Re: [Biofuel] More Weird Weather

2006-12-12 Thread Juan Boveda
Hola Robert.
Two weeks ago I notice your post, around here in Paraguay we had unusuall
storms with heavy rainfall and from another source came more to add to a
bigger picture of weird weather, this time from NASA's Earth Observatory I
got something disturbing:

Retreating Ice and Snow in Greenland

Best Regards.


-Mensaje original-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] nombre de robert and benita
Enviado el: martes, 28 de noviembre de 2006 23:11
Asunto: [Biofuel] More Weird Weather

Hello again!

I just read in the paper that the dump of snow we got on Sunday broke
the standing record for snowfall in a single day, a record that has stood
since the late 1800's when local people began recording snowfall.  This was
followed by arctic outflow, which dropped temperatures precipitously, and
guess what--on Monday we set a record for low temperatures!

But this climate change stuff isn't real, right?

robert luis rabello
The Edge of Justice
Adventure for Your Mind

Ranger Supercharger Project Page

 Information from NOD32 
This message was checked by NOD32 Antivirus System for Linux Mail Servers.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] The Death of a Compost Bin

2006-12-12 Thread Joe Street
Kewl!  So would I be able to snag a pound of worms from you guys when I 
have my bin finished?  I could barter with B100.


Jesse Frayne wrote:

Hi Joe,
Keith and Tom have this information all covered, but
we have a little website here in the 'Smoke that might
also be helpful?  One of our daughters set up
vermiculture bins in her U. of T. rez, (a bin per
floor!) transferring hundreds of our red wigglers. 
The kids have accepted the idea really well.


--- Joe Street [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Hi Luke;

Any wisdom to share on the best way to set up a
vermicomposter?  I'd 
like to start one and I'd be the type to make my own
rather than go out 
and buy something ready made, but I haven't a clue
about the realities 
of doing it.  I have read some info on the web about
it though. If you 
could share some of your first hand knowledge it

would be great.


Luke Hansen wrote:


It sounds like you're all talking about a kinda
large-scale operation here, so I'm not sure how


this will be...but I just built a worm-bin for the
place I work, and have one at home as well...and I
find that they work faster and better for my
composting needs than a conventional composting

bin. I

crafted my latest bin out of untreated cedar siding
leftover from a construction project.

However, I suppose that for larger volume


such as lawn trimmings, I'd second the pallet idea.

Good luck,

--- Paul S Cantrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Pallets are particularly useful.  Usually you can
pick up 3 for free and
either have an open side or I had some leftover
window screen, which allows
air flow.

Also, if you have room you can get 5 pallets and
make a double bin...using a
UU shape.

On 12/9/06, Tom Irwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Hello Robert,

I use wood posts stacked like a log cabin. It´s


open on one side. I don´t


use treated wood anywhere. So avoid that poison.


If the wood rots in time I


replace it.

Tom Irwin

From: *robert and benita rabello




Subject: *[Biofuel] The Death of a Compost Bin*
Date: *Fri, 08 Dec 2006 17:01:49 -0800*

Although I don't do all of my composting in a



nearly all of our


household table scraps and the entire collection


of waste from our bunny


cage went into a black plastic compost bin. 


Please note the past tense verb


. . .

About a week or so ago, we had a blast of arctic


air sweep through this


area.  Temperatures plummeted and with the



winds howling out of the


east, windchills of -20 C lasted for two or three


days.  (I know that some


of you further east will probably laugh at this,


but for those of us who


live near the ocean, -20 is pretty cold!)  The


moisture in my compost bin


expanded as it froze, literally warping or


shattering the plastic bin.


The whole thing actually fell over this morning. 


I went out to clean up


the mess and found the top third of the contents


completely preserved and


uncomposted (big surprise, it's been cold,


right?), the middle third


consisted of a singular mass of partially


composted, frozen material, while


the bottom third remained warm enough to keep on




But the composter is toast.  I'll have to


construct another one because


I'm NOT going to use plastic again . . .  What do


the rest of you use for


compost bin construction material?

robert luis rabello
The Edge of Justice
The Long Journey
New Adventure for Your Mind

Ranger Supercharger Project


=== message truncated ===

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Re: [Biofuel] Diesel Motorcycle

2006-12-12 Thread Joe Street
Well  the Neander would show up in the rear view of some of the 
jap-scrap out there but not this one...

Check out the speedo.that's MILE PER HOUR baby.  What a monster.  I 
used to drive a Ducati 906 and had plenty of high speed thrills but this 
thing is insane.  I bet the Neander would have a similar feel ( in 
acceleration and torque, definitely not handling ) as the desmo twin 
which was awesome. Such a broad and smooth power band, nothing like 
these peaky japanese superbikes that force you to constantly shift up 
and down to keep on the power curve.

Yeah I might be tempted to drive a bike again if I could get a deisel.  
I'd go for something like that kawi with it's off road capability over a 
road burner these that I've got my hormones under


Alan Petrillo wrote:


No doubt.  Let them.  Neanderthals did one thing very well: Survive.

And they'd better keep an eye on their rear view, because the Neander 
will give a lot of them a pretty serious run for the money.

Now if they can get the price out of the stratosphere and down where 
regular people can afford it I'll buy one.

Same with that diesel Kawasaki scrambler bike.



Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] More Weird Weather

2006-12-12 Thread Frantz DESPREZ
Hello all,

In Europe, first time never known that swallows are still flying in 
northern France in mid december. Usually, they're all in South Africa 
for months.
The geese migration only began after the storm last week-end. Not yet 
snowed below alt.1200m (about 3600ft). Roses are still blooming. My kids 
had a bath in ocean not far from Nantes for halloween (we usually have 
chilly equinox storms at this time). Mediteranean mushrooms and insects 
have reached britanny, Paris and Belgium.
Specialists say that for one more degree C°, the climate move 200km to 
north. So before I normally die, I should see Madrid or Algier climate 
in Nantes.

(where are the icy winters of my youth ?)

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Diesel Motorcycle

2006-12-12 Thread Kirk McLoren
Fast enough to get you a ticket in any state of the union.
  Most impressive.

Joe Street [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Well the Neander would show up in the rear view of some of the 
jap-scrap out there but not this one...

Check out the speedo.that's MILE PER HOUR baby. What a monster. I 
used to drive a Ducati 906 and had plenty of high speed thrills but this 
thing is insane. I bet the Neander would have a similar feel ( in 
acceleration and torque, definitely not handling ) as the desmo twin 
which was awesome. Such a broad and smooth power band, nothing like 
these peaky japanese superbikes that force you to constantly shift up 
and down to keep on the power curve.

Yeah I might be tempted to drive a bike again if I could get a deisel. 
I'd go for something like that kawi with it's off road capability over a 
road burner these that I've got my hormones under


Alan Petrillo wrote:

No doubt. Let them. Neanderthals did one thing very well: Survive.

And they'd better keep an eye on their rear view, because the Neander 
will give a lot of them a pretty serious run for the money.

Now if they can get the price out of the stratosphere and down where 
regular people can afford it I'll buy one.

Same with that diesel Kawasaki scrambler bike.



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[Biofuel] Fwd: Big Pharma Juggernaut Rolls To Victory

2006-12-12 Thread Kirk McLoren


  st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }  

  st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }Big Pharma 
Juggernaut Rolls To Victory – Health Freedom Reels – Part 1
  Byron J. Richards, CCN, December 11, 2006

  Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson not only rolled over in their graves, 
they had a stake driven through their coffins by the departing 109th Congress.  
Big Pharma is now fully in charge of the FDA.  Therapeutic nutrition is now 
marked for elimination from the free market.  How did this happen?  What does 
it all mean?  Why did the House Democrats, at 3:06 A.M., while Americans slept, 
stab our people in the back?  It is an ominous sign of things to come.
  As the lame duck session drew to a close, it became clear that the 
Republican’s scorched-earth policy was intended to make it difficult for the 
Democrats to get anything done next year.  They are hoping to regain voter 
confidence by making Democrats look even worse than the Republican’s near-total 
ineptitude, which is not a very tall order.  
  However, the Republicans and Democrats were able to agree on several key 
points regarding your health: health options for Americans should be curtailed 
and the American public should be subjected to massive drug experimentation.  
Thus, with little fanfare or reporting by the general media, the Destroy 
Effective Supplements and Poison Americans with Biotech Drugs Innovation Act of 
2006 (S.666 and HR.1832), was passed in the middle of the night, just as the 
lame duck session came to a close.
  Americans seem almost numb to the fact that Big Pharma kills several thousand 
of us every week.  Kudos to the 109th Congress, those numbers will now 
dramatically rise.
  Big Pharma Now Runs the FDA
  Yes, the fox is now officially in charge of the henhouse.  Over the objection 
of a small handful of Senators Big Pharma couldn’t buy, Andrew von Eschenbach, 
M.D, was confirmed to head the FDA.  His clearly stated agenda is, and always 
has been, speeding new and dangerous drugs onto the market with little testing 
for safety or effectiveness.  Von Eschenbach would like to turn every doctor’s 
office in America into a large clinical trial run by an FDA supercomputer, he 
would like a computer chip in your arm, and your DNA in his supercomputer – and 
if you don’t comply you soon won’t get medical services (read Fight for Your 
Health: Exposing the FDA’s Betrayal of America).  The experiment, known as the 
Critical Path Initiative, is now full steam ahead!  Of course, when Americans 
are injured and killed, von Eschenbach is pushing heavily to make sure no one 
can sue for damages.
  Andrew von Eschenbach is up to his eyeballs in Big Pharma connections.  As 
director of the National Cancer Institute he perverted billions of taxpayer 
dollars away from solid science on desperately needed cancer research and into 
the coffers of his biotech and pharmaceutical pals, collectively known as 
C-Change. Now, he actually wants to turn part of the FDA into a drug company 
and even has a name for it, the Reagan-Udahl Center for Biomedical Research.  
Big Pharma co-sponsors, Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA) and Mike Enzi (R-MT), are 
attempting to fund his new FDA drug company with taxpayer money, which could 
easily be funneled through the National Cancer Institute, into the hands of his 
C-Change friends, and then used to pay for FDA drug approvals  (S.3807).  In 
other words, the American taxpayer will soon be slated to pay for the 
development of all these new biotech drugs, and then pay exorbitant drug prices 
for the “privilege” of being part of a human experiment.
  As temporary head of the FDA, von Eschenbach proved he could adeptly cover 
for drug companies, even when they blatantly lied to the FDA!  Such was the 
case with Trasylol, the Bayer heart bypass drug that needlessly kills and 
causes permanent kidney damage, which, thanks to von Eschenbach, is still on 
the market injuring Americans this holiday season.  
  Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) was hot and heavy on the von Eschenbach 
protection agenda for Big Pharma and had placed a hold on his nomination over 
von Eschenbach’s flagrant violations of law and the FDA’s cover-up of fraud 
relating to the Ketek antibiotic.  Von Eschenbach’s utter disdain of 
Congressional oversight should be a major concern to all Americans.  On 
December 7, 2006, this is what Grassley had to say:
  People ought to be ashamed of saying Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach has done a 
superb job in the position he is currently occupying [acting head of the 
FDA].…That is an insult….In my interactions with the Department of Health and 
Human Services and the FDA these last 8 months, I have seen a complete and 
utter disrespect for congressional 

Re: [Biofuel] More Weird Weather

2006-12-12 Thread robert and benita rabello
Juan Boveda wrote:

Hola Robert.
Two weeks ago I notice your post, around here in Paraguay we had unusuall
storms with heavy rainfall

We've broken a lot of weather-related records around here this 
year.  Traces of the snowstorm from two weeks ago linger here and there, 
which is unusual as our mild, coastal climate normally results in snow 
melt within a day or two.  Right now, a fierce wind is blowing outside.  
I can't remember this much wind since I've lived here.  Rain is 
hammering against my window as I write.

 and from another source came more to add to a
bigger picture of weird weather, this time from NASA's Earth Observatory I
got something disturbing:

Retreating Ice and Snow in Greenland

Sigh . . .

Two days ago I was in a coffee shop and overheard a conversation 
between two men who were scoffing at the concept of climate change.  The 
Al Gore film, An Inconvenient Truth, came up during their discussion.  
I shook my head at the persistence of denial that seems so pervasive in 
North American society.  Perhaps people will have to experience disaster 
before they'll be willing to take action.

But we've discussed solutions to the climate problem many times in 
this forum, and most of what can be done in a preventative way is far 
less painful than the changes that will be foisted upon us if our 
climate spirals out of the relatively stable conditions that have 
existed for the past several thousand years.  The number one thing 
involves using LESS energy.

Why is that so hard to accept?

robert luis rabello
The Edge of Justice
The Long Journey
New Adventure for Your Mind

Ranger Supercharger Project Page

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] The Death of a Compost Bin

2006-12-12 Thread Jesse Frayne
What a great exchange!!  Worms at the ready.  Pumpkin
soup raising it's head ONE. MORE. TIME! (whew)

--- Joe Street [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Kewl!  So would I be able to snag a pound of worms
 from you guys when I 
 have my bin finished?  I could barter with B100.
 Jesse Frayne wrote:
 Hi Joe,
 Keith and Tom have this information all covered,
 we have a little website here in the 'Smoke that
 also be helpful?  One of our daughters set up
 vermiculture bins in her U. of T. rez, (a bin per
 floor!) transferring hundreds of our red wigglers. 
 The kids have accepted the idea really well.
 --- Joe Street [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi Luke;
 Any wisdom to share on the best way to set up a
 vermicomposter?  I'd 
 like to start one and I'd be the type to make my
 rather than go out 
 and buy something ready made, but I haven't a clue
 about the realities 
 of doing it.  I have read some info on the web
 it though. If you 
 could share some of your first hand knowledge it
 would be great.
 Luke Hansen wrote:
 It sounds like you're all talking about a kinda
 large-scale operation here, so I'm not sure how
 this will be...but I just built a worm-bin for
 place I work, and have one at home as well...and
 find that they work faster and better for my
 composting needs than a conventional composting
 bin. I
 crafted my latest bin out of untreated cedar
 leftover from a construction project.
 However, I suppose that for larger volume
 such as lawn trimmings, I'd second the pallet
 Good luck,
 --- Paul S Cantrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Pallets are particularly useful.  Usually you
 pick up 3 for free and
 either have an open side or I had some leftover
 window screen, which allows
 air flow.
 Also, if you have room you can get 5 pallets and
 make a double bin...using a
 UU shape.
 On 12/9/06, Tom Irwin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hello Robert,
 I use wood posts stacked like a log cabin. It´s
 open on one side. I don´t

 use treated wood anywhere. So avoid that
 If the wood rots in time I

 replace it.
 Tom Irwin
 From: *robert and benita rabello

 Subject: *[Biofuel] The Death of a Compost Bin*
 Date: *Fri, 08 Dec 2006 17:01:49 -0800*
 Although I don't do all of my composting in a
 nearly all of our

 household table scraps and the entire
 of waste from our bunny

 cage went into a black plastic compost bin. 
 Please note the past tense verb

 . . .
 About a week or so ago, we had a blast of
 air sweep through this
=== message truncated ===
 Biofuel mailing list
 Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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 archives (50,000 messages):

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Re: [Biofuel] More Weird Weather

2006-12-12 Thread Luke Hansen
Man, It's easy to get a little bit nihilistic and
apathetic when you read stuff like this, isn't it! Oh
well, just more motivation for me to become carbon
negative and to show other folks that it's not


--- Juan Boveda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hola Robert.
 Two weeks ago I notice your post, around here in
 Paraguay we had unusuall
 storms with heavy rainfall and from another source
 came more to add to a
 bigger picture of weird weather, this time from
 NASA's Earth Observatory I
 got something disturbing:
 Retreating Ice and Snow in Greenland
 Best Regards.
 -Mensaje original-
 nombre de robert and benita
 Enviado el: martes, 28 de noviembre de 2006 23:11
 Asunto: [Biofuel] More Weird Weather
 Hello again!
 I just read in the paper that the dump of snow
 we got on Sunday broke
 the standing record for snowfall in a single day, a
 record that has stood
 since the late 1800's when local people began
 recording snowfall.  This was
 followed by arctic outflow, which dropped
 temperatures precipitously, and
 guess what--on Monday we set a record for low
 But this climate change stuff isn't real, right?
 robert luis rabello
 The Edge of Justice
 Adventure for Your Mind
 Ranger Supercharger Project Page
  Information from NOD32 
 This message was checked by NOD32 Antivirus System
 for Linux Mail Servers.
 Biofuel mailing list
 Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
 Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list
 archives (50,000 messages):


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Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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[Biofuel] a motorbike running with biofuel in the PAris-Dakar race (in french)

2006-12-12 Thread F. Desprez

  Motard et apôtre de l'or vert

20 Minutes | édition du 06.12.06

Il a troqué son tracteur pour une moto « végétale ». La bonne terre du 
Pas-de-Calais pour le sable et la caillasse de l'Afrique. Le 6 janvier, 
Christian Dequidt, 55 ans, reprendra à Lisbonne la route de Dakar, pour 
une quatrième participation à la course mythique. Preuve que la foi n'a 
pas abandonné cet agriculteur visionnaire qui, dès 1988, lors de son 
premier Enduro du Touquet, affrontait les dunes avec une bécane roulant 
au bioéthanol. Bien avant que les biocarburants ne fassent la une des 

Depuis ses premiers tours de roue, le message du paysan-motard de 
Frévent (Pas-de-Calais) n'a pas changé : les agriculteurs ont leur 
avenir en main. Ils doivent saisir les opportunités qui leur permettront 
de continuer à vivre de leur exploitation. « En plus de l'alimentation, 
les agriculteurs ont une nouvelle mission, le bien-être », affirme-t-il. 
Pour Christian Dequidt, il faut produire les plantes dont on tirera, 
demain, les molécules capables de remplacer celles issues de l'industrie 
du pétrole. Sa moto, une 450 cm3 deux roues motrices, est devenue 
l'ambassadrice de ses convictions. Un garde-boue en amidon de maïs, un 
moteur lubrifié à l'huile de colza, une selle fabriquée avec des fibres 
végétales assurent la promotion des matériaux du futur. « Cela va 
au-delà des biocarburants. Cette moto représente toute la richesse de 
l'agriculture », commente Christian Dequidt, ardent défenseur de la 
chimie verte. Peu à peu, la méfiance des autres concurrents et de la 
profession agricole a laissé place à l'enthousiasme. Christian Dequidt 
compte comme partenaire le pôle de compétitivité Industrie et 
Agro-ressources (IAR) de Picardie et Champagne-Ardenne, qui l'a aidé à 
concevoir ses équipements bio.

A quelques semaines du départ, il est en passe de remporter sa première 
étape en bouclant son budget de près de 60 000 e. Décomplexé par rapport 
aux pros, Christian Dequidt espère passer pour la première fois la ligne 
d'arrivée, sur le lac Rose (Sénégal). Moins pour la performance que « 
pour faire passer mon message, car rien n'avance sans force d'opinion ». 
Alors, entre deux arrachages d'endives, il part à l'assaut des dunes de 
Loon-Plage pour s'entraîner.

*Elise Wartelle*

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

[Biofuel] Copernicus, Darwin And The Cure For Autistic Economics

2006-12-12 Thread Keith Addison
More on Autistic and Post-Autistic Economics:
[biofuel] The Skeptical Economist - Farley
Rewriting the book on economics
by Lissa Harris
09 Apr 2003
Frank Ackerman, Autistic Economics vs. the Environment
post-autistic economics newsletter : issue no. 5, March, 2001
Jean Gadrey, Is the Concept of Economic Growth Autistic?
post-autistic economics newsletter : issue no. 11, January 30, 2002
THE AUTISTIC CONFEDRACY: Why Washington doesn't work by Sam Smith

Useful website:
True Cost Economics

Re ecological economics and eco-economists see list archives: Robert 
Costanza, Herman Daly, Michael Klare, Joshua Farley, Nicholas 
Georgescu-Roegen, for instance. 
Resource Insights, Dec. 3, 2006

Copernicus, Darwin And The Cure For Autistic Economics

By Kurt Cobb children can spend 
much of their time in a world of elaborate fantasy, emotionally 
detached from real people and objects. Unfortunately, it is not much 
of a leap to substitute the words most economists for autistic 
children in the previous sentence. So apparent has this become that 
there is a burgeoning movement to establish what is now called a economics to meet the 
challenges of describing the real social and physical world we live 

This wouldn't matter much were it not for the inordinate say that 
economists have in shaping public policy of all kinds and at all 
levels. Those of the post-autistic persuasion say that establishment 
economists have become a priestly class of sorts that enforces its 
cal view on any and all who would dissent. It does this by keeping 
them college faculties 
and out of key policy positions.

But as the biosphere presses its limits upon us in the areas of 
energy, climate, water, soil and pollution, the neoclassical economic 
view that human ingenuity will allow the species to ignore every 
other species on the planet and grow the world economy indefinitely 
has become life threatening, even civilization threatening.

The cure for this view was suggested by a dear friend. It is a 
surprisingly simple move, and one with an impressive pedigree. The 
Polish astronomer 
Copernicus was the first to work out how the Earth revolved around 
the Sun. He thus began a journey for humankind that removed it from 
the center of the universe and placed it, to borrow the words of 
environmental education giant, Orr, on a 
small planet attached to an insignificant star in a backwater galaxy.

What Copernicus had done for astronomy, Darwin 
did for biology. After Darwin humans would no longer be set apart 
from the animal kingdom. Henceforth, they would be only one of its 
many inhabitants, buffeted by the same laws of mutation and natural 
selection as the ape and every other living creature. 
ism in biology was finished.

It is now time -- long past time -- for a Copernican/Darwinian 
revolution in economics in which humans cease to be seen as the 
privileged species, homo economicus -- at the center of everything 
and exempt from the limits of the biosphere. Instead, humans need to 
be placed within the same systems that nourish every plant and animal 
on Earth. In this case, however, there is a twist. Far from having to 
realize how insignificant and unexceptional we are, we must come to 
understand that we have evolved into a different species which Catton Jr. has dubbed homo 
colossus, a man-tool hybrid capable of destroying the very habitat 
that sustains us and so many other creatures.

The simple fact is that the economy cannot become bigger than the 
biosphere. (There are, of course, some believers in Star Trek-style 
fantasies who envision us exploiting and living on other planets. To 
such people may I suggest that they get started on this project right 
away since we are running out of time to turn things around here on 
Earth). already consume at least 
40 percent of the photosynthetic product of the Earth each year and, 
that's an estimate from 1986 when the population was 5.5 billion. Now 
it is 6.5 billion. And it's projected to be close to 
ation9 billion by 2050. Could we 

Re: [Biofuel] Fwd: Big Pharma Juggernaut Rolls To Victory

2006-12-12 Thread leo bunyan
Well it's not really suprising
Just another reason to take responsibility for our own health
just like we do for our biodiesel

Kirk McLoren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

  st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }   

  st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }Big Pharma 
Juggernaut Rolls To Victory – Health Freedom Reels – Part 1
  Byron J. Richards, CCN, December 11, 2006

  Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson not only rolled over in their graves, 
they had a stake driven through their  coffins by the departing 109th Congress. 
 Big Pharma is now fully in charge of the FDA.  Therapeutic nutrition is now 
marked for elimination from the free market.  How did this happen?  What does 
it all mean?  Why did the House Democrats, at 3:06 A.M., while Americans slept, 
stab our people in the back?  It is an ominous sign of things to come.
  As the lame duck session drew to a close, it became clear that the 
Republican’s scorched-earth policy was intended to make it difficult for the 
Democrats to get anything done next year.  They are hoping to regain voter 
confidence by making Democrats look even worse than the Republican’s near-total 
ineptitude, which is not a very tall order.   
  However, the Republicans and Democrats were able to agree on several key 
points regarding your health: health options for Americans should be curtailed 
and the American public should be subjected to massive drug experimentation.  
Thus, with little fanfare or reporting by the general media, the Destroy 
Effective Supplements and Poison Americans with Biotech Drugs Innovation Act of 
2006 (S.666 and HR.1832), was passed in the middle of the night, just as the 
lame duck session came to a close.
  Americans seem almost numb to the fact that Big Pharma kills several thousand 
of us every week.  Kudos to the 109th Congress, those numbers will now 
dramatically rise.
  Big Pharma Now Runs the FDA
  Yes, the fox is now officially in charge of the henhouse.  Over the objection 
of a small handful of Senators Big Pharma couldn’t buy, Andrew von Eschenbach, 
M.D, was confirmed to head the FDA.  His clearly stated agenda is, and always 
has been, speeding new and dangerous drugs  onto the market with little testing 
for safety or effectiveness.  Von Eschenbach would like to turn every doctor’s 
office in America into a large clinical trial run by an FDA supercomputer, he 
would like a computer chip in your arm, and your DNA in his supercomputer – and 
if you don’t comply you soon won’t get medical services (read Fight for Your 
Health: Exposing the FDA’s Betrayal of America).  The experiment, known as the 
Critical Path Initiative, is now full steam ahead!  Of course, when Americans 
are injured and killed, von Eschenbach is pushing heavily to make sure no one 
can sue for damages.
  Andrew von Eschenbach is up to his eyeballs in Big Pharma connections.  As 
director of the National Cancer Institute  he perverted billions of taxpayer 
dollars away from solid science on desperately needed cancer research and into 
the coffers of his biotech and pharmaceutical pals, collectively known as 
C-Change. Now, he actually wants to turn part of the FDA into a drug company 
and even has a name for it, the Reagan-Udahl Center for Biomedical Research.  
Big Pharma co-sponsors, Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA) and Mike Enzi (R-MT), are 
attempting to fund his new FDA drug company with taxpayer money, which could 
easily be funneled through the National Cancer Institute, into the hands of his 
C-Change friends, and then used to pay for FDA drug approvals  (S.3807).  In 
other words, the American taxpayer will soon be slated to pay for the 
development of all these new biotech drugs, and then pay exorbitant drug prices 
for the “privilege”  of being part of a human experiment.
  As temporary head of the FDA, von Eschenbach proved he could adeptly cover 
for drug companies, even when they blatantly lied to the FDA!  Such was the 
case with Trasylol, the Bayer heart bypass drug that needlessly kills and 
causes permanent kidney damage, which, thanks to von Eschenbach, is still on 
the market injuring Americans this holiday season.  
  Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) was hot and heavy on the von Eschenbach 
protection agenda for  Big Pharma and had placed a hold on his nomination over 
von Eschenbach’s flagrant violations of law and the FDA’s cover-up of fraud 
relating to the Ketek antibiotic.  Von Eschenbach’s utter disdain of 
Congressional oversight should be a major concern to all Americans.  On 
December 7, 2006, this is what Grassley had to say:
  People ought to be ashamed of saying Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach has done a 
superb job in the position he is currently occupying [acting head of the 
FDA].…That is an 

[Biofuel] Mileage from megawatts

2006-12-12 Thread AltEnergyNetwork

Mileage from megawatts: Study finds enough electric capacity to fill
up plug-in vehicles across much of the nation

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