Re: [Stripes-users] Stripes Book Example Issue

2009-03-10 Thread Oscar Westra van Holthe - Kind
On 10-03-2009 at 11:02, Seth Duda wrote:
 Now, the issue I have with this is what happens if the user list changes
 before the user presses submit? The indexes assigined in
 users[${index}].roles might no longer refer to the correct user.
 How would you go about actually building something like this?

I usually build such a page around a table that changes the least, i.e. I'd
assign roles to users instead of users to roles. As the roles table hardly
ever changes, this will work better. Although still not foolproof.


  /() ) Oscar Westra van holthe - Kind
 (__ (
=/  ()  Don't let your boss fuck you; that's anti-capitalist.

Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] Stripes Book Example Issue

2009-03-10 Thread Ben Gunter
When I have a form to edit multiple entities at once, I use indexed
properties in a similar manner to this example. What I do not do is allow
the list that I'm indexing into to be initialized before binding takes
place, for exactly the reason you have pointed out. Instead, I always have a
TypeConverter in place for the entity type that I'm editing, and in my
iterator I place a hidden input that allows Stripes to get the entity from
the TypeConverter and insert it into the list. Something like this:

== JSP ==
s:form ...
c:forEach var=entity varStatus=loop items=${actionBean.entities}
s:hidden name=entities[${loop.index}] /
s:text name=entities[${loop.index}].foo /

== ActionBean ==
@ValidateNestedProperties({ ... })
private ListFoo entities; // plus getter  setter

public Resolution view() {
entities = getContext().getFooDao().list();
return new ForwardResolution(...);

public Resolution update() {
if (entities != null) {
for (Foo entity : entities) {
if (entity != null) {

return new RedirectResolution(...);

In my ActionBean, I only initialize the list when I'm forwarding to the
form, not when handling the form submission. And just to be safe, I disable
binding altogether for the view() method. In my JSP, I include a hidden
input for each iteration in the loop so that Stripes will bind the correct
entity into the list on form submission.


On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 11:02 AM, Seth Duda wrote:

 On page 317 there is an example of adding role checkboxes to a list of
 users. Next to each user, the JSP adds a User and Administrator checkbox
 where you can select roles for the user. Then, at the bottom of the screen,
 there's a submit button to update all of the user roles in the list.

 public class UserListActionBean extends BaseActionBean {
 private ListUser users =;
 private ListUser getUsers() {
 return users;
 public ListRole getRoles() {
 public Resolution save() {
 for( User user : users ) {;


 c:set var=index value=0/


 displaytag:table name=${actionBean.users} id=user /
 c:forEach var=role items=${actionBean.roles}
 s:checkbox name=users[${index}].roles value=${role}
 c:set var=index value=${index+1}/

 s:submit name=save/


 Now, the issue I have with this is what happens if the user list changes
 before the user presses submit? The indexes assigined in
 users[${index}].roles might no longer refer to the correct user.

 How would you go about actually building something like this?

 The best solution I can think of would be to define a
 MapString,ListRoles userRolesMap in the action bean. Then, in the
 table I would set the checkbox name to: userRolesMap['${}']
 Finally, to update the roles when the user presses save, loop through the
 users, and check to see if the userRolesMap contains the user's id - if it
 does assign the user roles and update the user.

 Does anyone else have any better solutions to solve this?


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