[sqlite] Parsing the contents of a field

2016-01-17 Thread R Smith

On 2016/01/16 4:53 PM, Simon Slavin wrote:
> On 16 Jan 2016, at 2:31pm, R Smith  wrote:
>> There is of course no SQL function to do this, but thanks to CTE we can 
>> achieve it easily (though not extremely efficiently).
> I thought that WITH could be used only for SELECT statements.
> Oh wait, you want to use the WITH statement as a sub-select on an INSERT 
> statement.  Does that work ?

The example I posted simply SELECTs the values, but it can as easily be 
piped to a table via an INSERT statement or such. The OP said indeed he 
wants to push the values to a table and from there read it. This can 
even be an in-memory table or simply another CTE table.

As to your question - WITH can be used in any place where a table-select 
can,  with some restrictions (though my example requires nothing fancy 
in this regard).

I quote from the documentation at: https://www.sqlite.org/lang_with.html

"All common table expressions (ordinary and recursive) are created by 
prepending a WITH clause in front of a SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE 
statement. A single WITH clause can specify one or more common table 

That is to say, it is perfectly legal to do something like this:

WITH C(Idx) AS (

Which will delete contacts from the "Contacts" table with ID's 6, 7 and 8.

Or perhaps:

WITH NewPeeps(title, name, surname, tel, email) AS (
 SELECT 'James', 'Jones', '555-123-7689' UNION ALL
 SELECT 'Jason', 'Johnson', '555-124-7689' UNION ALL
 SELECT 'Jeffrey', 'Jenner', '555-125-7689'
) INSERT INTO Contacts (Name, Surname, Title, Tel, Mail) SELECT name, 
surname, 'Mr.', tel, name||'@jworld.org' FROM NewPeeps;

Which will insert the contacts into the Contacts table. Etc.

Even in explicit sub-selects it works perfectly well, for example this 

Idx<(20-1)) SELECT * FROM C

Which will produce all odd numbers between 10 and 20.

And then this Query will list all contacts with ID's that are the odd 
numbers between 10 and 20:

   FROM Contacts, (
Idx<(20-1)) SELECT * FROM C
   ) AS S
WHERE IndexC=S.Idx

Or in a correlated sub-query:

 WITH C(Idx, SqrIdx) AS (
   SELECT 1,1 UNION ALL SELECT Idx+1, (Idx*Idx) FROM C WHERE Idx<1000
   ) AS SQR, Contacts.*
   FROM Contacts

which shows the square of contact ID's next to the rest of their data.

These examples are of course extremely simple, but they show  the 

[sqlite] Parsing the contents of a field

2016-01-17 Thread Simon Slavin

On 17 Jan 2016, at 12:27am, R Smith  wrote:

> I quote from the documentation at: https://www.sqlite.org/lang_with.html
> "All common table expressions (ordinary and recursive) are created by 
> prepending a WITH clause in front of a SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE 
> statement. A single WITH clause can specify one or more common table 
> expressions"

Ah, I missed that.  I thought it was just SELECT.  Thanks.


[sqlite] Parsing the contents of a field

2016-01-16 Thread R Smith

On 2016/01/16 7:02 AM, audio muze wrote:
>> What do you mean by "parse" ?  Just to separate a string into its delimited 
>> substrings ?  Since SQLite has no array or list variable-type there's no way 
>> to do that because there's no way to return the result.  Can you not just 
>> return the value retrieved from the table and parse it in your software ?
>> You can add your own functions to SQLite, so you could write your own parse 
>> function and do something like
>> SELECT parse(myColumn) FROM myTable
>> However this is quite complicated and not recommended for the beginner.
> The fields in question have content as follows:
> string1\\string2\\string3\\...\\stringx
> I want to write every record's entries to a table with each element
> being a separate record i.e.
> string1
> string2
> string3
> .
> .
> .
> stringx

There is of course no SQL function to do this, but thanks to CTE we can 
achieve it easily (though not extremely efficiently).

I have posted some time ago here some CTE query to break CSV values in a 
field up into their own items, I will post it now again from one of 
SQLitespeed tutorial scripts, it's an easy adaption to use those slashes 
(or whatever other separator character(s) you use).

I will leave the adaption to you since I am unsure if your post is just 
an example or whether the actual separators are in fact slashes - but if 
you have difficulty adapting it, please post again with more detail and 
we will try to assist better.

--   Example Script for un-packing CSV values (or any delimited data).
--   [ Needs CTE: SQLite 3.4+ ]
--   Remove any auto-created Tables

--   Create & Populate the Table used in the examples
   colA TEXT,
   colCSV TEXT

--   Insert example CSV data
INSERT INTO tmpcsv (ID, colA, colCSV) VALUES
 (1, 'foo', '4,66,51,3009,2,678')
   , (2, 'bar', 'Sputnik,Discovery')
   , (3, 'baz', '101,I-95,104')
   , (4,'foz','Amsterdam, Beijing, London, Moscow, New York, Paris, Tokyo')

--   This CTE Query works only on the Table above, but will run in any
--   SQLite script engine.
--   You will need to modify the table (t) and Key (t.ColA) and column
--   containing the separated data (t.colCSV in this case).
--   You may modify the separation character (comma in this case) by
--   replacing all  ','  with either another quoted character (such
--   as '#', ';' or '|') or using the CHAR(UnicodeVal) function (for
--   example CHAR(09) for TAB or CHAR(32) for SPACE, etc.)
WITH csvrec(i, l, c, r) AS (
   SELECT t.colA, 1,
  t.colCSV||',', ''
 FROM tmpcsv AS t
   SELECT i,
  instr( c, ',' ) AS vLength,
  substr( c, instr( c, ',' ) + 1) AS vRemainder,
  trim( substr( c, 1, instr( c, ',' ) - 1) ) AS vCSV
 FROM csvrec
WHERE vLength > 0
   SELECT t.ID, t.colA, cr.r AS colCSV FROM tmpcsv AS t, csvrec AS cr
   WHERE t.colA = cr.i AND cr.r <> ''
   ORDER BY t.ID, t.colA

   --  ID   |colA   |   colCSV
   -- ===   |   =   |   ===
   --  1|foo|   2
   --  1|foo|   3009
   --  1|foo|   4
   --  1|foo|   51
   --  1|foo|   66
   --  1|foo|   678
   --  2|bar|   Discovery
   --  2|bar|   Sputnik
   --  3|baz|   101
   --  3|baz|   104
   --  3|baz|   I-95
   --  4|foz|   Amsterdam
   --  4|foz|   Beijing
   --  4|foz|   London
   --  4|foz|   Moscow
   --  4|foz|   New York
   --  4|foz|   Paris
   --  4|foz|   Tokyo

--   Example Cleanup

   --   Script Stats: Total Script Execution Time: 0d 00h 00m and 
   -- Total Script Query Time: 0d 00h 00m and 
   -- Total Database Rows Changed: 4
   -- Total Virtual-Machine Steps: 1196
   -- Last executed Item Index:5
   -- Last Script Error:

   -- 2015-04-09 17:14:51.419  |  [Success]Script Success.
   -- 2015-04-09 17:14:51.421  |  [Success]Transaction Rolled back.
   -- ---  DB-Engine Logs (Contains logged information from all DB 
connections during run)  --
   -- [2015-04-09 17:14:51.369] APPLICATION : Script 
D:\Documents\SQLiteScripts\csv_unpack.sql started at 17:14:51.369 on 09 
   -- [2015-04-09 17:14:51.415] ERROR (284) : automatic index on csvrec(i)

[sqlite] Parsing the contents of a field

2016-01-16 Thread Simon Slavin

On 16 Jan 2016, at 2:31pm, R Smith  wrote:

> There is of course no SQL function to do this, but thanks to CTE we can 
> achieve it easily (though not extremely efficiently).

I thought that WITH could be used only for SELECT statements.

Oh wait, you want to use the WITH statement as a sub-select on an INSERT 
statement.  Does that work ?


[sqlite] Parsing the contents of a field

2016-01-16 Thread Simon Slavin

On 16 Jan 2016, at 5:02am, audio muze  wrote:

> The fields in question have content as follows:
> string1\\string2\\string3\\...\\stringx
> I want to write every record's entries to a table with each element
> being a separate record i.e.

This would require a different number of INSERT commands depending on how many 
strings there are in the field.  It may be possible to do this in SQL but it 
would be complicated.

Do it in your programming language, not in SQL commands.


[sqlite] Parsing the contents of a field

2016-01-16 Thread audio muze
> What do you mean by "parse" ?  Just to separate a string into its delimited 
> substrings ?  Since SQLite has no array or list variable-type there's no way 
> to do that because there's no way to return the result.  Can you not just 
> return the value retrieved from the table and parse it in your software ?
> You can add your own functions to SQLite, so you could write your own parse 
> function and do something like
> SELECT parse(myColumn) FROM myTable
> However this is quite complicated and not recommended for the beginner.

The fields in question have content as follows:

I want to write every record's entries to a table with each element
being a separate record i.e.


When done writing that table I'll use select distinct to obtain a
unique list of that attribute and it becomes my reference/ lookup

[sqlite] Parsing the contents of a field

2016-01-13 Thread Gabor Grothendieck
If it's OK to use the sqlite3 cmd line shell then try this:

-- create test input table X
create table X (what text);
insert into X values ('abc,def');

-- write X to a file
.output mydata.csv
select * from X;
.output stdout

-- read it back in to parse it
create table Y (a text, b text);
.mode csv
.import mydata.csv Y

-- check Y - add a limit clause if Y is large
select * from Y;

On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 12:42 AM, audio muze  wrote:
> I have a table of roughly 500k records with a number of fields
> containing delimited text that needs to be parsed and written to
> separate tables as a master lists.  In order to do this I need to
> parse the field contents, however, I don't see any functions within
> SQLite to enable that.  The number of delimited entries embedded in a
> field can vary from none to as man as 20/30.  Is there an addin I can
> compile with SQLite that provides the ability to parse a string?
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
> sqlite-users at mailinglists.sqlite.org
> http://mailinglists.sqlite.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sqlite-users

Statistics & Software Consulting
GKX Group, GKX Associates Inc.
tel: 1-877-GKX-GROUP
email: ggrothendieck at gmail.com

[sqlite] Parsing the contents of a field

2016-01-13 Thread Igor Korot

On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 10:05 AM, Jim Morris  wrote:
> Might be doable with a recursive CTE
> On 1/13/2016 1:22 AM, Bart Smissaert wrote:
>> It probably can be done with just SQLite's built-in text functions such as
>> instr and substr,
>> although with 20 to 30 items it may get a bit messy and complex.
>> RBS
>> On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 5:42 AM, audio muze  wrote:
>>> I have a table of roughly 500k records with a number of fields
>>> containing delimited text that needs to be parsed and written to
>>> separate tables as a master lists.  In order to do this I need to
>>> parse the field contents, however, I don't see any functions within
>>> SQLite to enable that.  The number of delimited entries embedded in a
>>> field can vary from none to as man as 20/30.  Is there an addin I can
>>> compile with SQLite that provides the ability to parse a string?

You are way better off with a Perl script.

Thank you.

>>> ___
>>> sqlite-users mailing list
>>> sqlite-users at mailinglists.sqlite.org
>>> http://mailinglists.sqlite.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sqlite-users
>> ___
>> sqlite-users mailing list
>> sqlite-users at mailinglists.sqlite.org
>> http://mailinglists.sqlite.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sqlite-users
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
> sqlite-users at mailinglists.sqlite.org
> http://mailinglists.sqlite.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sqlite-users

[sqlite] Parsing the contents of a field

2016-01-13 Thread Don V Nielsen
You will thank yourself by using a scripting language such Ruby, php, or

Is there a reg ex library for sqlite that could be employed?

On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 11:42 PM, audio muze  wrote:

> I have a table of roughly 500k records with a number of fields
> containing delimited text that needs to be parsed and written to
> separate tables as a master lists.  In order to do this I need to
> parse the field contents, however, I don't see any functions within
> SQLite to enable that.  The number of delimited entries embedded in a
> field can vary from none to as man as 20/30.  Is there an addin I can
> compile with SQLite that provides the ability to parse a string?
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
> sqlite-users at mailinglists.sqlite.org
> http://mailinglists.sqlite.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sqlite-users

[sqlite] Parsing the contents of a field

2016-01-13 Thread Bart Smissaert
It probably can be done with just SQLite's built-in text functions such as
instr and substr,
although with 20 to 30 items it may get a bit messy and complex.


On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 5:42 AM, audio muze  wrote:

> I have a table of roughly 500k records with a number of fields
> containing delimited text that needs to be parsed and written to
> separate tables as a master lists.  In order to do this I need to
> parse the field contents, however, I don't see any functions within
> SQLite to enable that.  The number of delimited entries embedded in a
> field can vary from none to as man as 20/30.  Is there an addin I can
> compile with SQLite that provides the ability to parse a string?
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
> sqlite-users at mailinglists.sqlite.org
> http://mailinglists.sqlite.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sqlite-users

[sqlite] Parsing the contents of a field

2016-01-13 Thread Simon Slavin

On 13 Jan 2016, at 5:42am, audio muze  wrote:

> The number of delimited entries embedded in a
> field can vary from none to as man as 20/30.  Is there an addin I can
> compile with SQLite that provides the ability to parse a string?

What do you mean by "parse" ?  Just to separate a string into its delimited 
substrings ?  Since SQLite has no array or list variable-type there's no way to 
do that because there's no way to return the result.  Can you not just return 
the value retrieved from the table and parse it in your software ?

You can add your own functions to SQLite, so you could write your own parse 
function and do something like

SELECT parse(myColumn) FROM myTable

However this is quite complicated and not recommended for the beginner.


[sqlite] Parsing the contents of a field

2016-01-13 Thread audio muze
I have a table of roughly 500k records with a number of fields
containing delimited text that needs to be parsed and written to
separate tables as a master lists.  In order to do this I need to
parse the field contents, however, I don't see any functions within
SQLite to enable that.  The number of delimited entries embedded in a
field can vary from none to as man as 20/30.  Is there an addin I can
compile with SQLite that provides the ability to parse a string?

[sqlite] Parsing the contents of a field

2016-01-13 Thread Jim Morris
Might be doable with a recursive CTE

On 1/13/2016 1:22 AM, Bart Smissaert wrote:
> It probably can be done with just SQLite's built-in text functions such as
> instr and substr,
> although with 20 to 30 items it may get a bit messy and complex.
> On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 5:42 AM, audio muze  wrote:
>> I have a table of roughly 500k records with a number of fields
>> containing delimited text that needs to be parsed and written to
>> separate tables as a master lists.  In order to do this I need to
>> parse the field contents, however, I don't see any functions within
>> SQLite to enable that.  The number of delimited entries embedded in a
>> field can vary from none to as man as 20/30.  Is there an addin I can
>> compile with SQLite that provides the ability to parse a string?
>> ___
>> sqlite-users mailing list
>> sqlite-users at mailinglists.sqlite.org
>> http://mailinglists.sqlite.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sqlite-users
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
> sqlite-users at mailinglists.sqlite.org
> http://mailinglists.sqlite.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sqlite-users

[sqlite] Parsing the contents of a field

2016-01-13 Thread Edward Lau

Not sure what is the cost to first export the fields a flat file?  Try 
https://github.com/elau1004/TFR4SQLite/wiki (may or may not fit your needs).

It was intended to query flatfile with crazy delimiters, using SQLite query 
engine.  If you can SELECT from a text file then you can insert the result into 
another table.


-Original Message-
From: audio muze <audiom...@gmail.com>
To: sqlite-users 
Sent: Tue, Jan 12, 2016 9:42 pm
Subject: [sqlite] Parsing the contents of a field

I have a table of roughly 500k records with a number of fields
containing delimited text that needs to be parsed and written to
separate tables as a master lists.  In order to do this I need to
parse the field contents, however, I don't see any functions within
SQLite to enable that.  The number of delimited entries embedded in a
field can vary from none to as man as 20/30.  Is there an addin I can
compile with SQLite that provides the ability to parse a string?
sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users at mailinglists.sqlite.org