Re: [sqlite] How to search for fields with accents in UTF-8 data?

2017-06-18 Thread hfiandor
Dear CC:
I use Spanish language, with letters with accents.

When I try to import from a .csv the data obtained in the table was "rare" and 
I have to implement some routines to convert  "What the program read to the 
letter I want to write", and I solve the problem. I think in a prehistory way.

If you want, I can send to you this routines, and maybe you can suggest me a 
better way.


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] problem with special letters

2017-05-27 Thread hfiandor
Dear Simon:
i am using window10 and Lazarus v1.6 FPC 3.0.0
Really, i dont know the Lazarus Tool for reading my .csv file.
Following your suggestions (you send to me some time ago) i have written the 
needed routines in the program.
i am sure there is a more efficient way to obtain this results.
i have read the command line file section 8, but i don´t know how to implement 
in Lazarus. I am not working in the sqlite´enviroment, and i don´t know what 
happened if i write an instruction like 
sqlite> .mode csv
sqlite> .import C:/work/somedata.csv tab1
I would like to send you the lines i use, but i remember your suggestion to use 
the list and not your personal 'email.
Please, excuse my "indigence of knowledge", i am trying to learn.
Thanks in advance

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] problem with special letters

2017-05-26 Thread hfiandor
Dear Mr. Simon:

Thanks for your rapid answer. I just am using your suggestion of insert into 
and it work fine.

I will try to read the files you suggest. (and study)

Thanks again


sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] problem with special letters

2017-05-26 Thread hfiandor
Dear collegues:


i have an application with two ways to introduce data in the associate
table: by keyboard o thru a bottom named "Insert".


My language is Spanish, and some letters can have a special sign: a and á,
for example.

If i introduce a word as Biología by the keyboard, no problem. The table
write in the corresponding field "Biología".

If i prepare a file.csv with the data, no problem with the .csv file. The
file has "Biología"-

if i use the Insert bottom, the program read the file.csv and then follow
the instruction "insert into ..", and here is a problem.

The SQLite table don´t write "Biología" as I suppose, the program write

When i try to prepare a Report, copy exactly what the table has: "Biolog¿a".

I think: Lazarus work well when the data is introduced by keyboard, but
something fail when read a .csv (Biología) and translate to the SQLite´table
"Biolog¿a" with the insert into... command.

I will appreciate very much if somebody can help me.

Thanks in advance,


Ing. Héctor F. Fiandor Rosario


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Insert into with Id...

2017-01-22 Thread hfiandor
Thanks very much, in special to Mr. Slavin.

Ing. Héctor F. Fiandor Rosario

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Insert into with Id...

2017-01-15 Thread hfiandor
Dear Mr. Simon:

Today, early in the morning, I have reviewed the former ExcelToSQLite.exe and 
try to  run it  with data from my last application. I have corrected some 
mistakes and pretty work.

I thought my problems was solved.

Thanks very much,

Ing. Héctor F. Fiandor Rosario

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Insert into with Id...

2017-01-13 Thread hfiandor
Dear Mr. Simon Slavin:

I have implemented the lectura of a csv file in my program as "import". I have 
followed yours instructions (the last one and others previous) . Thanks for 
your instructions.

The program works fine with csv files of one or two rows, but when I try to 
read a file with 9 rows, it fails.

I have reviewed the routines and not found the errors.

Please, I suspect that I have missed something. If you have any suggestion, I 
will appreciate very much.

If you need the procedure "import" I can send to you.

Thanks in advance,

Ing. Héctor F. Fiandor Rosario

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Insert into with Id...

2017-01-11 Thread hfiandor
Dear list members:


I’m trying to read a .csv file and introduce in an SQLite table, using the
insert into command.


In the .csv file I have not used this Id field (it was defined as integer
and autoincrease).


I will appreciate any help about how to copy from a .csv file to an SQLite


Thanks in advance,


Ing. Héctor F. Fiandor Rosario


sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] table can't be active

2016-11-04 Thread hfiandor

I´m working with Lazarus and SQLite tables.
I´m doing an application with Selection form, where I have a bottom to do a 
When pressed become active two tables with values to be charged and create a 
new tables: tTemp2.
This query is a little complex, and the solution implemented is to charge in 
the new table (tTemp2) some values. Then this is shown in a Report using 
When finished, I do
fdm.SQLTransaction1.Active := False;
fdm.SQLite3Connection1.Connected := False;
followed by
if fdm.ttemp2.TableExists then
fdm.ttemp2.FileName := camino_BD + '\temp.db';
fdm.ttemp2.SQL := 'DROP TABLE Temp2';
  except ShowMessagePos('No existe tTemp2',10,10);
end else begin ShowMessagePos('al final de SelNSA temp2 no existe',10,10); 

It is expected to go back to the Selection form.
If I press for second time the botton for another query, the process start, but 
the table tTemp2 can not be Active like the first time.

I will appreciate any suggestion.

Thanks in advance

Ing. Héctor F. Fiandor Rosario

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] importing csv

2016-08-26 Thread hfiandor
Dear Alan:

I have implemente an application that I name as ExcelToSQLite and his 
counterpart SQLiteToExcel. If you want, I can sent to you.

Ing. Héctor F. Fiandor Rosario

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] CSV Import Bail on Unique

2016-07-14 Thread hfiandor
Dear Mr William:

It has been implemente an app with two programs: SQLiteToExcel and
ExcelToSQLite. If you are interested, please, write to me. The Manual is
spanish written.

Ing. Héctor F. Fiandor Rosario

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Get fields type

2016-04-13 Thread hfiandor
Dear members:

I use Lazarus for programing and SQLite tables.

I?m trying to do an application for coping from Excel table to SQLite table. I 
have already identified both tables has the same field?s names and the order. 
But not yet I have obtained the field?s types in the SQLite table.

Ing. H?ctor F. Fiandor Rosario

On 13 Apr 2016, at 10:57am, hfiandor  wrote:

> I have already obtained from a SQLQuery the field?s list. Now I need to
> obtain the field?s type, from the SQLQuery obtained from a SQLite table.

In the SQLite API you would use this


int sqlite3_column_type(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol);

but you're not using the SQLite API.

What programming language are you using.
What API are you using to access SQLite ?

sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users at

[sqlite] Get fields type

2016-04-13 Thread hfiandor
Dear members:

I have already obtained from a SQLQuery the field?s list. Now I need to
obtain the field?s type, from the SQLQuery obtained from a SQLite table.

I am thinking to obtain it introduced manually by the PC?s operators. The
idea is to prepare an SQL?s sentence as INSERT INTO where I have to write
the VALUES in accordance to the field?s type: ?text?, #date#, numeric;

If it is possible, I will appreciate any help.


Ing. H?ctor F. Fiandor Rosario

[sqlite] application for initial charge

2016-04-09 Thread hfiandor
Thanks very much to Jean-Christophe Deschamps

Ing. H?ctor F. Fiandor Rosario

[sqlite] application for initial charge

2016-04-09 Thread hfiandor
Dear list members:

Recently I have worked with an application for initial charge of an
Accounting System. It was very simple and I suspect that was implemented
with EXCEL and the Accounting System BD motor is not an SQLite (maybe

The main idea is to prepare an accounting entry (I don?t know how to name it
in english but in spanish it is known as ?comprobante?) in Excel, in a
special layout, press a button, and generate the entry in a way that the
Accounting System can ?read? when it was ?imported?.

I have implemented an application with Lazarus+FPCompiler, using SQLite
tables, and the information was obtained from Excel tables previously done.

I hope it would be very simple to prepare in the former Excel tables a sheet
with the information required by my application and ?charge it? instead of
the manual introduction as now.

Please, if somebody knows something about this aspect, I will appreciate
very much any information.


Ing. H?ctor F. Fiandor Rosario

[sqlite] keep out focus

2016-03-22 Thread hfiandor
Dear sirs:

I want to appology for this message. Initially I want to send to the Lazarus
List, but if anyone has the solution, I will appreciate very much


Ing. H?ctor F. Fiandor Rosario

[sqlite] keep out focus

2016-03-21 Thread hfiandor
Dear sirs>

I have a button previously focused. When the action was completed and the
promt was sended to other position in the MainMenu, the button remain
indicating the focus. Please, I want to know how to unfocus the button.

Thanks in advance,


Ing. H?ctor F. Fiandor Rosario