Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS no longer imports MusicIP headers after reinstalling

2021-03-25 Thread Tomusz

mherger wrote: 
> ...or some people would now run LMS on their 
> Synology Diskstation in a a Docker container, as Synology themselves no
> longer support it. The image comes with its own Perl version.

Thank you for the detailed answer!

...that's exactly why I asked about Docker, as I saw others using it on
a Synology and somehow the approach sounded similar.

Okay, the Docker solution also sounds a bit complicated, but maybe worth
a try - and would also maybe be a solution for upgrading to a current
macOS version, because the fact that MusicIP is still 32bit was the
reason why I only use macOS versions that still support 32bit
applications (after High Sierra not the case anymore).

I also don't know why MusicIP is bugging me from LMS version 8 onwards.
Maybe it's the MusicIP mixer itself, which has a strange way of offering
the MusicIP service (the headless version is started from the MusicIP
mixer program).

On the other hand, you can reach the MusicIP service via
http://localhost:10002/api with any browser (Safari, Chrome, Firefox). I
don't know why LMS 8.x.x can't do that anymore, if LMS 7.x.x can - but
we have already philosophized about that.

In any case: Thanks! 

...and if you should find the "bug" after all, I would be very grateful
as well...

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS no longer imports MusicIP headers after reinstalling

2021-03-25 Thread Tomusz

mherger wrote: 
> ...Ok, finally got MIP running - in Docker. I'm using a M1 Mac Mini, and
> the MIP binary is PPC/i386 only... not even 64 bit! Any recent Mac would
> fail to run it natively.
> Anyway: running the justifiably/musicip image, listening on default port
> 10002 LMS does see it just fine. No problem whatsoever...

Could this be a solution for me?

I don't know much about "Docker", how does it work?

Will it make me independent of the operating system?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS no longer imports MusicIP headers after reinstalling

2021-03-23 Thread Tomusz

mherger wrote: 
> > I have also changed the port number, but this has not solved the
> problem
> > either.
> Where did you change what port number? Such changes make alarms go off 
> in my head...

The standard port for MusicIP is 10002, as we all know. 

I changed it from 10002 to 1, 10001 and 10003 (both in MusicIP
Mixer/Server, and in the plugin, always both to the same port number),
but it didn't change the problem - so please don't worry ;-)

Just checked, the other two Macs also have perl 5.8 installed.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS no longer imports MusicIP headers after reinstalling

2021-03-23 Thread Tomusz

mherger wrote: 
> What Perl version are you using?

Hi Michael, thanks for looking into this again.

When I type "perl -v", I get this response on the MacBook Pro (Mojave):

"This is perl 5, version 18, subversion 4 (v5.18.4) built for
(with 2 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail)"

I'll check the other versions later, as I don't have access to the other
two Macs right now, sorry.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS no longer imports MusicIP headers after reinstalling

2021-03-23 Thread Tomusz

bakker_be wrote: 
> When you say you have the same problem on two other Macs, do you mean
> that they both have a complete installation of both LMS & MusicIP Mixer?
> If MusicIP Mixer isn't installed on those machines it's normal for it
> not to work, as the official plugin doesn't allow for setting the IP of
> the MusicIP headless server (SugarCube does) and instead always tries to
> connect to localhost.

Yes, complete installation of LMS and MusicIP Mixer on all Macs - it's
clear that the MusicIP-plugin of LMS won't work without a working
MusicIP server. 

As I mentioned before, I can create a MusicIP mix on all Macs (Mac mini,
MacPro, MacBook Pro, all Intel-based, two running High Sierra and one
Mojave) without any problems by calling the API of the MusicIP server
via http://localhost:10002/api - so this works and is not blocked.

On all three Macs the MusicIP-plugin of LMS 7.9.3 recognizes the
MusicIP-server under port number 10002 without any problems and does its

If I then delete LMS 7.9.3 (completely, as explained in the wiki) and
install LMS 8 (no matter which version) the MusicIP-plugin no longer
imports the headers, no matter how I set it (there are two
possibilities, a fast and a slower one) it gives the error message that
a connection to the MusicIP-server is not possible.

If I then delete LMS 8 completely and install LMS 7.9.3, MusicIP,
respectively the plugin works as expected, creating mixes.

I have also changed the port number, but this has not solved the problem

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS no longer imports MusicIP headers after reinstalling

2021-03-22 Thread Tomusz

Hmm, maybe it would be better to switch from Mac to a RPI4, just found

...because a RPI4 is also working in my basement... :cool:

As discussed long ago, it can't be related to firewall settings, etc.,
because then LMS 7.9.3 would not be able to connect to the MusicIP
server either, right? But anyway, thanks again Matt.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS no longer imports MusicIP headers after reinstalling

2021-03-22 Thread Tomusz

slartibartfast wrote: 
> No he did enable the MusicIP plugin and it worked.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

Okay, sorry, then I had misunderstood him, thanks for the hint.

But it doesn't matter, as I already wrote, from LMS version 8 on MusicIP
doesn't work on my Mac-based servers, no matter what I try and I've
known LMS for many years now and I'm certainly not a beginner anymore -
and it works without any problem with LMS 7.9.3 - without changing
anything else on the LMS or MusicIP server.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS no longer imports MusicIP headers after reinstalling

2021-03-22 Thread Tomusz

Three guesses: It does not work!

Sugarcube also complains that MusicIP is not available, whereas I can
create mixes via the API without any problems - what's going on there?

I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't have the same problem on two
completely different Macs, both running High Sierra (I also tested it on
Mojave (third Mac), it didn't work there either).

What macOS version are you using and what version of MusicIP Mixer are
you using on the Mac?

I'm using version 1.8 for macOS, which you can download here:

As I said, I am grateful for any tip and with LMS 7.9.3. it works on all
my Macs - but not from version LMS 8!

I just don't understand it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS no longer imports MusicIP headers after reinstalling

2021-03-22 Thread Tomusz

Okay, to get you right: 

You didn't enable the official MusicIP plugin by Michael Herger but
enabled Sugarcube instead importing MusicIP headers? Strange...I'll try
that in a minute - thank you!

...then I just take Sugarcube instead of MusicIP - better than nothing!

...but that would indicate that the MusicIP plugin has a bug, right?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS no longer imports MusicIP headers after reinstalling

2021-03-18 Thread Tomusz

mherger wrote: 
> The interaction between LMS and MIP doesn't require SSL. MIP only uses
> http.

Absolutely right, I stupidly didn't think of it.

And now the big surprise: 

Even on another Mac (Mac Pro) running MacOS 10.13 with LMS 8.1.1 and
MusicIP Mixer 1.8 (API can be called under port 10002 and generates
mixes) the MusicIP plugin generates the same error message and allegedly
cannot contact the MusicIP server. 

It's the same error message as on my other Mac (Mac mini). LMS 7.9.3 and
the MusicIP plugin also work correctly on the Mac Pro.

I'm giving up and stick with LMS 7.9.3.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS no longer imports MusicIP headers after reinstalling

2021-03-18 Thread Tomusz

Not really. I can use all services in the network with the computer
without any problems and, for example, easily use plugins like Spotty,
etc. from LMS. LastMix works too (thanks for the tip) and also needs an
internet connection.

One more thing occurs to me that I mentioned before but that may have
gone under:

Until recently, the Mac Mini ran with MacOS 10.11 (El Capitan, because
that was the last version released by Apple).

However, MacOS 10.11 uses an openssl implementation that is no longer
up-to-date and no longer works with LMS 8.x.x (the plugin repository is
not loaded).

Therefore, before the update to MacOS 10.13, I updated openssl according
to these instructions:

After that I was able to install additional plugins, but MusicIP no
longer worked with LMS 8.x.x.

Then I updated the system to MacOS 10.13 (, to be precise).

Could it be that despite the update there is still a problem with
openssl, which also produces the current error with MusicIP?

I will test install and test LMS 8.x.x on another Mac with MacOS 10.13.

If it works I'll have to wipe my Mac mini and reinstall it from scratch
using MacOX 10.13.6 which natively includes an up-to-date openssl
implementation - as far as I know.

Please correct me if I have made a mistake in all of these

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS no longer imports MusicIP headers after reinstalling

2021-03-17 Thread Tomusz

Here's the excerpt from the server.log:


[21-03-17 21:36:35.2165] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1266) Warning: 
[21:36:35.2161] bless({
  _content => "Can't connect to localhost:10002 (Connection 
refused)\n\nLWP::Protocol::http::Socket: connect: Connection refused at 
 line 50.\n",
  _headers => bless({
  "::std_case" => {
  "client-date"=> "Client-Date",
  "client-warning" => "Client-Warning",
  "client-date"=> "Wed, 17 Mar 2021 20:36:35 GMT",
  "client-warning" => "Internal response",
  "content-type"   => "text/plain",
  }, "HTTP::Headers"),
  _msg => "Can't connect to localhost:10002 (Connection refused)",
  _rc => 500,
  _request => bless({
  _content => "",
  _headers => bless({ "user-agent" => "libwww-perl/6.44" }, "HTTP::Headers"),
  _method  => "GET",
  _uri => bless(do{\(my $o = "http://localhost:10002/api/version;)}, 
  }, "HTTP::Request"),
  }, "HTTP::Response") at 
 line 151.
  [21-03-17 21:36:35.2169] Slim::Plugin::MusicMagic::Plugin::initPlugin (157) 
Can't connect to port 10002 - MusicIP disabled.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS no longer imports MusicIP headers after reinstalling

2021-03-17 Thread Tomusz

mherger wrote: 
> No need to be a LastFM user. LastMix is using their API to create mixes
> based on some input tracks. And it has a mix mode which would only play
> local music.

Thanks - I didn't realize that.

mherger wrote: 
> warn Data::Dump::dump($response);
> after the check for $response->is_error. This should dump the full 
> request object to server.log. Post the result here.

I'll check this and report back.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS no longer imports MusicIP headers after reinstalling

2021-03-17 Thread Tomusz

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Have a look at this thread as well.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

Cool - thanks. I'll definitely take a look at that!

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS no longer imports MusicIP headers after reinstalling

2021-03-17 Thread Tomusz

mherger wrote: 
> >
> I'm mostly using the Don't stop the Music feature in recent LMS, with 
> LastMix or Spotty as the mixers. Spotify bought the service I was using
> for SmartMix, thus results are similar (though still not that good, nor
> flexible).

Don't stop the music is pretty cool, especially with Spotty, as I do not
use LastFM. But I would like to hear MY music and often, right after the
first song in my library, Spotty plays songs from Spotify that don't
even come from my library. It's sometimes nice to get to know new music,
but I often use MusicIP or Don't stop the music to just listen to old
songs that I've almost forgotten. :-)

mherger wrote: 
> >
> Still: would you be comfortable adding a line in one of the plugin's 
> source files?

Oh sorry, I had overlooked that - sure, gladly! Which one?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS no longer imports MusicIP headers after reinstalling

2021-03-17 Thread Tomusz

mherger wrote: 
> > There seems to be a kind of incompatibility of this plugin with my
> > system which got introduced with version 8.x.x.
> Ok, finally got MIP running - in Docker. I'm using a M1 Mac Mini, and 
> the MIP binary is PPC/i386 only... not even 64 bit! Any recent Mac would
> fail to run it natively.

I have been using a Mac mini 3.1 for LMS for many years now and from my
point of view it is ideally suited for this task (quiet, can rip CDs,
looks good, "Unix" -> no windows crap, sorry...).

MacOS 10.13.6 is currently running on the device without any problems.

I would like to continue using MusicIP. Smart Mix was 100x better, but
unfortunately it is no longer available - are there better alternatives
to MusicIP? Then I would like to switch.

mherger wrote: 
> Anyway: running the justifiably/musicip image, listening on default port
> 10002 LMS does see it just fine. No problem whatsoever.
> Are you sure you haven't enabled any firewall blocking the request?

Pretty sure - and why does it work with 7.9.3 and not with 8.x.x if I
haven't changed anything else on the system?

So I thought it had to be LMS and not my system

I'm still grateful for every tip.

I had already posted my error message - it has absolutely nothing to do
with Matt Brown's - these are very likely two different problems.

But anyway - thanks  for the input, Matt!

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS no longer imports MusicIP headers after reinstalling

2021-03-16 Thread Tomusz

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Most users only import mixable status. Are you importing track details
> as well?
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

Thank you, slartibartfast, I also tried to just import the mixable
status, but every version of LMS starting with 8.x.x seems to simply
omit the step of importing MusicIP headers or alternatively ignores the
MusicIP plugin.

There seems to be a kind of incompatibility of this plugin with my
system which got introduced with version 8.x.x.

@Matt Drown: BTW - as far as I have learned Sugarcube relies on a
working MusicIP plugin too... :cool:

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS no longer imports MusicIP headers after reinstalling

2021-03-16 Thread Tomusz

LMS 8.x.x deleted, LMS 7.9.3 installed => MusicIP works as usual.

LMS 7.9.3 deleted, LMS 8.1.1 or 8.1.2 or 8.2.0 installed => MusicIP does
not work.

Then LMS 8.x.x is deleted again, LMS 7.9.3 installed => MusicIP works as

Why is that? There seem to be major differences between the versions.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS no longer imports MusicIP headers after reinstalling

2021-03-16 Thread Tomusz

...the MusicIP plugin refuses to import headers. I didn't like Sugarcube
from it's beginning - Let me think about it, that should be 13 years now
and since then MusicIP has worked and I was happy with it ... and with
7.9.3 it still works as expected.

So what should I do with the hint that it works in centos and that I
should use Sugarcube - how does that solve my problem?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS no longer imports MusicIP headers after reinstalling

2021-03-15 Thread Tomusz

Nope - is does NOT work correctly with 8.1.1. - MusicIP again refuses to
import headers. I had to revert to 7.9.3.

What's wrong with 8.1.1?!?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS no longer imports MusicIP headers after reinstalling

2021-03-13 Thread Tomusz

That's weird - I deleted LMS completely to start from scratch - as I did
many times before.

After that I installed LMS 7.9.3, not 8.1.1 -et voilá: MusicIP headers
are being imported again!

Then I updated again to version 8.1.1 and now everything works correctly
again and as expected

Obviously 7.9.3 installed or fixed something regarding MusicIP that
8.1.1 didn't.

Can you understand that, Michael?

Anyway, my problem is now solved - whatever it was - strange ...

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS no longer imports MusicIP headers after reinstalling

2021-03-13 Thread Tomusz

Thank you - the error was from server.log.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS no longer imports MusicIP headers after reinstalling

2021-03-12 Thread Tomusz

Thank you, Michael - the MusicIP mixer itself seems to work flawlessly.

This is the result of "http://localhost:10002/api/version": 

"MusicIP Mixer. Version 1.8"

Why doesn't LMS import the headers then? No firewall, etc. activated. I
all worked before. I just thought that it would be a good idea to
reinstall LMS since it behaved  a little erratic (e.g. temporarily not
reachable for 10-20 s).

In my experience you have to delete the cache, etc. to fix this and then
I thought that I would simply completely reinstall LMS from scratch.

LMS has been running flawlessly again since then - except for the
MusicIP plugin...

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS no longer imports MusicIP headers after reinstalling

2021-03-12 Thread Tomusz

Yes, MusicIP was available from the start (I triple checked this) and I
restarted LMS several times - nada, not working.

The individual steps when scanning the music database are numbered,

I mean MusicIP import would be Step 3 or 4 and with my installation the
scan process jumps directly from 2 to 5 without the Music-IP headers
being imported.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS no longer imports MusicIP headers after reinstalling

2021-03-11 Thread Tomusz

I searched for "musicip" in the console log and found this entry:
"21-03-06 21: 03: 14.1497] Slim :: Plugin :: MusicMagic :: Plugin ::
initPlugin (155) Can't connect to port 10002 - MusicIP disabled. "

But MusicIP IS switched on - I can call the API and have a mix created
without any problems (standard port 10002). It also worked earlier,
before I decided to completely reinstall LMS and I didn't change
anything about the installation of MusicIP.

Could it have something to do with the fact that I had to update openssl
because the version that comes with MacOS 10.11 is apparently too old
and therefore I couldn't call and integrate any external plugins?

All other plugins then ran without errors, so I can't imagine that this
is the reason.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS no longer imports MusicIP headers after reinstalling

2021-03-11 Thread Tomusz

mherger wrote: 
> Enable logging for plugin.musicip

Thank you, Michael, but how do I enable logging especially for
plugin.musicip? Sorry for asking such a dumb question...

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS no longer imports MusicIP headers after reinstalling

2021-03-11 Thread Tomusz

Hmm, but I didn't change anything in the security settings and I'm
runngin MacOs 10.11 (El capitan), which is rather old and lacks some of
the newer security features. :confused:

But obviously I'm the only one with this problem - no one else? No other

Thank you...

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[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS no longer imports MusicIP headers after reinstalling

2021-03-07 Thread Tomusz

Hi there,

After reinstalling LMS (due to performance problems) and activating the
MusicIP plugin, LMS no longer scans for the MusicIP headers.

Spicefly sugarcube gives the error message that the plugin cannot
connect to localhost, port 10002.

However, the MusicIP server (or API) is accessible at localhost:10002
and still works fine.

I have tested LMS versions 8.1.1, 8.1.2 and 8.2 - always the same

LMS is running on a Mac mini with El capitan and everything else works

Thank you very much for your help,

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