Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] New in 7.9.2: Presets editor

2021-01-27 Thread astehn

mherger wrote: 
> > Would you have an example of before/after?

Here are the presets values from server.prefs for a single Radio before
and after:



presets: *5

AFTER (blank but with values that I think were created by the Presets
Editor Plugin, whose GUI has 10 entries for presets)


  - {}
  - {}
  - {}
  - {}
  - {}
  - URL: ''
  text: ''
  type: audio
  - {}
  - {}
  - {}
  - {}

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] New in 7.9.2: Presets editor

2021-01-26 Thread astehn

OK, I seem to have gotten everything working again! I factory reset one
of my Radios to find out what the default setting for the "preset:"
value was supposed to look like in server.prefs

I then took the default value and manually copied and pasted it to each
of my other 3 Radios by editing server.prefs with a text editor.

My Radio presets once again function independently from one another, and
they can be changed using the GUI from the PresetsEditor plugin or
manually by holding the preset buttons on the players.

Thank you to everyone who helped me troubleshoot this problem!
Especially to slartibartfast for pointing me to where the presets were
stored in server.prefs

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] New in 7.9.2: Presets editor

2021-01-26 Thread astehn

slartibartfast wrote: 
> I know the presets are stored in server.prefs in the Prefs folder but no
> idea how they get there. You could open that and see if anything looks
> odd. Prefs for each player are listed under the Mac address of the
> player.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

Thanks for the suggestion. I poked around in server.prefs and found lots
I don't understand, but also maybe an important clue. 

After I cleared out all of my existing Presets using the PresetEditor
plugin to try to start from scratch, each of my 4 Radios showed this
value in server.pref:

Next I tried adding a Preset manually to my bedroom Radio by holding the
physical button. The bizarre result is that the preset was added to
server.pref under my Squeezebox Touch! The change to server.pref under
my Touch player looks like this:
* presets: &5
- URL: ''
text: ''
type: audio
- URL: ''
text: ''
type: audio
- URL: ''
text: ''
type: audio
- {}
- URL: ''
text: ''
type: audio
- URL:
text: 30 Minute Yoga Routine - No Album - David Swenson
type: audio
- {}
- {}
- {}
- {}*

There was NO resulting change to the server.pref entries for each of my
4 Radios. They still show the same value as before:

But each of my 4 Radios will now start the preset I added using button
#6. I don't get it!

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] New in 7.9.2: Presets editor

2021-01-26 Thread astehn

slartibartfast wrote: 
> When did this start happening?
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

I'm pretty sure it was NOT happening prior to August 2020 (that's when I
upgraded to LMS 8.0.0 and discovered the PresetEditor plugin). But I
only realized the problem was happening back in December when a strange
preset magically appeared on my bedroom Radio. I couldn't imagine my
wife had added it, so I asked my kids. Sure enough, they had added the
new preset, but on THEIR Radio!

I just upgraded to LMS v8.1.2, 1611497551, but the problem remains. 

At this point, it seems like I need to just live with the problem or
reset things to their defaults and start over. But what should I start
with? Wiping LMS cache/prefs/etc. and reinstalling? Factory reset the

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] New in 7.9.2: Presets editor

2021-01-25 Thread astehn

karlek wrote: 
> Maybe you installed an Applet on all radios, that could cause this
> behavior?

I've never installed any Applets. 

Here's a list of the plugins I'm using, but I would assume they're not
causing the behavior because it occurs even when I start LMS in Safe
Mode. I was also using SettingsManger, but I uninstalled it because I
was suspicious that it might be causing the problem.

|Filename: Plugins.png  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] New in 7.9.2: Presets editor

2021-01-24 Thread astehn

Paul Webster wrote: 
> If you disconnect one radio from the network (for example turn it off
> and remove the battery) ... are there any errors reported in your logs
> when you add a preset on a different radio?
> When you subsequently reconnect that radio does it pick up the new
> preset?

I did what Paul suggested and unplugged one radio. 
No errors were reported in the log when I tried to add a preset on a
different radio. When I reconnected the radio, it picked up the new

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] New in 7.9.2: Presets editor

2021-01-24 Thread astehn

Do all your Radios have unique names?

Are all your Radios controlling themselves, or another player?

Are your Radios synched?

Do you use them in a group (Group players plugin)?

Other than this odd shared preset behavior, my 4 Radios are all
functioning normally and independently.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] New in 7.9.2: Presets editor

2021-01-24 Thread astehn

mherger wrote: 
> > Oh, what other 3rd party plugins would you have? What if you disabled
> them all (temporarily)?

I used the LMS control panel to stop and then start again in safe mode.
Even without 3rd party plugins, it exhibits the same strange behavior. I
manually added a new preset to one Radio by holding down the preset
button, and that one action effectively transferred the same preset to
my other 3 Radios!

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] New in 7.9.2: Presets editor

2021-01-24 Thread astehn

Paul Webster wrote: 
> I don't use presets so this may be a foolish question ... but could they
> be going via ?

I'm not using but thanks for the thought.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] New in 7.9.2: Presets editor

2021-01-24 Thread astehn

mherger wrote: 
> > Changing presets on that page should only change them for that 
> particular player.
> -- 
> Michael

Well I'm stumped then because that's not what's happening! To test
again, I deleted all the presets using the presets plugin, and then
added just one (Preset #6) to my Bedroom Radio. Without me wanting to,
that same preset was automatically added to the other 3 Radios in our
house. Curiously, it was NOT automatically to our SB Boom! Our Boom and
our Radios operate independently in the Presets Plugin, as they should.

That led me to suspect that the problem might be coming from the
SettingsManager Plugin because it has an option to keep player
preferences synced. But I checked and the 4 Radios are not set up to
keep preferences synced. For good measure, I checked the box to keep the
preferences for the presets of our 4 Radios synced and applied. Then I
UNCHECKED the box to keep the preferences for the presets of our 4
Radios synced and applied. Finally, I uninstalled the SettingsManager
plugin and rebooted LMS.

Still, any preset I add (or delete) from any 1 of my 4 Radios is
automatically added (or deleted) from the other 3 Radios. This is true
even if I add the preset the old-fashioned way by holding the preset
button down on one of the Radios--all the other Radios act like I've
added that same preset to them.

Any ideas how to fix this?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] New in 7.9.2: Presets editor

2021-01-24 Thread astehn

mherger wrote: 
> > Ahmm... not what I'm seeing. Can you describe what exact menu you're 
> using? What UI?
> -- 
> Michael

I'm running LMS on a Windows 2016 server. Here's a screenshot of the
settings page I'm editing using a Chrome browser on a Windows 10 PC:


|Filename: LMS Presets Editor GUI.png   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] New in 7.9.2: Presets editor

2021-01-23 Thread astehn

This is a great plugin, but I have a question about how it's supposed to
work. We have 4 Radios in our house. If I establish a preset for one of
them (say Preset #6 for example), the same preset is established for all
4 Radios. If I delete Preset #6 from one Radio using the plugin, it's
automatically deleted from all 4 radios. Is this a bug or a feature?

What I'd like is to be able to have Preset #6 play one song in our
Kitchen Radio but have Preset #6 play a DIFFERENT song on my Kids'
Radio. The GUI of the plugin makes this seem possible, but I can't get
it to happen. Could someone confirm that they also see the same
behavior, or maybe help me figure out what i'm doing wrong?

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