Re: [sqlite] File locking additions

2006-03-11 Thread Helmut Tschemernjak


Helmut Tschemernjak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The current lock offset will not allow to copy open DB files if the 
database gets larger than 0x4000 bytes. This is because locked 
regions cannot be copied under Windows, we changed it to:

#define PENDING_BYTE  I64CONST(0x7fff)
#define RESERVED_BYTE I64CONST(0x7fff0001)
#define SHARED_FIRST  I64CONST(0x7fff0002)

You are, of course, free to changes SQLite in any way you want
for your own use.  But this change cannot be made in the official
SQLite implementation for two reasons:  (1)  It would break
backwards compatibility.  (2) It will not work on systems that
do not support large files (file bigger than 2GiB) such as many
old Unix implementations and Win95.

D. Richard Hipp   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Every main desktop and server platform supports 64bit file offsets for 
minimum 5 years and many already for 10 years. If we get a common 
locking code which is cross platform network compatible (SMB, AFP, NFS) 
as well supporting all major existing OS by default is a good goal and 
will introduce incompatibilities anyways.

Custom solutions, embedded OS's, etc. must port the file IO, locking and 
threading anyways to their OS/solution.

Helmut Tschemernjak

Re: [sqlite] File locking additions

2006-03-08 Thread Helmut Tschemernjak

Hello Adam, all,

Cross platform locking is defiantly very important. The goal should be 
to use the identical sqlite DB via UNIX, AFP, SMB, NFS and others. My 
opinion is that it is not needed to have any additional open parameters, 
just use the locking features which are in common between all platforms.

Using an additional TCP/IP server is more complex in term of cross 
platform compatibility and may be an overkill in terms of performance, 
and will introduce additional problems.

At present the os_unix.c has some problems, I don't recall all its 
details so here is just an estimate:

Multiple locks are getting unlocked with one call
- This does not work on AFP and SMB

A Read lock gets turned into a writer lock (and or back?)
- This does not work on AFP, SMB has limited support for it.

The current lock offset will not allow to copy open DB files if the 
database gets larger than 0x4000 bytes. This is because locked 
regions cannot be copied under Windows, we changed it to:

#define PENDING_BYTE  I64CONST(0x7fff)
#define RESERVED_BYTE I64CONST(0x7fff0001)
#define SHARED_FIRST  I64CONST(0x7fff0002)

Advisory versus mandatory record locking
AFP and SMB is doing mandatory locking which means other clients cannot 
read locked file areas, advisory locking means that we can ready any 
data therefore we must call lock first before reading bytes.

The benefit of supporting the OS based locking is that after a program 
exits it will automatically cleanup all locks. Windows has some "oplock" 
features which will handle remote locks completely on the Windows SMB 
clients as long as only one writer uses the file.

It should not be this difficult to use only locking features which are 
in common cross major platforms and network file systems.

Helmut Tschemernjak

Adam Swift wrote:


In order to provide locking support for database files mounted from 
remote file systems (NFS, SMB, AFP, etc) as well as provide compatible 
locking support between database clients both local and remote, I would 
like to propose some additions to the existing database file locking 

I have discussed this briefly with D. Richard Hipp and he has expressed 
interest in pursuing it.  We would appreciate 
feedback/suggestions/concerns on the proposed solutions below.

1. Support a variety of locking mechanisms, from the lowest granularity 
(using a .lock file)  to the highest (the existing 
advisory locks).  A preliminary list: .lock files, flock, afp locks, 
posix advisory locks.

2. Allow clients to specify type of locking (on database open) manually 
or ask sqlite to automatically detect the best locking supported by the 
file system hosting the database file (automatic detection would not 
work in a mixed local/remote file system situation, all clients of a 
single database file need to use the same type of locking to avoid 

3. Extend the sqlite3_open commands to support URI style path references 
in order to specify the file system locking type (as opposed to 
modifying the arguments list).  After a little poking around on RFC 3986 
<> I'm inclined to specify the 
locking choice via the query part of the URI.  For example:


Thanks in advance for your input.

Adam Swift

Re: [sqlite] malloc(0) in sqlite3_exec

2005-06-29 Thread Helmut Tschemernjak


malloc(0) on AIX 4.3 and 5.1 returns NULL, which crashes some apps. We 
fixed it in our applications. As we migrate from ctree to sqlite2 this 
needs to be fixed or increased from malloc(0) to 1.

On AIX it will definitely return NULL and will crash as soon the pointer 
is referenced.

Is the malloc(0) pointer used?

Helmut Tschemernjak

Lauri Nurmi wrote:

D. Richard Hipp wrote:

On Wed, 2005-06-29 at 15:19 +0300, Lauri Nurmi wrote:

So, basically, is there a reason why sqlite3Malloc(n) & co should even
try to allocate zero bytes, instead of just returning NULL if n==0? Does
a pointer pointing to zero bytes of memory have any use anyway?

Yes.  A NULL return from sqlite3Malloc() is an error condition meaning
that you have run out of memory.  That is very different from returning
a zero-length memory allocation.

I see the difference, yes. Still, I'm not convinced that doing a 
malloc(0) is a good thing.

I found this quotation from the net 
it is probably from the C99 standard:

If the size of the space requested is zero, the behavior is
implementation-defined: either a  null pointer  is returned,
or the behavior is as if the size were some nonzero value,
except that the returned  pointer  shall not  be  used  to
access an object.

So malloc(0) may return NULL, and even if it doesn't, the pointer should 
not be used.

You wouldn't want to substitute a NULL for an empty string in SQL would
you?  Having sqlite3Malloc return NULL for a zero-length allocation is
roughly the same thing.

Hmm, an empty (C-style) string doesn't fit into zero bytes, it needs one 
byte for the '\0'. If you have a pointer pointing to zero allocated 
bytes, you can't even use strlen() or anything else on it [according to 
the quotation above].

Re: [sqlite] Bug in fsync in SuSE 9.3

2005-06-27 Thread Helmut Tschemernjak


it is hard to believe that there is a bug in fsync under the Linux 
kernel 2.6.10. What kind of filesystem have you used. (NFS, FAT, Reiser, 

Are any special kernel or mount options used?
Is it a sparse file?
How have you found out that it is related to fsync?

best regards

Helmut Tschemernjak

Cavit Cahit VURAL wrote:

Hi ,

You use fsync to refresh the data to the disk as we were.

In SuSE 9.3 (don't know others) fsync does not work properly. Sometimes 
it do not use the buffer you gave , writes garbage data to the file. It 
took 25 days to determine the bug :-)


CC Vural

Re: [sqlite] Reading German Umlauts correct

2005-06-21 Thread Helmut Tschemernjak

Hallo Daniel,

on Windows you can use WideCharToMultiByte and MultibyteToWideChar to 
convert from and to UTF8. I would recommend to use utf8 in the DB 
because it is a pretty good standard and being using in Mac OS X, Java, 
Solaris/Linux, HTML, and others. Windows uses either 8 bit client 
charset e.g. PC850 or 16 bit Unicode. UTF-8 is basically the same like 
16 bit Unicode but encoded into 8 bit where basic chars 0-127 stay in 

Helmut Tschemernjak


Hello :)
I'm reading Information from a SQLite database. But this Information

contains German umlauts like ä, ö, ü. When I get these Information back in
my Programm, these umlauts are unreadable. The ü for example is ü. The
umlauts are stored in the Database correctly.
Can somebody tell me, what I have to do, that the umlauts are displayes

correctly exept a string manipulation after data-reading?
Thanks in advance :)


Re: [sqlite] Tiger: Error: file is encrypted or is not a database

2005-06-06 Thread Helmut Tschemernjak

Will Leshner wrote:

On Jun 6, 2005, at 7:36 AM, Helmut Tschemernjak wrote:

The data is not encrypted.

What makes you think it is a SQLite database (a slightly rhetorical  
question as I'm pretty sure I know what makes you think that). But,  and 
this isn't rhetorical, what makes you think it isn't encrypted?

Just do a less on the .db files and you can see the information is in 
clear text. I will investigate into it a little bit more.

Re: [sqlite] Possible 1GB database limit on Windows from PENDING_BYTE

2005-05-16 Thread Helmut Tschemernjak
thank you a lot for the feedback. It is not only Windows using advisory 
locking and aborting other reads, it is the same with Mac OS X using AFP 
volumes or a Samba CIFS volume mount on a Linux client. I understand the 
problem and consider to add a ".backup" command to the sqlite shell to 
backup a running database.

I still believe it is an good idea to move the lock range outside of the 
file range e.g. 0x. Word/Excel using as well a locking 
in high area for simple interprocess communication about the current 
Word/Excel file.

Helmut Tschemernjak
D. Richard Hipp wrote:
On Mon, 2005-05-16 at 15:58 +0200, Helmut Tschemernjak wrote:
thank you for the info, another possible problem is that I cannot backup 
the database e.g. "begin exclusive" and copy the entire DB file while 
the main server app is still running. The copy aborts at offset 1GB.

This is only a problem on windows.  (Unix lets you make a copy of the
file even though it is locked - unix got this part right.)
A easy work-around would be to write a custom "copy" program that
ignored bytes 1GiB through 1Gib+510.

Re: [sqlite] Possible 1GB database limit on Windows from PENDING_BYTE

2005-05-16 Thread Helmut Tschemernjak
thank you for the info, another possible problem is that I cannot backup 
the database e.g. "begin exclusive" and copy the entire DB file while 
the main server app is still running. The copy aborts at offset 1GB.

Helmut Tschemernjak
D. Richard Hipp wrote:
On Mon, 2005-05-16 at 15:33 +0200, Helmut Tschemernjak wrote:
looking into the PENDING_BYTE 0x4000 define from os.h, I believe 
there is a problem when the database is larger than 1GB and a second 
process reads at offset 1GB, the read may aborts with SQLITE_IOERR if a 
lock is active.

This should not happen because no process ever reads data out
of the range 1GiB through 1GiB+510.  That range of bytes is used
for locking only.  No data is every stored here.
If you grep for PENDING_BYTE in pager.c, you will find the places
in the code that automatically skip over the locking bytes.

[sqlite] Possible 1GB database limit on Windows from PENDING_BYTE

2005-05-16 Thread Helmut Tschemernjak
looking into the PENDING_BYTE 0x4000 define from os.h, I believe 
there is a problem when the database is larger than 1GB and a second 
process reads at offset 1GB, the read may aborts with SQLITE_IOERR if a 
lock is active.

A "(u64)-10" PENDING_BYTE define and adjusting the low/high dword for 
LockFileEx should fix this. It is clear to me that all clients need to 
update the libsqlite to allow concurrent access with the new locking offset.

Is this right?
Helmut Tschemernjak

[sqlite] enum return type idea for sqlite3 functions

2005-05-09 Thread Helmut Tschemernjak
I like to recommend to use an enum for the return code of all sqlite3 
functions., E.g.:

typedef enum {
SQLITE_OK   = 0,/* Successful result */
SQLITE_ERROR= 1,/* SQL error or missing database */
SQLITE_INTERNAL = 2,/* An internal logic error in SQLite */
} sqlite3_retcode;
sqlite3_retcode sqlite3_open(
const char *filename,   /* Database filename (UTF-8) */
  sqlite3 **ppDb  /* OUT: SQLite db handle */
The benefit would be that the return value would be displayed in the 

best regards
Helmut Tschemernjak