[sqlite] Bug report: typo in sqlite3.h

2014-11-07 Thread Philip Newton
The amalgamation-3080701 sqlite3.h file has a comment that reads, in part:

** These no-op macros are used in front of interfaces to mark those
** interfaces as either deprecated or experimental.  New applications
** should not use deprecated interfaces - they are support for backwards
** compatibility only.  Application writers should be aware that
** experimental interfaces are subject to change in point releases.

In that comment, "they are support" should read "they are supported".

Philip Newton <philip.new...@gmail.com>
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Bug report: typo in website

2014-11-07 Thread Philip Newton
http://www.sqlite.org/amalgamation.html says:

"The sqlite3.h file is also contained within the amalgamation, in the
first few of thousand lines."

I'm guessing that used to read "the first couple of thousand lines".

But with "few", the "of" is wrong; it should read "the first few
thousand lines".

Philip Newton <philip.new...@pobox.com>
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Bug report: typo in sqlite3.c (global.c)

2014-11-07 Thread Philip Newton
The amalgamation-3080701 contains in sqlite3.c a comment that reads in part:

** IMPORTANT:  Changing the pending byte to any value other than
** 0x4000 results in an incompatible database file format!
** Changing the pending byte during operating results in undefined
** and dileterious behavior.

"dileterious" should read "deleterious".

According to comments in the file, that comment is originally from global.c

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Bug report: Inconsistent usage of "[Jj]ulian [Dd]ay ([Nn]umbers)" in date.c

2014-11-07 Thread Philip Newton
In the sqlite-amalgamation-3080701, in included file "date.c", the
comments refer, at various times, to:

- julian day, julian day number, julian day numbers
- Julian day number
- Julian Day numbers
- Julian Day Number

These should probably be unified in terms of capitalisation.

Also, there is a comment saying:

**   %w  day of week 0-6  sunday==0

That should read "Sunday" and not "sunday".

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Bug report: typo in vacuum.c

2014-11-07 Thread Philip Newton
In amalgamation-3080701 in sqlite3.c, in a section apparently
originally from vacuum.c, there is a comment that reads in part:

** Only 1x temporary space and only 1x writes would be required if
** the copy of step (3) were replace by deleting the original database
** and renaming the transient database as the original.  But that will
** not work if other processes are attached to the original database.

"were replace" should be replaced by "were replaced" with -d at the end.

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Another website typo

2013-11-18 Thread Philip Newton
http://www.sqlite.org/tempfiles.html , in section "2.7
Materializations Of Views And Subqueries", says:

"The rules for when a query and cannot be flattened are very complex
and are beyond the scope of this document. "

That should probably read, "...when a query _can_ and cannot be flattened...".

Philip Newton <philip.new...@pobox.com>
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Typo in website

2013-11-18 Thread Philip Newton
http://www.sqlite.org/tempfiles.html says, in section "2.1 Rollback Journals":

"The OFF journal mode causes SQLite to the rollback journal."

There seems to be a verb missing in that sentence.

(Unless you were referencing the meme: "I switched the journal mode to
OFF and accidentally the rollback journal", or the like.)

Philip Newton <philip.new...@pobox.com>
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Another website typo

2013-11-18 Thread Philip Newton
http://www.sqlite.org/lockingv3.html , in section "5.0 Writing to a
database file", says:

"Future versions of SQLite might provide a "CHECKPOINT" SQL command
that will commit all changes made so far within a transaction but
retain the RESERVED lock so that additional changes can be made
without given any other process an opportunity to write."

"without given" should be "without giving".

Philip Newton <philip.new...@pobox.com>
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Punctuation in the website

2013-11-18 Thread Philip Newton
Further in http://www.sqlite.org/tempfiles.html , there is what I
think is infelicitous punctuation in section "2.8 Transient Indices":

"The new sort algorithm will also use temporary files, but not in the
same way as the current implementation, the temporary files for the
new implementation will probably not be index files. "

The part after the second comma is an entire main clause, and joining
it to the other two parts with a comma seems unfortunate to me; I
think a semicolon or even a full stop (US: period) would be more
appropriate here.

Or change "but not in the same way as the current implementation" to
something like "but unlike in the current implementation", in which
case the comma would be fine for me.

(My preference would be to keep the wording but change the punctuation.)

Philip Newton <philip.new...@pobox.com>
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] More website typos

2013-11-18 Thread Philip Newton



"The application must not close database connection specified by the
1st parameter to sqlite3_exec() while sqlite3_exec() is running. "

I suggest changing "must not close database connection" to "must not
close the database connection".



"When one of the first three forms is called during trigger-program
execution, the specified ON CONFLICT processing is performed (either
ABORT, FAIL or ROLLBACK) and the current query terminates."

Presumably, the last three forms of (the current version of) the
railroad diagram are meant -- the ones with ROLLBACK, ABORT, and FAIL.

"When RAISE(IGNORE) is called, the remainder of the current trigger
program, the statement that caused the trigger program to execute and
any subsequent trigger programs that would of been executed are

would of been --> would have been



in section "1.2.3 File format version numbers":

" If a database file with a read version greater than 2 is encounter,
then that database cannot be read or written."

is encounter --> is encountered

in section "1.2.5 Payload fractions"

" These values were originally intended to as tunable parameters that
could be used to modify the storage format of the b-tree algorithm."

originally intended to as --> originally intended to be --or--
originally intended as



"One may expect the number of extended result codes will be expand over time. "

Should be "One may expect _that_ the number ... will be" or "One may
expect the number ... _to_ be". And expand --> expanded in either


"The xInit method initializes the memory allocator. (For example, it
might allocate any require mutexes or initialize internal data
structures. The xShutdown method is invoked (indirectly) by
sqlite3_shutdown() and should deallocate any resources acquired by
xInit. The pAppData pointer is used as the only parameter to xInit and

There should be a closing parenthesis ")" after "structures.".



In section "The LIKE and GLOB operators":

" If a application-defined SQL function named "regexp" is added at
run-time, that function will be called in order to implement the
REGEXP operator."

If a --> If an



" Do not pass the pointers returned sqlite3_column_blob(),
sqlite3_column_text(), etc. into sqlite3_free()."

returned --> returned by



"Unlike the sqlite3_release_memory() interface, this interface is
effect even when then SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT compile-time
option is omitted."

is effect --> is in effect

when then --> when the



"The downside of this compile-time option is that it violates the
query planner stability guarantee making it more difficult to ensure
consistent performance is mass-produced applications. "

performance is --> performance in



in section "4.0 The LIKE optimization":

"The build-in functions used to implement LIKE and GLOB must not have
been overloaded using the sqlite3_create_function() API."

build-in --> built-int



in section "4.0 Hazards Of Upgrading To NGQP":

"Given reliable information about the selectivity of indices, the NGQP
should always pick a plan than is as good or better than before. "

as good or better than --> as good as or better than

Philip Newton <philip.new...@pobox.com>
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Is there something like PHPAdmin for SQLite

2016-04-21 Thread Philip Newton
On 20 April 2016 at 22:46, Eduardo Morras  wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Apr 2016 22:21:04 +0200
> Cecil Westerhof  wrote:
>> ?He told me he liked the idea of SQLite, but had to use MySQL,
>> because he needed to give his client a web interface. So if there is
>> a web interface (and there is), then he is not forced to use MySQL.
>> And of-course he decides, not me. ;-)
> Firefox has an extension to work with sqlite databases. Install it, open a 
> sqlite3 db file and work. It uses sqlite3 3.9? (don't remember know).

That won't work if the Firefox is on his local machine and the sqlite
database is on the server


[sqlite] Documentation bug in "abs"

2010-03-27 Thread Philip Newton

http://www.sqlite.org/lang_corefunc.html, in the description of "abs",
says: "If X is the integer -9223372036854775807 then abs(X) throws an
integer overflow error since there is no equivalent positive 64-bit
two complement value."

However, 9223372036854775807 can be represented as a signed 64-bit
value (assuming two's complement binary representation). I presume
that -9223372036854775808 was intended instead, i.e. one less -- that
would be the smallest possible negative integer representable as a
signed 64-bit value, and has no corresponding representable positive

So the last digit should be changed from "7" to "8" in the documentation.

Philip Newton <philip.new...@gmail.com>
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Typo on hwaci.com website (cerod.html)

2012-08-11 Thread Philip Newton
Hi there,

http://www.hwaci.com/sw/sqlite/cerod.html contains the sentence " This
utility program (called cerod_build.exe) reads an ordinary,
uncompressed and unencrypted SQLite database built by a public-domain
version of SQLite and constructs and equivalent compressed and
encrypted CEROD database."

The second "and" should be "an": "... and constructs _an_ equivalent ...".

It also goes on to say that "After you purchase a license to use
CEROD, we will be issued a userid and password to the on-line software
configuration management system for CEROD. "

I presume that should either be "you will be issued" or "we will issue
you"; rather than "we will be issued".

And then, "You can then log in and download the latest CEROD source
code and documentation whenever you like. Your license is perpetual,
so your login never expires. You can login as often as you like to
obtain the latest updates. "

It might be good to be consistent about whether the user will "log in"
or "login" between the first and the last of those three sentences.
(In the second sentence, it's a noun, so it can only be the one-word

Philip Newton <philip.new...@gmail.com>
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Bug in CREATE INDEX

2016-08-08 Thread Philip Newton
On 7 August 2016 at 22:37, Kevin O'Gorman  wrote:
> I use the LTS (long-term support) version of Ubuntu, and like not having to
> keep up with all the latest.  My current 14.04 is at end-of-life

LTS are supported for 5 years; your 14.04 is good till April 2019.

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Typos in the documentation

2017-11-09 Thread Philip Newton
Hello, I would like to report two typos in the documentation on the
website - I hope this is the appropriate forum to do so.

https://www.sqlite.org/inmemorydb.html under "Testing Services" near
the end has this as its final sentence:

"Hardware or system manufactures who want to have TH3 test run on
their systems can negotiation a service agreement to have the SQLite
Developers run those tests."

"can negotiation" --> "can negotiate", I think

https://www.sqlite.org/inmemorydb.html under "Temporary database" near
the end has this sentence in the middle paragraph:

"Even though a disk file is allocated for each temporary database, in
practice the temporary database usually resides in the in-memory pager
cache and hence is very little difference between a pure in-memory
database created by ":memory:" and a temporary database created by an
empty filename."

I think that "hence is very littler difference" should be "hence there
is very little difference" (i.e. add the word "there" between "hence"
and "is").

Philip Newton <philip.new...@pobox.com>
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] FTS5 Transaction Leads to NULL Pointer

2019-03-31 Thread Philip Newton
On Tue, 19 Mar 2019 at 07:35, Dan Kennedy  wrote:
> Now fixed here:

From that diff, it seems that you changed the documentation of the
function's parameters where the function was defined (see fts5_hash.c
line 489 at the right) but not where the prototype was declared (see
fts5Int.h line 588 at the right, which still talks about a "pointer to
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