I'm somewhat less skeptical.  There have indeed been quite a few
"breakthrough" battery concepts over the past decade or so, which have
never materialized commercially.  But this one has something.  Or things, I
should say.

First, the chemistry is pretty much pre-lithium-sounding; almost a hybrid
of alkaline and nickel-type chemistries.  The safety and reliability of
these types is pretty darn good.  Second, if I've understood correctly, the
potential gains in power and energy-density derive not so much from the
chemistry, but from the structure of the battery itself.  So, really, the
safety issue sounds like a red herring, and the primary concern is to find
a way to make these things in volume.

Which leads to my final point, which is that this is a design which sounds
as though it would be the perfect poster child for showcasing the potential
of 3D printing.  Put all these things together, and I think you'll find no
shortage of venture capitalists looking to get behind it.
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