[Biofuel] Globalization Goes Bankrupt

2009-09-23 Thread Keith Addison

Globalization Goes Bankrupt

By Chris Hedges

September 21, 2009 Truthdig --  The rage of the disposed is 
fracturing the country, dividing it into camps that are unmoored from 
the political mainstream. Movements are building on the ends of the 
political spectrum that have lost faith in the mechanisms of 
democratic change. You can't blame them. But unless we on the left 
move quickly this rage will be captured by a virulent and racist 
right wing, one that seeks a disturbing proto-fascism. 

Every day counts. Every deferral of protest hurts. We should, if we 
have the time and the ability, make our way to Pittsburgh for the 
meeting of the G-20 this week rather than do what the power elite is 
hoping we will do-stay home. Complacency comes at a horrible price.

The leaders of the G-20 are meeting to try and salvage their power 
and money after everything that has gone wrong, said Benedicto 
Martinez Orozco, co-president of the Mexican Frente Autentico del 
Trabajo (FAT), who is in Pittsburgh for the protests. This is what 
this meeting is about.

The draconian security measures put in place to silence dissent in 
Pittsburgh are disproportionate to any actual security concern. They 
are a response not to a real threat, but to the fear gripping the 
established centers of power. The power elite grasps, even if we do 
not, the massive fraud and theft being undertaken to save a criminal 
class on Wall Street and international speculators of the kinds who 
were executed in other periods of human history. They know the awful 
cost this plundering of state treasuries will impose on workers, who 
will become a permanent underclass. And they also know that once this 
is clear to the rest of us, rebellion will no longer be a foreign 

The delegates to the G-20, the gathering of the world's wealthiest 
nations, will consequently be protected by a National Guard combat 
battalion, recently returned from Iraq. The battalion will shut down 
the area around the city center, man checkpoints and patrol the 
streets in combat gear. Pittsburgh has augmented the city's police 
force of 1,000 with an additional 3,000 officers. Helicopters have 
begun to buzz gatherings in city parks, buses driven to Pittsburgh to 
provide food to protesters have been impounded, activists have been 
detained, and permits to camp in the city parks have been denied. Web 
sites belonging to resistance groups have been hacked and trashed, 
and many groups suspect that they have been infiltrated and that 
their phones and e-mail accounts are being monitored. 

Larry Holmes, an organizer from New York City, stood outside a tent 
encampment on land owned by the Monumental Baptist Church in the 
city's Hill District. He is one of the leaders of the Bail Out the 
People Movement. Holmes, a longtime labor activist, on Sunday led a 
march on the convention center by unemployed people calling for jobs. 
He will coordinate more protests during the week. 

It is de facto martial law, he said, and the real effort to 
subvert the work of those protesting has yet to begin. But voting 
only gets you so far. There are often not many choices in an 
election. When you build democratic movements around the war or 
unemployment you get a more authentic expression of democracy. It is 
more organic. It makes a difference. History has taught us this.

Our global economy, like our political system, has been hijacked by a 
tiny oligarchy, composed mostly of wealthy white men who serve 
corporations. They have pledged or raised a staggering $18 trillion, 
looted largely from state treasuries, to prop up banks and other 
financial institutions that engaged in suicidal acts of speculation 
and ruined the world economy. They have formulated trade deals so 
corporations can speculate across borders with currency, food and 
natural resources even as, according to the Food and Agriculture 
Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 1.02 billion people on the 
planet struggle with hunger. Globalization has obliterated the 
ability of many poor countries to protect food staples such as corn, 
rice, beans and wheat with subsidies or taxes on imported staples. 
The abolishment of these protections has permitted the giant 
mechanized farms to wipe out tens of millions of small farmers-2 
million in Mexico alone-bankrupting many and driving them off their 
land. Those who could once feed themselves can no longer find enough 
food, and the wealthiest governments use institutions such as the 
International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the World Trade 
Organization like pit bulls to establish economic supremacy. There is 
little that most governments seem able to do to fight back.

But the game is up. The utopian dreams of globalization have been 
exposed as a sham. Force is all the elite have left. We are living 
through one of civilization's great seismic reversals. The ideology 
of globalization, like all 

[Biofuel] Smart Choices food label is marketing fraud; Tufts University involvement ques

2009-09-23 Thread SurpriseShan2
Kellogg's Kraft Foods ConAgra Foods Unilever General Mills  PepsiCo Tyson 
... it reads like a who's who of processed food and junk food  giants. In 
terms of making truly smart choices at the grocery store, by the way,  the 
smartest choice would be to avoid any product made by any of these  companies, 
in my view. 

What integrity really means Michael Jacobson, the public  health watchdog 
from CSPI, participated as a panel member in the early days of  the Smart 
Choices program, but he soon quit, explaining It was paid for by  industry and 
when industry put down its foot and said this is what we're doing,  that 
was it, end of story. In other words, Jacobson rightly refused to sell out  
his conscience to a group of corporate junk food promoters. That's a rare  
display of genuine integrity in our world. 
I applaud Jacobson for quitting the Smart Choices program,  which is 
obviously just a fraudulent marketing gimmick devised by these  companies to 
intentionally mislead consumers. It's too bad the dean of Tufts  University's 
nutrition school couldn't find the backbone to adhere to similar  principles. 
In a nation suffering from runaway health care costs, widespread  nutritional 
deficiencies and an epidemic of childhood obesity, it's truly  
disheartening to see an influential nutrition leader from one of the nation's  
universities blatantly promoting processed junk foods for children. 
I'm appalled, saddened and somewhat surprised to see this in  2009. While 
the nutritional advice of Eileen T. Kennedy might have passed muster  in the 
1970's era of bleached white Wonder Bread and chemically-enhanced TV  
dinners, today we know a lot more about the links between the dietary intake of 
sugars and childhood obesity, diabetes, heart disease and behavioral 
disorders.  We know that feeding a nation of children sugared-up breakfast 
and soft  drinks is a sure recipe for raising a generation of obese, diabetic 
children and  teens. 
As the dean of the school of nutrition at Tufts University,  how is it 
possible that Mrs. Kennedy could have missed this? Has she been in an  
aspartame-induced coma since 1975? ... and now she suddenly awakens from her  
decades-long slumber to slap on a pair of polyester pants and champion Froot  
for children as a prominent dean at Tufts University? 
Is this some bizarre rejected screenplay from a B movie  script? Will her 
head now spin around as she spouts devilish verse from a  demonic spirit 
that has occupied her body and filled her head with thoughts of  sugary 
The whole thing just defies reason. It's difficult to believe  this is 
happening today, in America, in a top-rated university. So read the  sources 
below. Check it out for yourself as you confirm the truth of what I'm  
reporting here through articles in the NY Times, CBS News and Reuters. See for  
yourself just how corrupt and / or ignorant the top nutrition leaders in our  
nation's universities can be on this crucial issue of the diet of children. 
And  when you see this clearly, you'll finally understand why America has more 
fat,  diabetic children than any other nation in the world. 
Our adults have sold out our children. It's that simple. In my  opinion, 
corporate money has bought off key influencers who set public nutrition  
policy, and they have conspired to feed our kids more sugar, more processed  
foods, more junk and more lies about nutrition even while their selfish actions 
may very well bankrupt our entire nation through runaway health care costs. 
One final truth comes out in all this: The USA's national  nutrition 
policies precisely mirror its national food supply -- they're both  processed, 
bleached, adulterated and wholly devoid of any useful substance. 
Sources for this story include: 
Reuters: _http://www.reuters.com/article/pres_ 
(http://www.reuters.com/article/pres) ... 
The New York Times _http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/05/b_ 
(http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/05/b) ... 
LA Times _http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/boo_ 
(http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/boo) ... 
CBS News _http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009_ 
(http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009) ... 
Froot Loops ingredients: _http://www2.kelloggs.com/Product/Pr_ 
(http://www2.kelloggs.com/Product/Pr) ... 
Tufts University School of Nutrition Science and Policy: 
_http://nutrition.tufts.edu/_ (http://nutrition.tufts.edu/) 
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Re: [Biofuel] Smart Choices food label is marketing fraud; Tufts University involvement ques

2009-09-23 Thread Keith Addison
Fraud? That's hardly the point, it's not court evidence under oath, 
it's marketing, of course it's fraud. Almost certainly it'll be a 
marketing success.

Here's a recent harbinger:
[Biofuel] USA Today Dietitian Recommends Eating McDonalds, KFC, Taco 
Bell And Burger King On The Today Show
Sun, 16 Aug 2009

Tufts, well, universities are for sale these days. Elementary schools too.




Smart Choices food label is marketing fraud;  Tufts University
involvement questioned (opinion)
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) The big food companies have dreamed up yet  another clever
con to sell processed junk foods to parents and children: A  Smart Choices
label that implies the food product is a smart choice for health  and
nutrition. The problem is that the standards for qualifying for this 
were set by the food companies themselves, and processed junk foods  like
Froot Loops (a sugary breakfast cereal) qualify.

Froot Loops is 41 percent processed white sugar. It also  contains
processed flour and partially-hydrogenated vegetable oil. But that's 
not all you'll
find in the box: Froot Loops is also made with synthetic coloring 
chemicals, including Red #40, Blue #2, Yellow #6 and Blue #1. The 
No. 1  ingredient
of Froot Loops is sugar, and each serving contains 12 grams of sugar.


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Re: [Biofuel] Nissan calls on composers of movie scores to give EVs sound

2009-09-23 Thread robert and benita rabello
Darryl McMahon wrote:


Let's understand the real problem and fix that!

The problem is NOT that electric and hybrid cars are too quiet.

The problem is that other vehicles in our urban settings are too noisy.

I hear, you, Darryl.  However, I just got into a discussion in 
another forum about this very topic, and someone referenced THIS article:


It's in Japanese, so I can't read it, but I was hoping Keith or some 
other list member might comment on its contents.

robert luis rabello
The Edge of Justice
The Long Journey
New Adventure for Your Mind

Ranger Supercharger Project Page

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Re: [Biofuel] Nissan calls on composers of movie scores to give EVs sound

2009-09-23 Thread Darryl McMahon
 obnoxious like a regular car horn.

Once we have the protection of the visually impaired resolved, do you 
think we'll have to find a way to protect pedestrians with headphones 
cranked up and just oblivious from EVs and HEVs?

I'm completely lost as to why different manufacturer's would have 
different sound signatures.  Why wouldn't one sound (for my manually 
controlled courtesy noisemaker) for all quiet vehicles be sufficient? 
Including bicycles up to and including human-powered quadricycles.


robert and benita rabello wrote:
 Darryl McMahon wrote:

 Let's understand the real problem and fix that!

 The problem is NOT that electric and hybrid cars are too quiet.

 The problem is that other vehicles in our urban settings are too noisy.

 I hear, you, Darryl.  However, I just got into a discussion in 
 another forum about this very topic, and someone referenced THIS article:
 It's in Japanese, so I can't read it, but I was hoping Keith or some 
 other list member might comment on its contents.
 robert luis rabello
 The Edge of Justice
 The Long Journey
 New Adventure for Your Mind
 Ranger Supercharger Project Page
 Biofuel mailing list
 Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
 Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Darryl McMahon

The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy (in trade paperback and eBook)

Latest review of The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy in Greenlife Magazine

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[Biofuel] Raspberries - 2nd crop (was Robert's Garden)

2009-09-23 Thread Darryl McMahon
Hi Robert,
the second crop for the season has fruited and the canes are bending 
under the weight.  This could produce more berries than the first crop 
if they can ripen before a hard frost.  We've dodged the frost bullet a 
couple of times already this year.  Typically we get to Canadian 
Thanksgiving before we get a hard frost here.


Darryl McMahon

The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy (in trade paperback and eBook)

Latest review of The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy in Greenlife Magazine

Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] Nissan calls on composers of movie scores to give EVs sound

2009-09-23 Thread Zeke Yewdall
 that they acknowledge that aiding the vehicle operator where
 careful driving is required is an option.  I'm all in favour of a low
 volume courtesy noisemaker that is under the manual control of the
 vehicle operator.  Something that can alert nearby pedestrians without
 being obnoxious like a regular car horn.

 Once we have the protection of the visually impaired resolved, do you
 think we'll have to find a way to protect pedestrians with headphones
 cranked up and just oblivious from EVs and HEVs?

 I'm completely lost as to why different manufacturer's would have
 different sound signatures.  Why wouldn't one sound (for my manually
 controlled courtesy noisemaker) for all quiet vehicles be sufficient?
 Including bicycles up to and including human-powered quadricycles.


 robert and benita rabello wrote:
  Darryl McMahon wrote:
  Let's understand the real problem and fix that!
  The problem is NOT that electric and hybrid cars are too quiet.
  The problem is that other vehicles in our urban settings are too noisy.
  I hear, you, Darryl.  However, I just got into a discussion in
  another forum about this very topic, and someone referenced THIS article:
  It's in Japanese, so I can't read it, but I was hoping Keith or some
  other list member might comment on its contents.
  robert luis rabello
  The Edge of Justice
  The Long Journey
  New Adventure for Your Mind
  Ranger Supercharger Project Page
  Biofuel mailing list
  Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
  Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000

 Darryl McMahon

 The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy (in trade paperback and eBook)

 Latest review of The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy in Greenlife Magazine

 Biofuel mailing list

 Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

 Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000

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Re: [Biofuel] Raspberries - 2nd crop (was Robert's Garden)

2009-09-23 Thread robert and benita rabello
Darryl McMahon wrote:

Hi Robert,
the second crop for the season has fruited and the canes are bending 
under the weight.  This could produce more berries than the first crop 
if they can ripen before a hard frost.  We've dodged the frost bullet a 
couple of times already this year.  Typically we get to Canadian 
Thanksgiving before we get a hard frost here.

That's impressive!  We've suffered several broken branches on our 
plum, pear and apple trees because they're so fully laden.  This year 
has been terrific for fruit, and it looks like that's true all the way 
to Ontario! 

robert luis rabello
The Edge of Justice
The Long Journey
New Adventure for Your Mind

Ranger Supercharger Project Page

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Smart Choices food label is marketing fraud; Tufts University involvement ques

2009-09-23 Thread Debra
/boo) ... 
  CBS News _http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009_ 
  (http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009) ... 
  Froot Loops ingredients: _http://www2.kelloggs.com/Product/Pr_ 
  (http://www2.kelloggs.com/Product/Pr) ... 
  Tufts University School of Nutrition Science and Policy: 
  _http://nutrition.tufts.edu/_ (http://nutrition.tufts.edu/) 
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