] [bug #49033] Compiling the SimulAVR sources on Debian (Testing) fails

2016-11-04 Thread anonymous
Follow-up Comment #1, bug #49033 (project simulavr):

The problem is the two defines in the makefile for gtest:
 -Dprivate=public -Dprotected=public

Remove/comment out the line:
 GTEST_CXXFLAGS = -Dprivate=public -Dprotected=public

from in regress/gtest, reconfigure and it should compile fine.


 -- Ronny


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[Simulavr-devel] [bug #55794] Pysimulavr installation throwing exception - undefined symbol: _ZTI14RWMemoryMember

2019-02-27 Thread anonymous

 Summary: Pysimulavr installation throwing exception -
undefined symbol: _ZTI14RWMemoryMember
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Thu 28 Feb 2019 07:36:47 AM UTC
Category: Configure
Severity: 3 - Normal
  Item Group: None
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email:
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
   Component Version: simulavr




I am trying to compile and build pysimulavr. I have cloned Simulavr-1.0.0 and
ran the following commands
1. ./bootstrap
2. ./configure --enable-python
3. make
4. sudo make install
5. cd src/python
6. sudo python install

After running these steps, file is generated. I also configured file  path in my LD_LIBRARY_PATH. But when I run the following
commands, I get the below error that  _ZTI14RWMemoryMember symbol is not
defined. Kindly look into this and let me know what exactly needs to be done.

1. python
2. import pysimulavr


1. cd examples/python
2. make example

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
line 17, in 
_pysimulavr = swig_import_helper()
line 16, in swig_import_helper
return importlib.import_module('_pysimulavr')
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/importlib/", line 37, in import_module
undefined symbol: _ZTI14RWMemoryMember


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[bug #58230] does not work if build dir outside of git

2020-04-23 Thread anonymous

 Summary: does not work if build dir
outside of git
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Thu 23 Apr 2020 02:54:50 PM UTC
Category: Configure
Severity: 3 - Normal
  Item Group: None
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email:
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
   Component Version: simulavr



If the build dir is outside of the git repository (called
by get_git_info()) fails to extract current version.

I attached my suggested fix.

~ Frederik P.


File Attachments:

Date: Thu 23 Apr 2020 02:54:50 PM UTC  Name:
get_git_version_build_dir_outside_of_repo.patch  Size: 1KiB   By: None


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[bug #58231] make all does not make doc --> make install fails

2020-04-23 Thread anonymous

 Summary: make all does not make doc --> make install fails
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Thu 23 Apr 2020 03:00:19 PM UTC
Category: Configure
Severity: 3 - Normal
  Item Group: None
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email:
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
   Component Version: simulavr



make install fails because it can't find doc/simulavr.1.gz:

CMake Error at doc/cmake_install.cmake:41 (file):
  file INSTALL cannot find "/tmp/simulavr-build/doc/simulavr.1.gz".
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  cmake_install.cmake:44 (include)

I executed make all before. After executing make doc, install was successful.
Maybe consider building docs as well when target "all" es executed.

~ Frederik P.


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[bug #59427] Pending external interrupts can not be cleared

2020-11-07 Thread anonymous

 Summary: Pending external interrupts can not be cleared
 Project: Simulavr: an AVR simulator
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Sat 07 Nov 2020 11:30:24 AM UTC
Category: Simulation
Severity: 3 - Normal
  Item Group: None
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email:
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
   Component Version: simulavr



I observed that clearing pending external interrupts has no effect. For
instance, clearing the PCIE bit (by writing a 0 bit) inside of GIMSK or
clearing the PCIF bit (by writing a 1 bit) inside of GIFR, does not prevent
the interrupt handler to be run.

Looking at the simulavr source code it seems like a Problem inside of
libsim/externalirq.cpp in the function ExternalIRQHandler::set_from_reg. The
function does not call ClearIrqFlag which would be required to clear any
pending interrupts...


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