Re: [Biofuel] Window on Iran

2006-08-06 Thread Mike Weaver
Well, most of Germany and a large part of France was similarly 
hypnotised. Theologian Reinhold Neiber noted (paraphrased) that crowds 
also bring with them a lurking evil: if you’re not careful, you run the 
risk of mob mentality that will enable you and me to do things that we 
would never even dream of doing on our own.. In “1984”, George Orwell 
warned us against groupthink.

I am not sure the the situation is so dire, but the elements are 
present, and have been called out by many in the the media, academia and 
philosophy arena:


“It is by no means flawless, but it helps along a necessary discussion 
about what liberals are obliged to say and do about American foreign 
policy, for we are so obligated, and I doubt there are more than a few 
handfuls in the United States of America who
disagree, although there are some so deranged by George W. Bush as to 
refuse to agree for
fear that if they agree with him that the U.S lies north of Mexico, say, 
they’re selling out.
Here are just a few observations,”

iberals are obliged to say and do about American foreign policy, for we 
are so obligated,
and I doubt there are more than a few handfuls in the United States of 
America who
disagree, although there are some so deranged by George W. Bush as to 
refuse to agree for
fear that if they agree with him that the U.S lies north of Mexico, say, 
they’re selling out

Kirk McLoren wrote:

 most of the population is hypnotized - I am not sure how you would 
 deprogram them
 The author closed with :
 And so, we have George Bush and the Fourth Reich calculating how much 
 they can get away with by looking at the history of the reactions of 
 the American people to cheating.
 There aren’t any because the system is adaptive to psychopathy. In 
 other words, Americans support Bush and his agenda because most of 
 them are effectively like him. But that is not because they are all 
 born that way. It is because psychopathy is required to survive in the 
 competitive, capitalist U.S. Society.
 As a society gets larger and more competitive, individuals become more 
 anonymous and more Machiavellian. Social stratification and 
 segregation leads to feelings of inferiority, pessimism and depression 
 among the have-nots, promoting the use of “cheating strategies” in 
 life that then make the environment more adaptive for psychopathy in 
 general because those who are suffering will respond positively to any 
 sign of change, even if they don’t realize that the change is being 
 proposed by those who will actually make their lives worse.
 Psychopathic behavior among non-genetic psychopaths could be viewed as 
 a functional method of obtaining desirable resources, increasing an 
 individual’s status in a local group, and even a means of providing 
 stimulation that socially and financially successful people find in 
 acceptable physical and intellectual challenges.
 In America, a great many households are affected by the fact that 
 work, divorce, or both, have removed one or both parents from 
 interaction with their children for much of the day. This is a 
 consequence of Capitalistic economics.
 When the parents are absent, or even when one is present but not in 
 possession of sufficient knowledge or information, children are left 
 to the mercies of their peers, a culture shaped by the media. Armed 
 with joysticks and TV remotes, children are guided from South Park and 
 Jerry Springer to Mortal Kombat on Nintendo. Normal kids become 
 desensitized to violence. More-susceptible kids - children with a 
 genetic inheritance of psychopathy - are pushed toward a dangerous 
 mental precipice. Meanwhile, the government is regularly passing laws, 
 on the demand of parents and the psychological community, designed to 
 avoid imposing consequences on junior’s violent behavior.
 As for media violence, few researchers continue to try to dispute that 
 bloodshed on TV and in the movies has an effect on the kids who 
 witness it. Added to the mix now are video games structured around 
 models of hunting and killing. Engaged by graphics, children learn to 
 associate spurts of “blood” with the primal gratification of scoring a 
 Again, economics - capitalism disguised as “democracy” - controls the 
 The fact is, it is almost a mechanical system that operates based on 
 the psychological nature of human beings, most of whom like to live in 
 denial or need to live in denial to please their parents, their peers, 
 their religious leaders, and their political leaders. All they want to 
 do is have some relaxation to enjoy the “American Dream.” After all, 
 “if ignorance is bliss, tis folly to be wise”. This is most especially 
 true when we consider the survival instinct of 

Re: [Biofuel] Future car: What will you be driving?

2006-08-06 Thread Mike Weaver
But it would add a huge degree of efficiency,

If the funds were there I'd enhance the battery back and include 
capacitors.  My noodling was with an old Isuzu Trooper - lots of room up 
top for panels, and a lot of sre room to tinker.

Here's one person's expiriment:

Kirk McLoren wrote:

 The photovoltaics are non essential. In fact it is arguable that non 
 concentrating cells are not a viable renewable enrgy source.
 The diesel on the other hand is the obvious answer and it is odd the 
 hybrids are gasoline.
 The battery bank would be better replaced with supercap technology 
 such as Skeltons (in prototype phase) but in the meantime we will have 
 to muddle through.

 */Ron Peacetree [EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

 Back on the actual subject listed as the topic of this thread...

 A little digging has convinced me that a diesel-electric hybrid w/
 photovoltaic cells on the the hood/roof/trunk could easily be the
 basis for vehicles that could completely replace the traditional
 gasoline/diesel based ground/water vehicles currently in use at
 acceptable levels of performance, economy, etc.

 (Air travel vehicles operate under more stringent constraints that
 I'm not sure this diesel/electric w/ PV assist power supply idea
 could satisfy.)

 A rotary diesel motor could supply as much as 2HP / liter; perhaps
 more if optimized for constant rpm.

 The battery problem should be solved by using fuel cells since
 they provide far more energy per unit weight.
 Until fuel cells are available, there are many new ideas for
 increasing even the efficiency of the standard: the lead-acid
 battery (spin off company from Case or John Deer that gets ~2x the
 power/weight out of lead acid batteries IIRC?) that could fill in.
 For applications not as economically constrained, the exotics
 like Li-ion are of course an option.
 However, fuel cells seem to best any battery technology I've heard of.

 PV cells of as high as 42% efficiency are now reality; and I'm
 told by people in the that business that mass production would
 _significantly_ reduce their costs.

 This is a recipe for, say, a car, that fits all the constraints a
 normal consumer would have... ...and gets 100-200mpg while doing it.

 With these kind of fuel efficiencies and a little common sense as
 to what crops to use as the basis for biodiesel (ultimately I
 would think that a crop bred/engineered to be specialized for
 bio-diesel production would be the best solution...), the amount
 of farmland required for growing the crops needed to produce the
 biodiesel needs of a country would be _far_ less than any of the
 current estimates.

 Doing this would not only be green and conserve our petro-diesel
 resources for uses that so far they are the only unique source
 for, such as certain plastics and medical products, 

 It might also help Us avert the continuing escalation of violence
 in the Middle East that seems to be at the moment the most likely
 cause of WWIII.

 Where do I sign? And how do We get our leaders to pursue what
 seems to be an eminently logical course of action for anyone who
 loves their children and their planet?

 Ron Peacetree

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Re: [Biofuel] GeoExchange, on the cheap

2006-08-06 Thread Thomas Kelly
 When I installed an air conditioner a few weeks ago, I noticed that it 
didn't drip, and from outside I could hear a bubbling-popping sound. My 
father-in-law told me that a lot of the new air conditioners use the water 
they condense to cool themeselves.

- Original Message - 
From: Mike Redler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 7:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] GeoExchange, on the cheap

 ...I just put a plug on the exit hole of the tray of my window
 style ac unit and the fan starts to splash and spray water on
 the condenser.

 Brilliant! I like it.


 Juan Boveda wrote:
 Hello Mike Redler.

 I did have the same idea by observing big air conditioner units that uses 
 spray of water on a cooling tower for evaporation of the hot water and
 recycle the fresh water for cooling the hot side heat exchanger or

 In my home air conditioner, I just put a plug on the exit hole of the 
 of my window style ac unit and the fan starts to splash and spray water 
 the condenser. Humidity here during summer time seldom drops from 50% and
 it usually is around 70% if it is not raining.

 I send the condensed water from the evaporator to be used in hot 
 the spray was produced by the ac fan usually this happened after ? hour 
 working time of the ac unit.

 If you need more water from start and if your house has running water 
 enough pressure it is just as simple as put a perforated hose on top of 
 condenser and adjust the water flow as to almost all the water is
 evaporated. Just let the water coming out the ac unit to be not more than 
 few drops per minute.

 It is better not to waste a lot of running water. It is much efficient to
 use Water Evaporation. If my memory does not fool me (here I do not have
 the water humidity psychometric chart) the evaporation of water needs 
 520 Kilocalories/Kg of heat to evaporated 1 Kg of water, this means as
 cooling effect. Consider that the heat capacity of only 1 Kilocalorie for
 each Kg of water in the change of 1 degree Celsius.

 Best Regards.


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Re: [Biofuel] Future car: What will you be driving?

2006-08-06 Thread econogics
Mike Weaver wrote:
 But it would add a huge degree of efficiency,

 If the funds were there I'd enhance the battery back and include
 capacitors.  My noodling was with an old Isuzu Trooper - lots of room up
 top for panels, and a lot of sre room to tinker.

 Here's one person's expiriment:

Yes, that's the vehicle I have seen around here.  (Note to Zeke, Steve
also has (or had) an Electrek.)

I have a lot of respect for Steve, I have met him a couple of times.  I do
want to give him credit for actually doing something.

But I still think the panels should be on a building roof, where
positioning can be optimized, not on the car.  Noel Perrin and others have
reached the same conclusion regarding solar charging of electric cars and
tractors.  My boat is an exceptional case as the boat at the dock has much
better solar exposure than the cottage roof, which is nestled into a
forest of tall pines.  Note in the article that the panels are only
effective on his vehicle when the vehicle is operating.   At least for my
vehicles, that would be a small fraction of available daylight hours. 
There are some serious issues associated with potential over-charging, or
determining how much to undercharge during operation to leave headroom in
the batteries for potential solar charging, also allowing that clouds
could roll in and negate the expected gain.

All figures provided are based on modelling, and theoretical work.  No
actual results as yet (my experience as well when I last saw the vehicle
at a local eco-show).

I don't see anything that suggests the modeling allows for shaded time,
impact on aero drag from the panels (present at all times, not just when
panels are producing) or angle of incidence loss due to horizontal
mounting of panels.

Capacitors are high-efficiency, high power, and low energy per unit weight
and volume.  They make sense if mated with a high energy, low power energy
source, such as most fuel cells (e.g., the Honda FCX), or certain battery
technologies (e.g., 1970s era aluminum-air).  Potentially also a good
match to regenerative braking (let's not start that again).

Darryl McMahon

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[Biofuel] The triumph of crackpot realism

2006-08-06 Thread D. Mindock
triumph of crackpot realismby Alexander Cockburn July 27, 
2006The frayed threads anchoring the American government to reality have 
finally snapped, just at the moment radiologists are reporting that Americans 
are getting too fat to be X-rayed or shoved into any existing MRI tube. 
The gamma rays can't get through the blubber, the same way actual 
conditions in the outside world bounce off the impenetrable dome of imbecility 
sheltering America's political leadership. Twenty-three years after one 
of America's stupidest presidents announced Star Wars, Reagan's dream has come 
true. Behind ramparts guarded by a coalition of liars extending from Rupert 
Murdoch to the New York Times, from Bill O'Reilly to PBS, America is totally 
shielded from truth. Here we have a secretary of state, Condoleezza 
Rice, who gazes at the rubble of Lebanon, 300,000 refugees being strafed with 
Israel's cluster bombs, and squeaks happily that we are "witnessing the birth 
pangs of a new Middle East." Here we have a president, G. Bush, who 
urges Vladimir Putin to commence in Russia the same "institutional change" that 
is making Iraq a beacon of freedom and free _expression_. Not long after Bush 
extended this ludicrous invitation, the United Nations relayed from Iraq's 
Ministry of Health the country's real casualty rate, which was running at least 
100 a day, now probably twice that number. Iraq's morgues reported 
receipts of 3,149 dead bodies in June; over 14,000 since the beginning of the 
year. Senior Iraqis in the government confide that break-up of Iraq into Sunni, 
Shia and Kurdish enclaves, each protected by its own militias, is now 
inevitable. Iraq as a viable country has been utterly destroyed, with even 
vaster carnage coming up over the horizon, and here's the numbskull president 
touting it as an advertisement for American nation-building at its best, and 
inviting its prime minister to Washington to proclaim Iraq's approaching 
renaissance, all in sync with the U.S. 2006 election campaigns. Here we 
have a Congress that reacts with outrage when America's picked man in Iraq, 
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, states the obvious, which is that Israel's 
attack is "dangerous" and that the world community is not doing enough to curb 
Israel's destruction of Lebanon. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi 
rushes out a statement, "Unless Mr. Maliki disavows his critical comments of 
Israel and condemns terrorism, it is inappropriate to honor him with a joint 
meeting of Congress," Another 20 Democrats said al-Maliki shouldn't be allowed 
to set foot in the place. Actually, I'm not so sure Congress is 
impervious to reality, particularly if reality spells out as a threat of 
withdrawal of support from the Israel lobby in the next electoral cycle. The 
place is about 98 percent bought and paid for by the lobby. How these 
transactions spell out on the ground was well described by Tom Hayden the other 
day on Counterpunch as he explained why he felt it necessary for his political 
future in Los Angeles to stand, Jane Fonda at his side, next to Israeli gunners 
shelling Beirut back in 1982. What we are now witnessing is the 
simultaneous collapse of two countries -- Iraq and Lebanon -- as sponsored or 
encouraged by America's ruling bipartisan coalition and its ideological 
counselors -- ranging from Christian nutballs like Jerry Falwell to secular 
nutballs like Christopher Hitchens. Wesley Clarke is now saying that back in 
late 2001, he visited the Pentagon and was told the planned hit list included 
Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan as part of a five-year 
campaign plan. Two down, five to go. The attack on Lebanon was planned 
in detail at least a year ago. Israel picked the supposed provocation of the 
Hezbollah capture of two Israeli soldiers on July 12, but almost any excuse 
would have sufficed. In 1982, Israel lied flatly, and said it was responding to 
shells lobbed over the border, even though there'd been none for over a year. 
With Bush, Rice, the policy-makers and intellectual courtiers 
surrounding them, crackpot realism is the prevailing mode. "Crackpot 
realism" was the concept defined by the great Texan sociologist, C. Wright Mills 
in 1958, when he published "The Causes of World War Three," also the year that 
Dwight Eisenhower sent the Marines into Lebanon to bolster local U.S. factotum 
Lebanese President Camille Chamoun. "In crackpot realism," Mills wrote, 
"a high-flying moral rhetoric is joined with an opportunist crawling among a 
great scatter of unfocused fears and demands. ...The expectation of war solves 
many problems of the crackpot realists; ... instead of the unknown fear, the 
anxiety without end, some men of the higher circles prefer the simplification of 
known catastrophe. . They know of no solutions to the paradoxes of the Middle 
East and Europe, the Far East and Africa except the landing of 

Re: [Biofuel] Using biodiesel in newer truck-cars

2006-08-06 Thread Steve Barton
From what I have seen on the net and read the fuel sould be washed 3 time to 
get a clean product. Some or most of you out there making biodiesel every 
day might say that this is over kil. I don't know as I'm just getting 
My first wash will be mist only to remove the bulk of unwanted products from 
the reaction. 2nd wash mist and mild aireation, 3rd wash, mist and strong 
aireation. I think that this might work to help cut down on any emulsions in 
the wash and help move the fuel in the tank around a bit on the last wash as 
well. Just my thoughs on it.

- Original Message - 
From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2006 12:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Using biodiesel in newer truck-cars

Thank for the info.

Derick, I Would like to see pictures of your processor.

 I have made a few sample liters of biodiesel and this weekend will
do a few more using used oil to nasty used oil to get a better feel
for the the things that should and should not happen. Today a found
a supply of used 100 gal tanks that I can use and mod to make my
processor with. I plan to have one pertreat tank, processor tank,
dry tank with two poly wash tanks. Frist wash tank will wash with
spray in the frist stage and spray with air bubbler for the second
stage. The second wash tank will have spray, bubbler and aggatation.
Then to the dryer. After some testing of the fuel hopefully into the
truck tank it will go. All of this might sound like a bit of over
kill but this is what I feel comfortable with for my new 2005 truck.
If any one wants to put any input in I'm all ears, really, there big.

Will try to post pictures as I go with the consruction of the unit.

Post them where? The list doesn't accept attachments (as you were
advised when you joined). If you want to post pictures you can
discuss it with me offlist and if suitable I can post them at the
Journey to Forever website and give you a link to use.

Thanks Again, Steve

Why do you want to use sprays and air-bubblers Steve, to help prevent



 Original Message -

From: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Derick Giorchino
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 5:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Using biodiesel in newer truck-cars

I   have a 04 dodge with a Cummins and have been running it on b100
for 1 ½ years after researching this to death. And finding nothing
on bio in late models Cummins talks in circles about bio saying the
jury is still out. Although they don't say not to use it they don't
say its o.k. so I am doing my own research all is good with about
26000 miles in bio only.

Good luck Derick

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Steve
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 5:15 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] Using biodiesel in newer truck-cars

Hello to all

I'm new to all of this and have read and studied the makeing of
biodiesel and have planed out a plane to produce it as well But
befor diving into to deep of water I have not found much info about
runing home made biodiesel in newer engines. I have a 2005 chevy
diesel truck with the 6.6lly engine in it. Any links on the net or
info about problems that I might have running biodiesel that I have
made myself in a newer computer controled diesels would be nice.
Thanks for the help.

Frist post to the list, Steve

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[Biofuel] Political battle brewing as November nears

2006-08-06 Thread D. Mindock

Raw Story acquires 91-page 
Republican playbook for 'homestretch' campaigning 

A massive, 91-page memo to Senate Republicans outlining 
strategies for "homestretch" campaigning during the August recess, has been 
acquired by RAW STORY.
The document, signed by Senators Rick Santorum (R-PA) and 
Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), reveals plans to focus Republican Senatorial 
campaigns on three themes. 
Next week, Republicans will tout efforts to "secure 
America's prosperity" through a variety of programs. Plans for small business 
health insurance pooling, spending reductions, increased domestic oil drilling, 
and "permanent death tax reform" are all to be pushed at the state level. 

Mid-month, Republicans are expected to shift gears, 
focusing voter's attention instead on a variety of values-based initiatives. 
"Democrats oppose preserving a clear definition of marriage, are blocking child 
custody protections, and have obstructed the confirmation of fair judges," the 
document reads. "Republicans are committed to protecting these traditional 
values by fostering a culture of life, protecting children, banning internet 
gambling and upholding the rule of law."
Stem cell bills, though vetoed by President Bush are also 
to be championed by Republicans, even as they promote a law preventing "fetus 
farming," a practice lawmakers believe could one day result from stem cell 
research. Strangely, a section touting various types of stem cell funding set to 
be promoted by Republicans is followed by another section, headlined, "Setting 
The Record Straight: President Bush's Stem Cell Policy Is Working."
Also included in the Republican values push will be the 
Child Custody Protection Act, which would make "it a federal crime to circumvent 
state parental involvement laws by taking a minor across state lines for an 
Republicans then plan to spend the month's remaining two 
weeks promoting the party's efforts in regard to homeland security. 

Approval of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' plan for 
new, court-martial-like trials for terror detainees seems to be a priority, 
as are funding for the US-Mexico border fence, employee background checks for 
port security workers and improvement of the national emergency alert 
The section seems more concerned, however, with defending 
the Republican record on security, promoting positive statements by the Iraqi 
Prime Minister, and combating Democratic criticism. For instance, terror suspect 
surveillance is listed as a priority, and "liberal newspaper" reports about NSA 
wiretap programs are criticised, but future programs are not listed among other 
proposed laws.

[Democrats will fight back with 371-page report by Rep. John 

John Conyers compiles list of Bush war 

"Muckraker's Justin Rood spoke with Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), the 
ranking Dem on the committee, about the report [above] and its 
purpose.""We said, 'look, we'll do it ourselves'" — compile a document 
that lists every instance of alleged wrongdoing by the Bush 
administration's handling of intelligence, the war in Iraq, and retaliation 
against those who tried to speak out about it. "Every sentence, every 
allegation, every accusation that we have in this 371-page report has a citation 
or a reference to it of where we got it," Conyers explained, with a hint of 
pride at his staff's work. "We're not trying to play Department of 
Justice or prosecutor. We're trying to put on the record before too much other 
history blurs this," Conyers told me. " making sure that what we see as at least 
a couple dozen violations of federal statute do not go unnoticed. . . . We're 
trying to make sure that we have the fullest record of this, so that this won't 
be the work of industrious historians ten years from now."

The Constitution in Crisis; The Downing Street Minutes and 
Deception,Manipulation, Torture, Retribution, and Coverups in the Iraq 
War,and Illegal Domestic Surveillance[pdf 

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[Biofuel] Permits and lots of other problems

2006-08-06 Thread Theo Chadzichristos

Hi everyone,


am currently in the process of helping to start up a biodiesel production faculty
on the border of Wisconsin and Illinois. We were making good progress to
setting up to a capacity of 1000gallons a day. Unfortunately we have had a
recent run in with the cities inspector. They have automatically assumed that
biodiesel production it is a very dangerous affair and have sealed our building
off in addition to mentioning that we have lack of several permits (which we
actually have). What make the situation very difficult is the fact that either
the inspector or the town we are in has any knowledge of biodiesel and its production.
In addition the inspector himself is a very unfriendly and difficult person to
work with especially when I comes to the site at which we are located. I was
hoping that someone might have some knowledge of where I can find information with
regards guild lines or laws and regulations on running a biodiesel production facility.
By that I mean information on a federal or state level that directly addresses
things like methanol storage (which we have only a very small amount of), biodiesel
storage, and any other information on things like the use of certain processing
equipment to fire safety. I have been looking the last two days almost all day
and have been very limited partially because it is the weekend and the fact that
I cant get a hold of anyone and because of the fact that everything I find has
no relation to biodiesel. Any help would be greatly appreciated. THANKS!

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Re: [Biofuel] Permits and lots of other problems

2006-08-06 Thread MK DuPree

Hi Theo...I'm sure others 
will have more specific information to help you, but I'd like todirect at 
least some of your attention along political lines with these questions: 
1)Are there any monied interests that might be trying to do same as you 
and want you out of the way? 2) Who hired the inspector and pays the inspector's 
salary? 3) Is there help to be had from the Inspector's 
employer?4)Have you contacted local and state representation about 
what you want to do and how they can help you? I'm sure the questions 
could become even more plentiful and specific along these lines, but perhaps 
this is at least a start in a direction that might open up some other ways of 
thinking about how to deal with developing this project. Mike 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 1:05 
  Subject: [Biofuel] Permits and lots of 
  other problems
  Hi everyone,
  I am currently in the process of helping to start up a biodiesel production 
  faculty on the border of Wisconsin and Illinois. We were making good 
  progress to setting up to a capacity of 1000gallons a day. Unfortunately we 
  have had a recent run in with the cities inspector. They have automatically 
  assumed that biodiesel production it is a very dangerous affair and have 
  sealed our building off in addition to mentioning that we have lack of several 
  permits (which we actually have). What make the situation very difficult is 
  the fact that either the inspector or the town we are in has any knowledge of 
  biodiesel and its production. In addition the inspector himself is a very 
  unfriendly and difficult person to work with especially when I comes to the 
  site at which we are located. I was hoping that someone might have some 
  knowledge of where I can find information with regards guild lines or laws and 
  regulations on running a biodiesel production facility. By that I mean 
  information on a federal or state level that directly addresses things like 
  methanol storage (which we have only a very small amount of), biodiesel 
  storage, and any other information on things like the use of certain 
  processing equipment to fire safety. I have been looking the last two days 
  almost all day and have been very limited partially because it is the weekend 
  and the fact that I cant get a hold of anyone and because of the fact that 
  everything I find has no relation to biodiesel. Any help would be greatly 
  appreciated. THANKS!

  ___Biofuel mailing 
  at Journey to 
  Forever: the 
  combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 
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Re: [Biofuel] Future car: What will you be driving?

2006-08-06 Thread Kirk McLoren
The article statesThe 300 VDC output of the solar subsystem is attached to the switched side of the original Prius battery, so the PV battery cannot recharge the NiMH while the ignition is off. The PV system can inject a maximum of up to 2 amps continuously into the battery while the ignition is on. [...]  The decision not to charge the hybrid when the car is off was a pragmatic choice, given the financial and time constraints of his project. Among other issues, there would need to be a thorough analysis to determined the optimal PV-NiMH energy flow/charge relationship.  ---The article is conjecture. It has NOT been demonstrated as per the confession above. Solar cells are sensitive to orientation. They are also sensitive to occlusion, ie dirt or bird droppings or whatever. At least an inclined array is somewhat self cleaning and develops full power.  Note the article said a maximum of 2A ([EMAIL PROTECTED] =600 watts) Again the photo and description says 270watts of pv.Quite a trick to get 600 watts out of 270.I wouldnt use this article as an example of anything but innacuracy.  I still assert the cells would be far better off at the garage roof or somewhere where oriented.And the dollars spent probably better invested in a biofuel setup.Kirk  Mike Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  But it would add a huge degree of efficiency,If the funds were there I'd enhance the battery back and include capacitors. My noodling was with an old Isuzu Trooper - lots of room up top for panels, and a lot of sre room to tinker.Here's one person's expiriment: McLoren wrote: The photovoltaics are non essential. In fact it is arguable
 that non  concentrating cells are not a viable renewable enrgy source. The diesel on the other hand is the obvious answer and it is odd the  hybrids are gasoline. The battery bank would be better replaced with supercap technology  such as Skeltons (in prototype phase) but in the meantime we will have  to muddle through. Kirk */Ron Peacetree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote: Back on the actual subject listed as the topic of this thread... A little digging has convinced me that a diesel-electric hybrid w/ photovoltaic cells on the the hood/roof/trunk could easily be the basis for vehicles that could completely replace the traditional gasoline/diesel based ground/water vehicles currently in use at acceptable levels of performance, economy, etc. (Air travel vehicles operate under more stringent constraints that I'm not
 sure this "diesel/electric w/ PV assist" power supply idea could satisfy.) A rotary diesel motor could supply as much as 2HP / liter; perhaps more if optimized for constant rpm. The battery problem should be solved by using fuel cells since they provide far more energy per unit weight. Until fuel cells are available, there are many new ideas for increasing even the efficiency of the "standard": the lead-acid battery (spin off company from Case or John Deer that gets ~2x the power/weight out of lead acid batteries IIRC?) that could fill in. For applications not as economically constrained, the "exotics" like Li-ion are of course an option. However, fuel cells seem to best any battery technology I've heard of. PV cells of as high as 42% efficiency are now reality; and I'm told by people in the that business that mass production would
 _significantly_ reduce their costs. This is a recipe for, say, a car, that fits all the constraints a normal consumer would have... ...and gets 100-200mpg while doing it. With these kind of fuel efficiencies and a little common sense as to what crops to use as the basis for biodiesel (ultimately I would think that a crop bred/engineered to be specialized for bio-diesel production would be the best solution...), the amount of farmland required for growing the crops needed to produce the biodiesel needs of a country would be _far_ less than any of the current estimates. Doing this would not only be "green" and conserve our petro-diesel resources for uses that so far they are the only unique source for, such as certain plastics and medical products,  It might also help Us avert the continuing escalation of violence in the Middle
 East that seems to be at the moment the most likely cause of WWIII. Where do I sign? And how do We get "our leaders" to pursue what seems to be an eminently logical course of action for anyone who loves their children and their planet? Ron Peacetree ___ Biofuel mailing list Biofuel at Journey to Forever: Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):  Yahoo! Music Unlimited 

Re: [Biofuel] Permits and lots of other problems

2006-08-06 Thread Mike Weaver
start w/

Theo Chadzichristos wrote:

 Hi everyone,

 I am currently in the process of helping to start up a 
 biodiesel production faculty on the border of Wisconsin and Illinois. 
  We were making good progress to setting up to a capacity of 
 1000gallons a day. Unfortunately we have had a recent run in with the 
 cities inspector. They have automatically assumed that biodiesel 
 production it is a very dangerous affair and have sealed our building 
 off in addition to mentioning that we have lack of several permits 
 (which we actually have). What make the situation very difficult is 
 the fact that either the inspector or the town we are in has any 
 knowledge of biodiesel and its production. In addition the inspector 
 himself is a very unfriendly and difficult person to work with 
 especially when I comes to the site at which we are located. I was 
 hoping that someone might have some knowledge of where I can find 
 information with regards guild lines or laws and regulations on 
 running a biodiesel production facility. By that I mean information on 
 a federal or state level that directly addresses things like methanol 
 storage (which we have only a very small amount of), biodiesel 
 storage, and any other information on things like the use of certain 
 processing equipment to fire safety. I have been looking the last two 
 days almost all day and have been very limited partially because it is 
 the weekend and the fact that I cant get a hold of anyone and because 
 of the fact that everything I find has no relation to biodiesel. Any 
 help would be greatly appreciated. THANKS!

Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] worth reading -an insight into politics and corporations - 4% of population is psychopathic

2006-08-06 Thread dwoodard
While I haven't read the books, I would be inclined to suspect that
the population is not divided into a small minority who are 100% 
sociopathic plus a majority who are not at all sociopathic, but that there 
is something like a continuum with the pure sociopaths at one end.

I suspect further that there might be several factors involved, perhaps

* slow social learning; Eysenck's extraversion

* poor perception of other peoples' feelings

* indifference to other peoples' feelings

Doug Woodard
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

On Sat, 5 Aug 2006, Kirk McLoren wrote:
  Provided you are not forcibly stopped, you can do anything at all.
  If you are born at the right time, with some access to family fortune, and 
 you have a special talent for whipping up other people's hatred and sense of 
 deprivation, you can arrange to kill large numbers of unsuspecting people. 
 With enough money, you can accomplish this from far away, and you can sit 
 back safely and watch in satisfaction. [...]
  Crazy and frightening - and real, in about 4 percent of the population


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Re: [Biofuel] Window on Iran

2006-08-06 Thread dwoodard
H. J. Eysenck reported in his book The Psychology of Politics
(London: Routledge  Kegan Paul, about 1954-1956)

that he had found British Nazis to be generally overtly aggressive, and 
British Communists to be covertly aggressive.

Doug Woodard
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

On Sat, 5 Aug 2006, Kirk McLoren wrote:


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Re: [Biofuel] Using biodiesel in newer truck-cars

2006-08-06 Thread Thomas Kelly
Regarding misting and mild aeration to help cut down on any emulsions 
in the wash.
 Emulsions are telling you that something is wrong in the process 
leading up to the wash. Ex Water in the WVO or the methanol, faulty 
titration, mistakes in measurements or math. Maybe the process itself needs 
tweaking: decrease volume of WVO or raise temp a few degrees; processing 
time by 15 - 30 min .
 Minimize soap and unreacted  mono-  diglycerides
and stir wash w/o emulsions.
 Stir washing saves time and does not promote fuel oxidation as aeration 
does. I ran a 76L batch yesterday morning. Let it sit in a settling tank for 
24 hrs. Did my first stir wash at about noon today, my second at 3PM and 
just did my 3rd stir wash at 6 PM. I'll let it sit overnight and I expect to 
dry it tomorrow.
 Deal with the emulsions you are getting, but work to improve the 
process so that your BD can stand up to stir washing w/o fear of emulsion.
 Also learn to perform the quality tests described at JTF.
Best of luck to you,

- Original Message - 
From: Steve Barton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 4:10 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Using biodiesel in newer truck-cars

From what I have seen on the net and read the fuel sould be washed 3 time 
get a clean product. Some or most of you out there making biodiesel every
day might say that this is over kil. I don't know as I'm just getting
My first wash will be mist only to remove the bulk of unwanted products from
the reaction. 2nd wash mist and mild aireation, 3rd wash, mist and strong
aireation. I think that this might work to help cut down on any emulsions in
the wash and help move the fuel in the tank around a bit on the last wash as
well. Just my thoughs on it.


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Re: [Biofuel] worth reading -an insight into politics and corporations - 4% of population is psychopathic

2006-08-06 Thread Kirk McLoren
Of course there is a distribution but there is demarcation. A criteria is set and 4% +- some deviation qualify as full blown nutters.  We arent injection molded thermoplastic caricatures. There is a living dynamic. But the author builds a good case that there is a 4% you wouldnt leave alone with your children. Nor should you leave them in office. Or on a board of directors etc etc. poor perception and slow learning were in the next 16%. They are the people that exhibit psychopathic behavior if their boss is a psychopath. On their own they are somewhat inhibited. The 4%are worse. Much worse. These 4% are destroying civilization while the "sheep" look for the good in man. The sheep better deal with the wolves. It isnt getting better on its own.  Read the classic, and the article. Then decide if the author is chicken little
 and the sky is falling.Kirk[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  While I haven't read the books, I would be inclined to suspect thatthe population is not divided into a small minority who are 100% sociopathic plus a majority who are not at all sociopathic, but that there is something like a continuum with the "pure" sociopaths at one end.I suspect further that there might be several factors involved, perhaps* slow social learning; Eysenck's "extraversion"* poor perception of other peoples' feelings* indifference to other peoples' feelingsDoug WoodardSt. Catharines, Ontario, CanadaOn Sat, 5 Aug 2006, Kirk McLoren wrote: Provided you are not forcibly stopped, you can do anything at all.
 If you are born at the right time, with some access to family fortune, and you have a special talent for whipping up other people's hatred and sense of deprivation, you can arrange to kill large numbers of unsuspecting people. With enough money, you can accomplish this from far away, and you can sit back safely and watch in satisfaction. [...] Crazy and frightening - and real, in about 4 percent of the population[snip]___Biofuel mailing listBiofuel@sustainablelists.org at Journey to Forever: the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages): 
		Do you Yahoo!? 
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Re: [Biofuel] Permits and lots of other problems

2006-08-06 Thread Gary Plencner

Theo, I am also in the region you
mentioned, here is a link that should help the
handling and use sections on the .org site should give you lots of help. There is
also an excise tax form there that you may want to note the due date and fill out
if you have not already.

I believe that the local bio
producers / retailers listed there would be more than happy to give some verbal
help too.


Behalf Of Theo Chadzichristos
Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 1:05
Subject: [Biofuel] Permits and
lots of other problems

Hi everyone,

I am currently in the process of helping to start up a biodiesel production
faculty on the border of Wisconsin and Illinois. We were
making good progress to setting up to a capacity of 1000gallons a day.
Unfortunately we have had a recent run in with the cities inspector. They have
automatically assumed that biodiesel production it is a very dangerous affair
and have sealed our building off in addition to mentioning that we have lack of
several permits (which we actually have). What make the situation very
difficult is the fact that either the inspector or the town we are in has any
knowledge of biodiesel and its production. In addition the inspector himself is
a very unfriendly and difficult person to work with especially when I comes to
the site at which we are located. I was hoping that someone might have some
knowledge of where I can find information with regards guild lines or laws and
regulations on running a biodiesel production facility. By that I mean
information on a federal or state level that directly addresses things like
methanol storage (which we have only a very small amount of), biodiesel
storage, and any other information on things like the use of certain processing
equipment to fire safety. I have been looking the last two days almost all day
and have been very limited partially because it is the weekend and the fact
that I cant get a hold of anyone and because of the fact that everything I find
has no relation to biodiesel. Any help would be greatly appreciated. THANKS!

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[Biofuel] FFA Recovery

2006-08-06 Thread Jan Lieuwe Bolding
I have tried to seperate the FFA and Glycerine in the way as Todd Swearingen has described It.

I only get two layers instead of three, can anyone explan this?

When I want to recycle the FFA in the first step of my Two Stage Acid Base proces do I have to add extra Methanol?

With kind regards,

Jan Lieuwe Bolding
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Re: [Biofuel] {Disarmed} Re: Using biodiesel in newer truck-cars

2006-08-06 Thread Will Kelleher
Hello,I met a man the other night who said he knows a fuel dealer in Champagne, IL who says that biodiesel ruins the fuel system in new vehicles and consequently will not recommend its use. I was under the impression that most new vehicles use biodiesel-resistant Viton components. Is it just manufacturer dependent? Does anyone know if the US auto manufacturers use Viton? Is Viton even completely resistant to biodiesel? Lots of questions, but thanks.
Will On 8/2/06, Andres Secco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Steve,
I have been testing biodiesel in newer Hyundai and 
Kia diesel vehicles and have some findings.
First of all the base RPM increases up to 1500 RPM. 
After a week using B50 (50% biodiesel) the normal range comes back. I guess is 
because the computermodifies the air or fuel intake, but it 
Over 3500 RPM the torque or power of the engine 
seems to decrease, since the engine reacts slowly than when use petroleoum 
diesel, but after one week this changes to the old behaviour.
I have no noticed any change in the milleage per 
gallon. I have noted a subtancial reduction in opacity and the whole emission 
gas pack, which is very strict in my country.
The only problem is the natural rubber in the fuel 
pump and piping of the engine which is deteriorated with biodiesel, but takes a 
time to happen and with a 20% blend takes months, but happens. I have heard that 
newer vehicles comes equipped with Viton rubber and resistant to Biodiesel but I 
am not sure which ones were changed because the technical depts. of the dealers 
do not give much info. Actually none of them have answered my 


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 8:15 
  Subject: [Biofuel] Using biodiesel in 
  newer truck-cars
  Hello to all
  I'm new to all of this and have read and studied 
  the makeing of biodiesel and have planed out a plane to produce it as well 
  But befor diving into to deep of water I have not found much info about runing 
  home made biodiesel in newer engines. I have a 2005 chevy diesel truck with 
  the 6.6lly engine in it. Any links on the net or info about problems that I 
  might have running biodiesel that I have made myself in a newer computer 
  controled diesels would be nice. Thanks for the help.
  Frist post to the list, Steve

  ___Biofuel mailing 
  at Journey to 
  Forever: the 
  combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 

y comienza a navegar más rápido en Internet.Tutopia es Internet 
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Re: [Biofuel] Permits and lots of other problems

2006-08-06 Thread Keith Addison
Mr Chadzichristos

Hi everyone,

I am currently in the process of helping to start up a 
biodiesel production faculty on the border of Wisconsin and 
Illinois.  We were making good progress to setting up to a capacity 
of 1000gallons a day. Unfortunately we have had a recent run in with 
the cities inspector. They have automatically assumed that biodiesel 
production it is a very dangerous affair and have sealed our 
building off in addition to mentioning that we have lack of several 
permits (which we actually have). What make the situation very 
difficult is the fact that either the inspector or the town we are 
in has any knowledge of biodiesel and its production. In addition 
the inspector himself is a very unfriendly and difficult person to 
work with especially when I comes to the site at which we are 
located. I was hoping that someone might have some knowledge of 
where I can find information with regards guild lines or laws and 
regulations on running a biodiesel production facility. By that I 
mean information on a federal or state level that directly addresses 
things like methanol storage (which we have only a very small amount 
of), biodiesel storage, and any other information on things like the 
use of certain processing equipment to fire safety. I have been 
looking the last two days almost all day and have been very limited 
partially because it is the weekend and the fact that I cant get a 
hold of anyone and because of the fact that everything I find has no 
relation to biodiesel. Any help would be greatly appreciated. THANKS!

1000 gallons a day is a commercial operation, no?

We're not here to provide free consultancy services for commercial 
operations. Of course we're not against commercial operations either, 
but the focus here is small-scale, local community level or 
individual projects, using an Appropriate Technology approach and 
Open-Source development, with the emphasis on sharing and 

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think your 
1000-gallon-a-day operation fits that description, in which case you 
should either do your own homework or hire a consultant.


Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
KYOTO Pref., Japan
Biofuel list owner



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Re: [Biofuel] Future car: What will you be driving?

2006-08-06 Thread Ron Peacetree

The bio-diesel engines in question do not get ~2 HP per =liter=,
They get ~2 HP per =pound= or ~1-2 HP per 10cc.

I am. of course, hoping that a constant rpm bio-diesel engine can be designed 
that does even better than this.


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