ANN: MVC conference in NYC next weekend.

2004-03-23 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Not this weekend, but next. Price is cheap - sign up, but goes up. This 
is also my last post on it.

Today's NY Times Science has an ad on it. (Does anyone know the page #?).

Here is the line up of sessions:
1. Ted Husted will present - on details of anew sample Struts 
application to be included. I hope he mentions future CoR.

2. home page has link to it, Clinton will present - flies in 
from BC-Canada's West coast. Also, new version jPetStore 4.0 is out with 
new version of SQL-Maps 2.0RC1, very popular for the model layer. Check 
it out!

3. Matt from Denver will present on updetable data grid jsp tag: and Struts-Menu now 
reads from DB:

4. Rod Johnson flies in from London:, a 
modren MVC. He has some comments on EJB.

5. OpenSymphony WebWork 2 - Another MVC framework by Jason::

6. Christophe on RIA mXML: . MacroMedia 
supported JSF early.

7. Vic on a Struts Portal

Bring your books for an autograph, most of above have a book out.
This is likely best one day seminar on the east cost (Maybe west coast 
too, JavaOne is for newbies and marketing types).


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Re: Performace Improvement :: Struts based applications

2004-03-17 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Unit test the performance of the model layer.
Satya Narayan Dash wrote:

I am in the process of improving a struts based application. I am using the cache taglib (from apache) and have written some filters to improve the performace. 

I am using Apache2 as the web-sever and Tomcat4 as the servelt/jsp engine. I have optimized them both.

But the peformance improvement is not substantial. Can you please give me some tips to improve the performance ? 

Need your help,

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Re: [OT] Database password

2004-03-11 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Best Practice is to follow the J2EE spec.
The container provides services to the application, such as data source 
pool, declerative security, etc.

In your container, create a data source pool.
(Then access the pool via a DAO)

Niall Pemberton wrote:

I have to say I think putting it in the source code is the worst possible
If for security reasons (say one of your developers leaves unhappily!) you
need to change your database password, I don't think you want to have to
change your java source, compile and re-deploy your app in order to achieve
this. Its got to be better to have this as some kind of configuration
parameter - you just have to make sure you protect the host's configuration
- Original Message - 
From: Lucas Gonzalez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2004 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: [OT] Database password

I believe that it will be easier to define a proper security policy in

production server than trying to hide the password or encrypt it.

Another option is to hard-code it into your source, but you will loose

flexibility there.

Hope that helps
- Original Message - 
From: Guillermo Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2004 3:59 PM
Subject: RE: [OT] Database password

Users cant access this file, but the file can be accessed by people that
is not from Information Security area (Seguridad Informática). The
password shouldnt be known neither by the application deployer, nor the
system administrator, but only by Information Security people.
-Original Message-
From: Lucas Gonzalez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Jueves, 11 de Marzo de 2004 03:56 p.m.
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: [OT] Database password
If the problem is the user accesing the plain text file by typing the
URL in the browser...
a better solution would be to tell apache to hide those files...

- Original Message - 
From: Guillermo Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2004 3:49 PM
Subject: [OT] Database password

Our Struts application is currently in production. This applciation
uses an Oracle Database (we are using DBCP from jakarta). We access
this database through url, user a password and we need to hide the
production database password. The password is stored in a
configuration file and is in plain text.
Have you got some best practices in this scenario? How are your Java

Applications get connected to production databases and how is the
database password protected? If we encrypt the password with 3DES, how

should the key be protected?

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Re: Reporting + Struts

2004-03-11 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Here is my jasper code:
 public void service(
HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
throws IOException, ServletException {
//this servlet will take the parms and emit a report.
// best used by fronting with a common of JSP that will pass in 
arguments to the report

String rep = req.getParameter(rep);
String args = req.getParameter(args);
PrintWriter out = resp.getWriter();
if (rep == null) {
out.println(no report argument);
ReportHelper helper = new ReportHelper();
rep = /WEB-INF/reports/ + rep;
try {
// ask helper to compile report
//TODO: Copile only if changed
String repXML = rep + .XML;
helper.reportPrepare(repXML, this);
// ask helper to fill report, enumerate the args, if any
Map argm = new HashMap(); //null if no arguments exected by 
jasper's XML

String repJasper = rep + .jasper;
helper.reportFill(repJasper, this, argm);
String repOut = helper.reportEmitHTML(req);


ublic class ReportHelper {

JasperDesign _des = null;
JasperReport _rep = null;
JasperPrint _prnt = null; // report

ServletContext _ctx = null;

private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ReportHelper.class);

public void reportPrepare(String XMLfileLoc, HttpServlet serv) 
throws Exception {
// pass in theservlet calling as this
// read XML file
log.debug(This should only happen in design mode);
try {

_ctx = serv.getServletConfig().getServletContext(); // get 
a handle to webapp/app

String file = _ctx.getRealPath(XMLfileLoc);

_ctx.getRealPath(/WEB-INF/lib/jasperreports.jar) +
+ _ctx.getRealPath(/WEB-INF/classes/));

_des = JasperManager.loadXmlDesign(file);

String targetFile = _ctx.getRealPath(XMLfileLoc);
targetFile = targetFile.substring(0, targetFile.length() - 
4); // remove the xml ending
targetFile = targetFile + .jasper;

// save to a file
JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile(_des, targetFile);
} catch (JRException e) {
}// reportPrepare
public void sqlPrep(String spName) throws Exception {
// execute a sql stored procedure that populates the work 
table, and prepares for output

public void sqlCleanUp(String spName) throws Exception {
// execute a sql stored procedure that clears work table if needed
public void reportFill(String japerFileLoc, HttpServlet serv, Map 
parms) throws Exception {
// execute the SQL, the slow part
Connection conn = null;

try {

// cont
_ctx = serv.getServletConfig().getServletContext(); // get 
a handle to webapp/app

String repStr = _ctx.getRealPath(japerFileLoc);
File jasperFile = new File(repStr);
String repStr2 = jasperFile.getPath();
_rep = (JasperReport) JRLoader.loadObject(repStr2);

conn = getConn();
_prnt = JasperManager.fillReport(_rep, parms, conn);
} catch (Exception e) {
finally {
if (conn != null)
conn.close(); // must free up connection.
public String reportEmitHTML(HttpServletRequest req) throws Exception {
// output HTML default
// if arg == PDF then
// else HTML
String ret = null;
try {
Map imageMap = new HashMap();
req.getSession().setAttribute(REP_IMAGE_MAP, imageMap);
JRHtmlExporter exp = new JRHtmlExporter();

StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer();

exp.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, _prnt);
exp.setParameter(JRHtmlExporterParameter.IMAGES_MAP, imageMap);


ret = sbuf.toString();

return ret;

} catch (JRException e) {
ret = e.getMessage();
return ret;
} // reportEmit
public void reportSaveFile(Servlet serv) throws Exception {
// JasperManager.printReportToPdfFile(_prnt, test.pdf);

Re: iBatis, displaytag, and 10,000 rows

2004-03-11 Thread Vic Cekvenich
That is bad design.

You should querry the db and do TOP limit or a governor to prevent a 
run away qerry.
If you do not find it... just re-run a better querry.

Andy Engle wrote:
Hi all,

I am wondering if anybody has ever worked with a huge amount of data
with iBatis and displaytag?  I was showing off my little Struts
application earlier to a buddy of mine here at work, and he asked if it
would work well with 10,000 rows x 20-40 columns.  Anybody ever worked
with that much data with iBatis/displaytag before?  If so, how did it
work out for you?

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Re: [OT] Database locking and deadlock

2004-03-08 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Of course you could switch to a popular DAO such as iBatis or Hiberante 
and avoid the issue all together.
There are JDBC forums on Sun.

Shyam A wrote:

Thanks for your response. No, the update queries use a
single connection for which auto-commit is turned off.
Commit is done only if all the update queries are
--- Robert Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is it possible that dbConnection.doUpdate() gets a
new connection
each time which could possibly use up (exceed max
allowed) the connections in the pool.
Just a guess.


-Original Message-
From: Shyam A [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 4:32 PM
Subject: [OT] Database locking and deadlock

I know the subject of my mail is off-topic but I

somebody will be able to help me out with my

I experienced a wierd problem today when a

occured in my database - Oracle 9i, and it locked

all connections in the connection pool on my
server -

OC4J (Oracle 9iAS). I have a connection pool,
which is

configured on my server- OC4J. It is intialized on
server startup, using a Servlet.
I would like to verify if the code I use in my DAO

cause any deadlock condition. In my DAO, I use
Update queries as part of a transaction. i.e, I

off auto-commit, do my Update queries, and
commit or

rollback depending on the outcome of the queries.
In one of the queries, I may need to update

rows of a table, and hence do the update operation

a loop (over a collection).

Given below is the relevant portion of the code:

 //method that updates votes for candidates in an
 public int updateVotes(BallotList ballotList)
int result=0;   //result of insert operation
   String query=;
Ballot ballot=null;
CandidateList candList=null;
Candidate candidate=null;
int currVote=0;
	int electionNo = ballotList.getElectionNo();


ballot = ballotList.getBallot(i);
candList = ballot.getCandidateList();
for(int j=0;jcandList.getSize();j++)
candidate = candList.getCandidate(j);
//update votes for candidate
if(candidate.getVote()  0)
//get current vote count and update
currVote =



	query = Update DZRCAND set DZRCAND_NUM_VOTE

+currVote+  +

+candidate.getPostNo()+  +
result += dbConnection.doUpdate(query);
}	//end of inner for loop

			 }  //end of outer for loop

   catch(Exception e)
   System.out.println(Exception in

update for votes:  + e.getMessage());
System.out.println(query: + query);
return result;

Is there a possibilty of a deadlock occuring in

above code when there are mutliple users

accessing the system.i.e, multiple users update
multiple rows of the table at the same time
Could somebody throw some light on this?

My understanding is that deadlocks are

handled by the DBMS. Anyway, is there a way to

the possiblity of deadlocks in my program ?

One more thing - in the code above and in other
Select queries, I open and close the Connection

the connection pool. However, I do not close the
Statement or ResultSet objects. Will this lead to
problems ? My understanding is that closing the
Connection object will free up all the associated
Any help/pointers/suggestions will be greatly
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Re: [OT] Database locking and deadlock

2004-03-08 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Is there a way you can reproduce this w/ iSQL command line?
I assume Sybase, since you said row-level.
My guess is that it's not the sql, but your DAO logic somehow. It would 
take you only a day or so to switch that one update to


Shyam A wrote:

Thanks for the pointer,but is there any way of
salvaging the current situation?.It seems the Update
operation is causing the DBMS to have row-level locks
on the table,eventually leading to deadlock.

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Re: [OT] Database locking and deadlock

2004-03-08 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Do you have a deadly embrace?
Maybe just syncronise w/ semaphorse or the like.
Shyam A wrote:

Thanks again. I'm not in a position to switch to
IBatis as my application is currently in use. Right
now, I'm manually killing the user sessions which lock
up the table in the database. My database is Oracle
9i, and this problem seems to occur only with large
numbers of concurrent users. In my DAO,I update three
tables as part of a transaction - table A and/or table
B (in loops), and table C. Commit operation is done
only after all tables are updated successfully. So, it
may be possible that the DBMS locks up rows of table A
or B (before commit) and waits until it updates table
C for the commit. Is this the cause of the problem?
I've not been able to determine (using SQl Plus, TOAD
) which query is causing the row-level lock.
Any ideas?

--- Vic Cekvenich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is there a way you can reproduce this w/ iSQL

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Ann: North East Conference on MVC Frameworks and Struts in 3 weeks:

2004-03-07 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Most people already know what MVC is, once you know what it is, here is 
the next step. Presenting will be the popular frameworks and components 
in use by 8 speakers:

-Ted Husted  Author  Struts Chains/2.0  the dominant framework in 
use, from Ziff Davis, to Apple Store to most large commercial sites.

-Rod Johnson  Author  EJB/Spring
-Christophe Coenraets  Flex-MacroMedia  - back to rich UI w/SOA 
(Great blog entry on Struts + Flex)

-Howard Lewis Ship  Author  HiveMind (SOA, IOC, AOP)   commonly 
referred to as the next big thing

-Clinton Begin  DAO/iBatis/SQLMaps  the best DAO layer
imo, used by Spring, jPetStore, basicPortal, etc.
-Matt Raible  Author  displayTag/strutsMenu  (displayTag is my 
favorite J2EE component)

-Jason Carreira  WebWork 2
- Vic Cekvenich  Author  basicPortal (J2EZ  easy and simple to 
customize application for membership, portal, cms, community, store, 
etc. using bestPractices for large, profitable commercial sites. )

+ more
You will get a CD mailed to you once you register.
April 3rd from 8AM to 7PM in NYC at, next to MSG. Advertised 
in JDJ, NY Times, etc. My guess is that you wont find half as many good 
sessions at Suns Java One.
It $99 to register now at, in a few day's price keeps 
going up.

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Re: Ann: North East Conference on MVC Frameworks and Struts in 3 weeks:

2004-03-07 Thread Vic Cekvenich
- Flex and WebWork2 speakers added. This will cover major MVC choices.
- Ted Husted, senior Struts Committer, walks through a new version of 
the original Struts example, updated to take advantage of the latest 
features in Struts 1.2 and accepted best practices.


Vic Cekvenich wrote:
Most people already know what MVC is, once you know what it is, here is 
the next step. Presenting will be the popular frameworks and components 
in use by 8 speakers:

-Ted Husted  Author  Struts Chains/2.0  the dominant framework in 
use, from Ziff Davis, to Apple Store to most large commercial sites.

-Rod Johnson  Author  EJB/Spring
-Christophe Coenraets  Flex-MacroMedia  - back to rich UI w/SOA 
(Great blog entry on Struts + Flex)

-Howard Lewis Ship  Author  HiveMind (SOA, IOC, AOP)   commonly 
referred to as the next big thing

-Clinton Begin  DAO/iBatis/SQLMaps  the best DAO layer
imo, used by Spring, jPetStore, basicPortal, etc.
-Matt Raible  Author  displayTag/strutsMenu  (displayTag is my 
favorite J2EE component)

-Jason Carreira  WebWork 2
- Vic Cekvenich  Author  basicPortal (J2EZ  easy and simple to 
customize application for membership, portal, cms, community, store, 
etc. using bestPractices for large, profitable commercial sites. )

+ more
You will get a CD mailed to you once you register.
April 3rd from 8AM to 7PM in NYC at, next to MSG. Advertised 
in JDJ, NY Times, etc. My guess is that you wont find half as many good 
sessions at Suns Java One.
It $99 to register now at, in a few day's price keeps 
going up.

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Re: Life, the Universe and Everything (was: RE: [OT] RE: Memory usage)

2004-03-01 Thread Vic Cekvenich

-Original Message-
From: Chappell, Simon P [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

4. I had the same frustrations that you have. I made the decision that the
best way to restore the balance of good in the universe, was to try to
become the kind of tech lead that I would have wanted when I was a
newbie/humble grunt. 
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problem moving a form page into tiles

2004-02-11 Thread Vic Cekvenich
I have a page with a form that works on it's own, I can submit and will 
take me to the next page corrctly.  However, I am trying to forward to a 
tile definition now and my submit will cause a null pointer exception 
and doesn't seem to find my bean in session.  can anyone tell me what 
i'm doing wrong?  does the tile pageScope have something to do with this?

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Re: [OT] RE: Orkut (read what the original message said)

2004-02-10 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Yes, please no more FLAME on Orkut, my bad. I am not adding anyone 
anymore, there are 43 people in Struts group on Orkut. and it a 
FOAF... Friend of a Friend type, so people that are connected will get 
in other ways, I just wanted a seed...

One of the things that is a minus of this list is a lot of OT... my bad!


Andrew Hill wrote:
Actually the message just said to mail Vic. Since mailing Vic and mailing
the list are not mutually exclusive activities, your assertion that the
message said not to mail the list is incorrect. Indeed since Vic reads
messages posted to the list, a message to the list is a message to Vic. (and
also a msg to a few thousand others who dont care - or in my case havent a
clue what the message is even about!).

-Original Message-
From: Peter Abbot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, 10 February 2004 09:29
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: [OT] RE: Orkut (read what the original message said)
Cant people read, it said email Vic NOT the email list!
l commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Orkut - Done!

2004-02-09 Thread Vic Cekvenich
I invited the people so far... and I am done. I will not invite more!
I hope they add others after this post, so the people I added can add 

Please upload your photo or avatar and join the Struts club so we 
can see you.
Over time, I will put some cool things there in Orkut Struts club . 
very cool (like a Struts Portal or a Sturts sofware for writing your own 
socail network w/ rich UI... better than Orkut; or almost free 
conference w/ Husted, Raible, Begin + more, or a big Stuts surprise)


Hey Vic...

anyway you could invite me as well??!



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-Original Message-
From: Vic Cekvenich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2004 11:16 PM
Subject: Orkut
If you want to join Struts in Orkut Social Network send me an e-mail 
saying so.

(if you do not know what it is don't worry)
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Re: [OT] Re: Debugging JSP

2004-02-09 Thread Vic Cekvenich
James Mitchell wrote:

 - if you rely on JSP debugging, chances are good that you have WAY too
   much logic in your pages.  Consider following an MVC approach.


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2004-02-08 Thread Vic Cekvenich
If you want to join Struts in Orkut Social Network send me an e-mail 
saying so.

(if you do not know what it is don't worry)
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Re: Orkut

2004-02-08 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Done. Find the Struts community on there and join.

Now you add others :-)


Ramachandran wrote:
Yes I want to join.

-Original Message-
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Vic Cekvenich
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 9:46 AM
Subject: Orkut
If you want to join Struts in Orkut Social Network send me an e-mail 
saying so.

(if you do not know what it is don't worry)
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Re: Ann: East Coast Advanced MVC Seminar: 7 Speakers

2004-01-27 Thread Vic Cekvenich
19 people signed up so far. Cool. Price goes up tmrw.
Vic Cekvenich wrote:
At on April 3rd, convenient by train from Boston, NJ, Philly 
and DC.
1 day early registration rate at now!
Price will go to $495 and up as the date approaches, and there are 
limited seats in the booked room.
As advertised in upcoming Feb. issue of JDJ. (scroll down to see the JDJ 
Ad as it will appear)
You can get advanced Struts sessions without going to JavaOne. Visit NYC 
in Spring.

After registration, you will receive a CD of conference materials, 
before the conference.

Speakers presenting live:
Husted, Raible, Begin, Canter, Cekvenich, Lewis-Ship, Johnson
Bring your questions!
More information coming... but you can lock the rate now.

ps: Q:What happened to baseBeans site? A.My HD crashed, it will take me 
a while to fix.
pps: Q:Is there any more info on the seminar available now? A: Not yet.

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Ann: East Coast Advanced MVC Seminar: 7 Speakers

2004-01-25 Thread Vic Cekvenich
At on April 3rd, convenient by train from Boston, NJ, Philly 
and DC.
1 day early registration rate at now!
Price will go to $495 and up as the date approaches, and there are 
limited seats in the booked room.
As advertised in upcoming Feb. issue of JDJ. (scroll down to see the JDJ 
Ad as it will appear)
You can get advanced Struts sessions without going to JavaOne. Visit NYC 
in Spring.

After registration, you will receive a CD of conference materials, 
before the conference.

Speakers presenting live:
Husted, Raible, Begin, Canter, Cekvenich, Lewis-Ship, Johnson
Bring your questions!
More information coming... but you can lock the rate now.

ps: Q:What happened to baseBeans site? A.My HD crashed, it will take me 
a while to fix.
pps: Q:Is there any more info on the seminar available now? A: Not yet.

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OT: Help wanted in SF

2004-01-12 Thread Vic Cekvenich

(pardon me, but I help the list sometimes and sometimes I milk it)
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Re: Reducing JSP Testing Time

2003-12-28 Thread Vic Cekvenich


 Do you have any recommendation for reducing this testing time for Web pages 
that include JSP tags ?
Im using Eclipse for coding JSPs (I mean here HTML pages that include JSP 
tags, no tag libraries). In order to test the visual aspects of my JSPs, I 
then build a war archive and deploy it to my web container. Nothing original 
Above is what I do when I tag a CVS release about once a week.
But.. for day to day devlopment, I edit JSP and actions live.
I point my Resin and Tomcat configuration for document root to where my 
eclipse project files are, which are structured in a war like directories.
As soon as I change a JSP I can refresh a page and see it.
As soon as I change a anction or a formbean, I can refresh the page in 
Resin and see it. (Tomcat has a Eclipse plug in, but requires a restart 
and a patch to server.xml not to complain about session formbeans, which 
takes about 5 seconds as opposed to Resin, which is instant. Just saving 
in Eclipse auto compiles and Resin can tell a class file changed, and 
reloads the class).

testing time is rather long. And I really get fed up with this now.
Before I even start development, I make sure that ALL the forms (html 
pages) reports and outputs are mocked up in HTML. (no need to start 
writing formbean before we know what the client wants).
Once that is done, I just write struts mappings to those html files, and 
a simple action and a formbean (since now I know the proerites) so I 
have a prototype based on the mock up.
Note how I have the UI done 1st before construction. The UI developers 
can use any HTML tool they like. FrontPage, DreamWeaver, Vi I do not 
care, but I do know once they mock it up I can make it a prototype.
*I just don't code utill I have requirments. *
Since there is a mock up and a prototype, changes to formbeans and 
actions are minimal, the navigation is lready decided by the client.
And last phase is DAO, which is not a problem, I can do any SQL join 
they want to see.

(Some people code backwards, they look at data they have in tables, and 
they show those records to the client. How this aproach ties into 
requirments I have no idea, so client makes them go back to mess with 
each page over and over. Why they just don't use a formBean for what 
it's meant for- and interface- I have no idea. See- formal training helps.)

Therefore Im wondering f there is a ** magic ** tool that would allow me to 
code a web page that includes JSP tags in a VISUAL environment (like MS 
FrontPage does for HTML for instance). The idea here would be to be able to 
include JSP tags in a VISUAL manner (such as a html:text for instance) in 
order to actually seeA CODING TIME the result on the screen BEFORE actual 
deployment in the container.

Does such a tool exist ?
Camino, M7, ExaStruts Studio, etc. Most are linked of the baseBeans 
cheat sheet page (but I am in the middle of redoing the site).
But... I think Java developers like me, should do Java, and let UI 
developers use any UI tool they like.
I do not know fonts, collors, spaceing, etc.



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.NET: We are just like Struts... only better.

2003-12-25 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Just like everyone else.
This was fun to read, it puts a smile on my face. Somone has a chip on 
their sholder.

 Main point made in there: Do not use JDBC, you make us look bad, use 
an auto caching DAO (data caching in data layer, get it). Clients I see 
in real life do, but some people on this list dont use a DAO and do 
caching in layers other than Model.

Struts framework is ... many of its key components have been absorbed 
into the main J2EE framework. - not one! CommonsBeans? 
CommonsCollections? CommonsValidator? Tiles? Action? FormBean?
It's a community of users, not a vendor thing.
I do not think they get it. They think Sun does Struts?
Look MS.There is no vendor. It' called open source. If Sun shuts 
down... it will have no impact on the market (for example jRockit JVM, 
one of 6 VM's I know - 

Save session state to db... I hope no one here does that (but I do think 
that if .Net suggests for them to do it, GREAT)

Version is a strength of .Net? Have you ever had .DLL hell?

OK, I do not think the author knows that J2EE comes with built in JAAS 
and... it's declerative role based security. Struts and other tags uses 
Servlets (since 2.2, go read JavaDoc) Role based API.

Again, I do not think the Author is familiar with localization in 
Java... for example JSTL's localization.

Again... on testing, I happen to use OpenSta that runs circles. I think 
he is implying that I can't test in J2EE. The benefit of MVC layers is 
that you can test each layer.

PageController is an MVC? Looks a lot like MV... with a small c.

This is commic: How to migrate Struts to ASP. ??

That is what I want to do, get propiratory with a Vendor, who want's choice?
You know, clients no longer say should I use .Net or Struts, topic 
just does not come up for large projects.

Oh, does it run on the largest comercial platform, Linux?

I do my development on Linux, w/Eclipse and Tomcat and pgSQL. but, every 
3 months, I reformat my windows machinee and re-install XP.
I do not do this with Linux(Fedora)... and I guess my new OSX is BSD, 
but I have had it less than 3 months.


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Re: Validations - 'format' vs 'business'

2003-12-23 Thread Vic Cekvenich

Guido García Bernardo wrote:
I really think that is a good aproach. At least one of the most simple 
and centralized.  
Thanks, I take a lot of time to try to KISS.

...from a pure struts point of view someone can think that your 
solution is mixing the model with the view.
I think ActionForm should remains as part of the view, or just a 'box' 
between the view and the controller.
What do you think?
This is what I do as well when bus. rules are complex, so it's applied 
as well, not just theory, by just ovreding the Sturts API validate().
I call the supper vlidate and capture the messages, and then to it I 
append my custom messages as follows:
Then I can create a new MyBusRuleHelperClassForMyXYZFormBean:
MyBusRuleHelperClassForMyXYZFormBean rulz = new 
messages rulz= rulz.check(this.getCollection()); // or what ever you 
want to send in as data of the bean to the bus rule validator.
return messages;

So the action calls validate() on formbean and get messages to put in scope.
But...formBean validate() delegates the work outside of the formbean, in 
the bus. rules clayer. That object often creates its own DAOs.

This also makes it very easy to unit test bus. rules outside of the 

On the other hand, I _must_ expose business logic as a API for other 
projects.  With this fact in mind, business methods should be 
implemented doing validations again (defensive programming, you need to 
think about possible errors from your users and don't assume 
anything...). HOW without duplicated code?
So your MyBASERuleHelperClass may be an interface or have an abstract 
base. It should not import any Servlet or Struts jars.

If you want to go nuts, you can even use a rule engine in the bus. rules 
layer  as long as it's fast.
Since my bus rules relie on a fast self caching dao... I have no issues, 
but I test w/ OpenSTA anyway.


Thank you again,
Guido García Bernardo
Vic Cekvenich wrote:

I just override validate() method on formbean and do all there, 
including super.validate() that reads validation.xml. In here I call 
DAO's to do business validation also, ex: what is the available credit 
for the client to place this order.

Then in action I do this:
errors = formbean.validate();

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Re: Example of a non-threadsafe Action?

2003-12-23 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Fyi, the Struts class in Geneva's (w/ Cedric the tiles 
creator) students get a book the covers how to get around this the right 
See the Wolfgang post.

Sgarlata Matt wrote:
OK, I understand now.  That makes sense.  Thanks for your help, Craig 
- Original Message - 
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2003 3:37 PM
Subject: RE: Example of a non-threadsafe Action?

A final declaration just means that the reference can't be changed to a
different SimpleDateFormat instance. A static declaration just means that
there is one instance of the variable for all of the instances of the

Neither modifier affects how the SimpleDateFormat uses internal instance

-Original Message-
From: Sgarlata Matt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2003 11:40 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Example of a non-threadsafe Action?
What if the SimpleDateFormat variable is declared as final and/or static?


- Original Message - 
From: Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Nifty
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2003 2:35 PM
Subject: RE: Example of a non-threadsafe Action?

Quoting Nifty Music [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Thanks Craig!  You certainly confirmed my suspicions, although I

guessed that I could've gotten away with sharing the
SimpleDateFormat variable since it wouldn't depend on any values
coming in from request objects.  Could you perhaps shed some light
on why it wouldn't make
sense to

share it?

Because the internal implementation of SimpleDateFormat uses instance

during parsing and formatting, so it's not thread safe :-).


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Re: How find DataSource?

2003-12-22 Thread Vic Cekvenich
I put mine in a static block of the base DAO. (static as in once per 
class, and all DAO's extend my base DAO).


e-denton Java Programmer wrote:

Merry Christmas,

Wow, I finally connected to my data source! Now, I want to put the code
somewhere it will be executed only once, and save the DataSource object
where Actions, beans, etc. can get at it. That way, I don't have to perform
the lookup all the time.
Any suggestions on where to put the one time setup code, and where to save
the DataSource object reference (in the application?).
Thanks again,


- Original Message - 
From: Vic Cekvenich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2003 12:14 PM
Subject: Re: How find DataSource?

See sample source code section here:

Context ctx = new InitialContext();
  if(ctx == null )
  throw new Exception(Boom - No Context);
  DataSource ds =
Of course what you do with the data source depends on your DAO
implementataion (iBatis, Hibrenate, etc.)

hylepc wrote:


From a Data Acess Object (DAO), I need to access a DataSource (like
getServletContext().getAttribute (Globals.DATA_SOURCE_KEY)). But, I

have access to the servlet variable.

What is the proper way to get the DataSource from a DAO which is called

an Action but doesn't extend Action?



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Re: How find DataSource?

2003-12-22 Thread Vic Cekvenich
repost (news error?)

Martin Gainty wrote:

how about putting it into DynaActionForm::initialize which 
initialises the
beans anyhow..


A DAO in a form or a bean hmmm. If that is what you want to do in 
an MVC framework.

I don't do data source in formbeans.

Take a peak at PetStore 3 on ibatis. (even Spring uses that as MVC 
example, but not w/ Struts)


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Re: Validations - 'format' vs 'business'

2003-12-22 Thread Vic Cekvenich
I just override validate() method on formbean and do all there, 
including super.validate() that reads validation.xml. In here I call 
DAO's to do business validation also, ex: what is the available credit 
for the client to place this order.

Then in action I do this:
errors = formbean.validate();
Guido García Bernardo wrote:
I have a design doubt... I must validate data coming from a form. This 
consist typically of:
   - 'format' validations (i.e. a field is not empty or it is numeric) 
that I do in the validate method of the ActionForm
   - 'business' validations that usually require a DB access

I actually do 2 steps (actions) per operation. One of them prepare the 
data and the second one does the operation itself. And here comes my 
first question: ¿¿is there any other better aproach??  Maybe something 
similar to a Tiles Controller to prepare the data...

   class PreOperationAction extends Action {
   public ... execute ( ... ) {
  // Create JavaBeans to populate html selects and several 
inputs (requires DB access) and include them in the request
  // Forward to error/success jsp

   class PostOperationAction extends Action {
   public ... execute ( ... ) {
  // Get data from ActionForm
  // Business validations (the selected values and inputs are 
valid from the business point of view)
  // Execute business logic (encapsulated in external business 
logic classes)
  // Forward to error/success jsp

At this point I don't know what is better (from a MVC perspective).
   1. Do it as actually, that is, doing business validation before 
business logic. This way I think I can't expose the business logic as an 
API or as a web service.
   2. Include all the validations (business and format) into the 
business logic classes.  This way I must duplicate format validations
   3. Doing a OperationValidations class (? only a vague idea)
   4. Is there any pattern or any best practice related?  Does Validator 
Plugin allow complex business validations?

Finally, I need your opinion about handling validation errors:
   1. Throwing an Exception from the business logic classes and catch it 
in the Action (or declare the exception in struts-config.xml)
   2. Returning null (or -1, or a no-sense value) from the business 
logic classes
   3. Any other way...

Thank you very much,
Guido García Bernardo.

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Re: Example of a non-threadsafe Action?

2003-12-22 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Example of what not to do:

public SomeActtion extend Action {

Object _someObject;

public  execute (.. ) {
... bla bla

... bla bla


David Erickson wrote:
Hey I have been reading a lot about threading lately from the JLS and
otherwise.. but my question is what would be an example of a non-threadsafe
action?  Struts manual said that only one instance of an action exists in
the JVM.. and when I run an action each thread creates its own versions of
all the variables within the action correct?  So assuming I'm not accessing
some outside 'global' variable, everything is inherintly threadsafe right?
If anyone can give me an example of what 'not' to do that would help

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Re: How find DataSource?

2003-12-22 Thread Vic Cekvenich

e-denton Java Programmer wrote:

Has anyone set up a connection pool using web.xml? Steps? Examples? Tips? 

No one has, it can't be done. You can declare it in web.xml, that's all.
Read Rick Reumans tutorial on ibatis dao and ibatis petstore 3 example 
and do that, and you will be in a good place.

It's sad, no books on this. All JDBC books talk about JDBC 1.0, not 
about JDBC 3 pooleddatasource, or DAO.

Vic, I might have two problems with keeping it in a static block. 1. My
container can be passivated, so everything must be serializable. 
Passivation is not a good idea ever, so just ignore it. Change the co-lo 
or host if you have to.   It sure does not give scalability to the host 
or to app.


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Re: How find DataSource?

2003-12-20 Thread Vic Cekvenich
See sample source code section here:
Context ctx = new InitialContext();
  if(ctx == null )
  throw new Exception(Boom - No Context);
  DataSource ds =
Of course what you do with the data source depends on your DAO 
implementataion (iBatis, Hibrenate, etc.)


hylepc wrote:

From a Data Acess Object (DAO), I need to access a DataSource (like
getServletContext().getAttribute (Globals.DATA_SOURCE_KEY)). But, I don't
have access to the servlet variable.
What is the proper way to get the DataSource from a DAO which is called by
an Action but doesn't extend Action?


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Re: Enhancement Request or Possible Alternative?

2003-12-18 Thread Vic Cekvenich
I have a commercial Struts product that includes an event that is 
generated when a new action is called.
I built it so that one can clean up any session stuff when going to 
another action for large projects.
We could work out something VERY reasonable.

Hookom, Jacob wrote:
We are doing a lot of module switching or multistep workflows (which we
handle fine through session beans) but at the same time, users are allowed
to jump to different pages and we would like to capture a leave event when
they aren't within a set of mapping(s).
I'm wondering if anyone has solved this problem because it would also allow
for constraints on workflows at the action level (if you leave pages X,Y,Z
then fire Action 'CheckSession').

Jacob Hookom
Senior Programmer/Analyst
McKesson Medical-Surgical
Golden Valley, MN

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Re: Enhancement Request or Possible Alternative?

2003-12-18 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Hookom, Jacob wrote:

I did notice that there is pattern matching now available on the CVS head,
but I was wondering if your solution was done with Struts as is, or if you
had to make modifications to the Struts Config DTD and/or RequestProcessor?
The solution of using a workflow to enforce pathways is not desired since we
want to leave that flexibility in most cases and have the business layer
resolved with changes of context (finishing/creating).

It's based on extending Struts Action class.
It does not enforce anything, it just calls a method (onNewAction) that 
gets called on old action when you call a new action.

So if no code there for a certain action, it does nothing.


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Flash Flex w/ Struts article

2003-12-17 Thread Vic Cekvenich

Is this for real? YES!

Point of Struts is MVC, so some people do JSP, Velocity... other do 
Hibrenate or iBatis... one thing remains.
(note how they did not support Spring, or WebWork or XYZ).

Flex is XML like, used to be Royale ( and my guess the product that 
resulted when MacroMedia rummored to break of from JSF).

(This is diffrent than PetStore , I 
also realy like the Components from Flash Pro 2004 such as Tree, Grid, 
Calendar that bind to any SOAP like source)

If you want Rich UI that runs on Linux, OSX, PocketPC, Windoze and of 
loads UI rendering to each client thus giving scalability!
If you are bidding projects, and your bid shows clients the richer UI, 
guess who wins the gig?
And it's Struts, something you know.


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Re: Flash Flex w/ Struts article

2003-12-17 Thread Vic Cekvenich
I usually show the Flash PetStore, but there are dozens of Flash Data 
Entery applications out there.
I am a MacroMedia parter, and I could get you more links, but check out 
the Flash PetStore first (from ) and 
then if you want more, let me know.
(the only VERY anoying thing is the they like to show the splash page, 
which makes me sick, but then they show the app. )

I plan to conver to Flash as View but it will take me at least months to 
get the current workload done.


Daniel Joshua wrote:
is there a sample Flash Flex w/ Strut application on the web?

currious what a RIA looks like...

-Original Message-
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Vic Cekvenich
Sent: Wednesday, 17 December, 2003 3:07 PM
Subject: Flash Flex w/ Struts article

Is this for real? YES!

Point of Struts is MVC, so some people do JSP, Velocity... other do 
Hibrenate or iBatis... one thing remains.
(note how they did not support Spring, or WebWork or XYZ).

Flex is XML like, used to be Royale ( and my guess the product that 
resulted when MacroMedia rummored to break of from JSF).

(This is diffrent than PetStore , I 
also realy like the Components from Flash Pro 2004 such as Tree, Grid, 
Calendar that bind to any SOAP like source)

If you want Rich UI that runs on Linux, OSX, PocketPC, Windoze and of 
loads UI rendering to each client thus giving scalability!
If you are bidding projects, and your bid shows clients the richer UI, 
guess who wins the gig?
And it's Struts, something you know.


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Re: Chain Was: Flash Flex w/ Struts article

2003-12-17 Thread Vic Cekvenich
BaTien Duong wrote:
Yes. This is what I am looking at Struts 2 of request/response framework 
(struts-chain): in the article example of registration service, we will 
probably have something like this:

Registration request - RequestProcessor - RegistrationService - 
RegistrationAction  - blah blah blah - ResponseProcessor - Selected 
Presentation engine - user response

As long as Chains are used for technology and not for business 
application workflow, great.

I think it be a missues to do workflow, that some people will try to use 
it for that.


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Re: OT: Strategy for out of date items through forms using hibernate?

2003-12-17 Thread Vic Cekvenich
I avoid timestamps.

Just make your where class = to the selct cluase.
In case any colum is changed, it fails.
(if you really need this)


David Erickson wrote:

Hi I am using Struts with Hibernate in a webapplication.. we are using forms
etc. The problem I am currently trying to decide how to handle is thus:
Assume user 1 loads up an object in a form and is modifying it.
Assume user 2 loads up the same object in a form and is also modifying it.
User 1 submits the modified object.
User 2 also submits the object, however his is out of date and I would like
the webapp to tell him that and show the differences that exist.
What is the best way to use hibernate to deal with this? What I have
attempted is using the built in timestamp feature in MySQL, I have a field
in my object that is timestamp but does not insert or update, thus mysql
controls its value. Then when the user submits the object I loaded another
copy of that object from the DB and tried to compare their dates.. however
this gave me an error saying:
net.sf.hibernate.NonUniqueObjectException: a different object with the same
identifier value was already associated with the session: 1, of class:
because of the object I loaded to compare.

What do do? Is there a better strategy for tackling this? I tried using the
actual timestamp in the properties for my object, but then when I tried to
submit the object the generated sql said when id=? AND timestamp=? meaning
it would not update if the timestamp is different, and I'm unsure if I could
even determine if it did or did not update.
Thanks in advance,

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Re: iBatis DAO + Hibernate?

2003-12-16 Thread Vic Cekvenich
I would use Ibatis or Hibrenate as a DAO, not both.

iBatis lets you use any SQL(corelated self join, sooner or later you 
will need to do a trick or tune performance), which is why I have been 
using it with much success; and I teach Struts with it, and there are 
other Struts/iBatis resources. It is ER based.

Hibrenate used to be more popular before iBatis and it is more OR (which 
I make a minus since I work with rows of columns, for example with 

Either will server you very well, they are both great.

(bad things IMO are JDO, EJB, JDBC)


David Erickson wrote:
We're needing to roll out DAO and ORM in our webapp... been evaluating
hibernate and it looks awesome, but we'd like to insulate our app from that,
has anyone tried using iBatis' DAO layer then plugging hibernate underneath

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Re: iBatis DAO + Hibernate?

2003-12-16 Thread Vic Cekvenich
I have not use OJB, so ... how much is it worth my opinion if I did not 
 use it. Maybe people that used it can say a word relative to other DAO's.

I did look at OJB, and it seamed heavy. I like light weigh. (like Sturts 
is light weight). iBatis I realy like.

my 2c.


Pedro Salgado wrote:
  What do you think about OJB?

Pedro Salgado

On 16/12/2003 16:58, Vic Cekvenich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I would use Ibatis or Hibrenate as a DAO, not both.

iBatis lets you use any SQL(corelated self join, sooner or later you
will need to do a trick or tune performance), which is why I have been
using it with much success; and I teach Struts with it, and there are
other Struts/iBatis resources. It is ER based.
Hibrenate used to be more popular before iBatis and it is more OR (which
I make a minus since I work with rows of columns, for example with
Either will server you very well, they are both great.

(bad things IMO are JDO, EJB, JDBC)


David Erickson wrote:

We're needing to roll out DAO and ORM in our webapp... been evaluating
hibernate and it looks awesome, but we'd like to insulate our app from that,
has anyone tried using iBatis' DAO layer then plugging hibernate underneath

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Re: [OT] Struts vs. XYZ

2003-12-15 Thread Vic Cekvenich
That feature does sound neat. I know of other exaples where good code 
did not make it in.
HOWEVER... a strength of Struts IS the DEVELOPER COMMUNITY support and 
interactivty. No other framework comes close to the developer culture 
relative to this Struts, for example this mail list.

It's also OK to be simple and not heavy. It does everything you need and 
does not get in the way when you need to do something it was not 
designed to do.

There are a dozen frameworks out there... they all start by saying :We 
are better than Struts becuase ... 
The point is that Struts is the most popular framework out there by far. 
Like how many books do they have on XYZ framework? How many people ofer 
training on it? If you get on a project... chances are it's Struts. So 
knowing Spring or 20 other things out there will not help you. Struts + 
DAO looks good on a resume. Else you have to explain what it is. 6 
developers who all have 6 different things better than Struts.

I look as Struts (using Churchill's words) like this:
It is the worst framework except for every other one out there.
I find Struts to be the simplest framework to use, you just have to 
dispatch in action, and if you need to work on someone else's code, take 
a peak at Struts.config, and you know where the M,V and C is.

Struts will not fail you project, it is production proven.

Struts Trainer
ps: I think JSF is far behind a lot of other frameworks in 
features/benefits, and I will document specifics why only a newbie would 
use JSF, once it ships.

Gus Heck wrote:
Interesting, I'm not sure I agree, but the patch that he complains about 
not being added sounds useful...

Robert Taylor wrote:

A coworker sent me this link and said it was an interesting read.

Personally I don't think the author put much research into Struts  before writing
this article which has some interesting points and history about MVC, but
is written to support his new ground breaking Shocks Servlet Framework.

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Re: Struts EL status

2003-12-15 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Yes, I would say BEAN and LOGIC tags should not be used!
One should use JSTL, DisplayTag, Struts Menu, HTML-el, Tiles-el.
AFAIK EL will become main (and others deprecated) when Struts drops 
support for Tomcat 3, which is planed for Struts 2.0.

I do think everyone is using EL and if they are not, it's a mistake (or 
they are on Tomcat 3. I am on Tomcat 5 and Resin 3 since they came out)


Mike Duffy wrote:
IMHO:   Using the Struts HTML-EL tags with JSTL is the best way to go.  The Struts 
Logic tags are
not as funtional as JSTL.

--- Derek Clarkson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,
	My boss doesn't want to use Struts EL because as he puts it it's not part of 
the main development and we can't tell where it might go. Can anyone clarify 
when and if it is going to take over ? everyone seems to be using it and I've 
used it in two projects (which didn't make my boss happy!)

Derek Clarkson
.O. Analyst/Programmer
..O Waterwerks Pty Ltd
OOO Melbourne, Australia
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Re: What goes where?

2003-12-13 Thread Vic Cekvenich
I would say JDBC drivers should not be in the WAR file (WEB-INF/lib) but 
should go to container.

I am wondering, why would you not use a DAO, for my own reasons, since 
there are questions on user list regarding JDBC, when I think DAO should 
be used (unless people using DAO just have no problems) and not JDBC; 
like why would once decide to use JDBC? (vs SQL based DAO like iBatis 
for example; but any DAO is much better than JDBC).


Eric SCHULTZ wrote:
Good afternoon...

I've looked around this list a bit and read the web sites (Tomcat, Struts)
and I know a bit about class loaders, but I'm still perplexed.
The blank Struts 1.1 app WEB-INF/lib has a bunch of jar files in, some
overlap with Tomcat 4.1.27's common/lib directory (namely the commons
libraries collections, dbcp, logging, and pool).
This leaves commons digester, fileupload, lang, and validator uniquely in
the WEB-INF/lib, along with struts.jar, struts-legacy.jar, and
As I understand struts.jar needs to remain in the WEB-INF/lib directory; I
assume struts-legacy.jar should stay there too.  But can all my commons jars
go in the common/lib directory?  Should those not already in common/lib go
in shared/lib?
I realise some people advocate putting everything the app needs in its
WEB-INF/lib directory; and I agree with that if I have version dependancies,
but I don't.  And I already have to put my JDBC drivers in common/lib to use
Tomcat's JNDI datasources so I've already started down that path.

Eric Schultz.

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Re: designing simple scheduler

2003-12-08 Thread Vic Cekvenich
With a layered MVC application you can re-use beans outside of Struts.
Have cron call beans application. I do.
Raman wrote:

I am using struts/beans  in my application. I want a scheduler kind of thing that 
after regular interval of time should check the db and send mails.
I want some suggestions regarding running it on red hat linux and way to go for this.
Raman Garg

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Re: Struts and Commons Chain

2003-12-08 Thread Vic Cekvenich

This is very interesting I think.
Hookom, Jacob wrote:

I was looking at chain's implementation, instead of executing the 
with the visitor pattern, wouldn't a more powerful/flexible method be to
implement it using a filter pattern?



Sample Chain:

CommandStart.execute(Context ctx, Chain chain) throws Exception
ServletContext srvCtx = (ServletContext) ctx;
String usrId = srvCtx.getRequestScope().getParameter(id));
String newName = srvCtx.getRequestScope().getParameter(name));
// get user and save state
User user = SomeService.getUser(usrId);
String oldName = user.getName();

// set new state and execute
ctx.setAttribute(user, user);
catch (Exception e)
// on error, rollback change
throw e;


CommandExceptionHandler.execute(Context ctx, Chain chain) throws 
catch (SQLException e)
// let unhandled exceptions go up

CommandExceptionThrower.execute(Context ctx, Chain chain) throws 
throw new SQLException();

With this, you would not have to change your inheritance to add behavior
(going from a command to a filter).  The given command would already know
best on how to handle itself and since it calls the next item in the 
we can also wrap the context to take care of situations where we want to
have listener type behavior.

The chain could also allow for runtime manipulation by the commands, to
insert additional commands to handle errors.

Jacob Hookom
Senior Programmer/Analyst
McKesson Medical-Surgical
Golden Valley, MN

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Re: designing simple scheduler

2003-12-08 Thread Vic Cekvenich

Turansky, Mark wrote:
how to reuse beans?

You should be making your beans without any thought of the web whatsoever.  THEN your Actions can calls your beans.  This way, the Actions are clients of your API.  By having an API containing business logic (instead of business logic in your actions), you promote reuse.

An additional benefit of this type of bean design is that you can test it automatedly (JUnit!) without having Tomcat or servlet container running.

The Action, in this case, is the glue connecting all your business logic (beans).  Replace the glue with another type of glue and you can reuse your business components anywhere.

You should be making your beans without any thought of the web whatsoever
An additional benefit of this type of bean design is that you can test it
And to underline the obvios Struts is MVC implementation. The 
benefit of MVC is MVC layers.

Then you can call your application (Yes, you can write console 
applications in Java, and re-use your Mail beans ) like this in bsh:
while true
  $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -classpath $CLASSPATH
  sleep 100

Else... you did not do MVC Struts... oops.


-Original Message-
From: Voinea, Marina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 9:19 AM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: designing simple scheduler

 Vic, can you please explain a bit more how do you reuse your beans ? (and
have cron job call yor application - you know the idea of separating layers,
how is your architecture like now ?)
 (we would need something similar...)
-Original Message-
From: Vic Cekvenich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 6:29 AM
Subject: Re: designing simple scheduler
With a layered MVC application you can re-use beans outside of Struts.
Have cron call beans application. I do.
Raman wrote:


I am using struts/beans  in my application. I want a scheduler kind of
thing that after regular interval of time should check the db and send
I want some suggestions regarding running it on red hat linux and way to
go for this.

Raman Garg

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Re: designing simple scheduler

2003-12-08 Thread Vic Cekvenich
No, no that is not what we are saying.

Just call the beans from your UI. In this case your UI is console.
Same bean that you allready tested. Struts is the fastest way to develop 
that I know (15 years of IT for me)

So your console app check the JavaMail and saves it or send it from db. 
Same beans and DB struts uses. So any mail shows up online.
Batch/async is bread and butter of DP. Online is just the icing.

Voinea, Marina wrote:
yes, calling APP layer API (beans) from the UI is OK.
 I was thinking if it is possible the other way around : to somehow inform
the UI that soemthing happened on the backend and it has to display a
message accordingly. (kind of polling from UI to back end). The APP layer
bean triggering an event in UI application. Coud this be done?

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Re: Struts User Roles

2003-12-08 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Struts users Servlets Role for it's tags, etc.

This snipet is from WEB.XMl (and not Struts.xml):

Here is a link on more WEB.XML (that works on any J2EE container -such 
as Tomcat):


Tiago Henrique Costa Rodrigues Alves wrote:
Where can I find Struts Roles documentation?

Tiago Henrique C. R. Alves

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Re: HELP: about to get datasource of struts and pass to logic bea ns...

2003-12-08 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Ah a small comment... The Struts DataSource should not be used, I agree;
 the J2EE container DataSource should be used; but it will not be 
removed for a while AFIAK.

(Deprecated just means it might be removed in some futre version. Just 
like hopefully bean, logic and html:link get deprecated in 2.0 in favor 
of JSTL. It's just a nudge from developers (of which I am not one) for 
you to start considering the better alternatives. I even think Java 
should deprecate Connection , ResultSet and java.util.Date  in favor of 
DataSource, RowSet and Calendar)
Poolman is very, very nice... I used it before 2001; when I switched to 
RowSet (before I started using a SQL based DAO). DAO is best thing to do 
now, and all the DB issues would disapper.


Edgar P Dollin wrote:
Don't spend the time to get DataSource working.  It is deprecated and will
be removed from struts in 1.2.  I use Poolman at sourceforge (I highly
reccomend it for non-j2ee projects).  Most others use the DataSource
supplied with the container.

-Original Message-
From: Caroline Jen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 4:29 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: HELP: about to get datasource of struts and pass to logic
There are lots of classes involved.  I will give you
an example:
1. my LogonAction calls (business
2. calls (data
access object implements, which is a
data access interface)
3. the returns (a
Java bean with three properties)
Here is my

package org.apache.artimus.logon;

import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.apache.struts.action.Action;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionError;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet;
import org.apache.artimus.lang.Tokens;

public final class LogonAction extends Action {

public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws java.lang.Exception {

// Obtain username and password from web tier
String username = ((LogonForm)
String password = ((LogonForm)

EditorService service = new EditorService();
EditorBean editor = service.findEditorData(
username );

HttpSession session = request.getSession();
session.setAttribute( editor, editor );
// Log this event, if appropriate

if (servlet.getDebug() = Tokens.DEBUG) {
StringBuffer message =
new StringBuffer(LogonAction: User
message.append(' logged on in session );
// Return success
return (mapping.findForward(Tokens.VALID));

} // End LogonAction

Here is the

package org.apache.artimus.logon;

import org.apache.artimus.logon.dao.*;

public class EditorService 
   EditorDAO ed = new MySQLEditorDAO();
   public EditorBean findEditorData( String username )
  return ed.findEditor( username );

Here is the

package org.apache.artimus.logon.dao;

import org.apache.artimus.logon.EditorBean;
public interface
public EditorBean findEditor( String username )
throws EditorDAOSysException;
Here is the

package org.apache.artimus.logon.dao;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import org.apache.artimus.logon.EditorBean;
import org.apache.artimus.ConnectionPool.DBConnection;
public class MySQLEditorDAO implements EditorDAO
   // Here the return type is EditorBean
   public EditorBean findEditor( String username ) 
   throws EditorDAOSysException 
  Connection conn = null;
  Statement stmt = null;
  ResultSet rs = null;

 conn = DBConnection.getDBConnection();
 stmt = conn.createStatement();
 String query = SELECT user_role,
journal_category FROM members WHERE user_name = ' +
username + ';   
 rs = stmt.executeQuery( query );
 if ( 
return new EditorBean( username,
rs.getString( user_role ), rs.getString(

Re: HELP: about to get datasource of struts and pass to logic beans...

2003-12-06 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Take a look at a very good db example app that uses Struts on
caled PetStore 3.


Ricky wrote:
 hi, there, 
 with my project i had several queries about get datasource in struts. i know how 
 to get datasource in struts, just as in myAction, use getDataSource method and 
 return DataSource object, and go on to get connection  
 i also know the logic beans between the Controller and Module, so i create a 
 logic bean ,i don't know how to get datasourc of pass the datasource, in some 
 tutorial , i got a way to solve this, create a method getDAO(HttpServletRequest 
 request) and pass the request to the method to get DataSource, i was lost here, i 
 dont' know what should i return in getDAO, should i return a DataSource object or 
 others and in my logic bean i can use the datasource and also get connection , 
 statement and resultset object , there i have to close it after i finish my process 
 what do you think of this i did ? in general, when i got a DataSource, i will 
 got a connection from datasource and a PrepareStatement and also a ResultSet , when 
 i finished my process, i can close all object i opened before in final method of try 
 ...catch...experession.. now what should i do to return a proper object in getDAO 
 method and in logic beans i can use the object to process logic business...
 i appologized for this ... i hope you can give me some suggestion or flow.. 
 now here is my flow of struts framework to pass the datasource to the logic beans... 
  i hope you can reword if you have some good idea...of correct my mistake... :)
 myAction :
 myAction extends Action() {
   public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) {
 LogicBean bean = new LogicBean();
 Object objcet = bean.doMethod(getDAO(request), other param)
   public DataSource getDAO(HttpServletRequest request) {
 DataSource ds = null;
 ds = getDataSource(request);
 return ds;
 and in my logic bean :
 class LogicBean {
   public Objct doMethod(DataSource ds, other param) {
 try {
   Connection conn = ds.getConnection();
   PrepareStatment stmt = conn.prepareStatment(SELECT ...);
   ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
   return Object.;
 } catch (SQLException ex) {
 } final {
   try {
   } catch (Exception ex) {
 return null;
 should i pass the DataSource to my logic beans? otherwise what object should i 

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Re: [OT] RE: Is it required to restart weblogic everytime after compiling ?? ? Need help Desperately .. :-(

2003-12-05 Thread Vic Cekvenich

Wendy Smoak wrote:
and restarting this weblogic again and again 
each time i debug .. :-( ...
stil waiting for a solution ...

Trim your posts!  Not only was it off topic, it was 400 lines long.  How
about doing your development work on Tomcat, then deploying to Weblogic?
This has the added advantage of forcing you to write code that'll run on
any container.
+ 1.

Or Resin, the both have a plug in to run w/ Eclipse so you set in even.
In general, propriatory code is inferior.

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Re: Disadvantages of Struts?

2003-12-04 Thread Vic Cekvenich
I disagree with you as well Robert.
Having a confgiration nudges you toward design and separation, and 
everyone on the team know where to find things.

In fact, when not doing Web apps, I use HiveMind, just so that I can 
have the structure.

Anyway, there a lot of MVC compeitoris.


Robert H. Tran wrote:
My point was not against configuration altogether, but rather against the
current rigid and centralized configuration. There should be options. If
there is configurations in a component, it should be self-contained by the
component. It is no framework's business. If there is an api in Struts, this
can be done nice and easy, as I said with Eclipse.
- Robert.

- Original Message - 
From: Martin Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: Disadvantages of Struts?

Robert H. Tran [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
I think an action's mapping is a decision by the action itself. Like I

earlier, when an application development finishes, that decision will

static. At that point, when an Action's mapping changes, its code will

to change too (unless the new mapping is kind of a synonym to the old
mapping, which doesn't bear any shift in the semantics). As such, there

almost no point in keeping the decision and the code separate (i.e.

the decision's configuration a loose end of the code). Or at least,
configuration shouldn't be the only way to add or modify an Action.
I disagree with this almost completely. If actions are written properly,

should be able to reconfigure the application, to some extent at least, by
changing the config alone and not touching the Java code. This is

useful when an app needs to be customised after the fact, and when the
source code is not available (e.g. by a customer, in their own

Martin Cooper

Even though each Action's configuration may be small, the configurations

all the Actions need to be kept track of and maintained (for integrity).
That may be a significant but unnecessary side work. To view the

there can be a tool to traverse the structure by api calls and display

That can be done after the fact and doesn't have to be before it. In
addition to that, when the decision (or configuration if any) goes where

code lives, modularity increases.


- Robert.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 6:55 AM
Subject: RE: Disadvantages of Struts?

I have to disagree with you on the first point. I find that there is
just a small amount of necessary configuration required to build an
Action class (most of my Action configurations have about a half dozen
lines, even less if there is no associated ActionForm). I'm not really
sure what you mean by paddle back and forth between the code and the
configuration, could you explain?

Robert H. Tran wrote:

I am not sure that is true. Struts seems to lack of an API. IMO, there

more required configurations than necessary. Take Action for example,

write an Action, one has to paddle back and forth between the code and

configuration. It is like an executable having to configure each of

dlls. The visibility of the mappings is nice to have but the mappings

be generated after the fact as in a debugging view. When the
application is

finished, configurations become static. But since configurations are
required, they will be like loose ends of the application. Another

how can one componentize his code and deploy it in a self-contained

as with Eclipse? Please forgive my novice.

- Robert.

- Original Message - 
From: Rick Hightower [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Developers List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 6:24 PM
Subject: RE: Disadvantages of Struts?

Don't be silly. Struts is perfect.

-Original Message-
From: Robert H. Tran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 2:10 PM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: Disadvantages of Struts?
I just wonder if Struts comes with any significant drawback. I mean
not in

terms of when to use Struts and when not to use it necessarily, but


the line of anyone's wishes that it had been better. Any advice is



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Re: Database with struts

2003-12-04 Thread Vic Cekvenich
I disagree.
DataSource should not be used, you should use a DAO, for example

Gurpreet Dhanoa wrote:

You have to Configure DataSource and then u can get the refernce of the same
it in the ACtion and can use it
- Original Message -
From: Divya B Sridhar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 7:03 PM
Subject: Database with struts

Hi all,
I am trying to do a database connectivity using struts.
Actually, the database resides on another machine and I have tomcat
running on my local machine.
The other machine is a linux box(a linux machine) which has the database
So, apart from the data-sources tags to be specified in the
struts-config.xml file, the Action class containing the Connection and
the queries, what other configuration is required. Any ideas on this?(I
mean to ask the other steps required in order that a simple sample
database example with struts works - drivers etc. Any input is welcome)
Thanks in advance,

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Re: Subclassing ActionServlet

2003-12-04 Thread Vic Cekvenich

Errr. request processor might be upgraded in version 2.0 of Struts.. so 
I subclass Action.

Fullam, Jonathan wrote:


I need to check the Session for an authenticated user before most 
To do this I subclassed ActionServlet and only call super(request, 
upon verification that authenticated user is in the Session.
if (request.getRequestURI().endsWith( |
request.getRequestURI().endsWith( |
super.process(request, response);
else if (request.getSession().getAttribute(USER) == null)
//Forward to login page

 I also know about the ability to subclass the RequestProcessor and
providing my own implementation of the processPreprocess method to
accomplish the same thing.
Does anybody know of any serious disadvantages or side effects of
subclassing the ActionServlet class rather than the RequestProcessor 

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OT:Re: connection pooling issue

2003-12-04 Thread Vic Cekvenich
This is not a Struts question IMO.

here is a FAQ for Wiki:

#1. No one should use connection pool, if you want for some (I can't 
think of a good one myself)  do low level JDBC, you should use data 
source. You can look up the data source via JNDI. Things like (low 
level) RowSet take a data source as argument... don't worry about 
connections, you will mess them up, unless you a double nested finnaly 

#2. If you use Struts... you should also use a DAO, such as

So use a data source (not connections) via JNDI and... don't use data 
source, use a DAO.


Ajay Kalidindi wrote:

The issue is:

1. I restart tomcat, everything works good with tomcat, struts, connection pool ...
   I monitered the catalina.out log and all looks good connecting/releasing etc.
2. After few hours I get the following error :
java.sql.SQLException: Communication link failure:, underlying cause: Unexpected end of input stream

I have already tried changing autocommit to true in struts-config.xml.

Any suggestions are welcome.

Env Info :

Redhat 9, Tomcat 4.1.29, struts 1.1, jdk 1.3 ...


Ajay Kalidindi

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Re: Advantages of Struts?

2003-12-04 Thread Vic Cekvenich
FAQ #2:

I would say this about Struts:

Sturts is like a kindergarden, we put our boots here, our books here; 
thus they allow people to know where to find things on a project. 
Presnetation here, Data Layer here;
And also people know generaly what they should be doing:
Once you have a form (html) mock up, you know what the formbean should 
be (it mapps). Just get the form bean to CRUD via DAO.

Also a few consider dynambeans a bad practice.
I consier them a not as good as form beans, they are harder to unit test 
among other things.


McClung, Brian wrote:

I've gone to the opposite extreme as you.  I don't want the action to be
responsible for where it goes, only for telling users which forward states
it supports.  I've removed the forward from both the Action and the
struts-config.xml file.  The action still returns the forward, but the
forward is dynamically created based on what the page has passed to the
action.  In my situation I resorted to this because I was using a single
action to handle multiple applications on the same site.  This meant that my
path would not be the same between each application.  Resorting to multiple
mappings in the configuration file would rapidly get out of control for me
as some of these applications can be created and removed rather quickly.  I
do have separate pages per application and this is why the page drives the
actions result.
I know this bends the MVC pattern, but it allows me to concentrate on
developing actions, form beans, and all the back end business logic, while
letting the Creative Designers develop pages and GUI workflow.  

Is anyone else doing something similar?  I posted my DynaAction class that I
use to do this with a couple of weeks ago.  It really surprises me that
there hasn't been a greater need for something like this in the community.
I'd be curious to hear how others have solved this problem.
Brian McClung
Senior Programmer
Belo Interactive
-Original Message-
From: Vic Cekvenich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: Disadvantages of Struts?
I disagree with you as well Robert.
Having a confgiration nudges you toward design and separation, and 
everyone on the team know where to find things.

In fact, when not doing Web apps, I use HiveMind, just so that I can 
have the structure.

Anyway, there a lot of MVC compeitoris.


Robert H. Tran wrote:

My point was not against configuration altogether, but rather against the
current rigid and centralized configuration. There should be options. If
there is configurations in a component, it should be self-contained by the
component. It is no framework's business. If there is an api in Struts,

can be done nice and easy, as I said with Eclipse.

- Robert.

- Original Message - 
From: Martin Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: Disadvantages of Struts?

Robert H. Tran [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

I think an action's mapping is a decision by the action itself. Like I

earlier, when an application development finishes, that decision will

static. At that point, when an Action's mapping changes, its code will

to change too (unless the new mapping is kind of a synonym to the old
mapping, which doesn't bear any shift in the semantics). As such, there

almost no point in keeping the decision and the code separate (i.e.

the decision's configuration a loose end of the code). Or at least,
configuration shouldn't be the only way to add or modify an Action.
I disagree with this almost completely. If actions are written properly,

should be able to reconfigure the application, to some extent at least, by
changing the config alone and not touching the Java code. This is

useful when an app needs to be customised after the fact, and when the
source code is not available (e.g. by a customer, in their own

Martin Cooper

Even though each Action's configuration may be small, the configurations

all the Actions need to be kept track of and maintained (for integrity).
That may be a significant but unnecessary side work. To view the

there can be a tool to traverse the structure by api calls and display

That can be done after the fact and doesn't have to be before it. In
addition to that, when the decision (or configuration if any) goes where

code lives, modularity increases.


- Robert.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 6:55 AM
Subject: RE: Disadvantages of Struts?

I have to disagree with you on the first point. I find that there is
just a small amount of necessary configuration required to build an
Action class (most of my Action configurations have about a half dozen
lines, even less

Re: Tab Layout in Struts !!

2003-12-04 Thread Vic Cekvenich

 I use it with tiles!
 Just the top tile is the menu.
 (Ex: tab1, option 1: goto /do/action1) configured with CSS for look 
and feel.
 So a simple menu 1st, and then you wil see tabs as no big deal.


Wendy Smoak wrote:
Vic wrote:

Struts Menu does tabs (and trees) much better, example of a tab:

This looks great, but I'm currently using Tiles.  What would be involved
in switching?  I know nothing about Velocity, would that replace the
Tiles definitions?
For the OP...

I tried to use the tiles-example's tabsLayout but have a problem.

You've said what you want, but not what you've tried that didn't work.
Can you post your current tiles-defs and struts-config so we can see
what might be wrong?

* when click on the ADMIN tab, it will show the ADMIN 
contents if and only if it has logoned, otherwise, 
it will show the login page.
(both of the login page or the admin page are belongs to the ADMIN

so that the TAB selection is ADMIN)

AFAIK you can't conditionally switch which Tile you want-- if you're
using tiles-defs, then you define the tabs in advance.  What you can do
is have the contents of the tab, the JSP, display one thing or the other
based on however you're deciding if someone is logged in.
So your admin.jsp might have:
c:if test=${user.loggedIn}
  display some stuff
c:if test=${not user.loggedIn}
  display some different stuff
(or use choose/when/otherwise instead of the two ifs, or use logic:equal
if you prefer the Struts tags.)

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Re: connection pooling issue

2003-12-04 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Just becuase Struts has something, does not mean you use all of it, just 
the main part. For example bean create is not MVC, the point of action 
is to pre poplate the bean, also better done with c:out.
For example the way you are trying to is deprecated.

The create a data source pool and JNDI name in Tomcat like this:

Context path= docBase=/wheremywaris/
reloadable=false crossContext=true
	Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.SystemOutLogger 
verbosity=4 timestamp=true/

Resource name=my_jndi_name auth=Container type=javax.sql.DataSource/
ResourceParams name=bppool
	parameter namedriverClassName/name 
valueorg.postgresql.Driver/value /parameter
	parameter namemaxIdle/name		value3/value	/parameter
	parameter nameusername/name 		valuedbuser/value /parameter
	parameter namemaxWait/name	value5000/value 
	parameter namemaxActive/name   	value10/value 
	parameter namepassword/name  		valuechangeme/value 
	parameter nameremoveAbandoned/name 	valuetrue/value 
	parameter nameremoveAbandonedTimeout/name 

Or like this in resin:
driver type=org.postgresql.jdbc3.Jdbc3ConnectionPool 
Add this to you web.xml:
Then select a DAO (Hibrenate or iBatis)
For ibatis create a name such as this ibatis data source (based on JDNI 
data source:

datasource name = ids

default = true 
   property name=DBInitialContext value= java:comp/env /
   property name=DBLookup value= dppool /

Then in your code you can do something like this:
List rows = _daoMap.executeQueryForList(dao_map_name, parmList);
This is real easy to unit test for CRUD.
You can then have a formbean map to rows list.
See how Struts makes you data agnoist, it's just a collection.
And you can deploy same war against production db or staging db, without 
re-compiling the war, thus what you test is what you use.
Of course, display tag takes list as an argument once place in request 
In actrion you pre populate the bean, and ... display tag gets it in scope.

There are many web sites about doing this in detail, and many J2EE books 
Some cosnider J2EE a pre-requesite for Struts. (Another faq is servlet's 
  api on user roles, Servlets api is used by Struts and others for 
seucirty. For some reasone people have home grow exotic security. If you 
do strange things... no one can help you, you are not on the main road.

Else somone else can tell you the deprecated way to do this for JDBC 1.0 
users. That way is... as you noticed buggy and not suitable for large 
production sites. I wonder why JDBC users don't just use Servlets and 
Tomcat features, and use Struts. If you use Struts, you should use DAO, 
else do everything low level.
You know there are people that do Struts training and mentoring, some 
have used Struts since 2001. It's very cost effective, and some are 
looking for gigs.

I am done preaching for the day.. almost:
Do not use data source within Struts. Do use a DAO via JNDI!

Ajay Kalidindi wrote:
Hi Vic,

   data-source key=contact
 set-property property=autoCommit value=true/
 set-property property=description value=Mysql Contacts/
 set-property property=driverClass value=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver/
 set-property property=maxCount value=5/
 set-property property=minCount value=2/
 set-property property=password value=password/
 set-property property=url value=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/db/
 set-property property=user value=user/
above section in struts-config.xml is provided as part of struts to enable
DB connection pooling.
Also it works perfect for few hours.

I forgot to mention my database, it is mysql.


Ajay Kalidindi

-Original Message-
From: Vic Cekvenich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 3:04 PM
Subject: OT:Re: connection pooling issue
This is not a Struts question IMO.

here is a FAQ for Wiki:

#1. No one should use connection pool, if you want for some (I can't 
think of a good one myself)  do low level JDBC, you should use data 
source. You can look up the data source via JNDI. Things

Re: Advantages of Struts?

2003-12-04 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Maybe in old days of client server, people used to ship Oracle and MS 
SQL drivers for ODBC. Boy, that was not fun, so people learned. Yeah, 
OCI and ctlib, good ridance.

In J2EE, the container provides services. (As per any J2EE book).
JNDI, DataSourcePool, Security, etc. etc. So no need to have JDBC 
related jars in war file.

Newbies don't use these services, but re-implement a home grown exiotic 
 and buggy versions. (Sometimes that is good, becuase I used to make 
money by just fixing connection leaks)
A pro just uses the J2EE services that are debuged and working 

They do this for exactly the same reason you said. In order to do less 
configuration. If emplyees is removed, and security is LDAP or JDBC 
realms or what ever, no impact on the war file.
If the DataSource needs to be changed to have a database fail over, no 
need to change the war file, or bother the developers. The unix admin 
just changes the xml file. Or deploy war file from stageing to 
production, no changes.
You can even change containers from Tomcat to Resin... and not change 
the WAR file. The is modular. Any scaling of data source pooling is a 
container toonable.

This has nothing to do with Struts, this is J2EE container services. You 
 do not have to use them, you can write your own security (that tags do 
not then see) or your own buggy connection pooling thing from JDBC 1.0.

Sturts is data layer agnostic, that's all. If you go out of the way to 
lock it... you can, no sign will pop up, the code will compile.
But you are not on a main road, and not many people will help you 
(unless you pay hourly)

If you remvoe a jar file, you need to regression test.
Are you suggesting that the Unix admin un-tars (nzips) the war file to 
get to the jar files for some good reason?

Untill you leverage J2EE container services, you will have stability 
issues, scalability issues, modular issues, etc.  (maybe write your own 
socket server? )

I know the fault. People have OLD jdbcs books, where the hello exaple is 
how to write a connection pool. This was OK in '95 and '96 when we used 
AWT. But things have advanced a bit since then.

Also, you will gain huge producitivity by using a DAO... which all realy 
on container services.

But again... this is a J2EE discussion, not Struts. Like if you used 
Spring, or WebWork, or Tapestry, or Sofia or ...
Same thing. Use a DAO! Use container services provided for you for free 
and working.
If the conatiner does not give you good scallability or is to messed 
up... you can pick another (again J2EE options)


Robert H. Tran wrote:
Point taken. But there is an option to modularize (and scale too), which is
currently missing. It's like adding (or removing) an employee phone number
at a firm usually doesn't mean having to update the listing at the phone
company, especially not by the employee himself going to the phone company
to do that. Yet the employee's phone can still be found and served up.
That's the job of the firm. It should be self-contained under the firm's
management to interface with the phone company through some protocols. Any
one firm added or removed shouldn't incur changes to the phone company's
configuration. A more practical example is: I want to remove this one jar
file that contains one (possibly multiple) independent unit(s) of many
actions and pages, what entries in Struts's configuration file do I need to
remove? The other option allows me to just remove the jar file (or a
corresponding directory) worry-free.
- Robert.

- Original Message - 
From: Vic Cekvenich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 3:20 PM
Subject: Re: Advantages of Struts?

FAQ #2:

I would say this about Struts:

Sturts is like a kindergarden, we put our boots here, our books here;
thus they allow people to know where to find things on a project.
Presnetation here, Data Layer here;
And also people know generaly what they should be doing:
Once you have a form (html) mock up, you know what the formbean should
be (it mapps). Just get the form bean to CRUD via DAO.
Also a few consider dynambeans a bad practice.
I consier them a not as good as form beans, they are harder to unit test
among other things.

McClung, Brian wrote:


I've gone to the opposite extreme as you.  I don't want the action to be
responsible for where it goes, only for telling users which forward

it supports.  I've removed the forward from both the Action and the
struts-config.xml file.  The action still returns the forward, but the
forward is dynamically created based on what the page has passed to the
action.  In my situation I resorted to this because I was using a single
action to handle multiple applications on the same site.  This meant
that my

path would not be the same between each application.  Resorting to

mappings in the configuration file would rapidly get out of control for

as some

Re: White Space

2003-12-04 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Consider Tidy from or jTidy on for html clean up.


Derek Clarkson wrote:
My thoughts exactly, I just don't know where and how to do this. ;-)

On Friday 05 December 2003 11:27, Wendy Smoak wrote:

Derek Clarkson wrote:

Is there anyway to automatically remove white space blank
lines and tabs, but
still leave normal lines in place so i can read the html if
necessary. I.e.
remove any occurances of the following:
1. Empty lines including those just filled with tabs.
2. All other tabs.
3. Trailing white space.
Sounds like a job for a Filter!  You'd modify the HTML after it leaves
the Struts webapp, before it leaves the container on its way to the
browser.  I suspect someone has written this already...

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data connections issues - solution

2003-12-04 Thread Vic Cekvenich

(among others)


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Re: [ANNOUNCE] Struts Menu 2.0 Released!

2003-12-02 Thread Vic Cekvenich
It's in the navigator package.
(but no need for CVS, you can just use the jar and look at the war example).
snpe wrote:
  Is it Struts Menu 2.0 in CVS for Struts Menu ?
  I checkout HEAD and RELEASE_NOTES have only 1.3 version
Haris Peco
On Monday 01 December 2003 11:07 am, Matt Raible wrote:
This release is a significant refactoring of the 1.x codebase.  The
and site is now built using Maven.  Menus can now be defined using
templates and support has been added for looking up dynamic values.
means that if you have ${variableName} in your menu-config.xml (in a
the tag library will look in all scopes for a variable with the name
variableName.  The example app has been updated to improve
IMO, the Velocity templates is huge because it means if it's possible
HTML - it's possible with Struts Menu.
Changes (

- Renamed package structure to net.sf.navigator.
- Added support for using Struts' actions and forwards for links in
- Added support for using dynamic variables in menu-config.xml.
- Updated build process to use Maven for building/deploying.
- Refactored to use Velocity and allow dynamic variable substitution.
Read the nitty-gritty details about the Velocity enhancements at


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Re: [OT] initialization of application-wide drop-down settings

2003-12-02 Thread Vic Cekvenich
What I do is do data (Model) caching the data layer, the DAO, such as 
iBatis. For example I can set the cache for options to 24 hours or 
more, thus no special code for caching otside of DAO.

Then I retrive optionsCollection from DAO order by 
some_sort_colum_for_order.  This puts them in order.
The data is accessed once for the application context ('cuase of DAO).

Haroon Rafique wrote:

Long time lurker, first time poster.

I'm using struts 1.1. My question is rather general and may even be 

I use a ServletContextListener class for populating certain
application-wide settings inside the contextInitialized() method. One of
the requirements is that I need to maintain the order of the drop-down
values. Might need to separate them by locale at a future stage as well.
So, for example my phone types collection looks as follows:

	// set up list of phone types
Collection col = new ArrayList();
// FIXME: read from a properties resource bundle instead
col.add(new LabelValueBean(Business Tel., B));
col.add(new LabelValueBean(Cell Phone,C));
col.add(new LabelValueBean(Pager, D));
col.add(new LabelValueBean(Fax - Mailing (local) address, F));
col.add(new LabelValueBean(Fax - Permanent (home) address, 
col.add(new LabelValueBean(Fax - Business,H));
// place under PHONE_TYPE_KEY in application scope

Later on, in my view, I can use the html:options tag to populate the
drop-down. Hah! I used html:options in the previous sentence, so that
makes this post partially on-topic.
So, far so good, as this is only development.

In production, I'm really supposed to get these values and labels from a
database. It is acceptable to only load this once upon application startup
as is the case now by using ServletContextListener. Making the call to the
database upon application startup is not an option, however, a cron job is
able to pull these values out and store them in a file.
Now my question to you is what is the most convenient file structure 
which will let me meet my above-stated requirements?

So, far I have thought of (and discounted):

1. ResourceBundle (since it will not keep the original order)

Likely candidates are:

1. custom code to read a .properties file which maintains the order 
(something along the lines of using getResourceAsStream() - have to think 
about locales).

2. Use Digester to read XML data (have to think about locales).

I'm pretty certain some of you must have run into this problem beforehand. 

Can I call upon your experience to provide me with some input or point 
out something obvious that I may have missed?

Haroon Rafique

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Re: Struts menu

2003-12-01 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Just today a new version of Struts Menu was released, that is what I use.


Francesco Di Candia wrote:
Hi all, i'm a Struts newbie and i'm trying to move my web-application from JSP/Servlets to 
Struts/Tiles. Someone of you can suggest my the best way to implement menu tile using Struts 
 Tiles togheter? I need real experience mixing Struts  Tiles because I found 
something googling but real experience are better.
Thanks in advance, Francesco

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Re: Composing parts of a form with tiles

2003-11-29 Thread Vic Cekvenich
From home page of Struts you can get to Tiles API here:
See the role option?
That will optional display or not display a tile. There are many 
variations on role with other tags.


Mohan Radhakrishnan wrote:
 We need to show a set of buttons at the bottom of a form activated or
deactivated according to the role of the login user. Now the html:form
closes after the set of buttons in the page. How are parts of  the same page
composed like this ?
 Help appreciated.


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Re: Chain - not comatible

2003-11-28 Thread Vic Cekvenich
(thanks Batien for emailing the war).

When runing Struts Chain example I get a Sepecified RequestProcessor is 
not compatible with TilesRequestProcessor.

Is there a work arround?

(Tiles  and tilesaction are VERY important to my designs)


(I am still just looking at examples.. still not sure how to write a 
hello world chain)

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Re: security pattern

2003-11-28 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Here is what I do in WEB-XML:

Vano Beridze wrote:
Thank you for the answers.

I will be more specific.

I now have the following implementation. It's not built with struts, but 
is built merely from servlets.

The application consists of a login page,main page and also bunch of 
other pages. when a user wants to do something it chooses one menu item 
from the main page, navigates through some pages and at the end is 
returned to the main page. ( I think it's the usual scenario for many 
web apps). The menu items are called actions.

So I have a list of actions. Each action defines the role (It's the 
Oracle Database role) that a user (Oracle user) must have to access that 

I also define which page is owned by which action. What that means. For 
example. If I have a menu.

And I press on a Station link I might visit the following pages 
Station1,Station2 and so on.

I say that Station1,Station2 is owned by Station action.

It's important to say that Station1 can be visited from another action.

When a user is logged in I determine what actions it has based on his 
role and presenting him only that menu items. But if a user is clever
he can bypass this limitation and type directly the link to another page
that he is forbidden to access to.

I have a filter that is applied to all the servlets. This filter does 
the following job. It checks the user session. Extracts the actions that 
the user has. Determines what page user is trying to access. Determines 
the action this page is owned by and checks if the user has that action.

That's all. It's working fine. The only difficulty is that I need to 
track the relation between actions and pages during development.

My question is the following:

Is there a better pattern that I can use and If yes Can you provide me 
with more info? How can jaas help me in this situation?

Thank you very much.

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Re: Struts-chain

2003-11-27 Thread Vic Cekvenich
I tried to build to get the chain sample app... and I can't. I got the 
common and struts chain jars built.

In order to build sample chains war... you have to get sturts to build 
from source... which requires you get commons-lib.home of CVS of jakarta 
commons and sandobox... yuck. (Maven build of Sturts is broken).

If anyone (Batjen?) wants to e-mail me privetly the example war file 
great, tia.


Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
Quoting Vic Cekvenich [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

BaTien Duong wrote:

 i am able to have struts-chain example (the old

struts-example with struts-chain built from cvs) up and running using 
j2sdk1.4.2_02 and tomcat 5.0.14. 

Where did you find an example of using a Struts chain?


Download the jakarta-struts nightly source distro (or check it out from
anonymous CVS).  Then, start Tomcat and execute:
  cd contrib/struts-chain
  ant install
This builds a variation on the standard struts-example webapp that uses the
chain-based replacement for the standard RequestProcessor.

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Re: Tab Layout in Struts !!

2003-11-25 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Struts Menu does tabs (and trees) much better, example of a tab:
Eric Chow wrote:

I tried to use the tiles-example's tabsLayout but have a problem.

There are two TAB in my web page, HOME and ADMIN.

I want to implement as following:

* when click on the ADMIN tab, it will show the ADMIN contents if and only
if it has logoned, otherwise, it will show the login page. (both of the
login page or the admin page are belongs to the ADMIN tab, so that the TAB
selection is ADMIN)
How can I define this in tiles-def.xml and struts-config.xml?
And solution to implement this? Please give me a hand !

If you know what you are doing,
it is not called RESEARCH!

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Re: Server manged vs. struts managed db pools

2003-11-25 Thread Vic Cekvenich

Edgar P Dollin wrote:

There is another issue regarding connection pooling in struts vs connection
pooling in the container.  In struts the war file contains all the
information the app needs to run.  With container pooling (at least with
tomcat and resin) you have to coordinate the container configuration with
struts configuration.  With a single container running multiple apps this is
a bit of an issue.

 I have that same example. The war has JNDI.
How the connection pool is provided is of no issue for the war. It works 
great. You can just lean on J2EE and let it take you home.


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Re: [OT] Good reporting engine/tools

2003-11-25 Thread Vic Cekvenich
I used to use Crystal and now use with JasperReports

Butt, Dudley wrote:
Hi all, 

Has anyone used any good reporting stuff recently? Please let me know. We're currently evaluating to get rid of our Crystal reports, just need to know
some other options...THANX 


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Re: [OT] Stress Test

2003-11-24 Thread Vic Cekvenich
OpenSTA works for me.

Jerry Jalenak wrote:
Hi All,

I've got a problem with my current web app where it stops responding after
about 6 hours.  I need to set up a test environment and simulate multiple
logon's so I can trap my way through the code and figure out where it is
failing.  I think there is a tool available that can be used to do this -
HTTPerf (I think), but I'm not sure if this will do what I want.  Does
anyone have any experience with this?

Jerry Jalenak
Development Manager, Web Publishing
LabOne, Inc.
10101 Renner Blvd.
Lenexa, KS  66219
(913) 577-1496

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Re: STURT set up and IDE for STURT

2003-11-20 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Did you read any of the Struts books or tutorials on the home page of 

Meenakshi Dhawale wrote:


I am new to STURTS architecture  I have told to implement it for live 
So I have downloaded STURTS 1.1 from 

Now I want  to make set up for the same. So can u please guide me with this
Like what are the pre-requisites s/w for making STURTS setup or any
installation mannual.
I have used Forte and ecliplse as IDE. Whether i can continue with these?
If yes...what setting I have to make?
If no .. which is preferred IDE...


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Re: Lazy questions on this list

2003-11-20 Thread Vic Cekvenich

Larry Meadors wrote:

What is JSTL? kinds of questions should be answered 

As long as these questions are answered, they will continue to be

Maybe a FAQ Wiki? Who will be the first to create a page and post a FAQ?
The culture of the list is part for Struts Community. The founders of 
Struts have a way of being welcoming and educational without lecturing, 
that makes people feel welcome and impressed.
I do not have that gift, ... but the community should try to help people 
that do ask questions related to Struts.

But if they can't even find a Struts home page, I think... if they can't 
browse, should they even code in Java. ( Maybe they are one of the 
expert designers that do not know how to code. See, I do not have that 


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Re: Lazy questions on this list

2003-11-20 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Here is the Wiki url ... should somone want to do a first post on FAQ, I 
will post 1 or 2... but I won't be first.

Maybe dev makes the Wiki page more prominent.

Ted Husted wrote:

Paul McCulloch wrote:
  Is it my imagination or are the number of downright lazy requests to
  this list getting worse?
  If the only replies any lazy questions ever got was then maybe people
  would get the point. Has anyone got any other ideas about how we can
  educe the amount of lazy and totally off-topic posts to the list?
Welcome to the darkside of being the world's most popular web 
application framework. :)

IMHO, the very best way to handle easy questions is with a link to the 

  Where can I download Struts?

HTH, Ted.

  Struts setup and IDE?

HTH, Ted.


Simple, efficient, and to the point. Once you've pointed them at once 
answers, perhaps they can start finding the others on their own :)

If the answer doesn't exist as a link, a very good approach would be to 
create a wiki page and then link to that. Like bugzilla, the wiki is 
open to all comers. You don't have to be a Committer to post.

For questions not directly related to Struts, one of the links on the 
preface page will usually be on task:

HTH, Ted.

Victor Cekvenich,
Struts Instructor
(215) 321-9146
Advanced Struts Training Server Side Java
training with Rich UI, mentoring, designs, samples and project recovery
in North East.
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Shopping and Credit processing, software, ready
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Re: Improvements on an old Struts app

2003-11-19 Thread Vic Cekvenich
You know in Struts you could submit on entering a field to get your 
options, but you did not do that I assume for good reasons.

Let me try this as a stab:

Please read this:
section on Calling a server-side Script without refreshing the page
Then once you understand that, this: or 
other similar, even XML-RPC via .js.

So I would design this is:
Type in a field.
.js calls to get a list for an options sellection
And capture the selection.
Of course since you need to do this a few times, you can write some 
helper reusable methods.
The form saves should still be done in Strtus.


Wendy Smoak wrote:
I gather that this is frowned upon:
  forward name=resolution  path=/ /
However, when I wrote the app, I couldn't find a way around it.  The
flow is that you type a name in field 1 on form A, you get a list of
possible matches, and you pick one and return to form A which inserts
that name in field 1.  

The complication is that there are multiple fields on form A that need
this behavior.  And then there's form B and C that also need to use this
name resolution.
I had to resort to sticking String in request scope and using that as
the target of the resolution form (which isn't a Struts form):
form action=c:out value=${returnTo}/ method=POST
I'm using a recent nightly build.  Is there anything in there that can
solve the go back where you came from problem?  And once you get back
where you came from, I also need to know which field you were trying to
If it sounds like a mess, it is!  (But it's working...)

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Re: Struts - 24 x 7 Compatible

2003-11-19 Thread Vic Cekvenich
 Puneet Agarwal wrote:

 Hi all,
 Would it be possible and desired to make struts based applications be
 available on 24x 7 basis.
 What I mean is for a struts based application deployed in production
 environment, the possible downtimes are two
 1.   Dependency down - like Database backup.
 2.   Next Release of the application to fix the bugs, or an upgradation.

 I target the second point. Now as regards to feasibility, I don't think
 that is a problem, we can easily start a thread to address the best
 possible design.

 all I am trying right now is only the acceptability, do other people 
 require this, and how does it fit with the struts future plans.

 I've been hot-releasing new versions of Struts apps for years (on Resin)
 so I don't see that this issue has anything to do with Struts. It has to
 do with making all session objects serializable, and proper
 configuration of the app server to preserve sessions over a restart.

 Is there more you have in mind?


Above was posted in dev, it should be in user. Similar to:
I think using sesion fail over adds complexity and reduces stability.
A good way I think is to use a sticky bit at CISCO round  robin to app 
server A, B, C
Once a session is created, all the requests go to the same box.
In the unlikely situation of a box failing, the user gets a new session 
on remaing boxes.

This is much simpler to maintain.  Any hot (and distributed cache 
fulusing) can be done via iBatis/oscache.

I also monitor app in production via JaMon (OSS)


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Re: OT: Good UI editor to use with Struts?

2003-11-19 Thread Vic Cekvenich
I use Eclipse, with Colorer plug in for JSP; and Sydeo plug in for JSP 


Davidson, Glenn wrote:

Which UI editor would you recommend someone use when developing web
applications based upon the struts framework? I am using eclipse as my IDE. 



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Re: Validator's great!

2003-11-19 Thread Vic Cekvenich
I just wanted to say Validator is great!

And like Matt said, not in action/ actions should be stupid, in 
formbean, ie:


(which then also makes .js validation work)
Kruse, Matt wrote:
Using either customized Java code or regular expressions, a
developer can ensure that any incoming form data is legal and valid.
This is a tremendous help to any developer as it prevents bad 
data from being processed by their Action and, many times, 
causing the user to see annoying 500 errors.

I'm not sure why any Action would bomb out from invalid data.
If that happens, IMO, you're putting too much logic in your Action.
IMO, data validation belongs at the BO level. No matter where your data
comes from, your BO should decide for itself whether or not it's valid
before it tries to process it. It shouldn't just assume that it will get
valid data.
For this reason, in one project I completed, we ignored client-side
validation nearly completely, and instead relied on server-side validation
coming from the BO's themselves. This way, no matter what screen tried to do
what operation, correct error messages would be given back to the user and
the screen would re-paint.
This was a lot easier and more logical to me than having each screen (which
is simply a view to data) know exactly what kind of data is valid for what
it is displaying.
Doing it at the BO level, if there is a change in one validation, it gets
changed in one place, no matter how many screens can updated that piece of
data. Much easier, IMO.
So, I'd like the Validator framework to work at the BO level and the
javascript/screen level, and skip the Action level altogether. I prefer my
Actions to be really, really stupid - traffic-controllers only, not data
Matt Kruse

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Re: datavision and struts

2003-11-18 Thread Vic Cekvenich
I use this:

Does anyone use datavision as reporting tool together with struts? any 
thank you.

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Re: [OT] Handling database connection exceptions

2003-11-17 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Jim, action's execute throws exception; this exposes the container to 
deceleertively do this, if you declare an error page in web.xml.


Jimmy Emmanual wrote:
Why don't you throw the exception from the Data Access class and catch it in
DispatchAction and if there is an exception then forward to the error jsp
page else to the display jsp?

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Re: Iterate a Collection inside a bean of session???

2003-11-14 Thread Vic Cekvenich
For option tag, you might want to use the optionCollection tag instead 
for a collection.

Mauricio T. Ferraz wrote:

I have a produtoBean on session and this has a property ArrayList formatosArquivos

How I put the value of option to the same name of  bean:write name=formato/  ?

logic:iterate id=formato name=produtoView property=formatosArquivos indexId=index scope=session 

html:option value=?bean:write name=formato//html:option


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Struts comparison

2003-11-13 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Struts comparison to WebWork:



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Re: Struts - sometime the form is being submitted twice

2003-11-13 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Read up on Tokens in the Action class. It explains how to eliminate this 
( that would have also happened even in a regular non struts servlet/jsp).


Judy Spengeman wrote:
Using the following code fragment:
function f_ValidateForm(later) {
var newline = unescape(%0A);

var leading_space = ;

var ni = newline + leading_space; 

} // end with

if (later == 1)


document.formq1.BUTTONPRESSED.value = FinishLater;




if (later == 0)


document.formq1.BUTTONPRESSED.value = NextPage;


return true; }

FORM ... action=/SampleApp/

INPUT type=button name=FinishLater value=Save and finish later 
onClick=return f_ValidateForm(1)

INPUT type=submit name=NextPage value=Continue onClick=return 

Prior to moving the questionnairre Servlet\JSP to implementing a Struts 
Action class, the form was being submitted to the servlet without any 
problem. Now all of a sudden (on rare instance), the form is sometimes 
being submitted twice - returning with a error due to a duplicate table 

Can anyone determine the cause of this (besides the FinishLater 
submitting the form and then returning true to the button)? Is this 
something within Struts? Why has this cropped up only now as this code 
has been in production for quite a while with the 'submit/return 
true'??? Is it WebSphere 5.0? Struts?

Please help!!!

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Re: Servlet filter and Struts

2003-11-10 Thread Vic Cekvenich
This is the standard way to do what you want... in web-xml only, using 
J2EE for container (such as tomcat JDBC realms) for security, a best 
Once you know this part of JAAS, then you can extend, to put more things 
about the user in session, and track that in you actions.

!-- guest --

Steffen Gransow wrote:
Sorry, wrong mailing list I guess. :\

But what I would like to know is: If I do forward to a specific page in
a servlet filter, what would the code look like?
RequestDispatcher rd = context.getRequestDispatcher(/kvnet/login.jsp);
rd.forward(request, response);
Or should I use /kvent/ Or am I totally wrong?

Thanks in advance.


-Original Message-
From: Steffen Gransow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2003 11:54 AM
Subject: Servlet filter and Struts


I want to implement a servlet filter to redirect users to login when
there is no valid session. Now I have a simple Struts application with a
welcome and a login page. As soon as I add the filter my 'application'
stops working. How do I implement a servlet filter in a correct way to
achieve what I want?
My web.xml looks like this:


The init-param isn't used at the moment. Is the pattern correct? I would
access my app with a url like this: http://localhost/kvnet
Are there good resources for me to read?

Thanks in advance.

Victor Cekvenich,
Struts Instructor
(215) 321-9146
Advanced Struts Training Server Side Java
training with Rich UI, mentoring, designs, samples and project recovery
in North East.
Simple best practice basic Portal, a Struts CMS, Membership, Forums,
Shopping and Credit processing, software, ready
to develop/customize; requires a db to run.

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Re: [OT JDO Implementations]

2003-11-07 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Do not cross post.
Consider one IMO), and write a DAO interface. This way 
later you could switch.

Butt, Dudley wrote:

Hi all, 

I'm just wanting to find out from anyone who may have started using any JDO implementations? We really want to go JDO, but so far, we found only 2
fairly ok implementations - JDO Genie from and Exadel Studio.
Of course, we must not forget Hibernate as a big player, which also looks great, but is not yet JDO compliant, but then again, doesn't need to be as

I really just looking at getting some input from anyone whose used an implementation 
on a project and found it to be greatI'd really like to hear
from you.
Many thanx

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OT: Re: newbee: eclilpse struts-jsp tag suport plug-in

2003-11-07 Thread Vic Cekvenich
This is an Eclipse new group question. There are several pages that list 
all the Eclipse plugins (links on cheat sheet page on
I use XML buddy w/ smart typing for any XML, including JSP
and Colorer plug ins.
(also I use JFaceDB plugin for DB exploring)
Also consider DreamWeaver (or M7, Camino,, Exadel, etc.; all 
linked on Cheat Sheet page)

But once you get more experience you end up doing a lot in

Noel Cornejo wrote:
-- Hi !
I'm using eclipse since two days ago and it does'nt support struts tags, 
please. where could i find a plug-in for that?
Victor Cekvenich,
Struts Instructor
(215) 321-9146
Advanced Struts Training Server Side Java
training with Rich UI, mentoring, designs, samples and project recovery
in North East.
Simple best practice basic Portal, a Struts CMS, Membership, Forums,
Shopping and Credit processing, software, ready
to develop/customize; requires a db to run.

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Re: PLEASE HELP: Exception handling

2003-11-07 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Say this in WEB.XML
Then this in error.jsp or what ever you consider friendly:
%@ page isErrorPage =true %
You are at a J2EE error page:
%= exception.getMessage() %
and then:

throw new Exception(Oops, I did it again);
Or if you want to localize.
There are many variations, but KISS will start you.
Bard A. Evjen wrote:

Can anyone provide me with a complete example of using execption handling in
struts that supports a nice message to the user and the actual error
message (displayed on the jsp page)? (I'm using struts 1.1)
I think I've tried everything now (well, obviously not everything since it
is not working), so I would REALLY appreciate the help.
You can either point me to a page where I can download a complete example or
you can send it to me on bardevjen at
Thanks a lot!

Victor Cekvenich,
Struts Instructor
(215) 321-9146
Advanced Struts Training Server Side Java
training with Rich UI, mentoring, designs, samples and project recovery
in North East.
Simple best practice basic Portal, a Struts CMS, Membership, Forums,
Shopping and Credit processing, software, ready
to develop/customize; requires a db to run.

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Re: Problems with charset iso8859_1 and encoding

2003-11-07 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Consider posting in TagLibs list.
This is covered very nicely in JSTL (aka Standard Tags), read up on set 
encoding in
and let me know if you then have a question. They even have examples.
(or start here

Also both JSTL books cover encoding.


alvin antony wrote:

Hi *,
I am desperately looking for a solution on this. Sorry  for my poor knowledge on Unicode standards. 
In my application users are allowed to type data in different languages, for example 'Greek'. 
A Greek alphabet ' Ã ' is represented in ISO8859_1 as #915; but when  I use any of the tags in struts, it converts this to amp#915.
I assume struts treats '' as HTML sensitive comp.. but it isn't here. When i use %=myBean.getProperty() % it prints ' Ã ' that is correct. 
I write two lines in my jsp's to convert to ISO8859_1.
1. META http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=iso8859_1 /
2. [EMAIL PROTECTED] contentType=text/html; charset=iso8859_1 %
any help is highly appreciated
Thanks in advance
alvin antony [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello guys,

I didn't found any from Struts solution for the my last mail (find below), but I managed to correct it by adding a line in my Tiles layout file

Now I run into new problem that, the not understands this charset or interprets differently :-/ . I have to set 'filter' to false, in order to work.

If any anybody know where I have to set that DEFAULT value for 'filter' in is FALSE instead of TRUE?

I tried set in the struts-bean.tld's found in /WEB-INF folder and in the Struts.jar. doesn't help:-/ .Any help?

Thanks a lot


alvin antony wrote:

Hello Friends,
I am coming back to the Struts mailing list after a long period. 

I have a problem with my Struts Application , that allows the users to fill in a form. When a user type in Greek letter's into the application and later reads backs to the browser from the application it shown as another letter, but when I change the coding on the browsing to Greek(Windows), it shows the correct letter. Is it possible encode characters automatically from Struts Framework.

I tried already to define Controller in the Struts Config as given below


but with out success. 
If any body can help us on this, would be great.



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Alvin K. Antony
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80538 München
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Yahoo! India Mobile: Ringtones, Wallpapers, Picture Messages and more.Download now.
Victor Cekvenich,
Struts Instructor
(215) 321-9146
Advanced Struts Training Server Side Java
training with Rich UI, mentoring, designs, samples and project recovery
in North East.
Simple best practice basic Portal, a Struts CMS, Membership, Forums,
Shopping and Credit processing, software, ready
to develop/customize; requires a db to run.

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Re: Question on compositing Tiles dynamically from Action

2003-11-07 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Flip it and revrse it, go to tiles, that call actions:
definition name=myPage1 extends=baseLayout
put name=body value=/do/myPage1/
put name=tile value=/do/myTile/
definition name=myPage2 extends=baseLayout
put name=body value=/do/myPage2/
put name=tile value=/do/myTile/
And then yor Struts mapping forwards are
forward name=Success path =/WEB-INF/jsp/myPage1.jsp
forward name=Success path =/WEB-INF/jsp/myPage2.jsp

You can (should?) have a /do in a tile, for action to figure out what 
JSP to assemble. Also explained in Tiles 201.


Brice Ruth wrote:

I have an Action that will do some DB things and currently return a 
pre-defined ActionForward that links to a pre-defined Tile definition. 
Examples are below. What I want to do, is save myself some typing, and 
assemble the tile definition dynamically in the Action, and then return 
a new ActionForward for that definition (or something like this). The 
reason being, the forwards  Tile definitions (currently) would need to 
be duplicated 4 additional times to support the different sections of 
our site.

Any suggestions? I'd need to be able to create definitions that extend 
pre-defined ones (like as well as setting attributes 
that reference pre-defined definitions (like .mainLayout). Thanks in 

   definition name=garden.product
   put name=mainLayout value=.mainLayout/
   put name=navigation value=.navigation.level3/
   put name=content value=/common/tiles/productContent.jsp/
   definition name=garden.category
   put name=mainLayout value=.mainLayout/
   put name=navigation value=.navigation.level3/
   put name=content 

Victor Cekvenich,
Struts Instructor
(215) 321-9146
Advanced Struts Training Server Side Java
training with Rich UI, mentoring, designs, samples and project recovery
in North East.
Simple best practice basic Portal, a Struts CMS, Membership, Forums,
Shopping and Credit processing, software, ready
to develop/customize; requires a db to run.

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Re: Question on compositing Tiles dynamically from Action

2003-11-07 Thread Vic Cekvenich

Brice Ruth wrote:

This still doesn't keep me from having to duplicate entries for each 
section of our site (we  have 5 - garden, school, office, crafts, 
housewares) - and other non-Action driven pages need the same 
.baseLayout extended Tiles for each of the sections (, 
etc.) - and those definitions define the sections colors and a variety 
of other things.

Yes it does! Specificaly, you do not need to create custom definition if 
you are only changing styles, etc. Read my example again (and maybe 
Tiles 201).
See how an definition can have a variable part?
You then define a single Strut action, to provide the variation.

Good luck,

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Re: Question on compositing Tiles dynamically from Action

2003-11-07 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Let me try it this way:

_DO NOT_ call a /do from your definition to provide varibility by 
calling an action from tiles, so that you have much less definitions.

Also, DO NOT loook at this :
(a shoping cart example and it's layout that calls action from tiles)


Brice Ruth wrote:

Brice Ruth wrote:

This still doesn't keep me from having to duplicate entries for each 
section of our site (we  have 5 - garden, school, office, crafts, 
housewares) - and other non-Action driven pages need the same 
.baseLayout extended Tiles for each of the sections 
(, etc.) - and those definitions define the 
sections colors and a variety of other things.

Yes it does! Specificaly, you do not need to create custom definition 
if you are only changing styles, etc. Read my example again (and maybe 
Tiles 201).
See how an definition can have a variable part?
You then define a single Strut action, to provide the variation.

Good luck,

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Victor Cekvenich,
Struts Instructor
(215) 321-9146
Advanced Struts Training Server Side Java
training with Rich UI, mentoring, designs, samples and project recovery
in North East.
Simple best practice basic Portal, a Struts CMS, Membership, Forums,
Shopping and Credit processing, software, ready
to develop/customize; requires a db to run.

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Re: [FRIDAY] Why people want to know who read their msg?

2003-11-07 Thread Vic Cekvenich
James Mitchell wrote:

If you don't like Outlook features, stop using Outlook.


Outlook also spreads viruses.

I use Mozilla based mail client (Netscape, etc.) and have less of a need 
to run any virus checkers, becuase it's just a better mail client.


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Re: Struts-chain

2003-11-07 Thread Vic Cekvenich

BaTien Duong wrote:

 i am able to have struts-chain example (the old
struts-example with struts-chain built from cvs) up and running using 
j2sdk1.4.2_02 and tomcat 5.0.14. 

Where did you find an example of using a Struts chain?


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Re: [OT - Design] Needing Fast Access to 300,000 Records

2003-11-06 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Jerry Jalenak wrote:
Hi All - 

I've been trying to figure out a good way of handling something, and just
can't quite seem to get a grip on the best approach.  Here's what I've got:
Two database tables - Table 1 has a BILLING_CODE and an ACCOUNT_CODE.  Table
2 has the ACCOUNT_CODE and other account information (name, address, etc.)
The tables are linked by ACCOUNT_CODE.
Table 1:
Table 2:
I need to be able to rapidly access the information in table 2 either
through the BILLING_CODE, or directly through the ACCOUNT_CODE.  I can
create a POJO containing the BILLING_CODE and a List object to hold a second
POJO for the table 2 info.  Or I can use a Map.  Either way doesn't give me
a good method of accessing the table 2 information based on ACCOUNT_CODE.
Two other bits of info - the combined number of records exceeds 300,000, so
I have a scaling issue.  Second, I'd like to load everything in a plug-in
using iBatis dbLayer and store it in application scope (to eliminate db
calls as the webapp is used.)  
That is ridiculous!!
Why stop there, why not just write your own SQL engine in Java?
Say 300,000 records times 500 bytes for each record in memory... I can't 
begin to ...

You can easily get sub second response scelable, that is a very, very, 
small database for a SQL engine. Post the the SQL command that is giving 
you performance problem. What DB are you using?
iBatis is nicely going to cache duplicate requests and flush, that's 
all, its a DAO.

Does anyone have any experience in handling something like this?  How did
you do it?

Jerry Jalenak
Development Manager, Web Publishing

LabOne, Inc.
10101 Renner Blvd.
Lenexa, KS  66219
(913) 577-1496

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Victor Cekvenich,
Struts Instructor
(215) 321-9146
Advanced Struts Training Server Side Java
training with Rich UI, mentoring, designs, samples and project recovery
in North East.
Simple best practice basic Portal, a Struts CMS, Membership, Forums,
Shopping and Credit processing, software, ready
to develop/customize; requires a db to run.

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Re: [OT - Design] Needing Fast Access to 300,000 Records

2003-11-06 Thread Vic Cekvenich
This should all be done is SQL.

At a design stage, you take your outputs (mock up html pages or reports. 
I am sure you or anyone has a screen with 30,000 records on it, or even 
a 1,000) and do some data model.
Based on your analysis you should know the SQL.

If this is hard for you, then attach a html mock up of you screen one 
and screen 2. I will write the SQL for you based on those requirements.
So far I think it's a simple 2 way join (people write 12 way joins, or 
10 page stored procs, quite possible you are concrend about a problem 
that does not exist. I tell you it's sub second! Also you just went from 
300,000 to 30,000... maybe it's 3,000 or 3,000,000. It does not mater 
the records, it's a 2 way equi join. )

Recomendation to the list: Please read Celcko's SQL for Smarties, my 
all time fave for designers.


Jerry Jalenak wrote:

Vic - 

This is still in the design stage, so I don't have a SQL statement to
provide.  I'm looking for the best approach to handling what is essentially
a table lookup where I need two keys (BILLING_ACCOUNT and ACCOUNT_CODE)
The scenario is this:  When one of my clients logs on to the webapp, the app
determines the BILLING_ACCOUNTs the client has assigned, then explodes the
BILLING_ACCOUNTs into the composite ACCOUNT_CODES.  As an example, I've got
one client with 54 BILLING_ACCOUNTs; these explode to over 30,000
ACCOUNT_CODES.  I am trying to eliminate 30,000 db calls to get the account
information - that's why I'm looking to pre-load the table(s) in a plug-in
and access everything in memory.
Make sense?

Jerry Jalenak
Development Manager, Web Publishing
LabOne, Inc.
10101 Renner Blvd.
Lenexa, KS  66219
(913) 577-1496

-Original Message-
From: Vic Cekvenich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 8:46 AM
Subject: Re: [OT - Design] Needing Fast Access to 300,000 Records

Jerry Jalenak wrote:

Hi All - 

I've been trying to figure out a good way of handling 
something, and just

can't quite seem to get a grip on the best approach.  
Here's what I've got:

Two database tables - Table 1 has a BILLING_CODE and an 

2 has the ACCOUNT_CODE and other account information (name, 
address, etc.)

The tables are linked by ACCOUNT_CODE.

Table 1:
Table 2:
I need to be able to rapidly access the information in 
table 2 either

through the BILLING_CODE, or directly through the 

create a POJO containing the BILLING_CODE and a List object 
to hold a second

POJO for the table 2 info.  Or I can use a Map.  Either way 
doesn't give me

a good method of accessing the table 2 information based on 

Two other bits of info - the combined number of records 
exceeds 300,000, so

I have a scaling issue.  Second, I'd like to load 
everything in a plug-in

using iBatis dbLayer and store it in application scope (to 
eliminate db

calls as the webapp is used.)  
That is ridiculous!!
Why stop there, why not just write your own SQL engine in Java?
Say 300,000 records times 500 bytes for each record in 
memory... I can't 
begin to ...

You can easily get sub second response scelable, that is a 
very, very, 
small database for a SQL engine. Post the the SQL command 
that is giving 
you performance problem. What DB are you using?
iBatis is nicely going to cache duplicate requests and flush, that's 
all, its a DAO.

Does anyone have any experience in handling something like 
this?  How did

you do it?


Jerry Jalenak
Development Manager, Web Publishing

LabOne, Inc.
10101 Renner Blvd.
Lenexa, KS  66219
(913) 577-1496

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Victor Cekvenich,
Struts Instructor
(215) 321-9146
Advanced Struts Training Server Side Java
training with Rich UI, mentoring, designs, samples and 
project recovery
in North

Re: [OT - Design] Needing Fast Access to 300,000 Records

2003-11-06 Thread Vic Cekvenich

retrieving all the records because just in case the client may need them does not look very efficient approach to me.
One never designs for all the exceptions of what might be, that would be 
a bad design.
One designs for the likely case only, at least good designers do.
The old 80/20 rule.

(Unlikely excetiopns you deal with by doing exception procesing)
But you design for the rule, else you are fighting your design.

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Re: Best Practice : session vs. request attributes

2003-11-06 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Is it OK using session attributes (performance, memory, etc. ), even if
you make sure session attributes are removed when no more needed ?
I ALLWAYS use session for form bean and then clean up.
I allways use request for read only beans (c:out, display tag, etc.)
And there is a non-standard thing I do with formbeans, that is I 
implement Collection at BaseBean and have a DAO helper. Makes OO much 


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Re: [ANNOUNCE] Visual Tags for Struts 2004 Released

2003-11-05 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Would this support JSTL tags?
In essence, if you can deal with tlds, it should.
Bean and logic should not be used, JSTL should be used instead.
Forest Arnold wrote:
FWA Software, Inc released Visual Tags for Struts 2004 on 03 November 2003.
Visual Tags for Struts 2004 is the latest release of FWA Software's
extension suite that integrates the Struts 1.1 tag libraries with
Dreamweaver.  The major new feature in Visual Tags for Struts 2004 is
support for modular installation of the six Struts tag libraries, providing
web developers the capability to install only the tag library extensions
they need.
Visual Tags for Struts is the first commercial product to fully integrate
the Jakarta-Struts 1.1 custom JSP tags with Dreamweaver MX.  Visual Tags for
Struts enables web developers to use Dreamweaver to create and maintain web
pages for Struts-based web applications using both visual layout and editing
and text-based editing of JSP pages containing Struts custom tags.
FWA Software also released a new version of Visual Tags for Struts -
Designer Edition.  This version includes enhancements for upward
compatibility with Dreamweaver MX 2004.
Visual Tags for Struts is available for Dreamweaver MX on Windows.
Full-function evaluation versions of the products are available for
immediate download from FWA Software's web site
Victor Cekvenich,
Struts Instructor
(215) 321-9146
Advanced Struts Training Server Side Java
training with Rich UI, mentoring, designs, samples and project recovery
in North East.
Simple best practice basic Portal, a Struts CMS, Membership, Forums,
Shopping and Credit processing, software, ready
to develop/customize; requires a db to run.

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Re: [ANNOUNCE] Visual Tags for Struts 2004 Released

2003-11-05 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Tomcat v3 level (Servelt 2.2, Resin 1.x); I do not think sigificant new 
development is on Tomcat v3 level.

Servlet 2.3 is Tomcat v4 level (Resin 2, JSTL 1.03).

I know projects live on Servlet 2.4, Tomcat v5 level (Resin 3, JSTL 1.1, 
JSP 2)
They named product Struts Tags for 2004, next years version.
I know people making noises about Portlet/Pluto and (bites lip) JSF today.

If  anyone redevelops and old app, they might as well upgrade to a new 
container, not like we have to upgrade each workstation in the 
Client/Server days.  Take advantage of EL, other features.

Dreamweaver out of the box support TLD's smart typing, so I am just 
saying why not work with other tags, that one would use in new 
development in '04, next year.


Ted Husted wrote:
If your container supports 2.3, preferring JSTL is a good idea. But many 
teams still don't have that option.


Vic Cekvenich wrote:

Would this support JSTL tags?

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Re: Struts, Tomcat And Performance

2003-11-04 Thread Vic Cekvenich
You are of by a few orders of magnitude (2,000 to 4,000 concurrent is 
what I get using j:Rockit VM)

A nice thing about layered MVC architecture is that you can stress test 
a layer, the Model layer for example. I use OpenSTA + DBMonster to 
simulate. I use JaMon to monitor live app., so I know what to stress.

Should you need to change improve the Model, I *HOPE* you coded DAO via 
an interface, that would make it easy to change. I use iBatis DB layer 
and a fast DB, writing stored procs when needed.

(Lesson for others, create a DAO interface)


Jonathan Holloway wrote:
Does anybody have any information, case studies or figures they can share on the performance of struts under tomcat.  

Whats the maximum number of simultaneous users that can be supported by a single tomcat instance running struts?  I've got up to around 40-60 but need to increase this to more like 150-200 simultaneous users.  

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Need a new email address that people can remember
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Victor Cekvenich,
Struts Instructor
(215) 321-9146
Advanced Struts Training Server Side Java
training with Rich UI, mentoring, designs, samples and project recovery
in North East.
Simple best practice basic Portal, a Struts CMS, Membership, Forums,
Shopping and Credit processing, software, ready
to develop/customize; requires a db to run.

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Re: Struts, Tomcat And Performance

2003-11-04 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Read the great step by step tutorial that comes with it.
Brice Ruth wrote:
Hey, Vic -

I'm looking to do some stress testing of our site before we deploy, can 
you recommend any good reference books/sites to get started in this area?


Vic Cekvenich wrote:

You are of by a few orders of magnitude (2,000 to 4,000 concurrent is 
what I get using j:Rockit VM)

A nice thing about layered MVC architecture is that you can stress 
test a layer, the Model layer for example. I use OpenSTA + DBMonster 
to simulate. I use JaMon to monitor live app., so I know what to stress.

Should you need to change improve the Model, I *HOPE* you coded DAO 
via an interface, that would make it easy to change. I use iBatis DB 
layer and a fast DB, writing stored procs when needed.

(Lesson for others, create a DAO interface)


Jonathan Holloway wrote:

Does anybody have any information, case studies or figures they can 
share on the performance of struts under tomcat. Whats the maximum 
number of simultaneous users that can be supported by a single tomcat 
instance running struts?  I've got up to around 40-60 but need to 
increase this to more like 150-200 simultaneous users. Any help would 
be greatly appreciated.


Need a new email address that people can remember
Check out the new EudoraMail at

Victor Cekvenich,
Struts Instructor
(215) 321-9146
Advanced Struts Training Server Side Java
training with Rich UI, mentoring, designs, samples and project recovery
in North East.
Simple best practice basic Portal, a Struts CMS, Membership, Forums,
Shopping and Credit processing, software, ready
to develop/customize; requires a db to run.

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