[ANNOUNCE] SPDX has been accepted as a mentoring organization for the Google Summer of Code 2017

2017-02-28 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
A good news came in yesterday: SPDX has been accepted as a mentoring
organization for the Google Summer of Code 2017 thanks to Gary's hard
work. I look forward to contribute as an admin and mentor!

See https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/organizations/6438746388955136/

Practically we should expect to have a couple or a few students
allocated to work and contribute to SPDX tools and technologies and
this is a great validation and recognition of the project and the
community efforts.

The next important date for the GSOC is March 20, 2017 when students
can start applying and submit their project proposals.

You can see all the accepted orgs here:
The Linux foundation open printing project is also an accepted organization.

As a side note, http://aboutcode.org which is nexB's FOSS master
project has also been accepted as a mentoring organization and we have
several SPDX-related projects ideas there too:

Philippe Ombredanne
Spdx-tech mailing list

minutes from last week's Tech concall

2017-02-28 Thread Bill Schineller
Hi Team,
   Attached are the minutes I took from last week’s tech concall.

  I won’t be able to be on call today due to conflict, but I will ask Yev to 
dial in from Black Duck.

Thomas Steenbergen: thank you for all your recent activity and ideas!

Bill Schineller
VP Engineering - KnowledgeBase
Black Duck Software
508-308-5921 (cell)

2017-02-12 SPDX Technical subteam concall

Yev Bronshteyn (Black Duck)
Bill Schineller (Black Duck)
Jack Manbeck (TI)
Thomas Steenbergen (Here)  thomas.steenber...@here.com
Wayne (Eclipse Foundation)

1)   Google summer of code update
submitted app, won't hear til end of next week
some wiki reorganization,  needs cleanup.  Jack want Kate, Jilayne ...
Project page became mishmash of GSOC and other projects
Jack created new:
  - history page
  - application page (the application we turned in)
  - dedicated project page..
  - separate ideas page
Jack wants to remove some of the 

4 people/mentors stepped up
Matt G, talib? NexB, Jack TI,  Gary

May remove the 'GIT' project (no appropriately scoped for GSOC?)

Yev:   tooling for consuming SPDXgain insight.  Yev got some feedback from 
MSFT people.   Jack: would be nice to have desktop tool, but can't do all, 
having standard and let others do..

Yev:   would be good to separate out from the big bundle of SPDX tools.  
separate project

Jack:  really wants whitepapers from company's use of SPDX, obstacles, how 
walked around

2)  Yev's presentation - Turtle, Kate was receptive
Use Case: make readable SPDX files that can be queried.

EXPECTATION:  Kate plans to reach out to Tomas and Phillipe   when she is in 

Thomas: interested...  he wonders why tag value and not just plain YAML...  
   his initial look at turtle, still not editable.
Yev: in a nutshell, proposal was to further constrain  Turtle to make it much 
more readable and editable 

3) License Template outcome from Leadership 

Jack:  status of migrating the license templates to XML so easier for tools. In 
process. Jilayne needs help, a bunch volunteered to help. 
On outreach call expect Jilayne will do show and tell
Gary/Jack to come up with DTD

License matching guidelines need to change b/c documented in Spec...
Would need a maintenance release of the Spec as possibility...  After XML 
representations complete...

Thomas: frustration with number of formats... Tag-Value,  this Turtle..., XML 
for licenses...

Jack:  unfortunately the guy who did tool to start up the conversion got new 
job, gone...
   hence, DTD.   They all need to be represented in XML...

Thomas:  wishing we had an "Implementers Spec"  to the side, to explain the why 
we do things
   Thomas has about 200 custom licenses.  
   Ch 6.5, License IDs add comments... if a non-SPDX license..
   QUESTION:  why not just extend chapter 6.5  so that one format covers both 
SPDX and non-SPDX...
   thinks AbstractLicense  and all licenses SPDX or non- should extend 
and share common fields/model...

Yev:  why separate?  b/c in an SPDX document don't need to reproduce the text 
of the license, with ExtractedLicense you must...

ACTION:  bring it up...   marry the license templating model with the license 
model included in Spec / SPDXDocument...
  Jack suggests Thomas bring it up with Jilayne next Thursday...

4)  Yev described that Mark Gisi  - has ideas on expanding License Expression 
   new operator a SEMI-COLON...package has some parts under some licenses,  
some under other licenses
   e.g. APACHE;MIT
  Parts X and Y

  Discussion to be continued

NOASSERTION and NONE   ?  are they allowed to be in License Expression?
Thomas - please tell me??

Yev: currently not, but if semicolon introduced 

Thomas:   you read the license expression, kinda like your 140 char tweet 
summary.  But then your tooling lets you drill down into what you are using.
  thinks then the Turtle query could come in to traverse relationships and find 
what's under what license...

5)  Thomas notes Trevor King stumbled upon lots of 404s on the website.  Thomas 
said he likewise finds lots.
Jack: I will look at it, 

6)  Thomas:  onboarding cost is HIGH!   SPDX wiki unlike any other CMS...   
e.g. can't find the Google Summer of Code...
  Jack: yes the wiki needs re-orgTo find Google SOC, migrated to higher 
main wiki page so others can find it (not under Technical..)

Thomas would like to help re-org to make on boarding easier...
- Onboarding in one area
- Nitty-gritty tech details separately
   -- Implementers for tools 

  - OnBoarding for Newbies: Persona knows nothing, wants to create and play 
with it
  - ToolManufacturing: Persona that wants to build tools
  e.g. what is the ordering of Tags?  Assume always starts with Filename
  Cover 'what is preventing people from writing tools'
  - Project team, nitty gritty stuff...

Thomas colleague Shubert...

Sees lots of stuff in