Fw: [Biofuel] Where's Keith?

2005-03-28 Thread csc-propulsion


  Our thoughts are for your speedy recovery.


  CS Chua
  - Original Message -
  From: Hakan Falk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 2:18 AM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Where's Keith?

   I had no idea that Keith had medical problems. Is it someone that is
   enough and who could inform us about what is happening.
   I am probably only one of many, who want to know and feel concerned and
   At 10:54 AM 3/27/2005, you wrote:
   i was wondering too.
   --- Ken Provost [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 on 3/26/05 11:07 AM, Gustl Steiner-Zehender at

  Keith  is back in the hospital for reasons unknown
 to me at this time.
  I would suggest prayer for those holding with
 prayer and good thoughts
  sent his way for those not so inclined.

 Thanks for the reply -- I had no idea 

 My thoughts are with him, and I miss his
 contributions :-(


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Re: [Biofuel] Made in China?

2004-12-31 Thread csc-propulsion

  Yes, China is the biggest buyer of USA wheat and Soyabean. Soybean is good
source of biodiesel, so USA must be careful not to sell out to China. Tell
it to the Soya Bean lobby or farmers?

  FYI, Brazil is just about to replace USA as the biggest supplier of
soyabean. Cool comfort for USA. Argentina also signed a US$60 billion deal
with China 2 weeks ago. also on agricultural investments to ensure long term
supply of food crops. China is also the biggest buyer of Canadian wheat.

  In 1973, China got hit by famine caused by the Red Guard Revolution.
Estimated 10 million died. Then China's population is only half that of
today. Yes, there will be no more famine in China with huge strides made in
agriculture sciences but China still import about 10 to 20 million ton food
crop annually. A good year harvest would overcome the deficit, so importing
is still an option.

  One thing I can say, the American farmers still need the Chinese buyers of
wheat and soya but if the likes of Walt look at sales to China as a
traiterous act, then he will have to have his head examined.

  - Original Message -
  From: Walt Patrick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 9:43 AM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Made in China?

   At 05:16 PM 12/30/2004, Hakan wrote:
   Do not worry, I do not think that China (or any other country) see US
as a
   major source of food for humans. It is almost unconceivable that they
   would go to such efforts to secure corn supply for their own poultry
   production. LOL
I live in an agricultural county in the Pacific Northwest, and
   there's little doubt around here that China is a major buyer of local
   products, and the focus isn't on corn, it's on wheat.
Those who argue for the food colony concept note that there has
   been a sizable movement of  people away from rural farms towards factory
   jobs in China, and that with internal food production falling, it's
   inevitable that China will be importing more food in the future. And
   the Chinese population is increasing, it's arable land isn't.
And it's not just the US alone; the recent spate of Chinese
   purchases in Canada is signaling an increase in the utilization of North
   America as a source for raw materials for Chinese industry.
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Re: [Biofuel] Slave labour

2004-12-31 Thread csc-propulsion


  I must have browsed through an article about a servo motor company winding
up its operations in USA and moving to China. I meant to comment on it but
slip up due to the news on the Asian Tsunami hogging the TV.

  Being in the permanent magnet motor industry I like to enlighten readers
of certain facts. First the rare earth magnets used in PM motors and
superconductors are originally from China. China supply 95% of the world's
rare earth magnets. Even GE has a plant in China before WWII making magnets
and sending it back to USA and that's where USA gets it supply. We have been
getting our supply from China's state owned companies for donkey years. Yet
they have not raised the prices or reduced supplies and PM magnets are still
very affordable.

  - Original Message -
  From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 10:53 AM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Slave labour

   Good morning YC
   Good Morning,
   As this is morning in this part of the world . I have read many
   comments, either as a side remark or whole topic of conversation, it
   had been amazing to me that many associate labour in countries like
   Indonesia, China and other third world countries to be slave
   Sometimes it is exactly that. Often.
   what many perceive to be slave shops and use the income in USD to be
   used as a reference is taking matters out of context.comparison
   should be apple to apple, meaning the pay the sweatshop pays out
   should be compared locally. It might be cheap labour, not  slave
   without a fulltime employment, many of this  slave labour would be
   starving and out on the street. instead of holding yourself being
   above supporting goods made in this manner , ask yourself would it
   actually help them if the company goes bust for lack of business.
   No, it wouldn't help them. Or maybe it would if it's the kind of
   company that locks its workers into their dormitories at night and is
   so lax about safety measures that the factory catches fire and all
   the workers are burnt to death. How many cases of that happening have
   you heard of? More than a few, eh? Multiply by hundreds or thousands
   for an idea of the number of such factories that haven't caught fire,
   yet. Bhopal was not an exception, it's about par for the course.
   The object is not to put the company out of business so much as to
   make them accountable, along with the whole structure that enables
   and supports these practices, so that the practices themselves will
   be stopped and poor and needy workers given a fair deal rather than
   being ruthlessly exploited, used up, wasted.
   Your apples to apples is barely the tip of the iceberg. Comparing
   wages and relative costs-of-living won't tell you about the complete
   lack of workers' and human rights, nor of the poor safety conditions
   and the relentless pressure for ever-higher production (quotas) that
   leads to very high rates of  accidents and maimings, without any hope
   of compensation other than You're fired!, nor of the ruined lives,
   the constant fear of losing the job and then not just you but your
   family will face starvation, and what it really won't tell you is the
   miserable story of the 10 without any job at all for every one who's
   lucky enough at least to have this travesty of employment. With
   luck like that who needs misfortune?
   The idea that these evil practices should be allowed to continue so
   that poor workers can have an income is not saving them, it's
   condemning them. Have a look at the structures of these societies and
   their economies, and of corporate globalisation, and see where else
   the pressure required to force change and improvement on the part of
   the perpetrators is likely to come from if not from informed
   consumers and independent activist groups.
   Please see:
   [Biofuel] Made in China?
   Of Trade, Quotas And Fairness
   It would be much better to support these companies by buying their
   products, at the same time encourage them with the money they have
   earned to benefit their employees.
   Voluntary compliance, eh? It doesn't have a very impressive record.
   What you'll get is tokenism, from the companies themselves and from
   the structures that make their practices possible. The impetus and
   intention is in the opposite direction. The economic growth fostered
   by neoliberal corporate globalisation does not create wealth as
   alleged, it extracts wealth and concentrates it, leaving poverty and
   misery in its wake. Free trade is anything but free, it's simply
   unregulated. Piracy and brigandry ought not to be unregulated. The
   winds of free trade favour the ships with the biggest sails, and sink
   the rest. The impetus for *fair* trade, a very different matter,

Re: [Biofuel] Made in China? - Cambodia.

2004-12-31 Thread csc-propulsion

  Hakan and Guag,

  What we in Singapore know about Cambodia is only write up by Cambodian
refugees and King Norodom Sihanouk.

  When the Killing Fields was aired, everyone was outraged and enraged.
Subsequently the local news carried more news about later developments. By
then more than 2 million innocent Cambodians were slaughtered with the
skulls stacked in temple and shown on TV. Subsequently there were news about
Vietnamese capturing Cambodia. Pol Pot and Khieu Samphan fled into the
China. King Sihanouk all these while was sick and being treated in Beijing
and was powerless. We were aware that Pol Pot army were armed by the Chinese
and Russians. Finally we read that China had enough and told Vietnam to get
out of Cambodia or faced the wrath of the Chinese Army. The Chinese moved a
Division of their crack Szechuan unit across Vietnam's border and Vietnam
immediately moved out of Cambodia and Hun Sen was allowed to take over

  What happened to 2 million Cambodian innocently killed by a lunatic Pol
Pot was certainly beyond comprehension? Killing Adolf Hitler would not bring
back millions of innocent Jews. The hanging of General Tojo would not bring
back the 20 million Chinese killed by the Japanese Army who claimed he was
acting under orders of the Japanese Emperor.

  Some people trying to blame the Chinese Government for the Killing Fields
in Cambodia, certainly has no leg to stand on.

  Moral - We must not let any lunatic run a country. Bush thought Saddam was
lunatic so he moved in.

  - Original Message -
  From: Guag Meister [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 11:11 AM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Made in China? - Cambodia.

   Hi Hakan ;
   I admit that I don't really know the whole story, so
   anyone please feel free to correct me.  I have many
   Khmer friends,  and I discuss this with them often.
   From what I understand there were weekly flights to
   Beijing for supplies and military strategists.
   However (CS), this was only after a decade of secret
   bombing by the US had smashed the country and killed
   countless people..
   Pol Pot And Kissinger - On war criminality and
   The death of Pol Pot
   It was here that Pol Pot, heavily influenced by the
   Chinese Stalinists, devised the political perspective
   of what was to become the Khmer Rouge--an extreme form
   of Mao Zedong's eclectic mixture of Stalinism,
   nationalism and peasant radicalism.
   It is characteristic of the ideological falsification
   produced by Stalinism that the label of Marxism has
   been placed upon social and political phenomena which
   have nothing whatsoever to do with the ideas of Marx,
   Engels or Lenin.
   Classical Marxism envisioned a new society,
   democratically controlled by the working class, which
   would take as its point of departure the highest level
   of the productive forces developed under capitalism.
   This presupposed the widest possible scope for the
   development of industry, science and technique, all of
   them bound up with the growth of cities, the urban
   proletariat and the cultural life of the population as
   a whole.
   No more grotesque distortion can be imagined than to
   categorize as Marxist the ideas of Pol Pot and his
   cohorts. As early as the 1950s Khieu Samphan, Pol
   Pot's closest aide, had outlined a perspective of
   creating a primitive peasant-based society in which
   money, culture and all other facets of urban life
   would be abolished.
   The Khmer Rouge regime reached a climax in September
   1977 when Pol Pot took to the airwaves and spoke for
   nearly five hours on Cambodian radio. For the first
   time, Pol Pot acknowledged to the world that Cambodia
   was now run by a communist government. The day after
   the speech he flew to Beijing to meet with Hua
   Guofeng, who had just become leader of the People's
   Republic of China following the death of Mao Ze Dong.
   The Chinese pledged to support the Khmer Rouge's
   rivalry with the Vietnamese but recommended against
   all-out war, knowing full well that Vietnam was in a
   much better position to win the fight. The meeting
   probably delayed an impending Cambodian assault on
   Vietnam, but the Vietnamese interpreted it as another
   sign of China's military support of an increasingly
   dangerous Cambodia. 
   I guess this validates what we have all been saying.
   The average American wouldn't support secret bombing
   of Cambodia, yet there was secret bombing.  The
   average Chinese wouldn't support Pol Port, yet there
   was Pol Pot.
   It is the shysters at the top that seem to screw
   things up for everybody.  Will the average person ever
   see?  I still have hope.
   Best Regards 

Re: [Biofuel] Made in China?

2004-12-30 Thread csc-propulsion

  Most Americans like Walt Patrick are victims of USA media  reporting,
which unfortunately twist their facts depending on which lobby pays them in

  Hutchinson Whampoa owns the trans atlantic port facility and several port
facilities around the world. In fact they are the biggest private port
operator in the world. Headed by Li Ka Shing, the richest self made Chinaman
alive and headquartered in HK, does not make him part of China. He is a
capitalist, more capitalist than most Americans.

  Global Crossing was acquired by Singapore Telemedia, owned by the
Singapore Technology Group, listed in Singapore and majority owned by the
Singapore Government. Singapore is not part of China. Please check your

  On the other side of the coin, almost 90% of shoes sold in USA, came from
China. China only get US$1.00 to US$2.00 per shoe manufacturing shoes for
Americans. This amount pays for the Chinese labour, use of the factory and
land, electricity and small amount of raw material. Most of the origianl
material came from the USA OEM who contarct manufactured shoes like Nike,
Reebok, Kimberly Clark and hundereds of others. Are you saying that China
rob Americans of the jobs that there are not so keen to do? Do you realise
that China is actually reducing inflation  for America? How many pair of
shoes must China sell to USA in exchange for a Boeing 747?

  We are not talking about just shoes but almost every affordable items that
retails at Walmart. The profit made by the Walmart and thousands of
companies that outsourced their manufacturing to China are held by USA, not

  Most Americans accept facts graciously and are generally kind hearted
despite being fed with all kinds of twisted facts by the media vested
parties, like puppets on a string .


  CS Chua

  Jet Propulsion in Pasadena was started by a Chinese engineer from China.
After the war, someone in Washington decided that all Chinese are
Communists. So this brilliant scientist was deported to China in exchnage
for a USA pilot shot while overflying Chinese territory. This Chinese
scientist eventually lead China to build its own nuclear bomb, ICBM and
space rockets.

  Now Jet Propulsion is an institution America is most proud off. It is NASA
most prized possession. Now care to find out who started it?

  Eat the humble pie and move on.

  - Original Message -
  From: Walt Patrick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 2:29 AM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Made in China?

   At 08:58 AM 12/29/2004, you wrote:
   Can someone please explain why it is that approx. 70 to 80% (I think I
   being a little too conservative with these percentages) of the items
   sale, at any given department store in America today, are made in
   China?  This question has bothered me for years.
There are those who will tell you that China declared economic
   on the US by first devaluing their currency, and then pegging it to the
   US$. The income gain from the resulting flood of merchandise you've
   described has enabled China to embark on a program of acquiring key
   in and around the US such as both ends of the Panama canal, the largest
   container trans-shipment facility in the Atlantic, Global Crossing's
   optic network, etc.
China currently holds a half-trillion in US securities, a
   which could allow them to crash the dollar any time they chose by
   those securities on the world market. That makes for an impressive chip
   hold over Washington's head any time they want to play hard ball. The
   of an endless supply of cheap consumer goods through Wal-Mart (they
   more than $10 billion a month of these goods) has shifted control of the
   dollar from Washington to Beijing.
China has also embarked on a program of using those funds to
   up blocks of strategic resources and technology. For example, the super
   magnets used in the servo motors of cruise missiles used to be
   in the US. The Chinese bought that plant, duplicated it in China, and
   since begun the process of closing down the US plant.
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Re: [Biofuel] Made in China?

2004-12-30 Thread csc-propulsion

  How would like if it is a Chinese warplane that lands in USA? How would
like if Chinese warplanes flies everyday just outside the USA territorial
water and takes aerial photographs at random? America media would rise up
called it bloody espionage etc. But this is what USA is doing to China
everyday and China has never protested unless you intrude into the airpsace
with permission. So what makes Amercian more equal than others? Are you
strong enough to give an honest answer?

  Be realistic. Ask your own Congressman what America is doing to others
before saying what others are doing to USA.

  - Original Message -
  From: Guag Meister [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 9:51 AM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Made in China?

   Hi Walt ;
   Yes the potential for China to cause serious
   disruption to the US economy is scary and increasing.
   Lest anyone think that China is a 'friend of the US,
   look at how China handled the US spyplane accident and
   emergency landing in April 2001.Consider how
   differently it would have been handled if the spyplane
   had landed in a real friend like any North or South
   American country, European country, Australia, etc.
   CNN - 3 months on, U.S. spyplane heads home in
   Make no mistake.  China is not a friend of the US, and
   has the US locked in a death spiral.
   Best Regards,
   Peter G.
   PS.  Any news of your gasifier??  I'm very interested.
   --- Walt Patrick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
At 08:58 AM 12/29/2004, you wrote:
Can someone please explain why it is that approx.
70 to 80% (I think I am
being a little too conservative with these
percentages) of the items for
sale, at any given department store in America
today, are made in
China?  This question has bothered me for years.
 There are those who will tell you that
China declared economic war
on the US by first devaluing their currency, and
then pegging it to the
US$. The income gain from the resulting flood of
merchandise you've
described has enabled China to embark on a program
of acquiring key assets
in and around the US such as both ends of the Panama
canal, the largest
container trans-shipment facility in the Atlantic,
Global Crossing's fiber
optic network, etc.
 China currently holds a half-trillion in US
securities, a holding
which could allow them to crash the dollar any time
they chose by dumping
those securities on the world market. That makes for
an impressive chip to
hold over Washington's head any time they want to
play hard ball. The sale
of an endless supply of cheap consumer goods through
Wal-Mart (they market
more than $10 billion a month of these goods) has
shifted control of the
dollar from Washington to Beijing.
 China has also embarked on a program of
using those funds to buy
up blocks of strategic resources and technology. For
example, the super
magnets used in the servo motors of cruise missiles
used to be manufactured
in the US. The Chinese bought that plant, duplicated
it in China, and have
since begun the process of closing down the US
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Re: [Biofuel] Made in China?

2004-12-30 Thread csc-propulsion


  Boeing does no such thing. MD did make some of the doors or some not
important part in the host country. The avionics and the complete Boeing
plane is made in USA. Do not make wild guesses.

  You can always stop Walmart and others from using China to contract
manufacture low value items. The American consumers will end up paying
through their noses. China can always buy planes from Airbus.

  It is so obvious. USA condemns anyone making armaments but USA and Israel
remains the world's biggest arms exporter They want to starve the North
Koreans to death. What have they done to justify that? Japan murdered
millions of innocent people in the 2nd World War, more than the Nazis, yet
they have more nuclear power stations (2nd to France) than USA. For them to
convert to nuclear bombs and embarked on their military is like waiting for
history to repeat itself. They murdered 50,000 innocent Chinese in tiny
Singapore alone ( for sending food and clothes to China to help war torned
China), my birthplace and my father is one of them.
  Is their equality in this world? Have we learned anything from  the
cruelty inflicted by power hungry countries to defenceless countries. The
weapons that killed USA soldiers in Afghhanistan used by the Taleban were
supplied by Americans themselves. Carpet bombing of Vietnam using Agent

  - Original Message -
  From: Guag Meister [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 12:26 PM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Made in China?

   Hi CS ;
 How many pair of
shoes must China sell to USA in exchange for a
Boeing 747?
   Yes, but it is all part of the plan.  Most Chinese
   contracts come with strings that stipulate that parts
   of the plane must be built in China and generally the
   plane must be assembled in China.  So Boeing needs to
   etablish a plant and train local workers.  This is
   called technology transfer.  The Chinese get plane
   building technology and when the flow of cheap shoes
   stops, Americans will not have shoes or anything else.
(Some list members will get a certain satisafaction
   from that).
   Best Regards,
   Peter G.
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Re: [Biofuel] Made in China?

2004-12-30 Thread csc-propulsion

  From the US$2.00 paid to the Chinese contract manufacturers, the Reebok or
Nikes are retailed for more than US$100.00. Who kept the profit?
  Let's be realistic. For all these products sold at Walmart, who kept those
profits? The Chinese are just cheap labour and cheap electricity. Just
because they also need oil to power their industry, to make all these cheap
products for USA, doesn't justify making enemy out of them, like some USA

  Cheap oil has powered the whole economy for donkey years and it is time to
realise cheap oil cannot exist for obvious reasons. Oil exporters wanted
more for their finite resources and they have realised they less they pumped
the more they will get for their finite resources. If any country can be
energy independent, they have nothing to fear. Biofuel is one way out.

  - Original Message -
  From: Phillip Wolfe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 3:23 PM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Made in China?

   I have some Chinese buddy engineers born in the U.S.
   and I have some Chinese buddy engineers born in
   mainland China. I also have some UK buddy engineers
   born in the UK and others born in the US; I have
   Nicaragua buddy engineers born in US and Nicaraguan
   engineers born in Nicaraguan.  I can say the same for
   my buddies from Cameroon, Ireland, Ghana, U.K, Spain,
   Argentina, Mexico.  Some born here...some there.  Some
   of my buddies have a small business. ONe guy is a PhD
   in power engineering and sells transormers to China
   and also gets power products from China and sells them
   to the US.  They are merchants and simply are seeking
   markets to sell their products (some green some not)
   and also looking for ways to reduce cost.  The
   majority of my buddies don't have any thoughts saying
   let's wreck the economy and war is inevitable.
   Some countries still have their home-grown goods by
   customer choice. For example, when I visited Madrid,
   Spain and other parts of Spain it appears most of the
   hard products are made locally because of the cultural
   nuances of Spaniards - Made in Spain - is very
   important to the national pride.
   So I think it is a very complex thing.  I do think it
   starts with the consumer and our pull and push effect
   on suppliers and manufacturers.  We should demand
   quality...at a reaonable price.
   Organic foods, range free chicken, family wineries,
   soy milk, clothes made at home, shoes made at home,
   etc.  It is a lost art to be an artisan and truly self
   That's my two cents.
   --- Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi CS ;

Once again we are spiraling down into a right/wrong
debate.  This is not the point.  The point is that
China and America are not friends.  There is a well
known saying even among higher Chinese politicians
that war with America is ineveitable.

Please I don't say who is right or wrong.  I jsut
that trouble is coming.  Walt's post lists some of
possible problems when trouble developes.
rtight on.
But Walt's post is wrong about just who owns what
(and never mind
quite why) and CS's corrections are indeed correct.
Helps to get at
least some of the facts right first, eh?
As for trouble being inevitable, I don't agree with
that either,
regardless of what the intentions might be (on both
An article titled Slowly but steadily, India will
overtake China
was published in the IHT about six months ago. It's
discussed here,
Best Regards,

Peter G.

--- csc-propulsion [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

How would like if it is a Chinese warplane
  lands in USA? How would
  like if Chinese warplanes flies everyday just
  outside the USA territorial
  water and takes aerial photographs at random?
  America media would rise up
  called it bloody espionage etc. But this is what
  is doing to China
  everyday and China has never protested unless
  intrude into the airpsace
  with permission. So what makes Amercian more
  than others? Are you
  strong enough to give an honest answer?
Be realistic. Ask your own Congressman what
  America is doing to others
  before saying what others are doing to USA.
- Original Message -
From: Guag Meister [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 9:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Made in China?
 Hi Walt ;

 Yes the potential for China to cause serious
 disruption to the US economy is scary and
 Lest anyone

Re: [Biofuel] Made in China?

2004-12-30 Thread csc-propulsion


  U are so myopic that u cannot see further than your nose. Japanese have
been accumulating billion of balance-of-account every year since 1960's.
Japan-bashing by USA medai used to be the norm during the Cold Wars over
this matter. But I guess the Japanese are now getting wiser by paying those
media writers to China-bash instead. FYI, Japan holding of USA Treasury
Bills etc is at least 50 times that of China. So how can China's holding of
US$ affect the Japanese economy, unless yo u have eaten too much sushi and
cannot count.

  - Original Message -
  From: Walt Patrick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 2:08 PM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Made in China?

   At 09:32 PM 12/29/2004, CS wrote:
   Japan murdered
   millions of innocent people in the 2nd World War, more than the Nazis,
   they have more nuclear power stations (2nd to France) than USA. For
them to
   convert to nuclear bombs and embarked on their military is like waiting
   history to repeat itself.
That's part of what makes the half trillion dollars held in
   China's hands so problematic since Japan holds about the same amount of
   paper. If China dumps the dollar, that move will likely crash the
   economy as well.
In short, from the Chinese perspective, it's a two-fer.
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Re: [Biofuel] Made in China?

2004-12-30 Thread csc-propulsion

  If you doesn't know the facts, then u should ask your Congressman why the
Bush OK the takeover of Global Crossing by Singapore Telemedia?

  If you do not know Li Ka Shing, then u should ask Hongkong  Shanghai Bank
bosses in UK or the people of HK.

  If u wish to blame China for America's accumulated trade problems, asked
Madeline Albright if China has taken advantage of USA. Ask her if she agreed
that Chinese consumer products has indeed bought about reduced inflation for

  Bash China for all u can but find a real good reason for doing so. If USA
media can be trusted, Americans would be a happier lot but there are so much
bullshit being written for real like Jon Dougherty from WorldnetDaily.
(Eventually he was exposed as writing for a famous American entreprenuer who
wanted to have Global Crossing for nothing so they hit onto this
nationalistic fervour but Bush turn it down) My advice is for him to join
Hollywood as a script writer so that more bullshit can be captured on
screen. Walt, catch up with your reading. The 2002 article is already

  - Original Message -
  From: Walt Patrick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 2:01 PM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Made in China?

   At 07:25 PM 12/29/2004, CS Chua wrote:
  Most Americans like Walt Patrick are victims of USA media
   which unfortunately twist their facts depending on which lobby pays
them in
Here's an example of the twisty reporting that raises concerns.
Is CS offering gospel or BS?
Walt Patrick certainly doesn't know, but this he is confident
   the Chinese think in the long term, whereas Americans seem to have
   abandoned any considerations beyond those immediately at hand.
And the smart money knows that those who play the long game
   to win in the long run.
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Re: [Biofuel] Diesel Motorcycle

2004-11-15 Thread csc-propulsion

  Hi there,

  Anyone from Brazil out there have had the experience with ethanol
vehicles? Interested in ethanol bikes and generators or the changes in fuel
pump and injection systems needed for conversion from petrol engines.
  Any organisation or website from Brazil with such information beside the
FFV automakers?

  CS Chua

  - Original Message -
  From: Legal Eagle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 10:01 AM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Diesel Motorcycle

   And let us not forget the venerable JtF's webpage on them:
   - Original Message -
   From: Mel Riser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Monday, November 08, 2004 4:50 PM
   Subject: [Biofuel] Diesel Motorcycle
   Anyone know of a diesel motorcycle?
   Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
   Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
   Version: 6.0.788 / Virus Database: 533 - Release Date: 11/1/2004
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Re: [Biofuel] more fuel cell vehicles

2004-10-29 Thread csc-propulsion

  Dear Peggy,

  Your OSWEC generator - where can I read up more? Any website to refer?


  CS Chua
  - Original Message -
  Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 8:08 AM
  Subject: RE: [Biofuel] more fuel cell vehicles

   Until we have more data, I hesitate to expound, but... there is
   limitless energy that can be captured from ocean waves.  We are on our
   way to proving a new technological advantage in capturing energy and
   transforming that energy into whatever use we desire.  Our OSWEC (Ocean
   Swells and Waves Energy Conversion) generator just keeps on pumping.
   -Original Message-
   Behalf Of John Mullan
   Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 5:35 PM
   Subject: RE: [Biofuel] more fuel cell vehicles
   Question:  I know, from much discussion on the lists, that the energy
   to produce hydrogen really isn't worth it in terms of oil/coal terms.
   is it (theoretically) possible to use most of the available hydro
   electricity to make hydrogen such that all vehicles / homes / businesses
   rely on hydrogen for there energy needs (assuming improved consumption
   -Original Message-
   Behalf Of info
   Sent: October 27, 2004 3:44 PM
   Subject: [Biofuel] more fuel cell vehicles
   DaimlerChrysler Commits to Putting More Fuel Cell Vehicles on the Road
   California Unveils State's First Hydrogen Refueling Station
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Re: [Biofuel] Brazilian Ethanol Plane: Ipanema, greener andcheaper to fly

2004-10-26 Thread csc-propulsion

  Hi there,

  Brazilian Ethanol Plane. Great! What about Brazilian Ethanol motorbikes?
After all, dual fuel cars are already available. Anyone aware of its
availability in Brazil or anywhere? Anyone tried ethanol motorbikes?


  CS Chua
  - Original Message -
  From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 2:25 PM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Brazilian Ethanol Plane: Ipanema, greener
andcheaper to fly

   Hello Juan
   Hello Keith and all.
   The green way is more than ecomically feasible, in the case of an
   with its new certified Ethanol Fueled Engine in this crop-dusting
   The Ipanema, the numbers are in very much favor to Ethanol for
   cost eventhough a litle more expensive to buy with the new ethanol
   That's great!
   Crop-dusting though... there's no place in the green way for that,
   nor any need. Still, one step at a time, eh?
   Best wishes
   See the addresses:
   The Ipanema is the first series production aircraft in the world coming
   of the factory
   certified for flying with ethanol
   Sao Jose dos Campos, October 19, 2004 - Industria Aeronautica Neiva, a
   wholly owned
   Embraer subsidiary, has received type certification for its
   Ipanema cropdusting
   aircraft from Brazilian aviation regulating agency Centro Tecnico
   (CTA). The Ipanema is the first series production aircraft in the world
   coming out of the
   factory certified for flying with ethanol.
   An efficient and cheaper source of power, the ethanol alternative will
   find favor with
   farmers for lowering their crop-dusting aircraft's operating costs
   Satoshi Yokota,
   Embraer Executive Vice-President for Development and Industry. Ethanol
   also a
   more environmentally friendly fuel and Neiva research indicates that it
   prolong the
   engine's life, making it a prospective national market success. In the
   medium and long
   terms, we may benefit from the introduction of the Ipanema in countries
   that adopt
   ethanol as a source of energy.
   The choice for using ethanol was based on the fact Brazil is a major
   producer of this type
   of alcohol, extracted from sugar cane, and automobiles have been using
   fuel for more
   than 20 years. This makes ethanol about three to four times cheaper
   gasoline (AvGas).
   Additionally, ethanol-powered aircraft engines are cleaner and have
   levels of
   emission than AvGas because they have no lead in their composition,
   providing for a
   more environmentally friendly fuel. Neiva has registered the name
   Alcohol) in Brazil for use of this new fuel.
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[Biofuel] Biofuel as alternative to 2T lube

2004-10-11 Thread csc-propulsion

Hi there,

Has anyone tried using biofuel as the cleaner alternative for 2T lube oil? 
2-stroke engines are still prevalent everywhere and well known for its 
pollutive act. Would like to hear from any person or organisation that tried 
using biofuel on 2 stroke engines?


CS Chua

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[Biofuel] Cost of biofuel

2004-10-11 Thread csc-propulsion

Hi there,

The cost of biofuel ( be it from coconut oil, palm oil, rapeseed, soybean, 
corn, sunflower, canola etc) including ethanol? Are there cost charts from 
various countries to peruse? At current oil price level can crop growers match 
with biofuel? Brazil went through that scenario with ethanol.


CS Chua 

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