How to Ensure Good  Digestion 
by Bee Wilder 
Stomach Acid Problems 
Many people today, and most candida sufferers, have digestive  problems, 
which is mainly caused by the stomach producing "too little" stomach  acid. We 
may think our stomachs are "overly acidic" because of heartburn, sour  
stomach, or overall stomach upset, nausea and pain, when in fact having "too  
little acid" creates exactly the same symptoms as an "over acid" stomach. 
The technical term for low stomach acidity is  "hypochlorhydria," and a 
stomach that is not producing any acid is called  "achlorhydria." 
The most common symptoms of low stomach acidity include: 
-- heartburn (if there isn't enough stomach acid the valve  that closes the 
end of the esophagus won't close properly, so even low stomach  acid can 
burn the esophagus) 

-- upset stomach, nausea 

-- vomiting 

-- sour stomach 

-- a heavy feeling, as if the food is just sitting in the  stomach in a 
Our stomachs are supposed to be acidic, so it important that  it produce 
high concentrations of hydrochloric acid (HCl). When the stomach  produces HCl 
it also produces bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) which protects  the 
lining of the stomach from being damaged or eaten up by HCl. When the  stomach 
doesn't produce enough HCl, it also will not produce enough bicarbonate  of 
soda so the stomach can become ulcerated. 
When hydrochloric acid is low it causes malnutrition and many  digestive 
problems. HCl mainly digests protein, breaking it down into small  molecules, 
which are further digested in the intestinal tract. 
Low stomach acid is associated with a higher incidence of  gastrointestinal 
problems like h. pylori bacteria which cause stomach ulcers,  acid reflux 
(heartburn), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn's Disease,  diarrhea, 
constipation, etc. 
Our stomachs need adequate acid so we can get the benefit of a  good diet 
and the nutrients it contains, and in order for digestion to proceed  like it 
should throughout the intestines. 
How Foods Are Digested 
Carbohydrates (carbs) start being digested by enzymes produced  in the 
mouth - carbs are all foods that are not classified as protein or fat,  
including vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, seeds, sugar, starches, herbs,  
etc. Some carbs also contain protein and fat, such as grains, nuts,  seeds 
and some vegetables. Also some protein foods also contain carbs and fats  
such as eggs. 
HCl (hydrochloric acid or stomach acid) mainly digests  protein. When a 
person starts to eat the stomach is stimulated to start  producing hydrochloric 
acid (HCl). Stomach acid gradually increases during a  meal. When the 
stomach acid gets high enough, which normally takes about 20-30  minutes after 
eating, it neutralizes enzymes from the mouth so carb digestion  stops. 
Digestive enzymes from the mouth only work on carbs while the  mixture is 
alkaline. Therefore, if HCl supplements are taken too early it stops  carb 
digestion in the stomach too soon. HCl also neutralizes any digestive  enzyme 
supplements, so taking them is a waste. That is why it is important  to take 
HCl supplements 30-45 minutes after eating a meal. 
When the mixture of food, water and HCl (called chyme) empties  out of the 
stomach it has to go through a hole that is the size of the end of a  
pencil. The mixture squirts through that small hole in spurts. That rate at  
foods empty out of the stomach is highly regulated. If the mixture is too  
solid and doesn't contain enough fluid it isn't as able to get through that  
small hole. That is why drinking enough fluids with meals is also very  
When the mixture starts squirting through that small hole, if  the pancreas 
detects it contains enough fluids and HCl it is able to do its job.  First 
the mixture must be made alkaline, so the pancreas pours lots of  
bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) onto the mixture as it is squirting through  
small hole. Pancreatic digestive enzymes only work on an alkaline  mixture, 
just like enzymes in the mouth. 
Next, the pancreas produces several enzymes which digest  carbs, fats and 
further digests protein, i.e. protease digests protein, amylase  digests 
carbs and lipase digests fats. The small intestine also produces  digestive 
enzymes that only work on an alkaline mixture. 
Therefore taking HCl supplements and improving its production  in the 
stomach, along with having enough fluids with meals, is very important  for 
proper digestion, whereas taking digestive enzymes is a waste and doesn't  help 
Improve Digestion with Foods, Spices and  Herbs 
The following foods, spices, and herbs stimulate stomach acid  production, 
but sometimes it is necessary to also take HCl supplements. 
-- Meats and eggs. 

-- "Good" fats such as coconut oil, butter, lard,  naturally occurring 
animal fats, etc. 

-- Good ocean sea salt. 

-- Lemon juice. 

-- Mineral-Rich Bone Broth 

-- Fermented foods, 
i.e. Cabbage Rejuvelac 
(   , 
Sauerkraut Traditional 
Kimchi/Kimchee [Korean Sauerkraut]. 

-- Spices, teas and herbs, i.e. camomile, ginger,  cinnamon, nutmeg, etc. 
All dried spices and herbs must be organic or certified  organic from the 
health store, since most commercial products are irradiated  (zapped with 
radiation) which change and damage the body's cells if consumed. 
How to Increase Stomach Acid  Production 
Nature provides the most effective stomach acid regulator,  which is 
unpasteurized unheated sauerkraut. Sauerkraut is unique because it  raises 
acid "if" it is too low, and it lowers stomach acid "if" it is  too high. 
Eating 1/4 to 1/2 cup of sauerkraut with meals is one of the best ways  to 
improve digestion. 
-- Take betaine hydochloric acid supplements (HCl)  30-45 minutes after 
eating – see How to Take Hydrochloric Acid  Supplements. 
-- Properly prepare foods according to "traditional  preparation methods" 
used by our ancestors, which made them easy to digest and  helped get the 
most nutrients - see Making Foods Digestible & Fit for  Human Consumption 

-- Avoid raw vegetables until digestion  improves, except for fermented raw 
vegetables like sauerkraut, kimchi (kimchee),  etc., which are actually 
pre-digested vegetables. All plant cell walls are made  of cellulose fibers, 
and the human digestive system is incapable of breaking  them down. Therefore, 
the cellulose cell walls of plants must be broken down  before they are 
digestible, and in order for nutrients, including minerals, and  enzymes to be 
available - see Raw Versus Cooked Vegetables & Fruits 

-- Do not cook meats or eggs using high heat, and  do not overcook them. 
Cooking proteins actually pre-digests them,  called denaturing. However 
overheating or overcooking them makes them lose  moisture and binds the protein 
molecules tighter together which makes them  harder to digest. Meats can also 
be pre-digested (denatured), by soaking them in  acidic mediums such as 
lemon or lime juice, tomato juice, apple cider vinegar,  etc. Marinating meats 
is a good way to pre-digest or pre-cook them. 

-- Eat protein and "good" fats with every  meal. Protein stimulates stomach 
acid production, and protein and fats  stimulate the gall bladder to dump 
bile into the small intestines. Good fats  also are needed by the liver in 
order to produce bile. 

-- Use spices liberally, since they  stimulate stomach acid production and 

-- Always have ocean sea salt with meals  since salt is important for 
proper digestion and it also stimulates stomach acid  production. 

-- Drink enough fluids with meals so the  mixture in the stomach is able to 
squirt through the small opening from the  stomach into the first part of 
the small intestines. Bee's Electrolyte Drink  (freshly squeezed juice of 1/2 
lemon and 1/4 teaspoon of ocean sea salt in 6  ounces of non-chlorinated 
water) is excellent for increasing stomach acid  production. Drink a few sips 
just before you begin to eat a meal, and sip the  remainder of the 6 ounces 
throughout the meal. 

-- Chew foods thoroughly to stimulate  digestive enzymes in the mouth, and 
to break up foods into the smallest  particles possible for better 

-- Eat enough foods at each meal that  includes a good balance of proteins, 
good fats (coconut oil, butter, lard, etc.)  and vegetables. 

-- Eat at least 2 complete meals per day,  but not more than 3 meals. 

-- Avoid snacking in between meals in  order to allow time for your body to 
digest foods properly. 

-- Eat 1/4 to 1/2 cup of unheated sauerkraut or  kimchi (kimchee) with each 
meal. Kimchi contains lots of foods that are  antifungal, antibacterial, 
and antiviral, which can cause "healing reactions" if  you have candida or any 
kind of bacteria or virus - see Healing Foods, Herbs  & Spices Cause 
Healing Reactions. _ 

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