Most Americans like Walt Patrick are victims of USA media  reporting,
which unfortunately twist their facts depending on which lobby pays them in

  Hutchinson Whampoa owns the trans atlantic port facility and several port
facilities around the world. In fact they are the biggest private port
operator in the world. Headed by Li Ka Shing, the richest self made Chinaman
alive and headquartered in HK, does not make him part of China. He is a
capitalist, more capitalist than most Americans.

  Global Crossing was acquired by Singapore Telemedia, owned by the
Singapore Technology Group, listed in Singapore and majority owned by the
Singapore Government. Singapore is not part of China. Please check your

  On the other side of the coin, almost 90% of shoes sold in USA, came from
China. China only get US$1.00 to US$2.00 per shoe manufacturing shoes for
Americans. This amount pays for the Chinese labour, use of the factory and
land, electricity and small amount of raw material. Most of the origianl
material came from the USA OEM who contarct manufactured shoes like Nike,
Reebok, Kimberly Clark and hundereds of others. Are you saying that China
rob Americans of the jobs that there are not so keen to do? Do you realise
that China is actually reducing inflation  for America? How many pair of
shoes must China sell to USA in exchange for a Boeing 747?

  We are not talking about just shoes but almost every affordable items that
retails at Walmart. The profit made by the Walmart and thousands of
companies that outsourced their manufacturing to China are held by USA, not

  Most Americans accept facts graciously and are generally kind hearted
despite being fed with all kinds of twisted facts by the media vested
parties, like puppets on a string .


  CS Chua

  Jet Propulsion in Pasadena was started by a Chinese engineer from China.
After the war, someone in Washington decided that all Chinese are
Communists. So this brilliant scientist was deported to China in exchnage
for a USA pilot shot while overflying Chinese territory. This Chinese
scientist eventually lead China to build its own nuclear bomb, ICBM and
space rockets.

  Now Jet Propulsion is an institution America is most proud off. It is NASA
most prized possession. Now care to find out who started it?

  Eat the humble pie and move on.

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: "Walt Patrick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 2:29 AM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Made in China?

  > At 08:58 AM 12/29/2004, you wrote:
  > >Can someone please explain why it is that approx. 70 to 80% (I think I
  > >being a little too conservative with these percentages) of the "items"
  > >sale, at any given department store in America today, are made in
  > >China?  This question has bothered me for years.
  >          There are those who will tell you that China declared economic
  > on the US by first devaluing their currency, and then pegging it to the
  > US$. The income gain from the resulting flood of merchandise you've
  > described has enabled China to embark on a program of acquiring key
  > in and around the US such as both ends of the Panama canal, the largest
  > container trans-shipment facility in the Atlantic, Global Crossing's
  > optic network, etc.
  >          China currently holds a half-trillion in US securities, a
  > which could allow them to crash the dollar any time they chose by
  > those securities on the world market. That makes for an impressive chip
  > hold over Washington's head any time they want to play hard ball. The
  > of an endless supply of cheap consumer goods through Wal-Mart (they
  > more than $10 billion a month of these goods) has shifted control of the
  > dollar from Washington to Beijing.
  >          China has also embarked on a program of using those funds to
  > up blocks of strategic resources and technology. For example, the super
  > magnets used in the servo motors of cruise missiles used to be
  > in the US. The Chinese bought that plant, duplicated it in China, and
  > since begun the process of closing down the US plant.
  > Walt
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