[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS only accepts wrong password old for mysqueezebox

2020-01-04 Thread Steinar Bang
Platform: amd64, windows 8
  Logitech Media Server Versjon: 7.7.6 - 1521467459 @ Thu Mar 29 
16:46:01 WEDT 2018

I haven't started LMS locally for a long time, and when I started it
today everything looked a bit strange:
 1. No iTunes songs were shown
 2. The plugins I had been using previously (e.g. TIDAL) weren't shown
 3. Basically nothing worked: no internet radio stations, nothing

But LMS did pick up a squeezebox duet that haven't been running for two
years (which was the purpose of starting LMS).

I suspected something was wrong with the mysqueezebox connection. I have
switched password on mysqueezebox since LMS was last started.

When I opened the settings from LMS and selected the mysqueezebox.com
tab and typed in the new mysqueezebox password and clicked on the "Use"
button, I was told "Illegal username or password".

When I typed in the old password, LMS didn't complain (but things don't

Does anyone know why only the old password is accepted?


Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS only accepts wrong password oldfor mysqueezebox

2020-01-04 Thread Steinar Bang
> bpa :

> If you want to use internet radio - you should upgrade to 7.9.2 as https
> support in 7.7 might be minimal. I suspect a lot of other issue might
> also be fioxed using a latest version.

> 7.7.6 is last Logitech version of LMS.  7.9.* is community version which
> is where all new code and fixes are added.
> http://downloads.slimdevices.com/nightly/?ver=7.9


More stuff is working. It rescanned the old iTunes database.

And it shows the TIDAL playlist the duet receiver was playing when it
dies, and is able to play it.

But TIDAL is not showing up under "My services" (even though the SB duet
receiver is able to play the existing play lost).

And when I click on "Service list" it says "www.mysqueezebox.com
rejected the connection attempt".

I am sure the password is correct.

Is there a firewall I need to open?

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS only accepts wrong password oldfor mysqueezebox

2020-01-05 Thread Steinar Bang
> bpa :

> Can't help with TIDAL as I don't use it.

TIDAL itself wasn't too important to me in this context.  

It was just strange that it worked (in the active playlist) but didn't
show up in the top meny.

> I also don't actively use mysqueezebox.com - so where do you see the
> "my Services" is it a TIDAL menu ?

No, "My services" is on my local LMS.  I'm also translating from
Norwegian text shown in the on screen text (and my translation may be

> Please clarify your status.
> Do you now have two problems.
> 1. Can't play TIDAL when connected to LMS
> 2. Can't get Receiver on mysqueezebox.com 

Point 2. is what I'm trying to do.

Point 1. was just strangeness I saw on the local LMS. 

>>> I am sure the password is correct.

>> But it could be wrong ?

Well, I can use the same password to log in directly to 

I have typed the password carefully and slowly twice, and I have copy
pasted it in, all with the same results, so I'm as sure I can be that it
is correct.

>>> Is there a firewall I need to open?> > 

> No.

Ok, thanks!

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS only accepts wrong password oldfor mysqueezebox

2020-01-05 Thread Steinar Bang
> Michael Herger :

>> And when I click on "Service list" it says "www.mysqueezebox.com
>> rejected the connection attempt".

> Could you please check the server.log? It seems to me we're recently
> seeing more issues with LMS instances being rate limited... which
> doesn't make sense to me, as this part of the code hasn't been touched
> in years.

Here's the server.log going back to january 2017 (before the SB duet
receiver died on me), going through three versions of LMS (two upgrades

The LMS have been running when that PC has been booted, but no SBs have
been listening (I have a SB Radio talking to mysqueezebox.com and I have
an SB duet receiver that died in 2017 and now has risen from the dead).

Starting in October 27 2019, it started complaining about "Illegal
username and password" and I guess it could be then I switched password
on mysqueezebox.com:
 [19-10-27 10:26:54.1609] 
Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::Players::_players_error (334) Unable to get 
players from SN: Invalid JSON response: {"players":[],"error":"Session cookie 
 retrying in 86400 seconds
 [19-10-27 10:27:25.1720] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::_error (596) Unable 
to login to SN: Ugyldig brukernavn eller passord for mysqueezebox.com.
 [19-10-27 10:27:25.1730] 
Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::Players::_players_error (334) Unable to get 
players from SN: Ugyldig brukernavn eller passord for mysqueezebox.com., 
retrying in 172800 seconds

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS only accepts wrong password oldfor mysqueezebox

2020-01-05 Thread Steinar Bang
>>>>> Steinar Bang :

> Here's the server.log going back to january 2017 (before the SB duet
> receiver died on me), going through three versions of LMS (two upgrades
> yesterday):
>  https://gist.github.com/steinarb/0f3ca9400358246c0220de5870eb1ff8

Would I be better off uninstalling and reinstalling? Is there a
procedure describing how to scrub an LMS install on windows?


Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS only accepts wrong password oldfor mysqueezebox

2020-01-05 Thread Steinar Bang
> bpa :

> Had a quick look at the log.

> -  Old logs are no use - I'd clear the log so that only recent info is
> shown - it'll make it easier to post.
> -  Try to sort out database issues - use "clear library and rescan
> everything" to remove the database messages.

I did this and set the time, but I forgot til click "Use" and the
settings were not set.

> -  IIRC there have been issues about use of "unusual" characters in
> passwords. For testing, try changing the mysqueezebox password to a
> simple alphanumeric (no blanks, tabs, accents, punctuation marks etc) 
> and probably only 8 characters. 

The current password fit the requirements except for the length, and I
was set to change it, but hadn't gotten around to it yet.

> - after changing password on mysqueezebox and LMS enabling logging
> network.squeezenetwork to DEBUG and check the box "Save logging settings
> for use at next application restart" or "Lagre innstillinger for
> loggfring og bruk dem ved neste programstart" and save the logging
> settings

I did this.

> - then restart LMS and post the log entries since the latest restart.

I stopped LMS, renamed
then rebooted the windows computer.

And when LMS restarted the SQL error was still present, but LMS was able
to connect to mysqueezebox.com (with the current password):

And when I connected to the local LMS it showed podcasts, Spotify and
TIDAL under "My Servies".

And "Music source" showed "mysqueezebox.com" as a possility and I sent
the SB duet receiver over to mysqueezebox.com.

http://www.mysqueezebox.com/player/viewPlayers now show the DB duet
receiver as connected and it responds to the remote control on

So it looks like I'm set.

Thanks for your help! :-)

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS SQLite Database full error

2020-11-01 Thread Steinar Bang
> Michael Herger :

> It's not what the subject line says: the database is not full. Your
> file system is full:

>> [20-10-16 21:01:45.0198] Slim::Utils::DbCache::__ANON__ (311) Error:
>> /usr/local/slimserver/Cache/cache.db
>> [20-10-16 21:01:45.0202] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (130)
>> Error: Select task failed calling
>> Slim::Networking::Async::HTTP::_http_read_body: DBD::SQLite::st execute
>> failed: database or disk is full at

> How large is your file system? Did you expand it using pCP's function
> to do so? How large are the various files in
> /usr/local/slimserver/Cache?

With extensive writing the SD card may die.  You can still read from it
(at least, I could, when it happened to me), but you can't write any new

Squeezecenter mailing list

[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] How do I transfer a duet receiver from mysb.com to a local LMS 8?

2020-11-15 Thread Steinar Bang
I have just now installed LMS 8.0.0~1605342997 from
on a debian 10.6 "buster" amd64 system in my home LAN.

The LMS is synched with www.mysqueezebox.com and displays the same
plugins as mysqueezebox.com (podcasts and TIDAL).

But shows up with no players.

I have an SB Radio and an SB duet receiver, both in the same LAN as the
new LMS and both currently controlled by www.mysqueezebox.com.

Is there a simple and safe way to transfer ownership of the duet
receiver from to the local LMS? (I'm fine by controlling the Radio with

The duet receiver no longer has a working remote control (the battery
and/or the charger died on me, years ago).


- Steinar

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] How do I transfer a duet receiver from mysb.com to a local LMS 8?

2020-11-15 Thread Steinar Bang
>>>>> Steinar Bang :

> Is there a simple and safe way to transfer ownership of the duet
> receiver from to the local LMS? (I'm fine by controlling the Radio
> with mysb.com)

If I disconnect the receiver from mysb.com, will it then become
discoverable for the local LMS8?

Or will it become orphaned?


- Steinar

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] How do I transfer a duet receiver frommysb.com to a local LMS 8?

2020-11-15 Thread Steinar Bang
> w3wilkes :

> You need to be logged in to mysqueezebox.com in your browser and then
> go to Players. From there you can select your player and click the
> Disconnect button. You'll get a dialog asking to confirm and also
> telling you it will connect to your local LMS. Click OK and it should
> be done.

Ok.  Did that.  It is still present in players at mysb.com, but with the
disconnect button disabled and no way (that I can see) of readding the

> You can then go to your local LMS in your browser and select your
> player from the drop down in the top right of the Default WebUI or if
> you're using Material skin player selection is top left of the WebUI.

It did not appear in the local LMS8 automatically.

The Players dropdown shows
 "Velg spiller" ("Choose player" in Norwegian)
 Squeezebox Radio
 Synkroniser... ("Synchronize" in Norwegian, shown greyed out and disabled)

I have twice selected "Squeezebox" (which is the duet receiver) and
answered "Ja" (ie. "Yes") to the question
 Spilleren er koblet til mysqueezebox.com. Vil du bytte denne til
 Logitech Media Server?

(ie. "The player is conneted to mysqueezebox.com. Do you wish to switch it to 
Logitech Media Server?")

But no player has appeared on the LMS.

The /var/log/squeezeboxserver/server.log file contains:

[20-11-15 16:34:05.0955] 
Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::Players::_disconnect_player_error (456) 
Disconnect SN player error: Spilleren er ikke tilkoplet.
[20-11-15 16:34:43.3758] 
Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::Players::_disconnect_player_error (456) 
Disconnect SN player error: Spilleren er ikke tilkoplet.
[20-11-15 16:41:07.7315] Slim::Networking::Discovery::getFakeVersion (129)
You're using a Radio with a buggy firmware not recognizing this version of 
Logitech Media Server.
Please consider patching it. Until then we'll try to play nice and return a 
fake version number...


(so I will probably need to do something about the SB Radio, but that's
not the one I'm trying to switch. I'm fine by the radio being on

"Spilleren er ikke tilkoblet" is Norwegian for "The player is not connected"

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] How do I transfer a duet receiver frommysb.com to a local LMS 8?

2020-11-15 Thread Steinar Bang
> w3wilkes :

> Another little tidbit for you is if you ever have to re-setup your
> receiver (like if you put in a new router) it can be done without using
> the controller. There's a tool written by Robin Bowes called NET::UDAP
> that is discussed in this thread;
> https://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?57861-Net-UDAP-SqueezeBox-Receiver-configuration-tool

Yes, thanks!  I've used that one before a couple of times when the
network has changed after the controller died on me.

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] How do I transfer a duet receiver frommysb.com to a local LMS 8?

2020-11-15 Thread Steinar Bang
> w3wilkes :

> With LMS running you could try power cycling the receiver. I believe it
> then does a little broadcast saying something like "Hey, is there an LMS
> out there to connect to", but not really sure how that part works.

Tried it.  No luck, unfortunately! :-/

One detail I've omitted: the receiver has never been connected to this
particular LMS (LMS8 on debian).

It has been connected to an older LMS on a windows box that is currently
switched off.

So I should have tried transferring the duet from the dropdown on the
local LMS (I hadn't tried opening the dropdown, just observed that the
dropdown looked empty, I just went directly to the Players tab in the
LMS setting) before disconnectng it from mysb.com...?

So I guess I need to dig up that perl utility and see what it can

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] How do I transfer a duet receiver frommysb.com to a local LMS 8?

2020-11-15 Thread Steinar Bang
> garym :

> once player is connected to mysqueezebox.com as it was (and LMS is up
> and running) simply go into the menu on the player (the controller for
> the duet or the radio itself) and select "My Music".  It will then offer
> to connect you to any LMS it finds running.  You don't have to
> "disconnect" from mysb.com to make that happen. I have some units where
> I go back and forth.

Well, now the duet is connected to LMS8 running locally and is playing
both network radio (as before with mysb.com), and TIDAL playlists.

I had to do the following:
 1. Connect the duet receiver to the cabled network (had to do a bit of
crawling to unplug it so I could carry it downstairs to the cabled
 2. Run the following commands in net-udap, to connect the duet receiver
to the WLAN and the new LMS:
 conf 1
 set interface=0 wireless_mode=0 wireless_region_id=14 
wireless_SSID=X wireless_wpa_on=1 wireless_keylen=1 
wireless_wpa_psk="" lan_ip_mode=1 squeezecenter_address=
(the reason the duet receiver disappeared, was probably because it
tried to connect to the old LMS it was connected to before I moved
it to mysb.com)
 3. Unplug the duet receiver from the cabled network and carry it
upstairs and plug it back into the stereo
 4. I could again play TIDAL on the duet receiver. :-)

Thanks to all!

Squeezecenter mailing list

[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Is the mysb.com remote control available on LMS8?

2020-11-15 Thread Steinar Bang
Is there a URL on LMS8, I could access to get a remote control similar
to the one that mysb.com has?

Ie. something similar to https://www.mysqueezebox.com/player/playerControl ?


- Steinar

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Is the mysb.com remote controlavailable on LMS8?

2020-11-16 Thread Steinar Bang
> garym :

> steinarb wrote: 
>> Is there a URL on LMS8, I could access to get a remote control similar
>> to the one that mysb.com has?
>> Ie. something similar to
>> https://www.mysqueezebox.com/player/playerControl ?

> Yes, but even better. On any computer on your local network, in a
> browser go to:


> (replacing with the IP address of the computer running LMS
> 8.0)  If you're trying to control from the same computer running LMS
> 8.0, in your browser, go to "http://localhost:9000/"; in your webbrowser
> (without the quotes).

Thanks, I'm aware of that one.

But the GUI there is not very good on phones or tablets, the way the
https://www.mysqueezebox.com/player/playerControl is.

I especially likes that the tab can be turned into an icon that starts
the remote control almost like an app.

I wondered if there was a place on I could got
to get something similar to https://www.mysqueezebox.com/player/playerControl ?

> To get even nicer control, use the material skin, which would be:

Thanks! Is this one good on phones and/or tablets?

Can it be "torn off" and put on the start page of phone/tablets?

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Is the mysb.com remote controlavailable on LMS8?

2020-11-16 Thread Steinar Bang
> garym :

> for phones/pads, use the "material" example I gave, except use the word
> "mobile" instead of "desktop" in the URL. It will size itself
> automatically.  You do need to first install the Material plugin in your
> instance of LMS.

I'm using material right now.  It's very nice! Thanks for the tip! :-)

I've just used "/Material" and let it autoselect the version to use,

This worked nicely on a vivaldi browser on a desktop and in chrome on an
android phone.

And it works great when launched from the android start page.

Squeezecenter mailing list

[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS 8.0.0~1605342997 on debian suddenly says "No player"

2020-12-29 Thread Steinar Bang
My LMS 8.0 have worked fine since I installed it, controlling an old
duet receiver.

But today it playback suddenly stopped and LMS says "No player".

What happened here?

Did the duet suddenly die?

Could it be something else?

The /var/log/squeezeboxserver/server.log has messages like this:
[20-12-29 07:34:51.1967] 
Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::Players::_players_error (377) Unable to get 
players from SN: 502 Bad Gateway, retrying in 900 seconds

But this message isn't from the time when the problem happened.

The message from the time the problem happened, is this one:
 [20-12-29 18:10:18.9673] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::postConnect (377) 
Optimizing DB because of missing or empty sqlite_stat1 table
 [20-12-29 18:10:19.0373] Slim::Schema::forceCommit (2160) Warning: Trying to 
commit transactions before DB is initialized!
(but messages like this comes with 1h intervals and have been doing so for a 

Does anyone have any idea what may have caused this?

Does anyone have a suggestion for what I could do to troubleshoot?


- Steinar

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS 8.0.0~1605342997 on debian suddenly says "No player"

2020-12-29 Thread Steinar Bang
>>>>> Steinar Bang :

> My LMS 8.0 have worked fine since I installed it, controlling an old
> duet receiver.

> But today it playback suddenly stopped and LMS says "No player".

> What happened here?

Ok.  I've no idea what happened, but now it's working again after a hard
reboot (yanked power and plugget it back in) of SBR.

Here's what I did:
 1. I checked the DHCP server log and found that it last got a lease 16:20 today
 2. I tried pinging the IP number it got a lease for, and got "Destination Host 
 3. I looked at the SBR and the front LED was shining stead white (which is 
"connected" according to this: 
 4. So I yanked the power of the SBR and plugget it back in
 5. The LED cycled through red-white-green-white
 6. The DHCP server showed that Squeezebox had gotten a fresh lease
 7. I tried pinging the squeezebox and that worked fine
 8. The SBR showed up in LMS

So somehow the SBR went offline with the front LED still shining white.

(I can't remember that happening before in all of the years I've owned
the SBR... probably not a good sign...?)

Squeezecenter mailing list

[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS suddenly stopped working

2016-12-25 Thread Steinar Bang
   Logitech Media Server Version: 7.7.5 - 1416570306 @ Thu Nov 27 07:38:09 CUT 
   Operating system: Windows 8 - NB - cp1252 
   Platform Architecture: 8664 
   Perl Version: 5.14.1 - MSWin32-x86-multi-thread 
   Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.34_01 (sqlite 

Starting yesterday, LMS started failing for me.  The web page opens but
nothing plays:
 - Clicking on the current songs in the active playlist, nothing happens
 - The TIDAL plugin doesn't open
 - In the triode spotify plugin, only the top level opens
 - The iTunes library is empty

Below are the LMS log messages from the time LMS started failing.  If
I'm to guess I would say that it looks like a database corruption.

Is this repairable? Or is the only fix to move away the current database
and do a new media scan and re-add the spotify and tidal configuration?

Or is the latter stored on mysqueezebox.com so that all I have to do
after regenerating the database, is to reconnect to mysqueezebox.com?

All comments and hints and tips are appreciated!


- Steinar

Log fragment from the LMS server.log follows:
[16-12-24 17:48:28.3935] Slim::Control::XMLBrowser::_cliQuery_error (1666) 
Error: While retrieving [http://www.mysqueezebox.com/api/wimp/v1/opml]: [A 
mysqueezebox.com account is required for this service. Please access Logitech 
Media Server Settings -> mysqueezebox.com with a web browser to configure.]
[16-12-24 17:49:40.8497] Slim::Control::XMLBrowser::_cliQuery_error (1666) 
Error: While retrieving [http://www.mysqueezebox.com/api/wimp/v1/opml]: [A 
mysqueezebox.com account is required for this service. Please access Logitech 
Media Server Settings -> mysqueezebox.com with a web browser to configure.]
[16-12-24 17:51:23.8035] Slim::Web::JSONRPC::requestWrite (472) Context not 
found in requestWrite
[16-12-24 17:51:49.3072] Slim::Web::JSONRPC::requestWrite (472) Context not 
found in requestWrite
[16-12-25 08:10:32.8251] Slim::Schema::Storage::throw_exception (122) Error: 
DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db selectrow_array failed: near ")": syntax error 
[for Statement "
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT videos.titlesearch AS 
'videos.titlesearch', videos.hash AS 'videos.hash', videos.title AS 
'videos.title', videos.titlesort AS 'videos.titlesort' FROM videos GROUP BY 
videos.hash ORDER BY videos.titlesort COLLATE) AS t1
[16-12-25 08:10:32.8256] Slim::Schema::Storage::throw_exception (122) Backtrace:

   frame 0: Slim::Utils::Log::logBacktrace 
(/Slim/Schema/Storage.pm line 122)
   frame 1: Slim::Schema::Storage::throw_exception 
(/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm line 
   frame 2: DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::__ANON__ 
(/Slim/Control/Queries.pm line 5181)
   frame 3: Slim::Control::Queries::videoTitlesQuery 
(/Slim/Control/Request.pm line 1884)
   frame 4: (eval) 
(/Slim/Control/Request.pm line 1884)
   frame 5: Slim::Control::Request::execute 
(/Slim/Control/Request.pm line 881)
   frame 6: Slim::Control::Request::executeRequest 
(/Slim/Menu/SystemInfo.pm line 278)
   frame 7: Slim::Menu::SystemInfo::infoLibrary 
(/Slim/Menu/Base.pm line 172)
   frame 8: (eval) 
(/Slim/Menu/Base.pm line 172)
   frame 9: Slim::Menu::Base::addItem 
(/Slim/Menu/Base.pm line 142)
   frame 10: Slim::Menu::Base::menu 
 line 33)
   frame 11: Slim::Web::Settings::Server::Status::handler 
(/Slim/Web/HTTP.pm line 1128)
   frame 12: Slim::Web::HTTP::generateHTTPResponse 
(/Slim/Web/HTTP.pm line 930)
   frame 13: Slim::Web::HTTP::processURL 
(/Slim/Web/HTTP.pm line 734)
   frame 14: Slim::Web::HTTP::processHTTP 
(/Slim/Networking/IO/Select.pm line 
   frame 15: (eval) 
(/Slim/Networking/IO/Select.pm line 
   frame 16: Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ 
(/Slim/Networking/IO/Select.pm line 
   frame 17: (eval) 
(/Slim/Networking/IO/Select.pm line 
   frame 18: Slim::Networking::IO::Select::loop (slimserver.pl line 694)
   frame 19: main::idle (slimserver.pl line 59)
   frame 20: PerlSvc::Startup 
(/PerlSvc.pm line 95)
   frame 21: PerlSvc::_startup (slimserver.pl line 0)
   frame 22: (eval) (slimserver.pl line 0)

[16-12-25 08:10:32.8619] Slim::Control::Request::execute (1889) Error: While 
trying to run function coderef [Slim::Control::Queries::videoTitlesQuery]: 
[Carp::Clan::__ANON__(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db selectrow_array failed: 
near ")": syntax error [for Statement "
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT videos.titlesearch AS 
'videos.titlesearch', videos.hash AS 'videos.hash', videos.title AS 
'videos.title', videos.titlesort AS 'videos.titlesort' FROM videos GROUP BY 
videos.hash ORDER BY videos.titlesort COLLATE) AS t1
"] at 
/Slim/Schema/Storage.pm line 126
[16-12-25 08:10:32.8628] Slim::Schema::Storage::throw_exception (122) Error: 
DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db selectrow_array failed: near ")": syntax error 
[for Statement "
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT images.hash AS 'images.hash', 

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS suddenly stopped working

2016-12-26 Thread Steinar Bang
> Michael Herger :

>> Operating system: Windows 8 - NB - cp1252

> Is "NB" short for Norwegian Bokmal?


> But your LMS is set to EN?

Does it matter? It has been working until it suddenly started failing...?

> Did you upgrade Windows, or your antivirus product or something?

No.  But a game was installled on that computer the same day.

> Is it only the web UI, or would these features fail from other UIs as
> well?

I first noticed the problems when I tried to restart a paused playlist
in the squeezer app on android.  I first tried on my phone, and then on
my tablet, and both reported that there was no connection to

>> Below are the LMS log messages from the time LMS started failing.  If
>> I'm to guess I would say that it looks like a database corruption.

> Could you please post more of the file, in particular the end of it?

The file is 14MB so it's too big to post and too big to put into a gist
(I got a "dead bird" icon when I tried).

I've put the ending of the file in a gist:

The log is currently being filled up with the error messages shown at
the end.  The log has grown a lot since yesterday.

> I do understand LMS does not work properly, but it does not crash
> either, does it?

LMS is running (at least the web interface is), but there is no data in
it: no local music files, no podcasts, no spotify, no tidal

>> Log fragment from the LMS server.log follows:
>> [16-12-24 17:48:28.3935] Slim::Control::XMLBrowser::_cliQuery_error (1666) 
>> Error: While retrieving [http://www.mysqueezebox.com/api/wimp/v1/opml]: [A 
>> mysqueezebox.com account is required for this service. Please access 
>> Logitech Media Server Settings -> mysqueezebox.com with a web browser to 
>> configure.]

> Do you have your MySB credentials configured in LMS?

I used to have, until it suddenly stopped working.

The mysqueezebox.com settings in the settings UI of the LMS web
interface is currently blank.

>> [16-12-25 08:10:32.8619] Slim::Control::Request::execute (1889) Error: While 
>> trying to run function coderef [Slim::Control::Queries::videoTitlesQuery]: 
>> [Carp::Clan::__ANON__(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db selectrow_array 
>> failed: near ")": syntax error [for Statement "
>> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT videos.titlesearch AS 'videos.titlesearch', 
>> videos.hash AS 'videos.hash', videos.title AS 'videos.title', 
>> videos.titlesort AS 'videos.titlesort' FROM videos GROUP BY videos.hash 
>> ORDER BY videos.titlesort COLLATE) AS t1
>> "] at /Slim/Schema/Storage.pm 
>> line 126

> That's an odd one, as I don't see any way to get an empty collation
> string. Could it be your preference file is corrupted?

Hm... where is it?
Is it this one c:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\prefs\server.prefs ?

I've added it to the end of this message.

It doesn't look corrupted.

> Or your file system?

I hope not.  It's a fairly new computer and it seems to be working find


Here comes c:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\prefs\server.prefs :

  _ts_alarmDefaultVolume: 1482580543
  _ts_alarmSnoozeSeconds: 1482580543
  _ts_alarmTimeoutSeconds: 1482580543
  _ts_alarmfadeseconds: 1482580543
  _ts_alarms: 1482580543
  _ts_alarmsEnabled: 1482580543
  _ts_alarmsaver: 1482580543
  _ts_alwaysShowCount: 1482580543
  _ts_bass: 1482580543
  _ts_bufferThreshold: 1482580543
  _ts_currentSong: 1482598038
  _ts_digitalVolumeControl: 1482580543
  _ts_disableDac: 1482580543
  _ts_disabledirsets: 1482580543
  _ts_idleBrightness: 1482580543
  _ts_idlesaver: 1482580543
  _ts_irmap: 1482580543
  _ts_lameQuality: 1482580543
  _ts_maintainSync: 1482580543
  _ts_maxBitrate: 1482650382
  _ts_menuItem: 1482650382
  _ts_minSyncAdjust: 1482580543
  _ts_mp3SilencePrelude: 1482580543
  _ts_offsaver: 1482580543
  _ts_outputChannels: 1482580543
  _ts_packetLatency: 1482580543
  _ts_pitch: 1482580543
  _ts_playDelay: 1482580543
  _ts_playername: 1482580543
  _ts_playtrackalbum: 1482580543
  _ts_power: 1482580543
  _ts_powerOnResume: 1482580543
  _ts_preampVolumeControl: 1482580543
  _ts_presets: 1482650382
  _ts_repeat: 1482580543
  _ts_replayGainMode: 1482580543
  _ts_screensaver: 1482580543
  _ts_screensavertimeout: 1482580543
  _ts_scrollMode: 1482580543
  _ts_scrollPause: 1482580543
  _ts_scrollPauseDouble: 1482580543
  _ts_scrollPixels: 1482580543
  _ts_scrollPixelsDouble: 1482580543
  _ts_scrollRate: 1482580543
  _ts_scrollRateDouble: 1482580543
  _ts_shuffle: 1482580543
  _ts_snLastSyncDown: 1482580543
  _ts_snLastSyncUp: 1482580543
  _ts_snSyncInterval: 1482580543
  _ts_startDelay: 1482580543
  _ts_syncPower: 1482580543
  _ts_syncVolume: 1482580543
  _ts_titleFormat: 1482580543
  _ts_titleFormatCurr: 1482580543
  _ts_transitionDuration: 1482580543
  _ts_transitionSmart: 1482580543
  _ts_transitionType: 1482580543
  _ts_treble: 1482580543
  _ts_volume: 1482580543
  _version: 14
  alarmDefaultVolume: 50
  alarmSnoozeSeconds: 5

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS suddenly stopped working

2016-12-27 Thread Steinar Bang
> Michael Herger :

> I don't know. The errors you get are due to lack of collation
> string. That string is based on the language you're using - but should
> never be empty. You don't use a custom-strings file or something?

Not intentionally.  Is this something I could have started doing

>> The file is 14MB so it's too big to post and too big to put into a gist
>> (I got a "dead bird" icon when I tried).

> Feel free to put a compressed copy to my dropbox:

The server.log file had now grown to 350MB, it compressed to 4MB, and I
uploaded the compressed files.

> Are you using the UPnP funcitonality of LMS?

I don't think so...?  My two squeezeboxen (a duet receiver, and a radio)
have been set up manually.

> Do you use it to access photos and movies?


> If not, make sure you disable the UPnP plugin and try again.

Ok, I clicked on "Settings", selected the the "Plugins" tab and
unchecked "UPnP/DLNA bridge", and then Apply and then let the LMS
restart when asked if it could.

Was that the correct way to disable it?

The music list that normally should have held the iTunes library was
still empty, and TIDAL plugin was gone, but the Spotify plugin had
playlists in it after a while (but now they are gone again).

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS suddenly stopped working

2016-12-28 Thread Steinar Bang
> Michael Herger :

> Turn off Andy Grundmann's UPnP/DLNA plugin, not the bridge.

OK, that one was already off (it's listed under "Inactive plugins" and
with the checkbox unchecked).  Maybe that was the one I disabled...? I
forgot to make a note of the one I actually unchecked and then just
searched the settings page for "upnp" afterwards.

> And make sure you disable the images/videos from the music folder
> settings,

Ok, I've done the following:
 - Left the checkbox for "Music" in place in the folder
 - Unchecked everything else

One strange thing here: the language settings is "Dansk" (ie. "Danish")
instead of the "Norsk" (ie. "Norwegian") I'm pretty sure I put it in
once upon a time.

I switched it back to "Norsk".

Then clicked "Apply"

> then run a full wipe & rescan.

Hm... the button to do that and the combo box was disabled... it said
"Søker" (ie. "Searching") below.  I clicked on the "Søker" linke and was
switched to the Information tab which showed progress:

Detaljer om søk etter mediefiler
 Finne filer/kataloger: C:\Users\sb\Music   (350 av 350)   Fullført  00:00:01
 Fjerner slettede filer: C:\Users\sb\Music   (2 av 2)   Fullført  00:00:00
 Finner spillelister: C:\Users\sb\Music\Playlists   (3 av 3)   Fullført  
 Søker i nye spillelister: C:\Users\sb\Music\Playlists   (2 av 2)   Fullført  
 iTunes-importering   (1874 av 1874)   Fullført  00:00:12
 Importere iTunes-spilleliste   (22 av 22)   Fullført  00:00:06

 Serveren har nå søkt gjennom mediebiblioteket.
 Samlet tid: 00:01:16 (onsdag, desember 28, 2016 / 9:48 )

The search now seems complete.

The iTunes library is back in "My Music" in the LMS web interface.

> And restart LMS.

Ok, done.

After the restart the iTunes music was back, the spotify plugin was kind
of working but it was very slow.

The TIDAL plugin still wasn't present.  The checkbox of the "TIDAL
(v1.2)" plugin is marked in the plugins tab.

The mysqueezebox.com tab said "Aktivert, spillerinnstillinger synkroniseres"
(ie. "Activated, player settings will be synchronized).

I added the credentials once more anyway and clicked on "Bruk"
(ie. "Use").

Using the iTunes library in "My Music" is also very slow, but the music
plays on the duet.

Suddenly the TIDAL plugin and my podcasts (which were also gone) showed
up in the top menu.

Everything plays but the response in the web UI is very sluggish.

Is this something that will improve in time (ie. with caching) or is it
caused by heavy memory use or something else (SqueezeSvr.exe is at 131MB
total (I think... translating everything was a really bad decision made
by Microsoft)).

Speed seems to be picking up as I use it so things are presumably cached
as I use them...?

> It's probably just a red herring. But the call which is being logged
> is reported to come from the Settings/Information web page trying to
> show the number of images and movies found in your library. By
> disabling the UPnP plugin and image/video scanning this should no
> longer happen. It might only be a side-effect, but help with your
> situation anyway.

Ok, thanks! :-)

> BTW: upon your next server restart the server.log file should be
> re-created, and the old one moved aside. Make sure you delete it
> (server.log.1), as you don't want to run out of disk space...

The server.log wasn't recreated (it's currently at 56MB) but the log
file seems to have been switched just before midnight:
  -rw-rw-rw-  1 Administratorer Ingen  56363953 12-28 09:55 server.log
  -rw-rw-rw-  1 Administratorer Ingen 359765142 12-27 23:44 server.log.0

It seems to be working now, music is playing and all settings seems to
be back.

Thanks for your help! :-)

Squeezecenter mailing list

[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Problems playing nrk.no podcasts

2021-02-02 Thread Steinar Bang
 duet receiver, firmware version 77
 logitechmediaserver 8.0.0~1605342997, running on debian 10.7 "buster", amd64

My duet receiver won't play the entries of this podcast

The /var/log/squeezeboxserver/server.log show this from my attempts at playing 
episodes in the podcast:
 [21-02-02 16:16:26.3211] Slim::Player::Song::open (478) Warning: stream failed 
to open 
 [21-02-02 16:16:39.6049] Slim::Player::Song::open (478) Warning: stream failed 
to open 
 [21-02-02 16:16:44.1240] Slim::Player::Song::open (478) Warning: stream failed 
to open 
 [21-02-02 16:16:57.2722] Slim::Player::Song::open (478) Warning: stream failed 
to open 
 [21-02-02 16:17:03.5363] Slim::Player::Song::open (478) Warning: stream failed 
to open 
 [21-02-02 16:17:05.5763] Slim::Player::Song::open (478) Warning: stream failed 
to open 
 [21-02-02 16:17:09.9049] Slim::Player::Song::open (478) Warning: stream failed 
to open 
 [21-02-02 16:30:06.9299] Slim::Player::Song::open (478) Warning: stream failed 
to open 

Opening one of the .mp3 URLs in a browser on my laptop plays the episode fine.

Using wget to download one of the episodes on the computer running LMS, also 
worked fine:
 sb@lorenzo:~$ cd /tmp
 sb@lorenzo:/tmp$ wget 
 --2021-02-02 17:27:38--  
 Resolving nrk-pod-pd.telenorcdn.net (nrk-pod-pd.telenorcdn.net)...,,, ...
 Connecting to nrk-pod-pd.telenorcdn.net 
(nrk-pod-pd.telenorcdn.net)||:443... connected.
 HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
 Length: 43655979 (42M) [audio/mpeg]
 Saving to: ‘a59e4d01-7473-458a-bc16-1e8fd90713a9_0_ID192MP3.mp3’
  41.63M  11.2MB/sin 3.8s 
 2021-02-02 17:27:42 (11.1 MB/s) - 
‘a59e4d01-7473-458a-bc16-1e8fd90713a9_0_ID192MP3.mp3’ saved [43655979/43655979]

Any ideas what I could try to troubleshoot this further?


- Steinar

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Problems playing nrk.no podcasts

2021-02-03 Thread Steinar Bang
> slartibartfast :

> There have been some recent updates addressing podcasts. Update your
> LMS to 8.1.2 or 8.2.

Thanks!  I installed 8.1.2~1612034159 and that worked.  Now the podcasts
are playing again.

(FYI I tried 8.1.1 first (I couldn't find 8.1.2) and that did not work)

Squeezecenter mailing list

[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Tidal plugin problems

2016-08-21 Thread Steinar Bang
Versions of stuff:
 Logitech Media Server Version: 7.7.5 - 1416570306 @ Thu Nov 27 07:38:09 CUT 
 Operating system: Windows 8 - NO - cp1252
 Platform architecture: 8664
 Perl-version: 5.14.1 - MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
 Database version: DBD::SQLite 1.34_01 (sqlite
 Tidal plugin: v1.2
 Triode's Spodify plugin: v2.3.8
 Squeezebox Duet receiver (firmware version 77)

Starting a while back, the behaviour of the plugin for the Tidal
streaming service became flaky: starting a playlist would lose some
songs, or the songs would show up but not play (the counter would show
seconds ticking but there would be no sound in the speakers)

The way to cure it has been to start a playlist on Spotify, and once it
is playing, go back and trying to start a playlist on Tidal, and this
time it usually works perfectly: no songs are lost from the playlist and
all songs play.

Has anyone else seen this? 

Is there a different cure than the "use spotify magic" I have been


- Steinar

Squeezecenter mailing list