Re: [SLUG] gzip from perl script

2005-09-22 Thread Jacinta Richardson
Voytek wrote:

 I just need to force a 'y' here, or pass to gzip
 ...screen snip---
 gzip: /backup/mysql/postfix-20050922.sql.gz already exists; do you wish to
 overwrite (y or n)?

I guess there's alway -f

   -f --force
  Force compression or decompression even if the file has multiple
  links  or  the corresponding file already exists, or if the com-
  pressed data is read from or written to a terminal. If the input
  data  is  not  in a format recognized by gzip, and if the option
  --stdout is also given, copy the input data  without  change  to
  the standard ouput: let zcat behave as cat.  If -f is not given,
  and when not running in the background, gzip prompts  to  verify
  whether an existing file should be overwritten.

if you have a copy of the man page available.  ;)


   (`-''-/).___..--''`-._  |  Jacinta Richardson |
`6_ 6  )   `-.  ( ).`-.__.`)  |  Perl Training Australia|
(_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'   |  +61 3 9354 6001|
  _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'   | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 (il),-''  (li),'  ((!.-' |   |

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butfirst (was Re: [SLUG] gzip from perl script)

2005-09-22 Thread Jacinta Richardson
Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:

 One thing thats been bugging me for a while about Perl is the
 lack of a butfirst keyword. This would be *really* useful for
 constructs like:
# Huge chunk of code
# Second huge chunk of code to be executed
# before the one above.
 } ;

G'day Erik,

I'm struggling to imagine any cases this would be useful excepting do-while
loops (which exist anyway).  I'm also not entirely convinced the loss of
readability (if the first hunk of code was really big, I wouldn't know to look
for a butfirst block and might therefore misunderstand the code) would make it

Can you give some pared down examples of what kinds of things you'd put in each
block and in particular why you wouldn't just do the butfirst stuff before the
first block?

All the best,


   (`-''-/).___..--''`-._  |  Jacinta Richardson |
`6_ 6  )   `-.  ( ).`-.__.`)  |  Perl Training Australia|
(_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'   |  +61 3 9354 6001|
  _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'   | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 (il),-''  (li),'  ((!.-' |   |

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Re: butfirst (was Re: [SLUG] gzip from perl script)

2005-09-22 Thread Mark Johnathan Greenaway
On Thu, Sep 22, 2005 at 05:20:23PM +1000, Jacinta Richardson wrote:
  One thing thats been bugging me for a while about Perl is the
  lack of a butfirst keyword. This would be *really* useful for
  constructs like:
 # Huge chunk of code
 # Second huge chunk of code to be executed
 # before the one above.
  } ;
 I'm struggling to imagine any cases this would be useful excepting do-while
 loops (which exist anyway).  I'm also not entirely convinced the loss of
 readability (if the first hunk of code was really big, I wouldn't know to look
 for a butfirst block and might therefore misunderstand the code) would make it

Erik has strong views on programming languages, and he's trolling you. At
least he's giving those of us who don't completely despise C++ a break for

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Re: butfirst (was Re: [SLUG] gzip from perl script)

2005-09-22 Thread Del

Erik has strong views on programming languages, and he's trolling you. At
least he's giving those of us who don't completely despise C++ a break for

I'm glad someone said that.  For a while there I was worried.

Still, everyone here at the office had a good laugh about it.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: butfirst (was Re: [SLUG] gzip from perl script)

2005-09-22 Thread Erik de Castro Lopo
Mark Johnathan Greenaway wrote:

 Erik has strong views on programming languages, and he's trolling you.

Guilty as charged :-)

 least he's giving those of us who don't completely despise C++ a break for

Yeah, I needed a five minute break :-).

  Erik de Castro Lopo
Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an 
ad-hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of
half of CommonLisp. -- Greenspuns Tenth Rule Of Programming
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Re: butfirst (was Re: [SLUG] gzip from perl script)

2005-09-22 Thread Jeff Waugh
quote who=Erik de Castro Lopo

 Mark Johnathan Greenaway wrote:
  Erik has strong views on programming languages, and he's trolling you.
 Guilty as charged :-)

Someday you'll catch someone unsuspecting, and they'll end up with intercal.
Let me know when it happens - I'll buy the beer.

- Jeff

UbuntuBelowZero in Montreal!
   That whole 'you complete me' thing is just tragic and totally
 unrealistic. Go complete yourself. - Anon
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Re: butfirst (was Re: [SLUG] gzip from perl script)

2005-09-22 Thread Erik de Castro Lopo
Jeff Waugh wrote:

 Someday you'll catch someone unsuspecting, and they'll end up with intercal.
 Let me know when it happens - I'll buy the beer.

shock=horror, disbelief


  Erik de Castro Lopo
The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is probably the
day they start making vacuum cleaners. -- Ernst Jan Plugge
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Re: [SLUG] gzip from perl script

2005-09-22 Thread telford
On Thu, Sep 22, 2005 at 02:50:13PM +1000, Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
 One thing thats been bugging me for a while about Perl is the
 lack of a butfirst keyword. This would be *really* useful for
 constructs like:
# Huge chunk of code
# Second huge chunk of code to be executed
# before the one above.
 } ;

Don't be silly, of course it does:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

print foo\n;
print baz\n;
}) if (eval{
print bar\n;
print bing\n;
print bong\n;
} and 1 );

or just define your own syntax:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

sub later (@)
@_ = reverse @_;
my $x;
while( $x = shift ) { $x; }
sub butfirst (@) { @_ }

print foo\n;
print baz\n;
print bar\n;
print bing\n;
print bong\n;
print zap\n;
print atooey\n;

All of which I'm sure has been demonstrated elsewhere.
But then we all know that if a programming language can define what
is *really* useful then it might as well just define the actual
program (since at the end of the day, a running program that performs
a task is the only thing that is *really* useful). Once we have such
a programming language then we won't need programmers at all.

In the meantime, I'll settle for perl and make my own calls about
which features I find useful and which I don't.

- Tel

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[SLUG] gzip from perl script

2005-09-21 Thread Voytek
I'm using a Perl script for MySQL backup, I'd like to compress the
database dumps, the business end of the script runs like:

while (my @arr = $sth-fetchrow) {

print $arr[1]\n;
system(rm $backuppath/$arr[1]-$oldyear$oldmonth$oldday.sql);
system(mysqldump --opt $arr[1] -u $DB_User --password=$DB_Password 


do I simply add like:

system(gzip $backuppath/$arr[1]-$year$month$day.sql);
(and change the 'rm' line extension?)


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Re: [SLUG] gzip from perl script

2005-09-21 Thread Gonzalo Servat
On 9/22/05, Voytek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 do I simply add like:

 system(gzip $backuppath/$arr[1]-$year$month$day.sql);
 (and change the 'rm' line extension?)

Look for the GZIP module, nicer way of doing it. Also, you probably
want to use unlink instead of that system rm command. There's probably
even a MySQL module to do the MySQL dump. Usually it's best using
those as it allows to look at return codes and it generally looks much
neater in the code.


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Re: [SLUG] gzip from perl script

2005-09-21 Thread Jacinta Richardson
G'day Voytek,

In a spirit of defensive programming, I have an important question for you.
What happens if the mysqldump fails?  Perhaps the database goes offline part way
through, perhaps the disk fills up... since you've just deleted your old backup,
what are you going to do?

I suggest the following changes to your code:
* Take the backup first
* Check that it didn't fail
* Then do compression
* Check that it didn't fail (find out the possible failure modes,
  can it corrupt your file?  What happens if all the disk space vanishes
  half way through?
* Then, when you're fairly certain that things will be okay, delete the
  old version.

while( my ($ignored, $database) = $sth-fetchrow() ) {
print $database\n;

# Make the backup
system(mysqldump --opt $database -u $DB_User --password=$DB_Password .

# Handle any errors
if($?) {
# something went wrong... try to guess what.
die some error as appropriate;

# Do the compression
system(gzip, $backuppath/$database-$year$month$day.sql);

# Handle any errors
if($?) {
# something went wrong... try to guess what.
die some error as appropriate;

# Now that you're fairly certain that the new backup has worked...
unless( unlink($backuppath/$database-$oldyear$oldmonth$oldday.sql.gz);
# something went wrong... try to guess what.
# This could just be that the file doesn't exist.
die if you think it's appropriate;

It might also be worth using chdir to change into $backuppath so that you don't
need to keep prepending that:

chdir $backuppath or die Failed to chdir to $backuppath $!;

You probably also want to wonder why you're pulling out a column from the
database and then ignoring it.

Whether or not it's better to use system or a module to do your compression
depends on a few things, like how easy it is to get modules installed, how easy
it is to use the module you select.  If you do use a module you're more likely
to have intuitive error handling rather than having to check one of Perl's very
super extra special variables.

All the best,


   (`-''-/).___..--''`-._  |  Jacinta Richardson |
`6_ 6  )   `-.  ( ).`-.__.`)  |  Perl Training Australia|
(_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'   |  +61 3 9354 6001|
  _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'   | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 (il),-''  (li),'  ((!.-' |   |

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Re: [SLUG] gzip from perl script

2005-09-21 Thread Voytek

quote who=Jacinta Richardson

thanks, Jacinta

ahem, you assume I'm somewhat perl-literate, beyond knowing how to
paste'n'save... I'm not...

the script was kindly given to me in the past by a slugger

paste'n'save gave me an error on the last '}' in your additions, after
chopping it, I'm getting:

# perl
syntax error at line 61, near );
Execution of aborted due to compilation errors.

line 61 is:

 unless( unlink($backuppath/$database-$oldyear$oldmonth$oldday.sql.gz);

script now is:
use DBI;
use Mysql;
use Date::Pcalc qw(:all);

$DB_Host = localhost;
$DB_Name = mysql;
$DB_User = backup;
$DB_Password = password;
$backuppath = /backup/mysql;
$myoffset = -3; # set the number of days back to delete. Basically -number
of days you wish to keep logs rotating for.

my $dbh =
or die $Mysql::db_errstr;

($year,$month,$day) = Today();
if (length($day)==1) {
$day = 0$day;
if (length($month)==1) {
$month = 0$month;

($oldyear, $oldmonth, $oldday) = Add_Delta_YMD($year, $month, $day, 0, 0,
if (length($oldday)==1) {
$oldday = 0$oldday;
if (length($oldmonth)==1) {
$oldmonth = 0$oldmonth;

$dbh-selectdb(mysql) or die $Mysql::db_errstr;

my $sth = Query $dbh SELECT * FROM db or die $Mysql::db_errstr;

while( my ($ignored, $database) = $sth-fetchrow() ) {
print $database\n;

# Make the backup
system(mysqldump --opt $database -u $DB_User --password=$DB_Password .

# Handle any errors
if($?) {
# something went wrong... try to guess what.
die some error as appropriate;

# Do the compression
system(gzip, $backuppath/$database-$year$month$day.sql);

# Handle any errors
if($?) {
# something went wrong... try to guess what.
die some error as appropriate;

# Now that you're fairly certain that the new backup has worked...
unless( unlink($backuppath/$database-$oldyear$oldmonth$oldday.sql.gz);
# something went wrong... try to guess what.
# This could just be that the file doesn't exist.
die if you think it's appropriate;

undef $sth;
undef $dbh;


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] gzip from perl script

2005-09-21 Thread Jacinta Richardson
Voytek wrote:
 quote who=Jacinta Richardson
 thanks, Jacinta
 ahem, you assume I'm somewhat perl-literate, beyond knowing how to
 paste'n'save... I'm not...

My apologies.  Although I do find that it's usually better to to assume that
people who are asking about an existing Perl program are more often Perl
literate than they are Perl newbies.  :)

  unless( unlink($backuppath/$database-$oldyear$oldmonth$oldday.sql.gz);

Ah.  Remove the trailing ;  and replace with a ) {

 script now is:
 use DBI;
 use Mysql;
 use Date::Pcalc qw(:all);
 $DB_Host = localhost;
 $DB_Name = mysql;
 $DB_User = backup;
 $DB_Password = password;
 $backuppath = /backup/mysql;
 $myoffset = -3; # set the number of days back to delete. Basically -number
 of days you wish to keep logs rotating for.
 my $dbh =
 or die $Mysql::db_errstr;
 ($year,$month,$day) = Today();
 if (length($day)==1) {
 $day = 0$day;
 if (length($month)==1) {
 $month = 0$month;
 ($oldyear, $oldmonth, $oldday) = Add_Delta_YMD($year, $month, $day, 0, 0,
 if (length($oldday)==1) {
 $oldday = 0$oldday;
 if (length($oldmonth)==1) {
 $oldmonth = 0$oldmonth;
 $dbh-selectdb(mysql) or die $Mysql::db_errstr;
 my $sth = Query $dbh SELECT * FROM db or die $Mysql::db_errstr;

You probably don't need to to select *.  But it doesn't hurt.

 while( my ($ignored, $database) = $sth-fetchrow() ) {
 print $database\n;
 # Make the backup
 system(mysqldump --opt $database -u $DB_User --password=$DB_Password .
 # Handle any errors
 if($?) {
 # something went wrong... try to guess what.
 die some error as appropriate;

You might want to make the above error somewhat more useful.  Perhaps:

die Mysqldump failed for some reason.;

just so that you know...  I've reindented.  Hopefully you just lost the
indentation in your cut and paste.

 # Do the compression
 system(gzip, $backuppath/$database-$year$month$day.sql);
 # Handle any errors
 if($?) {
   # something went wrong... try to guess what.
   die some error as appropriate;

You probably want to change this error message as well.

die Failed to gzip file.;

 # Now that you're fairly certain that the new backup has worked...
 unless( unlink($backuppath/$database-$oldyear$oldmonth$oldday.sql.gz);

This should be:
  unless( unlink($backuppath/$database-$oldyear$oldmonth$oldday.sql.gz)) {

 # something went wrong... try to guess what.
 # This could just be that the file doesn't exist.
 die if you think it's appropriate;

On further thought you proably want to change this die to the following:

warn Failed to remove $database-$oldyear$oldmonth$oldday.sql.gz: $!;

as failing to delete might not be important enough to stop doing all the 

All the best,


   (`-''-/).___..--''`-._  |  Jacinta Richardson |
`6_ 6  )   `-.  ( ).`-.__.`)  |  Perl Training Australia|
(_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'   |  +61 3 9354 6001|
  _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'   | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 (il),-''  (li),'  ((!.-' |   |

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Re: [SLUG] gzip from perl script

2005-09-21 Thread Julio Cesar Ody
On 9/21/05, Voytek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 do I simply add like:

 system(gzip $backuppath/$arr[1]-$year$month$day.sql);
 (and change the 'rm' line extension?)

Go for it. There's no reason to install the module when you can safely
do it via system(). In fact, don't be afraid of using it at all. You
would need a module in a system without the gzip CLI tool but equipped
with the library... which anyway seems quite unusual for a *nix.

If you're not using strict, there's no reason to use my before any
variables. But instead of removing them, go for strict. You'll
probably have a few problems getting the program to run, but mind the
error messages, correct them, and move on.

A quick solution for that would be, instead of using Perl (nothing
against it, I'm a Perl lover), do it in shell. Like in:

$ mysqldump -u user | gzip --best  dbbackup.$(date +%s).gz

You won't be able to check for the gzipped file size *before* actually
writing it to disk (unless you take that gzip output and count the
number of bytes, then compare with a df output...). So you can trap a
failure by doing something like


if ! mysqldump -u user 2 ~./mybackuperrors.$$ | gzip --best  ...
   # then maybe
   echo -n $(date +%s)-`cat .mybkperrror.$$`  /var/log/mybackuperrors
   #  more error handling, log anything, bail out

And here's a MySQL backup system, with error logging. Cron it, and
you're off and running in no time.

 I'm using a Perl script for MySQL backup, I'd like to compress the
 database dumps, the business end of the script runs like:

 while (my @arr = $sth-fetchrow) {

 print $arr[1]\n;
 system(rm $backuppath/$arr[1]-$oldyear$oldmonth$oldday.sql);
 system(mysqldump --opt $arr[1] -u $DB_User --password=$DB_Password 


 do I simply add like:

 system(gzip $backuppath/$arr[1]-$year$month$day.sql);
 (and change the 'rm' line extension?)


 SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Julio C. Ody
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] gzip from perl script

2005-09-21 Thread Voytek

quote who=Jacinta Richardson
 Voytek wrote:

 My apologies.  Although I do find that it's usually better to to assume
 that people who are asking about an existing Perl program are more often
 literate than they are Perl newbies.  :)

no need to apologize, I'm flattered

 On further thought you proably want to change this die to the following:

 warn Failed to remove $database-$oldyear$oldmonth$oldday.sql.gz: $!;

 as failing to delete might not be important enough to stop doing all the

yes, 'die' was a show stopper, 'warn' is better
(especially as I'm deleting 3 generations prior, anyhow)

I just need to force a 'y' here, or pass to gzip

...screen snip---
gzip: /backup/mysql/postfix-20050922.sql.gz already exists; do you wish to
overwrite (y or n)?

thanks for all the help,


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] gzip from perl script

2005-09-21 Thread Erik de Castro Lopo
Jacinta Richardson wrote:

 Voytek wrote:
  quote who=Jacinta Richardson
   unless( unlink($backuppath/$database-$oldyear$oldmonth$oldday.sql.gz);
 Ah.  Remove the trailing ;  and replace with a ) {

Oh, cool, a Perl person.

One thing thats been bugging me for a while about Perl is the
lack of a butfirst keyword. This would be *really* useful for
constructs like:

   # Huge chunk of code
   # Second huge chunk of code to be executed
   # before the one above.
} ;

  Erik de Castro Lopo
Incompetence, like misery, seeks company. -- Erik Naggum
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