RE: [SLUG] 'named' problems (dns)

2004-08-25 Thread Jared Pritchard
Bingo. 'message' dump =

Aug 25 16:32:51 linux01 named[5353]: lame server resolving
'' (in ''?):
Aug 25 16:32:51 linux01 named[5353]: lame server resolving
'' (in ''?):
Aug 25 16:32:51 linux01 named[5353]: lame server resolving
'' (in ''?):
Aug 25 16:32:51 linux01 named[5353]: lame server resolving
'' (in ''?):
Aug 25 16:52:22 linux01 named[5353]: message.c:809: REQUIRE(*rdataset ==
((void *)0)) failed
Aug 25 16:52:22 linux01 named[5353]: exiting (due to assertion failure)

- The full file is 600kb+ dated from Aug 22.
- The last few rolled logs (from whenever to Aug 22) are about 16k in

Those are just the last few lines (obviously!)

Does this help?

Bind version: bind-9.2.0-8

If it can be fixed without re-installing / upgrading bind or named, then
fantastic!  =)

I sense progress  ;)

I also looked at the zone files as per Plameras advice.
NONE of them seemed to have Tabs.?  And from memory, this was always the
case. I changed a couple of the more important ones to have tabs

I'll give an update tomorrow, in the meantime, if someone sees something
else, or finds something in the log extract above, feel free to post it


Jared Pritchard

The Waterexchange Pty Ltd
Ph:  (02) 6881 6316
Fax:(02) 6881 6318

-Original Message-
From: David Gillies [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, 25 August 2004 1:54 PM
To: Jared Pritchard
Subject: Re: [SLUG] 'named' problems (dns)

Jared Pritchard wrote:
 I assume just by running it...?
 When I do it reports nothing.  =)
 I'm not confident/experienced enough to make 'major' changes like
 updating named, because this server is very critical to our
 I can't risk taking it offline. =(

on my server, named logs all its output to /var/log/messages

If you run 'grep named /var/log/messages', what does it come back with?

 Any other thoughts as to why it just suddenly started doing this
 any apparent reason, or anything I can do to fix it?
 Also, I can't manage to figure out how to find its distribution.
 It's not in /etc/issue, and wasn't installed as a package (ie. rpm
 doesn't list it)

try running rpm -q bind. What does it come back with? The dns server 
package under Redhat linux is called bind.

 It must be some sort of configuration error because it still does it
 after a reboot (mind you, I haven't tried a cold boot) - but we made

If a warm reboot doesn't work, then a cold boot isn't going to do 
anything for you under linux unless it was specifically a hardware

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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RE: [SLUG] 'named' problems (dns)

2004-08-24 Thread Jared Pritchard
I assume just by running it...?
When I do it reports nothing.  =)

I'm not confident/experienced enough to make 'major' changes like
updating named, because this server is very critical to our livelihood.
I can't risk taking it offline. =(

Any other thoughts as to why it just suddenly started doing this without
any apparent reason, or anything I can do to fix it?
Also, I can't manage to figure out how to find its distribution.
It's not in /etc/issue, and wasn't installed as a package (ie. rpm
doesn't list it)

It must be some sort of configuration error because it still does it
after a reboot (mind you, I haven't tried a cold boot) - but we made
absolutely no changes that could affect that (I'm the only one that
touches the server, and all I do is code web pages, PERL  MySQL etc.)

Could it be a DoS attack or something!?


All help is appreciated!!  =)

Jared Pritchard

The Waterexchange Pty Ltd
Ph:  (02) 6881 6316
Fax:(02) 6881 6318

-Original Message-
From: Jamie Wilkinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 24 August 2004 3:02 PM
Subject: Re: [SLUG] 'named' problems (dns)

This one time, at band camp, Jared Pritchard wrote:
Thanks for any help.

Maybe see what named-checkconf tells you, if you're running a recent


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] 'named' problems (dns)

2004-08-23 Thread Jared Pritchard


Just experiencing some crazy
problems with named (dns).

Our web server (which is also our gateway to the Internet
for our office machines) serves as a DNS and sporadically over the last couple
of days, for no known reason, named keeps failing and every now and then
(between 15 minutes to a few hours) it will just, stop. I restart it using
service named restart and it says that the shutdown of named
failed, but startup is OK.

Originally (not knowing what the problem was) I reset our
web server, so its not just some bug in startup, and we have made NO
changes that should effect its workings at all.

Just weird. =/

Ive looked through the cronjobs
 theres nothing that even comes close to the failure times, so I
cant see what the problem might be.

Has anyone experienced this sort of thing before, or have
any idea what it might be?

When named fails, it simply
wont let us view our website, or any other site on the net using domain
names. IPs
work fine.

Using Redhat 7.3 I think

Here is a quick dump of rndc
 (when named is working unfortunately, havent been here for last
few failures)


[root]# rndc status

number of zones:

debug level: 0

xfers running: 0

xfers deferred: 0

soa queries in
progress: 0

query logging is

server is up and


I have no idea how thats going to help, but who
knows? Not me =

Thanks for any help.


Jared Pritchard

The Waterexchange Pty Ltd

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Re: [SLUG] Server being used to relay emails

2004-04-29 Thread Jared Pritchard
Thank you ppl -

That puts my mind to rest -
and thanks to the flood of fast responses!! Appreciated! =)

In case anyone else has missed it - here's a summary

A spammer or virus will forge (and most likely has in our case) a domain to
mask their own presence, so when the recipient replies (individually, or by
an automatic setup), the message gets sent to the forged domain, in this
case being our server.
I.E. Somewhere along the line, someone out there has decided to use in the 'From' field in the email headers (with a
randomly generated 'user' eg. [EMAIL PROTECTED]) so when the
recipient gets the email, it appears as though it came from our server.

Also advised, is that anyone with a system set up to automatically reply to
emails such as these (with viruses, or considered to be spam), should
consider turning them off because it is most likely to be a mask and
responses only add to the unnecessary traffic, and annoy the (usually)
innocent users from the domain that has been forged...


or something..  =)

Thanks again for all your help!
Any idea how we might try and find the real source  AND/OR  should we report
the abuse to some authority of some sort?

Jared Pritchard
attachment: winmail.dat-- 
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] sendmail sends out multiple emails -

2004-01-19 Thread Jared Pritchard

H .. this one's weird  :-)

It seems that sendmail is sending out multiple copies of an email to our
The strange part is that it's random. Only happens to about 20-30% of the
and it seems like different users each time. Also, sometimes they receive 2 
emails, other times 3, and sometimes just the 1 they should be getting.

It is run using a PERL script but I am 100% sure that the script is NOT
the email addresses 2 or 3 times (I've been through it countless times.)

Anyone heard of this problem, or know how to fix it??
Using sendmail  V8.11.6
and Linux 7.3-1  (has to be for a RADIUS server)   :-(
also - using MIME::Lite ( a PERL module) to send email (using sendmail) -
but It seems 
a LOT more likely to me to be something in sendmail than the module.

Thanks a bundle.

Jared Pritchard.
attachment: winmail.dat-- 
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RE: [SLUG] Security Certifacte

2003-12-03 Thread Jared Pritchard

Ok - it's all working now.  :)
After taking the advice from one of the responses, I stopped all HTTPD and
APACHE apps from running (httpd stop, apachectl stop etc.) then killed all
the corresponding apps... THEN I did a shutdown and restart (cold boot)...
But it STILL showed the old certificate.  :S   But I checked it today,
and the new one is somehow magically installed. 

I don't get it. But it's working. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Maybe for future reference someone can tell me why this might have happened?
Perhaps I had to restart the machine I was working on... maybe it's stored
in cache or something here...  h. Dunno.

Thanks for your help anyway.

Jared Pritchard.

-Original Message-
From: Jared Pritchard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 28 November 2003 4:11 PM
To: Slug List
Subject: [SLUG] Security Certifacte

Our security certificate is going to expire on the 11-12-03.
I'm new to this business since the original was implemented. Back then, it
was done via Equifax.

The old keys etc. went under the default names of  'server.key'
'server.crt'   and so on

I have generated a new key for the business and named it
'waterexchange.key' to make it a bit easier to identify (our website is
Then I generated a Certificate Request  sent that off to GeoTrust who then
generated the signed certificate.

Then I installed that certificate under  'waterexchange.crt' -
So far so good.  Using the openssl I can read the certificate and all the
output seems fine. It has all our details such as the common name etc. as it
should be.

Now -

I have edited the httpd.conf file to point to the new files as above, then
restarted apache  httpd using

apachectl restart
httpd restart


In theory, this should set the new certificates in motion ??

But a quick test on the webpage (change http://  to https://) by opening the
certificate info still displays the old stuff.
I thought somehow it might store that info in cache so I tried on other
computers that had never been to the site (at least not the ssl areas)-
tried all
sorts of things - nothing. Old cert.

So I tried =

apachectl stop
apachectl start

and the corresponding commands for httpd but still nothing...

Any ideas???
We are running  RedHat / Apache / MOD SSL
I think it's RedHat 7.3 (Had to be for a RADIUS server)
Apache is V 1.3.23-11
openssl is V 0.9.6b-18

Does the original certificate have to run out first???  =

If so - how does that work? If we've referenced to the new certs shouldn't
it load those details...
unless there's a central registry or something...? Perhaps at GeoTrust.?

Anyway - I;m lost  any help will be greatly appreciated.  : )
A point in the right direction even?

Jared Pritchard
Waterexchange Pty. Ltd.

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SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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[SLUG] Security Certifacte

2003-11-27 Thread Jared Pritchard
Our security certificate is going to expire on the 11-12-03.
I'm new to this business since the original was implemented. Back then, it
was done via Equifax.

The old keys etc. went under the default names of  'server.key'
'server.crt'   and so on

I have generated a new key for the business and named it
'waterexchange.key' to make it a bit easier to identify (our website is
Then I generated a Certificate Request  sent that off to GeoTrust who then
generated the signed certificate.

Then I installed that certificate under  'waterexchange.crt' -
So far so good.  Using the openssl I can read the certificate and all the
output seems fine. It has all our details such as the common name etc. as it
should be.

Now -

I have edited the httpd.conf file to point to the new files as above, then
restarted apache  httpd using

apachectl restart
httpd restart


In theory, this should set the new certificates in motion ??

But a quick test on the webpage (change http://  to https://) by opening the
certificate info still displays the old stuff.
I thought somehow it might store that info in cache so I tried on other
computers that had never been to the site (at least not the ssl areas)-
tried all
sorts of things - nothing. Old cert.

So I tried 

apachectl stop
apachectl start

and the corresponding commands for httpd but still nothing...

Any ideas???
We are running  RedHat / Apache / MOD SSL
I think it's RedHat 7.3 (Had to be for a RADIUS server)
Apache is V 1.3.23-11
openssl is V 0.9.6b-18

Does the original certificate have to run out first???  
If so - how does that work? If we've referenced to the new certs shouldn't
it load those details...
unless there's a central registry or something...? Perhaps at GeoTrust.?

Anyway - I;m lost  any help will be greatly appreciated.  : )
A point in the right direction even?

Jared Pritchard
Waterexchange Pty. Ltd.

attachment: winmail.dat-- 
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2003-10-10 Thread Jared Pritchard
A computer without COBOL and Fortran is like a piece of chocolate cake
without ketchup and mustard.



[R]olling [O]n [F]loor [L]aughing  :)

-Original Message-
From: Brad Kowalczyk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 10 October 2003 5:14 PM
To: Jared Pritchard
Cc: Slug List
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Hi

Jared Pritchard wrote:

A computer without COBOL and Fortran is like a piece of chocolate cake
without ketchup and mustard.



SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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2003-10-09 Thread Jared Pritchard
A computer without COBOL and Fortran is like a piece of chocolate cake
without ketchup and mustard.


-Original Message-
From: James Gray [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 10 October 2003 9:35 AM
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Hi

On Fri, 10 Oct 2003 09:27 am, Andar Broment wrote:
 This has gotta be the wierdest spam ever...

But it is a reasonably effective way to harvest real addresses from clueless
lusers.  Luser now sends back a sorry I don't know who you are and bingo,
fresh pork for the grinder - one batch of spiced ham, coming up :P

A random quote of nothing:

A computer without COBOL and Fortran is like a piece of chocolate cake
without ketchup and mustard.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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[SLUG] Slow DSL connection

2003-10-02 Thread Jared Pritchard
Hi -

This is just a quick question - in case anyone has run into something

One of our clients (on a DSL connection) is having some issues.
His connection is running at almost dialup speed and he is on a
256k ADSL connection.

He is the only client experiencing this problem, and he says it has
built up over about 1-2 weeks.

I had a look at his machines, and they all seemed to be fine. We tried
resetting the modem  computers, tried a different network port in the
hub but nothing seems to make any difference.

Initially, the connection worked fine and he has been up  running for
a few months with no problems until now.

Is it possible that the modem itself is wearing down, possibly due to a
manufacturing fault? Is something wrong with the computers??
They are running Windows 2000  Windows NT...

Modem is Netcom NB1300 ethernet.

I don't expect too much from this question, as it really isn't directly
to Linux or anything, but if anyone has seen/heard of this before, a point
in the right direction will be very helpful, and appreciated as always

Jared P.

attachment: winmail.dat-- 
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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RE: [SLUG] Slow DSL connection

2003-10-02 Thread Jared Pritchard
Title: RE: [SLUG] Slow DSL connection

using our DSL :D lol
We are 
a virtualISP using Comindico, and he is on a flat rate / unlimited plan so 
no probs there,
no-one else (including myself) has experienced slow-downs

modem has a NAT setup so as for it being hacked, it is unlikely (still possible, 
but unlikely),
however the likelihood of just his connection slowiing so dramatically is 
also ver unlikely...

If he 
downloads a big file, and does NOTHING else at the same time, he can get 
(eventually) about
20kbps download speed, but if he downloads, or even uploads oddly 
enough, at the same time, it
drops to about 4kbps  weird.

  -Original Message-From: Marty Richards 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Thursday, 2 October 2003 
  5:38 PMTo: 'Jared Pritchard'Subject: RE: [SLUG] Slow DSL 
  Hi Jared, 
  Whose DSL service is he using? 
  Some DSLs have a traffic cap where if 
  you download more than X Gb's in a month they reduce your speed to a 
  Other DSLs just have problems when 
  the service provider gets overloaded or has one of their links go down 
  Its unlikely to be anything to do 
  with the modem. 
  Having Windows based PCs directly 
  connected to the internet is asking for trouble... its very possible his 
  machines have been hacked and are scanning the internet or doing other bad 
  things on behalf of the hacker... if this is so, it would slow everything down 
  a lot...
  Cheers, Marty 
Message- From:  
Jared Pritchard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Saturday, 4 October 2003 3:09 AM To: SLUG Subject: [SLUG] Slow DSL connection 
Hi - 
This is just a quick question - in case anyone 
has run into something similar... 
One of our clients (on a DSL connection) is 
having some issues. His connection is 
running at almost dialup speed and he is on a 256k ADSL connection. 
He is the only client experiencing this problem, 
and he says it has built up over about 
1-2 weeks. 
I had a look at his machines, and they all seemed 
to be fine. We tried resetting the modem 
 computers, tried a different network port in the hub but nothing seems to make any difference. 
Initially, the connection worked fine and he has 
been up  running for a few months 
with no problems until now. 
Is it possible that the modem itself is wearing 
down, possibly due to a manufacturing 
fault? Is something wrong with the computers?? They are running Windows 2000  Windows NT... 
Modem is Netcom NB1300 ethernet. 
I don't expect too much from this question, as it 
really isn't directly related to Linux or 
anything, but if anyone has seen/heard of this before, a point 
in the right direction will be very helpful, and 
appreciated as always 
Cheers, Jared P. 
 File: ATT160066.txt  

  Netway Networks Pty Limited t 02 - 8920 8877 f 02 - 8920 8866 e [EMAIL PROTECTED] w 

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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RE: [SLUG] HTTP_REFERER not found [Repost]

2003-10-01 Thread Jared Pritchard
Louis (Hi Louis!) is going to be in serious
danger if he proceeds down the passing-variables-via-GET method
of web programming

lol  :P

POST is better - but only coz it's invisible to the human
eye. Session variables are better still, but use in moderation...
Also a good dose of SSL won't hurt  ;)

And I love databases! Very satsifying to see all your
data saved efficiently and cleanly - with easy access later.

But I leave that up to you Louis...  check out some different methods,
or maybe get some professional help :)


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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Re: [SLUG] HTTP_REFERER not found [Repost]

2003-09-30 Thread Jared Pritchard
I think a lot of people who are posting here are probably having problem
running linux in their business and come to slug for help. I don't see
this as a problem at all. I think the only difference here is in degrees,
there is a difference between how do i do XYZ and please teach me how
to write a dynamic web application, but i think in general, if the slug
list can't help those using linux at work, then what is the point?!


That's exactly how I found my way onto this list.  :)
And I do agree whole-heartedly about: 
there is a difference between how do i do XYZ and please teach me how
to write a dynamic web application,

I have learnt a lot between this list  the perl list I'm subscribed to as
well -
There is also only so much you can learn by asking [relatively] simple
like those passed around here (some are not quite so simple, but the
majority are)
The rest we'll have to dig deeper...

But we'll also have to respect the businesses, so yeah. I think it would be
to ask something like:
eg. I need a script to manage my customer database and handle all my
But I see no problem in the questions so far where the need is smaller:
eg. I can't find an appropriate module to connect to a database using perl
 can anyone point me in the right direction?

We're all here to learn.

(I'm sure you know what I mean...):)

attachment: winmail.dat-- 
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FW: [SLUG] This list has changed for the worst

2003-09-29 Thread Jared Pritchard
Yes - ok  agreed Mick.
Sorry John Clarke, when I sent:

 John was only expressing his dislike for such spams...

I meant Johnathon Kelly...  just trying to defend him a bit, but
I should have left it - I meant no harm.


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Damien Solley
Sent: Friday, 26 September 2003 3:56 PM
Subject: Re: [SLUG] This list has changed for the worst

On Sat, 2003-09-27 at 01:45, Mick wrote:
 Hi all,

 I'm not far from Sydney, so if anyone takes exception to this critisim, I
 can easily make the next SLUG meeting.

 There are no FLAMERS on this post, hasn't been, shouldn't be.  If you take
 exception to what is said in an email, leave it be... kick the dog, beat
 your partner, or whatever else you need to do to boost your ego.  Don't
 infect the list with faceless, gutless rubbish. (ref to paragraph 1)

 This list is for people who;

 a. Are advanced enough to actually confuse the rest of us when they have
 b. Are advanced enough to actually help newbies when they are not helping
 each other.

 When I see take your head out of your arse on the SLUG mailing list, I
 know we have problems.  That's Microsoft talk for I found the command
 nah nah!

 SLUG is above all that, Slug is about helping and nurturing a growing
 community.  Slug is the public face of Linux for alot of Sydneysiders (and
 possibly much further a field).  Slug is where you turn when Debian bites
 you on the arse and you somehow manage to get Pine or Mutt to send a big
 Linux SOS.

 If this mailing list degrades into some windows orientated flame war
 a lot half wit know it alls telling people off because they know
 then I'll go back to using windows where I can  avoid/ don't need to
 contact/associate/speak/type messages to people like that.

 So will alot of other people.

 Get it together SLUG, we depend on you, we depend on your knowledgable
 members and we more than ever we need a sense of community.

 Like I said, I am available anytime ... Flame this post and you'd better
 have it to front the next slug meeting, otherwise, your just datavapour

 For all who have kept the faith, and especially for our departing el
 presidenti and vice Brave, Encore, Encore, Encore!


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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RE: [SLUG] HTTP_REFERER not found [Repost]

2003-09-29 Thread Jared Pritchard
Q1. If I click on a link to go to another HTML page say name.html, I lose
the hop=some_data part. How do I make the hop=some_data go with the
name.html with the a tag from an HTML document ? Is this possible or a
script can do this only ?

there are a couple ways -
one way is to add the hop=some_data to the href itself, IF it is a static
string...  ie:   a href=;
otherwise, you can implement a simple CGI/Perl script to generate the
index page from a template...

Q2. The order page calls a Perl script say, I want the
script to capture the hop=some_data. I got the script to print the whole
%ENV, and I see no HTTP_REFERER. I thought HTTP_REFERER would show the
url that called with the hop=some_data . But if I cannot
see HTTP_REFERER, then how do I get the script to capture the
hop=some_data ?

The ENV variable you are looking for is definitely the QUERY_STRING...
or use STDIN to retrieve POST data...

If you are using perl (looks like you are using a hash there - %ENV) then
you can
either use the CGI module to retrieve the query strings, in which case you
have to worry about that at all, or you can do something like this -

my %formData;

read STDIN, $_, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'};  #Read in STDIN to default
%formData = split/|=/;  #Place separate keys/values into
'formData' hash, split by '' and '='
if (!%formData)  #- If we didn't get anything
from POST method,
   $_ = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};#  try retrieving it from
   %formData = split/|=/;   #  and split like before.

Then to access the data, you would go:
my $hop = $formData{'hop'};

This is a quick hack - CGI module is much better  more efficient
 eg. what happens when you get a number of values from select multiple in
this code?

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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RE: [SLUG] Yuk

2003-09-26 Thread Jared Pritchard
Boys boys boys!!!
John was only expressing his dislike for such spams...
I'm sure he appreciates the efforts of the admins as much as the rest of
us do...  he didn't exactly go overboard, nor abuse anyone...  basically
asking if there was anything being done to solve the problem, with a hint
of disgust at the content...

He now has his answer that yes, things are being done and are 99%
successful -
no need to bite back.

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Shaun Oliver
Sent: Thursday, 25 September 2003 11:48 PM
To: John Clarke
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Yuk

at the risk of being helpful, John Clarke delivered up the following on Fri,
Sep 26, 2003 at 12:16:08PM +1000,
 On Fri, Sep 26, 2003 at 11:10:00AM +1000, Richard Ames wrote:

  They should be filtered before the listserver.

 We had this discussion a couple of weeks ago.

 All of you, stop whinging about the tiny bit of spam that makes it
 through the list filters.  Something like 99% or more of spam *is*
 stopped at the list server, thanks to the efforts of the admins.

 The list admins, all unpaid volunteers, do a great job and should not
 have to listen to whiny gits who can't be bothered running their own
 spam filter and expect someone else to protect them.

  Or better yet --- member only.

 We've had this discussion too.  It's not going to happen.  You asked for
 this a couple of weeks ago and were told so then, what makes you think
 the answer's going to be any different this time?

john, we may not have agreed on a couple of things a week or so ago but,
is not the idea of Linux to a point total and utter customisability in
as much as you can do wtf u need to be able to suit your purpose?
at least that in part is what I thought running Linux was about,
look quit bitching about the spam,
personally, if someone wants to send spam about someone blowing a horse
or some other sick crap like that there's an interesting function you
should read about.
it's called delete.
christ sakes people, couple extra key strokes or a click of a mouse and
a press of a key and it's gone.
best fucken spam filter around.

Shaun Oliver
Becareful of the toes u step on today, they maybe connected to the ass you
have to kiss tomorrow!

ICQ: 76958435
YAHOO: blindman01_2000
AIM: captain nemo 200
IRCNICK: blindman
CHANNELS: #awesomeradio #mircpopup-magic #linux #help #ourworld #audiofile
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[SLUG] Virtual server is down...

2003-09-23 Thread Jared Pritchard
- I apoligse for sending this twice, but the first one was being looked at
by a moderator because of a suspiciouse header or something, and this is
urgent...  hopefully this will get through straight away...

Please help!! very urgent as the boss is trying to make a presentation ATM
in Brisbane on this very website!!!

We have about 3-4 sites running off the one machine (virtual servers) 
One is called the Waterexchange   ( - AND IT IS
DOWN!!  :(
All the others are working perfectly fine.

I have tried to restart apache
(apachectl restart)  but it tells me that httpd has not started, then
'trying to start httpd' which it then says is successful,
but if I run the same command, it says exactly the same thing!!!

if I do
apachectl stop
it says something about not being able to find -  ??

if I try
apachectl start
it says it has started.

But nothing I do (none of the above) will allow the waterexchange to be
viewed!  (I can view it, but only because I'm on the local network)

I have tried a warm boot -  nothing. exactly the same.

I just tried a cold boot - same.

very desperate!

Very very very very very very very appreciative of any guidance here ..!

Please feel free to call -   (02)6881 6316,  ask for Jared

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SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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RE: [SLUG] Virtual server is down...

2003-09-23 Thread Jared Pritchard
the httpd error log reports similar - and all the same on todays date -

[Wed Sep 24 10:59:59 2003] [crit] (98)Address already in use: make_sock:
could not bind to port 80

... so that seems to be the error..!  canoot bind to port 80...  but why?

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Billy Kwong
Sent: Tuesday, 23 September 2003 6:27 PM
To: Jared Pritchard
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Virtual server is down...

Check the logs in /var/log/apache/error.log and see what error messages
has came up with.

On Wed, 24 Sep 2003 11:25:26 -0700
Jared Pritchard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 - I apoligse for sending this twice, but the first one was being looked at
 by a moderator because of a suspiciouse header or something, and this is
 urgent...  hopefully this will get through straight away...
 Please help!! very urgent as the boss is trying to make a presentation ATM
 in Brisbane on this very website!!!
 We have about 3-4 sites running off the one machine (virtual servers) 
 One is called the Waterexchange   ( - AND IT IS
 DOWN!!  :(
 All the others are working perfectly fine.
 I have tried to restart apache
 (apachectl restart)  but it tells me that httpd has not started, then
 'trying to start httpd' which it then says is successful,
 but if I run the same command, it says exactly the same thing!!!
 if I do
 apachectl stop
 it says something about not being able to find -  ??
 if I try
 apachectl start
 it says it has started.
 But nothing I do (none of the above) will allow the waterexchange to be
 viewed!  (I can view it, but only because I'm on the local network)
 I have tried a warm boot -  nothing. exactly the same.
 I just tried a cold boot - same.
 PLEASE HELP!!!  :'(
 very desperate!
 Very very very very very very very appreciative of any guidance here ..!
 Please feel free to call -   (02)6881 6316,  ask for Jared

Billy Kwong Fluffy Spider Technologies
System AdministratorSuite 87, 330 Wattle Street
Ultimo, NSW 2007
Phone: (02) 9281 9055   Australia
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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RE: [SLUG] Virtual server is down...

2003-09-23 Thread Jared Pritchard
Yes - i'd actually looked at that, but didn't go as far as to ping them...
should have thought  checking it out now.  Do I need the two pointing at
us? or at least one?

The thing is one of those virtual servers on our server
along with the waterexchange...  dunno how that works exactly, but I do
believe they are moving everything to their own server, so they may have
just updated their name servers or something, and not realised it was
pointing to us...

I know the bloke that runs webnicians, so I guess it comes down to - do we
need BOTH pointing to us, or just one? I heard that site need 2 name
servers, but I was never clear on whether that was just as a backup or
something, or absolutely required...

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Adam Hewitt
Sent: Tuesday, 23 September 2003 6:46 PM
To: Jared Pritchard
Subject: RE: [SLUG] Virtual server is down...

On Thu, 2003-09-25 at 02:39, Jared Pritchard wrote:
 the httpd error log reports similar - and all the same on todays date -
 [Wed Sep 24 10:59:59 2003] [crit] (98)Address already in use: make_sock:
 could not bind to port 80
 ... so that seems to be the error..!  canoot bind to port 80...  but why?

If I were you I would be checking your DNS setup. According to whois the
two servers you are using are:

Name Server:
Name Server:

The first one is not pingable and the second one is returning no IP
address for the domain like you have bigger
problems on your hands


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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RE: [SLUG] Virtual server is down...

2003-09-23 Thread Jared Pritchard
Oh thank you thank you thank you thank you!

I don't know WHY I didn't think of that!!  
IP address does work, so that at least has taken the edge off the urgency,
even though it took all morning!!  :(
also, it has definately confirmed that it is a DNS problem!

(stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid  - should have tried IP!)

Thanks alot :P

Hopefully now we can get some name servers pointing at us properly.

Should be right now guys for the time being. Thank you all very much for
time and effort!  Please feel free to slip any tips regarding setup of DNS
etc. :P
but (as I said) at least now the urgency has lessened!  


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Voytek
Sent: Wednesday, 24 September 2003 12:49 PM
Subject: RE: [SLUG] Virtual server is down...

** Reply to note from Jared Pritchard [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wed, 24 Sep
2003 12:16:35 -0700

 Yes - i'd actually looked at that, but didn't go as far as to ping them...

 should have thought  checking it out now.  Do I need the two pointing
 us? or at least one? 

 The thing is one of those virtual servers on our server 
 along with the waterexchange...  dunno how that works exactly, but I do 
 believe they are moving everything to their own server, so they may have 
 just updated their name servers or something, and not realised it was 
 pointing to us...

you are supposed to have two to register/delegate a domain, (though I think
a lot of registars no longer seem to check that.)

once a domain is registered and delegated one will do, but, obviously, two
have some redundancy benefits.

as an iterim solution, you might access your web pages via 

Voytek Eymont
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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[SLUG] Server 'up'; but 'down' from external viewers...

2003-09-14 Thread Jared Pritchard
Eerrkk...  experiencing some problems here with our server  :(

We had a crash of some sort on the weekend, whereby 2 of our 4 machines in
one rack 'turned off' and the switch just stopped working (all lights were
I pulled the power on the switch  restarted it, and it's working fine now,
and restarted the other two machines...
The main machine is the main server, and acts as a basic router, sending log
in requests from our ISP to our RADIUS server (one of the machines that was
still on  working). Henceforth, since the main one was down, no-one could
log in to our internet connection. After re-starting the main server, we
could log in
again and everything seemed to be fine  dandy.

Our main machine has two major websites stored on it. One is our ISPs, the
other is the main website for the other business the boss runs.
The ISP website is working fine. The Main website is not. 
Is this an httpd.conf error? maybe it started up wrong?  (or an apache)...
how can I restart those?

I think it's something like   'apachelt restart now'that we use instead
of httpd restart...  where should I execute this?

Many thanks,

Jared Pritchard

' 02 6882 0288
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SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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RE: [SLUG] Mail redirecting

2003-09-08 Thread Jared Pritchard

 - Maha!   thanks bundles.   I knew it would be simple  ;)

Jared Pritchard  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Macquarie Telecom Pty. Ltd.
48 Carrington Ave. Dubbo
NSW 2830, Australia

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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[SLUG] Mail redirecting -

2003-09-07 Thread Jared Pritchard
hey ppl -
our server redirects any email sent to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' to my boss, but
he wants it to come to me from now on, because the only thing that would
ever come from root are basically any errors returned by cron etc. and I am
the one that needs to know of those :)  hehehe

I'm sure this is easy, but I can't find a thing on it anywhere...

any ideas?

Jared Pritchard

' 02 6882 0288
6  02 6881 6318
*  0427 813 400 

The information contained in and accompanying this communication is strictly
confidential and intended solely for the use of the intended recipient(s).
The copyright in this communication belongs to Macquarie Telecom Pty Limited
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this communication please delete and destroy all copies and telephone Mactel
on +61 6882 0288 immediately. You should not copy, disclose or distribute
this communication without the authority of Mactel.  Emails may be
interfered with, therefore if you have any doubts about the authenticity of
an email purportedly sent by Mactel please contact Mactel immediately. 

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[SLUG] URGENT: Please help, Mail problem (FROM Field=NOBODY....change?)

2003-08-28 Thread Jared Pritchard
Hi - I'm new to this group, and relatively new to linux
(I work in it every day and have done for the past 8-10months or so - but
it has been all in VI editing HTML  PERL scripts etc. so no specific
linux commands besides the basics)

but now I have reached a point in the PERL scripts that it sends emails
out to a list of users... however, when they receive them, it is addressed
from 'nobody'. We REALLY REALLY need to change that!!!

I use the command 'mail'  in the form
mail -s subject [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /tmp/mailout.$$

I cannot find an option in the 'mail' man pages that allows me to specify
the 'from' section, and I am assuming that it is the 'user' that sends the
email that fills in that position. Maybe the user is guest, or nobody or
whatever - i don't know  :/

How can I change the user or specify the 'from' field in the email without
using a different mailing program? I need it to be admin or something -

If I have to change mail programs, I will opt for sendmail in the short
term, so what I would need the correct syntax to accomplish the same as
above WITH from defined as well  :)  (the man pages for sendmail weren't
much help in this regard)

Any help will be muchly appreciated!!!

Jared Pritchard

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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