RE: Fedora License List Review

2014-03-05 Thread zwhite
Quick reminder to the group: please submit your feedback on the matter of adding the below-identified licenses to the SPDX License List. Your timely submissions will allow us to discuss outstanding issues at tomorrow's bi-weekly Legal Team call. Thanks!Zak WhiteEntente Software LLC570 El Camino Real #150-103Redwood City, CA 94065Phone: (650) 

 Original Message 
Subject: Fedora License List Review
From: <>
Date: Thu, February 20, 2014 2:47 pm

SPDX Legal Team,On today's call, we did not have a quorum present for decisions regarding the addition of new licenses to the SPDX License List from the list of "Fedora Good Licenses". Since we have other items that are pending the completion of this review, we have decided to keep the review moving by completing the remaining licenses via email.We hope to establish a weekly cadence for the review of these licenses in order to make our way through the 100+ remaining licenses before the Linux Collaboration Summit starts on March 26. If we have agreement among 3 members with no dissenting opinions or outstanding questions, then the license will be marked "approved" on the master Tracking Sheet (link available at bottom of email).Listed below are the 12 licenses from the Fedora list that were marked for review this week. Please reply to this email string with your input regarding any or all of these 12 licenses. Feel free to mark up the table below, edit the live Tracking Sheet, or just describe your feedback in email. Your participation is greatly appreciated!   License Full NameFedora Short NameLicense URLIssuesCommentsProposed Short IdentifierBorceux licenseBorceux license. May be single package license.JL: how to deal with individual filenames, though? ZW: very narrow (lists files) DC: way too file-specific. Recommend that we do not add this one.BorceuxCopyright Attribution OnlyCopyright only "license" that requires copyright onlyDC: I'm not sure that the SPDX license list really needs these kinds of licenses. Being short and simple (simplistic) they might be best provided as text in an SPDX file rather than by a license name.?Crystal Stacker LicenseCrystal Stacker license. May be single package license. from: crystal_stacker-1.5-src/cs/readme.txt Crystal Stacker (c) 2006 NewCreature Design --- Crystal Stacker is freeware. This means you can pass copies around freely provided you include this document in it's original form in your distribution. Please see the "Contacting Us" section of this document if you need to contact us for any reason. Disclaimer -- NewCreature Design makes no guarantees regarding the Crystal Stacker software. We are not responsible for damages caused by it, though the software is not known to cause any problems. If you have trouble with the software, see the "Contacting Us" section of this document. 2 --> crystal_stacker-1.5-src/ce/ce.txt Crystal Edit (c) 2006 NewCreature Design  Crystal Edit is freeware. This means you can pass copies around freely provided you include this document in it's original form in your distribution. Please see the "Contacting Us" section of this document if you need to contact us for any reason. Disclaimer -- NewCreature Design makes no guarantees regarding the Crystal Edit software. We are not responsible for damages caused by it, though the software is not known to cause any problems. If you have trouble with the software, see the "Contacting Us" section of this document. 3 --> from: crystal_stacker-1.5-src/cs/source.txt Crystal Stacker Source (c) 2006 NewCreature Design -- License --- The source code is provided as-is and you may do with it whatsoever you please provided that you include this file in its unmodified form with any new distri- bution. NewCreature Design makes no gaurantees regarding the usability of the source but are willing to help with any problems you might run into. Please see the "Contacting Us" section of this document if you need to get in touch with us about any issues you have regarding the source. 4 --> crystal_stacker-1.5-src/ce/readme.txt Crystal Edit Source (c) 2006 NewCreature Design --- License --- The source code is provided as-is and you may do with it whatsoever you please provided that you include this file in its unmodified form with any new distri- bution. NewCreature Design makes no gaurantees regarding the usability of the source but are willing to help with any problems y

Fedora License List Review

2014-02-20 Thread zwhite
SPDX Legal Team,On today's call, we did not have a quorum present for decisions regarding the addition of new licenses to the SPDX License List from the list of "Fedora Good Licenses". Since we have other items that are pending the completion of this review, we have decided to keep the review moving by completing the remaining licenses via email.We hope to establish a weekly cadence for the review of these licenses in order to make our way through the 100+ remaining licenses before the Linux Collaboration Summit starts on March 26. If we have agreement among 3 members with no dissenting opinions or outstanding questions, then the license will be marked "approved" on the master Tracking Sheet (link available at bottom of email).Listed below are the 12 licenses from the Fedora list that were marked for review this week. Please reply to this email string with your input regarding any or all of these 12 licenses. Feel free to mark up the table below, edit the live Tracking Sheet, or just describe your feedback in email. Your participation is greatly appreciated!License Full NameFedora Short NameLicense URLIssuesCommentsProposed Short IdentifierBorceux licenseBorceux license. May be single package license.JL: how to deal with individual filenames, though? ZW: very narrow (lists files) DC: way too file-specific. Recommend that we do not add this one.BorceuxCopyright Attribution OnlyCopyright only "license" that requires copyright onlyDC: I'm not sure that the SPDX license list really needs these kinds of licenses. Being short and simple (simplistic) they might be best provided as text in an SPDX file rather than by a license name.?Crystal Stacker LicenseCrystal Stacker license. May be single package license. from: crystal_stacker-1.5-src/cs/readme.txt

Crystal Stacker (c) 2006 NewCreature Design
Crystal Stacker is freeware. 
This means you can pass copies around freely provided you include this document in it's original form in your distribution. 
Please see the "Contacting Us" section of this document if you need to contact us for any reason.

NewCreature Design makes no guarantees regarding the Crystal Stacker software. 
We are not responsible for damages caused by it, though the software is not known to cause any problems. 
If you have trouble with the software, see the "Contacting Us" section of this document.

2 --> crystal_stacker-1.5-src/ce/ce.txt

Crystal Edit (c) 2006 NewCreature Design

Crystal Edit is freeware. 
This means you can pass copies around freely provided you include this document in it's original form in your distribution.
Please see the "Contacting Us" section of this document if you need to contact us for any reason.

NewCreature Design makes no guarantees regarding the Crystal Edit software.
We are not responsible for damages caused by it, though the software is not known to cause any problems. 
If you have trouble with the software, see the "Contacting Us" section of this document.

3 --> from: crystal_stacker-1.5-src/cs/source.txt

Crystal Stacker Source (c) 2006 NewCreature Design
The source code is provided as-is and you may do with it whatsoever you please provided that you include this file in its unmodified form with any new distri-
NewCreature Design makes no gaurantees regarding the usability of the source but are willing to help with any problems you might run into. 
Please see the "Contacting Us" section of this document if you need to get in touch with us about any issues you have regarding the source.

4 --> crystal_stacker-1.5-src/ce/readme.txt

Crystal Edit Source (c) 2006 NewCreature Design
The source code is provided as-is and you may do with it whatsoever you please provided that you include this file in its unmodified form with any new distri-
NewCreature Design makes no gaurantees regarding the usability of the source but are willing to help with any problems you might run into. 
Please see the "Contacting Us" section of this document if you need to get in touch with us about any issues you have regarding the source.


- The download has two main directories: "ce" and "cs" - which I presume correlates to Crystal Stacker and Crystal Edit
- Although the .txt file naming in each directory is not consistent, each contains two different licenses - i.e. 1 and 3 in the "cs" directory; 2 and 4 in the "ce" directory
- 1 and 2 are the same save for the project name (which can be accommodated via the licensing matching template) and very close to what Fedora has on their site, but not exactly. I

Fedora License List Review

2013-11-07 Thread zwhite
SPDX Legal:The Google doc tracking sheet has been updated with today's discussions: next 8 licenses for review are highlighted in green, beginning on line 28 of the above-linked list. Lines 34-38 are BSD-style licenses, some of which are very similar to existing licenses on the SPDX List. We will need to determine whether these are distinct licenses, and how to address the short identifiers.Thanks!Zak WhiteEntente Software LLC570 El Camino Real #150-103Redwood City, CA 94065Phone: (650) 
Spdx-legal mailing list

Re: Fedora license list review

2013-11-06 Thread Jilayne Lovejoy
I added some notes as well, but I think I colored outside the green lines… :)  

I also added a column regarding the short identifiers to indicate when they are 
different from Fedora's.  This is a key part of this task; that is, to track 
where they are different (which is inevitable) so that some kind of 
"equivalency" or "translation" document can be created.  


SPDX Legal Team lead

On Nov 6, 2013, at 1:26 PM, Dennis Clark  wrote:

> Hi Legal Group, 
> I added a few comments on the latest green-highlighted group on the Fedora 
> list.  These are pretty obscure!  Looking forward to other comments.
> Regards,
> Dennis Clark
> nexB, Inc.
> On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 4:22 PM,  wrote:
> Thank you to everyone who participated in the review of the below-referenced 
> licenses on the SPDX Legal call this week. 7 licenses were approved for 
> inclusion in the SPDX List and one was deferred for further discussion. The 
> next 8 licenses for review are now highlighted in green on our shared 
> document linked below. Please insert your comments for review at the 11/7 
> meeting. Thanks!
> Zak White
> Entente Software LLC
> 570 El Camino Real #150-103
> Redwood City, CA 94065
> Phone: (650) 489-6851
>  Original Message 
> Subject: RE: Fedora license list review
> From: 
> Date: Mon, October 21, 2013 5:48 pm
> To: "SPDX-legal" 
> Cc: Tom Callaway 
> SPDX Legal Team,
> We have 8 licenses from the Fedora License List that are current candidates 
> for inclusion in the SPDX License List. Prior to Thursday's call, please 
> review the Fedora Good List working document 
> (
>  and insert your comments/questions/recommendations in the Comments column 
> for each of the 8 green-highlighted items. We will include additional 
> licenses from the Fedora License List in future rounds.
> SPDX guidelines for license inclusion are available on the License List 
> Overview page:
> I look forward to reviewing with the team.
> Zak White
> Entente Software LLC
> 570 El Camino Real #150-103
> Redwood City, CA 94065
> Phone: (650) 489-6851
>  Original Message 
> Subject: Fedora license list review
> From: Jilayne Lovejoy 
> Date: Fri, September 27, 2013 11:45 am
> To: SPDX-legal 
> Cc: Tom Callaway 
> To speed up progress on reviewing the Fedora license list for licenses that 
> are not on the SPDX License List and should be added, we will undertake the 
> following process:
> Legal Team members to review a set of licenses on the list and provide 
> comments in the shared Google spreadsheet.
> A new set of licenses will be added (via color highlighting in the 
> spreadsheet) each week
> If all commenters agree the license should be added, it will be marked to be 
> added to the SPDX License List and a short identifier determined
> Any discussion needed about a particular license will be done at the next 
> scheduled Legal Team meeting
> Final decisions on short identifiers will be done at the next scheduled Legal 
> Team meeting
> PLEASE read the license list overview information first: 
> The Google spreadsheet is located here:  
> Current licenses to be reviewed are highlighted in green rows.
> Please add comments in one of the columns with a red highlighted header call, 
> putting your name at the top; add more comment columns as needed (so each 
> person who comments has their own column)  -- follow my example 
> Please add suggestions re: short identifiers in that appropriate column (red 
> highlighting in header cell)
> Questions?  Need access to the Google spreadsheet?  let me know.
> Cheers.
> Jilayne Lovejoy
> SPDX Legal Team lead
> ___
> Spdx-legal mailing list
> ___
> Spdx-legal mailing list
> ___
> Spdx-legal mailing

Re: Fedora license list review

2013-11-06 Thread Dennis Clark
Hi Legal Group,

I added a few comments on the latest green-highlighted group on the Fedora
list.  These are pretty obscure!  Looking forward to other comments.

Dennis Clark
nexB, Inc.

On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 4:22 PM,  wrote:

> Thank you to everyone who participated in the review of the
> below-referenced licenses on the SPDX Legal call this week. 7 licenses were
> approved for inclusion in the SPDX List and one was deferred for further
> discussion. The next 8 licenses for review are now highlighted in green on
> our shared document linked below. Please insert your comments for review at
> the 11/7 meeting. Thanks!
> *Zak White*
> *Entente Software LLC* <>
> 570 El Camino Real #150-103
> Redwood City, CA 94065
> Phone: (650) 489-6851
> * *
>  ---- Original Message 
> Subject: RE: Fedora license list review
> From: 
> Date: Mon, October 21, 2013 5:48 pm
> To: "SPDX-legal" 
> Cc: Tom Callaway 
> SPDX Legal Team,
> We have 8 licenses from the Fedora License List that are current
> candidates for inclusion in the SPDX License List. Prior to Thursday's
> call, please review the Fedora Good List working document (
> and insert your comments/questions/recommendations in the Comments column
> for each of the 8 green-highlighted items. We will include additional
> licenses from the Fedora License List in future rounds.
> SPDX guidelines for license inclusion are available on the License List
> Overview page:
> I look forward to reviewing with the team.
> *Zak White*
> *Entente Software LLC* <>
> 570 El Camino Real #150-103
> Redwood City, CA 94065
> Phone: (650) 489-6851
> * *
>   Original Message 
> Subject: Fedora license list review
> From: Jilayne Lovejoy 
> Date: Fri, September 27, 2013 11:45 am
> To: SPDX-legal 
> Cc: Tom Callaway 
> To speed up progress on reviewing the Fedora license list for licenses
> that are not on the SPDX License List and should be added, we will
> undertake the following process:
>1. Legal Team members to review a set of licenses on the list and
>provide comments in the shared Google spreadsheet.
>2. A new set of licenses will be added (via color highlighting in the
>spreadsheet) each week
>3. If all commenters agree the license should be added, it will be
>marked to be added to the SPDX License List and a short identifier
>4. Any discussion needed about a particular license will be done at
>the next scheduled Legal Team meeting
>5. Final decisions on short identifiers will be done at the next
>scheduled Legal Team meeting
> PLEASE read the license list overview information first:
> The Google spreadsheet is located here:
>1. Current licenses to be reviewed are highlighted in green rows.
>2. Please add comments in one of the columns with a red highlighted
>header call, putting your name at the top; add more comment columns as
>needed (so each person who comments has their own column)  -- follow my
>3. Please add suggestions re: short identifiers in that appropriate
>column (red highlighting in header cell)
> Questions?  Need access to the Google spreadsheet?  let me know.
> Cheers.
> Jilayne Lovejoy
> SPDX Legal Team lead
> --
> ___
> Spdx-legal mailing list
> --
> ___
> Spdx-legal mailing list
> ___
> Spdx-legal mailing list
Spdx-legal mailing list

RE: Fedora license list review

2013-10-25 Thread zwhite
Thank you to everyone who participated in the review of the below-referenced licenses on the SPDX Legal call this week. 7 licenses were approved for inclusion in the SPDX List and one was deferred for further discussion. The next 8 licenses for review are now highlighted in green on our shared document linked below. Please insert your comments for review at the 11/7 meeting. Thanks! WhiteEntente Software LLC570 El Camino Real #150-103Redwood City, CA 94065Phone: (650) 

 Original Message 
Subject: RE: Fedora license list review
From: <>
Date: Mon, October 21, 2013 5:48 pm
To: "SPDX-legal" <>
Cc: Tom Callaway <>

SPDX Legal Team,We have 8 licenses from the Fedora License List that are current candidates for inclusion in the SPDX License List. Prior to Thursday's call, please review the Fedora Good List working document ( and insert your comments/questions/recommendations in the Comments column for each of the 8 green-highlighted items. We will include additional licenses from the Fedora License List in future rounds.SPDX guidelines for license inclusion are available on the License List Overview page: look forward to reviewing with the team.Zak WhiteEntente Software LLC570 El Camino Real #150-103Redwood City, CA 94065Phone: (650) Original Message ---- Subject: Fedora license list review From: Jilayne Lovejoy <> Date: Fri, September 27, 2013 11:45 am To: SPDX-legal <> Cc: Tom Callaway <>  To speed up progress on reviewing the Fedora license list for licenses that are not on the SPDX License List and should be added, we will undertake the following process:Legal Team members to review a set of licenses on the list and provide comments in the shared Google spreadsheet.A new set of licenses will be added (via color highlighting in the spreadsheet) each weekIf all commenters agree the license should be added, it will be marked to be added to the SPDX License List and a short identifier determinedAny discussion needed about a particular license will be done at the next scheduled Legal Team meetingFinal decisions on short identifiers will be done at the next scheduled Legal Team meetingPLEASE read the license list overview information first: Google spreadsheet is located here: licenses to be reviewed are highlighted in green rows.Please add comments in one of the columns with a red highlighted header call, putting your name at the top; add more comment columns as needed (so each person who comments has their own column)  -- follow my example Please add suggestions re: short identifiers in that appropriate column (red highlighting in header cell)Questions?  Need access to the Google spreadsheet?  let me know.Cheers. Jilayne LovejoySPDX Legal Team  ___ Spdx-legal mailing list   ___
Spdx-legal mailing list

Spdx-legal mailing list

RE: Fedora license list review

2013-10-21 Thread zwhite
SPDX Legal Team,We have 8 licenses from the Fedora License List that are current candidates for inclusion in the SPDX License List. Prior to Thursday's call, please review the Fedora Good List working document ( and insert your comments/questions/recommendations in the Comments column for each of the 8 green-highlighted items. We will include additional licenses from the Fedora License List in future rounds.SPDX guidelines for license inclusion are available on the License List Overview page: look forward to reviewing with the team.Zak WhiteEntente Software LLC570 El Camino Real #150-103Redwood City, CA 94065Phone: (650) 

 Original Message 
Subject: Fedora license list review
From: Jilayne Lovejoy <>
Date: Fri, September 27, 2013 11:45 am
To: SPDX-legal <>
Cc: Tom Callaway <>

To speed up progress on reviewing the Fedora license list for licenses that are not on the SPDX License List and should be added, we will undertake the following process:Legal Team members to review a set of licenses on the list and provide comments in the shared Google spreadsheet.A new set of licenses will be added (via color highlighting in the spreadsheet) each weekIf all commenters agree the license should be added, it will be marked to be added to the SPDX License List and a short identifier determinedAny discussion needed about a particular license will be done at the next scheduled Legal Team meetingFinal decisions on short identifiers will be done at the next scheduled Legal Team meetingPLEASE read the license list overview information first: Google spreadsheet is located here: licenses to be reviewed are highlighted in green rows.Please add comments in one of the columns with a red highlighted header call, putting your name at the top; add more comment columns as needed (so each person who comments has their own column)  -- follow my example Please add suggestions re: short identifiers in that appropriate column (red highlighting in header cell)Questions?  Need access to the Google spreadsheet?  let me know.Cheers. Jilayne LovejoySPDX Legal Team  ___
Spdx-legal mailing list

Spdx-legal mailing list

Fedora license list review

2013-09-27 Thread Jilayne Lovejoy
To speed up progress on reviewing the Fedora license list for licenses that are 
not on the SPDX License List and should be added, we will undertake the 
following process:
Legal Team members to review a set of licenses on the list and provide comments 
in the shared Google spreadsheet.
A new set of licenses will be added (via color highlighting in the spreadsheet) 
each week
If all commenters agree the license should be added, it will be marked to be 
added to the SPDX License List and a short identifier determined
Any discussion needed about a particular license will be done at the next 
scheduled Legal Team meeting
Final decisions on short identifiers will be done at the next scheduled Legal 
Team meeting

PLEASE read the license list overview information first:
The Google spreadsheet is located here:

Current licenses to be reviewed are highlighted in green rows.
Please add comments in one of the columns with a red highlighted header call, 
putting your name at the top; add more comment columns as needed (so each 
person who comments has their own column)  -- follow my example 
Please add suggestions re: short identifiers in that appropriate column (red 
highlighting in header cell)
Questions?  Need access to the Google spreadsheet?  let me know.


Jilayne Lovejoy
SPDX Legal Team lead

Spdx-legal mailing list