Russian FM: NATO Double Standards - Macedonia And Baltics [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-19 Thread Rick Rozoff


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[Ivanov] pointed out Russian consternation with double
standards used by the West for the language issue in
Macedonia, whose ethnic Albanian community accounts
for a mere 20 percent of the total population, and in
the post-Soviet Baltics, where Russian speakers'
percentage is spectacularly greater. None of those
countries has ever been reproached for restricted use
of the Russian language, and they are welcome to join
the European Union and NATO

July 19,2001, Thursday


ROME, JULY 18, 2001. /RIA Novosti correspondent Igor
Poushkarsky) -- Macedonia has a lawfully elected
democratic government, and whatever provisos imposed
on it are inadmissible when serving the interests of
particular forces, especially such whose activities
violate available understandings, Igor Ivanov,
Russia's Minister of Foreign Affairs, emphatically
said following today's conference of the international
contact group for former Yugoslavia. 

The conference gathered the Foreign Ministers of
France, Germany, Italy, Russia, the U.K. and the USA. 

As Mr. Ivanov said to newsmen afterwards, the
conferees had focused attention on the Macedonian
issue in the context of negotiations underway between
the government and Albanian ethnic minority spokesmen.
The language issue is now in the foreground of the
talks as ethnic Albanians insist on an official
bilingual arrangement for Macedonia. 

If the government is forced into related concessions,
they will breed a dangerous precedent, warned Igor
Ivanov as he called to regard all current Macedonian
developments in the context of their tentative
influence on other Balkan countries. 

The minister pointed out Russian consternation with
double standards used by the West for the language
issue in Macedonia, whose ethnic Albanian community
accounts for a mere 20 percent of the total
population, and in the post-Soviet Baltics, where
Russian speakers' percentage is spectacularly greater.
None of those countries have ever been reproached for
restricted use of the Russian language, and they are
welcome to join the European Union and NATO, said Mr.

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Yugoslavia: National Assets On International Auction Block [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-19 Thread Rick Rozoff


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Sopranos fanatics, this one is for you.  Tony Soprano's autographed
Suburban is available for purchase on eBayTM.  James Gandolfini has
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items for sale on eBay.

First 16 Serbian Companies on International Tender

BELGRADE, Jul 19, 2001 -- (dpa) Serbia has opened an
international tender for 16 of its companies
Wednesday, the first intended for privatization under
the new law.

The advertisement for the tender was also placed in
the influential London-based Financial Times,
Privatization Minister Aleksandar Vlahovic told

Vlahovic added that the Privatization Agency, tasked
with handling the sale of companies, was also
established Wednesday.

In his words, a tender for another 20 firms is planned
for August, in cooperation with the World Bank, but
that the figure of firms earmarked for tenders this
year was at 40 at most.

However, around 7,000 firms from the so-called social
ownership would be placed on auctions early next year,
Vlahovic added. 

(C)2001. dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur 

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Annals of Humanitarian Intervention -- The Philippines [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-19 Thread LesterSchonbrun


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Tuesday, July 17, 2001 (SF Chronicle) Images of racism/

How 19th century U.S. media depicted Filipinos, other nonwhites as savages 
Benjamin Pimentel, Chronicle Staff Writer

Abe Ignacio said he couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the century-old 
illustration for sale on eBay.The cover of an 1899 issue of Judge 
magazine shows President William McKinley scrubbing a Filipino child saying, 
"Oh, you dirty boy!" The caption reads: "The Filipino's First Bath."

Ignacio of San Leandro bought the rare image and others from the era that are 
now part of a Berkeley exhibit of depictions of Filipinos in mainstream media 
-- as savages to be civilized by the United States as part of the 
colonization of the Philippines.

"It's revisiting a terrible period that most historians have ignored," said 
Ignacio, who works as a Federal Express driver and has collected about 400 
images from that period.  "It's important to show that there was a very ugly 
side to America's rise as a world power."

"Colored: Black n' White," at exhibit at Pusod, a community arts and 
environmental center, includes drawings, editorial cartoons, photos and news 
clips from prominent magazines and newspapers that covered the U.S. 
annexation of the Philippines in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It 
was put together by Ignacio, his wife, Helen Toribio, who is a college 
instructor, and Jorge Emmanuel, an environmental scientist.

The Philippines had declared its independence from Spain in 1898 when the 
archipelago was ceded to the United States for $20 million. Filipino 
revolutionaries rejected the U.S. colonial regime, but their resistance was 
suppressed in a bloody war of conquest that claimed at least 250,000 lives, 
mostly Filipino civilians.

To justify the use of military force in the Philippines, many pro- annexation 
politicians, writers and artists portrayed the Filipinos as primitive, 
childlike and incapable of governing themselves.   

An August 1898 drawing from Puck magazine, which is part of the exhibit, 
shows a mother figure representing America accepting a basket of crying 
babies representing the Philippines and other nations conquered by United 
States, including Hawaii and Puerto Rico.

An 1899 illustration in Judge magazine shows a similar image with the caption 
"The White Man's Burden" -- a phrase coined by British writer Rudyard 
Kipling, who supported the U.S. bid to annex the Philippines.In 1899, the 
Boston Sunday Globe published an illustration depicting the supposed 
transformation of Filipinos under U.S. tutelage, from ignorant savages to 
civilized people who play baseball and wear Western clothes.

A headline from the San Francisco Evening Post declared: "Filipinos Do Not 
Like Work."The collection includes clippings from two other San Francisco 
newspapers. "Manila Insurgents Routed With Great Slaughter/Two Hundred of Our 
Men Wounded, Natives Driven Into the River and Drowned," reads an 1899 
headline in The Chronicle. "I Left Samar A Howling Wilderness," read a 
headline with an account of a U.S.-led massacre published in the Hearst-owned 

The most striking illustrations in the collection came from Puck and Judge 
magazines. The publications are now defunct, but Professor Tom Leonard, 
university librarian of the University of California at Berkeley, said they 
were important and influential publications in the early 20th century, the 
equivalent of today's Time and Newsweek."They were major magazines and 
they were read by educated people," he said. "They were not fringe 
publications."U.S. media in the late 19th century were notorious for 
depicting nonwhite communities, including American minorities, as lower forms 
of people, Leonard said. 

Public opinion has progressed to the point that such depictions are "widely 
condemned" as inaccurate and unfair, he added.

Ignacio said he believes racism is still a problem in America, citing the 
killing of Joseph Ileto, the Filipino American postal worker shot in Los 
Angeles two years ago by a white supremacist.Collecting the images was a 
personal journey for Ignacio. The son of Filipino immigrants, he endured 
racial taunts as a child growing up in San Diego."You actually begin to 
not like yourself and deny that," he said.Doing research on the 
Philippine American War helped him understand the roots of the racism. He 
began buying old magazine illustrations and cartoons at antique stores, 
bookstores and on the Internet."It was exciting, like a treasure hunt," 
he said. "You find important pieces to give people a full flavor of the 
racial sensibilities of the time."Many who have seen them were shoc

Yugoslav Naval Boat Fired On From Albanian Border Post [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-19 Thread Rick Rozoff


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Yugoslav Naval Boat is Fired on From Albania

BELGRADE, Jul 19, 2001 -- (Agence France Presse) A
Yugoslav naval vessel patrolling a lake separating
Yugoslavia from Albania came under fire from the
Albanian side, Yugoslav military headquarters said
here Wednesday.

No one was hurt in the incident, which occurred on
Tuesday on Lake Skadar, a body of water straddling the
border between Albania and the Yugoslav republic of

Tanjug news agency quoted a Yugoslav military
statement as saying the burst of automatic fire came
from an Albanian border post at Tunel.

No indication was given of the source of the gunfire.
But the statement claimed the border post provided
cover for smugglers. ((c) 2001 Agence France Presse) 

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"Shocked": Judas Paid In Counterfeit Coins [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-19 Thread Rick Rozoff


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July 19, 2001

The ruling coalition of the Democratic Opposition of
Serbia is too tied up with the West. And only the West
will manage to save them from their compatriots' anger
in the future 


The Western aid to Yugoslavia is being delayed for an
unspecified time. It looks like a $1.28bn loan, agreed
at the latest conference of donor countries, is not
going to reach Yugoslavia. Serbian Prime Minister
Zoran Djindjic, the chief initiator of Slobodan
Milosevic’s controversial extradition, has already
admitted that he is “shocked with the farce called the
Western aid.” Really, out of $300m of humanitarian
aid, which are to have arrived in Yugoslavia the
coming August, as little as $75m may arrive, and not
in August, but in November at the best. The rest of
this amount will be suspended by the international
community to repay the debts of the former Yugoslavia.

“We did not put forward any preconditions for
Milosevic’s handover to the Hague and thus showed
readiness to being integrated into the international
community,” said Mr. Djindjic in an interview to the
“Der Spiegel” German weekly. “It turns out, however,
that the international community does not want to meet
us halfway,” Mr. Djindjic complained. He warned that
if Serbia did not immediately get the financial aid,
we coud see demonstration and unrest being there as
early as in September, since “we will not be able to
deliver on our promises.” 
It looks like the Serbian premier has grown aware of
the fact that he was to quick to celebrate the
victory. It is clear that the Milosevic handover is
not enough for the West and that this should be
consolidated by a dozen of other “military criminals.”
Moreover, the state machinery is supposed to be
cleared of the former president’s supporters (which is
easier said than done). All in all, there should be
guarantees that the Serbian ruling elite is completely
free from “nationalistic elements.” Only then, given
favourable circumstances, a long-awaited aid may
finally come in. 
Generally speaking, the Serbian government seems to
have only one way out of this predicament – to keep on
pressing for cooperation with EU and USA (often, even
if “unilaterally”). The ruling coalition of Democratic
Opposition of Serbia is too tied up with the West. And
only the West will manage to save them from their
compatriots’ anger in the future. 



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FRY: Western-Directed Purges Intensify [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-19 Thread Rick Rozoff


--- ListBot Sponsor --
Sopranos fanatics, this one is for you.  Tony Soprano's autographed
Suburban is available for purchase on eBayTM.  James Gandolfini has
personally signed the vehicle.  Find this and over 800 other Sopranos
items for sale on eBay.

[A headless corpse in Ukraine, mysterious death squads
in Belarus, shadowy paramilitaries in Macedonia who
disappear as soon as they're concocted, grotesque
horror stories from Yugoslavia, trumped up
embezzlement charges, etc.,  etc.
We all know whose stock in trade it is to create or
fabricate such incidents, and who has been doing so
for the past fifty three years.
I hope everyone has had the chance to read the feature
from yesterday's Russian Observer about the Zbigniew
Brzezinski-led "Milosevic scenario" planned for both
Belarus and Ukraine, which is marked for violent
partition, just as Macedonia now is.   
The Grand Plan for dismembering and occupying wides
swathes of Eastern Europe is intensifying at breakneck
pace. Be alert and question everything you read from
established sources - even more than usual.] 

Thursday July 19 9:16 AM ET 
Former Serbian Interior Minister Is Charged
BELGRADE (Reuters) - A Serbian police source confirmed
a report on Thursday that the Interior Ministry has
filed preliminary charges of abuse of office against
Vlajko Stojiljkovic, its leader under ex-Yugoslav
President Slobodan Milosevic.
The former interior minister and three others are
accused of illegally providing a Milosevic-era secret
police chief with a home and using state cash to
furnish and decorate it, the source said.
Stojiljkovic is also wanted by the U.N. war crimes
tribunal in The Hague, where Milosevic is awaiting
Belgrade's deputy district prosecutor told the
Politika Daily newspaper that his office was looking
into the police charges. Under the Serbian justice
system, the Interior Ministry can file preliminary
charges but it is up to the prosecutor to decide
whether they are justified.
Stojiljkovic, his former deputy Petar Zekovic, former
secret police chief Radomir Markovic and his deputy
Nikola Curcic were all accused of causing material
damage to the police of around half a million U.S.
dollars, the source said.
``We filed preliminary criminal charges and now it´s
up to the prosecutor to decide on whether there is
enough evidence to start court proceedings,´´ the
source, who demanded anonymity, told Reuters.
If convicted, the four face a jail term from six
months to 10 years.
The reformers who ousted Milosevic last October have
launched investigations into many of the former
president's associates on suspicion of crimes ranging
from corruption to multiple murder.
Earlier this month, Markovic and Curcic were sentenced
to a year and 14 months respectively for revealing
state secrets, becoming the first senior Milosevic
allies to be convicted since the downfall of their
authoritarian patron.
Milosevic and Stojiljkovic were charged in May 1999
along with three other senior state officials with
crimes against humanity in connection with the mass
killing and expulsions of ethnic Albanians in Kosovo
by Serb forces under their command.
Stojiljkovic is a deputy in the federal Yugoslav
parliament for Milosevic's Socialist Party and as such
enjoys immunity from prosecution. But the parliament
could vote to strip him of immunity on the request of
a prosecutor.  

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FRY: Western-Directed Purges Intensify [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-19 Thread Rick Rozoff


--- ListBot Sponsor --
Sopranos fanatics, this one is for you.  Tony Soprano's autographed
Suburban is available for purchase on eBayTM.  James Gandolfini has
personally signed the vehicle.  Find this and over 800 other Sopranos
items for sale on eBay.

[A headless corpse in Ukraine, mysterious death squads
in Belarus, shadowy paramilitaries in Macedonia who
disappear as soon as they're concocted, grotesque
horror stories from Yugoslavia, trumped up
embezzlement charges, etc.,  etc.
We all know whose stock in trade it is to create or
fabricate such incidents, and who has been doing so
for the past fifty three years.
I hope everyone has had the chance to read the feature
from yesterday's Russian Observer about the Zbigniew
Brzezinski-led "Milosevic scenario" planned for both
Belarus and Ukraine, which is marked for violent
partition, just as Macedonia now is.   
The Grand Plan for dismembering and occupying wides
swathes of Eastern Europe is intensifying at breakneck
pace. Be alert and question everything you read from
established sources - even more than usual.] 

Thursday July 19 9:16 AM ET 
Former Serbian Interior Minister Is Charged
BELGRADE (Reuters) - A Serbian police source confirmed
a report on Thursday that the Interior Ministry has
filed preliminary charges of abuse of office against
Vlajko Stojiljkovic, its leader under ex-Yugoslav
President Slobodan Milosevic.
The former interior minister and three others are
accused of illegally providing a Milosevic-era secret
police chief with a home and using state cash to
furnish and decorate it, the source said.
Stojiljkovic is also wanted by the U.N. war crimes
tribunal in The Hague, where Milosevic is awaiting
Belgrade's deputy district prosecutor told the
Politika Daily newspaper that his office was looking
into the police charges. Under the Serbian justice
system, the Interior Ministry can file preliminary
charges but it is up to the prosecutor to decide
whether they are justified.
Stojiljkovic, his former deputy Petar Zekovic, former
secret police chief Radomir Markovic and his deputy
Nikola Curcic were all accused of causing material
damage to the police of around half a million U.S.
dollars, the source said.
``We filed preliminary criminal charges and now it´s
up to the prosecutor to decide on whether there is
enough evidence to start court proceedings,´´ the
source, who demanded anonymity, told Reuters.
If convicted, the four face a jail term from six
months to 10 years.
The reformers who ousted Milosevic last October have
launched investigations into many of the former
president's associates on suspicion of crimes ranging
from corruption to multiple murder.
Earlier this month, Markovic and Curcic were sentenced
to a year and 14 months respectively for revealing
state secrets, becoming the first senior Milosevic
allies to be convicted since the downfall of their
authoritarian patron.
Milosevic and Stojiljkovic were charged in May 1999
along with three other senior state officials with
crimes against humanity in connection with the mass
killing and expulsions of ethnic Albanians in Kosovo
by Serb forces under their command.
Stojiljkovic is a deputy in the federal Yugoslav
parliament for Milosevic's Socialist Party and as such
enjoys immunity from prosecution. But the parliament
could vote to strip him of immunity on the request of
a prosecutor.  

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RE: How to cut health care costs? Philip Morris has the answer [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-19 Thread Jacques Protic


--- ListBot Sponsor --
Sopranos fanatics, this one is for you.  Tony Soprano's autographed
Suburban is available for purchase on eBayTM.  James Gandolfini has
personally signed the vehicle.  Find this and over 800 other Sopranos
items for sale on eBay.

Tony Blair being the opportunist and in need to cut the spiralling costs of
our NHS service may see this as way forward. Free tobacco products via the
NHS prescriptions! jacques

-Original Message-
From: Sandeep Vaidya (LMI) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday July 18 2001 12:19
To: STOPNATO (E-mail)
Subject: How to cut health care costs? Philip Morris has the answer


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Sopranos fanatics, this one is for you.  Tony Soprano's autographed
Suburban is available for purchase on eBayTM.  James Gandolfini has
personally signed the vehicle.  Find this and over 800 other Sopranos
items for sale on eBay.

Critics Assail Philip Morris Report on Smoking
Lee Dembart
International Herald Tribune  Wednesday, July 18, 2001

Tobacco Giant's Analysis Says Premature Deaths Cut Costs in Pensions and
Health Care
The tobacco giant Philip Morris was flayed Tuesday for an economic analysis
concluding that smoking is good for government coffers because it causes
people to die prematurely, thereby saving pension and health care costs.

In a report to the government of the Czech Republic that was made public
Monday, the tobacco company estimated that the net economic benefit of
smoking there was about 5.82 billion koruna ($147.1 million) in 1999.

The report put the company's argument starkly: "Our principal finding is
that the negative financial effects of smoking - such as increased health
care costs - are more than offset by positive effects such as excise tax and
value-added taxes collected on tobacco products."

The monetary estimate of benefits was based on the fact that the average
smoker dies 4.3 years to 5.23 years earlier than a nonsmoker and is
therefore less of an economic drain.

The report, which was prepared by the consulting firm Arthur D. Little
International, appeared to be one of the first direct acknowledgments by a
tobacco company that smoking kills. The industry has previously recognized
that cigarettes cause serious diseases, including cancer, but this report
accepted without argument that smokers die prematurely. The report also
acknowledged that second-hand smoke can be a health threat to nonsmokers.

The British-based group Action on Smoking and Health said the study was "a
sort of extermination program for the newly retired."

"The whole exercise is repellent and should be dismissed," said John
Connolly, its public affairs manager. "Philip Morris is whispering in the
ear of the Czech government, saying: 'Look, we can help you deal with those
expensive old people, so why don't you go easy on controlling smoking?'"

Philip Morris, which makes 80 percent of the cigarettes sold in the Czech
Republic, said it received the report in November and gave it to the Czech
government recently in response to Health Ministry claims that smoking
constitutes an economic drain.

The company said that the report was only intended as economic data.

"We deeply regret any impression that premature death of smokers could
represent a benefit for society," Remi Calvet, communications director for
Philip Morris at European headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland, said in a
statement. "Tobacco is a controversial industry, but we are still an
industry and sometimes we need some economic data on our industry."

Ales Janku, head of public relations at Philip Morris, Czech Republic, said
the company thought Parliament was going to raise taxes on cigarettes in an
effort to harmonize taxes with the European Union. Czech cigarette taxes are
42 percent compared with EU recommendations of 59 percent.

Otakar Cerny, a spokesman for the Czech Health Ministry, dismissed such
arguments. "No government can calculate with reports like that," he said.
"The health minister leads an irreconcilable struggle with smoking so that
Czech citizens live long and healthy lives."

In a statement released in Washington, Matthew Myers, president of the
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, said, "Philip Morris's cost-benefit analysis
of the consequence of smoking represents not only bad economics but a
callous disregard for life."

Michelle Di Leo of the British Lung Foundation asked, "What will Philip
Morris argue next, that we should put people down at 50 because it would
save us all a lot of money on health care?"

Zimbabwe: 'Milosevic Scenario' Escalates [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-19 Thread Rick Rozoff


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Sopranos fanatics, this one is for you.  Tony Soprano's autographed
Suburban is available for purchase on eBayTM.  James Gandolfini has
personally signed the vehicle.  Find this and over 800 other Sopranos
items for sale on eBay.

The mission includes officials from the United
Nations, the European Commission and the World
BankThe U.S. Congress is considering a bill that
would impose travel restrictions on Mugabe and other
top officials

Thursday July 19, 9:22 PM
UN-led team expected in Zimbabwe for talks on land
HARARE, July 19 (AFP) - 
An international team organized by the United Nations
is expected to visit Zimbabwe next month in another
bid to find a solution to the government's
violence-wracked land reforms, diplomats here said
The mission includes officials from the United
Nations, the European Commission and the World Bank,
Western diplomats in Harare said, confirming a report
in the weekly Financial Gazette.
The team will urge Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe
to return to a scheme the government and international
donors had agreed to in 1998, under which donors would
provide money to buy land from white Zimbabwean
farmers for resettlement with black farmers.
That scheme, which would have bought land from willing
sellers, has been sidelined since the violent
invasions of white-owned farms began in February last
Veterans of Zimbabwe's 1970s liberation have led
militant government supporters and youths in the often
violent occupations of hundreds of white-owned farms,
in a politically charged campaign that has fuelled the
nation's economic recession.
Donors have suspended their aid because of the
government's inaction in cracking down on crimes
committed during the farm invasions, which supporters
say are a protest at the slow pace of land reform in
The reforms aim to correct colonial-era imbalances
that have left the tiny white minority owning a
disproportionate amount of prime farmland.
The government originally said it aimed to resettle
about five million hectares (12.3 million acres), or
slightly less than half the white-owned land.
But the government has since earmarked the vast
majority of white-owned farms for its so-called
"fast-track" resettlement scheme, under which tens of
thousands of landless blacks have been resettled in
the past year.
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan last week said he
hoped it was not too late to intervene in the land
dispute in Zimbabwe.
"I hope that, even though things have moved as fast as
they have, that it is not too late to take measures to
calm the situation so that agricultural production can
be continued and those who need to be resettled can be
resettled," Annan told reporters in Lusaka.
The Commonwealth is also organizing a separate mission
to Zimbabwe, under a compromise deal brokered by
Nigeria and Kenya.
The US Congress is considering a bill that would
impose travel restrictions on Mugabe and other top
officials for failing to end the lawlessness in the

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Fwd: Andean News Update [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-19 Thread Petokraka78


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[DynCorp has been implicated in flying attack helicopters during operations 
in southern Colombia against the FARC.  This wouldn't be the first time that 
US organizations tied to the US State Department would be implicated in drug 
trafficking.  Of course Colombia's National Institute of Legal Medicine is by 
no means an "independent" body, as it is state controlled, and any 
confirmation that DynCorp was involved in heroin smuggling would completely 
deligitimize the US presence in the region!  Thus the clean bill of health.  
Nonetheless these allegations should be followed closely because they are 
more than likely to continue re-appearing over the coming years]

Colombians clear U.S. firm of heroin suspicion

BOGOTA, Colombia, July 16 (Reuters) - Colombian investigators have cleared a 
U.S. firm that is playing a key role in a massive anti-drug offensive of 
suspicions that some of its workers might have been sending heroin to the 
United States. 
An official at Colombia's National Institute of Legal Medicine said on Monday 
that new tests had shown that motor oil samples sent by Reston, 
Virginia-based State Department contractor DynCorp did not contain illegal 
The U.S. Embassy said last week that an initial test at Bogota airport in May 
2000 had detected what could have been heroin in two motor oil samples. The 
company regularly sent samples of oil to its offices at Patrick Air Force 
Base in Florida for maintenance purposes, but the find raised suspicions that 
someone might be trying to smuggle heroin. 
DynCorp supplies crop dusting pilots and other personnel in the Plan Colombia 
anti-cocaine offensive, which is the recipient of about $1 billion in mainly 
military U.S. aid. 
The embassy said last week it had not been informed of the results of the 
new, more accurate tests, which the institute carried out the same month that 
suspicions emerged. Institute officials and Colombia's National Police, which 
had requested the tests, said last week that they did not know what the 
results had been. 
 18:19 07-16-01

[The OCP Pipeline mentioned in the article below has met huge public sector 
and civil society disaproval in Ecuador. As you will see bellow, there is a 
very CANADIAN element to all this.  Alberta Energy Corp is the main interest 
holder in OCP's construction. Local and environmental groups have been 
particularly vociferous in opposing the proposed "northern route" for this 
pipeline citing the fact that it crosses 90+ seismic fault lines and through 
the Mindo nature preserve (which has one of the world's largest 
concentrations of bird species, many of them unique to the region) as 
evidence that the pipeline poses a serious environmental threat.  Furthermore 
as Ecuadorian Armed Forces, with the assistance of US military advisors begin 
undertaking operations to cut the guerrillas lines of communication in 
norther Ecuador, it is feared that the FARC will retaliate by hitting the 
pipelines.  This is a further source of potential problems.  Finally, the 
groups opposing the "northern route" have proposed an alternate route to the 
south - which would be more expensive - but the potential environmental 
impact a lot lower.]
AEC Enters New Growth Era in Ecuador with Start of OCP Pipeline Construction
 CALGARY, July 18 /PRNewswire/ - Alberta Energy Company Ltd. has embarked on 
a major oil growth initiative in the South American nation of Ecuador, 
founded upon the start of construction of the 450,000 barrel per day 
Oleoducto de Crudos Pesados (OCP Pipeline). On July 5, OCP started building 
the 500-kilometre, US$1.2 billion pipeline after receiving final regulatory 
approvals in late June. 
 "This is a watershed event for the future of Ecuador. The start of 
construction illustrates the vision and foresight of the people of Ecuador, 
the Government of Ecuador and the partners in the OCP consortium. For more 
than a decade, lack of export capacity has prevented Ecuador from realizing 
the economic potential of its petroleum resources. The OCP Pipeline is a 
vital building block for the future of Ecuador. It will double Ecuador's oil 
pipeline capacity and encourage new investment. By mid 2003, new volumes of 
oil will be flowing to international markets," said Gwyn Morgan, AEC's 
President and Chief Executive Officer. 
 OCP recently signed a fixed-price, engineering, procurement and construction 
(EPC) contract with Techint International Construction Corp., an 
international engineering and construction company based in Buenos Aires, 
Argentina. The pipeline will run from Ecuador's interior oil fields, across 
the Andes Mountains, to a port on the Pacific Ocean. 
 AEC is the largest interest

Macedonia: UCK/KLA Massing For New Offensive [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-19 Thread Rick Rozoff


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Thursday July 19, 7:13 PM
Ethnic Albanian rebels massing across north and west
Macedonia: Skopje
SKOPJE, July 19 (AFP) - 
Ethnic Albanian guerrillas are regrouping across the
north and west of Macedonia, the defence ministry said
Thursday as talks to find a way out of the six-month
crisis faltered.
Shooting erupted in several northern areas as
guerrillas of the National Liberation Army (NLA) were
spotted mustering as far afield as Struga, near the
southwestern border with Albanian, and Tanusevci, a
former stronghold on the northern border with Kosovo,
a ministry statement said.
The NLA opened rifle fire on police positions in
villages around the northwestern town of Tetovo late
Wednesday and early Thursday, and uniformed fighters
were spotted in the town itself, the ministry said. No
injuries were reported.
Firing targeted police at a checkpoint near the
stadium in the mainly Albanian town, with shots coming
from Drenovec on the edge of Tetovo and a number of
other Albanian villages.
The ministry said that men in civilian clothes had
been spotted hauling covered crates into mosques in
what appeared to be preparation for renewed fighting.
Eight fighters also attacked a police checkpoint at a
petrol station near the northern town of Kumanovo,
close to villages held by the rebels in the foothills
of the Black Mountains between Kumanovo and Skopje.
They were driven off without any casualties, the
ministry said.
For the first time a group of 15 rebels were sighted
near the Matka dam on the southwestern fringes of
Skopje, where the army has heavily reinforced its
garrison in recent weeks. 
Other guerrillas were seen moving for the first time
near Radusce, 10 kilometres (six miles) west of
Skopje, where the capital's water supply is stored in
And for the first time a group of fighters was seen
near Struga, a town just 10 kilometres from the
Albania on the shores of Lake Ohrid, the ministry
Macedonian troops also opened fire on a group of
rebels trying to enter the country from Kosovo. They
were replused after a brief firefight near the village
of Tanusevci, where the rebellion first erupted in
The widespread regrouping came after two bomb blasts
in the capital left one woman injured, while the
governmental coordinating committee overseeing
military aspects of a fragile ceasefire confirmed that
three Macedonian men had been abducted Wednesday by a
group of 11 armed NLA fighters near Tetovo.
Political talks among Macedonian Slav and ethnic
Albanian political leaders foundered late Wedenesday,
with both sides saying they were drawing the line on
further concessions.

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Macedonia's Capital, Second City Under Attack; NATO Chiefs Postpone Visit [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-19 Thread Rick Rozoff


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NATO, EU chiefs postpone Macedonia trip as bombs rock
SKOPJE, July 19 (AFP) - 
NATO chief George Robertson and EU foreign policy
supremo Javier Solana postponed a trip to Macedonia on
Thursday as two bomb blasts rocked Skopje and talks to
solve the six-month ethnic Albanian uprising became
bogged down in a storm of recriminations targeting
Western mediators.
The defence ministry said in a statement Albanian
rebels from the National Liberation Army (NLA) were
regrouping across the north and west, firing on police
near the northwestern town of Tetovo and showing up
for the first time near the southwestern border with
Robertson and Solana put off a joint two-day trip that
was to have started on Thursday, deeming the situation
there too difficult, Solana's spokeswoman Christina
Gallach said.
"Their trip depends on the situation on the ground,"
she said. "They prefer to wait because the situation
is very difficult in Macedonia."
News of the postponement came a day after Macedonian
Prime Minister Ljubco Georgievski accused the West,
which has been sponsoring strained peace talks in
Skopje, of supporting ethnic Albanian rebels fighting
the government.
He accused EU and US envoys Francois Leotard and James
Pardew of creating "a scenario for fracturing
Macedonia" between its Slav majority and large ethnic
Albanian community.
The Macedonian Slav leaders and press accused the
Western envoys of backing demands -- shared by both
the Albanian political leaders and the rebels -- to
grant Albanian the status of a second official
language and giving local police extra jurisdiction.
The Macedonians see in both moves an attempt to split
the country into two separate ethnic entities,
something they refuse to countenance.
The envoys rejected the charges, while in Washington
the State Department said the West repected
Macedonia's territorial integrity.
"We are trying to help as much as possible to come out
with a political solution," State Department spokesman
Philip Reeker said, calling the charges "truly
Meanwhile the leader of the main ethnic Albanian party
in Macedonia's coalition government accused Macedonian
Slav parties of trying to restart from square one the
difficult two-week discussions on boosting Albanian
"The Macedonians want to go back to the positions held
at the start," said Arben Xhaferi, the president of
the Democratic Party of Albanians (DPA).
Zamir Dika, head of the parliamentary group of DPA
deputies, warned there was no time to start over again
with the slow-moving dialogue, with the strained
ceasefire between the rebels and the army already
showing signs of unravelling.
"If we have this situation much longer we will have
civil war," he said.
Violence seemed to be gaining momentum again as two
bomb explosions rocked the capital late on Wednesday
and early on Thursday.
Two handmade devices planted under a car injured a
Macedonian woman, while a blast in a shopping centre
in a mainly Albanian district caused substantial
damage but no injuries. No one claimed responsibility
for the explosions.
Meanwhile the defence ministry accused the NLA of
exploiting the two-week ceasefire, brokered by NATO to
give the political talks a chance.
It said the guerrillas were regrouping across the
north and west of the country.
Firing targeted police checkpoints from Albanian
villages on the edge of Tetovo in the northwest, while
uniformed fighters were seen in the predominantly
Albanian town itself, the ministry said.
Men in civilian clothes were also spotted by security
forces stockpiling crates in mosques in the area, the
ministry said, hinting that the rebels were preparing
for a renewed escalation if the talks failed to bear
fruit soon.
A defence spokesman said on Wednesday a new escalation
was possible in "crisis zones" where the guerrillas
are active.
NLA guerrillas were also spotted for the first time
near Struga, a town close to the southwestern border
with Albania, and near water reservoirs just west of
the capital Skopje.
Groups of rebels also opened fire on a police
checkpoint at a petrol station close to the northern
town of Kumanovo, while the army opened fire and
repulsed another group of fighter strying to cross
near the northern hill village of Tanusevci, where the
rebellion broke out in February.

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Where The World Is Heading [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-19 Thread TOOLGT

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A Poor Understanding Of 
Where The World Is Heading 

By Charley Reese 

© 2001 Orlando Sentinel 


The president says that a key part of his foreign policy will be to 
poverty in foreign countries. Horse apples.   Number one, foreign countries 
are not his responsibility. Number two, he doesn't have the ability to 
alleviate poverty even in his own country, much less somebody else's. 
three, the very globalist free-trade policies he advocates are causing some 
of the poverty in foreign countries as well as our own. Number four, U.S. 
meddling in the internal affairs of foreign countries has greatly 
to bad government and poverty.   Does he think we are helping to alleviate 
poverty in Iraq with bombings and sanctions? Does he think we bear no 
responsibility for the poverty in Yugoslavia caused by our sanctions and 
bombing?   Does he think supporting all the African dictators we supported 
they would sell out their country's interests to U.S. multinational 
corporations was alleviating poverty?   Does he think encouraging American 
manufacturers to move their jobs overseas is helping to alleviate poverty 
either in the United States or in the foreign country where workers have to 
live on sweat-shop wages?   Does he think we made any advances toward 
alleviating poverty in Panama when his Daddy killed 3,000 Panamanians in 
order to arrest one little guy who had been on our payroll for years?   
he think he's helping to deal with poverty in Africa by giving Israel 
has a higher per-capita income than Spain) $3 billion a year? That happens 
be more than all the aid the U.S. gives to sub-Sahara African countries 
combined.   Does he think he's going to alleviate poverty by spending $8 
billion on an anti-missile system that's going to force a new nuclear-arms 
race?   Does he think we're fighting poverty by being the world's number 
arms peddler? Does he think we're fighting poverty when we browbeat Third 
World countries, desperate for schools and clean water, to buy high-tech 
American weapons?   And if he thinks he has to visit Africa to find 
I would suggest he visit the Mississippi Delta area or any of the slums 
blight most American cities.   And most of all I wish he would read his 
damned oath of office and tell us where it says he was elected president of 
the world. And read the Constitution and tell us where it says politicians 
can tax the labor and sweat of the American people and give the money away 
foreign governments.   By God, I'm sick of this pseudo-philanthropic, 
pseudo-compassion-for-the-world bilge which spews forth from the mouths of 
our politicians like the filth that comes out a broken sewer pipe.   I 
supported George Bush because I thought he was a decent man and his 
was not. I'm sorry to say, however, that after six months in office, I have 
to say that Vladimir Putin has been a better president for Russia than Bush 
has been for America. Putin seems to know which country elected him, to 
country he owes his loyalty and which people are his responsibilities. 
Morally, Putin is right about the ballistic missiles, and right about the 
sanctions against Iraq.   I'm rather tired of presidents who seem to think 
they are either deputy prime ministers of Israel or emperors of the world.  
In the meantime, our economy grows less fast than either the Russian or the 
Chinese economies. Our public schools deteriorate, our infrastructure grows 
increasingly old and in need of replacement, and our borders are rendered 
practically non-existent while our prisons are jammed to the gills. That 
prison population, by the way, is 62 percent black and other minorities. I 
would say that indicates a problem that both Bush and the NCAAP might 
consider working on rather than knocking down old Confederate monuments.    
Nobody in public office seems predisposed to acknowledge a basic truth. We 
have two conflicting forces at work in the world. One is population growth 
and the need for jobs paying a living wage. The other is corporate 
consolidation and automation, which are eliminating jobs.   Now you don't 
have to be a graduate in higher mathematics to figure out that if viable 
are shrinking and the population which needs them is growing, something 
bad is going to happen in the political and social arena in the near 
 The day when people were willing to politely and silently starve to death 
while their "betters" gorged themselves inside fortified compounds is gone. 
Unless we address this imba

Turkey: Statement on Prisoner Resistance [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-19 Thread Bill Howard


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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
From: kazanacagiz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 12:44 AM
Subject: DHKC statement

Date: July 17, 2001 Statement: 200


To all anti-imperialists, anti-globalizationists, anti-capitalists,
anti-fascists and all those who are on the side of labour and freedom,
to all Marxist-Leninists and all progressive institutions and people.

Between 1999-2000 the f type prisons were constructed in our country
with the approval of America and Europe. The revolutionary prisoners and
the forces outside started the death fast after having tried all
possible democratic ways to close down the F type prisons.
The hunger strike started by the prisoners of the trials of DHKP-C,
TKP(ML) and TKIP on 20th October 2000 was turned into a death fast on
the 19th of November 2000. 204 death fast resisters were participating
in the first two death fast teams, of which 131 belong to the DHKP-C and
about 1000 prisoners went on a support hunger strike.
On the 60th day of the death fast, December 19th, the state launched a
simultaneous operation in 22 prisons.
It massacred 28 prisoners by burning and shooting them. It has injured
hundreds of them. It opened the F types. In the middle of the massacre
and the torture the prisoners who were transferred to the F types were
thrown into the cells. But they couldn't break the resistance. The
resistance continued by drawing in a wider section of society. Several
political groups who had not participated in the death fast earlier now
also joined the death fast.
The murderous government, who wasn't able to break the resistance with
massacres, torture and isolation cells, tried to break the resistance
with forced medical intervention. More than 60 prisoners were left
handicapped as a result of this torture.
Finally the government released the resisters whom they had left
handicapped and who were on the brink of death, in order to break the
The released DHKP-C prisoners have continued their resistance on the
outside. Two of them, Gokhan Ococak and Sevgi Erdogan fell martyred.
Tens of released death fast resisters are continuing their resistance in
the poor Gecekondu shantytowns in our country.
To date we have given 60 martyrs, both inside and outside of the prisons
and more than 60 of our people remain handicapped, mainly suffering from
memory loss, the so-called Wernicke Korsakoff disease. The resistance
continues both inside and outside of the prisons. We continue to give
The numbers and data relating to the balance of our resistance, and the
stages through which our resistance has gone through, has now entered
into the fourth season. This in itself is enough to show the dimension
of the oppression and the size of the resistance.
To all those who are against imperialism, fascism, isolation and
torture.  The F-type prisons are part of the plan, which is being used
by America and Europe to destroy the resistance and the revolutionaries
against imperialism in all countries, and to make reality their plan of
globalization and the New World Order.
Our resistance is against this plan, the IMF, the World Bank and the
colonialisation that is presented under the name of globalisation. For
this reason this resistance belongs to all of us. For this reason
isolation is a matter of concern for the whole world. Therefore we are
calling upon you not only to give your support but also to take this
resistance as your own.
We are calling the prisoners of different countries in the world, all
anti-imperialists and progressive forces, for action.
We appeal to you to put on the agenda at Genoa the massacre in the
prisons of Turkey and the resistance, which has entered the fourth
Day by day people are dying inside and outside of the prisons.
Capitalism, the IMF and isolation are killing. There's not even a second
to loose. Imperialism wants to split, divide and weaken us. We call all
people of the world, all progressives, anti-fascists and
anti-imperialists to unite and to destroy this game, and to support and
enlarge together all kinds of resistance against tyranny.

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All to Genoa (appeal by Italian Communists) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-19 Thread Bill Howard


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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
From: secr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 11:36 PM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] All to Genoa (appeal by Italian Communists)

 [UK_Left_Network] All to Genoa (appeal by
Italian Communists)
 Wed, 18 Jul 2001 16:32:40 -

All to Genoa against the G8
For a communist alternative to capitalist

(an appeal from the Editorial Board of the Italian
Marxist journal
FalceMartello )

Only a few weeks away from the anti-G8
demonstration in Genoa, few
people have any doubts that this is going to be a
mass demonstration.
On July 21st some 200,000 people are expected to
turn out. The
security forces will do their utmost to physically
stop them from
arriving in Genoa. The 'red zone' is already being
policed by 20,000
officers who check 241 selected routes where even
the local residents
need a special pass to cross. The manhole lids
have been welded down,
the harbour will be shut, as well as the train
station and the
airport, which will only be open to special
flights bringing in the
G8 delegates. Of all the demonstrations of the
"Seattle movement",
Genoa is expected to be the biggest.

What are the social ingredients that have
transformed this movement
from a protest limited to a few thousand people
into a mass event of
such dimensions?

Over the last ten years the bourgeois have been on
a neo-liberal
binge: they have repeatedly promised that many
benefits would flow
from the process of European unification, the
policies of the IMF,
the World Bank, the policy of balanced budgets
applied by all
governments, the destruction of the welfare state
and the attacks on
the workers' rights and living conditions. Now
that the binge is
over, all that is left is a massive headache.

There is a paradox here. The past period has been
one in which the
leaders of the labour movement have least
challenged the capitalist
system, and yet at the same time it has been an
unstable period with
an accumulation of enormous contradictions within
the capitalist

Whilst the concentration and production of wealth
world-wide has
reached unheard of levels, the living standards of
billions of people
have worsened.

Between 1995 and 2000 the combined wealth of the
world increased by
six times while the average income and life
expectancy of the people
in 100 countries around the world have gone down.
The worst relative
decline has been precisely in the United States
themselves. The US
economy is about to end its longest period of
growth since the Second
World War. But this has been a boom which has not
had any positive
effect on the living standards of the American
masses. While the
richest 1% of the US population owns 40% of the
national wealth (an
unprecedented figure), 35% of American workers,
even though they have
a job, live below the poverty line. It was not by
chance that the
movement itself started in the USA.

As the liberal economist and former editor of Sole
24ore, [Italian
financial journal, similar to the British
Financial Times] Deaglio
recognises, the amount of people who think that
the globalised
economy is the worse of all possible evils is
rapidly increasing.
This process inevitably had to find an expression
in a mass movement,
sooner or later. That's what has happened since

Apart from the international factors that propel
this movement, there
are a number of national [Italian] factors that
also contribute to
it. Since 1991 the Italian workers have been
swamped by the logic
of 'social partnership' put forward by their own
organisations. The
centre-left government represented the high point
of this period. The
Prodi government, that came to power as a result
of the long wave of
the movement against Berlusconi in 1994, very soon
shattered all the
expectations and hopes of millions of people who
had looked to the
centre-left. The period of 1996-98 was one of
profound shock. With
the willing participation of all the main labour
organisations, almost all the past gains of 20
years of struggle have
been rolled back. Between 1996 and 1998, 10% of
worldwide took place in Italy. The 'Treu package'
introduced a rapid
casualisation of the labour market. The
Turco-Napolitano bill led to
the expulsion of 90,000 immigrants. The
counter-reform of the
education system destroyed the already slim right
to study, with the
allocation of publi

US missile test denounced by Vietnam Peace Committee [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-19 Thread Bill Howard


--- ListBot Sponsor --
Sopranos fanatics, this one is for you.  Tony Soprano's autographed
Suburban is available for purchase on eBayTM.  James Gandolfini has
personally signed the vehicle.  Find this and over 800 other Sopranos
items for sale on eBay.

[Via Communist Internet... ]
.US missile test denounced by Vietnam Peace CommitteeThe Vietnam Peace
Committee has denounced the United States for a recent missile test as a
danger to the current global structure of nuclear weapons disarmament, thus
threatening to create a new arms race in the world.

The committee said in a statement: "The United States' intercept test on
July 15 as part of its national missile defence move has threatened to break
the current global structure of non-proliferation and disarmament of nuclear
weapons, which was built on principles of the anti-ballistic missile treaty
signed by the United States and the former Soviet Union in 1972. The test
runs counter to the trend for peace and co-operation of the time and does
nothing to promote world peace and security, and it will pose a danger of
creating an arms race in the world."

"The Vietnam Peace Committee and the Vietnamese people, together with
peace-loving people the world over strongly denounce this action. The
Vietnam Peace Committee will continue with peace activities to contribute to
the struggle for a complete disarmament, particularly of nuclear weapons,"
the statement concluded. (VNA)


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US & EU at odds over Trade Billions [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-19 Thread Bill Howard


--- ListBot Sponsor --
Sopranos fanatics, this one is for you.  Tony Soprano's autographed
Suburban is available for purchase on eBayTM.  James Gandolfini has
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items for sale on eBay.

[Via Communist Internet... ]

[Nerver in the history of 'free trade' has there
been so much trade war...Bill]

- Original Message - 
From: John Clancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 2:23 PM
Subject: Guardian:US loses trade case in EU. Australia-Kyoto

subject: Guardian: US loses trade case in EU. Australia-Kyoto
>Washington Post / Fear of punitive sanctions after U.S. loses trade
case to Europe / Paul Blustein

>Fear of punitive sanctions after U.S. loses trade case to Europe
   >Paul Blustein
>The United States lost an international trade case to the European
Union  last week that could result in billions of dollars of punitive
duties on  U.S. exports to Europe, according to industry and official
sources.  Such sanctions, if imposed, would far exceed any that have
been allowed in  previous cases decided by the World Trade
Organization, which has handed  its confidential decision to the U.S.
and EU governments.

  The decision involves a $4 billion tax break for U.S. exporters that
a WTO  panel found to be an export subsidy that violates international
trade  rules. Because of the amounts of money at stake, the ruling
threatens  seriously to inflame transatlantic tensions and could set
back efforts to   launch a new round of negotiations to lower trade
barriers worldwide.  U.S. Trade Representative Robert B. Zoellick
exhorted European officials  last month to settle the dispute, warning
that "it would be like using a  nuclear weapon" on the global trading
system if the EU were to win the  case and fully exercise its right to
impose sanctions. A U.S. appeal of  the decision is virtually certain
and would take months. But if that  ruling goes in the EU's favor,
Washington would face a painful prospect:  If the United States failed
to abandon or substantially alter its export  tax system, the EU would
be entitled to $4 billion in "compensation."

  That could involve duties of 100 percent and possibly more on
selected  U.S. products, enough to price the American products out of
the Euro pean  market. It is impossible to say which U.S. products
might be subject to  European sanctions, because WTO rules give the
winner of a case  considerable leeway in deciding how to take its
compensation. Many of the  companies that would be vulnerable would
presumably be among the hundreds  of U.S. multinationals, such as
General Electric, Boeing, Caterpillar and  Microsoft that benefit from
the tax break in dispute.

  The duties would hurt European importers, too, which is why companies
on  both sides of the Atlantic have been urging a negotiated
settlement.  Zoellick and his EU counterpart, Pascal Lamy, have
expressed determination  to keep the issue from damaging broader
relations, but both are under  severe pressure to stick to their guns.

   Congress rewrote the export tax law last year when a previous
version was  ruled illegal by a WTO panel, and lawmakers are loath to
change the  current law. On the European side, many policymakers feel
strongly that  the United States shouldn't be allowed to wriggle out of
WTO rulings.  Moreover, the ruling comes at a time when ties between
Washington and  Brussels are under strain because of disagreements over
environmental and  defense issues and the recent opposition by EU
antitrust authorities to a  proposed $45 billion merger of GE and
Honeywell International Inc. "This  is a very dangerous case because of
the size of any retaliation that might  follow a U.S. loss," said
Willard Berry, president of the  European-American Business Council.
"It's clear that both EU and   U.S. companies would be terribly hurt."

  U.S. exports to the EU totaled $152bn last year. Although $4bn might
seem  small by comparison, it would dwarf the $191m in sanctions that
Washington  imposed on European products in a recently settled dispute
over bananas  and the $117m in sanctions that remain on European
products in another  EU-U.S. dispute over hormone-treated beef.  In
another development that does not augur well for transatlantic
trade,  Zoellick formally asked the U.S. International Trade Commission
for a  broad investigation into whether increased imports are causing
serious  damage to the U.S. steel industry. The independent commission
could issue  a finding that would lead to stiff duties on steel

 The Guardian Weekly 28-6-2001, page 32 >


70% of Britain Fears US-Driven Arms Race [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-19 Thread Bill Howard


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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
From: Abolition 2000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: mobilize-globally <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 12:59 PM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] 70% of Britain Fears US-Driven Arms Race

Press Release  18 July 2001

70% of Britain Fears US-Driven Arms Race

A majority of the British public believes that America's controversial
plan to build a missile defence system will start a new arms race, make
nuclear disarmament harder to achieve, and may even make the United
Kingdom a military target, according to a new opinion poll.*

The poll, conducted by MORI on behalf of a coalition of UK-based arms
control organisations,** shows that 70% of Britons agree that: "The
development of the US missile defence system will encourage other
countries to build more advanced nuclear weapons".  Over 60% of those
surveyed also believe that international agreement on nuclear
disarmament would be harder to achieve in the wake of US plans to deploy
the system.

President George W. Bush arrives in the United Kingdom today for talks
with Prime Minister Tony Blair.  The two leaders are expected to discuss
missile defence plans which will be likely to involve the use of
UK-based facilities.  The British government recently confirmed the
completion of two new radomes at RAF Menwith Hill in Yorkshire.  The
radomes form part of the ground relay station for a network of
satellites and will likely become an integral part of a future US
missile defence system.

However, a forceful 72% of those polled feel that such a move could make
the United Kingdom a target for an attack directed at the United States'
system.  In addition, while over half of those surveyed feel that
denying use of UK-based radar facilities to be used in the system may
harm transatlantic relations, less than a third think that it is in
Britain's best interest to cooperate.

President Bush arrives in Europe buoyed by the successful intercept of a
dummy warhead in a test early Sunday morning, and his administration is
determined to press ahead with the controversial project in the face of
strong international opposition.  Allies were informed recently of
Washington's plans to violate the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty "in
months, not years".

Dan Plesch, Director of BASIC, one of the NGOs who commissioned the
poll, said:  "The involvement of UK facilities would represent the
biggest shift in UK strategic orientation since the World War II, yet
Blair has neither sought nor gained a mandate for such a
reorientation."  Mark Bromley, BASIC Analyst, added: "This opinion poll
gives one of the first indications of the strength of the British
public's unease, and it is a message that Blair must take to President

For more information contact Mark Bromley at BASIC on 020 7407 2977,
Nigel Chamberlain at CND on 020 7700 2393, Stephen Whiting at QPSW on
020 7663 1061 or
John Leaman or Andy Byrom at MORI on 020 7347 3000

For a full breakdown of poll results visit or

* The MORI survey interviewed a nationally representative sample of
2,110 British adults aged 15+, throughout 193 sampling points, between
5-9 July 2001.  Interviewing was conducted face-to-face in respondents'
homes.  Data has been weighted according to the GB profile.  Results
have a margin of error of +/- 3 percentage points.

** The UK Working Group on Missile Defence is an informal coalition of
arms control organisations including Abolition 2000UK, the British
American Security Information Council (BASIC), Campaign for the
Accountability of American Bases (CAAB), Campaign for Nuclear
Disarmament (CND), MEDACT, the United Nations Association (UNA), and
Quaker Peace and Social Witness (QPSW)

Claire Poyner
Abolition 2000 UK
601 Holloway Road
London N19 4DJ
Tel: 020 7 281 4281
Fax: 020 7 281 6281

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Free Slobodan! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-19 Thread Bill Howard


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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message -
From: SolidNet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 8:11 PM
Subject: CP of Greece, International appeal from Greece for releasing Sl.Milocevic
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  CP of Greece, International appeal from Greece for releasing
   From: Communist Party of Greece, Thu, 19 Jul 2001

Dear Friends and Comrades,

We forward you an appeal signed by 19 prominent Greek personalities from
all political parties, among then Mikis Theodorakis, university
rectors, members of the Greek parliament, former ministers, scientists
and intellectuals demanding the support of the international  public
opinion for the immediate release of Slobodan Milosevic.

Please consider the initiative as a reinforcement to the similar
national and international actions in the last time.

We would very much appreciate if the appeal can be endorsed by
personalities from your country.

Our idea is after collecting so much as possible signatures from various
countries to publish simultaneous in all our countries the  final list.

The signatures can be send by e-mail to :

or by fax to: +301 2592298

In case you have better ideas as far as the initiative concerns please
be so kind and inform us.

We thank you very much for your support.
The international section of CPG


   The dramatic events being experienced by all of humanity owing to the
unprecedented process of handing over and selling out the former
President of Yugoslavia, his indictment by and deliverance to the
so-called "International Court of Justice on former Yugoslavia" violate
and abolish all concepts of national sovereignty and international law.
These events were the result of the heavy and multiple pressures exerted
by NATO, whose leaders should be on trial for their attack against
Yugoslavia, in which they sowed death and destruction, flagrantly and
cynically violating the UN Founding Charter.

Through these actions, an effort is being made to penalise international
political life, to overthrow International Law completely and to create
a terrorist international framework of "rules and institutions" that
will bring to trial and convict all those who
resist the barbarity of the new international order.

   We protest strongly and express our absolute opposition to these

   We call upon all those who refuse to keep silent or to give their
consent to the rule of "might is right" and ask them to join us and
mobilise for the release of Slobodan Milosevic, former President of
Yugoslavia, to bring a halt to these unacceptable processes, and to
prevent the penalisation of international political life.

1.GLEZOS MANOLIS, Fighter in the National Resistance
2.KATRIVANOS THEODOROS, Prefect of the Atiika Region, Former
Minister of the Interior
3.KATSAROS NIKOS, MP-ND, Former Vice President of the Greek
4.   KATSAROS NIKOS, researcher,General Secretary of the Balkan
Association of Chemists,
5.   KAZAKOS KOSTAS, actor, Vice President of Honor of World Peace
6.   KOSSIONIS PANAGIOTIS,MP-KKE, Vice President of the Greek
7.   KOURIS NIKOLAOS, Former Minister of Defense, General
8.  KRITIKOS PANAGIOTIS, MP-PASOK, Former Vice President of the Greek
9.MANGAKIS GEORGIOS, Former Minister for Foreign Affairs
10.  MAHERAS EVANGELOS, President of Honour of World Peace Council
11.  MARAGOPOULOU ALIKI, President of the Human Rights Foundation
12.  PAFILIS ATHANASSIOS, Executive Secretary of World Peace Council
13. PAPAMARGARIS THEOHARIS, Chairman of the Greek Committee for
International Democratic Solidarity (EEDDA),Former Minister of   Labour
14.  POLIDORAS VIRON,MP-ND,Former Minister of Press
15.  ROUPAKIOTIS ANTONIS, President of the Athens Bar Association
17.  VARTANIS MICHALIS, Major General (ret.)
18. Prof. VAVOURAS IOANNIS, Dean of the Panteio University of social and
Political Sciences, Athens

Arafat Holds Talks with Arab League Chief, Arab FMs [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-19 Thread Bill Howard


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Sopranos fanatics, this one is for you.  Tony Soprano's autographed
Suburban is available for purchase on eBayTM.  James Gandolfini has
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[Via Communist Internet... ]
.Arafat Holds Talks with Arab League Chief, Arab FMs
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat on Wednesday held a closed-door meeting
with Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa and Arab foreign ministers to
discuss the Middle East situation.
Arafat was expected to present to the consultative meeting "a detailed
picture of Israel's aggressions against the Palestinians and the Palestinian
demand for political and economic support," Egypt's state-run Middle East
News Agency (MENA) reported.
The meeting was held before an emergency meeting of an Arab follow-up
committee, due to open later in the day, aimed at crystallizing an Arab
stance on Israel's brutalities against the Palestinians and Israel's
non-commitment to signed agreements with the Palestinians, MENA said.
Arafat arrived in Cairo Wednesday morning to attend the emergency meeting,
during which he will brief the participants on the current situation in the
occupied Palestinian territories and escalating Israeli aggressions against
the Palestinians. 
"The latest Israeli military escalation in the Palestinian territories is
not only a setback for the peacemaking but also shows Israel's determination
to pursue aggressions against the Palestinians at all levels and their
institutions, as well as against Islamic and Christian sanctities," Arafat
said in a statement, issued upon his arrival.
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict raged on after Israeli helicopters killed
four Palestinians in the West Bank town of Bethlehem on Tuesday, in
retaliation for the killings of two Israelis in a suicide bombing attack by
a Palestinian activist in northern Israel on Monday.
The Arab follow-up committee will be convened at the request of foreign
ministers of the Gulf Cooperation Council states to discuss the
deteriorating situation in the occupied Palestinian territories and ways of
protecting the Palestinians.
The committee was set up at the Arab summit held last October in Cairo to
follow up the implementation of moral and financial aids pledged by the Arab
leaders to the Palestinians.
It is made up of foreign ministers of Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, the
Palestinian National Authority, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Tunisia, as well as
the Arab League chief.

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Train to Genoa Cancelled [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-19 Thread Bill Howard


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Sopranos fanatics, this one is for you.  Tony Soprano's autographed
Suburban is available for purchase on eBayTM.  James Gandolfini has
personally signed the vehicle.  Find this and over 800 other Sopranos
items for sale on eBay.

[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
From: secr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 11:57 PM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] Re: G.R train to Geoa - GR PRESS RELEASE

 [UK_Left_Network] Re: G.R train to Geoa -
 Wed, 18 Jul 2001 15:24:55 -

> A friend informed me that charter train top
Genoa from Clais has
> cancelled by the French Authorities. There is no
information on
> resistance site. Tey have not e-mailed us
either. Does anybody know
> about this?
> erol

A friend sent me this


From: Globalise Resistance Office
Subject: French Government Stamps out Dissent
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 17:20:07 +0100



French Government ministries are blaming each
other and the Italian
government for the cancellation of a chartered
train of protesters.

The train, carrying 450 protesters from the UK was
due to travel to
French border to be met by a fleet of coaches
taking the
demonstrators on to
Genoa for the actions against the G8 summit
starting o Friday. A fax
recieved by Globalise Resistance this morning
(Tuesday) informed them
of the
decision to cancel. Globalise Resistance has been
offered a refund,
expenses incurred in advertising and organising
other parts of the
will not be covered.

Guy Taylor for Globalise Resistance said "We are
fighting this
Democracy without the right of protest means
nothing. On our train
pensioners, trade unionists, children, socialists
envirnmentalists. We
have already had a huge amount of support for our
right to
demonstrate. It
shows the weakness of the authorities and their
policies that they
feel it
necessary to stop people having a voice at all."

"Our members and supporters will be going to Genoa
anyway. While
the decision we are booking other means of
transport and encouraging
everyone to make their own way there. We spent an
enormous amount of
on transport and now we're denied the services we
have bought - so
much for
the free market!"

Globalise Resistance members have a 100% clean
record on violence.
setting up in February, not one member has been
arrested for a
violent crime
- although many have been arrested for non-violent

Despina Mavrou, also from Globalise Resistance
asked "What are they
of? We only want to put the case for preserving
the environment and
cancelling third world debt. This whole thing is


For more information / interviews please phone:

Amy Jowett: 07947 433 445
Guy Taylor: 07956 681 328
Despina Mavrou: 07940 105 446


Tony Benn (former MP)
George Monbiot (activist & columnist)
John Pilger (film maker)
Noreena Hertz (writer)
Louise Christian (human rights lawyer)

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NATO Jumpy Over Rumors Of Russian Troop Movements [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-19 Thread Miroslav Antic


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Sopranos fanatics, this one is for you.  Tony Soprano's autographed
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items for sale on eBay.

Monday, Jul. 16, 2001. Page 10 

NATO Jumpy Over Rumors Of Russian Troop Movements

Combined Reports SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina - NATO ran urgent checks a
few days ago on rumors that the Russians planned to pull a fast one like
they did in Kosovo, rushing their troops in first ahead of the West on
the heels of a deal to make peace in Macedonia. 

The Macedonian government assured us it had not invited the Russians to
send forces," said a NATO diplomat. "If Russia did so without an invite
it would be a hostile act," he pointed out.

Whether it was all only rumor, or whether Moscow had been caught out and
warned off such preparations, he did not say.

"At one point we had a report of actual sightings . but it would be a
bizarre thing to do. There's no parallel with the case in Kosovo when
the Russians dashed in from Bosnia."

That game of one-upmanship nearly resulted in an armed confrontation
with NATO at Pristina airport two years ago this month, as a major
allied peacekeeping force deployed only to find Russians had cheekily
got there first.

Macedonia's fate is on a knife edge and nerves are frayed as NATO allies
peer into the unknown, trying to anticipate the unexpected and make all
the right contingency plans.

Western envoys shuttled Sunday between fractious Macedonian and ethnic
Albanian leaders in attempts to bridge differences on a peace plan to
bring an end to the five-month insurgency and avert the threat of a
civil war.

Envoys from the United States and the European Union were meeting
separately between the two sides in attempts to nudge them toward
consensus on the plan. But Western officials close to the talks
described them as hard going six days after they had begun.

"Everybody's still on board, the intensive and difficult talks
continue," said one diplomat, who asked not to be identified.

(AP, Reuters)

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NATO will not dissolve itself, neither will it accept Russia in its ranks [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-19 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


ListBot SponsorSopranos fanatics, this one is for you.  Tony Soprano's autographed Suburban is available for purchase on eBayTM.  James Gandolfini has personally signed the vehicle.  Find this and over 800 other Sopranos items for sale on eBay. will 
not dissolve itself, neither will it accept Russia in its ranks 
Viktor Sokolov 
Interview with the Vice President of "Reform" 
Foundation, Andranik MigranyanQ: Vladimir Putin has just 
suggested that either NATO dissolves itself or accepts Russia in its ranks as an 
equitable partner. What is this - another invitation for a discussion? Or 
perhaps, the time has come for the Alliance to either open its door for Russia 
or cease its existence?A: First of all, NATO cannot open its door for 
Russia, and neither can it dissolve itself. Putin's suggestion 
is, of course, a belated but the same continuation of the line that was more or 
less pertinent back in the 1991-1992s. The idea that it was necessary to 
dissolve NATO and set up a universal structure of security for the world and 
Europe first surfaced after the Warsaw Treaty Organization dissolved itself. 
After that, it was considered pointless to retain NATO since the mutual 
threat had disappeared, and there was no military bloc confronting 
NATO.However, the West decided to do it in its own way. They decided to 
turn NATO into a universal structure of security, without the participation of 
Russia. Moscow's attempts, through Partnership for Peace or the Founding 
Act of Russia-NATO, to become a serious factor of international security 
actually resulted in nothing. This can be seen from the Alliance's 
unilateral decision to bomb Yugoslavia. This can be seen from the repeated 
bombings of Iraq by British and American aircraft. It can be seen in a lot of 
other events.That is why Putin's words are seen as a revival of 
those positions that Russia at one time upheld, but the West ignored them. And 
Moscow seemed to have become accustomed to this.Q: Why does such a 
revival come precisely at this time?A: I think that this is connected 
with the upcoming next stage of expanding NATO eastward, with the inclusion of 
the Baltic states. The Russian side, in the person of Putin, is 
coming out with a forestalling, radical statement on this account. 
Putin is not asking why the Alliance needs Eastern Europe? Why it 
needs the Baltic states? He puts the question more radically: "Why, in general, 
do we need NATO?" And he replies to this question himself: if NATO is a 
universal structure for European security, then it must function together with 
Russia's participation. In the political aspect, I don't think that much 
will come out of this. But from the point of view of propaganda, this may have 
definite significance during discussions at the G8 summit in Genoa, as well as 
in all other discussions where the question of NATO's enlargement comes 
up.Q: Perhaps the Russia-NATO Permanent Council will work more 
energetically?A: I've already said that this council is not very 
effective. We had two lines in respect to NATO. The first - to cooperate, to 
become closer to each other and to try to influence NATO.The second was 
to distance ourselves from NATO and to find other possibilities for opposing 
NATO's expansion. The first line led to nothing. The recent 
accords with China and Putin's tough statement yesterday concerning NATO 
seem to indicate that Russia is departing from its previous line of nodding 
"yes" and following in the wake of Western policy.

© National Information Service Strana.Ru, 2000. RF Press Ministry 
Registration Certificate: El.#77-4102 of September 7, 2000. Reproduction in 
full or in part is prohibited without reference to

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Will Lukashenko and Milosevic have the same fate? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-19 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


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Will Lukashenko and Milosevic have the 
same fate? 
Lukashenko is running the risk of not only losing 
popular trust but also his power
by Yevgeny Yevdokimov, Strana.Ru observerissued on 


Full story: "Alexander 
Lukashenko Is Likely to Share Milosevic's Fate"[printable 
version] A political scandal in Belarus over abuses of power 
committed by incumbent President Alexander Lukashenko has been one of the 
key subjects covered by Russian newspapers in recent weeks. These public exposÊs 
may prove to be really harmful for Lukashenko. He is running the risk of not 
only losing popular trust, but also his power into the bargain. Presidential 
elections are slated in Belarus for September. If accusations against the 
incumbent president keep growing at the same pace as they are now, the entire 
election campaign may follow the scenario in Yugoslavia, when former President 
Slobodan Milosevic first lost the election and was then put behind bars. 
The Kommersant - Vlast magazine writes that the chief threat 
comes from the Belorussian elite, which considers Lukashenko's performance as a 
top leader to be unsatisfactory. The magazine notes that two invisible players 
could seriously influence the election's outcome: Russia and the United States. 
US policy towards Belarus in the year of the presidential election has been 
strange: the United States has noticeably reduced its aid to the Belarus 
opposition but, on the other hand, has expanded contacts with Lukashenko. True, 
America has its own logic. It must have considered that bringing a pro-Western 
politician into power at this point was unrealistic. Therefore, the Americans 
decided to wait and see until the next elections when the inevitable growth of 
social tensions and an anti-Russian sentiment will help a pro-Western politician 
to win. On the other hand, Moscow can determine a lot in Belarus' 
elections. Forty-five percent of the Belorussian elite said Moscow's stand will 
determine their vote. Although formally the Kremlin seems to be marking time, it 
is unlikely to openly back Lukashenko now despite the fact that he counts on 
this support. This can be explained by the fact that the Russian 
military-industrial complex and national gas giant Gazprom are holding serious 
grudges against Lukashenko. Belarus is extremely important for Russia in 
military terms. It produces prime movers for Russian Topol nuclear missiles and 
equipment to track nuclear explosions. A radar station in Baranovichi is the key 
element of the entire CIS aircraft defense system. The military accuses 
Lukashenko of trying to use these circumstances to his own advantage either by 
blackmailing the Russians or taking steps without their prior consent. For 
example, Lukashenko has sold several S-300 systems to the United States and a 
Mig-29 helicopter to Peru at lower than market prices. Gazprom's list is 
much longer. Belarus has built only one new gas pipeline out of the four 
promised by Lukashenko. Despite the existing contract, Lukashenko has failed to 
privatize the Belorussian state gas transportation company. When asked 
whom Moscow will support during the upcoming presidential elections in Belarus, 
an unnamed presidential administration official replied, " Do you think that 
Russia or Europe will trust Lukashenko to take care of the pipe?!"In 
addition, Russian media notes that the Belorussian opposition has been clearly 
showing its intention to borrow the experience of the Serbian "velvet 
revolution." Some Belorussian posters replicate the ones that were carried by 
the Serbs. On the eve of last year's elections, Belgrade had been plastered with 
one-word posters saying, "Finished!" Similar posters reading, "We are Sick of 
You," have appeared in Minsk. Moreover, the Kommersant Vlast magazine 
writes that some of Belarus' opposition leaders have already visited Belgrade to 
borrow valuable experience. Serbia's democratic coalition had nominated its 
candidate Vojislav Kostunica at the very last minute. It looks as if the 
same thing is going to happen in Belarus. 
Translation(full): Marina Philippova , Strana.RuPublished: 
18.07.01, 18:10

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Lunch with Djindjic two mills German marks [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-19 Thread Miroslav Antic


--- ListBot Sponsor --
Sopranos fanatics, this one is for you.  Tony Soprano's autographed
Suburban is available for purchase on eBayTM.  James Gandolfini has
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items for sale on eBay.

Lunch with Djindjic two mills German marks

Belgrade - Some of the companies that will have to pay enormous taxes
according to Law on single taxation, have idea about organization of
domestic donors' conference with participation of 500 domestic

The conference would be organized as a lunch with Prime Minister
Djindjic. The Government would present projects that should be supported
by investments while domestic companies would take part at
lunch-conference with at least two mills of German marks. Thus a billion
of German marks would be collected and after that another lunch would be
organized for the companies from Diaspora", "Blic" daily source said on
condition of anonymity.

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Le Monde Views US Efforts To Bring Russia Into NATO [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-19 Thread Miroslav Antic


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Le Monde Views US Efforts To Bring Russia Into NATO, Impact for Europe 

Le Monde
July 17, 2001
[translation fo personal use only]

Analysis by Daniel Vernet: "Will George Bush Bring Russia into NATO?" 

 A decade after the end of the Cold War and the 
demise of the Soviet Union, will George W. Bush succeed where his father

failed; namely, define a "new international order?"   An order in which 
Russia would be integrated because the area of conflicts of interests
shifted toward Asia? 
We are still far from that, and a number of decisions taken by the 
new Republican administration would suggest, rather, that the path
is that of the most traditional confrontation.   However, the tone has 
changed.   During his visit to Europe, the US President could not find 
enough kind words for Russia and for Vladimir Putin.   His entourage, 
although full of veterans of the East-West conflict who served their 
apprenticeship under Ford, Reagan, or Bush Senior, have prepared a 
rhetoric with resolutely innovative ambitions.   From that viewpoint, 
Russia no longer represents a threat for US interests -- and, it is
in Washington, for those of the Europeans, which implies a redefinition 
of transatlantic relations.   At the most, it is "a problem," to use 
French Foreign Minister Hubert Vedrine's expression. 
Hence we must stop thinking in Cold War terms and believing that 
international stability continues to be ensured by East-West agreements;

often purely US-Soviet agreements dating back around 30 years.   That is

true both of the 1972 ABM treaty and of the SALT and START treaties on 
strategic arms limitation and reduction.   The aim of the ABM treaty -- 
which confined the two great power within narrow limits for building 
antimissile systems -- was to guarantee nuclear deterrence; that is, to 
maintain the possibility of the camps' mutual destruction by a nuclear 
holocaust.   Who will serious believe today that Russia is preparing to 
launch intercontinental missiles against US cities and vice versa? asks
former senior Pentagon official who has reenlisted with Donald Rumsfeld,

George W. Bush's defense secretary. 
Of course the Americans would like to amend or even scrap the ABM 
treaty in order to be able to launch their missile defense (MD) program.

 But that is not just a tactical aim, the same personality continues:   
"To put an end to those treaties is to put an end to the spirit of the 
Cold War," he says. 
A document such as the ABM treaty requires the existence of an enemy

such as we had for 40 years after World War II.   That era is over.
order to turn our backs on the Cold War, we must put an end to the 
agreements which governed the military relations between two potential 
The first reaction of the Russians -- and the Europeans -- is to
these fine words as a kind of camouflage aimed at pushing through 
decisions calling into question the international status quo. 
But perhaps it would be necessary to ask ourselves whether, beyond
immediate concern, the Americans are not aiming eventually at a complete

redefinition of their relations with Russia and, through that, even the 
setting-up of a new security organization in Europe.   Decisions 
unpleasant in principle for Moscow are being prepared:   In addition to 
the antimissile defense program, a new enlargement of the Atlantic 
alliance, starting from 2002, which could include one or several Baltic 
states; that is, for the first time, republics which belonged to the 
former USSR but also to the former czarist Russia.   Will Russia receive

In 1997 -- two years before NATO's first eastward enlargement 
(Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic), Moscow obtained a quid pro quo:

The signing in Paris of the fundamental act on relations between Russia 
and NATO, and the setting-up of the NATO-Russia joint council.   That 
offer of cooperation fell short of the Russians' expectations.   They
been allowed to believe, among other things, that they would have a 
"right of inspection" over NATO's affairs; they were hoping for a "right

of veto."   The Kosovo war showed them that the joint council could not 
prevent the Atlantic alliance's 19 members from disregarding Moscow's 
objections.   And so the Russians stayed away from that council's 
meetings for several months and are now rejecting all the proposals for 
relaunching made by the Westerners. 
Another form of compensation for NATO's expansion could be
Although it is not the official position, some people in Washington are 
talking about a cancellation of the debt contracted by the former USSR:

An act of generosity which would