[Biofuel] Commentary about US Congressional health reform proposals.

2009-07-17 Thread SurpriseShan2

Why We Must Ration Health  Care 
Published: July 15, 2009 
You have advanced kidney cancer. It will kill you, probably in  the next 
year or two. A drug called Sutent slows the spread of the cancer and  may give 
you an extra six months, but at a cost of $54,000. Is a few more months  
worth that much? 

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[Biofuel] New Book - Poisoned Profits - The toxic Assault on Our Children

2009-07-17 Thread SurpriseShan2
The Environmental Assault 
We and our children are exposed to toxins invisibly,  stealthily, without 
our knowledge. The U.S. now makes or imports 42 billion  pounds of chemicals 
per day (not even counting pesticides, drugs, food additives  or polymers). 
Causing Harm 
POISONED PROFITS, based on more than five years of  investigative research 
and reporting, reveals the cumulative scientific evidence  connecting the 
massive increase in environmental poisons to the epidemic of  autism and ADHD, 
birth defects, asthma, and cancer among our nation´s children. 
The Manufacturers and Their Defense Team 
The authors conclude that the poisoning of the environment is  as grave a 
threat to the future as any problem confronting our nation. Why?  
Corporations control the system, molding laws to their liking. The book shines 
a  light 
on the motives and means of corporate-paid lawyers, **product defense**  
companies, fake grassroots groups, research centers and scientists. 
The Victims 
POISONED PROFITS, cast as a crime story, relates what happens  to the 
victims-the families and communities polluted by different toxic  substances-by 
pesticides, nuclear waste, industrial chemicals, air pollutants.  Here are 
the stories of Dickson, Tennessee, where an extraordinary number of  babies 
were born with cleft lips and palates after landfill chemicals seeped  into 
the water; and Port Neches, Texas, where so many graduates of a high school  
near a petrochemical plant contracted cancer that it was nicknamed **Leukemia 
 High** ; and a small brother and sister in Indiana who, exposed to 
pesticides,  slipped into severe retardation. 
Genes + The Environment 
In layman´s language, the book explains how genes and the  environment act 
upon each other, how mental and behavioral illnesses can be  
environmentally-triggered, affecting both the body and mind. And it explains 
the  ways in 
which the fetus and young child are much more vulnerable than adults.  Our 
nation picks up the tab for these illnesses-POISONED PROFITS gives the  dollar 
figures for reduced productivity on one hand, the staggering cost of care  
for sick children on the other. 
Instead of fighting against disability and disease with cures,  a 
never-ending struggle, the authors affirm that we now have the knowledge to  
harm and they describe the solutions. POISONED PROFITS demonstrates how  
people are fighting back, whether through grassroots parents´ groups, the rise  
of *ecotheology* or the new **green chemistry** that replaces bad elements 
with  harmless ones. The Shabecoffs also include a guide for parents on how 
to reduce  toxic risks to their children in their everyday lives. 
POISONED PROFITS was researched and written with support from  the Ford, V. 
Kann Rasmussen, Heinz Family and Rockefeller foundations, under the  
sponsorship of Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility. Physicians  
for Social Responsibility and the Institute for Children*s Environmental 
Health  are current sponsors. Some of the nation*s leading environmental health 
scientists served as advisors to the book. Available wherever books are 
sold, or  through _www.poisonedprofits.com_ (http://www.poisonedprofits.com) . 
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