Re: Proposal: An anti-phishing compromise

2007-02-02 Thread john kemp
Recordon, David wrote:
 I think we all agree that talking about the method used is far more
 useful, though with this proposal we're really trying to balance it with
 simplicity in the authentication protocol itself.  Maybe it is better to
 phrase the discussion around if the user provided a secret (password) to
 the OP or not to authenticate versus talking about phishing directly.?.

If you were to define a URI for common authentication method values,
could this value not be returned, simply, in the protocol?

 I'd hope that this parameter in the auth spec really helps bring the
 discussion around to the Assertion Quality Extension and that it be
 implemented to provide the more robust metadata such as what type of
 authentication was actually preformed.

Agreed. If AQE is not mandated, however, I think that the original idea
of allowing the OP to make a statement about the authentication method
in the actual protocol is still a good one.

If you start with a simple URI, returned directly in the protocol, can
this not be linked to the equivalent statement in the AQE specification?

- John

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of john kemp
 Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2007 7:13 PM
 To: Granqvist, Hans
 Cc: OpenID specs list
 Subject: Re: Proposal: An anti-phishing compromise
 Granqvist, Hans wrote:
 Proposed Change

 Add a single, required, boolean field to the authentication response 
 that specifies whether or not the method the OP used to authenticate 
 the user is phishable. The specification will have to provide 
 guidelines on what properties an authentication mechanism needs to 
 have in order to be non-phishable. The field is just meant to 
 indicate that the authentication mechanism that was used is not a 
 standard secret entered into a Web form.
 The receiver should decide what is 'non-phishable', not the sender, so
 it would be better if the OP just states what mechanism was used, 
 Agreed. A statement as to the phishability or not seems to be too
 vague to be useful. A simple statement of the authentication method used
 would seem to give the same effect, while providing potentially useful
 information (assuming the RP trusts statements from the OP at all.)

 Here's what I think:

 Since the association step is hardly ever used, it can much more 
 easily be overloaded with extra information without breaking any 

 If the OP would *require* an OpenID association step from the RP, then
 this step can include an exchange of meta-information between OP and 
 How does the association step between OP and RP change the relationship
 between the OP and the user (agent)?
 I thought the attack we were considering is when a rogue RP directs the
 user agent to a rogue OP, who then steals the user's credentials? How is
 that affected by the rogue RP and rogue OP associating?
 - John
 specs mailing list

specs mailing list

Re: Proposal: An anti-phishing compromise

2007-02-02 Thread john kemp
Hi Josh,

In addition to the protocol parameter that you have proposed, I'd hope
that we can add something like what you wrote below as part of the
security considerations section of the OpenID 2.0 Auth specification, as
this text seems to capture quite succinctly the issues that RPs and OPs
should be thinking about when attempting to deal with phishing:

Josh Hoyt wrote:

 The ways that OpenID can potentially make phishing worse:
  * Redirects to your provider are a fundamental part of the flow of
 OpenID, so being redirected to a phishing site is easy to miss
  * Every relying party (necessarily) needs to know who the provider
 is in order to verify the authentication response. This means that the
 site knows what UI it needs to use to phish (and even worse, it can
 just proxy the user to the provider)
 I think these two issues cover what makes phishing potentially a
 greater threat when using OpenID.
 Although these problems are significant, if a user can authenticate to
 their OpenID provider through an non-phishable mechanism, OpenID can
 make the phishing problem *less* of a threat, because there are fewer
 places that will need to ask for credentials.
 Other relevant issues:
   * There is no universally deployed solution to the phishing problem
   * There is not even a universally *accepted* solution to the phishing 
   * Any technology that prevents phishing will require user-agent
 support or else will fundamentally change the flow of OpenID (prevent
 relying-party-initiated sign-in)
   * OpenID is intended to be deployed without requiring specific
 technologies to be present in the user-agent

It might also be helpful to add somewhere a specific definition of
phishing, and the associated attack - that an OP can steal a user's
credentials if they are passed to the OP. Mitigation can only really be
performed by applying client-side changes that ensure that long-lived
private information shared only between the OP and the user (such as a
password) does not pass across the network.


- John
specs mailing list

Re: Proposal: An anti-phishing compromise

2007-02-02 Thread john kemp
Johnny Bufu wrote:
 On 2-Feb-07, at 7:05 AM, George Fletcher wrote:
 but I'm still not sure how this helps with the phishing problem.  As
 you pointed out John, the issue is a rogue RP redirecting to a rogue
 OP.  So the rogue OP just steals the credentials and returns whatever
 it wants.
 In this case, the rogue RP is not interested at in the the auth response
 from the rogue OP (or for that matter from the legitimate OP); just in
 stealing the  user's credentials.
 The phishing field prevents the phisher to later use these credentials
 on a legitimate RP (which will be contacting the legitimate OP) to
 impersonate the user -- if the RP enforces phishable = no.

I guess I'm confused by the above.

If the OP has stolen the user's credentials, it can just say phishable
= no and pass its assertion regarding those credentials to the RP. This
is about a rogue OP, and the relationship between the OP and the user,
not really about the relationship between the OP and RP (although if the
RP knew whether or not it could trust the OP by some out-of-band means,
it would simply not accept an assertion from the OP unless that trust
was established).

You might use a rogue RP to start the attack, but the attack is actually
performed by the rogue OP, not the rogue RP.

- John

specs mailing list

Re: Proposal: An anti-phishing compromise

2007-02-02 Thread john kemp
Josh Hoyt wrote:
 On 2/2/07, john kemp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Don't get me wrong - I think it's a good idea for the OP to make a
 statement about the authentication method used (although I would prefer
 it to say something like
 authn_method=urn:openid:2.0:aqe:method:password, rather than
 phishable=yes). That points to AQE, as David mentioned already.
 A browser plug-in, like sxipper, that uses a username and (a
 generated, non-user-visible) password internally and will only submit
 it to the correct OP can't be phished.
 Is this a different kind of authentication than password? I don't
 think so. Is it phishable? I think that the OP can reasonably say that
 it is not. Therefore, I think that the authentication mechanism is (or
 at least can be) independent from whether the authentication channel
 is phishable.

I will agree that the authentication channel might be separated from the
authentication method, as you have described those concepts. I'm not
sure if that's a meaningful distinction.

For example - in Sxipper, does the password get moved across the network
to the OP, or does Sxipper act as the OP (on the client side?) If the
former, then I'd argue that Sxipper password auth is slightly less
phishable, but not completely so. If the latter, then the trust is
/really/ only between the RP and the user.

- John
specs mailing list

Re: OpenID Auth 2.0 and user-agent neutrality (or, OpenID with REST/SOAP)

2006-11-17 Thread John Kemp
Dick Hardt wrote:
 On 16-Nov-06, at 11:41 PM, Matt Pelletier wrote:
 On Nov 17, 2006, at 1:24 AM, Dick Hardt wrote:

 Hi John

 So that a message can be more then 2K of data.

 Is it possible to update the language so 1) we don't deprecate HTTP
 redirects and 2) the form redirect method is described as the
 preferred/recommended approach, but is not required? You could even
 stress that HTTP redirects should only be used when the HTTP client's
 capabilities/limitations would adversely affect the application
 behavior (or user experience, whatever language is more appropriate
 for the spec) if form redirects were attempted.
 I agree with John on the basis that not all HTTP clients will have JS
 functionality, whether disabled or unavailable, and whether we can
 imagine what those clients would be or not (blackberry, mobile phone,
 iPod, Nike running shoe, car keys). The choice to deprecate HTTP
 redirects involves some assumptions that seem too broad:

 1) Payloads will be  2K often enough that there is little value in
 supporting more than one way to redirect
 Supporting payloads larger then 2K is a requirement.

I guess I don't understand what this 2K limit is (and this is not
mentioned in the spec) - are you talking about limits on the URL size
when doing an HTTP GET? If so, why not use POST instead?

 I foresee this to
 be fairly common in the future as digitally signed claims get moved around.
 2) JS will be available to automate the user experience, or at least
 that automating the user experience isn't that important.
 JS is widely available now, and if not, the user needs to click a
 button, so things still work. In an AJAX world, this is pretty much a
 given now.

As you note below, JS/AJAX-capable browsers may be present on high-end
phones, but there aren't many of those in comparison to lower-end phones.

 3) Deprecating functionality already built into the key spec (HTTP),
 that is already in use in OpenID 1.x, is preferred to supporting it,
 even though form redirects will involve more moving parts and specs
 (ECMA / JS) to maintain the same basic user experience.
 Moving to one way to do things instead of two is desirable. If POST
 turns out to be a real issue in the real world, then we can revisit.
 Libraries are supporting both.
 It also allows a good separation from URL parameters private to the RP
 and request parameters intended for the OP.

 What do you think?
 How would you suggest the servers determine wether to use GET or POST?

Can't YADIS be used to obtain such metadata from the IdP?

- John


 Dick, do you have a list of the browsers you tested against?
 We tested on a TREO and high end Nokia and Sony Ericson. The types of
 phones that people could do HTML browsing with. WAP is out of scope.

specs mailing list

Re: OpenID Auth 2.0 and user-agent neutrality (or, OpenID with REST/SOAP)

2006-11-17 Thread John Kemp
Dick Hardt wrote:

 Supporting payloads larger then 2K is a requirement.

 I guess I don't understand what this 2K limit is (and this is not
 mentioned in the spec) - are you talking about limits on the URL size
 when doing an HTTP GET?
 If so, why not use POST instead?
 Now I am really confused about what you are talking about

I /think/ the limit you are talking about is that regarding the size of
the URL. The reason you might approach or exceed that limit would be if
you were sending an HTTP GET with parameters appended to the URL. The
solution to that issue is to encode the data as an HTTP FORM POST,
which, AFAIK has no such limit. As I understand it, that would be a
separate issue than whether the protocol is transacted via HTTP 3XX
redirects through the user-agent, vs. making the user-agent do the
redirect manually.

But as I mentioned, I have to admit I'm not totally sure what 2K limit
you're actually talking about.

 How would you suggest the servers determine wether to use GET or POST?

 Can't YADIS be used to obtain such metadata from the IdP?
 That does not make any sense. You are stating that the user agent might
 not be able to support JS. Not supporting JS would mean the RP / OP
 would need to figure out what the user agent supported so that it could
 decide on using GET or POST.

I'm expecting that the servers can use existing means (determining the
browser type and version through the user-agent string) if they want to
try that.

But what I meant was that the servers (RP and IdP) have to agree on
whether they will use one thing or the other, no? The RP could just try
it out I guess, but it could also look in the IdP's YADIS doc. and find
out whether the authentication service at the IdP supports GET, POST or

- John
specs mailing list

Re: OpenID Auth 2.0 and user-agent neutrality (or, OpenID with REST/SOAP)

2006-11-16 Thread John Kemp

Sorry I'm just reading this, but I just wanted to put in a point very
much in favour of NOT deprecating support for HTTP redirects in OpenID 2.0.

I'll note that requiring the user to press a 'submit' button to push
seems like a dodgy UI strategy. So then you require JavaScript to
produce a reasonable user experience.

Well, as a representative from the mobile community, I'll tell you that
there are quite a few browsers out there (on deployed mobile phones)
that still don't support JS in any useful way!

So with OpenID 2.0, you may now be requiring many users to click a form


- John

Johannes Ernst wrote:
 Well, as I've said before, I strongly believe that tying authentication
 to one particular HTTP verb is a bad idea, and unnecessary.
 I also believe that involving JavaScript in what is fundamentally an
 HTTP-level kind of protocol is a hack. It very likely is either
 unnecessary or points to a flaw in the conceptual model of the protocol,
 or both.
 The same may be true about having different protocols for thin-client
 and rich-client.
 Having said that, I am not making this point more strongly than I have
 because I don't think these issues are fatal and I don't want to raise
 more issues that delay OpenID 2.0 auth further. So I will log this as a
 bug against auth 2.0 as soon as it is published (and as soon as there is
 a place where to file bugs against the spec ;-)) but will bite my tongue
 in the meantime.
 On Nov 12, 2006, at 20:29, Dick Hardt wrote:

 On 12-Nov-06, at 8:19 PM, Adam Nelson wrote:

 Hi Dick:

 I think REST support is a really useful feature, and have described
 how that might happen in the past, but right now we are pretty
 focussed on getting browser based auth finalized, and I think the
 mechanisms for rich clients will be related, but slightly different.

 That all makes sense, thanks.  Is that to say that rich client support
 isn't a goal of v2.0 of the spec, or just a goal subsequent to the
 conclusion of browser-based auth?

 Not a goal of OpenID Authentication 2.0

 I think it would make sense to make it a separate document, and would
 value your involvement!

 -- Dick
 specs mailing list
 Johannes Ernst
 NetMesh Inc.

 specs mailing list

specs mailing list

Re: Authentication Authority (was RE: IdP vs OP (WAS: RE: Editors Conference Call))

2006-11-08 Thread John Kemp
Hi Drummond,

If what we're trying to express is merely that an OpenID can provide an
authentication assertion, then I agree that authentication authority
is quite appropriate.

I would note that in SAML at least (as I understand it - correct me if
I'm wrong Eve!), an authentication authority is not (in that role at
least) being requested to actually authenticate the user (ie. to
actually perform the authentication at that moment) - the request is
only asking whether the authority can make an authentication assertion
(ie. it's a query for authentication assertions, rather than an
authentication request - which may have already been fulfilled).

I don't know if that rather subtle difference is of any interest in OpenID?

- John

Drummond Reed wrote:
 Welcome, and thanks for delurking ;-)
 I'm fascinated by your suggestion that the SAML vocabulary includes the term
 authentication authority. I'd vote for the OpenID Authentication 2.0
 specification (and the community at large) to adopt that term in a heartbeat
 a) I've many times thought that authentication authority was PRECISELY the
 role that the IdP/OP played in OpenID Authentication.
 b) I'm all for consistency with the SAML glossary because I know it was
 intended to be specification-neutral and I'm a big supporter of harmonizing
 vocabularies in a problem space (that's why we spent so long on the XRI
 glossary in the identifier problem space -- see appendix C of 
 c) It allows us to step around all the semantic issues around whether an
 OpenID IdP is really providing an identity or not (and also whether OpenID
 is using classic identity federation or not.)
 -Original Message-
 Of Eve L. Maler
 Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 8:16 AM
 Subject: Re: IdP vs OP (WAS: RE: Editors Conference Call)
 Delurking for the first time on this list: :-)
 Drummond and I are on the same page about many things, but John is 
 right that SAML is agnostic as to the strength/significance of the 
 service being provided and so the two cases are much more similar 
 than different.  On balance I prefer identity provider because 
 it's intuitive in an English sense, it's used in several technology 
 contexts (not just SAML and OpenID), and it avoids a terminological 
 branding that would otherwise seem to suggest a conceptual 
 divergence that doesn't -- to my mind -- exist.
 (By the way, there's another term SAML defines that seems to fit the 
 bill of what Drummond is going for here: authentication authority. 
   This is not quite synonymous with identity provider in 
 SAML-land, but it's close -- much the way that relying party and 
 service provider are often close to the same thing.  I'm not 
 seriously advocating using it -- just noting that the same software 
 component in an actual deployment can be seen in various lights and 
 have multiple names (roles!).)
 John Kemp wrote:
 Hi Drummond,

 Drummond Reed wrote:
 So why, indeed, is there so much interest in OpenID? I believe it's
 of the trust model. To the best of my knowledge, it is radically
 than the trust model assumed by the majority of use cases which led to
 and the Liberty Alliance specs. As Eve Maler of Sun puts it, OpenID
 promiscuous federation -- RPs and OPs that don't know anything at all
 about each other. 
 At you'll find a promiscuous SAML IdP.

 While I agree with you that OpenID has been focused on this use-case,
 with an eye to the use-cases satisfied by SAML, I'd say that SAML has
 been developed with federated use-cases, but also with an eye to

 But to put it another way, the trust model used with SAML is
 out-of-scope for development of the SSO protocol itself.

 Just like it is for OpenID.

 And it doesn't stop there. OpenID also supports OPs that
 ***have zero control over the user's OpenID identifier***. The OP simply
 provides a service for authenticating that a user has control of the
 identifier about which the OP is being queried.
 And how does one authenticate that the user has control over an
 identifier? Is it not by having the OpenID IdP having some secret shared
 with the user - maybe a password, say?

 A SAML IdP also authenticates that an identifier (issued by the IdP in
 the SAML case) is bound to a particular user.

 This is a big deal. In fact, the closer you get to it, the bigger it is.

 As a result, even though an OP seems to fit the SAML definition of an IdP
 and many technical folks will be very comfortable treating the two as
 synonymous -- getting the semantics right to stress who really is in
 of the identity ***right down to the identifier*** is very important.

 I don't think we need to worry about fitting the SAML glossary
 definition of an IdP, but rather

Re: IdP vs OP (WAS: RE: Editors Conference Call)

2006-11-07 Thread John Kemp
Hi Drummond,

Drummond Reed wrote:
 So why, indeed, is there so much interest in OpenID? I believe it's because
 of the trust model. To the best of my knowledge, it is radically different
 than the trust model assumed by the majority of use cases which led to SAML
 and the Liberty Alliance specs. As Eve Maler of Sun puts it, OpenID supports
 promiscuous federation -- RPs and OPs that don't know anything at all
 about each other. 

At you'll find a promiscuous SAML IdP.

While I agree with you that OpenID has been focused on this use-case,
with an eye to the use-cases satisfied by SAML, I'd say that SAML has
been developed with federated use-cases, but also with an eye to

But to put it another way, the trust model used with SAML is
out-of-scope for development of the SSO protocol itself.

Just like it is for OpenID.

 And it doesn't stop there. OpenID also supports OPs that
 ***have zero control over the user's OpenID identifier***. The OP simply
 provides a service for authenticating that a user has control of the OpenID
 identifier about which the OP is being queried.

And how does one authenticate that the user has control over an
identifier? Is it not by having the OpenID IdP having some secret shared
with the user - maybe a password, say?

A SAML IdP also authenticates that an identifier (issued by the IdP in
the SAML case) is bound to a particular user.

 This is a big deal. In fact, the closer you get to it, the bigger it is.
 As a result, even though an OP seems to fit the SAML definition of an IdP --
 and many technical folks will be very comfortable treating the two as
 synonymous -- getting the semantics right to stress who really is in control
 of the identity ***right down to the identifier*** is very important.

I don't think we need to worry about fitting the SAML glossary
definition of an IdP, but rather we should focus on making an OpenID
glossary definition that makes sense for what OpenID is doing.

 Whatsmore, I don't think this should or will drive SAML and OpenID further
 apart. In factit could actually help pave the path to convergence: an OP
 can be defined as being a SAML IdP that provides identifier authentication
 services using the OpenID protocol, which may end out (3.0?) becoming a very
 specific set of SAML capabilities.

As noted earlier, I think a SAML IdP also provides identifier
authentication. I don't worry so much about convergence of these
technologies (although that would be nice ;), but more about giving a
converged message to users, developers, and purchasers of these


- John

 -Original Message-
 Of Recordon, David
 Sent: Monday, November 06, 2006 11:46 AM
 To: Dick Hardt; John Kemp; Patrick Harding
 Subject: IdP vs OP (WAS: RE: Editors Conference Call)
 I see both sides of this discussion.  I think John is correct that the
 role of an OP really is not that different than that of SAML's IdP.  The
 difference comes down to the trust model.  I certainly think reputation
 networks will exist which rate OPs, RPs, users, etc and will ultimately
 be needed for a technologies with promiscuous trust models to thrive
 in a large scale.
 I guess reading more of this is making me question if renaming IdP
 really is the best thing to do in OpenID.  I think if anything we all,
 as a larger community, should be working to bring OpenID and SAML closer
 together versus driving them further apart.
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Dick Hardt
 Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2006 2:20 PM
 To: John Kemp
 Subject: Re: Editors Conference Call
 On 1-Nov-06, at 12:28 PM, John Kemp wrote:
 OK. Just checking. So an IdP/OP can choose whether or not to trust a 
 particular RP, based on some out-of-ban criteria. And an RP can choose
 whether or not to trust the assertions of a particular IdP/OP? OK 
 Technically possible, yes for the RP to decide on an IdP/OP.
 Currently, there is no verified RP identity, so the IdP/OP cannot make
 that decision.
 I have not had a chance to wade into that discussion.
 I'd highly recommend it when you get the chance.
 in my queue :)
 I suspect the latter case will be unlikely, if OpenID is to be 
 And I do not. And that is the big driver why it should be OP instead 
 of IdP.
 I think what you're trying to say is that OpenID won't depend on 
 static trust relationships (like business contracts) between RPs and 
 IdP/ OPs - is that right? In which case, sure, I get that.

 But I do think OpenID will depend on there emerging a way of some RP 
 trusting (or not) some IdP (and vice-versa). Whitelists and blacklists
 seem like a scalable and dynamic way of doing that, and would seem to 
 be a reasonable way of minimizing the presence of rogue IdPs. Don't 
 take my

Re: IdP vs OP (WAS: RE: Editors Conference Call)

2006-11-07 Thread John Kemp
Dick Hardt wrote:
 On 7-Nov-06, at 7:59 AM, John Kemp wrote:

 I don't believe that trust is a differentiator between SAML
 specifications and OpenID Authentication specifications.

 It is AFAICT, in both cases, simply out of scope.
 I should have been more clear, IdP is a Federation term and implies
 trust between the IdP and the RP.
 That is the definition that many people have about an IdP
 Since trust is NOT required between an OP and an RP in OpenID, a
 different term helps clarify that important point

I'll quit repeating myself after this go around, but:

It [trust] is AFAICT, in both cases, simply out of scope.


- John

specs mailing list

Re: IdP vs OP (WAS: RE: Editors Conference Call)

2006-11-07 Thread John Kemp
Eve L. Maler wrote:
 On balance I prefer identity provider because 
 it's intuitive in an English sense, it's used in several technology 
 contexts (not just SAML and OpenID), and it avoids a terminological 
 branding that would otherwise seem to suggest a conceptual 
 divergence that doesn't -- to my mind -- exist.

I agree.

- John

specs mailing list

Re: Editors Conference Call

2006-11-01 Thread John Kemp
Hi Dick,

It would be nice to see a clear definition of an OP in order to
determine the exact differences between such an entity and an IdP, but,
in the absence of such, some questions:

Dick Hardt wrote:
 Thanks David! ;-)
 Patrick, as you point out, Identity Provider is a well understood  
 term in SAML and WS-*. Here is the definition from SAML 2.0 [1]
 Identity Provider: A kind of service provider that creates,  
 maintains, and manages
 identity information for principals and provides principal
 authentication to other service providers within a federation, such
 as with web browser profiles.
 Per the definition, Identity Provider implies a federation or trust  
 relationship between the IdP and RP.

And I guess there is no similar concept in OpenID? Like perhaps an RP
adds a particular (I hate to use the word) trusted IdP to a whitelist
of IdPs from whom it accepts assertions? Or vice-versa?

Admittedly, such federations might not be as linked to static business
agreements perhaps as in a typical SAML deployment, but it seems they
would be necessary unless you base trust on public key-based
mechanisms, or decide that you'll accept assertions from (to quote from a discussion on [EMAIL PROTECTED])
and anyone else. I suspect the latter case will be unlikely, if OpenID
is to be successful.

 Additionally, IdPs often provide  
 other assertions about the user.

This is sometimes called attribute exchange. In OpenID, is it then not
possible for an OP to exchange attributes related to a particular OpenID
with an RP? There seems to be an attribute exchange specification
( where it
says (for example, in section 2) Fetch retrieves attribute information
from an Identity Provider, while store saves or updates attribute
information on the Identity Provider..

 In OpenID Authentication, there is no trust relationship requirement  
 between the IdP and RP., and the only thing the IdP asserts is a  
 binding between the user and an identifier (OpenID URL or i-name).

And on what basis does the OP assert this binding to an RP? Doesn't
the OP typically authenticate that binding, or does it simply take the
users identifier on blind faith, and assert away?

 As people familiar with SAML / WS-* review the OpenID Authentication  
 specification, there has been some confusion on exactly what the IdP  
 does in OpenID. To make it clear that an IdP in OpenID is not the  
 same as typical deployments in SAML, we decided to call it the OpenID  
 Provider, which is more precise, and reduces ambiguity.

I guess until we see this precise definition, we won't be able to see
the precise differences.

From what I can tell so far, it seems to me that the differences between
an OP and an IdP are not significant.

- John
 -- Dick
 On 30-Oct-06, at 10:27 PM, Recordon, David wrote:
 I'll let Dick explain since it was his proposal and I didn't really  
 care about if we changed the name or not. ;)


 From: Patrick Harding [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, October 30, 2006 7:47 PM
 To: Recordon, David;
 Subject: RE: Editors Conference Call

 Can you please clarify how an OpenID Provider is 'very' different  
 from the role of Identity Provider as defined in SAML or WS-*.
 - Patrick

 Rename Identity Provider to OpenID Provider (IdP - OP) to add
 clarity to the term since IdP has a very different meaning in the SAML
 and WS-* worlds

 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Recordon, David
 Sent: Mon 10/30/2006 7:51 PM
 Subject: Editors Conference Call

 This morning Dick, Josh, and I got on Skype for 2.5 hours to try and
 hash through all the remaining proposals.  Unfortunately Brad couldn't
 join us, though I did talk to him about some of this stuff as well

  - Authentication Age will be developed as an extension due to  
 around what is the best way for it to work, what features does it  

  - The field setup_url will be removed from a checkid_immediate
 response, rather the RP should fallback to a checkid_setup request to
 complete the transaction.  It has been found that in the, albeit few,
 implementations of checkid_immediate this is the behavior for the
 setup_url anyway.

  - Support bare requests by having the field openid.return_to as
 optional in checkid_* requests.  There is a worry of user's not  
 when they'll be redirected back and when they won't, though that will
 only be worked out by allowing this functionality.

  - Clarify that the openid.realm parameter should be used to uniquely
 identifier relying parties

  - There are some places where it could be clear in step-by-step
 instructions of what an IdP needs to do in various parts of the
 protocol, like is done in section 12 for rp's.  Sxip will 

Re: Editors Conference Call

2006-11-01 Thread John Kemp
Dick Hardt wrote:

 It would be nice to see a clear definition of an OP in order to
 determine the exact differences between such an entity and an IdP, but,
 in the absence of such, some questions:

 Dick Hardt wrote:
 Thanks David! ;-)

 Patrick, as you point out, Identity Provider is a well understood
 term in SAML and WS-*. Here is the definition from SAML 2.0 [1]

 Identity Provider: A kind of service provider that creates,
 maintains, and manages
 identity information for principals and provides principal
 authentication to other service providers within a federation, such
 as with web browser profiles.

 Per the definition, Identity Provider implies a federation or trust
 relationship between the IdP and RP.

 And I guess there is no similar concept in OpenID? Like perhaps an RP
 adds a particular (I hate to use the word) trusted IdP to a whitelist
 of IdPs from whom it accepts assertions? Or vice-versa?
 Is it technically possible?

OK. Just checking. So an IdP/OP can choose whether or not to trust a
particular RP, based on some out-of-ban criteria. And an RP can choose
whether or not to trust the assertions of a particular IdP/OP? OK good.

  Yes. Just like it is technically possible
 for SAML to be user-centric. :-)

 Admittedly, such federations might not be as linked to static business
 agreements perhaps as in a typical SAML deployment, but it seems they
 would be necessary unless you base trust on public key-based
 mechanisms, or decide that you'll accept assertions from (to quote from a discussion on [EMAIL PROTECTED])
 and anyone else.
 I have not had a chance to wade into that discussion.

I'd highly recommend it when you get the chance.

 I suspect the latter case will be unlikely, if OpenID
 is to be successful.
 And I do not. And that is the big driver why it should be OP instead of

I think what you're trying to say is that OpenID won't depend on static
trust relationships (like business contracts) between RPs and IdP/OPs -
is that right? In which case, sure, I get that.

But I do think OpenID will depend on there emerging a way of some RP
trusting (or not) some IdP (and vice-versa). Whitelists and blacklists
seem like a scalable and dynamic way of doing that, and would seem to be
a reasonable way of minimizing the presence of rogue IdPs. Don't take my
word for it though - look at the discussion on [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Additionally, IdPs often provide
 other assertions about the user.

 This is sometimes called attribute exchange. In OpenID, is it then not
 possible for an OP to exchange attributes related to a particular OpenID
 with an RP? There seems to be an attribute exchange specification
 ( where it
 says (for example, in section 2) Fetch retrieves attribute information
 from an Identity Provider, while store saves or updates attribute
 information on the Identity Provider..
 When I talk about assertions, I mean third party claims, not self
 asserted data.
 The OP is not verifying the accuracy of any of the attributes in
 attribute exchange.

A claim by my IdP/OP /might/ be a claim by a third-party, no? And if the
IdP/OP makes such a claim on my behalf (and is not under my direct
control), won't it at least want to verify that the subject of the claim
is also the user whose identifier it asserted in OpenID Authentication?


 In OpenID Authentication, there is no trust relationship requirement
 between the IdP and RP., and the only thing the IdP asserts is a
 binding between the user and an identifier (OpenID URL or i-name).

 And on what basis does the OP assert this binding to an RP? Doesn't
 the OP typically authenticate that binding, or does it simply take the
 users identifier on blind faith, and assert away?
 The OP authenticates the user (how the OP authenticates the user is out
 of scope of the spec).

OK - so the user probably maintains an account with the OP, very much
like a user would with an IdP? Unless the user runs her own OP.


 As people familiar with SAML / WS-* review the OpenID Authentication
 specification, there has been some confusion on exactly what the IdP
 does in OpenID. To make it clear that an IdP in OpenID is not the
 same as typical deployments in SAML, we decided to call it the OpenID
 Provider, which is more precise, and reduces ambiguity.

 I guess until we see this precise definition, we won't be able to see
 the precise differences.
 How about:
 An OpenID Provider acts on behalf of the user in responding to
 OpenID Authentication requests from a Relying Party.
 What more do we need in the spec then that?

What about:

An OpenID Identity Provider acts on behalf of the user in responding to
OpenID Authentication requests from a Relying Party.?

I guess you might want to add something about such an entity typically
authenticating the binding between an OpenID and some

- John