[OT] BSF still alive?

2004-03-03 Thread Gregory F. March


I know this is way off topic, but I was wondering if someone you help
me out with a bunch of questions related to BSF:

Does anyone know the current status of BSF?  Is it still actively
developed (I see the last release on the IBM site was from 2001 and
2002 from the apache site)? Was it superseded by something?  Are there
decent (up to date) resource available?

I'd really appreciate any help, but you may want to take it off line
since it's not directly struts related...



Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Re: Breadcrumbs

2004-02-23 Thread Gregory F. March

Not sure if there is any formal method, but we wound up building our


On Feb 23, 2004, "Miller, Judd M,,DMDCWEST" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |I hope someone responds to this, because I have the same question.
 |--Judd Miller
 |-Original Message-
 |From: Andy Engle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 |Sent: Saturday, February 21, 2004 11:36 PM
 |Subject: Breadcrumbs
 |Hi all,
 |Is there any slick way of putting breadcrumbs into a web app with Struts?
 |If so, what's the preferred way?
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Re: [FRIDAY] YA Stuts In Action / JUnit in Action Trivia Quiz

2004-02-07 Thread Gregory F. March

On Feb 7, 2004, "Higdon, Brian [VIS-Non J&J]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |Here is my entry for your contest...

Doh!  (Third time is a charm!)

Oh, and what he said...  :-)


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Re: bean:write

2004-01-30 Thread Gregory F. March

On Jan 30, 2004, "David Erickson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |What type of formatting are you looking to do?

We are formatting dates, currency, and numbers.

I think we will extend the bean:write in a custom tag and just check for null
ourselves - very minimal code change this way (which is important for us at 
this stage).



Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Re: bean:write

2004-01-30 Thread Gregory F. March

On Jan 30, 2004, "David Erickson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |Greg: you could alternatively use the JSTL Core tags, if the bean is null it
 |doesn't write anything I believe.  The format is 
 |otherwise if you really want to use bean:write you could enclose it in a
 | or


Thanks for the response.  This would be the perfect solution (thank goodness 
for emacs macros!) except we use the format attribute in many places.  

Not being a jstl expert, is there an option for formatting?



Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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2004-01-30 Thread Gregory F. March

I haven't been able to confirm this first hand, but one of my team members 
(who is not on this list) is trying to do a bean:write.

The problem is that sometimes, the bean that is being displayed is null.  My 
question is what is the proper way to handle this?  

We tried to play with the ignore="true" attribute for been:write should handle
this, but it doesn't appear to work.  We could do a logic:ifPresent (or 
whatever that tag is), but if we had to do it in a bunch of places, it could 
make things ugly.

Any help would be appreciated... 



Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Re: editor

2004-01-22 Thread Gregory F. March

On Jan 22, 2004, "dirk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |Does anybody knows a good and free struts editor ?=20

Ob. Emacs plug...


Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Re: [FRIDAY] YA Stuts In Action / JUnit in Action Trivia Quiz

2003-11-27 Thread Gregory F. March


On Nov 27, 2003, Edgar P Dollin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |1) Computing Machinery and Intelligence
 |2) Alan M. Turing
 |Bonus I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream
 |PS, never read any Turing, but now I understand his influence.  Still
 |haven't read an Ellison, my patience with Science Fiction left after 30
 |years of Trek.
 |> -Original Message-
 |> From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 |> Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2003 12:56 AM
 |> To: Struts Users Mailing List
 |> Subject: [FRIDAY] YA Stuts In Action / JUnit in Action Trivia Quiz
 |> Last time, we asked contestants to identify the cartoonist 
 |> responsible for this gem:
 |> Tour of Accounting:
 |> "Over here we have our random number generator."
 |> "Are you sure that's random?"
 |> "That's the problem with randomness: You can never be sure."
 |> The answer, of course, is: Scott Adams, born June 8, 1957, 
 |> who launched the Dilbert strip in 1989.
 |>  From the several correct responses, we arbitrarily selected
 |> as our winning contestant. (Becky, please send your surface 
 |> mail address to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and indicate whether you 
 |> would like JUnit in Action or Struts in Action)
 |> NEXT:
 |> In 1950, the journal MIND, a Quarterly Review of Psychology 
 |> and Philosophy, published a seminal paper regarding 
 |> artificial intelligence.
 |> 1 What was the title of the paper?
 |> 2 Who was the author of the paper?
 |> Any contestants correctly answering these two questions will 
 |> qualify for this week's drawing. As always, the correct 
 |> answers are the ones that I expect :)
 |> 3 The author of this paper used his initials for his first 
 |> and middle name. What Hugo-winning story by Harlan Ellison 
 |> regarding artificial intelligence features a protagonist 
 |> whose name are these same two initials?
 |> Any contestant correctly answering the bonus question will 
 |> also qualify, regardless. :) [I do love my Ellison!]
 |> The contest will run until Thursday, December 4, 2003, 
 |> 23:59:59, so everyone has a chance to participate.
 |> The lucky winner selected from the correct responses will 
 |> receive their choice of either a signed copy of Struts in 
 |> Action *OR* JUnit in Action.
 |> PLEASE be sure to reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |> If you have an interesting science fiction or computer 
 |> science question that is hard, or at least fun, to google, 
 |> please send it to me. The first to suggest a question that we 
 |> use also wins!
 |> -Ted.
 |> PLEASE be sure to reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |> -- 
 |> Ted Husted,
 |>Junit in Action  - <http://www.manning.com/massol/>,
 |>Struts in Action - <http://husted.com/struts/book.html>,
 |>JSP Site Design  - 
 |> <http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=> 1861005512>.
 |To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Re: logic:iterate within a logic:iterate?

2003-10-02 Thread Gregory F. March

On Oct 2, 2003, "Smith, Johnathan M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |In Struts 1.0.2?
 |Can I have a logic:iterate within a logic:iterate loop??


 |If so can someone please send me a sample


   stuff here




Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Re: logic:iterate problem

2003-09-26 Thread Gregory F. March

Make sure your getters and setters conform to the Java naming conventions - I 
got burned by something similar and that was the root cause...



On Sep 26, 2003, "MaFai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |Hello, struts-user,
 |customers is set by request.setAttribute
 |pps is string value.
 |testb is a int value
 |If remove the testb ,it run smoonthly.
 |If change testb to boolean,it also run smoothly.
 |It always throw the exception
 |org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Cannot find message resources under key or
 | g.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE
 |Why?I'm stun at these 2 days.
 |Best regards. 
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Struggling with Struts: Forms, submits and links

2003-09-23 Thread Gregory F. March

Hi all...

I am having a recurring issue while developing my app using struts.  I know I
h ave discussed it here before, and some workarounds were presented, but I
want to reiterate the problem again because I can't believe others are not
running into it as often as I am.

The problem is that I have forms that I need to have clickable text in them.

For example, I have a list of names, addresses, etc.  One per row.  I have a
"new search" submit button and a "next" and "prev" button.  I am using a
LookupDispatchAction to distinguish the three.  But, I also need to be able to
click on the name to bring up the details for that row.  It can't be a button,
it must be text.

The solution has been to do some form of jsp where I call the jsp "submit" 
method passing in some hodgepodge list of arguments to call my action with 
the appropriate parameter set.

This is such a kludge for what I find to be a very common webapp occurrence.

Am I missing something obvious?  Or is there just no way to do this in 
struts?  Any help on this would be greatly appreciated...



Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Re: Nested properties and vectors

2003-09-19 Thread Gregory F. March

On Sep 19, 2003, Michael Ruppin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |I never got any official confirmation on this, but in my experience, you can'
 | t do this without the nested taglib.  You can nest with strut tags, and you 
 | can index, and you can nest and index, but only if the indexed object is the
 |  furthest nested.  In other words, sl.s[0] would work, but sl[0].s never wil
 | l.

Well, I know I can get there with a second interate loop.  What I'm
doing now is to in fact have that second iterate loop with a length=1 so
I only get the first element.

I just wish there was a way to get there directly...



Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Action parameter field

2003-09-19 Thread Gregory F. March

I have an  tag that is passing paramId, paramName and
paramProperty to a LookupDispatchAction action.

How can I set the parameter so the LookupDispatchAction functions
properly?  I know I can do it with javascript, but I don't like
hardcoding the parameter in the jsp.  I also know that the html:link tag
can take a map, but I don't know how to build that in my jsp.

I was thinking of having the link call a forward action and that action
could specify a parameter in addition to the one that I set, but I'm not
sure if this can be done, and I can't find any reference as to the
syntax of the parameter attribute of an action in the struts-config.xml
file.  Is it something like:

   parameter="my.forward.location;myAction=processrequest" ?



Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Nested properties and vectors

2003-09-19 Thread Gregory F. March

I have a class that contains a member that is a vector.  I have a vector
of these objects in the session and I am iterating through them.

I need to access the first element in that sub-vector.  How does one go
about doing this?

For example:

public myClass {
   mySubClass[] sl;

public mySubClass {
   String s;

and in my action, something like:

new mySubList sl = new Vector();
new myList l = new myClass();


In my jsp, I have something like:

How do I get that sl[0].s into my jsp?  I'm looking for an "as
struts-only" solution as I can find.



Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Re: Passing variables for logic:iterate

2003-09-15 Thread Gregory F. March

On Sep 15, 2003, "Susan Bradeen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |I think this might be one of those cases where you go through "comment out 
 |parts of your JSP code and try again" iterations to find what is causing 
 |the error. Not very elegant, but it has worked for me. 

Thanks Susan, that's what I wound up doing.  Still not sure what it was
(maybe an empty string for one of my iterate properties?).

Too bad it doesn't give some form of a stack trace...


Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Re: Passing variables for logic:iterate

2003-09-15 Thread Gregory F. March

On Sep 15, 2003, "Mainguy, Mike" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |1st, Thank you, I didn't realize the logic:Iterate tag had those two
 |properties, so you've indirectly saved me some effort.

Thanks for the answers...

As a first go-round, I'm trying the bean:define suggestion from Robert.

On (I believe) the logic:iterate tag, I am getting:

[Exception in:/bf/search/results.jsp] java.lang.String

and I can't figure out why.  How does one go about debugging this kind
of thing?



Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Passing variables for logic:iterate

2003-09-15 Thread Gregory F. March

Ok, this is probably a dumb questio, but here it goes...

I am trying to iterate over a portion of a list.  I have calculated the
portion (the offset and length) in my action.  I have two entries in my


And I am doing a myform.set("pageOffset", String.valueOf(myCalcOffset));

The iterate is:


It just plain doesn't work.  If I substitute something like "5" for
pageOffset or pageLength,  it works like a champ.

What am I missing?  It's got to be something simple...



Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Re: multiple submit redirect in action

2003-09-11 Thread Gregory F. March

On Sep 11, 2003, "Stephane Grenier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |I would like to create a form with 2 submit buttons in the jsp:
 |I would like to determine in the action which submit button was pressed =
 |and forward from there based on some conditions. How can I determine in =
 |the action which submit button was pressed ?

Read up on LookupDispatchAction - it is exactly what you are looking


Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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SOLVED: Re: jsp -> java naming issue

2003-09-11 Thread Gregory F. March

On Sep 11, 2003, "Gregory F. March" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |public Vector getWireData() {
 |public void setWireData(WireData[] _wireInfo) {
 |wireInfo = new Vector();
 |for(int i = 0; i < _wireInfo.length; i++) {
 |BfWireData wd = new BfWireData();

Max was on the right track, just wrong place (even though he is right
about what he pointed out!).

This is new to me (the whole naming convention thing), and it was
pointed out that the setter must take the same type as the getter

I did that, and it worked.

Anybody know a good dent remover in NYC?  I need to remove the dents in
my forehead from pounding it on the table...

Thanks all...


Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Re: jsp -> java naming issue

2003-09-11 Thread Gregory F. March

Ok, how about dem apples?

I added the following code to my jsp file inside the outer iterate just
before the inner iterate references the wireData property:

<% System.out.println("Wire = " + item.getWireData()); %>

I can access the wireData() no problem, and then I get the servlet

[ServletException in:/bf/search/results.jsp] No getter method for
property wireData of bean item'

(notice the single, single quote - did someone forget one?).

I think there is some map getting trashed someplace in the struts code.
Does that sound possible?

Or... Could WLS 6.1SP4 have a bug in the jsp compilation?

Just thinking out loud...


Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Re: jsp -> java naming issue

2003-09-11 Thread Gregory F. March

On Sep 11, 2003, "Gregory F. March" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |My action (BfPerformSearch.java):
 |BfSearchAdapter bfsa = new BfSearchAdapter(ad, bfsc);
 |request.setAttribute("bfData", bfsa.getbfData());
 |My adapter (BfSearchAdapter.java):
 |BankFullEntryData[] bed = SomeFunction();
 |bflist = new Vector();
 |for(int i = 0; i < bed.length; i++) {
 |BfFullEntryData bffed = new BfFullEntryData();
 |LOOK HERE - #1 !!!

Sorry, I should have mentioned that bfsa.getbfData() returns bflist.


Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Re: jsp -> java naming issue

2003-09-11 Thread Gregory F. March

Ok, you asked for it! :-)

This is kind of circular, so I have to pick some place to start.

I will start by showing how the vectors are created, and then move
towards the jsp...  All comments removed to save space.

While looking at the code snippets, look at the "LOOK HERE - # !!!"
(there are two).  If setWireData is called in the adapter and
property="wireData" is used in the jsp, it fails with the no getter
error.  If either of them use the Xyzzy getter it works.

The same thing occurs if I don't use the nested iterate and just do a

I hope this makes sense!  Thanks!


My action (BfPerformSearch.java):

BfSearchAdapter bfsa = new BfSearchAdapter(ad, bfsc);

request.setAttribute("bfData", bfsa.getbfData());

My adapter (BfSearchAdapter.java):

BankFullEntryData[] bed = SomeFunction();

bflist = new Vector();

for(int i = 0; i < bed.length; i++) {
BfFullEntryData bffed = new BfFullEntryData();

LOOK HERE - #1 !!!



My DTO (BfFullEntryData.java):

public class BfFullEntryData
BfEntryData  nameAndAddress = null;
Vector   wireInfo   = null;
BfEntryData  advBank= null;

public BfEntryData getName() {

public void setName(BankEntryData _nameAndAddress) {
nameAndAddress = new BfEntryData();


public Vector getXyzzy() {

public void setXyzzy(WireData[] _wireInfo) {

public Vector getWireData() {

public void setWireData(WireData[] _wireInfo) {
wireInfo = new Vector();

for(int i = 0; i < _wireInfo.length; i++) {
BfWireData wd = new BfWireData();


My jsp (results.jsp):






























LOOK HERE - #2 !!!














On Sep 11, 2003, Erez Efrati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |Some code snippets would shed some light here... :)
 |-Original Message-
 |From: Gregory F. March [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 |Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 6:07 PM
 |Subject: jsp -> java naming issue
 |Back to coding...  I've been struggling with an issue for the past two
 |days that I just cannot solve.  There is a bunch of stuff going on, but
 |I believe I have narrowed it down to the following.
 |Here are the cast of characters:
 |Vector v1 of data that contains an element that is another Vector v2.
 |A jsp that iterates through both vectors
 |Class c1 that contains the data for v1 with appropriate getters and
 |Class c2 that contains the data for v2 with appropriate getters and
 |An adapter that populates the Vector v1 and v2 using the above two
 |What happens:
 |jsp does a logic:iterate id=item name=v1
 |jsp does a bean:write name=item property=v2
 |I get a servlet exception saying there is no getter method for property
 |v1 of bean item.
 |Here is where it gets weird.  It is convoluted, so bear with me...
 |If I create a dummy getter (getXyzzy) and setter (setXyzzy) in c1 that
 |simply call the original getters and setters (getV2, setV2), and have
 |the jsp do a bean:write name=item property=xyzzy, it works (no
 |If I leave the jsp alone (bean:write n

jsp -> java naming issue

2003-09-11 Thread Gregory F. March

Back to coding...  I've been struggling with an issue for the past two
days that I just cannot solve.  There is a bunch of stuff going on, but
I believe I have narrowed it down to the following.

Here are the cast of characters:

Vector v1 of data that contains an element that is another Vector v2.
A jsp that iterates through both vectors
Class c1 that contains the data for v1 with appropriate getters and setters
Class c2 that contains the data for v2 with appropriate getters and setters
An adapter that populates the Vector v1 and v2 using the above two classes

What happens:

jsp does a logic:iterate id=item name=v1
jsp does a bean:write name=item property=v2

I get a servlet exception saying there is no getter method for property
v1 of bean item.

Here is where it gets weird.  It is convoluted, so bear with me...

If I create a dummy getter (getXyzzy) and setter (setXyzzy) in c1 that
simply call the original getters and setters (getV2, setV2), and have
the jsp do a bean:write name=item property=xyzzy, it works (no

If I leave the jsp alone (bean:write name=item property=v2), but change
the adapter to call setXyzzy instead of setV2, it works too!

In other words, the following table occurs:

jsp adapter works
property=v2 setV2   No
property=xyzzy  setV2   Yes
property=v2 setXyzzyYes

I am totally stumped as to why this is occurring.  Now, keep in mind
that other bean:write's on item are working fine.

Any help would be really, really appreciated.  I've had two other people
look at it and they are stumped too.

If I didn't make myself clear, let me know and I'll try my best to
explain it better.



Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Re: YASJR, Part Duex

2003-09-11 Thread Gregory F. March

On Sep 11, 2003, "Steve Raeburn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |Who do they sue if the code you've written in-house is faulty?

Faulty code was not what I was referring to.  Malicious code, hacks,
timebombs, etc. was.  In the case of "in house" maliciousness, you lose
your job, lose benefits and legal action will be taken against you.  In
the case of external maliciousness, restitution for damages will usually
be sought.

Quality is another issue, and I can defend struts pretty well on that

In any case, I think this is digressing.  I've gotten some great points
from all of you - thanks!!



Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Re: YASJR, Part Duex

2003-09-11 Thread Gregory F. March

On Sep 11, 2003, Gregory Seidman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |Actually, by agreeing to the End User License Agreement (EULA), to which
 |you must agree to use the software, you waive all rights to bring suit
 |against Microsoft since they disclaim all warranty that the software is
 |suitable for any purpose whatsoever. With open source, there is no one to
 |sue; with commercial software (especially Microsoft), there is no legal
 |basis for a suit.


I'm no lawyer, but I play one on TV...

If there is money involved, there can be lawsuits.  While MS might not
be technically liable based on the ELUA, they can definitely be sued and
compensation can definitly be had - in or out of court.

At least, that is my understanding of the US legal system, but I can
always be reprogrammed, er, reeducated. :-)

And, actually, while I'm not privy to the big licensing arrangements
done by my company, I believe I overheard that liability had been worked
into the agreement (obviously, this was not with MS...).



Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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YASJR, Part Duex

2003-09-11 Thread Gregory F. March

Again, thanks to all who responded.  Your replies are very helpful.

As someone pointed out, there are hacks in MS Word and other commercial
products, so even commercial companies are not immune from hacks.

In this case however, MS can have a lawsuit brought against them if
damage is done.  How do I argue the issue that we can't do the same with
OSS with my management?

[Yes, I know this is getting a little off topic, so feel free to shut it
down when it goes too far.]



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Re: YASJR (Yet Another Struts Justification Request)

2003-09-10 Thread Gregory F. March

On Sep 11, 2003, Shane Mingins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |Have u seen http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/volunteers.html

Have now, thanks!


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Re: YASJR (Yet Another Struts Justification Request)

2003-09-10 Thread Gregory F. March

On Sep 10, 2003, "Gregory F. March" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |I am not aware of how the actual commits are done, but how does
 |publicizing them on a development list stop anything?  Someone still has
 |to do the cvs command to commit the change and that is where the
 |malicious person can infect the codebase.  But, then again, maybe I'm
 |missing something...

It's kind of embarassing that I don't know this by now, but is there a
list of the actual commiter's names?   And, have any of them responded
to this query?

Thanks... it will help in the credibility of the responses to my



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Re: YASJR (Yet Another Struts Justification Request)

2003-09-10 Thread Gregory F. March

On Sep 10, 2003, "Steve Raeburn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |If they're worried about rogue committers -- and I'd say we're probably all
 |rogues ;-) -- you can monitor the struts-dev list and be notified of every
 |single change to the codebase as it happens. I bet you can't get that level
 |of reassurance from any commercial vendor.

I am not aware of how the actual commits are done, but how does
publicizing them on a development list stop anything?  Someone still has
to do the cvs command to commit the change and that is where the
malicious person can infect the codebase.  But, then again, maybe I'm
missing something...

 |Out of interest, what web server is your bank running its website on?
 |Apache, by any chance? :-)

Nope, WLS 6.1SP4. :-(

Thanks for everyone's response!


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YASJR (Yet Another Struts Justification Request)

2003-09-10 Thread Gregory F. March

I seem to have successfully pushed Struts in my company (a big Wall
St. bank).  However, today, I was asked the following question:

How can I guarantee that there are no hacks, bombs, etc. in the
Struts code or any OS code for that matter?

My immediate response was, how can you guarantee it for any code?
However, being a large bank with literally trillions of dollars a day
passing though our systems, I can definitely understand their concern.

At a minimum, we will obtain the source code and at least do a minimal
code walk-through and then compile our own binaries.

What other guarantees can I make to my management?  What is the process
the Struts team uses to control a rogue contributor?



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Re: html:checkbox, iterate and a value

2003-08-15 Thread Gregory F. March

On Aug 15, 2003, "Ben Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |have you looked at multibox?

No, I haven't.  But, I have now...  :-)

It has the same issues as combobox however.  Also, I was aware of your
solution with non struts tags, but I was hoping for a "struts only"

Another solution similar to yours is to not use the html:combobox tag,
but rather to use the regular input tag combined with a bean:write tag.

But, I'm sure the struts developers had something different in mind and
that is the solution I'd like to use (partly because I'm trying to show
some non-believers that struts can handle simple things like this).



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html:checkbox, iterate and a value

2003-08-15 Thread Gregory F. March

What is the "proper" way to build html:checkbox's inside of an
logic:iterate loop?

It seems that the html:checkbox's value parameter can't reference a
property from the bean of the iterate loop.

I have something close to:



The html:link works great.  I just don't know how to achieve the same
for the checkbox.  What I get sent is:


Not much of a help.  I really need the value of that uniqueKey to be the
value of the checkbox.

Any help steering me in the right direction would be appreciated.



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Re: struts war files in weblogic

2003-08-14 Thread Gregory F. March

On Aug 11, 2003, "message message" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |Is it possible to deploy a struts war file into weblogic  ?
 |Is so where is it placed  ?

I have my ant script put my war in the directory:


I also have a target that can put the exploded war in the same place.
This is with WLS 6.1 SP4.  I believe the same works for 8.


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[OT] Re: Struts Problem!!!!Urgent

2003-08-14 Thread Gregory F. March

On Aug 7, 2003, "Sridhar Kotagiri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |   I have a HashMap in my ActionForm bean.I am able to display the data.Butwh
 | en I submit this form
 |   I am unable to carry the data.can anyone help me regarding this.

No offense, but why is your issue more urgent than anyone else's that it
requires "Urgent" in the subject?


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Re: Struts and Weblogic Portal 4

2003-08-14 Thread Gregory F. March

...just had the BEA folks here.  I think you may want to consider 8.1
instead of 4 if you can.  Of course, they want to sell the new
version, but everything they were saying indicated that 8.1 was
"struts ready" and none of the previous versions were.

Then again, I've never used portal, so I could be completely wrong.


On Aug 11, 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

 |hi there ,
 |I am using Struts 1.1 with weblogic portal 4. sp 3 .I was wondering if
 |anyone had any idea of integrating portlets 
 |with struts . Basically I figured out a way of calling struts from my
 |portlet but how do I do vice versa
 |Also I want to continue using the portlet functionality ie...portal pages
 |with in built portlets , is that a feasible solution ?
 |The other option I have is to use webflows with IP nodes/Pipelines..etc
 |(which has been phased out in weblogic 8.)
 |Any ideas/comments will be helpful too !!!
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Re: [OT] - [TOPIC] - [VOTE]

2003-08-05 Thread Gregory F. March

On Aug 5, 2003, "Puneet Agarwal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |With growing traffic on this mailing list, it has become difficult to
 |search for mails to read or not to read.
 |For better participation in the forum, we can have following norm.

I think this is difficult to do since one question can cover many
categories.  And, for the newbie (like me!), it is hard to understand
exactly what we're asking.

Personally, I think the best thing to do is to remind people to keep the
subject relevant to the thread.  I.e., if the discussion changes course,
change the subject to something more appropriate.  The typical usenet
way of doing it was to take the original subject, say:

   Subject: my action form ate my dog

and replace it with:

   Subject: dog locked in basement [was: my action form ate my dog]

This, along with clipping your replies to only the important content can
contribute to a good signal to noise ratio for the archives.

My $0.02...



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Re: 2 different submits on a single JSP - how?

2003-08-01 Thread Gregory F. March

On Aug 1, 2003, "yan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |My query is this: I am aware that I have 2 
 |'s, one for the 'Find School' submit button and one for the 'Register
 |Me/Update Details' submit button.

The way I did this was to use a LookupDispatchAction and have both
submits call the same action.  The LookupDispatchAction will decided
which "execute" method to call.


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Re: Use html:link and LookupDispatchAction together

2003-07-25 Thread Gregory F. March

We've done this using the following, non-html:link solution:

function submitPageX(name) 



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Re: Validation and Multi-Page Forms

2003-07-25 Thread Gregory F. March

I understand the logic, but the assumption is that a wizard must always
be finished from start to end, in order.  That is not always the case.

It would be great if you could set it to either this behavior or one
that validates *only* the current page.


On Jul 25, 2003, Erez Efrati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |Yes it's exactly how it is.
 |-Original Message-----
 |From: Gregory F. March [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 |Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 4:55 PM
 |To: Struts Users Mailing List
 |Subject: Re: Validation and Multi-Page Forms
 |On Jul 25, 2003, Erez Efrati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:
 | |You should take a look at the example bundled with Struts -
 | |"struts-validator" it shows exactly how to validate by page basis.
 |Right, but I thought that it will validate all fields that are <=
 |current page?  As opposed to fields that are == current page.
 |Is that true?
 |Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-
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Re: Validation and Multi-Page Forms

2003-07-25 Thread Gregory F. March

On Jul 25, 2003, Erez Efrati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |You should take a look at the example bundled with Struts -
 |"struts-validator" it shows exactly how to validate by page basis.

Right, but I thought that it will validate all fields that are <=
current page?  As opposed to fields that are == current page.

Is that true?


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Re: More validation woes

2003-07-24 Thread Gregory F. March

On Jul 24, 2003, "Yansheng Lin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |That's what 
 |  return (new ActionForward(mapping.getInput());
 |returns.  An ActionForward to the jsp that generated the error.

My mistake!  I misread your code snippet.  Sorry!


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Re: More validation woes

2003-07-24 Thread Gregory F. March

On Jul 24, 2003, "Yansheng Lin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |I forgot how you implemented your return statement, but
 |  return  new ActionForward(mapping.getInput());
 |should work.

I don't think it works.  An Action.execute() returns an ActionForward.
ActionMapping.getInput() returns a string.  Type conflict.

Or, am I doing something really dumb?


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Re: More validation woes

2003-07-24 Thread Gregory F. March

On Jul 23, 2003, Yansheng Lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 |It's a common error. Somehow you are not forwarding back to the jsp page that
 |generated the error.
 |Put a System.out statement in front of mapping.getInputForward().  I bet it's
 |different from mapping.getInput();

And just so I understand what is happening, why would forwarding to a
page that is not the one that generated the error, but to another page
that handles the error be an issue?



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Re: More validation woes

2003-07-23 Thread Gregory F. March

On Jul 23, 2003, Yansheng Lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 |It's a common error. Somehow you are not forwarding back to the jsp page that
 |generated the error.
 |Put a System.out statement in front of mapping.getInputForward().  I bet it's
 |different from mapping.getInput();

Well, actually, I had mapping.getInput, but I got an "imcompatible type"
compile error.  return want's ActionForward while mapping.getInput()
returns String.

The O'Reilly book shows this done with mapping.getInput() too...

According to the javadoc, it looks like getInputForward is the
appropriate call.

Any ideas?



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More validation woes

2003-07-23 Thread Gregory F. March

I am creating ActionErrors in my action:

ActionErrors actionErrors = new ActionErrors();
 new ActionError("application.errors.msg",
 "some string"));
saveErrors(request, actionErrors);

and I am trying to reference them in my jsp by either putting the:

tag or using:


I am not getting anything in the resulting html.

Can someone help me out?  I'm not even sure where to go from here.



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Re: Using the validator for client side field modifications

2003-07-21 Thread Gregory F. March

On Jul 21, 2003, "Yansheng Lin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |You can call validateDate, etc anywhere in your form, provide that you loaded
 |then correctly.
 |Something like onblur="validateInteger()" will validate whether they are


So, what you are saying is that struts will insert code (javascript)
into the html it generates so that the onblur validation can take place?

In which case, I can create custom validation rules for fields with my
own custom javascript and they will be inserted as well?  As in:




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Using the validator for client side field modifications

2003-07-21 Thread Gregory F. March

Hi.  I've been reading through some of the documentation and I haven't
found exactly what I'm looking for.  I'm sure (famous last words) that
this is possible, but I need confirmation for a presentation I'm

I have a form with text fields that I need to convert to upper case,
verify they contain only numbers, etc., but I need to do it "real time",
i.e. using onBlur (this is due to the fact that I am converting an
existing application and need similar functionality).  The users want to
see the fields converted and checked when they tab/click out of the

I have been reading about the validator and the "validator:javascript
formname=myForm" / "onSubmit=validateMyForm" tag combo, but I'm not sure
it does what I want as it seems to be doing a *form* validation.

Could someone point me in the correct direction?  My goal is to
consolidate all the javascript into the validator.xml file so I can
reference it by name.  Should I just be using a simple javascript
include instead?



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Re: Searching the mailing list

2003-07-17 Thread Gregory F. March

On Jul 17, 2003, "Sri Sankaran" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |Try using http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=struts-user instead.

Works great!  Thanks!


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Searching the mailing list

2003-07-17 Thread Gregory F. March


It seems that searching using this link (from jakarta/struts website):

http://nagoya.apache.org/eyebrowse/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

is not working.  Searching for anything is returning "Text search not
available for this list".

Does anyone know what's up or who to contact?



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Struts, search, and approval...

2003-07-11 Thread Gregory F. March

First a quick note.  It seems that searching of the struts list archive
is not working.  A search for "forward" in the body is returning zero
results.  I think there should be just a few hits for that one. :-)

Next, I have developed a POC for a product I'm working on.  However,
struts is not currently an "approved" tool where I work.  I am looking
for statements by big companies / organizations like (especially) Sun,
Weblogic, IBM, etc. that are endorsing this tool.

I am also looking for a "Top 10" list of reason why we should approve it
as a viable tool irrespective of what other companies think.  I think
this was mentioned here a few weeks ago (which is why I mentioned the
issue with searching above), so I'll apologize up front for starting
this thread again.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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multi-user development

2003-07-07 Thread Gregory F. March

I am about to allow others to work on my project now that I've set up
much of the framework.

I can see a few problems, most notable is the struts-config.xml file.  I
believe there will be much contention for this file.

I seem to recall a discussion about splitting this file up into multiple
config files, but it appears that the search facility on the
apache/struts site is down.

Is splitting the config file possible?  If so, how?

Also, assuming the above is possible, what are others doing for this?
I.e., do you have multiple config files based on modules in your app?
For example, I assume the way *not* to do this would be to have an
"action-config.xml" file, but rather a "functional-area1.xml" file.
But, this assumes you can have multiple tags/sections for things like
global-forwards and action-mappings.  Can you?

Any insight would be really appreciated.



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Re: html:reset and DynaValidatorForm / LookupDispatchAction

2003-06-16 Thread Gregory F. March

On Jun 16, 2003, "Karr, David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |Uh, no, they really do have nothing to do with each other.  The "reset" tag i
 | s used entirely on the client side.  The "reset" method is used on the serve
 | r side, just before populating the ActionForm from request parameters.  Clic
 | king the reset button does not call the reset method.

Doh!  I didn't realize that.  Sorry!  So then, does a 
tag ever call an action?  It sounds like it doesn't by what you are



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Re: html:reset and DynaValidatorForm / LookupDispatchAction

2003-06-16 Thread Gregory F. March

On Jun 16, 2003, Gemes Tibor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |2003-06-16, h keltezéssel Gregory F. March ezt írta:
 |> Ok, and since the DynaValidatorForm's reset doesn't do anything, this
 |> tag is meaningless in this case.  Ug.
 |The reset method of a form, and the 
 |has nothing to do w/ each other at all. They have the same name, and
 |nothing else.

I understand that, but in this case, the  will call
the DynaValidatorForm's reset() method which, according to the javadoc,
doesn't do anything.  That's what I meant by the html:reset tag being
meaningless in this case, e.g. it's a no-op.  Perhaps my choice of words
was not optimal...



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Re: html:reset and DynaValidatorForm / LookupDispatchAction

2003-06-16 Thread Gregory F. March

On Jun 16, 2003, Gemes Tibor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |2003-06-16, h keltezéssel Gregory F. March ezt írta:
 |> I have an html:reset tag in my jsp.  When I click on it, I don't seem to
 |> get notified in my action.  Is this normal?  I have a multipage form and
 |> I'd like reset to go back to the first page.
 |Yes. It just resets the form into the state as 
 |if it was just loaded.

Ok, and since the DynaValidatorForm's reset doesn't do anything, this
tag is meaningless in this case.  Ug.

I guess I can always make it a submit tag and do the reset myself.



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html:reset and DynaValidatorForm / LookupDispatchAction

2003-06-16 Thread Gregory F. March

I have an html:reset tag in my jsp.  When I click on it, I don't seem to
get notified in my action.  Is this normal?  I have a multipage form and
I'd like reset to go back to the first page.

Also, it looks like after all my work to remove my form class, I will
need to put it back in since DynaActionForm has a no-op reset method.
Is this true?  It kind of defeats the purpose of the Dyna form since the
reset in my subclassed DynaValidatorForm will have to have knowledge of
the form.  Am I looking at this correctly?

Thanks, and sorry for so many questions!


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Re: conditional validation in validation.xml

2003-06-14 Thread Gregory F. March

On Jun 13, 2003, Jordan Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |So what the validator does is only validate the field if the page attribute
 |is >=.

Right, and that's my problem.  I want the validation when the page
attribute == the value.

My form is "generally" created in page order, but not always, hence my
need for this feature.

I guess I'll have to write my own validator.


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Re: html:error dynamic usage

2003-06-13 Thread Gregory F. March

On Jun 13, 2003, "Mike Jasnowski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |There is no Struts facility that does what you describe. This topic has come
 |up fairly recently on this list, and I believe one or two patches have been
 |submitted that address this issue.  If you look through bugzilla you should
 |be able to find them. Basically they entail a tailored version of the
 | tag for example, that detects if the field in error exists in
 |the errors collection.

It doesn't have to be done with a special tag, I would be willing to
do it programmaticly, i.e. if I could use some logic tags in
combination with a font color=red tag.

Are you saying that even this ability is not available?



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html:error dynamic usage

2003-06-13 Thread Gregory F. March

Boy, I'm just full of questions this morning!  Musta been something in
my oatmeal. :-)

I would like to have a page that changes the color of the text
associated with input fields when the data is entered incorrectly.
For example, in the case of a "Username: _" textfield input, if
the user leaves the textfield blank, I would like to display
"Username:" in red.

Can I use the html:error facility or is there another component of
struts that I should be looking at?



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conditional validation in validation.xml

2003-06-13 Thread Gregory F. March

I'm using a DynaValidatorForm with validation rules in
validation.xml.  My form is a multipage form, and I (obviously) would
like to validate only the parameters "in scope" for the current page.

Can this be done through the xml file (if so, how)?  Or do I need to
write my own validation class that looks at a "page" variable?



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[REPOST] Understanging Path/Action/Forward/Parameter naming

2003-06-13 Thread Gregory F. March

[Sorry for the repost.  I'm doing it for two reasons.  First, I got no
response, and I'm wondering if it's because this is a really dumb
question or if nobody really knows. :-)  And second, because I think I
really need to understand this in order for me to make some decisions
about the architecture of my app.  So, any response would be
welcome... -gfm]

Please forgive the naive question that follows...

Is there a write up somewhere that explains how Struts deals with

Specifically, I would like to understand the different syntaxs of
"path", "name" and "parameter" arguments.

In the following, what is "name" and "path":

And the same thing in:

... and all its variants.

How does one know if it is a real path, a name to be looked up, an
action, a tile definition, etc.?  What are the rules?

I think some of my past questions would have been avoided if I
understood these concepts.



Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Understanging Path/Action/Forward/Parameter naming

2003-06-12 Thread Gregory F. March

Please forgive the naive question that follows...

Is there a write up somewhere that explains how Struts deals with

Specifically, I would like to understand the different syntaxs of
"path", "name" and "parameter" arguments.

In the following, what is "name" and "path":

And the same thing in:

... and all its variants.

How does one know if it is a real path, a name to be looked up, an
action, a tile definition, etc.?  What are the rules?

I think some of my past questions would have been avoided if I
understood these concepts.



Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Re: [OT] - dos file

2003-06-12 Thread Gregory F. March

On Jun 12, 2003, Mark Lowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |m vi
 |i think something like (in vi)
 |:%s/^M/ /g

You need a ^V before the ^M (and of course, we're talking control
characters here, not the "^" and "M" keys).

If you're using linux, you should be using xemacs instead of vi
anyway...  Heck, if you are using windoze, you should be using xemacs

Just had to throw that in the mix. :-)



Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Re: Re[2]: Forwarding to a tile definition

2003-06-12 Thread Gregory F. March

On Jun 12, 2003, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |ya..I think what you are saying is right..So in that case only way to forward
 |  to a definition tho^rough a link tag is as u said...Define a forward to go 
 | to a action and make that action forward to definition..Using some forwardin
 | g action from scaffold package i suppose.

Ok, I remember what the issue with the action was.

In my action, I am doing a return(mapping.findForward("myaction")) and
it appears not to work (I get a blank page).

How does one return to an action, not a forward?



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Re: Forwarding to a tile definition

2003-06-12 Thread Gregory F. March

On Jun 12, 2003, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |Have u checked the definition?
 |Because when you do a forward, the definition is searched for ..And in your c
 | ase, it seems that it is not finding the definition.

I know it is finding the forward - that is how it is getting the
literal text "my.tile.def".  And, I confirmed that literal text is the
same in the forward as it is in the tiles-defs.xml file.

Now, Dirk recommended to use actions.  I'll give that a try again.  I
had it that way before, but I don't remember what the problem was - it
could be that the html:link action= wasn't working which would also
suck (I should use action= for actions and forward= for forwards,



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Re: Forwarding to a tile definition

2003-06-12 Thread Gregory F. March

On Jun 12, 2003, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |The problem seems to be that when you are using link tag, U must define a glo
 | bal forward to use it with it..
 |So the solution in your case is to define a global forward with path pointing
 |  to the tile definition you want to forward to..
 |And then use that global forward inside the link tah..


I am using a global forward, and it's not working.  The url gets
rewriten as "http://www.mymacine.com/myapp/my.tile.def"; which
obviously isn't correct. :-(

I'm stuck now, after ripping out my older code because I thought a
"forward" was a "forward", if you know what I mean...



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Re: Forwarding to a tile definition

2003-06-11 Thread Gregory F. March

On Jun 11, 2003, Sandeep Takhar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |I don't know if it is the only way, but you can always
 |link to an action and have that forward to a tile.

Two questions Can you have an action and a forward with the same
name?  And... this is what I was trying to get away from,
i.e. multiple points of entry for the same page - it is just too crazy
maintaining stuff like that.

Does anyone know why findForward() and html:link forward= are



Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Forwarding to a tile definition

2003-06-11 Thread Gregory F. March

So, now I'm playing with forwarding to a tile definition as per
Keith's suggestion.

mapping.findForward("mytileforward") inside my action works just fine.
However,  doesn't.

I have 
in my struts-config.xml.

What is the difference?  And, how can I forward to a tile definition
from an html:link tag?



Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Re: Wizard forms

2003-06-11 Thread Gregory F. March

On Jun 11, 2003, "Kamholz, Keith (corp-staff) USX" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |Although there are other ways of doing it, with parameters and logic and
 |whatnot, my suggestion would be to make a separate tiles definition for each
 |page, and forwarding to those tiles defs.  Does this make sense to you?  Let
 |me know if you're still haveing problems.

Ah!  The light bulb comes on...  I didn't realize you could forward to
a tile definition.

Err time to go back and rethink what I did with all the freakin'



Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Re: Wizard forms

2003-06-11 Thread Gregory F. March

On Jun 11, 2003, "Kamholz, Keith (corp-staff) USX" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |If all you want to do is forward to another JSP page, make a forward action
 |in your struts-config like this:
 |That way, no parameters are necessary.  You'll just have to make a whole
 |bunch of forward actions.

The forward you reference, tiles.pageTwo, what is it?  A jsp?

The reason I ask is that I have one main tile page that has logic:
tags to load different body components so that I don't need a separate
main tile page for each page of the form.  In other words, I have:

 mainTileFormPage.jsp  (loads the formBody.jsp's)

I'd rather not have a mainTileFormPage.jsp, and I'd rather not
embed the body tiles into the main tile form page.  Am I thinking
about this correctly?

I hope I made myself clear there... if not, let me know and I'll try



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Re: html:error and tag

2003-06-11 Thread Gregory F. March

On Jun 11, 2003, "Gregory F. March" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |On Jun 11, 2003, Gemes Tibor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:
 | |You need to reload the application in order to make the container reread 
 | |the properties file.
 |Alas...  I did that.  Twice.

Arg!  Third time's a charm.  Sorry!


Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Re: html:error and tag

2003-06-11 Thread Gregory F. March

On Jun 11, 2003, Gemes Tibor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |You need to reload the application in order to make the container reread 
 |the properties file.

Alas...  I did that.  Twice.


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Wizard forms

2003-06-11 Thread Gregory F. March

How are wizard forms (multipage forms) typically done in the struts

I have done the following and I'm running into a few configuration and
usability problems that seem to indicate that I did something wrong.
I have the following:

* Main tile page that contains a header, menu, body and footer.

* The body tile contains parts of the form with multiple submit
  buttons, a "save", "cancel", "reset", "previous" and "next".

* When the user hits next or prev, the action redirects to a forward
  with a ?page=n so that the main tile page can display the correct

* Based on the "page" parameter, the main tile page will change the
  body of the page to a different .jsp for each of the pages in the
  multipart form.

* A DynaActionForm that has session scope to maintain the data across

Does this sound right?  My issues are with that "page" property to
manage the content of the body tile - it doesn't seem natural in this
framework to do it this way.

As usual, any comments are really appreciated...



Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Re: html:error and tag

2003-06-11 Thread Gregory F. March

On Jun 11, 2003, Gemes Tibor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |use errors.prefix error.posfix errors.header and errors.footer to

Ok, I'll bite.  I tried this (switching postfix to suffix) by putting
these items into my application.properties file (where my other
error.xxx properties are as well as all my application messages) and
low and behold, it was totally ignored.

Is there something other than  that one needs to do
before this will work?  See below for code and source.



Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet



errors.required={0} is required.
errors.minlength={0} can not be less than {1} characters.
errors.maxlength={0} can not be greater than {1} characters.
errors.invalid={0} is invalid.

errors.byte={0} must be a byte.
errors.short={0} must be a short.
errors.integer={0} must be an integer.
errors.long={0} must be a long.
errors.float={0} must be a float.
errors.double={0} must be a double.

errors.date={0} is not a date.
errors.range={0} is not in the range {1} through {2}.
errors.creditcard={0} is an invalid credit card number.
errors.email={0} is an invalid e-mail address.


<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>


index.jsp source:

Trade L/C


  User ID is required.
Password is required.


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html:errors tag lost?

2003-06-10 Thread Gregory F. March

While playing with Kevin's action input= suggestion, I found I needed
to mess with the redirect= values.  If I set redirect=true, my
relative paths work fine.

However, I am using the html:errors tag and it seems that it has
gotten "lost", i.e. I do not get my validation errors displayed.

I'm still not entirely clear on how the html:errors tag works, but I
have this in my tile jsp:

And when I have redirect=false, I get things like "Password is
required" in the html, but the url is my .do and my relative paths
don't work and I can't see my images.  When it is true, I don't get
the error text (but the url is what I want and the paths are just fine
- I can see my images).

Sorry for all the questions... Hopefully I'll be able to answer a few
myself some day...



Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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struts-config error?

2003-06-10 Thread Gregory F. March

While playing with Kevin's suggestions, I noticed two things (I'll
post the second in a separate email right after this one).

While weblogic 6.1sp4 starts up, I noticed the attached stack trace.
It goes away if I remove the following:



The functionality seems to work, but I don't like seeing that
exception.  Any ideas?



Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

[ERROR] Digester - -Parse Error at line 290 column 17: The content of element type 
"struts-config" must match 
 Thecontent of element type "struts-config" must match 
at weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLParser.reportError(XMLParser.java:1090)
at weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLParser.parse(XMLParser.java:975)
at weblogic.xml.jaxp.WebLogicXMLReader.parse(WebLogicXMLReader.java:123)
at weblogic.xml.jaxp.RegistryXMLReader.parse(RegistryXMLReader.java:125)
at org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.parse(Digester.java:1543)
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.init(ActionServlet.java:465)
at javax.servlet.GenericServlet.init(GenericServlet.java:258)
at weblogic.servlet.internal.HttpServer.preloadServlets(HttpServer.java:558)
at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebService.preloadServlets(WebService.java:450)
at weblogic.t3.srvr.ServletInitRunner.run(ServletInitRunner.java:49)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:479)

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Re: More validation woes... Ack!

2003-06-10 Thread Gregory F. March

On Jun 10, 2003, Kevin Robair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |I may have already replied to this yesterday, I cannot
 |recall if it was this thread or another. Sorry if this
 |is redundant


Yes, you did reply (thanks!).  And, I tried what you said (and are
saying again today), and after beating my head against the wall, I
found a typo.  However, that didn't solve everything.

I have the input of my action specifying a global forward (that I use
elsewhere), but the url still has the SaveTWSItem.do and I get a page
that is "out of context" with what I had before, i.e. all my relative
paths are messed up.

Any other ideas?

Thanks a bunch...


Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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More validation woes... Ack!

2003-06-10 Thread Gregory F. March

Quick version:

How does one handle a tile-based form that fails validation?  Or, is
there a special forward tag in the form's action that I need?

Long version:

Ok, I've managed to get simple validation working (why is there not
reference to the html:errors tag in the validation chapter in the
O'Reilly book?!  Ack!).

Now, I am trying to validate a multipage form that resides in a tile.
What I am getting is basically what I was getting yesterday with my
last validation email.

The players:

Form name:   LOCCreateForm (a DynaValidatorForm)
Tile page:   LOCCreateParticipanty.jsp
Parent:  LOCCreate.jsp
Action name: SaveTWSItem

The scenario:

LOCCreate.jsp has some logic tags to determine which tile to load in
the body, as in:



But, I'm not sure if this is relevant.

When validation fails, the url generated is of the form:


(as opposed to any in my action's forward decls).

It seems that when the validation fails, I don't have the return
forward set up properly.  Do I need a special forward tag in my
SaveTWSItem action?

Here is my validation.xml:






Here is my struts-config.xml:






Thanks for any help...


Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Re: Argh! [was Re: DynaValidatorForm setup]

2003-06-09 Thread Gregory F. March

On Jun 9, 2003, Kevin Robair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |In your struts-config.xml, check to see if you have


I don't have any controller section in my struts-config.xml.  And,
according to the O'Reilly book, I don't need one to do this (at least
they didn't mention it).

In fact, the O'Reilly book shows the html being updated with "* First
Name is required..." when the user submits an incomplete form.  Does
struts automatically rewrite the html output of the jsp to include the
errors?  Very unclear to me...  Kinda like magic.

That said, I think I may not have made part of my desctiption clear.
I said

"Changing the form method to GET, the url is
do... after the submit.".

What I meant by  was not the name of the form bean, but the
name of the action in the jsp's html:form tag.  In other words, the
name of the action associated with the form, SaveTWSItem.

Also, LOCCreateParticipants.jsp may have been a typo in the action -
that jsp is a tile inside of LOCCreate.jsp (which was not referenced
in my code snippet).  I changed my action to reflect that, but I am
still having the same problem.

If you still think I should pursue the global forward (not an ideal
solution to me - I don't want too many "globals"), I will.  But I'm
open to other solutions.

Actually, let me ask this question in another way: can someone explain
the path struts takes when validating using a DynaValidatorForm with a
validation error?  How does the app get notified there is a validation



p.s. I'm attaching the code again...

Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet











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Argh! [was Re: DynaValidatorForm setup]

2003-06-09 Thread Gregory F. March

On Jun 6, 2003, "Barry Volpe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |I was able to piece it all together using the
 |struts-validator.war file that comes in the


Thanks for that write up.  Looking at that war, I set my app up
similarly, but I am having a very frustrating problem.

When my form tag in the validation.xml file points to (name=) my
DynaValidatorForm in my struts-config.xml, submitting that form yields
an error 404 - not available.  Changing the form method to GET, the
url is do... after the submit.  Turning off the
validation (by changing the name in the validation.xml to something
else) and submitting the form yields a url that came from the action's
forward tag.

I just don't have enough experience with struts to be able to
understand what is happening (read: HELP!).  I suspect that the
validation is returning something that I am not handling, but I can't
figure out what it is so that I can handle it.  Below are the code


/greg (clumps of hair in my white-knuckled fists!)

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Re: Guidance on image versions needed

2003-06-09 Thread Gregory F. March

On Jun 9, 2003, Sandeep Takhar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |can you store in the database and find in the
 |Really want to try and get away from 
 |if (company='')
 |else if...


I could store them in a db, but how does that get you away from the
'if' you mention?  I definitely want to get away from that 'if' -
that's what prompted my initial question.

I was thinking of constructing resources like (pseudo code to follow):


and then constructing the resource like (in either java or

company = user.getCompany(); // "company2" for example
imgResource = company + "app1.page1.item";

But, I'm not sure if this is acceptable.




Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Guidance on image versions needed

2003-06-09 Thread Gregory F. March

Hi all,

I have an application that changes the images loaded depending on an
attribte of the user (e.g. what company he is an employee of).

What is the proper way to achieve this functionality in the struts
framework?  Should one use the application resources?  Or, maybe just
have different directories for the images based on company names?

I'm curious as to how some of you have solved similar problems.



Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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DynaValidatorForm setup

2003-06-06 Thread Gregory F. March

Hi all,

I am about to embark on learning about the validation features of
struts.  I currently have a dynamic form (configured in struts-config)
used as a wizard interface and I would like to validate several of
those fields.

I am reading the O'Reilly book _Programming Jakarta Struts_ and I'm
confused about what I need to do.

The book refers to a files called "validation.xml" and about setting
up the plugin.  I am using struts 1.1 and I don't have a
validation.xml file.  I do have a validator-rules.xml and several
dtd's that have DEPRECATED all through out them.

My question is, if I want to add a "formset" (as described on page
272), where do I put it?  Do I need to set up a plug in?

Also, what are those "arg0's" pointing to?

As an aside, has anyone else found that this book covers a lot of
bredth, but not nearly enough depth?  Every time I start working on
part of my project, the book leads me in a certain direction, but
falls short of actually getting there.  Thank goodness for this list
and the archives...



Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Form submit without button or image?

2003-06-04 Thread Gregory F. March

I'm not sure if this is a struts question or not, but I have a
DynaActionForm and I'd like to add, for lack of a better term, a
"submit link".

I want a link that submits the form, but I don't want a button or an
image.  Can this be done?



Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Application resources and java

2003-06-04 Thread Gregory F. March

I have an application where a user logs in and what is presented to
them depends on what organization they belong to.

Things like the web page title, labels, images, etc. are different for
different organizations.

I'm thinking that I'd like to create application resources from the
login action that can be referenced with the bean:message tag.  This
way, the key is always something like myapp.page.title rather than
having to use logic: tags or jsp to determine the appropriate

My questions are:

 * Is the the appropriate way to do this sort of thing?
 * Irrespective of the answer to the above, can one create / modify
   application resources from java? (Like in an action?)



Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Re: Form over multiple pages

2003-05-29 Thread Gregory F. March

On May 29, 2003, Paul Curren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |You then have a few options -
 |1) Associate the form bean with multiple actions, where each action is a 
 |separate page in your wizard (be sure to set the form bean to session scope)
 |2) Have all pages of the form submit to the same action, with the action 
 |class able to discover what page it's processing e.g. a hidden input 
 |populate a "page" attribute in your form bean.


But how do you implement a "back" button?  I'm trying to do exactly
this with a DynaActionForm.

I set up an action that generates a forward to the previous form jsp
and when I try to go back to that form where the user has already
entered data, the values get reset.  I have even tried overriding
reset in my subclassed DynaActionForm.

Do I have to do something in the jsp or somewhere else?



Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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DynaActionForms and persistence (wizard-type behavior)

2003-05-29 Thread Gregory F. March

Hi all...

Now that I've got me LookupDispatchAction problem worked out (it works
really well!), I'm struggling with a DynaActionForm problem.

I have an action who's scope is "session".  The associated form is a
DynaActionForm.  Since I'm just building the app, I have the "next"
button on the form pointing back to the same page.

When I enter data into the form and press next, I can see the fields
in the action (I print them), I find the appropriate forward (which is
back to the same page) and return it.

The form gets reset.

I read that if I subclass DynaActionForm and override the reset method
to do nothing, it should work.  It doesn't.

What is the proper way to have the DynaActionForm repopulate with the
previous data?



Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Re: LookupDispatchAction and getParameter

2003-05-29 Thread Gregory F. March

On May 27, 2003, "Gregory F. March" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |I have a form with multiple submit buttons.  I'm trying to set up a
 |LookupDispatchAction.  It seems that
 |is always returning null so I can't get to my actions.

Arg.  I'm really sorry - I had a typo in the struts-config.xml file
that was causing my grief.

For anyone interested, I had the following:


Note the extra > after the foo.  The reason is that I copied that
action from another action that had some forwards in it.

Nothing like spending 12 hours chasing down a ">". :-)

Thanks anyway,


Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Re: LookupDispatchAction and getParameter

2003-05-28 Thread Gregory F. March

On May 28, 2003, "Eric Miles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |or try getParameter("action") in your execute method.  The URL for the
 |request looks like "http://...?action=doSave"; internally.

Hmm... I printed out request.getParameter("action"), and the value is
always the label of the submit button, i.e. "Save", not "create.save"
(the application resource file looks like "create.save=Save").

However, I also printed out the value of mapping.getParameter() and it
is always null.

Again, any help is greatly appreciated.



Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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Re: LookupDispatchAction and getParameter

2003-05-28 Thread Gregory F. March

On May 28, 2003, "Eric Miles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

 |Don't override the execute method, the LookupDispatchAction will call
 |'doSave' automatically.  Simply comment out your execute method.


I was originally doing exactly what you say, but I was getting an
exception.  I searched the web and came across this snippet of code
where the parameter was checked in the overridden execute method
calling the super's execute only if something was there.  This is when
I realized it was never being set.  And since I guess there is no
default action, I was getting an exception.



Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet

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LookupDispatchAction and getParameter

2003-05-27 Thread Gregory F. March

Hi all.  Typical standard disclaimers apply... I'm new to struts, I'm
having problems, I hope you all can help, thanks in advance, etc. :-)

Here's my problem.

I have a form with multiple submit buttons.  I'm trying to set up a
LookupDispatchAction.  It seems that


is always returning null so I can't get to my actions.

My (highly trimmed down) code is below.  Any help would be appreciated.

Many thanks...


Gregory F. March-=-http://www.gfm.net:81/~march-=-AIM:GfmNet





  parameter="action" />




public class SaveItemAction extends LookupDispatchAction  {

 * Create a map for the lookup dispatch method

protected Map getKeyMethodMap() {
Map map = new HashMap();

map.put("create.save", "doSave");

return map;

public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping   mapping,
 ActionForm  form,
 HttpServletRequest  request,
 HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
DynaActionForm daform= (DynaActionForm) form;
ActionForward  forward   = null;

if(request.getParameter(mapping.getParameter()) == null) {
//required parameter is missing!

// This is ALWAYS null!!!


return(super.execute(mapping, form, request, response));

 * Process "save"

public ActionForward doSave(ActionMapping   mapping,
ActionForm  form,
HttpServletRequest  request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {

// Return success


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