Re: [sqlite] String --> Integer date formatting

2006-11-07 Thread Emmanuel
Dennis Cote wrote:
> Emmanuel,
> Check out the functions on this page
> In particular the function julianday(datestring) will return a julian
> day number for a suitably formatted date string. The supported date
> formats are from ISO-8601, or -MM-DD, so you will have to use
> substr and concatenation (||) to rearrange your dates.
> Dennis Cote

Thanks Denis this was a very good suggestion. Here is the part of my
query that converts "DD/MM/" to "-MM-DD", it works like a charm
with julianday()

substr(c.value,-4,4) || "-" || (CASE WHEN substr(c.value,-7,1) = '/'
THEN "0" || substr(c.value,-6,1) ELSE substr(c.value,-7,2) END) || "-"
|| (CASE WHEN substr(c.value,2,1) = '/' THEN "0" || substr(c.value,1,1)
ELSE substr(c.value,1,2) END)

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Re: [sqlite] String --> Integer date formatting

2006-11-06 Thread Dennis Cote

Emmanuel wrote:

I have normal date fields (stored as an integer, and easily manipulated with
date(), strftime(), etc.)

I have one extra field that contains a date but is stored as a DD/MM/ string. 

I would like to calculate the number of days between the two. This would be an
easy juliandate() substraction if both dates were of the same data type, but
they aren't.

I am looking for a function similar to Oracle's TO_DATE(string,'DD/MM/')
which would convert my string into a numerical value representing that date.
This would then allow me to use normal date functions to work on it.

I have tried TO_DATE in SQLite but it didn't work. Is there an equivalent
function? If not, is there any other way to achieve what I'm trying to do? 



Check out the functions on this page

In particular the function julianday(datestring) will return a julian 
day number for a suitably formatted date string. The supported date 
formats are from ISO-8601, or -MM-DD, so you will have to use substr 
and concatenation (||) to rearrange your dates.

Dennis Cote

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[sqlite] String --> Integer date formatting

2006-11-06 Thread Emmanuel

I am using SQLite as part of Trac ( to generate
reports on our ticket system.

I have normal date fields (stored as an integer, and easily manipulated with
date(), strftime(), etc.)

I have one extra field that contains a date but is stored as a DD/MM/ 

I would like to calculate the number of days between the two. This would be an
easy juliandate() substraction if both dates were of the same data type, but
they aren't.

I am looking for a function similar to Oracle's TO_DATE(string,'DD/MM/')
which would convert my string into a numerical value representing that date.
This would then allow me to use normal date functions to work on it.

I have tried TO_DATE in SQLite but it didn't work. Is there an equivalent
function? If not, is there any other way to achieve what I'm trying to do? 

Thanks in advance for your insights.


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