Re: Top List of ICE Nodes That Cover 80% of What You Do With The Toolset

2014-03-20 Thread Enoch Ihde
ah, regarding things like crowdfx  syflex, or the more comprehensive
prebuilt ICE nodes, i think that's all very dependent on what people use
ICE for.
you have a lot of flexibility there.
i've never used the syflex stuff beyond base setups, but i've never really
done must cloth sim stuff recently.
i do rigging and some crowd related things, so i've used some crowdfx, and
cobbled bits of it that i liked together with other things, and lots of
deformation related things for rigs and so forth.

private compounds like the syflex nodes may have a lot of production value
for people that do cloth sims, but crowdfx, for instance, whether it has
production value or not (i have, myself, used it in production), it's a
valuable learning tool for anyone curious about an approach to crowd
simulation, or even how geometry duplication works, etc.

so, if nothing else, it's a great example file, and the value of that is
huge. (there are a many such compound nodes that i don't think i'd want
gotten rid of even if i've never used them, because someday i may learn
something from just deconstructing one).


Re: Autodesk webinar

2014-03-19 Thread Enoch Ihde
lefties get along just fine with alt or s.  the world moves on.

Re: Autodesk webinar

2014-03-19 Thread Enoch Ihde
i'm a lefty, and really haven't had issues using softimage or maya.  way
back in the day in 3ds max, i went to the bother of remapping everything to
the right side of the keyboard, but when i switched to softimage, the
entire num pad was already assigned to commands (i have a weird reluctance
to overwrite existing mappings, just add to them).

of course, a pretty handed agnostic setup would be to have spacebar be the
button to activate camera navigation (certain application comes to mind)..
and then some kind of simple remap mirror setup (with H or whatever being
the axis).

but really, i've never really had any wrist issues, in fact, in many ways,
i think having the right hand on the keyboard works very well for
softimage.  with my index on s, i can easily reach the other frequently hit
keys (7-0, tyui, ]) etc with my pinky

On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 4:32 PM, Raffaele Fragapane wrote:

 I was half poking fun, it's actually a nifty gadget. Doesn't look that
 small (any she said jokes?), but I guess on the right of the keyboard it
 might be viable.
 You could also consider a nostromo game pad at that point. I tried using
 one for a while actually but it didn't click for me, they're not bad
 though, and a good deal cheaper than that pad.

 On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 10:28 AM, Eric Turman i.anima...@gmail.comwrote:

 Its small enough to co-exist with a normal keyboard, so you can still
 script.  Meh, just thought I'd toss it out there for what it was worth.

 On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 6:23 PM, Raffaele Fragapane wrote:

 Moving the keyboard to the right sorts the same effect, though you don't
 get to choose the spacing and rearrange the arc. Neither goes any length to
 addressing the fact that if you frequently both write and interact
 (something Matt does, I'm sure) it's not a viable solution.
 You need your keyboard mostly centered and your wrists more or less
 spaced a certain way. If you're a lefty it's not possible, currently.

 Does XSI fare any better for lefties? I wouldn't know, I'm properly
 handed :p

 On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 10:19 AM, Eric Turman i.anima...@gmail.comwrote:

 I just use this ( with 50 keys and
 call it a day :P that way I don't have to deal with remapping the
 applications because the device switches its keyboard mapping based on
 which application is active.

 Our users will know fear and cower before our software! Ship it! Ship it
 and let them flee like the dogs they are!



 Our users will know fear and cower before our software! Ship it! Ship it
 and let them flee like the dogs they are!

Re: [OT] Autodesk announces 2015 3D product updates.

2014-03-18 Thread Enoch Ihde
looks like they forgot that they're releasing softimage 2015, too.  i know
softimage is getting EOLd and all, but not putting it on their 2015 product
updates page?

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 10:32 AM, Ben Rogall wrote:

Re: Autodesk webinar

2014-03-18 Thread Enoch Ihde
as to maya taking up ridiculous screen real estate with oversized windows,
you need look no farther than the outliner vs the explorer, in terms of
functionality vs screen real estate.
or the attribute editor vs a ppg.  to tear of an attribute editor, you end
up with some ginormous window, try having 3 of those open and still be able
to work...

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 11:50 AM, David Gallagher wrote:

 I'm starting to realize there isn't some new Autodesk software that's
 going to fill this spot, and Maya isn't going to do it even after a few
 years of releases.

 I'm so angry with Autodesk for this absurd move.

 Where do I sign up for the resistance?
 Dave G

 On 3/18/2014 12:34 PM, Paul Griswold wrote:

  Thanks Maurice,

  So the information I have today is - most of my work is done with
 Softimage and there is 0% chance it will be continued.

  Autodesk has a 99% failure rate internally with creating innovative
 products. (your words)

  Autodesk wants me to move to Maya, an old, outdated package that cannot
 do what I need now, requires significant work (scripts, plugins, etc.) to
 make usable, is not conducive to small shops or freelancers, and there is
 no promise that it will ever be able to do what Softimage can do right now.
  Making that move not only moves me back to the junior level, but reduces
 my pay, lowers the quality of my work, and significantly hampers my ability
 to compete.

  Bifrost is being developed at a company with a 99% failure rate with
 creating innovative products.  Bifrost is not an ICE replacement and may
 never be one.

  And, apparently in this industry you should not have all your eggs in
 one basket.  Unfortunately Autodesk bought the goose laying the golden eggs
 and wrung it's neck.  Now there's no more eggs.  I also find it ironic that
 someone from ADSK just said we shouldn't have all our eggs in one basket,
 yet they want everyone to buy suites and are trying to emulate the Adobe
 model  Or was that just something you say because there's really no
 answer for what Autodesk has done?

  Yes, I think I can make a decision based on that information.


 On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 1:47 PM, Maurice Patel

 Hi Paul, Adam
 We do understand that people build their livelihoods on our software.
 This is something we take seriously, although (with good reason)  you might
 find it hard to believe right now. Every year we spend significant
 resources maintaining legacy code so that the new features we add to our
 products don't radically disrupt customers workflows. We really do try not
 to take unnecessary risks with our software. And we have an incredibly long
 track record  of developing software for the long term - one can just look
 at AutoCAD and 3ds Max. Even acquisitions like Flame and Maya have
 continued to be extensively developed at Autodesk as have other product

 We have stated and are committed both to developing our core products and
 to innovating. Our decision to focus on 3ds max and Maya was so we could
 continue to do both adequately (not one or the other). We are a high tech
 company so it wouldn't be realistic to expect us not to try to innovate
 even if the risks are high. That does not mean that is all we do.

 I am not denying that Softimage customers are now facing some challenging
 decisions. But several have said on the forum, and I would personally agree
 with them, that in this industry - as in any high-tech industry - it can be
 risky to have all your eggs in one basket, even if that means looking
 outside of Autodesk (and there are some very interesting solutions out
 there). Giants fall (look at SGI). We are not immune to that either.
 Personally, I do not think that will happen, but no one at Autodesk will
 ever make any explicit guarantees about the future. All I can say is make
 your software decisions based on what you see today - anything else would
 be, to a certain extent, vaporware and speculation, especially the farther
 out you look.


 Maurice Patel
 Autodesk : Tél:  514 954-7134

  From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of Paul Griswold
 Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 12:15 PM
 Subject: Re: Autodesk webinar

  In Softimage we have a production-proven, solid tool.  ICE works TODAY,
 not 2 years from today, not in a dream of a product called Bifrost, but
 right NOW.

 Are you telling everyone here who has based their ENTIRE business around
 Softimage, we should trust Autodesk to have a fully functioning tool ready
 that will do EVERYTHING Softimage can do TODAY by the time Softimage hits
 the end?  We should believe that after you've just admitted that Skyline
 was a failure?

 These aren't a bunch of ideas or concepts here, these are our businesses!
  We feed our families, we pay our bills, we survive based on Softimage and

Re: Top List of ICE Nodes That Cover 80% of What You Do With The Toolset

2014-03-18 Thread Enoch Ihde
i use pretty much all of the generic  general nodes, as i think any user
of ice does.
whether or not people use syflex stuff will depend on if they're doing
syflex specific cloth work.
you understand that this question of which of this list of datatypes do
you use? is a bit ridiculous?
i suppose you're trying to prioritize what to implement and when, but
you're basically saying do you use floats, ints, for loops, arrays, data
comparisons, and logic operations, and which ones do you use the most?
a very odd question, don't you think?

On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 11:40 AM, Chris Vienneau wrote:

 The topic was bringing over ICE graphs into Bifrost. We will not show the
 Bifrost graph in the first version but if you click here (
 you can see what we showed at Siggraph last year in terms of the graph.

 Let me ask a very open question to Paul Doyle. Paul when people say the
 creators of ICE work at Fabric do you agree? Many on the Bifrost team would
 argue they were just as much a part of it than the hard working guys at
 Fabric. I think it is great that there are two companies following this
 path and that will only mean competition which is a good thing but I do
 believe there are many people who came together and not just 1-2 who drove
 the whole thing.

 ICE is a set of base function nodes built into higher order operations
 (compounds) with a super slick visual programming language and strong ways
 of querying scene data. Given we have the source code of ICE we can put in
 nodes that match 1 for 1 the code instead of reverse engineering it which
 is usually where things fall apart in terms of migration tools.

 We can even open this up to the fabric guys who are here so of these node
 types which do you use the most on a daily basis and which do not use or
 find need work:


   *   Color
   *   Constant
   *   Conversion
   *   Data Access
   *   Debugging
   *   Execution
   *   Geometry Queries
   *   Math Basic
   *   Math Comparison
   *   Math Logic
   *   Math Matrix
   *   Math Statistics
   *   Math Trigonometry
   *   Math Vector
   *   Point Cloud
   *   Rotation
   *   Simulation
   *   String
   *   Topology
   *   Crowds
   *   Syflex Simul
   *   Syflex Force
   *   Syflex Collision

filling ice attribute with per frame pointposition data

2014-01-14 Thread Enoch Ihde
i'm trying to fill an iceattribute with per frame point data:
here's what i've got

(this assumes a grid in the scene with a shape that's moving some points,
animated on frame 1 and 2, although... i guess the principle is the same
regardless of whether it's moving or not)
### snip

import win32com
from win32com.client import constants as c
xsi = win32com.client.Dispatch('XSI.Application').Application

obj = xsi.Dictionary.GetObject('grid')
attr = obj.ActivePrimitive.AddICEAttribute('PerFramePointData',
c.siICENodeDataVector3, c.siICENodeStructureArray,

inFrame = 1
outFrame = 2

pointsPerFrameArray = []
for frame in range(inFrame, outFrame + 1):

attr.DataArray2D = pointsPerFrameArray

print attr.DataArray2D

it yields:
WARNING: 3392 - Invalid offset specified while extracting data from this
attribute: Attribute: PerFramePointData Offset: 120241952

and i end up with an empty attribute.
what's the proper method of filling a DataArray2D attribute?


Re: fastest way through script to get all parameters in a scene of certain value?

2013-02-28 Thread Enoch Ihde
sorry, i wasn't really clear.  i'm aware the tagging bit was slow, i
couldn't be bothered to tag it object modelwise.

i'm referring only to the value retrieval of the parameter.  not the setup

# INFO : 0.788785183814 seconds --- accessing 3618 parameters's values by

# INFO : 2.12563553863 seconds  --- accesssing 3618 parameters's values by

# INFO : 7.84713397563  accessing 3618 parameter's values by

tagging is by far the fastest, but in imo, is unacceptably slow.
compare that to a method such as IsSelected(), getting a report on a large
number of objects is negligible.

On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 10:29 PM, Matt Lind ml...@carbinestudios.comwrote:

 The slowness is coming from using the Tag() command.  Try using the object
 model to cut out the middle man:

 ** **

 // Jscript


 ** **

 function main()


 var oItems = ActiveSceneRoot.FindChildren2();


 LogMessage( oItems.Count );


 for ( var i = oItems.Count - 1; i = 0; i--) {


 var oItem   = oItems(i);

 var oParameter  = oItem.Properties(
 Visibility ).Parameters( viewvis );

 oParameter.Tags = siTagNone;





 ** **

 ** **

 If the parameters you are attempting to modify have a large degree of
 consistency in name and location, you can use some of Softimage’s wildcards
 to find them faster:

 ** **

 var oParameters = XSIFactory.CreateActiveXObject( “XSI.Collection” );

 oParameters.Unique = true;

 ** **

 // Get viewvis and rendvis parameters of the visibility
 property on each X3DObject

 oParameters.items = “*.visibility.{viewvis,rendvis}”;

 ** **

 LogMessage( oParameters.Count );

 ** **

 If there is a large degree of consistency in the parameter fullname, you
 can apply values to the parameters en masse very efficiently:

 ** **

 SetValue( “*.visibility.{viewvis,rendvis}, false );

 ** **

 ** **


 ** **

 ** **

 ** **

 ** **

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Enoch Ihde
 *Sent:* Wednesday, February 27, 2013 9:55 PM
 *To:* softimage
 *Subject:* Re: fastest way through script to get all parameters in a
 scene of certain value?

 ** **

 better stated: certain parameter name, not value, apologies, running
 behind on sleep, words are challenging. 

 On Feb 27, 2013 7:54 PM, Enoch Ihde wrote:

 these are the three methods i've tried.

 using tags is the fastest, but a little prohibitive, as you have to have
 anticipated needing to get a param quickly, so it must be tagged in
 advance.  also, even with getting by tags, performance imo is pretty poor.

 results on my machine from the code below:
 # INFO : object count is 3618
 # INFO : 0.788785183814
 # INFO : tagged param count is 3618
 # INFO : 2.12563553863
 # INFO : 7.84713397563


 is there a better way?


 import time
 import win32com.client
 xsi= win32com.client.Dispatch( XSI.Application ).Application
 xsiPrint = xsi.LogMessage
 from win32com.client import constants as c
 items = xsi.ActiveSceneRoot.FindChildren2()

 # this bit is really slow

 for item in items:
 xsi.Tag(item.fullname + '.visibility.viewvis', c.siTag1)
 xsiPrint('object count is ' + str(items.count))

  and only needs to be run once

 t = time.clock()
 val = xsi.ActiveSceneRoot.TaggedParameters(c.siTag1, False)
 for v in val:
 someStuff = v.value
 xsiPrint(time.clock() - t)

 xsiPrint('tagged param count is ' + str(val.count))

 t = time.clock()
 for obj in items:
 vis = obj.GetPropertyFromName2(Visibility)
 v = vis.viewvis.value
 xsiPrint(time.clock() - t)

 t = time.clock()
 for obj in items:
 vis = obj.Properties('visibility').Parameters('viewvis').value

 xsiPrint(time.clock() - t)





Re: fastest way through script to get all parameters in a scene of certain value?

2013-02-27 Thread Enoch Ihde
better stated: certain parameter name, not value, apologies, running behind
on sleep, words are challenging.
On Feb 27, 2013 7:54 PM, Enoch Ihde wrote:

 these are the three methods i've tried.
 using tags is the fastest, but a little prohibitive, as you have to have
 anticipated needing to get a param quickly, so it must be tagged in
 advance.  also, even with getting by tags, performance imo is pretty poor.

 results on my machine from the code below:
 # INFO : object count is 3618
 # INFO : 0.788785183814
 # INFO : tagged param count is 3618
 # INFO : 2.12563553863
 # INFO : 7.84713397563

 is there a better way?

 import time
 import win32com.client
 xsi= win32com.client.Dispatch( XSI.Application ).Application
 xsiPrint = xsi.LogMessage
 from win32com.client import constants as c
 items = xsi.ActiveSceneRoot.FindChildren2()

 # this bit is really slow
 for item in items:
 xsi.Tag(item.fullname + '.visibility.viewvis', c.siTag1)
 xsiPrint('object count is ' + str(items.count))
  and only needs to be run once

 t = time.clock()
 val = xsi.ActiveSceneRoot.TaggedParameters(c.siTag1, False)
 for v in val:
 someStuff = v.value
 xsiPrint(time.clock() - t)

 xsiPrint('tagged param count is ' + str(val.count))

 t = time.clock()
 for obj in items:
 vis = obj.GetPropertyFromName2(Visibility)
 v = vis.viewvis.value
 xsiPrint(time.clock() - t)

 t = time.clock()
 for obj in items:
 vis = obj.Properties('visibility').Parameters('viewvis').value
 xsiPrint(time.clock() - t)

