Re: [spectre] Dispatches from Ukraine: Tactical Media Reflflections and Responses

2022-07-18 Diskussionsfäden christoph theiler

Hans Holger Rutz,

I have seriously read Rasa's article.

 In Latvia, the BIB growth from 2005-2018 (with the exception of 
2008-2010) was always higher than the EU average,
often up to 400%. (Source:
This is a very large difference between factual situation and what was 
written here in the discussion.

You are welcome to research other discrepancies yourself.

 I was in Riga in 2003 at the RIXC conference - it took place in a very 
desolate looking school building.
About 10 years later I was again in Riga: Rixc conference took place in 
the building of the business school - well equipped with best 
infrastructure etc. -

no difference to a German university.

In 2003, as a result of a democratic decision, the Russian minority 
(approx. 25% of the population) was the uderdogs.

In front of people who talked in Russian was spit out on the open street.
Russian language people were not served in bars.
 In 2013 the situation was a little more relaxed; However, democratic 
development in Latvia is to remove the Russian language completely from 
which necessarily has to lead to moods in the Russian administration, 
regardless of whether there is a Putin, a Jelzin or a Gorbachoff.

To get to the point:
In addition to the dichotomy outlined by Rasa, I stand on the third side.
These are those people who suffer from war, these are those people in 
front of which are spit out for no reason,
these are those people who die from hunger because the Ukrainian grain 
deliveries are absent,
 and these are the people who end up in prison because they make use of 
freedom of speech.
To claim to have read the "wrong" books also belongs here in the arsenal 
of propaganda.

And as a result of that third side you have to analyze, under which 
condition the war in Ukraine can end.

 I am not on the side of the aggressors, but also not on the side of 
those who make false decisions using a democratic majority.
And at the end: I think little of art projects that make war in Ukraine 
on the subject of aesthetically charged activities.


Hanns Holger Rutz schrieb:
Frankly Christoph, I don't think you have absorbed anything that had 
been written in that very long statement.

The whole situation reminds me very much of the coup in Venezuela when 
Maduro took over after the death of Chavez. Exactly the same "there is 
only shades of gray, but Chomsky, but America, but bla".

There are moments in life when you can make very clear decisions on 
which side to stand. This doesn't imply at all, that you cannot 
criticise anyone "on your side". We don't need to be fanboys of USA to 
take a clear position in this war. But I'm repeating what Rasa already 
wrote, so I don't know if it makes sense to try to come to any common 
sense here.

As a person that grew up in Western Germany, for the first time I 
understood that I might be wrong on judging things that I have not 
personally experienced, was getting to know people, friends, who had 
tried to flee the GDR or be non-conformant in the GDR, and who ended 
up in GDR prison and were damaged for life.

Best, .h.h.

On 18/07/2022 09.51, christoph theiler wrote:
Rasa wrote: "In this situation there are only clear two sides - 
Either Supporting Ukraine or Being Pro -Tutin"

I cannot agree with this friend/enemy logic: "If you are not my 
friend, then you are my enemy".
It has already been said here that in addition to Ukraine and Russia, 
America also plays an important role in this conflict.


Rasa Smite schrieb:

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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Re: [spectre] Dispatches from Ukraine: Tactical Media Reflflections and Responses

2022-07-18 Diskussionsfäden christoph theiler
Rasa wrote: "In this situation there are only clear two sides - Either 
Supporting Ukraine or Being Pro -Tutin"

I cannot agree with this friend/enemy logic: "If you are not my friend, 
then you are my enemy".
It has already been said here that in addition to Ukraine and Russia, 
America also plays an important role in this conflict.


Rasa Smite schrieb:


Eleonore wrote: "My anecdote was in response to Rasa, to highlight 
that there are multiple perspectives and modalities for cultural 
appropriation (and rejection)".

With this war, we have landed in the situation, where its not anymore 
that easy to play with "multiple perspectives and modalities" before 
the ground is not clear and stable enough, before we are not on the 
same page..
I wrote already, in this situation there are only clearly two sides - 
either supporting Ukraine or being pro-Putin, there doesn't exist 
democratic "multiple perspectives and modalities" in this case as we 
don't deal with democratic country...

And your anecdote just shows that there are many misleading ideas 
around.. this is what I wrote in my reply to Heath: the problem is 
that most of the marxist-communist-thinking people in the West (who 
have read bit too much of French and Russian philosophy or literature) 
today have to revise their theories, notions and realise finally they 
have been following the wrong dreams (nightmares, trust me...).

So it's now your turn, dear people living in UK, and other wealthy 
Western countries, to put some effort in changing your thinking, your 
perspectives, and before joining the funny May day parades, and 
reading 100 years old authors (who have no clue how the communism 
works in real life), or listen 92 years old capitalism critics (such 
as Chomsky) please re-think twice before you write something that 
naive as comparing America's Disney's land "propaganda" with Russia's 
aggressive invasion targeting civilians, killing children, raping 
women in Ukraine, which is happening there everyday.

So why not, please do so - change your way of thinking, finally! 
Please be so empathetic that you at least pretend to do so - for a 
sake of Ukraine's disaster... We, people here in Eastern Europe are 
used to switch our perspectives constantly, we have done it so many 
times that we now even cannot answer a simple question: "and how is 
your tradition (e.g. in Latvia) with the education, for example?" I am 
sorry, there is no such thing as "our way or our tradition!" we have 
been listening for almost 30 years British experts, we have learned 
from the most amazing Finnish school experience, and we have adapted 
exams from German "abitur", we have been trying hard, and still are 
one of the most poor countries in EU,
BUT - I wouldn't call it "colonising", and never ever would even think 
of going back to anything similar that was once called "the Soviet 
Union" - NB! btw- there never was such a thing as USSR, it was just an 
extended Russia'n Empire with unfairly and aggressively occupied 
neighbouring countries before and during WW2, who were forced to 
believe that Russians have "saved and freed us" and that "they brought 
the real culture" (making us feel lesser), but they didn't succeed, 
nobody inside of USSR believed in this bullshit... Just sadly I never 
realized that the communist propaganda was so effective beyond the 
USSR border, that some people in West and otehr parts of the world 
truly believed that USSR may be a better alternative to Western 

But talking about the "Soviet times", there was even big difference 
between Ryszard's and mine childhood, because Ryszard lived in Poland, 
but I lived in Soviet Latvia, which was a part of USSR, and this was 
such a big difference that for some time I even didn't realize that 
Poland, Yugoslavia, Chechoslovakia etc. belonged to the so called 
"soviet" block, because for us at USSR (with completely cut any 
information or culture coming from the West) - even Poland seemed like 
beautiful and shiny country "abroad", where everything was much more 
better then in soviet uni.

When I went to the school in 1970s, I had to participate in special 
military parade competitions every year couple of times; we were 
singing the hymn of Russia and the hymn of USSR, and when we won the 
competition in the school level - then we participated in the national 
level..., and singing all these songs (in Russian), marching, and 
shouting loud how much we love Lenin... while at the same time, we all 
- everybody of us: starting from the 1st grade children to the 
director of the school knew that all this are the lies, the total 
bullshit, but we were not allowed to question anything of that, we 
just did it, as we had to. And if you ever asked something or 
initiated anything (because all things around which I saw in my 
childhood were so wrong, so dirty, so terrible, and grey...), you were 
shut up quickly as you gradually realized that nothing ever 

Re: [spectre] Dispatches from Ukraine: Tactical Media Reflflections and Responses

2022-07-17 Diskussionsfäden christoph theiler
Is Ukraine the Ukrainian population?If Ukraine (or the Ukrainian 
population) wants to continue fighting, I am the last to comment on it. 
They will pay a blood roll of around 100-200 deaths a day. And that over 
the next 1-2 years. With or without weapons from the West. I don't think 
the war can be won for Ukraine, in the sense that the Russians are 
thrown out of the Krim and from the Donbass.You, Ryszard have to 
understand that Ukraine not only suffers from Putin's criminal regim, 
but is dependent on the same extent of America and its willingness to 
deliver weapons or willingness to talk.with Putin.


Ryszard Kluszczyński schrieb:


you should rather not speak on behalf of Ukraine, it’s quite ridiculous.
You even misspell the name of the Ukrainian region you talk about.
We, citizens of the countries in this part of Europe, too often heard voices 
like yours saying what we should do for our own sake.
In the situation when Finland is part of NATO treaty, the eventual membership 
of Ukraine is not significant anymore.
The war is not about this. And has never been.
And this is not we to end the war. Ukraine wants to do it but the conditions 
must be defined by them, not “us”.
Our countries and we - and you too - just have to help Ukrainiens to get to the 
situation when they could negotiate the peace with Russia.
They need just weapons to get to this point not good advices.
Ukraine is an independent country. Do you remember? And Ukrainiens have the 
right to decide what is good for them.

Take care


Prof. Ryszard W. Kluszczynski, PhD.
Chair of Department of New Media and Digital Culture
University of Lodz
171/173 Pomorska Street
90-236 Lodz
tel  +426655133

On 17 Jul 2022, at 12:28, christoph theiler  wrote:

Without the Americans there will be no peace in Ukraine.
It may be that the Russian administration lies, you can hardly trust them etc., but the American 
administration is not lying, it refuses to speak to the Russians since Obama. Obama also managed to 
humiliate the Russians as a "provincial state". Biden is not better here either. The last 
American president who spoke to Putin was the "much hated" Trump.
The Russians can not agree to NATO membership of Ukraine, just as the Americans 
cannot agree with Russian weapons in Cuba or the connection of the Solomon 
Islands to China.

So there is at least 3 parties beyond a moral classification in this conflict: the American, the Ukrainian 
and the Russian. The European side is too negligible here, because this is forced to fully integrate the 
American wishes. In the discussion, it is dishonest to ask now: "On which side are you?", Or to 
interture the subintellectual calculation: "Do you really want the Russians to kill even more 
children?" This is not a level. The only question that needs to be solved is: "How and under what 
conditions do we end the war. Or: How and under what objectives or consequences should the war 
continue?" There are really two sides here now. I personally am for a quick war ending; The conditions 
that Ukraine would have to bear here in my opinion would be the constant loss of the Krim, a transition 
status of the Dombas, permanent neutrality of Ukraine.
Anyone who chooses the other option accepts that Ukraine is fighting until it 
is bled. Then there is also peace. This war could take 1-2 years.


Rasa Smite schrieb:


I am sorry, but your messages don't make any sense, they are full of "jumbled 
thoughts", or may be my English is not sophisticated enough but I don't get your 

may I make it bit more clear here - that since the Feb 24, 2022 (war in Ukraine 
started) there are basically only two sides - either you support Ukraine's 
fight to get free from Russia's occupants, or you accept that Putin's Russia 
can go on and take the dominance, continuing to use their worst and most 
cynical war methods against civilians in Ukraine - now, and later in other 
countries.. (they will never stop, as they never have enough - not only many 
experts say so, but also my personal experience - of living my first 20 years 
in my life in Russia's occupied Latvia).

there is no other third way, as this is not a democratic country we deal with, it's based 
on lies, it always was, and these lies are very different ones than those in your 'bad' 
capitalist countries, because they are really dangerous, 'imperialistic' (as you say) and 
chauvinistic, they make other nations they occupy lesser than them, and make other world 
to believe their 'cultures' are bigger and better, while our (other Eastern European, and 
former occupied countries) voices then have always been shut up, you were used to call us 
"rusophobs", which is totally not the case and never was, many of my best 
friends are Ru

Re: [spectre] Dispatches from Ukraine: Tactical Media Reflflections and Responses

2022-07-17 Diskussionsfäden christoph theiler

Without the Americans there will be no peace in Ukraine.
It may be that the Russian administration lies, you can hardly trust 
them etc., but the American administration is not lying, it refuses to 
speak to the Russians since Obama. Obama also managed to humiliate the 
Russians as a "provincial state". Biden is not better here either. The 
last American president who spoke to Putin was the "much hated" Trump.
The Russians can not agree to NATO membership of Ukraine, just as the 
Americans cannot agree with Russian weapons in Cuba or the connection of 
the Solomon Islands to China.

So there is at least 3 parties beyond a moral classification in this 
conflict: the American, the Ukrainian and the Russian. The European side 
is too negligible here, because this is forced to fully integrate the 
American wishes. In the discussion, it is dishonest to ask now: "On 
which side are you?", Or to interture the subintellectual calculation: 
"Do you really want the Russians to kill even more children?" This is 
not a level. The only question that needs to be solved is: "How and 
under what conditions do we end the war. Or: How and under what 
objectives or consequences should the war continue?" There are really 
two sides here now. I personally am for a quick war ending; The 
conditions that Ukraine would have to bear here in my opinion would be 
the constant loss of the Krim, a transition status of the Dombas, 
permanent neutrality of Ukraine.
Anyone who chooses the other option accepts that Ukraine is fighting 
until it is bled. Then there is also peace. This war could take 1-2 years.


Rasa Smite schrieb:


I am sorry, but your messages don't make any sense, they are full of 
"jumbled thoughts", or may be my English is not sophisticated enough 
but I don't get your point,

may I make it bit more clear here - that since the Feb 24, 2022 (war 
in Ukraine started) there are basically only two sides - either you 
support Ukraine's fight to get free from Russia's occupants, or you 
accept that Putin's Russia can go on and take the dominance, 
continuing to use their worst and most cynical war methods against 
civilians in Ukraine - now, and later in other countries.. (they will 
never stop, as they never have enough - not only many experts say so, 
but also my personal experience - of living my first 20 years in my 
life in Russia's occupied Latvia).

there is no other third way, as this is not a democratic country we 
deal with, it's based on lies, it always was, and these lies are very 
different ones than those in your 'bad' capitalist countries, because 
they are really dangerous, 'imperialistic' (as you say) and 
chauvinistic, they make other nations they occupy lesser than them, 
and make other world to believe their 'cultures' are bigger and 
better, while our (other Eastern European, and former occupied 
countries) voices then have always been shut up, you were used to call 
us "rusophobs", which is totally not the case and never was, many of 
my best friends are Russians.

> can we not leave nation states to fight it out between themselves ?

of course not! the 'nice' Western people already for too long have 
accepted Russia's Kremlin propaganda and their hybrid media wars as in 
Baltics, never taking too seriously, and again calling us Rusophobes, 
Western countries were always shutting us up when our governments gave 
the serious warnings in various (especially recent ones) European 

so either you listen bit more carefully what the other nations who 
have been under long occupation think of the war in Ukraine and Russia 
as country,

or you can try yourself to visit Russia and try to figure out what the 
140 million people there really think..

or, move to Latvia, if you really want to understand and personally 
experience how does it feel to live just 200 km from the border of the 
big threatening country, who already occupied us once. it is here very 
different feeling to be here - as Latvia (which is rather poor 
country) is hosting 40 000 refugees from Ukraine, where my friends are 
delivering jeep cars privately to the Ukraine to help them (while 
other pacifistic Western European countries deny or delay their 
military support), and we do this because at least 30% by official 
statistics believe that we will be next... (sooner or later).

so any, even the most tiniest expression or sign of a help or support 
such as an art residency or writing activist project, supporting 
Ukrainian position is worth it, because it is a simply a humanistic 
act, so much needed, as their hearts and lives are broken no matter if 
they have escaped, but they are aware of that in their country Russian 
militarists continue to kill and rape...

so while pacifism has long way to be achieved, there are humans and 
their lives that need any support or a sign of any solidarity now...

any critical skepticism towards those who do something is the least 

Jaanis s

[spectre] Media Art Histories 2013: RENEW - PRESENTATION SESSION day 3

2013-10-05 Diskussionsfäden christoph theiler

Dear friends and colleagues,

If you're nearby and would join us, we'll be in Riga to present "Fluid 
Control - Media Evolution in Water" on day 3 (friday, oct. 11th)

Full programm of conference is here:

First view of our project:

all the best
(Christoph Theiler & Renate Pittroff)

Media Art Histories 2013: RENEW
The 5th International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science 
and Technology. October 8–11, 2013 RIGA, Latvia.

The 5th International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science 
and Technology – RENEW, will be hosted by RIXC in partnership with the 
Latvian Academy of Arts, Stockholm School of Economics and Danube 
University’s Center for Image Science. Following Banff 2005, Berlin 
2007, Melbourne 2009 and Liverpool 2011, the Media Art History Boards 
and Renew Co-chairs invite you to attend Renew in Riga 2013. Renew will 
host three days of keynotes, panels and poster sessions on the histories 
of networked digital, electronic and technological media arts.

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

Re: [spectre] (fwd) ars electronica 2013: TOTAL RECALL

2013-04-11 Diskussionsfäden christoph theiler
"A mind is like a parachute, it doesn´t  work unless it is open"  -  
Frank Zappa

Andreas Broeckmann schrieb:

ars electronica 2013: TOTAL RECALL
Linz, 5.9. - 9.9.2013

One of science’s most coveted secrets and one of humankind’s greatest 
technological challenges will occupy the focal point of the next Ars 
Electronica Festival September 5-9, 2013: memory and its storage. What 
is remembrance? How is information saved to memory and how is it 
lost—in nature, in technology, in the future?

TOTAL RECALL is the theme of Ars Electronica 2013, a search for the 
perfect memory. We’ll ask neuroscientists and computer engineers, 
artists and philosophers about their approaches, about the latest 
finding and their interpretations of them, and about their plans and 
visions of a future in which we’ll be able to save everything to memory.

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SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] Membran II

2013-02-24 Diskussionsfäden christoph theiler

Membran II for Saxophone, E-Guitar and AM-Transmitter (2001)
Performance: 18. Dec. 2002 - Berlin

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] Fluid Control Doku

2013-01-19 Diskussionsfäden christoph theiler

To all fans of electronic music,
every one who held it got wet eyes.
whoever saw it never forgot it

On air:
24.03.2012, 23.03-23.59h
Ö1 - Kunstradio


SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] wellen vom untergrund - sa, 6.okt., 19:30h - galerie wechselstrom

2012-10-05 Diskussionsfäden christoph theiler

we invite you

wellen vom untergrund
liquid control - world premiere
elecronic performance with
(aka renate pittroff & christoph theiler)

sa, 6.okt.12,  19:30h
galerie wechselstrom
grundsteingasse 44
1160 wien

anlässlich der finissage von musao - museum auf abwegen ottakring

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] Peter Rosei - Do, 4. Okt. 2012, 20:30h, BIB - Buch im beisl-Cafe CI , Yppenplatz, Wien

2012-09-28 Diskussionsfäden christoph theiler


B I B  eröffnung der herbstsaison
donnerstag, 4. oktober,
buch im beisl-cafe CI
yppenplatz, 1160 wien

peter rosei
reise ohne ende

die ersten jahre sind vorbereitung auf ein 40-jähriges schaffen.
der abend bietet die höhepunkte dieser zeit und vielleicht auch..
peter rosei liest aus seinen büchern aus den letzten 40 jahren.

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

Re: [spectre] request for clarification

2012-08-27 Diskussionsfäden christoph theiler

first:   clench your fist
second: rise up your third finger
third: go to first step

- wechselstrom -

heath bunting schrieb:

dear spectres

can someone precisely define the word 'digital' for me please ?

hope all is well


SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] wer ist dafür zuständig ?

2009-03-29 Diskussionsfäden christoph theiler
will die Ernsthaftigkeit parlamentarischer Arbeit keinesfalls in Zweifel 
ziehen, aber folgende 5 Anfragen zur gleichen Kunstaktion gehen ein 
wenig zu weit:


Kunstministerium 1:


Kunstministerium 2:


am 1. April 09,  00:05 Uhr auf Deutschlandradio-Kultur
das Feature zum Thema
Live-Stream unter:

- wechselstrom -

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] Kompositionen gesucht - Österreich bekommt ein Piefkedenkmal

2009-03-18 Diskussionsfäden christoph theiler


Gesucht: Kompositionen für Oboe, Flügelhorn (B) und Glockenspiel 
(und/oder kleine Trommel – 1 Musiker/in)

Dauer: zwischen 30 Sekunden und 2 Minuten
Einsendeschluss: 30. Juni 2009
Aufführung: 09.09.09 in Gänserndorf bei Wien

mit Partitur und Einzelstimmen sowie einem kurzen künstlerischen 
Lebenslauf und Name, Adresse, Telefonnummer, e-mail, Web (falls vorhanden)

c/o Christoph Theiler
Grundsteingasse 44/1/5
A-1160 Wien

e-mail: christoph(at)

Österreich bekommt ein Piefkedenkmal!

Am 9. Sept. 2009 wird in Gänserndorf bei Wien das weltweit erste und 
einzige Piefkedenkmal anlässlich des 194. Geburtstages des Komponisten 
aufgestellt und feierlich enthüllt.
Für diesen Festakt werden Kompositionen in der Besetzung Oboe, 
Flügelhorn (B) und Glockenspiel (und/oder kleine Trommel – 1 Musiker/in)

mit einer Dauer zwischen 30 Sekunden und 2 Minuten gesucht.
Die eingereichten Werke können bereits aufgeführt sein.
Von den Einsendungen werden 12-15 Werke ausgewählt, die zur Aufführung 

Einsendeschluss: 30. Juni 2009
Aufführung: 09.09.09 in Gänserndorf bei Wien

Nahe liegend ist es, den Charakter der Kompositionen in ernsthafter, 
heiterer, grotesker, sarkastischer oder humoristischer Weise auf den 
Themenkreis Marschmusik abzustimmen.
Ebenso willkommen sind aber auch Kompositionen, die sich dieser 
ungewöhnlichen Besetzung in offener, rein konzertanter Form annehmen.

Ein Projekt im Rahmen des „Viertelfestival Niederösterreich 09 – 

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] REMINDER - Rezepte für Kalbsembryonenverkostung gesucht

2008-12-11 Diskussionsfäden wechselstrom - christoph theiler


+++ Rezeptideen  für Kalbsembryonenverkostung gesucht
--- DEADLINE:   20 Dezember 08

Einsendungen mit
1. genauer Beschreibung der Zutaten und der Zubereitung
2. einem Statement (max. 1 A4-Seite)
3. einem kurzen Lebenslauf und
4. einer Erklärung, dass der/die EinsenderIn mit der Realisierung des
Rezeptes während der Veranstaltung am 10. Jän.2009 einverstanden ist.

bitte an:
--->  galerie wechselstrom
---> c/o Christoph Theiler
---> Grundsteingasse 44/1/5
---> 1160 Wien

oder an:
--->  christoph(at)

Die besten 3 Rezepte werden mit je 100,-- Euro honoriert.

Die Veranstaltung findet am Samstag, 10. Jän. 2009, 14.00h in der 
galerie wechselstrom

Gundsteingasse 44,  1160 Wien  statt.
Reservierung und Anmeldung unbedingt erforderlich
Unkostenbeitrag: 45,-- Euro


- wechselstrom -

Der Embryo wird unter Einhaltung der strengsten Tierschutzmaßstäbe und unter  
fachärztlicher Kontrolle per Kaiserschnitt entnommen.
Die Mutterkuh wird dabei örtlich betäubt, so dass der Eingriff, der nur 
wenige Minuten dauert, völlig schmerzfrei durchgeführt werden kann  - es 
ist dabei sichergestellt, dass keine Betäubungsmittelsubstanz in den 
Blutkreislauf des Embryos gelangt. Sobald der Embryo an der Luft ist, 
wird er schnellstmöglich mittels Herzstich getötet. Der Eingriff selbst 
ist für das Muttertier so leicht verträglich, dass es nach einer relativ 
kurzen Erholungsphase, also nach etwa 2 Wochen bereits wieder besamt 
werden kann.

galerie wechselstrom
c/o Christoph Theiler
Grundsteingasse 44/1/5
1160 Wien
Tel: +43-676-30 98 066

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