Re: [Biofuel] Eight Strikes and You’re Out

2008-08-22 Thread Chris Burck
lol, friedman was pretty wdll at 8 strikes himself, if not beyond.
well, he got this one right.  credit where due. . . .

On 8/14/08, MH [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Eight Strikes and You're Out
 August 12, 2008

 John McCain recently tried to underscore his seriousness about pushing
 through a new energy policy, with a strong focus on more drilling for oil,
 by telling a motorcycle convention that Congress needed to come back from
 vacation immediately and do something about America's energy crisis. Tell
 them to come back and get to work! McCain bellowed.

 Sorry, but I can't let that one go by. McCain knows why.

 It was only five days earlier, on July 30, that the Senate was voting for
 the eighth time in the past year on a broad, vitally important bill — S.
 3335 — that would have extended the investment tax credits for installing
 solar energy and the production tax credits for building wind turbines and
 other energy-efficiency systems.

 Both the wind and solar industries depend on these credits — which expire in
 December — to scale their businesses and become competitive with coal, oil
 and natural gas. Unlike offshore drilling, these credits could have an
 immediate impact on America's energy profile.

 Senator McCain did not show up for the crucial vote on July 30, and the
 renewable energy bill was defeated for the eighth time. In fact, John McCain
 has a perfect record on this renewable energy legislation. He has missed all
 eight votes over the last year — which effectively counts as a no vote each
 time. Once, he was even in the Senate and wouldn't leave his office to vote.

 McCain did not show up on any votes, said Scott Sklar, president of The
 Stella Group, which tracks clean-technology legislation. Despite that,
 McCain's campaign commercial running during the Olympics shows a bunch of
 spinning wind turbines — the very wind turbines that he would not cast a
 vote to subsidize, even though he supports big subsidies for nuclear power.

 Barack Obama did not vote on July 30 either — which is equally inexcusable
 in my book — but he did vote on three previous occasions in favor of the
 solar and wind credits.

 The fact that Congress has failed eight times to renew them is largely
 because of a hard core of Republican senators who either don't want to give
 Democrats such a victory in an election year or simply don't believe in
 renewable energy.

 What impact does this have? In the solar industry today there is a rush to
 finish any project that would be up and running by Dec. 31 — when the
 credits expire — and most everything beyond that is now on hold. Consider
 the Solana concentrated solar power plant, 70 miles southwest of Phoenix in
 McCain's home state. It is the biggest proposed concentrating solar energy
 project ever. The farsighted local utility is ready to buy its power.

 But because of the Senate's refusal to extend the solar tax credits, we
 cannot get our bank financing, said Fred Morse, a senior adviser for the
 American operations of Abengoa Solar, which is building the project.
 Without the credits, the numbers don't work. Some 2,000 construction jobs
 are on hold.

 Roger Efird is president of Suntech America — a major Chinese-owned solar
 panel maker that actually wants to build a new factory in America. They've
 been scouting the country for sites, and several governors have been
 courting them. But Efird told me that when the solar credits failed to pass
 the Senate, his boss told him: Don't set up any more meetings with
 governors. It makes absolutely no sense to do this if we don't have
 stability in the incentive programs.

 One of the biggest canards peddled by Big Oil is that, Sure, we'll need
 wind and solar energy, but it's just not cost effective yet. They've been
 saying that for 30 years. What these tax credits are designed to do is to
 stimulate investments by many players in solar and wind so these
 technologies can quickly move down the learning curve and become competitive
 with coal and oil — which is why some people are trying to block them.

 As Richard K. Lester, an energy-innovation expert at the Massachusetts
 Institute of Technology, notes, The best chance we have — perhaps the only
 chance of addressing the combined challenges of energy supply and demand,
 climate change and energy security is to accelerate the introduction of new
 technologies for energy supply and use and deploy them on a very large

 This, he argues, will take more than a Manhattan Project. It will require a
 fundamental reshaping by government of the prices and regulations and
 research-and-development budgets that shape the energy market. Without
 taxing fossil fuels so they become more expensive and giving subsidies to
 renewable fuels so they become more competitive — and changing regulations
 so more people and companies have an interest in energy efficiency — we will

Re: [Biofuel] Eight Strikes and You’re Out

2008-08-22 Thread MH
Yup, John McCain's sunk pretty low but what can you expect?
He says he's for a carbon trading program but supports more
fossil energy growth.  He's not very clear on the issue.

Chris Burck wrote:
 lol, friedman was pretty wdll at 8 strikes himself, if not beyond.
 well, he got this one right.  credit where due. . . .

 Eight Strikes and You're Out
 August 12, 2008

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Re: [Biofuel] Eight Strikes and You're Out

2008-08-22 Thread Chip Mefford
MH wrote:
 Yup, John McCain's sunk pretty low but what can you expect?
 He says he's for a carbon trading program but supports more
 fossil energy growth.  He's not very clear on the issue.
Sorry, But I think his positions are perfectly clear.

Just look back at the last few decades of Arizona.
Uncontrolled growth for the profit of the few
without any other considerations at all. No
matter what the cost.

This is John McCain's position.

Chip Mefford

Before Enlightenment;
   chop wood
   carry water
After Enlightenment;
   chop wood
   carry water
Public Key

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[Biofuel] In Germany, ruddy-cheeked farmers achieve (green) energy independence]

2008-08-22 Thread Kirk McLoren
 of biogas digesters, which turn animal dung 
and other organic waste into fuel. Several residents have also ripped out 
ancient water wheels and installed modern hydro generators.

The Mellert bakery and gristmill, with its four stories of whirring machines 
and baking ovens, is powered by a water turbine. So is the rustic saw mill 
owned by Gottlieb Reinbold, a white-haired former pig farmer in patched 
overalls. During peak season, the turbine produces enough electricity to power 
both the mill and his home. It also feeds enough power into the grid to earn 
him $880 a month, about half his total income.

“It’s not a lot of money,” he says. “But it helps to keep me afloat.”

Others villagers harvest energy from a mix of sources. The Schneider family 
supplements the heat they generate from cow milk with a zero-emission wood-chip 
boiler they installed between the racks of dusty mason jars in their basement. 
It’s fueled by leftover scraps from wood they harvest in a backyard patch of 

The family has also sunk more than $15,000 into the community windmill project 
and installed a billboard-size array of photovoltaic solar panels on the roof 
over t he scalloped wood balconies of their farmhouse. The investment has paid 
off. The panels alone produce about 30,000 kilowatt hours of electricity a year 
– 50 percent more energy than the Schneiders use. By feeding this into the 
grid, they earn roughly $24,000 annually.

The money helps fill the gap left by low wholesale milk prices and allows them 
to save for retirement. “We have to look toward the future,” says Mrs. 
Schneider. “My mother spent her whole life working the land, and she can’t 
live off her pension.”

The surge of renewable energy has also been a boon to Freiamt’s growing 
tourism industry. Many of the 42,000-plus visitors to the town each year are 
ecotourists, some from as far away as India and South Korea. Even some 
residents who initially opposed the project, are now leading hiking tours to 
the turbines – just one sign of the changes that have swept the village.

“People used to laugh at us,” says Reinbold-Mench “They thought of us as 
simple country folk. Now they’re coming from all over just to see what 
we’re doing, and that’s a huge source of p ride for little Freiamt.” 
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[Biofuel] Ethanol 85

2008-08-22 Thread Joe Street
Hi All;

It has been a while but I am not idle. I hope everyone is keeping well.
I have been working on converting a 2 stroke to run on ethanol. Engine
work is well underway. I wanted to get some ethanol to start testing
what lubricants I can use as a substitute for the commercial 2 stroke
lubes meant for gasoline.  I am hoping esters are the answer obvioisly.
I don't have any anhydrous ethanol so I found out that one of the only
two stations that sell E85 is about 1/2 hr away so I drove out with a
jerry can, only to find that they WILL NOT SELL any E85 unless you pull
up with a flex fuel vehicle and they will only fill the tank and no
extra cans. The kid at the pump jerks his thumb over his shoulder and
tells me he can only pump it if the guy in the building says so.  I walk
up to the building with its big red banner above the door with proud
letters that read ONTARIO ALTERNATIVE ENERGY COUNCIL  I asked the
manager how I was supposed to get fuel to do my research and he said he
could not help me.  I asked if it was a company policy or a law and he
told me (wrongly) that it was the law.  I have since discovered that it
is just the company policy but there is nowhere else to buy. I can
produce my own anhydrous ethanol but I thought I'd save the hastle and
give some of my dollars to help promote the alt fuel business. I guess
the bond between car manufacturers and fuel producers is nowhere
stronger than in the alternative fuels area eh?  I'm going to vomit
nowplease excuse me.


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Re: [Biofuel] Ethanol 85

2008-08-22 Thread Chris Burck
i suspect this has more to do with wanting to avoid any chance of
legal action from people who try to get intoxicated with it:  you
never told me this was poisonous, so give me 35 million dollars.
ckearly this is lunacy.  but there's so many urban legends out there
about punitive damage awards, corporate policies as you describe are
no surprise.  of course, who's to say they're not just using potential
liability as cover for limiting our choices.

On 8/22/08, Joe Street [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All;

 It has been a while but I am not idle. I hope everyone is keeping well.
 I have been working on converting a 2 stroke to run on ethanol. Engine
 work is well underway. I wanted to get some ethanol to start testing
 what lubricants I can use as a substitute for the commercial 2 stroke
 lubes meant for gasoline.  I am hoping esters are the answer obvioisly.
 I don't have any anhydrous ethanol so I found out that one of the only
 two stations that sell E85 is about 1/2 hr away so I drove out with a
 jerry can, only to find that they WILL NOT SELL any E85 unless you pull
 up with a flex fuel vehicle and they will only fill the tank and no
 extra cans. The kid at the pump jerks his thumb over his shoulder and
 tells me he can only pump it if the guy in the building says so.  I walk
 up to the building with its big red banner above the door with proud
 letters that read ONTARIO ALTERNATIVE ENERGY COUNCIL  I asked the
 manager how I was supposed to get fuel to do my research and he said he
 could not help me.  I asked if it was a company policy or a law and he
 told me (wrongly) that it was the law.  I have since discovered that it
 is just the company policy but there is nowhere else to buy. I can
 produce my own anhydrous ethanol but I thought I'd save the hastle and
 give some of my dollars to help promote the alt fuel business. I guess
 the bond between car manufacturers and fuel producers is nowhere
 stronger than in the alternative fuels area eh?  I'm going to vomit
 nowplease excuse me.


 Biofuel mailing list

 Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

 Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):