"Smart Choices" food label is marketing fraud;  Tufts University 
involvement questioned (opinion) 
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor 

(NaturalNews) The big food companies have dreamed up yet  another clever 
con to sell processed junk foods to parents and children: A  "Smart Choices" 
label that implies the food product is a smart choice for health  and 
nutrition. The problem is that the standards for qualifying for this  
were set by the food companies themselves, and processed junk foods  like 
Froot Loops (a sugary breakfast cereal) qualify. 
Froot Loops is 41 percent processed white sugar. It also  contains 
processed flour and partially-hydrogenated vegetable oil. But that's  not all 
find in the box: Froot Loops is also made with synthetic coloring  
chemicals, including Red #40, Blue #2, Yellow #6 and Blue #1. The No. 1  
of Froot Loops is sugar, and each serving contains 12 grams of sugar. 
So how, exactly, did Froot Loops qualify for the  "Smart Choices" label? 
I'll tell you how: Because the Smart Choices label is a  marketing fraud. 
It's a manipulative, dishonest food package labeling system  that is 
intentionally designed by the processed food companies to mislead and  
consumers into buying processed food products, in my view. 
You'd have to be deeply misinformed about nutritional basics  to think that 
a processed breakfast cereal made of 41% sugar,  partially-hydrogenated 
oils and artificial coloring chemicals is a "smart  choice" for any child. A 
more appropriate label might be "Diabetes Choices" or  "Obesity Choices", but 
certainly not "Smart Choices." 
In my opinion, this marketing fraud is little more than a  marketing 
gimmick. It makes you wonder who, exactly, came up with it. 

Did Tufts University sell out to the food giants? The  president of the 
Smart Choices board is Eileen T. Kennedy, dean of the Friedman  School of 
Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University. 
(_http://nutrition.tufts.edu/11745629_ (http://nutrition.tufts.edu/11745629) 
Eileen Kennedy and other Tufts University faculty members have  established 
ties with the Kellogg's company, having participated in a  "Children's 
Health" forum that was co-sponsored by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. 
That event, held in June of this year, was entitled:  'Children's Health: 
The Future of Food & Nutrition Policy'. It claimed to  offer in-depth 
discussions on topics like "childhood obesity, nutrition  standards, global 
nutrition and school food." (_http://www.reuters.com/article/pres_ 
(http://www.reuters.com/article/pres) ...) 
(Did their discussions ever mention that perhaps children  shouldn't eat 
breakfast cereals made with 41% processed sugar?) 
In promoting the event, Eileen Kennedy was quoted in a joint  press 
release, admitting how closely her university works with food companies: 
"Working with our colleagues across academia, the food and  nutrition 
industry, government agencies and nonprofit organizations, we will  influence 
change the nutritional landscape for our children." 
She certainly accomplished that. Now, products made with 41%  refined white 
sugar are fraudulently marketed as "Smart Choices." 
Guess who else was invited to speak at the event? Dr. Cathy  Woteki from 
Mars, Inc., makers of candy bars and other sugar processed foods  that are 
aggressively marketed to children. 

Tufts University: Sugar for kids? It all makes you wonder:  With all these 
corporate junk food giants being so heavily involved in this  event 
presented by Tufts University, what exactly does this university really  stand 
in regards to healthy food for children? Does Tufts University itself  stand 
behind the promotion of sugary junk foods for children? Does it endorse  
products like Froot Loops being labeled as "Smart Choices" for kids? 
Here are the ingredients of Froot Loops: 
Is Eileen T. Kennedy, dean of the Friedman School of Nutrition  Science and 
Policy at Tufts University, really going to tell us -- with a  straight 
face -- that this cereal is good for kids? 

Aiming low She might answer, of course, that "it meets  U.S. government 
nutritional guidelines." Those are the same guidelines that have  already made 
the United States of America a nation grappling with a pandemic of  obese 
children and adults. 
Clearly, U.S. government nutritional guidelines are a public  health 
disaster. If we hope to improve the health of our children, it only  stands to 
reason that we must improve the nutritional guidelines being followed  to feed 
our kids. And you can't improve nutritional guidelines if you're in bed  
with the very same corporate food giants who are making and peddling their  
sugary, chemically-enriched breakfast cereals that promote diabetes and obesity 
 in the first place. 
You also can't improve kids' health if you're nutritionally  ill-informed 
and yet you've somehow found your way into a position of influence  over 
nutritional policy... as seems to be the case with Dr. Eileen Kennedy.  Here's 
her gosh-darned explanation of why Froot Loops deserves the "Smart  Choices" 
label, in her own words: "You're rushing around, you're trying to think  
about healthy eating for your kids and you have a choice between a doughnut and 
 a cereal. So Froot Loops is a better choice." 

Better than a donut? Huh? Is she serious? Froot Loops gets  a Smart Choices 
label because it's better than a donut? Is this the limit of the  
nutritional awareness of the dean of a nationally-recognized school that's part 
the Tufts University system? 
This all really reminds me of the movie Idiocracy, where the  whole nation 
is run by complete idiots and water fountains have been replaced  with 
sugary sports drinks because everybody knows that "water is only for  toilets." 
In terms of really idiotic thinking, check out this quote  published in the 
New York Times: "Dr. Clark, who is a member of the Smart  Choices board, 
said that the program's standard for sugar in cereals was  consistent with 
federal dietary guidelines that say that 'small amounts of  sugar' added to 
nutrient-dense foods like breakfast cereals can make them taste  better. That, 
in theory, will encourage people to eat more of them, which would  increase 
the nutrients in their diet." 
Are they serious? Break down this logic for a moment: Sugar is  GOOD 
because it encourages children to eat MORE processed breakfast cereals! 
How on earth could this be a legitimate answer in a nation  where kids are 
eating too much sugar and too much processed food in the first  place? 
The utter abandonment of basic common sense by the people in  this program 
is truly awe-inspiring. It really makes me wonder how we can ever  turn 
around the health problems of this nation when we have such nutritionally  
illiterate people being quoted in the New York Times as nutritional experts. 
perhaps the NY Times was just trying to point out how nutritionally 
ignorant  these people are, and on that point it succeeded wildly...) 

Someone please educate Dr. Kennedy about nutrition Tufts  University is an 
outstanding academic institution. It's done a lot of good work  and produced 
many important studies on nutrition and health. But this  
pro-sugary-cereals stance by its nutrition school dean is, well, just flat out  
It makes Tufts University look like the best little corporate  nutrition 
whorehouse in Boston. They might as well just remove the word  "science" from 
the name of the school: Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman School  of 
Nutrition Science and Policy. 
That name should probably be replaced with this one, which is  more 
accurate: Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman School of Corporate Ass  Kissers. 
pretty sure the Friedmans wouldn't appreciate that name, but  neither would 
they likely appreciate a deeply misinformed dean potentially  compromising 
the reputation of their school by seemingly selling out to the very  companies 
whose products undeniably contribute to our kids becoming obese and  
diabetic in the first place. 
Don't let 'em get away with this sell out. Contact the School  of Nutrition 
Science and Policy at Tufts University and tell 'em what you think  about 
their dean endorsing Froot Loops for children (among other processed junk  
foods) under the "Smart Choices" label. This is inexcusable! Their contact 
page  is right here: _http://nutrition.tufts.edu/11745629_ 
(http://nutrition.tufts.edu/11745629) ... 
Not all top university nutritionists are hopelessly ignorant  when it comes 
to nutrition, by the way. The chair of the nutrition department at  the 
Harvard School of Public Health, Walter Willett, told the New York Times  that 
many products carrying the "Smart Choices" label "are horrible choices." In  
fact, quite a number of influential nutrition leaders have spoken out 
publicly  against Dr. Kennedy. 

Smart Choices companies aren't so smart choices In case  you're curious, 
here's the list of the companies participating in this "Smart  Choices" label 
Kellogg's Kraft Foods ConAgra Foods Unilever General Mills  PepsiCo Tyson 
... it reads like a who's who of processed food and junk food  giants. In 
terms of making truly smart choices at the grocery store, by the way,  the 
smartest choice would be to avoid any product made by any of these  companies, 
in my view. 

What integrity really means Michael Jacobson, the public  health watchdog 
from CSPI, participated as a panel member in the early days of  the Smart 
Choices program, but he soon quit, explaining "It was paid for by  industry and 
when industry put down its foot and said this is what we're doing,  that 
was it, end of story." In other words, Jacobson rightly refused to sell out  
his conscience to a group of corporate junk food promoters. That's a rare  
display of genuine integrity in our world. 
I applaud Jacobson for quitting the Smart Choices program,  which is 
obviously just a fraudulent marketing gimmick devised by these  companies to 
intentionally mislead consumers. It's too bad the dean of Tufts  University's 
nutrition school couldn't find the backbone to adhere to similar  principles. 
In a nation suffering from runaway health care costs, widespread  nutritional 
deficiencies and an epidemic of childhood obesity, it's truly  
disheartening to see an influential nutrition leader from one of the nation's  
universities blatantly promoting processed junk foods for children. 
I'm appalled, saddened and somewhat surprised to see this in  2009. While 
the nutritional advice of Eileen T. Kennedy might have passed muster  in the 
1970's era of bleached white Wonder Bread and chemically-enhanced TV  
dinners, today we know a lot more about the links between the dietary intake of 
sugars and childhood obesity, diabetes, heart disease and behavioral 
disorders.  We know that feeding a nation of children sugared-up breakfast 
and soft  drinks is a sure recipe for raising a generation of obese, diabetic 
children and  teens. 
As the dean of the school of nutrition at Tufts University,  how is it 
possible that Mrs. Kennedy could have missed this? Has she been in an  
aspartame-induced coma since 1975? ... and now she suddenly awakens from her  
decades-long slumber to slap on a pair of polyester pants and champion Froot  
for children as a prominent dean at Tufts University? 
Is this some bizarre rejected screenplay from a "B" movie  script? Will her 
head now spin around as she spouts devilish verse from a  demonic spirit 
that has occupied her body and filled her head with thoughts of  sugary 
The whole thing just defies reason. It's difficult to believe  this is 
happening today, in America, in a top-rated university. So read the  sources 
below. Check it out for yourself as you confirm the truth of what I'm  
reporting here through articles in the NY Times, CBS News and Reuters. See for  
yourself just how corrupt and / or ignorant the top nutrition leaders in our  
nation's universities can be on this crucial issue of the diet of children. 
And  when you see this clearly, you'll finally understand why America has more 
fat,  diabetic children than any other nation in the world. 
Our adults have sold out our children. It's that simple. In my  opinion, 
corporate money has bought off key influencers who set public nutrition  
policy, and they have conspired to feed our kids more sugar, more processed  
foods, more junk and more lies about nutrition even while their selfish actions 
may very well bankrupt our entire nation through runaway health care costs. 
One final truth comes out in all this: The USA's national  nutrition 
policies precisely mirror its national food supply -- they're both  processed, 
bleached, adulterated and wholly devoid of any useful substance. 
Sources for this story include: 
Reuters: _http://www.reuters.com/article/pres_ 
(http://www.reuters.com/article/pres) ... 
The New York Times _http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/05/b_ 
(http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/05/b) ... 
LA Times _http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/boo_ 
(http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/boo) ... 
CBS News _http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009_ 
(http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009) ... 
Froot Loops ingredients: _http://www2.kelloggs.com/Product/Pr_ 
(http://www2.kelloggs.com/Product/Pr) ... 
Tufts University School of Nutrition Science and Policy: 
_http://nutrition.tufts.edu/_ (http://nutrition.tufts.edu/) 
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