Re: I cant get it to work

2009-12-15 Thread regany

I've only just started with Solr too.

As a newbie, first I'd say forget about trying to compare it to your mysql

It's completely different and performs it's own job in it's own way. You
feed a document in, and you store that information in the most efficient
manner you can to perform the search and return the results you want.

So ask, what do I want to search against?


That's what you feed into Solr.

Then ask, what information do I want to return after a search? This
determines how you store the information you've just fed into Solr. Say
you want to return:


Then you might accept field1, field2, and field3 and merge them together
into 1 searchable field called searchtext. This is what users will search
against. Then you'd also have field2 as another field.

field2 (not indexed, stored)
searchtext (combination of field1,field2,field2 - indexed, not stored)

So then you could search against searchtext and return field2 as the

Hope that provides some explanation (I know it's basic). From my very
limited experience with, Solr is great. My biggest hurdle was getting my
head around the fact that it's NOT a relational database (ie. mysql) but a
separate tool that you configure  in the best way for your search and only
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Anyone using Solr PHP extension on OS X?

2009-12-12 Thread regany

Just wondering if anyone has successfully installed the Solr PHP extension on

I've got OS X Server 10.4.11 and specifically wanted to know if anyone has
got the Solr PHP extension to work with the standard apple install of

Then I'll know if I've got a config problem or need to install Tomcat. :)


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SolrClient::query(): Solr HTTP Error : 'Couldn't connect to server'

2009-12-11 Thread regany

hi, I've (hopefully correctly) install the solr php extension.

But I'm receiving the following error when trying to run my test script:

SolrClient::query(): Solr HTTP Error : 'Couldn't connect to server'

Any ideas how to figure out why it's giving the error??



/* Domain name of the Solr server */
define('SOLR_SERVER_HOSTNAME', 'localhost');

define('SOLR_SERVER_PATH', '/solr/core0');

/* Whether or not to run in secure mode */
define('SOLR_SECURE', false );

/* HTTP Port to connection */
define('SOLR_SERVER_PORT', ((SOLR_SECURE) ? 8443 : 8983));

$options = array(


$client = new SolrClient($options);
$query = new SolrQuery();
$query_response = $client-Query($query);
$respose = $query_response-getResponse();


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Sol server is not set up ??

2009-12-11 Thread regany


I'm trying to successfully build/install the PHP Solr Extension, but am
running into an error when doing a make test - the following 4 tests fail,
the other 17 pass. The Solr server is definately running because I can
access it via the admin URL. Anyone know what else may be causing the make
test to think teh solr server is not set up???


Running selected tests.
TEST 1/21 [tests/solrclient_001.phpt]
SKIP SolrClient::addDocument() - Sending a single document to the Solr
server [tests/solrclient_001.phpt] reason: Solr server is not set up
TEST 2/21 [tests/solrclient_002.phpt]
SKIP SolrClient::addDocuments() - sending multiple documents to the Solr
server [tests/solrclient_002.phpt] reason: Solr server is not set up
TEST 3/21 [tests/solrclient_003.phpt]
SKIP SolrClient::addDocuments() - sending a cloned document
[tests/solrclient_003.phpt] reason: Solr server is not set up
TEST 4/21 [tests/solrclient_004.phpt]
SKIP SolrClient::query() - Sending a chained query request
[tests/solrclient_004.phpt] reason: Solr server is not set up
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auto-starting Solr on OS X ?

2009-12-11 Thread regany


does anyone know how you go about setting up Solr so it auto starts after a
reboot etc on OS X?



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Re: Apache solr for multiple searches

2009-12-08 Thread regany

Bhuvi HN wrote:
 Can we have one single instance of the Apache Solr running for both the
 search like Job search and resume search.

Yes, you want to run a multicore (multiple index) setup - see:

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do copyField's need to exist as Fields?

2009-12-08 Thread regany


(solr newbie alert)

I want to pass 4 fields into Solr

1. id (unique)
2. title
3. subtitle
4. body

but only want to index and store 2:

1. id (unique)
2. text (copyField of id, title, subtitle, body).

The search then searches on text, and returns only matching id's.

When I set up the 2 fields, and the copyFields, it doesn't seem to work. I'm
guessing for a copyField to work you need to have fields with the same name
already set.

Is there a different way I should be setting it up to achieve the above??

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Re: do copyField's need to exist as Fields?

2009-12-08 Thread regany

regany wrote:
 Is there a different way I should be setting it up to achieve the above??

Think I figured it out.

I set up the fields so they are present, but get ignored accept for the
text field which gets indexed...

field  name=id type=text indexed=true stored=true
multiValued=false required=true /
field name=title stored=false indexed=false multiValued=true
type=text /
field name=subtitle stored=false indexed=false multiValued=true
type=text /
field name=body stored=false indexed=false multiValued=true
type=text /
field name=text type=text indexed=true stored=false
multiValued=true /

and then copyField the first 4 fields to the text field:

copyField source=id dest=text /
copyField source=title dest=text /
copyField source=subtitle dest=text /
copyField source=body dest=text /

Seems to be working!? :drunk:
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Solr usage with Auctions/Classifieds?

2009-12-08 Thread regany


just wondering if anyone is using Solr as their search for an auction /
classified site, and if so how have you managed your setup in general? ie.
searching against listings that may have expired etc.

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bool default - if missing when updating uses current or default value?

2009-12-08 Thread regany


if I have a booleen fieldType (solr.BoolField) with a default value of
true, and I insert a new document I understand that the booleen value will
be set to TRUE.

But if I update an existing document, and I don't pass in a value for the
booleen field, will Solr keep the existing booleen value unchanged, or will
it update the booleen value again using the default? - ie. true.


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how to set CORE when using Apache Solr extension?

2009-12-07 Thread regany


Can anyone tell me how you set which Solr CORE to use when using the Apache
Solr extension? (Using Solr with multicores)

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Re: Stopping Starting

2009-12-07 Thread regany

Lee Smith-6 wrote:
 So how can I stop and restart the service ?
 Hope you can help get me going again.
 Thank you

I found this shell script which works well for me...

#!/bin/sh -e

# Starts, stops, and restarts solr

JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xmx1024m -DSTOP.PORT=8079 -DSTOP.KEY=stopkey -jar start.jar

case $1 in
echo Starting Solr
echo Stopping Solr
$0 stop
sleep 1
$0 start
echo Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart} 2
exit 1

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why no results?

2009-12-07 Thread regany

hi all - newbie solr question - I've indexed some documents and can search /
receive results using the following schema - BUT ONLY when searching on the
id field. If I try searching on the title, subtitle, body or text field I
receive NO results. Very confused. :confused: Can anyone see anything
obvious I'm doing wrong Regan.

?xml version=1.0 ?

schema name=core0 version=1.1

fieldtype name=string class=solr.StrField
sortMissingLast=true omitNorms=true /

!-- general --
field  name=id type=string indexed=true stored=true
multiValued=false required=true /
field name=title type=string indexed=true stored=true
multiValued=false /
field name=subtitle type=string indexed=true stored=true
multiValued=false /
field name=body type=string indexed=true stored=true
multiValued=false /
field name=text type=string indexed=true stored=false
multiValued=true /

 !-- field to use to determine and enforce document uniqueness. --

 !-- field for the QueryParser to use when an explicit fieldname is absent

 !-- SolrQueryParser configuration: defaultOperator=AND|OR --
 solrQueryParser defaultOperator=OR/

 !-- copyFields group fields into one single searchable indexed field for
speed.  --
copyField source=title dest=text /
copyField source=subtitle dest=text /
copyField source=body dest=text /


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Re: why no results?

2009-12-07 Thread regany

Tom Hill-7 wrote:
 That's a common one to get bit by. The string

You lost me Tom? I Think your message got cut off. I'm guessing something to
do with the string type??
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Re: why no results?

2009-12-07 Thread regany

Tom Hill-7 wrote:
 Try solr.TextField instead.

Thanks Tom,

I've replaced the types section above with...

fieldtype name=string class=solr.TextField
sortMissingLast=true omitNorms=true /

deleted my index, restarted Solr and re-indexed my documents - but the
search still returns nothing.

Do I need to change the type in the fields sections as well?

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parsing the raw query string?

2009-12-05 Thread regany

I've just found solr and am looking at what's involved to work with it. All
the examples I've seen only ever use 1 word search terms being implemented
as examples, which doesn't help me trying to see how multiple word queries
work. It also looks like a hell of a lot of processing needs to be done on
the raw query string even before you can pass it to solr (in PHP) - is
everyone processing the query string first and building a custom call to
solr, or is there a query string parser I've missed somewhere? I can't even
find what operators (if any) are able to be used in the raw query string in
the online docs (maybe there aren't any??). Any help or points in the right
direction would be appreciated.
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