[squid-users] problems with ie 6 and proxy auth on squid

2003-02-10 Thread Alex Sharaz
Hi all,

I've got a small problem with  IE 6 and proxy authentication to a squid 2.5 
stable1 set of caches.

I should say at this point that mozilla, netscape 6.2/7.0/7.0.1 and phoenix 
0.5 all work correctly


I have 4 squid 2.5stable1 caches connected to a foundry serveriron load 
balancing box.

All my clients are configured to pick up an auto proxy config file from a 
server on our campus which basically says "if the remote URL is on our net 
go direct otherwise go via my caches". Access to the caches is via a 
virtual IP address set up on the serveriron which then load balances 
requests over the real servers.

Our outside world firewall is configured so that direct external access 
from client pcs is redirected to a local web page describing how to 
configure their browser to use our cache.

Configuring IE 6 to use our squid caches works fine without any form of 
proxy authentication. When I configure them to use proxy auth I get the 
following problem.

1). configure IE to have a home page outside our class b net.
2). configure client to use proxy service ( either virtual ip on foundry 
kit or real web cache address:3128 doesn't matter which)
3). configure client to delete all temp cache files on exit just to view 
problem and then exit browser
4). fire up browser
5). fill in authentication dialog box that appears because we are connected 
to a cache
6). Web page appears saying ie is unable to connect to remote site "server 
or DNS failure"
7). click on refresh button - remote web page appears.

The above had a home page on a remote site just to simplify things. If the 
home page is local and you then try and access a remote site the same thing 

The thing is that some clients work fine and some don't ... and I can't see 
what the difference is!!

has anyone seen any problems with IE authenticating to a squid  cache 

any help appreciated

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[squid-users] Justification for authentication at the squid cache level

2003-02-11 Thread Alex Sharaz
Hi all,

I've been running a number of squid caches for a few years here and am now 
looking at enforcing authentication at the cache level. Needless to say 
I've got a lot of people now saying "why would you want to do that" " not 
another login prompt" etc.

While I've got my own ideas as to why we should do this, I'd like some 
extra ammunition in the form of other (educational establishment) sites 
that went down this route and why. So 

I'm looking for

a). reasons for implementing authentication at the cache level i.e. how you 
persuaded "upper management" that it was a good idea to implement this 
b). response from user base - grumbles? complaints?
c). How you minimised the "additional login to do" problem
d). Implementation problems - any browser specific funnies that caused 
problems. As with most sites we've got every flavour of windows out there 
running god knows what sort of browser what did people do regarding 
supported browsers  IE 6 only, Netscape, Mozilla, Phoenix, specifying 
"baseline" releases of specific browsers?

Any help appreciated


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Re: [squid-users] Squid 2.5 stable 1 and basic auth/ldap

2003-02-12 Thread Alex Sharaz
Quoting Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Nobody has written one for the FAQ yet, but there is some documentation
> in the documentation to each helper (authentication and/or group
> helper).
> If you plan on using groups I strongly advise to look into the group
> helper of 2.5.STABLE1-2003 snapshots, or 2.5.STABLE2 when released
> (which is not far away now).
if you're running on linux why not just use pam authentication and set up a 
squid specific pam.d file that uses ldap that's what I'm running here and it was
very easy to set up. didn;t have to modify any squid related files at all
> Regards
> Henrik
> ons 2003-02-12 klockan 16.12 skrev Tobias Hadem:
> > Hello List,
> > 
> > 
> > does anybody know a link to a good and detailed howto for squid 2.5 and 
> > ldap authentification?
> > 
> > googling only resulted in some outdated (squid 2.4 with patch) howtos, 
> > nothing really new.
> > 
> > or has anybody got any experiences with it, and could perhaps write a 
> > small mini-howto about it?
> > 
> > thx in effort
> -- 
> Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> MARA Systems AB, Sweden

Re: [squid-users] Squid 2.5 stable 1 and basic auth/ldap

2003-02-13 Thread Alex Sharaz
Quoting Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Alex Sharaz wrote:
> > 
> > Quoting Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > 
> > > Nobody has written one for the FAQ yet, but there is some documentation
> > > in the documentation to each helper (authentication and/or group
> > > helper).
> > >
> > > If you plan on using groups I strongly advise to look into the group
> > > helper of 2.5.STABLE1-2003 snapshots, or 2.5.STABLE2 when released
> > > (which is not far away now).
> > if you're running on linux why not just use pam authentication and set up
> a
> > squid specific pam.d file that uses ldap that's what I'm running here and
> it was
> > very easy to set up. didn;t have to modify any squid related files at all
> Using PAM is suitable if you want to have the proxy users fully
> integrated as UNIX accounts on the proxy server. Most people running
> proxy services and having external authentication databases such as NT
> or LDAP do not actually want this, instead running the proxy as an
> appliance where the accounts is only valid for the proxy service, not
> the OS.
but you don't have to have proxy users integrated into the unix accounts. My
squid caches are basically black boxes with 2 userids on it. My own and a
colleague in the computer centre. The "squid" file in /etc/pam.d just says
"authenticate to openldap"  there is no reference to local user as found in  
/etc/passwd or nis or whatever else you would normaly use so if a user with a
userid of FredBloggs tries to use the cache as long as his userid is in our ldap
 database it all works

Would there be any performance hits using pam instead of a squid ldap module? I
must admit that I've only got about 20 people authenticating to our caches and
as there are 4 of them connected to a load balancing switch there's notmuch
going on at the moment :-))
> But yes, if your OS is already set up to use the correct user accounts
> database then PAM will do the job fine.
> Regards
> Henrik

[squid-users] What are these sites?

2003-02-17 Thread Alex Sharaz

Hi all

I've just brought on line webalizer based web page for our 4 squid caches 
and for the last 3 days the "top 30" urls section have been swamped with 
entries  like


I'd love to know what these URLs are. Could they be associated with  a 
windows update attempt by a client going through a proxy?

I can filter them out of the equation for webalizer pages if that's the case


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[squid-users] advice on squid configuration for specific application

2003-02-17 Thread Alex Sharaz
hi all,

Got a small problem here that i'm looking for advice on.

Our university is to set up a "portal service" here and wants to have 
access to it frontended by our web caches, the main reason being that I've 
configured the caches to selectively require authentication based upon the 
source subnet so they wouldn't have to worry about authentication to their 
system using anything other than at the  IP address level.

The trouble is that I'm not sure if I can do it using a squid cache or not.

Suppose the idea is

outside world . accessing URL with portal.ac.uk . pointing to squid 
cache which access .> real server with different domain name of 

don't think its possible but just in case it is 



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[squid-users] radius authentication for squid

2003-02-22 Thread Alex Sharaz
hi people,

a couple of messages ago there was some talk about using radius 
authentication with squid

If anyone has got some s/w,  documentation etc I'd be obliged

[squid-users] couple of squid questions

2003-02-25 Thread Alex Sharaz
hi all,
couple of questions re squid config
My squid hardware is based round systems with a 1.8Zenon cpu 4Gbytes of ram 
and 4 36Gbyte disks for cache storage running RH 8.0 with the 2.4.18-24smp 
version of the kernel. Each disk has 1 partition set up cachedir ufs <90% 
of disk space> 256 256

what sort of cache_mem setting should I be looking for in the above config.

did have aufs set up for a while but seemed to have a number of error 
messages indicating that particular directories on a cache disk could not 
be found e.g. cache1/0a/ob  ... didn;t seem to have made any difference but 
I would have excpected a squid -z to have created all the directoroes it 

Should I be aufs?

and lastly
given that the Zenon processors can support hyper-threading, is there any 
magical squid config settings that'll make use of this? Using 'top' it 
looks as if it isn't at the moment.


[squid-users] Calculating cache_dir L1 parameter

2003-02-28 Thread Alex Sharaz
hi all,
A while back I sent out a message regarding some config issues for my squid 
caches one of which related to the cache_dir config file parameter.

someone kindly sent me back an equation to be used in calculating the L1 
parameter for a given size of cache disk.

Unfortunately guess who has misplaced the  message and can I find it on the 
FAQ page at www.squid-cache.org? nope of course not.
So  if someone could please send me the info again I'd be obliged


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[squid-users] multiple squid cache configurations

2003-03-01 Thread Alex Sharaz

At the moment I have 4 squid caches connected to a single Foundry Networks 
ServerironXL via 100Mbit full duplex links. The ServerIron is connected 
into our backbone network via  Gigabit link.

Each of the squid caches has 2 100Mbit ethernet ports on the motherboard

As the above confgig has a single point of failure (the ServerIron) what 
I'd like to do is implement a dual homed setup using two ServerIrons and 
have each cache connected to each ServerIron. This, according to the 
Foundry docn, will allow me to create an active-active setup where traffic 
from our net will be able to access all our squid caches via either 

All the caches and ServerIrons will be on the same class C subnet.

The problem I've got is that while inbound traffic will be load balanced 
over the 8 fast ethernet ports on the cache boxes, I don't know how to 
persuade squid to load balance outgoing traffic over the two interfaces on 
the server. Normally I'd just have a default gateway setup on each cache 
but that's not going to work in this case as I'm trying to use two 

So ... if i've got 2 interfaces on a squid cache on the same net, how do I 
persuade squid to load balance outgoing traffic over both interfaces.


[squid-users] Queue congestion

2003-03-06 Thread Alex Sharaz
I'm seeing a few error messages in my squid 2.5.s20030.. caches saying

WARNING squidaio_queue congestion

Anything I can do about it?


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Re: [squid-users] Queue congestion

2003-03-06 Thread Alex Sharaz
o.k just see them occasionally, I've got 4 36Gbyte 15Krpm Ultra 160 disks 
in the server

--On 06 March 2003 17:38 +0100 Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This can be ignored if you are only seeing a few of them..

If you are seeing it constantly then your drives is probably overloaded
and you need one or two more drives..
tor 2003-03-06 klockan 16.51 skrev Alex Sharaz:
I'm seeing a few error messages in my squid 2.5.s20030.. caches saying

WARNING squidaio_queue congestion

Anything I can do about it?


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Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
MARA Systems AB, Sweden

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[squid-users] squid compile options

2003-03-18 Thread Alex Sharaz
A long long time ago I built up a small script that ran configure with all 
the squid options i wanted to use

In this script I also had a CFLAGS statement specifying NUMTHREADS=30

I can't for the like of me remember what I put it in for. :-(((
I'm running aufs on my squid boxes

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[squid-users] using pam_radius module with squid

2003-03-26 Thread Alex Sharaz
Hi all,
I've been running squid configured to use pam_auth for a while now in 
conjunction with an ldap authentication (pam) module which works fine.

For local reasons I'd like the pam auth procedure to also authenticate 
against a radius server I've got.


I downloaded and compiled a pam_radius_auth module version 1.3.15 from 
ftp.freeradius.org and replaced my /etc/pam.d/squid file with one 
auth sufficient /lib/security/pam_radius_auth.so debug

Connecting to my squid server from a browser gives me a login dialog box. I 
type in a test userid and pasword
and I can see the radius server saying they are valid - but the cache keeps 
passing me back a prompt to enter my uid and password

Is anyone else running a pam based radius authentication module against 

[squid-users] using 2 sets of basic authentication in squid

2003-03-27 Thread Alex Sharaz
Hi all,

quick question

I'm testing out squid authentication on a number of class c subnets here 
with specific ACL statements that indicate authentication is required on a 
given subnet. At the moment i'm using pam/ldap to implement the 
authentication and everything seems to work fine.

For various reasons, I might need to have some subnets that authenticate to 
a radius server instead of to an ldap one.

I've downloaded the squid_radius_auth code and am running it on a 
development server adn that seems to work fine

the question is :-

can you define/run two "basic" authentication schemes on one squid box

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Re: [squid-users] using 2 sets of basic authentication in squid

2003-03-27 Thread Alex Sharaz
unfortunately the userid would be the same. The only unique parameter would 
be the callers ip subnet

--On 27 March 2003 12:02 +0100 Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

tor 2003-03-27 klockan 11.43 skrev Alex Sharaz:

can you define/run two "basic" authentication schemes on one squid box
Not unless you from the username can determine which backend password
database to use.
If you can identify from the username which backend password database to
use then it is possible to write a little glue script which sits
inbetween Squid and the basic auth helpers, selecting which helper to
use based on the user.
Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
MARA Systems AB, Sweden

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Re: [squid-users] using 2 sets of basic authentication in squid

2003-03-27 Thread Alex Sharaz
Was starting to think that or have a different cache altogether for the 
remote access stuff ... or possibly use ntlm auth for one set and basic for 
the other.

--On 27 March 2003 12:56 +0100 Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Then you will need to run two Squid instances.

tor 2003-03-27 klockan 12.12 skrev Alex Sharaz:
unfortunately the userid would be the same. The only unique parameter
would  be the callers ip subnet
--On 27 March 2003 12:02 +0100 Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> tor 2003-03-27 klockan 11.43 skrev Alex Sharaz:
>> can you define/run two "basic" authentication schemes on one squid box
> Not unless you from the username can determine which backend password
> database to use.
> If you can identify from the username which backend password database
> to use then it is possible to write a little glue script which sits
> inbetween Squid and the basic auth helpers, selecting which helper to
> use based on the user.
> --
> Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> MARA Systems AB, Sweden

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Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
MARA Systems AB, Sweden

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Re: [squid-users] IE doesn't resolve for the first time

2003-03-31 Thread Alex Sharaz
The fix is now included in the latest fixpack for IE6 so you shouldn;t have 
to wait for a special one

--On 31 March 2003 02:51 -0800 Fredi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Thx for the tip. I called MS Support and I'm still
waiting for that "hotfix" (they said it can take one
day to send it by mail).
Meanwhile I've upgraded to squid-2.5.STABLE1 and it
works great (I had to update my conf file)
Thank you.

--- Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Squid FAQ 5.12: IE 6.0 SP1 fails when using basic
Fredi wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm using squid-2.4 with PAM auth for my network.
> Authorization works fine with IE and Netscape but
> after authorization in IE I get "The page cannot
> desplayed"
> and "TCP_DENIED/407" in my access log. If I reload
> visit other pages work well.
> PS: With Netscape works well, I don't have that
> problem.
> I tried adding and removing resolv.conf form my
> file, I've changed the DNS servers on my pc.
> Any ideeas?
> Squid log:
> 1049037536.420  4 TCP_DENIED/407
> GET http://www.directnet.ro/ - NONE/- -
> 1049037552.268  1 TCP_IMS_HIT/304
> GET http://www.directnet.ro/ fredi NONE/-
> Squid.conf with pam_auth:
> acl all src
> acl password proxy_auth REQUIRED
> acl HQLAN src
> http_access deny !HQLAN
> http_access allow password
> http_access deny all
> __
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Platinum - Watch CBS' NCAA March Madness,
live on your desktop!
> http://platinum.yahoo.com

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Platinum - Watch CBS' NCAA March Madness, live on your desktop!

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[squid-users] trimming contents of access.log

2003-06-05 Thread Alex Sharaz
hi all,

quick question,

I'm running a number of web caches connected to a foundry ServerIronxL 
server load balancing device.
The ServerIron performs L7 health checks every 30 seconds ( which I'm 
planning to reduce to about 109 secs)

The only problem is that of course the access logs has got entries for 
"HEAD" commands coming from the ServerIron.

Is it possible to filter out  either types of command or connection info 
from particular IP addresses ?

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Re: [squid-users] trimming contents of access.log

2003-06-05 Thread Alex Sharaz

--On 05 June 2003 16:21 +0500 Ahmad Masood Shah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

I'm not able to understat what information you want to fetch from your
logss. If you want to fetch IP basis information from access log etcc then
simple is that
less access.log | grep youriphere

no i want to configure squid not to put entries in the access.log for HEAD 
commands coming from the IP address associated with my server load 
balancing box. Each cache generates a nightly access.log file that is about 
20Mytes and anything I can do to trim some of the triivia out of it would 


Best Regs,
Masood Ahmad Shah
System Administrator
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- Original Message -----
From: "Alex Sharaz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2003 4:12 PM
Subject: [squid-users] trimming contents of access.log

hi all,

quick question,

I'm running a number of web caches connected to a foundry ServerIronxL
server load balancing device.
The ServerIron performs L7 health checks every 30 seconds ( which I'm
planning to reduce to about 109 secs)
The only problem is that of course the access logs has got entries for
"HEAD" commands coming from the ServerIron.
Is it possible to filter out  either types of command or connection info
from particular IP addresses ?
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Re: [squid-users] temporarily disabling (forbidden) digest from .....

2003-05-27 Thread Alex Sharaz
many thanks for your help
You were correct in saying it was an http_access thing. I'd cunningly 
managed to put a "deny all" statement blocking all access to local servers 
before the statement that allowed access to the digests

All working now ;-))
--On 26 May 2003 11:36 +0200 Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

men 2003-05-26 klockan 10.24 skrev Alex Sharaz:
Hi all,

The above message is staring to bother me a bit.
i've got 3 web caches behind a foundry server load balancing box and
although I've switched on digests, each cache comes up with "temporarily
disabling (forbidden) digest from 
What do you get in access.log on the other cache when this is reported?

Anything in cache.log?

Donations welcome if you consider my Free Squid support helpful.
Please consult the Squid FAQ and other available documentation before
asking Squid questions, and use the squid-users mailing-list when no
answer can be found. Private support questions is only answered
for a fee or as part of a commercial Squid support contract.
If you need commercial Squid support or cost effective Squid and
firewall appliances please refer to MARA Systems AB, Sweden
http://www.marasystems.com/, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [squid-users] temporarily disabling (forbidden) digest from .....

2003-05-27 Thread Alex Sharaz
well I'm now seeing a lot of CD_.. HIT entries in my access.log file which 
weren't there before

--On 27 May 2003 18:31 +0200 Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

tis 2003-05-27 klockan 17.59 skrev Alex Sharaz:
many thanks for your help
You were correct in saying it was an http_access thing. I'd cunningly
managed to put a "deny all" statement blocking all access to local
servers  before the statement that allowed access to the digests
Note that you also nee to allow the peers to access the cached objects,
or else they will not have any use of the digest they have fetched..
Donations welcome if you consider my Free Squid support helpful.
Please consult the Squid FAQ and other available documentation before
asking Squid questions, and use the squid-users mailing-list when no
answer can be found. Private support questions is only answered
for a fee or as part of a commercial Squid support contract.
If you need commercial Squid support or cost effective Squid and
firewall appliances please refer to MARA Systems AB, Sweden
http://www.marasystems.com/, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[squid-users] X-Originate-IP still not working in 2.5.STABLE3

2003-05-28 Thread Alex Sharaz

A while back I reported that even though I'd configured squid to pass the 
clients IP address through the cache via the X-Originate-IP header variable 
squid was always inserting its own address in the field.

I've just tried sending myself a mail message via hotmail via a 2.5.STABLE3 
box and it still seems to do the same thing. Anyone else seen this?

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[squid-users] problems with www.channel4.com site

2003-06-09 Thread Alex Sharaz
hi all,

Got a really strange one here.

Since last Friday we've been experiencing a problem with www.channel4.com ( 
ip address which is causing extreme heartach for our nokia 
checkpoint 1 firewall.

I've got 3 web caches connected to a foundry systems serveriron ( server 
load balancing box)
Whenever anyone connects to something on the www.channel4.com web site, the 
squid process servicing the request seems to go int oa loop. Looking at our 
outside world link, the cache in question at our end and the 
www.channel4.com site are both sending what appear to be the *same* ack 
packet ( that's not the same packet both ways, that's each end repeatedly 
sending the same packet)

Everything else is working fine. If I set up some acls to block access to 
domain channel4.com and the aforementioned ip address then everything works 

I'm running squid-2.5.STABLE3 on a RH 9.0 platform with kernel 
2.4.20-13.9-smp kernel
anyone else seen this sort of thing?

it could be related to the kerenel I'm using as that's just been shipped 
out from RH but I'm at a loss as to why its only the channel 4 site that is 
causing a problem

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[squid-users] max request header size

2003-06-14 Thread Alex Sharaz
hi all,
i was browsing through one of my cache.log files and noticed a message 
saying that "the request header size" had been exceeded. Given that it was 
set to the default of 10K and the conf file says that its usually 512 bytes 
ish I wondered

1). Anyone else seeing these messages

2). Having just reduced the max size to 3K, there seems to be a lot of 
entries in cache.log about request header sizes over 3k and 10 K. Is there 
anyway to match the error message up with a particular request in the 
access.log file.

3). What *is* a reasonable setting for request_header_max_size ? here it 
appears that even 10 is occasionally too small.


[squid-users] probably a simple question

2003-10-16 Thread Alex Sharaz
Hi all,
got what  is probably a simple question:-
99% of the time I use an auto proxy config script to select whether to go 
direct to a site or via my caches

The othe 1% of the time I configure an explicit web cache ( for testing 
purposes) in IE6 and then specify an exclusion list for *.hull.ac.uk i.e. 
go to the cache for any urls that aren't in our local domain.

the above is all very well, but i also want to access some of our network 
boxes using their ip address. Can you tell ie to go direct to an ip 
address? I've tried adding ;150.237 to the exclude list and that doesn't 
Does anyone know if is possible to tell ie to go direct to ip addresses?

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[squid-users] anyone using pam_radius to implement basic authentication

2003-10-21 Thread Alex Sharaz
hi all
I am currently using a squid radius authentication module with my caches 
and am considering moving to a pam_radius setup.
Has anyone used pam_radius with a squid cache?


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RE: [squid-users] probably a simple question

2003-10-22 Thread Alex Sharaz
Yup I do that as well, but if i'm testing a new web cache out I don;t want 
to have to keep changing my auto-proxy config file that is load balanced 
over 2 machines and services the whole university every time I want to 
access a different cache.

Anyway the way to do it in ie6 is to add a wildcarded ip address in the 
exceptions section of your proxy definitions. The "bypass proxy server for 
local connections only works for named hosts and not ip addresses.

My exceptions entry has 150.237.*.*;*.hull.ac.uk

which covers everything


--On 22 October 2003 08:43 -0400 Adam Aube <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

99% of the time I use an auto proxy config script to
select whether to go direct to a site or via my caches

The othe 1% of the time I configure an explicit web
cache (for testing purposes) in IE6 and then specify an
exclusion list

the above is all very well, but i also want to access
some of our network boxes using their ip address. Can you
tell ie to go direct to an ip address?
No, but you can use your proxy auto-config script; just return DIRECT
for a given IP address.

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[squid-users] reiserfs or ext3 ?

2003-11-04 Thread Alex Sharaz
Hi all,

quick question,

I'm running my 3 caches using ext3 file systems. I've noticed a number of 
people recommending ReiserFS.

Should I consider moving to ReiserFS? What advantages would it give me over 

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[squid-users] multiple access.log files

2003-12-08 Thread Alex Sharaz
hi all,

I'm in the process of evaluating squid2mysql on one of my test servers. 
Unfortunately the php prog that actually writes the info into the mysql 
database occasionally crashes. As the "log file" squid uses is actually a 
fifo I don't have a copy of the access.log message that caused the problem.

In addition to this I'd probably like to run both the database logging and 
the normal text logging in parallel for a while, so is there any way of 
telling squid to write info into 2 access logs

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Re: [squid-users] squid radius auth

2003-12-08 Thread Alex Sharaz
I use Steel Belted Radius by a company called Funk software
AFAIK this server is almost the defacto standard radius server these days
did have to do some "tweaking" of the phantom record settings to cope with 
multiple squid caches but other than that it just works


--On 08 December 2003 12:25 +0100 Esteban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I am trying to make squid radius auth with the perl script auth.pl by
Edmar Lourenco Borges.
My configuration is as follow:
I have a LAN, and a squid http proxy on my linux firewall.
I would like the LAN users to enter a password before to access the web
throught my squid proxy.
I told squid to run auth.pl
which radius server should I use for auth.pl to ask authentication ?
can I use the MS IAS service to do this ?
Thank you very much for any answer.


Stephane DESMET
Responsible produits de sicuriti
All Computing SAS
17, rue du Colisie - 75008 Paris
(+33)1 49 53 90 36
(+33)6 88 82 55 87
internet: www.allcomputing.fr

Sent using Mulberry 3.01a

[squid-users] using squid2mysql

2003-12-08 Thread Alex Sharaz
hi all,
o.k. i've replaced my squid_rad_auth authentication program on one of my 
test caches with the squid2mysql authenticator ( having changed sqauth as 
the database is on another machine)  and added a dummy user into the mysql 
db "auth" table

I can now authenticate to the cache using the sqauth program and browse the 

I've put all the management php scripts into a directory on my web server ( 
which isn't apache - it;s a java servlet engine based server called resin. 

When i call any of  the php pages associated with squid2mysql al I get is 
"Incorrect login"

how am I supposed to log in to access the pages if there isn't a login page?
Sent using Mulberry 3.01a

[squid-users] problem with squid and squid2mysql

2003-12-18 Thread Alex Sharaz
hi all,
Got a small problem here with squid running in conjunction with squid2mysql 
on a linux box.

Config is

RH 9 system running as squid cache with a back end mysql database runnning 
on another machine.
Perl 5.08 installed with dbi module, mysql drivers and perl::ldap

Created a special file on the webcache called /logs/mysqlacess.log and have 

"cat /logs/mysqlaccess.log|tee -a 
/logs/access.log|/usr/local/bin/squid2mysql 2>/logs/squid2mysql.err"

The above means I can still have the standard "access.log" file and dump 
log entries into a back end database.

A back end RADIUS authentication database is also present to authenticate 
various classes of users.

For various reasons i can't set up our dial in service to authenticate to 
our web caches, so i've added some code to the squid2mysql perl prog that 
performs an ldap query of our RADIUS server whenever a log file entry 
appears with a client ip address that comes from our dialin service. 
Basically it asks the radius server for the userid currently logged onto 
the ip address obtained from the access log entry.

When i go through a web cache configured as described, everything works. 
When i try routing all of our dial in service calls through it the squid 
process crashes. I *think* its to do with the ldap lookups performed for 
every log record associated with our dial in service - all i see in the 
logs is "FATAL: Received Segment Violation...dying."

Just before I crank up the logging to see whats happening, anyone out there 
using squid2mysql on a linux platform? - just to double check that it does 
work in a production environment


Sent using Mulberry 3.01a

Re: [squid-users] problem with squid and squid2mysql - update

2003-12-18 Thread Alex Sharaz
Increasing the logging I can now see

2003/12/18 17:29:21| The request CONNECT loginnet.passport.com:443 i
ecause it matched 'from_hullnet'
FATAL: Received Segment Violation...dying.
2003/12/18 17:29:21| Not currently OK to rewrite swap log.
2003/12/18 17:29:21| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Operation aborted.
CPU Usage: 1.060 seconds = 0.540 user + 0.520 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 438
Memory usage for squid via mallinfo():
so what's the next step?
any suggestions appreciated
--On 18 December 2003 16:28 +0000 Alex Sharaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

hi all,
Got a small problem here with squid running in conjunction with
squid2mysql on a linux box.
Config is

RH 9 system running as squid cache with a back end mysql database
runnning on another machine.
Perl 5.08 installed with dbi module, mysql drivers and perl::ldap
Created a special file on the webcache called /logs/mysqlacess.log and
have started
"cat /logs/mysqlaccess.log|tee -a
/logs/access.log|/usr/local/bin/squid2mysql 2>/logs/squid2mysql.err"
The above means I can still have the standard "access.log" file and dump
log entries into a back end database.
A back end RADIUS authentication database is also present to authenticate
various classes of users.
For various reasons i can't set up our dial in service to authenticate to
our web caches, so i've added some code to the squid2mysql perl prog that
performs an ldap query of our RADIUS server whenever a log file entry
appears with a client ip address that comes from our dialin service.
Basically it asks the radius server for the userid currently logged onto
the ip address obtained from the access log entry.
When i go through a web cache configured as described, everything works.
When i try routing all of our dial in service calls through it the squid
process crashes. I *think* its to do with the ldap lookups performed for
every log record associated with our dial in service - all i see in the
logs is "FATAL: Received Segment Violation...dying."
Just before I crank up the logging to see whats happening, anyone out
there using squid2mysql on a linux platform? - just to double check that
it does work in a production environment

Sent using Mulberry 3.01a

[squid-users] Anyone know if the buffered_logs config command also applies to acces.log?

2003-12-19 Thread Alex Sharaz
or just the cache.log

Re: [squid-users] "Impossible keep-alive header"

2004-01-14 Thread Alex Sharaz
Yup just downloaded the latest 2.5S4 snapshot and installed it on one of my 
caches and they started. All the other caches are o.k.

--On 14 January 2004 10:37 -0500 Steve Snyder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

I'm suddenly getting a lot of these errors.  Here's an example:

2004/01/14 10:29:35| ctx: exit level  0
2004/01/14 10:29:35| ctx: enter level  0:
2004/01/14 10:29:35| httpProcessReplyHeader: Impossible keep-alive header
from 'http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/v2/2.5/bugs/'
This is on a Red Hat v9 system, running Squid 2.5S4 and all patches
I think that these many entries in cache.log are the result of applying
the recent squid-2.5.STABLE4-http_workarounds.patch patch.
Anyone else seeing this behavior?


Sent using Mulberry 3.01a

Re: [squid-users] MySql Authorization

2004-01-22 Thread Alex Sharaz
Yup there is a squid2mysql package which although primarily for getting 
access log entries into a database also has a mysql authentication module 
you can use

--On 22 January 2004 10:28 +0100 Riccardo Fontana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


I would like to know if exist some kind of external helper to authorize
users authenticated with another method.
I'm already using Netbios authentication but instead of the group helper
i would prefer to create an ACL based on a mysql table.

Sent using Mulberry 3.01a

[squid-users] problems writing squid logs into a database

2004-06-21 Thread Alex Sharaz
Hi all,
i've been working on a perl script to write the contents of access.log into 
a DB2 database. The script was originally one by Eugene Chernyshev
 This is a part of Squid2MySQL accounting system.
 CopyRight 2001 by Eugene V. Chernyshev mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

but modified a bit.
The problem I've got is that I'm trying to do this in real time, and while 
the script certainly works,
it doesn't seem to have as many input lines as I'd expect. I.e. the access 
log is filing up faster than the database is. It looks as if the perl 
script isn't getting as many lines fed to it as the access.log file.

I'm using the tail command to take access.log output and pipe it into my 
prog. The additional options let it track access log file rotation (which 
happens every day at midnight)

If anyone has an idea why the perl script isn't processing
the tail command is
#  $Id: RunCache.in,v 2003/01/06 20:52:55 wessels Exp $
. /home/db2inst3/sqllib/db2profile
   echo "Running rtsquid2db2 daemon">>/logs/squid.out 2>&1
   tail --retry --lines=1 --follow=name --max-unchanged-stats=2 
/logs/access.log 2>>/logs/squid2db2.log|/usr/local/squid/bin/rtsquid2db2 >>/logs/squid2db2.log 2>>/logs/squid2db2.err &

and the appropriate part of the  perl program is:-
#   Squid2Db2
# Version: 0.6
#[ Taken from
#  This is a part of Squid2MySQL accounting system.
#  CopyRight 2001 by Eugene V. Chernyshev mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
# Changes
# 10/12/03 - add database field for the IP address of the system
#  - don't save head queries either
# 12/12/03 - We want to save everything in the database and not just the
#userid authenticated stuff, If weneed to filter out info
#we can do it later on. Removed the chreck to see if the 
#is "-"
# 15/12/03 - Date is out by 7 hours - the calculations after gmtime affs 7 
#onto the time - removed the adjustment
#Added time in milliseconds field to database
# 18/12/03 - open ;ldap conection to radius server at start of prog and not
#in function routine
# 19/01/04 - dont update the rdn table if the userid is "-"
#disable the ldap lookup for now
#remove the date and time entries as we have the time in msec
# 26/01/04 - Added finish statement to close down the prepare statement
# 26/01/04 - Added finish statement to close down the prepare statement
# 27/01/04 - Real time version of squid2db2
#   setup
# 28/01/04 - Test for null URL string. If present fill with a dummy one and
#output input string components.
# 30/01/04 - Check for null username returned from the radius server
# 05/03/04 - Added more comprehensive tests to check for null parameters
#being passed over to the prepared statement.
#remove the billing calculation - set to 0
#Remove the die statement after the execute. We want to keep 
#and output the error.
#	 Generated a subroutine for the output
# 11/03/04 - Ldap lookup from radius server always assumes that the server 
is up
#and only talks to one server. Try and get it to try multiple
#servers before it dies and move the connection to the lookup 
# 19/03/04 - really need to close the function as well - in the right place.
#Added input parameter for ip address to use as own.
#tidied up logging and removed old commented code
# 18/06/04 - Changed some of the database names
# 21/06/04 - Added username to logging function
#Use local time instead of gmtime to get date right
#added msec parameter to db2 timestamp
#don't need the billing function
$db2user="Y";			# user name
$db2pass="XX";			# user password
$db2serv="XX.YY.XX.BB";		# server
$db2port="";			# server port
$db2dbas="sqstats";			# database name
$db2tabl="squid.logger";		# database table
$backuplog="/logs/backup.log";	# Backup log if couldn't connect to
# billing setup
$valuepermeg=4;# four roubles per meg
$valueperhour=0;			# none per hour, leased line +2880p
# billing method
# 0 for user accounting, 1 for hosts accounting

use DBI;
use DBD::DB2::Constants;
use DBD::DB2;
use Net::LDAP;

$sth=$dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO squid.logger(cacheip,tstamp,elapsed,code,\
# Get the IP address
print STDERR "our ip address is $ourip\n";
while($inputLine = ) {
# 0 timestamp.millisec
# 1 duration
# 2 remotehost
# 3 code/status
# 4 bytes
# 5 method
# 6 URL
# 7 username
# 8 peerstatus/peerhost
# 9 type
#chop;  # here we now get a string!
#   splitting string onto subdata
   @lines=split(' ',$input

[squid-users] caching windows updates

2004-08-26 Thread Alex Sharaz
A while back I thought I saw some e-mails discussing the possibility of 
caching windows updates files on squid servers and there was mention of 
some code/scripts to do this.

Needless to say I've lost that particular messaage. Can someone point me in 
the right direction please

Sent using Mulberry 3.1.2

[squid-users] providing a secure basic authentication

2004-09-22 Thread Alex Sharaz
I'm currently using a basic auth scheme on our squid caches that uses a 
radius authentication module

From the squid FAQ
"NOTE: The name and password are encoded using ``base64'' (See section 11.1 
of RFC 2616). However, base64 is a binary-to-text encoding only, it does 
NOT encrypt the information it encodes. This means that the username and 
password are essentially ``cleartext'' between the browser and the proxy. 
Therefore, you probably should not use the same username and password that 
you would use for your account login."

Is there any way I can perform the authentication scheme over a secure 

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Re: [squid-users] providing a secure basic authentication

2004-09-23 Thread Alex Sharaz

--On 22 September 2004 19:42 +0200 Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

On Wed, 22 Sep 2004, Alex Sharaz wrote:
Is there any way I can perform the authentication scheme over a secure
Pick one (or two):
* Use of Digest authentication.
* Use of NTLM authentication.
hmmm got to stay with authenticating to our radius servers really so I 
guess that excludes the two above.

* SSL encryption of the client<->proxy traffic. Requires a client wich
supports SSL encryption of proxy connections or the use of a SSL tunnel
on the client (browser -> SSL tunnel on localhost -> proxy).
This sounds interesting, given that almost every man and his dog is using 
IE or mozilla/firefox anyone know if they suport proxy connections over ssl?


Sent using Mulberry 3.1.2

Re: [squid-users] providing a secure basic authentication

2004-09-23 Thread Alex Sharaz

--On 23 September 2004 12:49 +0200 Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

On Thu, 23 Sep 2004, Alex Sharaz wrote:
This sounds interesting, given that almost every man and his dog is
using IE  or mozilla/firefox anyone know if they suport proxy
connections over ssl?
Not last time I looked, but there is a rumor that recent versions of
mozilla/firefox may. Have not found it in the versions of Mozilla I have
access to however.
o.k. i'm running the pre release version of firefox. I'll have a look.
What works for all browsers is to use a ssl tunnel client. stunnel is a
reasonable and free one.
Already using stunnel for email access through our firewall
works great.
The principle when using an ssl tunnel is that you run a small SSL proxy
gateway/tunnel on the client configured to connect to the proxy
https_port, the client browser is then configured to use the local port
of the SSL proxy.
Browser -> (localhost) stunnel -> (SSL) Proxy https_port
stunnel then wraps all requests send by the browser into an encrypted SSL
tunnel and sends them to the proxy.
If you have central administration of your Windows boxes it should not be
too hard to push out the stunnel client and new proxy configuration to
the clients.
The problem is that we don't. We are taking about personal pcs in the 
Student Halls of Residence.
I don't impose proxy authentication on all of our users, just our students 
and wireless lan users.

Still, I'll have a play and see what we can do. It would be better if there 
was some way of  not having to install something on the client.

Many thanks

Sent using Mulberry 3.1.2

[squid-users] automatic windows updates

2005-01-12 Thread Alex Sharaz
For a long time now I've blocked direct http/s access to the Internet from 
out site and forced everyone to go via our web caches. This has been 
working just fine until recently when automatic updates stated failing.

Basically, you can check to see if there are any updates and what they are 
, but when it comes to actually performing the download of the updates, the 
client seems to want access to the update site directly.
We * think* its something to do with the version of auto update that's 
running (v5?)
has anyone else seen this happening?

Sent using Mulberry 3.1.2

[squid-users] squid2.5.stable8 cache.log messages

2005-02-15 Thread Alex Sharaz
I've just upgraded to squid.2.5.STABLE8 and my cache.log file has loads of 
these messages
Should I be bothered? What can I do to stop them from happening?

2005/02/15 11:47:20| httpReadReply: Excess data from "GET 

2005/02/15 11:47:25| httpReadReply: Excess data from "GET 

2005/02/15 11:47:39| httpReadReply: Excess data from "GET 

Sent using Mulberry 3.1.2

[squid-users] Issues with rsyslog and squid 3.1.16

2011-11-21 Thread Alex Sharaz


I've just move my squid 3.1.16 web caches over to using rsyslog  
( Ubuntu 10.4 LTS OS) to move log files over to a centralised syslog  
server for storage in a mysql database. Most of the time it works just  
fine. Unfortunately I do seem to be seeing  some blocking occurring  
where a cache isn't accepting new inbound client connections. I've got  
6 webcaches configured in 2 clusters of 3. When a problem occurs, I  
can see about 50 - 100 concurrent connections on caches with the  
problem, and 10 - 12K connections on the remaining normaly operating  
ones. A restart of the rsyslog daemon on a problematic cache cures the  
problem for a while, but it can come back.

From my squid.conf file

logformat hsyslog %tg,%ts.%tu,%>a,%la,,%ul,%rm,HTTP/%rv, 
#  TAG: access_log
#   These files log client request activities. Has a line every  

#   ICP request. The format is:
#   access_log  [ [acl acl ...]]
#   access_log none [acl acl ...]]
#   Will log to the specified file using the specified format (which
#   must be defined in a logformat directive) those entries which  

#   ALL the acl's specified (which must be defined in acl clauses).
#   If no acl is specified, all requests will be logged to this  

#   To disable logging of a request use the filepath "none", in  
which case

#   a logformat name should not be specified.
#   To log the request via syslog specify a filepath of "syslog":
#   access_log syslog[:facility.priority] [format [acl1  
[acl2 ]]]

#   where facility could be any of:
#   authpriv, daemon, local0 .. local7 or user.
#   And priority could be any of:
#   err, warning, notice, info, debug.
#access_log /logs/access.log hcommon
access_log syslog:local0.info hsyslog

and from the rsyslog.d directory
$WorkDirectory /logs/rsyslog # where to place spool files
$ActionQueueFileName fwdRule1 # unique name prefix for spool files
$ActionQueueMaxDiskSpace 5g   #  space limit (use as much as possible)
$ActionQueueSaveOnShutdown on # save messages to disk on shutdown
$ActionQueueType LinkedList   # run asynchronously
$ActionResumeRetryCount -1# infinite retries if host is down
# remote host is: name/ip:port, e.g., port optional
*.* @@

Squid build with
ulimit -SHn 49152
./configure   --enable-snmp --enable-basic-auth-helpers="PAM"  -- 
enable-cachemgr-hostname=wwwcache2-west.hull.ac.uk --enable-htcp -- 
enable-cache-digests  --enable-async-io  --prefix=/usr/local/squid -- 
with-pthreads --enable-removal-policies --enable-ssl -with-openssl=/ 
usr/local/ssl --disable-linux-netfilter -with-large-files --with- 
maxfd=49152 --with-dl --enable-icmp --enable-poll --disable-ident- 
lookups --enable-truncate --disable-delay-pools --disable-ipv6 -- 


Anything I can change in the build to stop this blocking from happennig?


Time for another Macmillan Cancer Support event. This time its the 12  
day Escape to Africa challenge

View route at 

Please sponsor me at http://www.justgiving.com/Alex-Sharaz

[squid-users] Problem with latest squid 3.2 snapshot

2011-11-24 Thread alex sharaz

I've just downloaded and built a copy of

Squid Cache version for x86_64-unknown-linux- 

and built it on a brand new fully patched version of Ubuntu 10.4 LTS  
with IPv6 disabled ( don't use it here yet) through /etc/default/grub.  
A netstat -a shows that nothing is listening on an IPv6 port.

Squid built using

ulimit -SHn 49152
CFLAGS="-m64" ./configure   --enable-snmp --enable-basic-auth- 
helpers="PAM"  --enable-cachemgr-hostname=wwwcache2-east.hull.ac.uk -- 
enable-htcp --enable-cache-digests  --enable-async-io  --prefix=/usr/ 
local/squid --with-pthreads --enable-removal-policies --enable-ssl -- 
disable-linux-netfilter -with-large-files --with-maxfd=49152 --with-dl  
--enable-icmp --enable-poll --disable-ident-lookups --enable-truncate  
--disable-delay-pools --disable-ipv6 --disable-loadable-modules

I've created a config file to use the SMP specifying a weight of 8  
with nop mapping of processes to CPU cores.

If I try firing up /usr/local/squid/sbin/squid I get

2011/11/24 15:41:42 kid9| assertion failed: mem.cc:205: "MemPools[type]"

at which point squid restarts

2011/11/24 15:41:45 kid9| Starting Squid Cache version for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu...

2011/11/24 15:41:45 kid9| Process ID 1306
2011/11/24 15:41:45 kid9| Process Roles: coordinator
2011/11/24 15:41:45 kid9| With 49152 file descriptors available
2011/11/24 15:41:45 kid9| Initializing IP Cache...
2011/11/24 15:41:45 kid9| DNS Socket created at, FD 7
2011/11/24 15:41:45 kid9| Adding nameserver from  
2011/11/24 15:41:45 kid9| Adding nameserver from  
2011/11/24 15:41:45 kid9| helperOpenServers: Starting 0/60  
'rewrite_youtube.pl' processes
2011/11/24 15:41:45 kid9| helperOpenServers: No 'rewrite_youtube.pl'  
processes needed.

2011/11/24 15:41:45 kid9| Logfile: opening log daemon:/logs/access.log
2011/11/24 15:41:45 kid9| Logfile Daemon: opening log /logs/access.log
2011/11/24 15:41:45 kid9| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite  
every 3600/3600 sec

2011/11/24 15:41:45 kid9| Store logging disabled
2011/11/24 15:41:45 kid9| Swap maxSize 0 + 524288 KB, estimated 40329  

2011/11/24 15:41:45 kid9| Target number of buckets: 2016
2011/11/24 15:41:45 kid9| Using 8192 Store buckets
2011/11/24 15:41:45 kid9| Max Mem  size: 524288 KB [shared]
2011/11/24 15:41:45 kid9| Max Swap size: 0 KB
2011/11/24 15:41:45 kid9| Using Least Load store dir selection
2011/11/24 15:41:45 kid9| Set Current Directory to /usr/local/squid/ 

2011/11/24 15:41:45 kid9| Loaded Icons.
2011/11/24 15:41:45 kid9| Ready to serve requests.

and I get this

2011/11/24 15:41:45 kid9| commBind: Cannot bind socket FD 9 to [::]:  
(13) Permission denied

2011/11/24 15:41:45 kid9| Configuring Sibling wwwcache1- 
2011/11/24 15:41:50 kid9| Configuring Sibling wwwcache3- 
2011/11/24 15:41:50 kid9| Configuring Sibling wwwcache4- 
2011/11/24 15:41:50 kid9| Configuring Sibling slb-realsrv1- 
2011/11/24 15:41:50 kid9| Configuring Sibling wwwcache1- 
2011/11/24 15:41:50 kid9| Configuring Sibling wwwcache2- 
2011/11/24 15:41:50 kid9| Configuring Sibling wwwcache3- 

At this point although a ps -ef shows a number of squid processes, a  
netstat -a doesn't show any listening on any TCP  ports. I then  
shutdown squid and get

2011/11/24 15:42:00 kid9| Preparing for shutdown after 0 requests
2011/11/24 15:42:00 kid9| Waiting 30 seconds for active connections to  

2011/11/24 15:42:00 kid9| Shutdown: NTLM authentication.
2011/11/24 15:42:00 kid9| Shutdown: Negotiate authentication.
2011/11/24 15:42:00 kid9| Shutdown: Digest authentication.
2011/11/24 15:42:00 kid9| Shutdown: Basic authentication.
2011/11/24 15:42:31 kid9| Shutting down...
FATAL: Received Segment Violation...dying.

If I fire up squid with /usr/local/squid/sbin/squid -NY then things  
spring into life and works just fine.

Help !!


Time for another Macmillan Cancer Support event. This time its the 12  
day Escape to Africa challenge

View route at 

Please sponsor me at http://www.justgiving.com/Alex-Sharaz

[squid-users] squid 3.2 failure

2011-11-25 Thread alex sharaz

seem to have some problems with squid

2011/11/25 10:39:29 kid6| WARNING: 1 swapin MD5 mismatches
2011/11/25 10:39:29 kid6| Could not parse headers from on disk object
2011/11/25 10:39:29 kid6| WARNING: An error inside Squid has caused an  
HTTP reply without Date:. Please report this:
2011/11/25 10:39:29 kid6| StoreEntry->key:  

2011/11/25 10:39:29 kid6| StoreEntry->next: 0
2011/11/25 10:39:29 kid6| StoreEntry->mem_obj: 0x151f040
2011/11/25 10:39:29 kid6| StoreEntry->timestamp: -1
2011/11/25 10:39:29 kid6| StoreEntry->lastref: 1322217569
2011/11/25 10:39:29 kid6| StoreEntry->expires: -1
2011/11/25 10:39:29 kid6| StoreEntry->lastmod: -1
2011/11/25 10:39:29 kid6| StoreEntry->swap_file_sz: 0
2011/11/25 10:39:29 kid6| StoreEntry->refcount: 1
2011/11/25 10:39:29 kid6| StoreEntry->flags:  

2011/11/25 10:39:29 kid6| StoreEntry->swap_dirn: -1
2011/11/25 10:39:29 kid6| StoreEntry->swap_filen: -1
2011/11/25 10:39:29 kid6| StoreEntry->lock_count: 2
2011/11/25 10:39:29 kid6| StoreEntry->mem_status: 0
2011/11/25 10:39:29 kid6| StoreEntry->ping_status: 2
2011/11/25 10:39:29 kid6| StoreEntry->store_status: 1
2011/11/25 10:39:29 kid6| StoreEntry->swap_status: 0
2011/11/25 10:39:29 kid6| assertion failed: store.cc:1859: "isEmpty()"
2011/11/25 10:39:32 kid6| Starting Squid Cache version for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu...

2011/11/25 10:39:32 kid6| Process ID 3059
2011/11/25 10:39:32 kid6| Process Roles: worker

Time for another Macmillan Cancer Support event. This time its the 12  
day Escape to Africa challenge

View route at 

Please sponsor me at http://www.justgiving.com/Alex-Sharaz

[squid-users] Error on latest squid 3.2 snapshot:Unable to allocate 18446744073638813067 blocks of 1 bytes!

2011-11-28 Thread alex sharaz
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Starting Squid Cache version for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu...

2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Process ID 10575
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Process Roles: worker
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| With 49152 file descriptors available
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Initializing IP Cache...
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| DNS Socket created at, FD 7
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Adding nameserver from  
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Adding nameserver from  
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| helperOpenServers: Starting 5/20 'helper- 
mux.pl' processes
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| helperOpenServers: Starting 0/10  
'basic_pam_auth' processes
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| helperOpenServers: No 'basic_pam_auth'  
processes needed.

2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Logfile: opening log daemon:/logs/access.log
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Logfile Daemon: opening log /logs/access.log
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite  
every 3600/3600 sec

2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Store logging disabled
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| WARNING: disk-cache maximum object size is  
unlimited but mem-cache maximum object size is 32.00 KB
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Swap maxSize 4060160 + 262144 KB, estimated  
332484 objects

2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Target number of buckets: 16624
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Using 32768 Store buckets
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Max Mem  size: 262144 KB [shared]
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Max Swap size: 4060160 KB
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Version 1 of swap file with LFS support  

2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Rebuilding storage in /cache/2 (CLEAN)
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Using Least Load store dir selection
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Set Current Directory to /usr/local/squid/ 

2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Loaded Icons.
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| IcmpSquid.cc(255) Open: Pinger socket opened  
on FD 24

2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Ready to serve requests.
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Done reading /cache/2 swaplog (24 entries)
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2|24 Entries scanned
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| 0 Invalid entries.
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| 0 With invalid flags.
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2|24 Objects loaded.
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| 0 Objects expired.
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| 0 Objects cancelled.
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2|   Took 0.02 seconds (1300.67 objects/sec).
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Beginning Validation Procedure
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2|   Completed Validation Procedure
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2|   Validated 24 Entries
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2|   store_swap_size = 2321119973474304.00 KB
FATAL: xcalloc: Unable to allocate 18446744073638813067 blocks of 1  

[squid-users] URL parsing crashing squid snapshot

2011-12-08 Thread alex sharaz


2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| Starting Squid Cache version for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu...

2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| Process ID 6007
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| Process Roles: worker
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| With 49152 file descriptors available
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| Initializing IP Cache...
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| DNS Socket created at, FD 7
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| Adding nameserver from  
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| Adding nameserver from  
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| helperOpenServers: Starting 5/20 'helper- 
mux.pl' processes
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| helperOpenServers: Starting 0/10  
'basic_pam_auth' processes
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| helperOpenServers: No 'basic_pam_auth'  
processes needed.

2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| Logfile: opening log daemon:/logs/access.log
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| Logfile Daemon: opening log /logs/access.log
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite  
every 3600/3600 sec

2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| Store logging disabled
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| WARNING: disk-cache maximum object size is  
unlimited but mem-cache maximum object size is 32.00 KB
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| Swap maxSize 4060160 + 262144 KB, estimated  
332484 objects

2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| Target number of buckets: 16624
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| Using 32768 Store buckets
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| Max Mem  size: 262144 KB [shared]
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| Max Swap size: 4060160 KB
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| Version 1 of swap file with LFS support  

2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| Rebuilding storage in /cache/5 (CLEAN)
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| Using Least Load store dir selection
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| Set Current Directory to /usr/local/squid/ 

2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| Loaded Icons.
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| IcmpSquid.cc(255) Open: Pinger socket opened  
on FD 24

2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| Ready to serve requests.
2011/12/08 10:05:13| pinger: Initialising ICMP pinger ...
2011/12/08 10:05:13| pinger: ICMP socket opened.
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| Store rebuilding is 19.10% complete
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| Done reading /cache/5 swaplog (21442 entries)
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| 21442 Entries scanned
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| 0 Invalid entries.
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| 0 With invalid flags.
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| 20983 Objects loaded.
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| 0 Objects expired.
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| 0 Objects cancelled.
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5|   447 Duplicate URLs purged.
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5|12 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5|   Took 0.13 seconds (158376.61 objects/sec).
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| Beginning Validation Procedure
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5|   Completed Validation Procedure
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5|   Validated 20983 Entries
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5|   store_swap_size = 848684.00 KB
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| Accepting HTTP Socket connections at  
local= remote=[::] FD 9 flags=1
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| Accepting HTTP Socket connections at  
local= remote=[::] FD 11 flags=1

2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| Accepting HTCP messages on
2011/12/08 10:05:13 kid5| Sending HTCP messages from
2011/12/08 10:05:14 kid5| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2011/12/08 10:05:16 kid4| Starting Squid Cache version for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu...

2011/12/08 10:05:16 kid4| Process ID 6016
2011/12/08 10:05:16 kid4| Process Roles: worker
2011/12/08 10:05:16 kid4| With 49152 file descriptors available
2011/12/08 10:05:16 kid4| Initializing IP Cache...
2011/12/08 10:05:16 kid4| DNS Socket created at, FD 7
2011/12/08 10:05:16 kid4| Adding nameserver from  
2011/12/08 10:05:16 kid4| Adding nameserver from  
2011/12/08 10:05:16 kid4| helperOpenServers: Starting 5/20 'helper- 
mux.pl' processes
2011/12/08 10:05:16 kid4| helperOpenServers: Starting 0/10  
'basic_pam_auth' processes
2011/12/08 10:05:16 kid4| helperOpenServers: No 'basic_pam_auth'  
processes needed.

2011/12/08 10:05:16 kid4| Logfile: opening log daemon:/logs/access.log
2011/12/08 10:05:16 kid4| Logfile Daemon: opening log /logs/access.log
2011/12/08 10:05:16 kid4| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite  
every 3600/3600 sec

2011/12/08 10:05:16 kid4| Store logging disabled
2011/12/08 10:05:16 kid4| WARNING: disk-cache maximum object size is  
unlimited but mem-cache maximum object size is 32.00 KB
2011/12/08 10:05:16 kid4| Swap maxSize 4060160 + 262144 KB, estimated  
332484 objects

2011/12/08 10:05:16 kid4| Target number of buckets: 16624
2011/12/08 10:05:16 kid4| Using 32768 Store buckets
2011/12/08 10:05:16 kid4| Max Mem  size: 262144 KB [shared]
2011/12/08 10:05:16 kid4| Max Swap size: 4060160 KB
2011/12/08 10:05:

[squid-users] getting assertion failed: CommCalls.h:165: "dp" squid

2011-12-19 Thread Alex Sharaz

Getting the following on  squid systems

Shutdown: NTLM authentication.
2011/12/19 13:17:38 kid9| Shutdown: Negotiate authentication.
2011/12/19 13:17:38 kid9| Shutdown: Digest authentication.
2011/12/19 13:17:38 kid9| Shutdown: Basic authentication.
2011/12/19 13:18:09 kid9| Shutting down...
2011/12/19 13:18:09 kid9| assertion failed: CommCalls.h:165: "dp"
FATAL: Received Segment Violation...dying.
2011/12/19 13:18:09 kid9| Not currently OK to rewrite swap log.
2011/12/19 13:18:09 kid9| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Operation aborted.

[squid-users] getting assertion failed: mem.cc:205: "MemPools[type]" in squid

2011-12-19 Thread Alex Sharaz

Configuring Sibling wwwcache2-east.hull.ac.uk/3128/4827
2011/12/19 13:26:05 kid9| Configuring Sibling wwwcache1- 
2011/12/19 13:26:05 kid9| Configuring Sibling slb-realsrv1- 
2011/12/19 13:26:05 kid9| Configuring Sibling wwwcache3- 

2011/12/19 13:26:20 kid9| assertion failed: mem.cc:205: "MemPools[type]"
2011/12/19 13:26:23 kid9| Starting Squid Cache version for  

Time for another Macmillan Cancer Support event. This time its the 12  
day Escape to Africa challenge

View route at 

Please sponsor me at http://www.justgiving.com/Alex-Sharaz

[squid-users] filtering out cache.log messages in Squid 3.2

2012-01-04 Thread alex sharaz

I'm running a number of 3.2 caches behind a hardware load balancer  
that performs health checks every 30 seconds by doing a "head http://<  
non resolvable FQDN>/fred.txt" and expecting a 503 status code to be  
returned from the server. If it gets this, real traffic is passed to  
the cache based upon the distribution algorithm used.

The problem is of course that cache.log now has

2012/01/04 09:17:34 kid1| Failed to select source for 
2012/01/04 09:17:34 kid1|   always_direct = 0
2012/01/04 09:17:34 kid1|never_direct = 0
2012/01/04 09:17:34 kid1|timedout = 0
2012/01/04 09:17:39 kid5| Failed to select source for 
2012/01/04 09:17:39 kid5|   always_direct = 0
2012/01/04 09:17:39 kid5|never_direct = 0
2012/01/04 09:17:39 kid5|timedout = 0
2012/01/04 09:17:44 kid5| Failed to select source for 
2012/01/04 09:17:44 kid5|   always_direct = 0
2012/01/04 09:17:44 kid5|never_direct = 0
2012/01/04 09:17:44 kid5|timedout = 0
2012/01/04 09:17:49 kid7| Failed to select source for 
2012/01/04 09:17:49 kid7|   always_direct = 0
2012/01/04 09:17:49 kid7|never_direct = 0
2012/01/04 09:17:49 kid7|timedout = 0
2012/01/04 09:17:54 kid5| Failed to select source for 
2012/01/04 09:17:54 kid5|   always_direct = 0
2012/01/04 09:17:54 kid5|never_direct = 0
2012/01/04 09:17:54 kid5|timedout = 0
2012/01/04 09:17:59 kid1| Failed to select source for 
2012/01/04 09:17:59 kid1|   always_direct = 0
2012/01/04 09:17:59 kid1|never_direct = 0
2012/01/04 09:17:59 kid1|timedout = 0

messages every 5 seconds. Is there a way of filtering these  out?
Of course I could just change the URL to be something real e.g http://bbc.co.uk/ 
 and do it that way,


[squid-users] squid 3.2 URL too large Segment violation

2012-01-06 Thread alex sharaz

Squid  snapshot

2012/01/06 11:29:46 kid7| Accepting HTTP Socket connections at  
local= remote=[::] FD 9 flags=1
2012/01/06 11:29:46 kid7| Accepting HTTP Socket connections at  
local= remote=[::] FD 11 flags=1
2012/01/06 11:29:46 kid7| Accepting HTTP Socket connections at  
local= remote=[::] FD 17 flags=1
2012/01/06 11:29:46 kid7| Accepting HTTP Socket connections at  
local= remote=[::] FD 19 flags=1
2012/01/06 11:29:46 kid7| Accepting HTTP Socket connections at  
local= remote=[::] FD 22 flags=1
2012/01/06 11:29:46 kid7| Accepting HTTP Socket connections at  
local= remote=[::] FD 25 flags=1
2012/01/06 11:29:46 kid7| Accepting HTTP Socket connections at  
local= remote=[::] FD 27 flags=1
2012/01/06 11:29:46 kid7| Accepting HTTP Socket connections at  
local= remote=[::] FD 29 flags=1

2012/01/06 11:29:46 kid7| Accepting HTCP messages on
2012/01/06 11:29:46 kid7| Sending HTCP messages from
2012/01/06 11:29:46 kid7| urlParse: URL too large (52427 bytes)
FATAL: Received Segment Violation...dying.
2012/01/06 11:29:46 kid7| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
2012/01/06 11:29:46 kid7| WARNING: Closing open FD9
2012/01/06 11:29:46 kid7| 65536 entries written so far.
2012/01/06 11:29:46 kid7|131072 entries written so far.
2012/01/06 11:29:46 kid7|196608 entries written so far.

Time for another Macmillan Cancer Support event. This time its the 12  
day Escape to Africa challenge

View route at 

Please sponsor me at http://www.justgiving.com/Alex-Sharaz

[squid-users] latest snapshot crashing

2012-01-06 Thread alex sharaz

output from cache.log

2012/01/06 10:24:00 kid5| WARNING: 1 swapin MD5 mismatches
2012/01/06 10:24:00 kid5| Could not parse headers from on disk object
2012/01/06 10:24:00 kid5| WARNING: An error inside Squid has caused an  
HTTP reply without Date:. Please report this:
2012/01/06 10:24:00 kid5| StoreEntry->key:  

2012/01/06 10:24:00 kid5| StoreEntry->next: 0
2012/01/06 10:24:00 kid5| StoreEntry->mem_obj: 0x1eab7b0
2012/01/06 10:24:00 kid5| StoreEntry->timestamp: -1
2012/01/06 10:24:00 kid5| StoreEntry->lastref: 1325845440
2012/01/06 10:24:00 kid5| StoreEntry->expires: -1
2012/01/06 10:24:00 kid5| StoreEntry->lastmod: -1
2012/01/06 10:24:00 kid5| StoreEntry->swap_file_sz: 0
2012/01/06 10:24:00 kid5| StoreEntry->refcount: 1
2012/01/06 10:24:00 kid5| StoreEntry->flags:  

2012/01/06 10:24:00 kid5| StoreEntry->swap_dirn: -1
2012/01/06 10:24:00 kid5| StoreEntry->swap_filen: -1
2012/01/06 10:24:00 kid5| StoreEntry->lock_count: 2
2012/01/06 10:24:00 kid5| StoreEntry->mem_status: 0
2012/01/06 10:24:00 kid5| StoreEntry->ping_status: 2
2012/01/06 10:24:00 kid5| StoreEntry->store_status: 1
2012/01/06 10:24:00 kid5| StoreEntry->swap_status: 0

Love to send a config file, but you have a message size limit that  
stops me from doing this


Time for another Macmillan Cancer Support event. This time its the 12  
day Escape to Africa challenge

View route at 

Please sponsor me at http://www.justgiving.com/Alex-Sharaz

[squid-users] Squid 3.2 snapshot ... vanishing processes

2012-01-06 Thread alex sharaz
Running squid 3.2 on a number of machines. Gradually the worker  
process die with the FATAL xalloc message shown below. Config at  
bottom of email. Then have to clear out cache directory,recreate and  
restart squid. Usually wait till there only 1 or 2 workers left and  
then do the lot. Would send a config but list end objects to size of  
email being >50K


2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| Starting Squid Cache version for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu...

2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| Process ID 31974
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| Process Roles: worker
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| With 49152 file descriptors available
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| Initializing IP Cache...
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| DNS Socket created at, FD 7
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| Adding nameserver from  
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| Adding nameserver from  
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| helperOpenServers: Starting 5/20 'helper- 
mux.pl' processes
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| helperOpenServers: Starting 0/10  
'basic_pam_auth' processes
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| helperOpenServers: No 'basic_pam_auth'  
processes needed.

2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| Logfile: opening log daemon:/logs/access.log
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| Logfile Daemon: opening log /logs/access.log
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite  
every 3600/3600 sec

2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| Store logging disabled
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| WARNING: disk-cache maximum object size is  
unlimited but mem-cache maximum object size is 32.00 KB
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| Swap maxSize 4060160 + 262144 KB, estimated  
332484 objects

2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| Target number of buckets: 16624
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| Using 32768 Store buckets
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| Max Mem  size: 262144 KB [shared]
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| Max Swap size: 4060160 KB
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| Version 1 of swap file with LFS support  

2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| Rebuilding storage in /cache/8 (CLEAN)
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| Using Least Load store dir selection
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| Set Current Directory to /usr/local/squid/ 

2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| Loaded Icons.
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| HTCP Disabled.
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| IcmpSquid.cc(255) Open: Pinger socket opened  
on FD 24

2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| Ready to serve requests.
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| Done reading /cache/8 swaplog (35 entries)
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8|35 Entries scanned
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| 0 Invalid entries.
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| 0 With invalid flags.
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8|35 Objects loaded.
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| 0 Objects expired.
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| 0 Objects cancelled.
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8|   Took 0.02 seconds (1772.87 objects/sec).
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8| Beginning Validation Procedure
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8|   Completed Validation Procedure
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8|   Validated 35 Entries
2012/01/06 11:46:55 kid8|   store_swap_size = 13489710508802048.00 KB
FATAL: xcalloc: Unable to allocate 18446744073664220870 blocks of 1  

Squid Cache (Version Terminated abnormally.

[squid-users] Re:Squid 3.2 snapshot ... vanishing processes

2012-01-10 Thread alex sharaz
Well, managed to strip out all the comment and most blank lines in the  
config. This is still happening help!!

Here's the config file

auth_param basic program /usr/local/squid/libexec/basic_pam_auth -o
auth_param basic children 10
auth_param basic realm  wwwcache3-east Note: Your UserName must be of  
the form use...@hull.ac.uk

auth_param basic credentialsttl 2 hours

acl localnet src # RFC1918 possible internal network
acl localnet src  # RFC1918 possible internal network
acl localnet src # RFC1918 possible internal network
acl localnet src fc00::/7   # RFC 4193 local private network range
acl localnet src fe80::/10  # RFC 4291 link-local (directly  
plugged) machines

acl WindowsUpdate  dstdomain -i "/usr/local/squid/etc/windowsupdate.txt"
acl BlockedUrls  url_regex -i "/usr/local/squid/etc/blockedurls"
acl McAfee  dstdomain -i "/usr/local/squid/etc/McAfee.txt"
acl Norton360  dstdomain -i "/usr/local/squid/etc/Norton360.txt"
acl to_localdomain dstdomain hull.ac.uk
acl to_newcomms dstdomain newcomms.hull.ac.uk
acl must-route-directly dstdomain "/usr/local/squid/etc/direct.acl"
acl wuCONNECT dstdomain www.update.microsoft.com
acl wuCONNECT dstdomain sls.microsoft.com
acl from_localhost src
acl to_hullnet dst
acl DOPOSTS method POST
acl trustedhosts src
acl snmppublic snmp_community HullPublic
acl zenoss src
acl mustauth proxy_auth REQUIRED
acl to_wwwcache1-east dstdomain wwwcache1-east.hull.ac.uk
acl to_wwwcache2-east dstdomain wwwcache2-east.hull.ac.uk
acl to_wwwcache3-east dstdomain wwwcache3-east.hull.ac.uk
acl to_wwwcache4-east dstdomain wwwcache4-east.hull.ac.uk
acl to_wwwcache1-west dstdomain wwwcache1-west.hull.ac.uk
acl to_wwwcache2-west dstdomain wwwcache2-west.hull.ac.uk
acl to_wwwcache3-west dstdomain wwwcache3-west.hull.ac.uk
acl from_wwwcache1-east srcdomain wwwcache1-east.hull.ac.uk
acl from_wwwcache2-east srcdomain wwwcache2-east.hull.ac.uk
acl from_wwwcache3-east srcdomain wwwcache3-east.hull.ac.uk
acl from_wwwcache4-east srcdomain wwwcache4-east.hull.ac.uk
acl from_wwwcache1-west srcdomain wwwcache1-west.hull.ac.uk
acl from_wwwcache2-west srcdomain wwwcache2-west.hull.ac.uk
acl from_wwwcache3-west srcdomain wwwcache3-west.hull.ac.uk
acl to_slbrealsrv1 dstdomain slb-realsrv1.hull.ac.uk
acl to_slbrealsrv2 dstdomain slb-realsrv2.hull.ac.uk
acl to_slbrealsrv3 dstdomain slb-realsrv3.hull.ac.uk
acl to_slbrealsrv4 dstdomain slb-realsrv4.hull.ac.uk
acl to_slbrealsrv5 dstdomain slb-realsrv5.hull.ac.uk
acl to_slbrealsrv6 dstdomain slb-realsrv6.hull.ac.uk
acl alex-osx src
acl hullnet-banned src
acl hullnet-banned src
acl hullnet-banned src
acl hullnet-banned src
acl hullnet-banned src
acl hullnet-banned src
acl hullnet-banned src
acl hullnet-banned src
acl hullnet-banned src
acl hullnet-banned src
acl hullnet-banned src
acl hullnet-banned src
acl hullnet-banned src
acl hullnet-banned src
acl hullnet-banned src
acl hullnet-banned src
acl hullnet-banned src
acl hullnet-banned src
acl hullnet-banned src
acl hullnet-banned src
acl hullnet-banned src
acl hullnet-banned src
acl hullnet-banned src
acl hullnet-banned src
acl hullnet-banned src

acl from-maletl src
acl iplayer url_regex iplayer.bbc.co.uk
acl worktime time MTWHF 08:00-17:00
acl PEERS srcdomain   wwwcache2-east.hull.ac.uk wwwcache1- 
east.hull.ac.uk wwwcache4-east.hull.ac.uk
acl PEERS srcdomain wwwcache1-west.hull.ac.uk wwwcache2- 
west.hull.ac.uk wwwcache3-west.hull.ac.uk

acl PEERS srcdomain slb-realsrv1-east.hull.ac.uk
acl localnet src #
acl SSL_ports port 443
acl SSL_ports port 444
acl SSL_ports port 563
acl SSL_ports port 8000
acl SSL_ports port 8443
acl SSL_ports port 2083
acl SSL_ports port 2087
acl SSL_ports port 2096
acl SSL_ports port 4643
acl SSL_ports port 9040
acl SSL_ports port 1863
acl SSL_ports port 3
acl SSL_ports port 1011
acl SSL_ports port 8030
acl SSL_ports port 8091
acl SSL_ports port 8010
acl SSL_ports port 2050
acl SSL_ports port 4443

acl SSL_ports port 443
acl Safe_ports port 80  # http
acl Safe_ports port 21  # ftp
acl Safe_ports port 443 # https
acl Safe_ports port 70  # gopher
acl Safe_ports port 210 # wais
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535  # unregistered ports
acl Safe_ports port 280 # http-mgmt
acl Safe_ports port 488 # gss-http
acl Safe_ports port 591 # filemaker
acl Safe_ports port 777 # multiling http
acl Safe_ports port 443 563

[squid-users] receiving email from sqid users list

2012-01-11 Thread alex sharaz
Not a squid query but I was under the impression that I should receive  
emails from the squid list having subscribed to it. At the moment the  
only way I can see if anyone has replied to a posting is to use a  
browser to look at the mail archive . who would  I report this to?


[squid-users] Silly warning about over disk limits

2012-01-11 Thread alex sharaz

Getting  the following on my 3.2...79 snapshot:-

2012/01/11 10:18:30 kid2| NETDB state saved; 142 entries, 135 msec
2012/01/11 10:18:39 kid1| WARNING: Disk space over limit:  
5258011484356608.00 KB > 1048576 KB
2012/01/11 10:18:50 kid1| WARNING: Disk space over limit:  
5258011484356608.00 KB > 1048576 KB
2012/01/11 10:19:01 kid1| WARNING: Disk space over limit:  
5258011484356608.00 KB > 1048576 KB
2012/01/11 10:19:12 kid1| WARNING: Disk space over limit:  
5258011484356608.00 KB > 1048576 KB
2012/01/11 10:19:23 kid1| WARNING: Disk space over limit:  
5258011484356608.00 KB > 1048576 KB
2012/01/11 10:19:34 kid1| WARNING: Disk space over limit:  
5258011484356608.00 KB > 1048576 KB

Config file has

# o.k. create a disk directory for every squid process under /cache
cache_dir aufs /usr/local/squid/var/cache/${process_number} 1024 64 256

As this is a test cache, just putting squid cache in a directory off  

root@slb-realsrv1-east:/usr/local/squid/etc# df
Filesystem   1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
  33285936  19623748  11971360  63% /
tmpfs  4041632 0   4041632   0% /lib/init/rw
varrun 4041632   104   4041528   1% /var/run
varlock4041632 0   4041632   0% /var/lock
udev   4041632   152   4041480   1% /dev
tmpfs  4041632 61272   3980360   2% /dev/shm
/dev/sda5   225806 98192115567  46% /boot
tmpfs  4041632  2560   4039072   1% /lib/modules/ 

Time for another Macmillan Cancer Support event. This time its the 12  
day Escape to Africa challenge

View route at 

Please sponsor me at http://www.justgiving.com/Alex-Sharaz

[squid-users] assertion failed: comm.cc:1255: "isOpen(fd)" when shutting down squid 3.2 snapshot

2012-01-12 Thread alex sharaz

excerpt from cache.log when running /usr/local/squid/sbin/squid -k  

2012/01/12 10:45:59 kid7| Open FD READ/WRITE   82 apps.facebook.com:443
2012/01/12 10:45:59 kid7| Open FD READ/WRITE   83 apps.facebook.com:443
2012/01/12 10:45:59 kid7| Open FD READ/WRITE   84 
2012/01/12 10:45:59 kid7| Squid Cache (Version 
r11479): Exiting normally.

2012/01/12 10:45:59 kid7| assertion failed: comm.cc:1255: "isOpen(fd)"
FATAL: Received Segment Violation...dying.
2012/01/12 10:45:59 kid7| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
nothing read from stdin
nothing read from stdin
nothing read from stdin
nothing read from stdin
nothing read from stdin


[squid-users] Assertion failed error causing worker process to restart

2012-01-12 Thread alex sharaz

Running squid 3.2 snapshot starting up with -SYC  and seeing

2012/01/12 16:06:30 kid8| Beginning Validation Procedure
2012/01/12 16:06:30 kid8| UFSSwapDir::doubleCheck: MISSING SWAP FILE
2012/01/12 16:06:30 kid8| UFSSwapDir::dumpEntry: FILENO 0053D933
2012/01/12 16:06:30 kid8| UFSSwapDir::dumpEntry: PATH /cache1/8/13/ 
2012/01/12 16:06:30 kid8| StoreEntry->key:  

2012/01/12 16:06:30 kid8| StoreEntry->next: 0
2012/01/12 16:06:30 kid8| StoreEntry->mem_obj: 0
2012/01/12 16:06:30 kid8| StoreEntry->timestamp: 4294967296
2012/01/12 16:06:30 kid8| StoreEntry->lastref: 16243941
2012/01/12 16:06:30 kid8| StoreEntry->expires: 2259152797697
2012/01/12 16:06:30 kid8| StoreEntry->lastmod: 1326384112
2012/01/12 16:06:30 kid8| StoreEntry->swap_file_sz: 1326384117
2012/01/12 16:06:30 kid8| StoreEntry->refcount: 1908
2012/01/12 16:06:30 kid8| StoreEntry->flags:  

2012/01/12 16:06:30 kid8| StoreEntry->swap_dirn: 0
2012/01/12 16:06:30 kid8| StoreEntry->swap_filen: 5495091
2012/01/12 16:06:30 kid8| StoreEntry->lock_count: 0
2012/01/12 16:06:30 kid8| StoreEntry->mem_status: 0
2012/01/12 16:06:30 kid8| StoreEntry->ping_status: 0
2012/01/12 16:06:30 kid8| StoreEntry->store_status: 0
2012/01/12 16:06:30 kid8| StoreEntry->swap_status: 2
2012/01/12 16:06:30 kid8|   Completed Validation Procedure
2012/01/12 16:06:30 kid8|   Validated 1 Entries
2012/01/12 16:06:30 kid8|   store_swap_size = 1295300.00 KB
2012/01/12 16:06:30 kid8| assertion failed: store_rebuild.cc:115:  
"store_errors == 0"

nothing read from stdin
nothing read from stdin

In cache.log
Need a config file?


Time for another Macmillan Cancer Support event. This time its the 12  
day Escape to Africa challenge

View route at 

Please sponsor me at http://www.justgiving.com/Alex-Sharaz

[squid-users] FATAL: xcalloc: Unable to allocate 4282908673 blocks of 1 bytes! now appearing in 3.1.18

2012-01-13 Thread alex sharaz

I've been running 3.1.16 on our prodn caches for a very long time.   
I've since moved to rolling out some 3.2.0.x boxes but haven't  
completely removed my 3.1.x caches just in case.
squid 3.1.16 has been running without a problem for a long long time,  
in fact the only issies I've had are when the log directoy runs out of  
space. A few days ago I upgraded the remaining 3.1.16 boxes to 3.1.18.  
Today I've seen the following message:-

2012/01/13 12:55:39| NETDB state reloaded; 10 entries, 16 msec
2012/01/13 12:55:39| Ready to serve requests.
2012/01/13 12:55:39| Done reading /cache2 swaplog (4021 entries)
2012/01/13 12:55:39| Store rebuilding is 99.98% complete
2012/01/13 12:55:39| Done reading /cache3 swaplog (4096 entries)
2012/01/13 12:55:39| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2012/01/13 12:55:39|  8117 Entries scanned
2012/01/13 12:55:39| 0 Invalid entries.
2012/01/13 12:55:39| 0 With invalid flags.
2012/01/13 12:55:39|  8117 Objects loaded.
2012/01/13 12:55:39| 0 Objects expired.
2012/01/13 12:55:39| 0 Objects cancelled.
2012/01/13 12:55:39| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2012/01/13 12:55:39| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2012/01/13 12:55:39|   Took 0.13 seconds (62989.87 objects/sec).
2012/01/13 12:55:39| Beginning Validation Procedure
2012/01/13 12:55:39|   Completed Validation Procedure
2012/01/13 12:55:39|   Validated 16259 Entries
2012/01/13 12:55:39|   store_swap_size = 6651517759165300736
FATAL: xcalloc: Unable to allocate 4282908673 blocks of 1 bytes!

Squid Cache (Version 3.1.18): Terminated abnormally.

.. which is what I see fairly frequently on my 3.2.0.x caches. This  
time, nothing has changed other than the S/W versio, all the configs  
are the same.

Time for another Macmillan Cancer Support event. This time its the 12  
day Escape to Africa challenge

View route at 

Please sponsor me at http://www.justgiving.com/Alex-Sharaz

[squid-users] vanishing coordinator process in squid 3.2

2012-02-02 Thread alex sharaz

I’m running…..build …91 on a number of servers and I’ve  
noticed that fairly frequently the coordinator process vanishes.  
There’s nothing in the logs to say that (in this case) kid9 ( 8 worker  
processes) terminated for any  particular reason.  I still have worker  
processes active and they still seem to be processing connections.

At the moment I’m killing off the worker processes using kill -9 and  
just restarting everything with /usr/local/squid/sbin/squid –SYC


1). Anything I can switch on logging wise to see why the process is  
2). Is there a better way of restarting the coord process than killing  
everything and  starting again?


Time for another Macmillan Cancer Support event. This time its the 12  
day Escape to Africa challenge

View route at 

Please sponsor me at http://www.justgiving.com/Alex-Sharaz

[squid-users] icmp6 error in squid 3.2.[456]

2013-01-10 Thread alex sharaz
Hi all, 

I'm running squid 3.2.x on a 64b bit Ubuntu box configured to support both IPv4 
and IPv6. When starting I get 

2013/01/10 13:53:31 kid1| Set Current Directory to 
2013/01/10 13:53:31 kid1| Loaded Icons.
2013/01/10 13:53:31 kid1| HTCP Disabled.
2013/01/10 13:53:31 kid1| Pinger socket opened on FD 12
2013/01/10 13:53:31 kid1| Accepting HTTP Socket connections at local=[::]:3128 
remote=[::] FD 10 flags=9
2013/01/10 13:53:31| pinger: Initialising ICMP pinger ...
2013/01/10 13:53:31| pinger: ICMP socket opened.
2013/01/10 13:53:31| pinger: ICMPv6 socket opened
(pinger): Address.cc:689: void Ip::Address::GetAddrInfo(addrinfo*&, int) const: 
Assertion `false' failed.
2013/01/10 13:53:31 kid1| Bad opcode: 112 from 

appearing. it's been there for a while, since 3.2.4 I think but possibly 
earlier and has appeared in 3.2.6 as well.

Things still seem to work,but then again as this is  personal squid playtoy, 
there's not much load on the server


[squid-users] netdbExchangeHandleReply: corrupt data, aborting

2011-02-10 Thread Alex Sharaz

Sent this out a while back.

Don't think I got any replies.

Anyway, Still happening but now with squid 3.1.10/3.1.11

I'd like to do a phased upgrade to 3.1.x but don;t want to try it if
I'm still getting these netdb errors



For a while now I've been running  a squid 2.7stable7 service here (just
upgraded to stable9) and thought I'd try out the 3.1.4 build on my test
web cache. Although the test cache is linked into my production cache
cluster  as a sibling
the universtiy access the cache service via a serveriron
hardware load balancer which load balances traffic over all my
2.7.STABLE9 boxes. I access the test cache directly.

Since this morning, when i upgraded  to 3.1.4
I've been seeing the following in the 3.1.4 cache.log file

2010/06/21 12:14:12| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2010/06/21 12:14:33| netdbExchangeHandleReply: corrupt data, aborting
2010/06/21 12:14:33| netdbExchangeHandleReply: corrupt data, aborting
2010/06/21 12:14:41| netdbExchangeHandleReply: corrupt data, aborting
2010/06/21 12:18:59| Detected DEAD Sibling: wwwcache3-east.hull.ac.uk
2010/06/21 12:18:59| Detected DEAD Sibling: wwwcache4-east.hull.ac.uk
2010/06/21 12:18:59| Detected DEAD Sibling: wwwcache1-west.hull.ac.uk
2010/06/21 12:18:59| Detected DEAD Sibling: wwwcache3-west.hull.ac.uk
2010/06/21 12:18:59| Detected DEAD Sibling: wwwcache1-east.hull.ac.uk
2010/06/21 12:18:59| Detected REVIVED Sibling: wwwcache1-west.hull.ac.uk
2010/06/21 12:18:59| Detected REVIVED Sibling: wwwcache3-west.hull.ac.uk
2010/06/21 12:18:59| Detected REVIVED Sibling: wwwcache3-east.hull.ac.uk
2010/06/21 12:18:59| Detected REVIVED Sibling: wwwcache1-east.hull.ac.uk
2010/06/21 12:18:59| Detected REVIVED Sibling: wwwcache4-east.hull.ac.uk
2010/06/21 12:54:11| NETDB state saved; 821 entries, 3 msec
2010/06/21 12:54:45| netdbExchangeHandleReply: corrupt data, aborting
2010/06/21 12:54:45| netdbExchangeHandleReply: corrupt data, aborting
2010/06/21 12:54:52| netdbExchangeHandleReply: corrupt data, aborting
2010/06/21 13:11:28| Detected DEAD Sibling: wwwcache4-east.hull.ac.uk
2010/06/21 13:11:28| Detected DEAD Sibling: wwwcache2-west.hull.ac.uk
2010/06/21 13:11:28| Detected REVIVED Sibling: wwwcache4-east.hull.ac.uk
2010/06/21 13:11:28| Detected REVIVED Sibling: wwwcache2-west.hull.ac.uk
2010/06/21 13:40:18| netdbExchangeHandleReply: corrupt data, aborting
2010/06/21 13:40:25| netdbExchangeHandleReply: corrupt data, aborting
2010/06/21 13:40:26| netdbExchangeHandleReply: corrupt data, aborting
2010/06/21 13:55:15| NETDB state saved; 821 entries, 3 msec

Don't think I've seen this before. Web cache configs available if
necessary. Anyone else trying to mix 2.7 and 3.1 siblings?


[squid-users] Assertion failed message then squid restart on 3.1.10 and 3.1.11

2011-02-10 Thread Alex Sharaz


Looking for hints as to how to resolve the above problem.

Occasionally I get

2011/02/10 09:25:42| assertion failed: htcp.cc:1350: "sz >= 0"
2011/02/10 09:25:52| Starting Squid Cache version 3.1.11 for x86_64- 

Messages appearing in my cache.log.

The server in question is a test box that is linked into my production  
( 2.7.stable9) group of caches). I'd like to move to the 3.1 branch  
from 2.7 but am reluctant to do so while it occasionally breaks.

Any pointers as to how I might resolve the above?

I'm running squid on a 64 bit ubuntu (10.4) box with the following  

ulimit -SHn 24576
./configure   --enable-snmp --enable-basic-auth-helpers="PAM"  -- 
enable-cachemgr-hostname=slb-realsrv1-east --enable-htcp --enable- 
cache-digests  --enable-async-io  --prefix=/usr/local/squid --with- 
pthreads --enable-removal-policies --enable-ssl -with-openssl=/usr/ 
local/ssl --enable-linux-netfilter -with-large-files --with- 
maxfd=24576 --with-dl --enable-icmp --enable-poll --disable-ident- 
lookups --enable-truncate --enable-delay-pools --disable-ipv6 -- 


[squid-users] netdbExchangeHandleReply: corrupt data, aborting

2011-02-28 Thread Alex Sharaz

Sent this out a while back.

Don't think I got any replies.

Anyway, Still happening but now with squid 3.1.10/3.1.11

I'd like to do a phased upgrade to 3.1.x but don;t want to try it if
I'm still getting these netdb errors



For a while now I've been running  a squid 2.7stable7 service here (just
upgraded to stable9) and thought I'd try out the 3.1.4 build on my test
web cache. Although the test cache is linked into my production cache
cluster  as a sibling
the universtiy access the cache service via a serveriron
hardware load balancer which load balances traffic over all my
2.7.STABLE9 boxes. I access the test cache directly.

Since this morning, when i upgraded  to 3.1.4
I've been seeing the following in the 3.1.4 cache.log file

2010/06/21 12:14:12| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2010/06/21 12:14:33| netdbExchangeHandleReply: corrupt data, aborting
2010/06/21 12:14:33| netdbExchangeHandleReply: corrupt data, aborting
2010/06/21 12:14:41| netdbExchangeHandleReply: corrupt data, aborting
2010/06/21 12:18:59| Detected DEAD Sibling: wwwcache3-east.hull.ac.uk
2010/06/21 12:18:59| Detected DEAD Sibling: wwwcache4-east.hull.ac.uk
2010/06/21 12:18:59| Detected DEAD Sibling: wwwcache1-west.hull.ac.uk
2010/06/21 12:18:59| Detected DEAD Sibling: wwwcache3-west.hull.ac.uk
2010/06/21 12:18:59| Detected DEAD Sibling: wwwcache1-east.hull.ac.uk
2010/06/21 12:18:59| Detected REVIVED Sibling: wwwcache1-west.hull.ac.uk
2010/06/21 12:18:59| Detected REVIVED Sibling: wwwcache3-west.hull.ac.uk
2010/06/21 12:18:59| Detected REVIVED Sibling: wwwcache3-east.hull.ac.uk
2010/06/21 12:18:59| Detected REVIVED Sibling: wwwcache1-east.hull.ac.uk
2010/06/21 12:18:59| Detected REVIVED Sibling: wwwcache4-east.hull.ac.uk
2010/06/21 12:54:11| NETDB state saved; 821 entries, 3 msec
2010/06/21 12:54:45| netdbExchangeHandleReply: corrupt data, aborting
2010/06/21 12:54:45| netdbExchangeHandleReply: corrupt data, aborting
2010/06/21 12:54:52| netdbExchangeHandleReply: corrupt data, aborting
2010/06/21 13:11:28| Detected DEAD Sibling: wwwcache4-east.hull.ac.uk
2010/06/21 13:11:28| Detected DEAD Sibling: wwwcache2-west.hull.ac.uk
2010/06/21 13:11:28| Detected REVIVED Sibling: wwwcache4-east.hull.ac.uk
2010/06/21 13:11:28| Detected REVIVED Sibling: wwwcache2-west.hull.ac.uk
2010/06/21 13:40:18| netdbExchangeHandleReply: corrupt data, aborting
2010/06/21 13:40:25| netdbExchangeHandleReply: corrupt data, aborting
2010/06/21 13:40:26| netdbExchangeHandleReply: corrupt data, aborting
2010/06/21 13:55:15| NETDB state saved; 821 entries, 3 msec

Don't think I've seen this before. Web cache configs available if
necessary. Anyone else trying to mix 2.7 and 3.1 siblings?


[squid-users] Assertion failure in squid 3.1.15

2011-10-19 Thread Alex Sharaz

Just upgraded a batch of caches to 3.1.15 and I'm seeing the occasional

2011/10/19 17:10:27| Reconfiguring Squid Cache (version 3.1.15)...
2011/10/19 17:10:27| FD 114 Closing HTTP connection
2011/10/19 17:10:27| FD 115 Closing HTTP connection
2011/10/19 17:10:27| FD 116 Closing HTTP connection
2011/10/19 17:10:27| FD 117 Closing ICP connection
2011/10/19 17:10:27| FD 118 Closing HTCP socket
2011/10/19 17:10:27| assertion failed: disk.cc:377: "fd >= 0"

Thought this was fixed in an earlier patch for 3.1


Time for another Macmillan Cancer Support event. This time its the 12  
day Escape to Africa challenge

View route at 
Please sponsor me at http://www.justgiving.com/Alex-Sharaz